OBEX Transfer via Bluetooth - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi all !
Anybody were able to transfer files via BT between PC and TyTn ?
I cannot....
Help, please.

i'm no problem to do that....
try to check the beam option ON and make sure that BT in ON and visible...
try with this...

BT doesnt neet to be visible except you didnt pair the device once. So after paring the device you can make the TyTN hidden and you are able to send files trough OBEX. Worked well since i am transfer some files

fgro said:
BT doesnt neet to be visible except you didnt pair the device once. So after paring the device you can make the TyTN hidden and you are able to send files trough OBEX. Worked well since i am transfer some files
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My laptop and Hermes are both paired and can do ActiveSynch via BT. But when i try from PC explorer "Send To -> Bluetooth" it does not work.
It says "File transfer service is not found on the device.". After i turned on "Receave all beams" it did work fine. I thought that this is for infrared only.
Am i correct here ?

you need to have this activated, otherwise you arent able to receive bt obex files. Its both BT and IR.


How 2 Send Files via BlueTooth

please can somebody tell me the best way to send files via bluetooth.
cheers sipepguru
Obex. Works without pairing, and same code can be used on IR and Bluetooth.

Problem. Can't send files from HP2110 to Wizard via BT.

I have two devices Wizard(qtek 9100, and HP 2110. Error (сan't connect to ..) happens when I try to send file VIA BT from hp to wizard.
Option "receive all incoming connection" in IR settings enabled.
HP 2110 have WIDCOMM BT stack. All neccesary options have been enabled. File trnsfering works with another PDA device (wm2003, widdcom).
PS: Dial up networking via BT doesn't work too
Hi -'Option "receive all incoming connection" in IR settings enabled.' that for infrared.
In settings\bluetooth make sure bt is on and discoverable and you need to pair devices first in settings\bluetooth\devices.
Should work then If not trash your hp lol
Thanks. But option "discoverable" has enabled. In several forums i have seen that IR option "receive all incoming connection" must be enadled too. I think this is problem in communication beetween 2 different BT stack, because I have problem with dialup connection via BT too.
Has anyone had such problemm?

What bluetooth Services are availible on the 8125

I am trying to setup my 8125 to syn with my PC. PC has a 1.1 dongle. When I pair to the pC only services I get are serial port and audio gateway. I am using sumiter2.3AKU Rom.
anyone? PPlease
Just a general plug for a website. If you ever want to check specs on a phone use www.phonescoop.com. According to them the 8125 has: Supported Profiles: HSP, HFP, DUN, OPP, HID, A2DP, AVRC
version 2.0. The serial profile is what will be used to make the connection between your phone and activesync.
When I connected them my Phone only showed Audio Gateway and serial link....while my pc showed networking and audio gateway. I have double checked and my OBEX file transfer is enabled on my phone but not registering with my computer. This Bluetooth dongle has worked awesome with all my other devices for file transfers. any ideas?
Are you trying to use activesync for the transfers or your bluetooth client?
Bluetooth Client
I'm not sure what Bluetooth stack you are using on your PC. I have the Widcomm stack (not sure what version). I have the OBEX profile and it shows up under the bt client software. However, I can only use the business card exchange and not a true file exchange. When I was using an older version of activesync I would initiate transfers to the device using bluetooth (push), but never tried a pull exchange. Is there something specific you are trying to accomplish? It is generally much easier and faster to use the mini SD or a USB method of exchanging files between two devices. BT is just dreadedly slow IMHO. I mostly use BT for A2DP and DUN.
I have the same problem, its not a problem in the PC stack, is the 8125 BT stack fault, lack of file bluetooth transfer OBEX, just imagine take the phone to another PC without activesync and you cant transfer files PC-8125, thats is the problem, i can do that with my rzr.
Maybe a BT stack upgrade?

unable to send files through bluetooth

my mda vario 2 is unable to send files through bluetooth
- to another phone
- to a computer
my phone can not find these 2 devices. Though i am able to receive files wich are send to my mda vario 2 by bluetooth.
need a hand pls
Have you tried using Total Commander? I had that problem with my 8125 before i switched and using total commander solved the problem.
In connections - set beam to receive all beams. this should solve the incoming problem.
when you have bluetooth turned on and beam an item the second line shows it beaming to other bluetooth devices. MS call beam instead of send file for bluetooth as well as IR
Hope this helps

bluetooth mac

Im tryin to send some pictures via bluetooth to my mac.
I tried to go to the picture and hit share then bluetooth..but failed
I also downloaded the app bluetooth file which sends it but says it cant because of object push profile.
The computer is paired but wont really connect
My Headset bluetooth works fine.
Anoyone know how to fix this
i have a macbook and had the same problem, but its really nothing wow
Yo just have to go to System Preferences>Sharing> and check Bluetooth Sharing, then you have other options like: When recieving items: Ask What to do.
Thank You!
no problem

