Some keys don't work - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

i encountered a strange problem, out of the sudden, certain keys don't work anymore on my's both softkeys, the phone keys, the messaging key and the IE key..the D-Pad still works and all the Buttons on the side also.
here are the things i tried to fix it..
Hard reset:
the reset itself worked and since you have to push the 2 softkeys to do so, the keys are not hardware wise broken..only even after the hardreset the keys still didn't work !
after that i upgraded to wm6 since i thought it might be a good idea to start from scratch with a new ROM...but same thing, the buttons don't work..again, i don't think they are 'broken' since hardreset is working! and it can't be software that is installed since i did a Hardreset and a ROM update to have a clean system...
does anyone have an idea what to do ?
thanks in advance !

I have exactly bthe same problem, any suggestion?

May be obviuos, but have you checked the Buttons program under settings to make sure that they were not all unassigned somehow. I realize that a hard reset should undo that anyway, but may be worth a look. What ROM file did you use for your clean install?

It might also be a registry problem. After I flashed to WM6, my keys were all screwy. I posted the problem here and someone directed me to a page that stated how to edit some of the keys.


Green Send Button gets unmapped!

I have tried using both MobiDial and PhonePlus. I had no problems with either of them for a long time. Now, for no apparent reason, they can no longer map the green send key reliably. When I press it, the default phone application launches. If I run either application manually (Start/Programs/etc...) or if I map them to another button (like Record), they work. They show that the send key is mapped to their application, but pressing it still launches the default dialer. Everything was working yesterday. PhonePlus is installed and it launched when I press the green send key. Today it won't launch PhonePlus. I have not even installed anything new!
I realize that mapping the send button is different. Both of those packages have memory-resident code to launch their software. I have used MemMaid to verify that the software is running. I have even tried changing the load order to see if something else is interfering but that hasn't helped.
I am not running any button mapping software. I have tried edSub's 1.72 ROM and the release version of 1.72.187.
Once the mapping is lost, even cold-booting and restoring from a backup when it did work will not restore the mapping. There were several files the backup could not overwrite, though.
Can someone help me, please? I don't want to use the default dialer!!!
Hi CoreyMck,
Slow post huh?
Well, I have the same problem and it's very frustrating... :evil:
I noticed that by re-mapping the key to something else and then mapping the green key again but not soft-reseting will work for some brief time, then it stops again...
Now this procedure does not work anymore!!!
Any clues anyone?
I think I have tracked my problem down. It seems it was a conflict with SBSH Pocket Breeze. I uninstalled it and reinstalled PhonePlus! So far the button has stayed mapped.
Well, I think I even narrowed down the problem.
No need to uninstall the BREEZE in order to work those software together.
This is what I have recieved from the phoneplus developers when I have explained them my problem:
Dear Sir,
You probably have PocketBreeze installed.
Try to disable the D-Pad scrolling feature in the PocketBreeze settings and do a soft reset.
Support Team
ME Software
[email protected]
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I have done what they suggested, and it worked !
Nice job.


If anyone can help me. I would thank you 1million times. Ive searched and searched and searched and couldnt find the answer. Heres the problem:
When i hit buttons on the slideout keyboard, the letters come out wrong.
For example
When I press "i" it shows ".i"
When I press "q" it shows "zq"
When I press "e" it shows "ce"
When I press "g" it shows "lg"
When I press "l" it shows "lg"
When I press "z" it shows "zq"
When I press "c" it shows "ce"
Pleaseee help me!. Ive tried everything. Im using ROM 2.17, it had the same problem even with the original ROM.
did you check your registry yet? Go to
\HKCU(HK Current User)\ControlPanel\Keybd
And see if you have a key named "Locale". If you do what number does is have. For english keyboard it should be 0809. if you don´t see anything in that folder calles locale create a new String named "Locale" and set the value to 0809. then power your device down with the off button and switch it back on again. If that didn´t help.i have no idea.
i have the key "locale" already set with hex 0809. I guess thats not it. Im still trying to fix this thing. i really wished i knew what caused this to happen. it sucks not being able to use the slide out keyboard.
has it been like this from the beginning or when did it start?
try changing it to let´s say german settings and see if it still happens. change the value to 0407. you can always chang it back.
that didnt work either. I cant remember exactly when it happened. Im pretty sure I didnt buy it like this. Even after the ROM upgrade they keyboard problem still exists..
Would you or anyone else give me the settings from their HTC Wizard phone at HKCU/Control panel/Keybd ?
Mine look like this:
DefaultKeyLock 1 (0X000001)
EnableIndicator 1 (0x000001)
InitialDelay 375 (0x000177)
Locale 0407 (was just changed, but i will change it back)
MuteSwitch 1 (0x000001)
repeatrate 8 (0x000008)
ShowWangingMsg 1 (0x000001)
the settings are the same as in my registry. did you do a hard reset bevore you flashed the new rom on your device. that should have reset your regestry also. and if that was the case then i don´t believe that it´s a registry problem. Do you have any thirdparty software on that might conflict with the keyboard? maybe some SIP program or something?
just to make suer. check under
CalVKey 0
ContLessVKey 0
ContMoreVKey 0
DriverName keybddr.dll
TaskmanVKey 35
just wondering what you have there.
hmm... If i do a hard reset now, would could go wrong? Do i lose any settings? does it revert back to factory defaults?
How do you do a hard reset anyway?
Do you think I should try that ?
This is whats listed in "Remove Programs" under system settings:
PC Counselor Tweaks2k2.NET
XDA Developers Registry Wizard
PHM Registry Editor
Zoki A2DP
Cingular Get Xpress Mail
FdcSoft PPCContactsMgr
ammar Wireless Today Plugin
yes a hard reset delets everything of your phone and then reinstalls the rom. so you loose any data that you have on your phone and it puts all settings back to factory default. and you have to install everything from scratch.
for a hard reset you need to hold the comm and voic dial button on the sides of the phone pressed and push the reset button with your stylus.
But that should only be the last option.
I dont have anything stored on memory anyway. I keep everything on my storage card. So losing everything is not a problem. I even have the pim file stored on my memory card that holds all my contacts info.
So by doing this, it will revert back to original ROM?
Wheres the reset button on the phone? How can u press it with the stylus?
yes it will clear your storage on the phone and then install the rom you have on there from scratch.
the reset button is the small hole under the IR on the left side of your device. be sure to sync before you do a hard reset to have your contact/calender/mails all backed up. If you have any reg tweaks made you will have to change those again after the hard reset because they will also be back to default.
Hey, sorry to bug you still but when i press the 2 buttons on the side (comm and voice), a recoding window pops up then when i press the reset button, it does reset, but it comes back up, nothing got erased.....
yeah it´s a bit tricky. try turning the phone off first. then when it´s off press and hold the two buttons and press reset. make sure you hold the comm and voic dial button until you get a grey screen which askes you to press send to format. Send is the green phone button.
OK, its formatting right now. I will let you know how it goes.
I had to turn it off, turn it back on. As soon as i turned it on, before it even loads up, I had to press both buttons and hold down the reset button. You're right, was a bit tricky.
Well, I hope this works! =)
I will let you know how it goes in about 5min.
That didnt help any. It formatted and reloaded everything but not to factory defaults. It still shows as ROM 2.17 etc.
that´s the last rom you have on there. it only resets to the factory setttings of the rom which is currently on your phone.
yeah. I need to find the factory ROM somewhere.
Unfortunately I cant access ftp servers from my pc here @ work.
which version do you want? you can try a new one if your phone is unlocked. i just recently put on the new Mr.Clean 2.3 rom and like it pretty much actually. I can access the ftp here from work. if you want i can email you the file you want.
You wouldnt believe it, but i downgraded back to 1.xx and still had the problem, im currently upgrading back to 2.17.
I opene dup the port to allow me ftp access from here.
Whats the link to get to the rom you use?
then i really don´t think that it´s a software problem. maybe you should contact your customer support. the rom i have you can get here
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/
sorry i couldn´t help. hope you find a way to fix it. i couldn´t live to have a keyboard i can´t use.
How can i get it?
Just upgraded to 2.3, having the same problem
how do i change the pad?

Hard buttons config

Hi all
Can anyone send me the following registry key (and subkeys) please (of the HTC TyTN / Hermes)
I have a problem with my power button and I've discovered that some values are missing in this registry key.
P.S.: If possible, please send me the configuration from an original rom without any third party software.
Many thanks!
nero said:
Hi all
Can anyone send me the following registry key (and subkeys) please (of the HTC TyTN / Hermes)
I have a problem with my power button and I've discovered that some values are missing in this registry key.
P.S.: If possible, please send me the configuration from an original rom without any third party software.
Many thanks!
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Hopefully Keys attached
many thanks Mike
but "Button 6" configuration is missing... is that alright?
by default there is no configuration for this button?
nero said:
many thanks Mike
but "Button 6" configuration is missing... is that alright?
by default there is no configuration for this button?
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Yes, until now I had not noticed that but that is indeed true on mine. I have also not carried out any customisation or even reset any of these buttons (well since last HR anyway)
Hi again Mike!
Ok, I've deleted the "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\40C5" key and now the power button works perfectly.
I have wisbar advance 2 installed and probably, somehow I think, messing arround in his settings has created the power button mapping and that makes his behaviour anoying...
Maybe this is a solution for some other people with this problem. I've seen there are more people in the forum with the "power button problem".
Many thanks.
Power Button
Good news.
Had not seen others with the problem of the "power button" but if I spot them I'll link to here and by repeating power button problem hopefully searches will lead here!!!!
checkout this one here
people saying that need to do a soft-reset...
is what I have been doing when the power button get stucked and it is not anymore
nero said:
checkout this one here
people saying that need to do a soft-reset...
is what I have been doing when the power button get stucked and it is not anymore
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Well now, I wonder!
Perhaps you could write up a detailed piece on exactly what was happening and then the exact detail of what you did/changed. I have a pretty good picture but if you get the time the old blow by blow account would be useful.
going to bed now-enough problems for one day!!!
sorry but I dont know exactly what you want to say with "old blow by blow account". My native language is not english and I dont know that expression.
I can say that my power/toggle screen button becomes "non responsive" in the past couple of days, sometimes works after 3/4 presses or after a long press but other times I need to do a sw reset pressing with the stylus in the reset button/hole.
What I did to fix this malfunction is what I've described in this thread's 5 post (here)
I've used resco's Registry Editor and deleted the key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\40C5" and all of it's contents.
Now the power/toggle screen button works perfectly!
If you need some more information, just do has one of our tv commercial
"explains it as if I am too much donkey"
I'm from Portugal.. same GMT, sweet dreams
Would this make it in a wizard too?
Hi guys, I have a wizard with the power button inoperant, everything else looks work fine... I tried several tricks given in the forums and those are great to power it off but not for turning on the phone niether the display on. Would this make it in the wizard too?
Luiggi, take a backup of your registry (Everyone should before registry editing), and just try it!
Hi Guys,
does anyone know how to reconfigure the video-call button (the little button above the green button). I don't use this one, en would like to give it another function)
Thanks VJ
vijay555 said:
Luiggi, take a backup of your registry (Everyone should before registry editing), and just try it!
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Thank you Vijay I took a look to the 8125 registry and is quite different, i´m afraid this wouldn´t work for the Wizard. I´ve tried also a couple of your programas (VJKeypress and VJEscahaton) but can´t help either, my problem is to turn the phone on (i´ve been using softreset during a connection to the power supply) and all indicates that this is a hardware issue... any thoughts?
Take a full backup (eg SPB Backup) then hardreset. Test if a clean rom still has the problem. If it does, it's a hardware issue, get it repaired.
Otherwise, if it's software, list what you've got or rebuild your installation.
It died like a hero....
vijay555 said:
Take a full backup (eg SPB Backup) then hardreset. Test if a clean rom still has the problem. If it does, it's a hardware issue, get it repaired.
Otherwise, if it's software, list what you've got or rebuild your installation.
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I follow your advice and @ 80% of flashing stalls for awhile with the progress bar in red, after some minutes proceeded turning the progress bar in blue color and @ 95% progress I got ERROR326 : INVALID COMMAND "With the legend "This NBF file can not be used for your phone. Please check your NBF file" The screen was white with the 95% progress bar and lost connection with the PC, I tried a softreset and what I got was the tricolor scren with IPL / SPL data and RUU at the top right. I´m afraid that we have another G4 casualty...
And few hours later.......
I reflashed the phone with RUU_RIsidoro_2.26.10.2_WWE+CF2SP1_G4 this time it went to the 100% progress and the congratulation screen for a succesful flashing, however stalls in bootloader screen (this time without the RUU inthe top right), whenever I do a softreset (since the on / off button still is not working) The HTC innovation splash screen shows up, then disappears and my Wizard returns to the bootloader mode. I think I should be moving to the Wizard forums, thank you VJ!

Camera Initialisation Error

Before posting this, I searched the forum and have only found posts years old.
This issue I am facing at the moment is a camera/video camera issue stating the following:
Unable to initialize camera. Failed to set up the camera device.
I only really noticed this happening since doing camera related registry tweaks such as the 8MB, or additional hidden modes. Originally I applied the tweaks using a registry editor, but now I use the lastest BSB Tweaks application. The issue seems to arise whether I have the tweaks turned on or off so I am not suggesting that the tweaks are actually to blame. I have been tweaking this phone so much that it could be anything.
Anyway, a random soft reset here and there fixes it, but I was just wondering if anyone else has experieced this issue with the HD2?
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you may have inadvertantly caused this issue with a bad registry edit.
If so, you'll need either a complete overhaul of the camera registry settings, or a hard reset.
I've only ever used the camera tweaks in BsB, and my camera works fine (I've never seen your problem). If you like, I'd be happy to either export or list the registry keys and values off my phone that might help.
Were all the registry hacks within one key, do you know, or where they in different places. (I don't know if there's just one key for camera settings, with sub-keys, or if they're spread about the registry.)
Hi there,
I've been getting this also, I think I've narrowed it down to the swype keyboard I'm using...
I haven't changed default keyboard with SIP so I have to manually change keyboard whenever I boot, sometimes the swype keyboard doesn't come up, it flashes like it's going to change but remains on the default keyboard. When this happens I can't start the camera. When the change is seemless the camera works fine. A soft reset usually fixes it.
Are you using swype? Have you tried removing any other tweaks to see if it helps?
0Reefa said:
Hi there,
I've been getting this also, I think I've narrowed it down to the swype keyboard I'm using...
I haven't changed default keyboard with SIP so I have to manually change keyboard whenever I boot, sometimes the swype keyboard doesn't come up, it flashes like it's going to change but remains on the default keyboard. When this happens I can't start the camera. When the change is seemless the camera works fine. A soft reset usually fixes it.
Are you using swype? Have you tried removing any other tweaks to see if it helps?
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I'm using the swype keyboard and also have done the camera super fine reg tweak and have had no problems. I didn't use BSB tweaks and I didn't do the reg setting for more camera modes.I also haven't changed default keyboard with SIP.
Are you using swype? Have you tried removing any other tweaks to see if it helps?
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I am using Swype also, but never experienced an issue using this great keyboard. After posting the message, I did a soft reset and it is working again.
I think I will remove Swype for a while and see if the problem returns. I have all the CABs on my SD card anyway, so not a hassle to reinstall.
If you like, I'd be happy to either export or list the registry keys and values off my phone that might help.
Were all the registry hacks within one key, do you know, or where they in different places. (I don't know if there's just one key for camera settings, with sub-keys, or if they're spread about the registry.)
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I believe that the registry tweaks affected different places...I am trying to find the thread....
EDIT: Found the thread...I actually installed the CABS in the end I think....cannot remember now.
morpheus1982 said:
Found the thread...I actually installed the CABS in the end I think....cannot remember now.
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Since there's only a few of them, I'll just list the values I have, rather than export the lot and end up changing ALL your camera settings.
These are the values for the registry keys in the 1st post on that page.
5Msize = 746028
EncodeFormat = 48
EncodeFormat = 2
BitRate = 2097152
Hope this helps
How strange - I didn't put that space in "superfine", and it's not there when I edit the post!
ohmz55 said:
I'm using the swype keyboard and also have done the camera super fine reg tweak and have had no problems. I didn't use BSB tweaks and I didn't do the reg setting for more camera modes.I also haven't changed default keyboard with SIP.
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It doesn't happen all the time, only when I try to change from default to swype keyboard and it *doesn't* load properly, then the camera issue appears. I've also applied all tweaks for the camera using BSB.
It's very random but I've now flashed to Miri's rom and so far no swype issue and no camera issue!
Thanks, I will check these settings before and after toggling them in BSB Tweaks.
My hd2 has the same problem.
I just tried hard reset my device and install new rom, but it still comes out all day.
Some time a soft reset can take effect, but some time only hard reset can make the camera work.
When the issue comes out, it seems the Opera Mobile 10 beta can not work correctly either.
PS: I didn't use any of the tweaks.
I also got this error once and a soft reset corrected it. Don't know the actual cause.
I have BsB tweaks installed, but no Swype.
I had this problem before too, i remember it happened after I made registry tweak on the video recording quality. its gone after I restore to the default value. I did not use swype keyboard, but i did installed bsb tweak.
I had this problem as well when trying to create my own reg cab to change all the settings I wanted upon a hard reset. It messed with a lot more than just camera not initializing. I narrowed it down to the camera reg settings but not sure which one, I couldn't bare hard reseting my device 5 times in one day.
The only reg tweak I have for the camera is the 8MP one which hasn't messed it up.
happened to me too.
have BsB tweaks installed, dont have swype.
only soft reset fixes the problem.
I didn't make a registry tweak manually, I did this with BsB tweaks and don't have any problems with it. I really think you need to change back, the reg. tweaks you did manually! GL!
ok, restored all default camera values in the registry - problem still exists.
i found out that if i soft reset the device and then start the camera it works fine.
problem happens when i use a program before using the camera.
any ideas?
i had the same problem, but after installing this cab
ckraus000 said:
i had the same problem, but after installing this cab
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Just uninstalled this. Lets see if that makes a difference. I dont even use the camera, so despite noticing the problem, it doesnt actually affect me much.
I have this problem approx. every third time I want to use the camera. The only way to fix it then is a soft reset.
I've installed several tweaks/patches but no swype.
Hi all,
I had the same problem but I manage to solve it in a very weird way.
This might sound really strange, but have any of you put something between the battery and the cover? When I went home over Christmas I use another SIM card to lower my roaming charges. I didn't want to loose my other SIM card when not is use so I used a piece of tape and put the sim card on the soft "pillow" on the back of the battery cover. It just barely fit and I was happy with the fit.
When I did this I also started to experience that the camera could not initialize. At first I thought it had something to do with my old SIM, and I did a test to put in my new SIM and the problem disappeared (this without my other sim between the battery and the cover) I thought I just had to live with it until I got back and could start using the proper SIM. But when I got back I switch SIM but the problem still existed. I then started to suspect that it was actually the other SIM pressing against the battery that was the culprit and as soon as I removed that the camera has been working fine.
So the only conclusion I could make is that if there is pressure on the battery that somehow causes the camera to not initialize properly.
Hope this helps...
have the same problem. i have bsbtweaks installed but not swype.

keyboard input problem

hi all mates!
after updating facebook to version 1.2 , had problems with keyboard input in sms, mail and also browser searchbar, as only numbers are allowed.
if i tap a letter, nothing appears.
also the XT9 button has disappeared from the complete keyboard.
i tried reinstalling facebook, changing keyboard type, and looked into BSB TWEAKS and advanced config if there was an helpful setting, but nothing worked.
any help is much appreciated before a soft/hard reset.
I got the same problem with my first device.
The keyboard works weird.
No any tool are responsible for this effect I think, because I don't install anything.
If I press a Button, the button lights on but nothing happens.
For example:
After reboot, I need to type the SIM-PIN.
I press the numbers, the colour from the button change, but nothing happen.
I change my device in my Handy-Shop and got a new one.
I don't know if it is a software or hardware problem.
The new one works, better as my first device but not always 100% for sure.
I hope for that problem could be exist in future a update.
Try to hard-reset. Maybe this solve your problem, I don't know.
thank you Elena.
i only had a problem when trying to write letters in sms or mail.
i tried anything to get solved but nothing helped, so i made a hard reset.
and after then , everything works perfecly.
i still suggest not to install facebook 1.2 from marketplace

