carry casy rumors - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

im quite new to the wizard world (but LOVING my xda mini s!) ive been sifting though this great forum and others for weeks now looking for good advice and tips( this one the most helpfull btw) on some other forums ive read snippets that the case supplied with the mini can cause damage to the screen due to the magnet fastner on it. now be it my paranoid mind but, the last few times ive retrieved my beloved mini from its padded home im sure that the colour of the text at one point in the screen differs. can anyone confirm or disband this? be gratfull for your input before i go shelling out for a new case.

It did not happen on mine but following the laws of physics: there is a chance under certain circumstances. You can recreate the case by taking a large speaker and move it around your tv screen or pc monitor - how ever, the chance this happens might be 1:1000 and should have its reason in a too strong magnet on your pocket - After a few hours away from the pocket this colored part on the screen should disappear again ...
You can prevent it from happening by putting the device in the pocket with screen to your body / belt, so, that the magnet is on the back of the device and not on the screen.


help. My screen keeps misaligning very often.

My touch screen has been getting out of alignment quite often. 3 or 4 times a day. I'll go to use it after leaving it on standby, and the touch screen alignment will be off by a half centimeter or more. its making very difficult to use. Sometimes very difficult to even get to the settings screen to realign it. I'm using a screen protector and to use my fingers instead of the stylus often. could have of this be having an affect? or does anyone have any idea whats goign on? thank you for any help you can give me.
I had a similar problem as well. Its kinda scary. Do you think its a software error? or could it be hardware *gulp*
I had this problem with some devices I issued out at work. I put screen protectors on them, and all kind of weirdness happened, and the screen getting out of alignment was one of them. I removed the screen protectors, and the problem went away.
Wizard platform has often that claim from many users. I'm not sure if working without screen protector is suitable for you and don't know it will help. In my case it did not.
The problem of kJAMs is related to the screens HTC used on this version. Unfortunately there is not software remedy. Some users attempted to change their devices under guarantee. Some are telling newer ROMs make the error less frequently.
You may also use "fire button + messaging button" combination as a shortcut to screen alignment page if you must live with this. Better than nothing ?!
fixed my qtek 9100
Well my wizard used to go out of alignment a lot. But I basically ruined it when I stuck it in my golf bag one day and let it get partially crushed while half-open...
The screen started to flicker a lot (in addition to not registering touch inputs). after a week it was unusable except by me since I knew where to push to get it to work.
Anyways, I gave up and asked around Hong Kong for people who can fix these PDAs. I found a store that offered to bring it to a specialist (no name given) for $380 hkd (~$50USD). Figured I had nothing to lose.
It actually works almost like new now. The slider is tighter, and the screen doesn't go out of alignment at all. I'd almost say its perfect except the "specialist" "broke" my volume slider when fixing it. Its not major so I decided against taking it back to the store for further repairs (3 month warranty on their work). But it took 3-4 days for them to fix.
I figure someone with the screwdrivers and stuff can probably fix your problem. But I didn't have the guts to try it myself...
Four things you can do to help
1. After time dust etc... gets under the rim of the screen and adds to the misalignment problem. Get a piece of paper and put the corner under the rim and get all the dirt out.
2. Sometimes software causes the misalignment - in my case it was using vjtoggletoday - so check or your software particular ones that change your today screen e.g. wisbar etc...
3. You could do a hard reset and try device in factory state for a while to see if it is a software or hard ware problem
4. Update to the latest rom.
Thanks for your help guys. Even though i didn't like your answers. I tried cleaning dust from under the border of the screen. It worked well for now. but it hasn't been more than 12 hours. I hope it continues. If i cant get it to stop i might have to sell my phone on ebay. they seem to go for only 50 dollars less on ebay than i payed for it in the first place. I hate to ask this question. but what could i replace this phone wiht that wont have this problem. and has windows? Basically what would you suggest as a replacement. And not the TytTn because i dont think i'll be able to afford that one.
Thank you.
lets hope that i dont have to fish dust out of my phone every day.

Screen glitches/freezes (To do with magnetic case)

Hello from down-under ,
I've come to put forward a problem myself and a few others are having over at the Mtekk forums. I currently just purchased an I-Mate JasJam on Telstras' new NextG network and have been using it for about a week and a half. As this fantastic piece of equipment is a little on the expensive side, I wanted to make sure it was kept safe all the time, so I began to use (no matter how silly it made me look ) the I-Mate supplied Pouch, little did I know it did more damage then not using it...
After investigating over the last few days, It was concluded that the magnetic found in the supplied Pouch had some diverse effect on the switching on Landscape to Portrait mode when removing the JasJam from the Pouch to answer/make a call, play a game or send a text message; often resulting in a 'bugged' or 'glitched' screen, stuck between either Landscape or Portrait etc (I fixed by removing the JasJam and sliding out the Keyboard and back in).
After I few days I thought that this couldn't be right for a brand new machine and took my problem to the Internet in which I found others with the same problem. Since then I have stopped using the supplied Pouch and am now looking at purchasing the Krussel Orbit Pouch as a magnetic-less replacement (any users with one, I'd love your feedback). I am making this thread to see if any users of the XDA-Developers board have faced this issue and ask one further question:
1. Since I stopped using the Pouch I can only find one annoying trait left, whenever I switch the Screen back on from 'Standby' mode I seem to receive a small 'glitch' in the Today Screen if the device has been locked, if the device has been left unlocked the Screen can be switched on/off with no issue - does anyone else have this problem, I'm concerned that the magnetic pouch has caused some internal damage...
Hi, there is a bit more about this problem in the accessories thread, I noticed the magnet causing issues and wondered about internal damage as you did, even possibly causing the align issues, but a few people reported back they had been using the case from day 1 and while it affected the landscape/portrait, they had no align issues or any other problems, so I don't suspect that there is any internal damage occurring..I do wonder about your screen glitch but without actually seein it..I haven't a clue, also do you have a lot of today plugins?..could possibly be one of them is buggy..I'm not sure, but the case does certainly suck, I was immediately concerned with the magnet strength, off topic..but on my device if my thumb is a bit damp or any metal touches the aluminum bezel around the ear piece of the phone..the screen will flicker.
Thanks for your reply Chaotic, My device is in the same state as when it come out of the box, so this isn't a 3rd party issue. I have tried removing/adding the default Today Screen icons to see if it makes an issue to the 'glitching' of my screen when it on/off and it makes no difference, only thing I can see that makes it not happen *sometimes* is when the device is not locked.
Well thats one user without my issue, hoping someone will report it, or I'm going to get a replacement.
*If your testing to see if you have the same issue as me, simply hold your device in your hand (try both with it Locked and Unlocked) and push the top right-hand side button which should switch your screen off, press it again for it to come on. If you see a sort of 'glitch' of white on your Today Screen and then it fixes itself (I'm talkin 1-2 seconds) you have the same as me.*
Hi chaps,
I've used the magnetic pouch from day one with my UK T-Mobile Vario II and am still yet to see the landscape/portrait switching issue when removing the Vario II to answer a call.
I had a theory about this, and it's probably going to get shot down in flames for it's obviousness, but I'll mention it anyway... Could the problem be down to the machine being powered down (manually or automatically) while in Landscape mode... then when switching on automatically when a phone call is received, the phone tries to switch back to portrait mode but gets stuck?
I have road tested this theory on my own Vario II and have not seen the problem at all, but my ROM may handle things differently to yours? Apologies again if this suggestion is obvious.
elite_gamer04 said:
Thanks for your reply Chaotic, My device is in the same state as when it come out of the box, so this isn't a 3rd party issue. I have tried removing/adding the default Today Screen icons to see if it makes an issue to the 'glitching' of my screen when it on/off and it makes no difference, only thing I can see that makes it not happen *sometimes* is when the device is not locked.
Well thats one user without my issue, hoping someone will report it, or I'm going to get a replacement.
*If your testing to see if you have the same issue as me, simply hold your device in your hand (try both with it Locked and Unlocked) and push the top right-hand side button which should switch your screen off, press it again for it to come on. If you see a sort of 'glitch' of white on your Today Screen and then it fixes itself (I'm talkin 1-2 seconds) you have the same as me.*
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I assume you are referring to the lock/unlock option found on the Today screen? I also see a short white screen delay when using this Today screen option.
I also see an even longer delay when using the password/pin lock option. Probably something to do with the locking program checking to see if the preset time delay for locking and requesting the password/pin has passed.
Disabling both options makes starting up a lot faster, although you may of course need these options enabled. I'm sure it's something that will be resolved by the manufacturer in time.
elite_gamer04, I hadn't ever used the lock on my device, so I enabled it just to test, and there wasn't any differences, I also wasn't sure of what the actual glitch was, but since you mentioned it I did some further investigating, I do notice a white screen when coming back from standby, but it lasts no longer than half a second..definitely not 2 seconds.
g00nerz, its all good, all info around here is appreciated, but there is definitely an issue with the case magnet, I don't have a single landscape/portrait issue unless I put it in the bundle case..I use a modded aluminum case at the moment..but if I switch back it happens, I'm pretty sure the words "bundle case" are in the title of the post with others with this issue if you want to check it out.
I have read where some people were discussing that they thought some had different screens..that could be why you haven't had this issue or maybe it is ROM related, but from what I understand its been a variety of brands with this that I think about it..I wonder if all the brands bundle cases are the same?
I think its Mike(I hope I got that right) that has tore one of these apart..few posts about it with pics on the forum he might know, but anyhow I wonder if theres actually a hardware switch that triggers the switch from portrait/landscape when the slide out kb is opened, and the magnet is affecting that..could also be it was revised on some models.
I'm just speculating/guessin on what might be causing it, I really haven't any solid info other than some people definitely have an issue with the case, including me.
I also see a short white screen delay when using this Today screen option
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I <3 you hehe. Thank god its not just me . Yes I was referring to the 'Device Lock' and 'Device Unlock' function on the Today Screen. When it is Unlocked and I switch on/off the screen I see no 'lag' or 'white glitch' but with it on I see a small 1-2 sec lag. Anyways as you have confirmed it also I don't have to worry about returning mine and will get on with my new Krussel case I'm about to order.
P.S If others are having this issue, or know of how to fix, don't hesitate to post.
Please consider that the use of wifi may drasticely slow down the device's power up. I do use the default case with the strong magnet, and when I power up my device with the wifi enabled it takes a while until he completely awake; the wifi plus the switch landscape => portrait (thanks HTC case) slow it down.
I am also experiencing the "auto answer" issue; from time to time when I put my device off its case it answer to the incoming phone call, but till now I was not sure that the case could be involved; are you sure about this? I tried to give some testing but I was not able to reproduce it; it only happen when it is not expected to happen
elite_gamer04 said:
Hello from down-under ,
As this fantastic piece of equipment ......the I-Mate supplied Pouch, little did I know it did more damage then not using it.........I switch the Screen back on from 'Standby' mode I seem to receive a small 'glitch' in the Today Screen if the device has been locked, ....
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Hi elite_gamer04, As you had rightly mentioned this is really a fantastic device and no doubt about you I had the same problem when I bought it around 2 months back.
I was breaking my head as to why its happening, it looked for me as if the device hangs on and off...but did not notice keenly the instances when it happened as removing it out of the pouch was too normal a thing that did not hint me that it has something to do with the issue...But I was totally broken and disturbed and decided somehow I am going to get a replacement. I took it to the service centre and the guy there (very smart) as soon as I mentioned about the problem ( I went there thinking that it has something to do with the sliding mechanism) responded spontaneously taking the pouch opened the flap and took the magnet side over the screen and showed it to yes...its the pouch which was the culprit as we noticed the screen going crazy....Anyway I was relaxed but from that instance I kept aside the pouch that came with the pack and I am currently using a different one from the stores. Till now I have noticed no glitches and am happy I own a real amazing fast device.
About the other glitch you mentioned when the phone is locked yes I tried and it is there even for me but I dont think its a major issue for you to replace the device as its something to do with the screen refresh rate and memory which am sure would be fixed by new ROM upgrades in the days to come...but relax rest assured you own a fantastic device.
All the best
Thanks for posting this about the screen - I thought I was going nuts. I bought a replacement pouch that has a belt loop - so slightly more secure than the clip. But when i started using it - it always switches to landscape mode.
I'll have to find one without a magnet i guess!

herald screen resistance?

hello everybody.
i'm planing on purchasing a herald device anytime soon. before doing so i was wondering about the resistance of the screen. how do you guys carry your device around? i'm the type of guy who simply slides it into my jeans pocket. i was wondering if this might be a problem with such a big screen. (i currently own a nokia N70... which btw is so slow i didn't know that it was possible to build such a slow device in the 21st century... anyway...) obviously i haven't had any screen resistance problem with my N70 due to the solid screen.
i currently alos allways place a self-adhesive clear screen over my screen so it doens't get scratched, and replace it from time to time... how do you handle scratch issues?
hopefully you guys can shed some light on the issues above. thanks a lot in advance.
ohh and while i'm at it... i was hoping to use the herald with the least possible stylus interaction (allready checked the phone pad thread for one handed sms .. is it possible to use most core functions for daily business (calendar entries, phone calls, sms writing, etc) without having to use the stylus (how painful is it?) and or doing so one handedly?
Not sure exactly what you mean by :screen resistance", but if you're asking does the screen scratch easily, the answer is no. I never use a case and always carry in my pockets or in my hand I've yet to scratch it.
And as far as using the stylus, I never have to use it. The touch screen is good enough where unless you are editing a large spreadsheet or something really small and tedious, you'll probably never need to use it
I always carry it in my jeans pocket without a problem yet. Also, I use a Brando Screenprotector ( to protect my display from scratches.

How would you test a used 8525?

I just won a slightly used unlocked 8525 on EBay. Since I won't have a warranty, it seems like a good idea to verify that the device is in full working order as quickly as possible.
Do any of you have tips on what you would do to fully (or almost fully) exersice an 8525?
Theres no menu like the nokias have to see if its ever been serviced but theres a few things i do when looking at pocket pc's although i've never purchased a used one because i haven't found one's which look that sound.
First thing i would do is look at its physical state. Scratches etc. which will show if it's been dropped or handled roughly.
Second i'd take off the batter cover and look at the screws to show if they've every been removed. You can tell this by either seeing small scratches on them. Also the I-Mate Jasjam screws are black so you can tell easily if a screws been in them.
Then i'd remove the battery and the sim card(if inserted) and see if theres a little felt/paper square. This should be white and changes color (to purple i believe) if it ever got wet or moist. Inspect the little bit of the circuit board thats visible under where the sim would go for imperfections.
Now I'd go back to physicl aspects. Look at the screen, if it has a screen protector thats marked up, remove it and inspect the LCD and see if itself has scratches, if there are scratches and they are small i'd suggest the pocketpctechs screen protector which covers up blemishes.
Press the bottons on the front and sides and see if they feel well (are they hard to press, do they got stuck etc.) Slide the device open a couple of times and see if its locks into place or not and if its rough/smooth to open/close.
When its open i'd go and press each button on the keyboard and see if any of them stick and look for things as you would with the other buttons.
Then turn on the device and test all the buttons, and the keyboard on a new notepad. See if the screen is aligned by opening a new note and draw a line from one corner to the opposite corner, make sure the line is under the pen. Align the screen and keep in mind when you did it and cross your fingers and hope it stays aligned. If it does have the SA issue, go to the wiki for a fix.
I guess thats all i can think of right now... hope it helps you in deciding whether you want to keep the device or not. Oh yah, also check if the memory slot works and inspect the Mini-Usb port, and the stylus silo (haven't heard of it becoming loose on the hermes yet)
Good luck and hopefully you got no problems with it and its a sound device. Enjoy it and welcome to the Xda-Devs!
Thanks fone_fanatic! Looks like some great advice that will help me make a checklist.
Having come from a Palm T3 + a Sony Ericsson T637, I'm long overdue for an upgrade and really excited about converging devices with the 8525.
dont forget to make a phone call bring your sim, sometimes people forget the obvious
It tests out great. There were only two problems
1)a slight creaking in the top left corner - really more an annoyance than anything else
2)The phone was sold as unlocked but prompted me for the unlock code which the prevous owner did not know. This problem was easily overcome with the unlock solution posted on the Wiki.
Thanks for the testing tips as they help me feel far more secure in my purchase!
Now I just need to get used to the PocketPC OS (seems a little complicated coming from PalmOS). After I get the feel of the OS figured out, I will start trying to write some apps.
Hi creaking top left corner is actually fairly normal. The screw will be tight but it's not in the corner (see battery compartment). The screw passess through camera board and holds it slightly proud. If it really bugs you, you can remove back (a warranty voiding activity) a place a piece of papervas padding to take up slack - otherwise not a big issue.
Glad it's working fine
The voyage of discovery and frustration begins - enjoy
Enjoy your device. They really are the best PPC around.

Krusell Quick Mounter

Hi Guys,
I bought one of these and as "good" as it may seem, just warning you off, or at least giving you notice.
The magnet affects the phone and operates the screen by it's self.
Well, that's a little miss leading. What it does is I think, is tell the phone that you have opened the slide.
So depending on your settings, whenever you attach the phone it will either unlock it, open the dialer, read your sms messages or start pressing the soft keys.
Apart from the ridiculously poor delivery (1st class postage arrive 7 days after shipping. A parcel from US came quicker" ) that I don't know whether to blame on them or Royal Mail, I must of got the one adapter with no bloody adhesive on the back! Industrial sticky tape needed, that's if I decide I can live with the unlocking!
*mods* Really sorry, I didn't notice the "accessories" thread. I only hang out in this one, I've only just noticed it.
Sorry to hear you are not very happy with this, i've had one for a while and i reckon its one of the best i've had. as well as being small and discreet the magnet holds the pda even when driving down dirt tracks and over speed bumps.
The magnet does occasionally set off the quick list but it has already been mentioned on this forum that it is activated by magnet it just depends where you put the adapter
i dont know about you guys but im keeping magnets well away from my device.
kerrance76 said:
The magnet does occasionally set off the quick list but it has already been mentioned on this forum that it is activated by magnet it just depends where you put the adapter
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Do you have a Dual then? Where is your strip to attached the magnet?
After a bit of experimentation, if you place the strip horizontal just underneath the camera (in the center) then the magnet wont set off the phone!
Now I've fixed it with my own tape I'm really happy with it!
i've got mine right in the middle, covering the orange logo, after playi g with it a bit last night it seems to depend a lot on how quickly you move the dual towards the magnet and whether you go staraight towards it or come in from an angle. one thing i havent tried is disabling the quick menu, will give it a go later as i never use it anyway

