Saving Connection Settings - Networking

Does anybody know how to save your connection settings (MMS and network) in WM5? Whenever I do a hard reset, all these settings have to be re-inputted.
Many Thanks

i ahve the xda2i with wm5 on it and in the settings/system/ there is a perminant save tab click this and tick the network check box that should solve youre problem.


Orange GPRS XDA settings for pay monthly

i have just got back in, and it WORKS, i have a xda on o2, i have unlocked my 02 xda with the software on this website, it is really good. But the settings on this website for the gprs none of them would work. I had an Orange pay monthly sim card with gprs enabled which, when i unlocked my xda, i couldn't establish a connection with gprs so here goes; here are the settings you need:
on the xda today screen
go on (start)
on the,( when needed,automatically connect to the internet using these settings
drop the menu don and tap (new)
and write (orangegprs)
tap (next)
on the (select a modem)
drop the menu don and tap (oncellular line gprs)
drop the menu don and tap (baud rate) and tap (19200)
and tap next
access point name (orangeinternet) and tap finish
go back to (connections)
and tap (dialing lacations) tap dialing patterms change all the settings to G
tap (ok)
on connections tap modify orangegprs
tap modem tap orangegprs,tap advanced,
tap use name servers, tap use specific server address,
in dns
in alt dns
in wins leave it as 0
in alt wins leave it as 0
tap ok
tap next
tap finish
tap ok
that's it, you're done, but it's important when you connect to the internet, you must go from the today screen - start - settings - connections - connections (again) - and connect. Once you have connected to the gprs, then launch internet explorer.
If you don't do it this way, the 02 software wants to change all your connection settings back to 02.
Hope this helps you all out.
Please give me feedback
HI dave,
I was just going to post a message asking if someone had grps settings for orange in the UK !!!!!
just like you , i had an o2 xda which i unlocked using the fab tools by xda-developers.
i will get gprs enabled on my sim and then try your settings.
You are saying that, once configured, i cant just click on IE to launch the gprs ?
thanks mate
Hi Ali-Butt
I forgot to say you will b asked for a user name and pass word
leave this all blank and judt tick the save box
cheers mate
i am doing the settings now !!!
can i ask, why you have one set DNS settings and another posts by other chaps have others????
i have seen
are these wrong?
thanks mate
HI Mate
WhenI got the GPRS working with the settings I have posted, when I clicked on ie, without connecting to the GPRS first the settings change back to the o2 settings. How I connect is to go to start, settings, connections and connections again and then connect, then the GPRS will connect then I launch ie. Since then I removed from the xda the o2 smart menu from the add and remove programmes now I can just launch ie and I have no problems, at the beginning when I put the settings in and I was having trouble with the o2 settings taking over, for some reason I can't understand the orange settings were all still correct but would not work so even though the settings were still there and correct I had to start re entering them as a new connections all over again. Hope this helps you out, if you have any trouble please post a message on here and I will be more than willing to hepl you.
cheers Dave
HI Mate
pay as you go. i think
it is pay monthly i think but these work
Hi dave,
thanks for your posts.
i can now tell you my findings.
firstly, i created a new connection with the apn "orangeinternet"
using cellular gprs as the line and 19200 as the speed.
If i click on ie.... it connects first time !!!.. works a treat !
if i click on internet on the O2 smart menu, it tries to connect back to O2....
so quick solution, just remove it from the main screen and your laughing!
so mine is all working without specifying any dns settings. Perhaps its all dhcp , with ip / gateway / dns all coming down from orange?
do you think it will make any difference adding them in?
perhaps faster name resoultion?
cheers dave
I dont know why but i cant setup my PAYG orange sim for gprs...pls help
Orange GPRS
I'm a bit of a newbie with the XDA, Ive setup as per the instructions above and I'm connecting ok (i think) - as i can send retrieve emails and surf - I'm just a little unsure as to whether it's connecting via GPRS or just by a data call as I dont get the "G" on the screen to signify GPRS - can anyone help please
Hi, i have this sorted now. you create a new internet connection and use the gprs setting from the dropdown, the only setting you need is the accesspoint name which id payginternet, all other settings are default... even the orange phone trainers couldnt get it working.
I need HELP !!!
I have tried to follow various updates here to connect my O2 XDA via GPRS to ORANGE UK. It have the PPC2003 Cooked ROM and hence none of the above instructions are quite what I see.
However all I had to do was:
start -> settings -> connections -> connections --> created a connection called ORANGE with modem type "Cellular Line (GPRS) -> Next -> "ACCESS POINT NAME" typed: "orangeinternet"
Afterthis do NOT fill in anything for userid or password and just select FINISH.
I also had to: Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> select ADVANCED tab -> "Select Location" button -> select Mobile and press Edit button -> Select DIALING PATTERNS button -> For ALL entries select "G" instead of the default "+EFG".
With all above done I CAN connect to internet and even connected to my ISP WEBMAIL but it is slow. I also do NOT get the "G" icon for GPRS.
I am not sure if this is conecting via GPRS or NOT ???
when I type WWW.ORANGE.NET it does say it is connecting via GPRS but I do not see the "G" icon. Any help ???
Also I just signed up for ORANGE UK EMAIL and then tried to via instruction to configure my XDA inbox but they only recognise a small number of PDAa with PPC2003 connected to a phone via bluetooth or IRD. They do not support PPC 2003 or XDA.
HOW Do you configure the XDA inbox to connect to orange pop3 and smpt server and download mail ???
PS: I can ping SMTPOUT.ORANGE.NET but no pop3 server...
Thanks for any help. :!:
I just figure out what to do to get connected to Orange email.
Simply: start -> Inbox -> Accounts -> New Account -> Type in your Orange EMail Address -> Type in your USERNAME and PASSWORD and select "Save password" -> NEXT -> FINISHED.
That is it. I can connect to internet and email via my INBOX and WEBMAIL.
WEBMAIL is slow but inbox is just OK on the move.
Hi I have a XDA II I have unlatched it from O2 I am now on orange I need to be able to send and recieve MMS, the instructions dont seem to work on my XDA, orange say that I am enabled to send MMS.... can anyone help please Thank you
asking about internet sharing with P3600 and P6500
i have learned a lot reading this forum and i am wondering if you know about this:
When my PC connect to internet through internet sharing of P3600 i get H mode (HSDPA), then how can i see the real rate of sharing ?
Is it reaching 10 Mb of local network, or else ?
What is the real rate of HSDPA for P3600 ? And for P6500 ?
(1.6 Mb/s and 7.2 Mb/s ? )
Do you think QUALCOMM of SIRIUS P6500 can support overclock ?
Do you know DNS settings for french orange internet with PDA ?
Thanks anyway. Mobility with HTC is much fun and efficiency.
; -))
I also share this experience about energy saving on HTC P3600 and TYTN:
Many users are complaining about autonomy of HTC. I have check settings of internal cards and everything is set - no saving - in extended settings.
Then, i experienced the setting - energy saving - during travels.
I does work, and i get days of battery autonomy.
The most impotant is to set SD card to -ernergy saving, and Wlan, and Wifi, and infrared, and also two other network cards.
Let me know your experience and setting about energy saving please.

internet on the PPC at work and home

I have a o2 xda neo.
I've been trying to get internet working at both home and work through different settings. After lots of problems, i've done a hard reset and will try again.
Perhaps you can help with the correct settings, as I do not understand this whole Activesync 'the internet' / 'My Work' etc network settings.
I have my neo sync'd to my work pc. Fine. And when I use 'work' on the connection setting, then the internet is also fine on my PPC. HOWEVER, it updates my 'my work' settings on the PPC with my works proxy server ip etc.
OK, i understand that makes it work ok....
But my problem comes next. I want to set my o2 GPRS settings up. And they should go under 'my work' and I need to enter the o2 server IP in there.
But I can't because my work settings are there!!?!?!
So, I have to chose, do i want to use only work settings or only gprs settings...
How can I have both?
- when at work, it has internet fine.
- and on the move, i can use GPRS fine?
A million thanks in advance!
egg said:
I have a o2 xda neo.
I've been trying to get internet working at both home and work through different settings. After lots of problems, i've done a hard reset and will try again.
Perhaps you can help with the correct settings, as I do not understand this whole Activesync 'the internet' / 'My Work' etc network settings.
I have my neo sync'd to my work pc. Fine. And when I use 'work' on the connection setting, then the internet is also fine on my PPC. HOWEVER, it updates my 'my work' settings on the PPC with my works proxy server ip etc.
OK, i understand that makes it work ok....
But my problem comes next. I want to set my o2 GPRS settings up. And they should go under 'my work' and I need to enter the o2 server IP in there.
But I can't because my work settings are there!!?!?!
So, I have to chose, do i want to use only work settings or only gprs settings...
How can I have both?
- when at work, it has internet fine.
- and on the move, i can use GPRS fine?
A million thanks in advance!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
maybe i'm to simple, but i only use Internet settings and don't use @work @all.
And it works fine everywhere, @home, @work, via GPRS and via WiFi. Have you tried this?
and why would you put your gprs setting under Work?
Extremely sorry no one has replied to your post with a solution yet, I maybe too late but I only joined this forum yesterday.
You want multiple Network settings with independent Proxy settings and IP, DNS etc right??
Go to Start>Settings>Connections>Tap connections >go to the "Advanced" Tab. Tap "Select Networks" Here you are given 2 Choices of Network settings you can use. Work Network and Internet (or ISP). You have your work settings saved on Work network so do not edit that. choose the other one and edit it to enter all your GPRS settings. and save as your gprs connection. Now if you want to add a third independent setting, from the select Networks tab, click on new and you can create a third Set of connection settings (for your home maybe). Your PPC can handle 2 simultaneous connection settings perfectly, ex. 1 for Pass through and 2 for GPRS. But each time you want to connect to a third or different setting, you just go to the "Advanced Tab"> select Networks> tap the pull down options menu and select the other connection set that you would like to use et voila it is that simple.

Registry changes for GPRS not shown

If I change a gprs setting connection in the registry is not shown up in the connections window on wm5.
I do a soft reset and still not showing up...if I go into settings connection and make up a new connection setting it tells me that the name already exists ..... anybody seen this before?

how to disable GPRS

Any way to disable gprs in the handset. Some of my applications are using gprs for updating and my service provider is charging me like anything. I have wifi and want to use that alone for data... is there a setting somewhere which will help me in disabling GPRS
i tried the nodata ( nogprs) application but its not working for me
Do you need GPRS at all? If not, go to Settings->Connections->Connections->Manage existing and delete everything.
Setting > Connection and select "my work network" as internet connection instead of your provider's one.
You can change it back anytime you need to really use GPRS
Disable GPRS WM6.5
drgopoos said:
Any way to disable gprs in the handset. Some of my applications are using gprs for updating and my service provider is charging me like anything. I have wifi and want to use that alone for data... is there a setting somewhere which will help me in disabling GPRS
i tried the nodata ( nogprs) application but its not working for me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In the registry you’ve got the following key:
Export this key to enable GPRS later on.
Go inside your data connections and you’ll find a key, “Enabled." This key has a value 1, change this for every connection to 0.
There, you're done.
You could try to go to the Comm Manager and disabling "Phone" and activating Wi-Fi.
Hope this helps!
Try the Moto Toggle Widget on the market. Requires root, but works

Set Wifi as default connection?

Hi everyone,
im a newbie with WM (formally Symbian) and i have a question regarding setting my wifi as a defaut connection whether checking email, browse internet, update my weather...and the etc. is there a way of setting it? everytime i try to update my weather or any internet connection it keep trying to connect to the phone data connection which i did disable and ofcourse it tell me there's a problem with connection.
Any help would be appreciated
settings menu all settings connections connections advanced select networks top dropdown select "the internet" or maybe my work network(I forget what it says).you'll get it when you see
Works perfect - thanks bunch!
Question: Can I somehow setup my device that after I click to update MyWeather automatically connects to WiFi vs clicking ToggleWiFi button?
sorry, no auto on wifi. should think so if you look hard enough.

