Data connection for Windows Live Messenger - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

When I'm connected to my Wi-Fi network at home and when I want to sign in using the Windows Live Messenger in Crossbow, the program always starts a GPRS/3G connection, even though the Universal is connected to Wi-Fi.
Other communication software, like 'Inbox' and the 'Internet Explorer' are just using the available connection only, so Wi-Fi when there's Wi-Fi and otherwise GPRS/3G.
Windows Live Messenger doesn't.
Am I the only one with this problem? Or does someone know if the Live Messenger actually uses the started GPRS/3G connection when already connected by Wi-Fi or not?

Same here on CB or WM5. Remember it's still a beta!

I've been told it's a "feature" not a bug!
The only way I know of forcing Windows Live Messenger to use Wifi is to put the machine into flight mode. PITA, but that's the best I can do.

So, with the phone on, it will always use the 3G/GPRS even with Wi-Fi activated?

there is a tweak to disable gprs all together. that is the only known fix.

What is that tweak?
Isn't there just a tweak to have the Messenger only use the cellular service when Wi-Fi is NOT available?


BA - WiFi / While Docked

I've got it to work once, and not sure how, but I want to use my WiFi Connection while my PDA is docked so I can use Pocket Controller and access it with my desktop.
Here's my situation. at work, our connection is locked down, but we have WiFi for visiting clients, that's wide open, I like to use Agile Messenger to chat with my friends but can only do so using the open WiFi, but I want to use my keyboard and monitor on my desktop so I connect to my pda using pocket controller.
The thing is... when I connect to wifi it works, then when I dock, my PDA creates a network conenction with my desktop, and it becomes primary, this kicking me off agile messenger... I've tried docking then wifi...same results
I'm running Windows Mobile 2005, windows xp and Active Sync 4.1
I've turned off all active sync connection settings, but I still need my pda to make a network connection with my desktop thus I can use pocket controller to controll and view it.
On ActiveSync Options->Rules change Pass Through Connection to be "Work". Quite appropriate in this case ;-)
I have yet to test this, but in theroy.. or atleast my attempt to grasp the concept..
The USB/Data connection between my desktop/PDA via active sync will then only really be a bridge to my PC, and any and all Internet traffic will then travel through WiFi, as it will become the primary/only "Internet" enabled connection.
Sound right?
Yep, I really dislike the way WM has the concept of Internet and Work and even more hate the way that this cludge has been used by operators like O2 to provide an Internet GPRS account (Internet) and a WAP GPRS account (Work).
What I suggested definately works on 2003, but if your operator does the same as O2, you won't be able to receive MMSs.
kevino said:
On ActiveSync Options->Rules change Pass Through Connection to be "Work". Quite appropriate in this case ;-)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have activesync 4.1 with a window mobile 5 device, but I can't find this option...
I would like to keep my GPRS-connection open when i'm connected to my PC. But the same problem over here as the topicstarter

At home, GPRS vs. Wi-Fi

Apologies, and I know this is a stupid question, but when at home with my htc tound pro, with WiFi on, and connected, why do I need the phone on too for the WiFi to work,...?
Also, when both are on and working, which system is used, i.e., the SIM card connection or the WiFi connection,...?
WiFi I pay a flat monthly rate for unlimited data, with the SIM card I am on a fixed amount of data transfer per month,...
Thanks for listening,
You may be using an application that is not Wifi aware. So, it demands a GPRS/EDGE/3G connection. So - in effect - it's not actually using the Wifi connection.
If you can use the application with Wifi on, and phone off - it's Wifi aware. (Meaning it can utilize Wifi).
If you can't use the application without the phone being on - it's not Wifi aware or has not been configured to use the Wifi.
What application are you having issues with?
thanks for getting back to me,... WM Professional 6.1 and the Internet Explorer program when going on to the web,... i'm just wondering which systems does the phone use when both are functioning,... am i using the gprs from my SIM card or am I using the wi-fi in my home,...? and why do i need the phone turned on to use the wi-fi in my home,...?
thanks again,...
you can see if it's using gprs on the icon for signal str if it's showing animations
it's using gprs
otherwise it's using wifi
if you set
settings-connections-connection-advanced-select network to my homenetwork
it dont use gprs
did you set the gprs settings to your gsm provider?
i would prefer wifi over gprs/3g anyday unless if your home internet is extremely slow ( <300kbps). the battery life would be almost equal so why not a faster connection?
Rudegar said:
you can see if it's using gprs on the icon for signal str if it's showing animations
it's using gprs
otherwise it's using wifi
if you set
settings-connections-connection-advanced-select network to my homenetwork
it dont use gprs
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'd like to understand how WM decides which network to use when it has a choice e.g. HSDPA and WiFi. I've looked at the settings mentioned above and I currently have Internet using Contract Internet (HSDPA) and Work using WiFi as the WiFi networks I connect to are firewalled and privately addressed.
What settings should I have to ensure that when I have the choice of WiFi and HSDPA (at home) I use WiFi, and when out and about I use HSDPA?
Everytime an application wants to connect to the net:
- If wifi is connected and GSM isn't, it uses Wifi
- If wifi isn't connected, it tries connecting to GSM and will use that.
- If both are connected - we don't really know what happens.
When you're at home, check that GSM is not connected (no little E, G, 3G or H on the signal bar icon, disconnect it if connected), turn on wifi, wait until the arrows have stopped moving on the Wifi icons, and now you can launch the program that wants to connect to the net, and it will use wifi.
If at this point you get a popup about the phone connecting to GSM data again, then there's a connectivity problem on your Wifi and the device can't reach the net through it.
You might want to install Modaco Nodata, it allows you do disable automatic connection to GSM so that you can be sure it doesn't connect when you don't want it to.
mine never use gprs when it have wifi
I have a Touch HD and I can make things work fine by manually turning off the data connection then turning on WiFi in the comm manager when I'm at home or vice versa when I'm out and about.
I would have thought win mobile 6.1 would have been a mature enough OS to allow this to be configured automatically. This and Opera are my only outstanding issues with the HD.
Strange. I can easily shut my phone off, enable wifi & browse fine.

Convince Windows Live to use WiFi

Hi all,
maybe someone has a solution that does not involve totally disabling GPRS...
Every other app (TwitToday, Active Sync, Pocket IE, Outlook, GPS update, etc pp) prefers the WiFi connection over existing GPRS/EDGE connection, except Windows Live Sync/Messenger: Both of them constantly ignore the WLAN and instead open a GPRS/EDGE connection...
How do I force it (or, if easier, the whole OS) to only use GPRS then when no Wifi is available?
I achieved this by making everything use Work uses GPRS when no WiFi is available only.
On the subject (not wishing to hijack the thread though) I have a similar issue. All apps work fine through wireless, however Windows Live (Messenger etc) launches and connects to GPRS/HSDPA/EDGE when a wifi connection is not present, but then errors with a "no connection" message. All other apps work fine in GPRS/EDGE/HSDPA mode but this...ideas?
Doesn't work
When I say in the Connections control panel that all apps should use something other than E-Plus Web (either My ISP or My Work Network), then MSN whines about connectivity problem.
When I leave it at work network and disconnect wifi, I get system error with all internet using apps - it "can't connect with the current settings".
So, I have to leave the "connect to the internet using..." to Eplus Web... then, all apps, including Pocket IE use WLAN if available, but only MSN still connects GPRS :/
Any idea? Why does f***ing MSN not offer what connection to choose, if it can't obey the system settings?

permanent connection errors wifi HELP!

Hey guys,
I use the program "NoData" that disables 3G and other services that charge money. So with my phone I only use Wifi when I found a wlan network.
However, I have serious problems with connection all the time.
->It started with SPB Mobile Shell 3.0. I can't access the facebook option to download some pictures of my contacts. Cannot connect.
->Then Mach5 webbrowser did not work on my Xperia. Did try it with 3G (enabled 3G from NoData of course) and wlan. No connection.
->Now, and that really annoys me: tryed to install microsofts myphone service that recently came up. After typing in my Windows Live ID (have connected Wlan) it says: Could not connect.
Are those problems linked to "NoData" or does any1 have a nother clue?
edit: it has nothing to do with NoData. Uninstalled and got the same problems.
On My X1 the WiFi works great.
I have even enabled all Security Settings for my Private WLAN Network.
For me it looks like that your WLAN Network dont work really good.
Can you access the Internet without any Problems with a Laptop ?
I guess you will have the same Problems.
For enabling wifi i use normally the "Comm Manager" and enable there the WLAN.
After this i call up the WLAN Programm and select the Right WLAN Network.
Thats all.
For disabling GPRS 3G i use also the "Comm Manager".
I dont use any other programms.
My experience say even that if both Options "WLAN" and "3G (GPRS, HDSPA ..)" are enabled wlan is preffered.
I still search the Option in Windows Mobile where i setup the Phone to use WLAN as the standard Internet Access.
On my previuos Phone Sony Erricsson P910i this setting was possible.

Trouble getting wifi and gprs connections to behave

I've got a Touch Cruise 09, having upgraded from the original Touch Cruise. With that old phone, I had it configured (somehow) to use a Wifi connection as default, but if there was no current wifi connection it would initiate a data connection to my cell provider. That way, when at home or work I could manually connect to a wifi AP then browse the net, download email, etc over that connection, but when I was out and about it would start a data connection.
But with this new Touch Cruise, I can't get it to use wifi for syncing email. Even if I have a wifi connection, it initiates a gprs data connection. (This works, but it costs me). It does however behave like the old phone for browsing the net using Opera.
So basically, how do you assign what connections different programs use? The whole My Work and Internet concepts have always confused me on WM/WinCE devices, but I suspect its something to do with that.
BTW, I'm using MS Windows Live to do the email syncing... I've got a hotmail email address. But I can't find anywhere in the Win Live setup to specify the connection.
Anyway, thanks for any help!
Is it that you do not want to use your data connection at all? Because if that is the case you can use a program called "NoData". On my phone I just use my WiFi connection and no GPRS or any other kind of data connection (I am a cheap ass user).
Nope, I want to use wifi for when I'm at home, and cell phone data fro when I'm out and about.
At the moment it ALWAYS initiates a cell data connection, even if I'm at home and have a working wifi connection open.
My old phone used the wifi if it was there, or would then start a data connection. The new one doesn't.
