GPRS connection doesn't work after being connected for a long time - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I have a GPRS connection setup for with t-mobile using a proxy.
If I'm not connected it works great- I press send/recieve for my e-mail it connects and gets my messages just fine.
If I do it again 5 minites later also fine.
The problem is after a long time the connection is still active, but when I go to do a Send/Recieve-
I get an "unable to connect to the incoming mail server" message. All my other intenet apps also will not work. If I turn on flight mode and then turn it off (to disconnect from my GPRS connection) and then try the internet again- it will work fine.
I think what triggers this is going into an area with no service. The GPRS connection stays active- and when I try to use it (even when I'm back in an area with service) it won't work.
Any suggestions?


GPRS Connection

I have an O2 XDA and I have just had GPRS enabled and it all works fine.
I thought it would be possible to leave inbox running and every 15 minutes it would connect to GPRS, download e-mails and then disconnect but it won't work.
If I connect manually to GPRS then it works but I have to leave the connection open all the time which drains the battery.
Is it possible to do what I want with Inbox or is there another piece of software that will do it instead.
Stuart Frost


When I make a GPRS connection it never disconnects, if I browse a web page and then close IE and all other running apps the GPRS connection stays alive. I have to either hold the red button to disconnect to soft reset, Is there any way to get to to auto disconnect after a set time or is it supposed to do this and mine is just faulty.
It also happens with MMS, I send an MMS and it sends fine, but the GPRS connection stays on. You do not see the connection listed with'in the connections list, but you do have the arrows at the top to tell you your on a GRPS connection. If I make another GPRS call to the ISP then it hangs up the MMS connection and makes the connection to the ISP etc...
There is no option with'in the connection bubble to disconnect yet I have this option on my XDA1 which was updated to PPC2003. I can manually disconnect sessions using a disconnect option. But not on my new O2 XDAII running the latest ROM from O2.
To disconet manuley just tap and hold the o2 ikon then untick your conection. as to the timeout it is in there somewhere but i carnt rember off hand
Have you tried GB-Soft Tweak? It has settings to disconnect GPRS after a specified amount of inactive time.
My problem is somewhat different: When I use GPRS settings WITHOUT a proxy assigned, there is the bubble of GPRS connecting (with cancel) and when connected (in conjunction with GB Soft Tweak), there is a disconnect button.
But when I assign a proxy setting to the GPRS, these buttons disappears. In fact EVEN if it is connected to GPRS, when I tap on the radio icon, it stays in the state displaying as not connected (meaning there's STILL an option to connect to GPRS even if i'm already connected)
the only way to disconnect is the press and hold red button OR to use the disconnect button of my GPRS monitor (SPB)
I dunno if this is connected to GB Soft Tweak, or a bug in the OS on handling the radio.

gprs auto connects after wifi turned off

how do i stop this from happening? i'm thinking i should just remove my gprs settings so it can't connect but then i can't use MMS. it happens when i'm using messenger. i'll turn wifi off and then it will say connecting to gprs.. i click cancel but it doesn't register some times and goezs ahead and connects. any suggestions?
Same problem here ... I want my Qtek 9100 to always use my WLAN network if available. If not available it can use EDGE/GPRS.
Seems like the device turns of WLAN in standby mode and use GPRS in such cases.

Actice Sync and GPRS at the same time

When my XDA mini is in the docking station it connects to the PC with Active Sync. So far so good. With that Active Sync profile the XDA is not allowed to connect to the internet because it is set up to be connected to a work network. Everything works fine.
When I now manually connect to gprs I can access my private mail.
But somehow it won't connect automaticly to gprs when trying to get my emails, which is set up to get them every 30 minutes.
the problem is, that my signal strength is very bad at my desk. so the gprs disconnects from time to time. but i don't want to manually connect all the time.
When I am not connected to Active Sync everything works as it should work.
or is it not possible at all to have 2 connections enabled? because I realized, that he disconnects active sync after a while when he is connected to gprs???

Switching off GPRS

Hi is there anyway of switching GPRS Off wuithout turning the phone off?
I want to be ablt to use wireless at home however it constantly switches to GPRS - driving me mad. I have a 1gb allowance on my GPRS but i use that for my pushmail for office mails.
I would like to be able to surf at home usig WIFI, when doing this is there a setting (not connection manager) that can turn GPRS off when i am using WIFI?
If you set your WiFi connection as connected to the Internet instead of Work, and in the network adapters setting (settings, connections, network cards, network adapters tab) set that your network card connects to the internet, once you establish an internet connection with WiFi, it should kick your GPRS connection off. On my phone GPRS still tries to connect once in a while for some reason, but never does, since the WiFi internet connection just keeps kicking it off.
abc123MDA said:
Hi is there anyway of switching GPRS Off wuithout turning the phone off?
I want to be ablt to use wireless at home however it constantly switches to GPRS - driving me mad. I have a 1gb allowance on my GPRS but i use that for my pushmail for office mails.
I would like to be able to surf at home usig WIFI, when doing this is there a setting (not connection manager) that can turn GPRS off when i am using WIFI?
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rassah's method is more professional than mine and better perhaps. I'm lazy so I just go to connections button below on/off button and then tap off the GPRS via button that looks like a PDA with two arrows. If GPRS tries to reconnect there should be a popup if you have wifi on that allows you to cancel it's reconnection. This does not disable the phone.
thanks - i will try this - do you know if this will affect the dirct push mail?
Just thought this may help, found it on Modaco.. Works a treat, just toggles gprs data on and off... Very easy and works
Not sure how OK it is to post links to other forums but as it is free software I guess I should be OK...
superb application - especially usefull when roaming
Just what I needed, going overseas next month, I don't want to use any data while there.

