Pocket Mechanic (AntonTomov) - Installation problems - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I purchased the latest version of AntonTomov's PocketMechanic via Handango and received the registration key immediately after finished purchase procedure.
Installation on my TyTN seemed to work out first (the program accepted the key with a message box and a sound).
But only moments later a message box popped up, telling me I use a pirated version and should turn to the manufacturer, which I did (also mailed Handango).
Meanwhile tried to install PM several times (always removing all traces from both PC and TyTn incl. Registry and rebooted) - to no avail.
Meanwhile received a new serial, but same story again: first accepted and immediately afterwards aborted with Piracy message.
A new complaint mail is on ist way.
Meanwhile I'm asking here if anybody had similar problems in getting the Pocket Mechanics to work on a TyTN.
Appreciating feedback and will let te community know how it worked out for me.

I would not use or buy Tomov's products out of principal.
Found a lot of threads about earlier version doing a hard reset without asking, when inputted a "pirated" serial. So be glad it only shows a box nowdays.
While software piracy is not a good thing, at least for people developing propietary software. Tomov has used a bit too drastic measures to fight

jeezus said:
I would not use or buy Tomov's products out of principal.
Found a lot of threads about earlier version doing a hard reset without asking, when inputted a "pirated" serial. So be glad it only shows a box nowdays.
While software piracy is not a good thing, at least for people developing propietary software. Tomov has used a bit too drastic measures to fight
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This does not make me too comfortable :-(
I also read a few note about that on the net and a reply by Tomov, complaining that this is not true and only a campaign to cut him off his revenues.
Well, I do not know what to believe, however this uncertainty is also not too comfortable...
Well the Pocket Mechanic way of uses some hardware dependent functions and - if you dare to take use of such - you have to either be very careful and also prepared that they might not work on untested and after all very new (such as the TyTN) devices.
I was prepared for all of that but not that I receive a piracy mail (which somewhat alsmost accuses you of being a software pirate and telling you to mail to [email protected]) when I purchased the software (which I can also prove).
Maybe he uses some hardware related mechanism to check eligibility of the serial and as he hasn't tested yet the TyTN (which he admits) this software won't allow being registered at all. I do not know.
But isn't such a meachanism pure over-kill ?
Actually something like that must be going on as I receive this pop up also after a new install and having purged all remnants from the PC, the PDA and the registry.
If I'd be trying out serials just at random, would anyone think that I'll millions of times do that complete procedure just to find any working key at the end of my life maybe ???
(And if I'd be a professional hacker I'd disassemble the code and be able to work around even these barriers.)
So, applying over-kill measures like that only brings problems to decent users, risking to run into problems when using special configurations or ne devices.
Apart from that I must say that Tomov's applications seem well coded and also graphically very nice (one wonders how graphically nice application you can program for PDAs; shame upon Microsoft for their pre-installed poor applications !!!).
Also I see no real alternatives for some functionality he provided within one software, that's why I purchased the PM.
Finally again my question:
Has anyone encountered the same problems with the PM on a HTC TyTN ?
(btw: Thanks "jeezus" for your feedback.)

Might I inquire which funktionality you need?
Maybe we can find an alternative solution.


General Exec questions

Hi all,
I currently own a SPV C500 which is coming to the end of it's life due to the fact the my contract ends v.soon.
Basically how does the Exec fair compared to the SPV, i know it's ALOT more powerful but is it as stable.
After reading alot of threads on here i noticed there seems to be quite a negative vibe around this phone, due to it's unstablity. Is it really that bad? and when i get it (some time next week) will i have to upgrade anything or will it be fine out the box?
edit> oh and can the O2 users get a pdf file reader on it, as i have read somewhere it doesn't have it while the M5000 does :?
thanks all! regards,
The exec compared to the c500, well you will love or hate it
What can I say,
1-Size is big and bulky in contast.
2-Screen is gorgeous
3-Takes a while for screen to flip or rotate.
4-I have had no real dramas with mine
5- If youw nat the pfr reader I can send you that.
6-o2 users get a task manager
7-battery life is nota sgood as your smartphone
8-Takes better pictures
10-Great keyboard
11-How much will you use it?
What are your uses?
I use mine as a basic phone, pim and email device and mp3 pakyer does job great out of the box. I did buy a belt case though.
Re: The exec compared to the c500, well you will love or hat
apple_power said:
What can I say,
11-How much will you use it?
What are your uses?
I use mine as a basic phone, pim and email device and mp3 pakyer does job great out of the box. I did buy a belt case though.
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how much will i use it? roughly 4 hours a day, inc phone calls, music etc.
What uses? Phone (obvioulsy) MP3 player (inc videos) check mail sometimes, recording my lectures for that week (using calendar) plus meetings, use tasks for various stuff. Use word and Excel. Camera when I'm out, games! (I'm still 20 lol)
I'm sure other things which i will find out when i get it.
Must say that I love mine, just be careful what you install (some apps not good for WM5.0 and slow it down). I have had no dramas with mine either although some people have so its not been a universally (scuse pun) good experience for all.
You should also get a BT headset for phone use and install MS voice command + the registry hacks that make it useable from the headset with MSVC.
Beyond that, very nice, very tasteful, love all that............
There's a bit of a negative vibe from certain disgruntled users who've been having problems (caused by 3rd-party software?) but there's a thread in this forum in which people are giving their Universal marks out of ten. The vast majority give it 8/10 or better.
It's a great machine but you have to treat it with care when choosing 3rd-party software to install. Not all developers have released truly compatible versions yet, despite what some of them are claiming...
SiliconS said:
It's a great machine but you have to treat it with care when choosing 3rd-party software to install. Not all developers have released truly compatible versions yet, despite what some of them are claiming...
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Sorry friend, not really true. There are people who have found call problems, BT reception problems, missed calls and some M$ does not always work on the Universal. My experience is that the more features you use the more difficulties you find. I don't regard the problems I have had with the "suspend" feature a problem with third-party s/w.
jah said:
SiliconS said:
It's a great machine but you have to treat it with care when choosing 3rd-party software to install. Not all developers have released truly compatible versions yet, despite what some of them are claiming...
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Sorry friend, not really true. There are people who have found call problems, BT reception problems, missed calls and some M$ does not always work on the Universal. My experience is that the more features you use the more difficulties you find. I don't regard the problems I have had with the "suspend" feature a problem with third-party s/w.
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I'll say it again...
SiliconS said:
There's a bit of a negative vibe from certain disgruntled users who've been having problems (caused by 3rd-party software?) but there's a thread in this forum in which people are giving their Universal marks out of ten. The vast majority give it 8/10 or better.
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Still seems to me that many people have problems because of the software they've installed on their machines. The out-of-the-box Exec is a great, stable machine once the O2 Active stuff is removed. Incompatible 3rd-party software slows the whole machine down, leading to missed calls, slow answering, slow orientation changes, unreliable alarms etc etc. I had these same problems too, at the beginning after I'd installed the trial versions of all the 3rd-party software I wanted. So I removed all the third-party software again (PocketBreeze, PocketPlus, PocketWeather, PocketInformant etc.) and now my Exec is fantastic. I can't remember the last time I did a soft reset and I NEVER force-close any applications. It just works.
I obviously don't know your situation, jah, or which software you're running on your various Universals, but the fact that most people rate their Universal 8/10 or better says more to me than the loudly-shouted problems of unlucky people who have machines like yours.
I would personally say go for it. I initially thought mine was huge, but once you start to use it you soon forget the size. I have had no issues except for my sheer stupidity. I was born with that so used to that now
No honestly from what ytou say, you can quite well get away using the exec as it is out of the box. My brother uses the 02 stuff with his and has not noted ant slow down, mine is now a generic version. I love the screen so hard to go back and use my wizard after using my exec.
if I use "suspend" I miss calls and I have not changed my third-party app installation. And you need third-party apps especially as the PIM in WM5 is very poor. MS Reader - a M$ WM5 app does not work properly with the SD card stored eBooks if you use "suspend". I am not shouting about problems I am being realistic ( I have used Palm OS and Symbian and I also report my issues with those devices). People report problems and in many cases they have removed third-party apps to eliminate the source of problems. Many users have their Execs freeze when SMS arrives (and these users have no third-party apps running) and I my Exec freeze when downloading emails over GPRS/UMTS (as my JJ did). What I have noticed, even though it seems odd, is that my Exec is less stable after I installed the latest ROM from the O2 site. The ROM that came with my Exec seemed more stable.
Few more question ppl (thanks for the previous replies)
Well i finally bought it yesterday! chuffed to bits....(so far)
few niggles though:
1) How do you set profiles? and does it have an "automatic"profile, which changes from "normal" to "discreet" when a meeting is taking place on your calendar?
2) On the "home" screen can you change the font colour from white to black or any other colour?
3) How do you change your bluetooth name?
4) How do check the "call history" when the O2 install type is on "basic"
5) To which folder do you place mp3s or WAVs so that they can be played back as notifications?
6) How do you change skins on WMP? I've downloaded the skins, but which folder do you put it in to enable it?
bump... can anyone help? ^^
jah said:
What I have noticed, even though it seems odd, is that my Exec is less stable after I installed the latest ROM from the O2 site. The ROM that came with my Exec seemed more stable.
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I'm puzzled by this statement - the ROM on the O2 site is the original ROM that all units are shipped with. There is no update yet, although they're working on one.
budo*85 said:
1) How do you set profiles? and does it have an "automatic"profile, which changes from "normal" to "discreet" when a meeting is taking place on your calendar?
2) On the "home" screen can you change the font colour from white to black or any other colour?
3) How do you change your bluetooth name?
4) How do check the "call history" when the O2 install type is on "basic"
5) To which folder do you place mp3s or WAVs so that they can be played back as notifications?
6) How do you change skins on WMP? I've downloaded the skins, but which folder do you put it in to enable it?
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What I know:
1. There is a program PocketZenPhone with this functionality - search the forums. There are also some other sollutions but I don't remember the names
2. You can change the "Theme" of today screen and whole machine, including font colour. Search for Today Themes on the forum
3. This is connected to DeviceID name that you can set in About applet in Settings/System.
4. Can't help you here - don't have O2 branded machine, but in general you have a Call History Button on main Phone Application screen
5. I haven't tried on WM5 machine, but on WM2003 machines you coud not use MP3 by default (there is a hack though). Anyhow you put the files in the Windows\Rings folder.
6. Sorry never did this - but if you do a google search I'm sure there are some instructions out there

Anti theft apps available?

I'm looking for an anti-theft app. I don't know if it exists yet.
Is there an equivalent to the symbian phone apps "Anti-thief" or "EzProtect"? It has some nice features to let your pda "phone home" when someone is tinkering with it, or you can remotely disable your pda by sending a password though sms.
I've been searching over the net and found "Kill-pda" but that can only erase the device completely by sms. Thats a bit overkill :lol:
I hope someone knows, because i learned the hard way that you really need an app like this. My phone got stolen once and I got a Huge A$$$ bill for calling to egypt en italy
edit: I found this description for EzProtect:
The application sends an SMS to your specified number as soon as the SIM card has been changed. By this way, you receive SMS on your friend's (or whoever's number u defined) cell with the thief's cellnumber and SIM number (IMSI) so it becomes very easy to track the thief.
I definately want an app that can do this. And I can imagine a lot of people wanting it too.
There was a discussion about this on HoFo in Oct ober when people first started receiving their Wizards. I think BTT (BeyondtheTech) mentioned something about it. I'll see if I can track it down this evening.
It certainly would be cool.
Check this out! http://www.ppcsg.com/index.php?s=0c0cedfa906ae1b85f844fb7b497def6&showtopic=65021
Hope this works. I have not tried this myself.
Thanks a lot for your help, but that was the program i mentioned in the threadstart "PDAKill".
The only thing it can do is erase the device completely when you send a sms to your pda containing a predifined password.
But when the thief takes out the simcard and puts in his own, then this program would be useless.
Guys, if I've seemed distracted for the last few days, this is why:
I've been working on a program called VJAccioPhone.
It is used to detect if your phone has been stolen and to permit remote use of the stolen phone. Your phone doesn't have to be stolen, eg if for some reason your wife is likely to discover your "niece's" affectionate messages to you, you can send a password protected remote keyword to format your phone and hardreset it. I'm sure you can think of better examples!
It's an expansion of some code I wrote for my unreleased plugin, VJEphemeris, which you can read about here. The release version allows you to do pretty much anything you can do with the phone when it's in your hand, all remotely. Destructive and constructive control.
This is a pre-announcement. I don't like preannouncing, but unfortunately this week I've been on a very limited programming quota due to the ministrations of my better half. So although the code is finally finished, it's being beta tested while I'm away on holiday. If all is well when I get back next week, hopefully I'll try to get it released!
Don't tell anyone else, but you can read about VJAccioPhone and see screenshots here. Please note, and don't ask, there is no download available at the moment.
Aside from that a program like this would be very handy, and I'm quite curious and will keep an eye on it myself, I advise everyone to activate the pin code on their simcard, and always call their mobile operator as soon as the phone is stolen so they can block your number to avoid getting high bills as the topicstarter said... You should also be able to get your number back easily by requesting a new sim card and having your mobile number set to that simcard again.
This may seem obvious to some people, but I just wanted to post it anyway since a lot of people are still not aware of these simple ways to protect yourself.
Absolutely true; in England, the police aren't interested in persuing phone theft, but for you own benefit, you must always have your IMEI blocked and the phone reported stolen immediately to prevent you being charged for calls.
VJAccioPhone will be able to report back to you even if the IMEI has been changed or it's being used abroad etc. It's more for protecting your data on the stolen phone then getting the phone back. Frankly, any thief would do better to throw the phone away then persue cracking strong protections. Stolen phones are easy enough to come by! However, at least a nice passer by might be able to get in touch with you!
Sounds great! Would it be possible to enable the phone ID (Where you can enter your name and contact details) thought this might be good if it was ever found (or part of the hard reset).
Wauw, this is great stuff Vijay!
If you need a beta-tester on the wizard platform, i would highly recommend myself
This would be excactly what everyone needs 8)
Would it be possible to save the configuration settings? Because my idea would be to include the cab file in my extended_rom, and thus make it install itself even after a hard reset. This would mean that the configurations settings also have to be loaded after the hard reset.
Keep up the great work Vijay
frigit: if you mean enable password screen, yes, should be no problem. however i'm thinking of writing a better custom password screen using some strong encryption, with optional destruction on failure.
leploep: of course, it's designed for extended rom etc. right now protection works as a ta k, for the demo, but i'll be writing protection into an invisible app. Remote control is already complete and works transparently when triggered, so the thief won't even realise what you're doing ie there's no sign of the control smss being received to the thief.
eg you can background call the police from the stolen phone
more when i'm back from holiday next week!
This is starting to sound like a killer app - pun intended 8)
I'm in for sure when you get this finished, Vijay!
Already finished for the demo version!
kept me quite busy, developing three intersecting programs, like playing chess! but they all seem to work ok. a friend is testing it hopefully this week then i'll see what i can do for wider release when i get back...
Well vijay555 , you can put me on the list of very interested persons on buying this soft.
Cheers mate.
vijay will this work on all the wm5.0 devices??
i.e. I have the pda2k with wm5.0 and have been looking for a prog like this since i got my device, also is it possible to keep this program after hard reset ?? as you know if a hard reset is done the data is gone, but the user now has an expensive device to start playing with
it's not been tested on wm5 at this time, actually because the guy testing has a wm2003 motorola - gulp! but everything i write is normally wm5 & wm2003 now. there is no reason why it's not wm5 compatible but i'll ensure it is before release. i can certainly say, to my pain, the hardReset keyword is very wm5, i activated it by accident in testing.
retaining it after hard reset is only possible, as far as i am aware, by using a custom ext rom or rom.i've not tried it on my magician or universal, but hopefully your device in particular ext rom customisation is possible. at this time it uses registry & normal exe/dll files to run, so no reason it can't be ext rom'med. hopefully this will be confirmed in testing shortly.
if anyone can think of any particularly useful remote keywords to incorporate drop me a line. as it is, the full version will permit remote .exe launching so it can do pretty much anything
a lot of us have paid an arm and leg for our devices so having that extra peace of mind,knowing that if your device is nicked your going to make it as hard as poss for the theif to try and profit from your loss.
vijay all the best mate so far your app looks very promising iv got the exec running WM05 so if you need a beta tester let me know LOL
and guys if you report your phone as lost make sure your service provider is also going to blacklist the device!
I work for Vodafones in a call centre in the birmingham, UK,but the amount of customer services that is outsoursed to other non vodafone call centres based here in the UK its unbelievable! the amount of complaints I deal with and customers accounts that I come across where the outsourced twats
will admin bar your sim card but not blacklist the handset!
anyway I'll keep my eyes open for any more theftbashing apps and will post on here.
N2h said:
I work for Vodafones i
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But have an O2 phone.....
Whow V.
Looks very very promising.. !
Great Job man :!:
i'd be happy to check it on my devices :wink:
lol mcwarre
even with our staff accounts we can't get the pdas as they are only available for busniess customers to be honest with you don't know why vodafone is stupid enough not to sell to normal consumers its the biggest network in the uk,
the staff phones we do get we gets 12 months line rental free lol
annnnd from all the universals I think the exec with its black shell looks the most stunning-the white shell devices just look a tad bulkier! lol

Windows Mobile 5 and Magician - Why

Since this has always been a "hot topic" on this forum, I have a simple question for all you Magician users.
What are the top 3 reasons you want it / don't want it for Magician.
Here's mine to start you off:
1. I don't want to be left behind
2. New Mobile 5 looks better
3. I want to be able to use charts in Pocket Excel
Let's avoid the WM5 upgrade saga again. We know we won't get an upgrade for Magician. Well, not until May at any rate. (!)
OK - Here's my why not:
1. WM2003SE is stable
2. It already does what I want
3. I can wait till I'm due for an upgrade from my network.
No WM5,
1. 2003 is stable
2. the screen is too small for specials
3. I can wait for a new provider offer (WM5 should be stable by then)
Why not WM5:
1. It's a lot slower, especially at starting programs
2. Not all software is yet WM5 compatible.
3. You have to buy the latest versions of many of your software to have it WM5 compatible. Most updates are not for free.
4. The Magician just doesn't have enough ROM to run WM5 properly
I can't think of any compelling reasons to switch to WM5 that are of a positive significance (btw, I can't count to 3):
-CF 2 works on both.
-Security signing is a pain in the bottom.
-It's slower.
-Ok it has some useful networking functions, but it loses wifi Activesyncing. WTF? Not to mention ActiveSync.
-WM5 interface, perhaps the most potentially useful idea with the softkeys, but inconsistent execution. And I have some ideas about bringing some of the benefits to Wm2003.
-I have the Magician and the Universal. I was just telling my better half about the Universal users' experience with dropping phone calls being able to answer. It's a beautiful device, but once again, what were they on?
Ok, too many others, I'm starting to http://www.ladyofthecake.com/mel/space/images/alien.jpg]sweat and convulse[/url]. Better stop for now.
With a device like the Magician where the size is more phone-ish than pda-ish, I'd be inclined to say that most people use it primarily is a mobile phone with the additional functionality of a PDA, MP3 player, etc.
I upgraded to the HTC Prophet just because I want to have the latest. But now that I had it for over 2 to 3 weeks I can say that I would never switch back to WM2003. Single-handed operation with WM5 is very easy, intuitive and practical to say the least.
And when the battery is really low, like less than 30%, I feel safer listenening to the last few MP3s, knowing that I will not lose anything when the battery goes flat.
With regards to performance, I find it suprising how people find loading prorams on Wm5 noticeably slower than WM2003. I was using my old magician yesterday and the performance is just about the same. Th onlt thing I found slower on WM5 is changing the SIP.
Plus, WM5 can do without 3rd party programs like Caller Id, Photo Contacts, etc. cause they are all integrated with the OS. For example, there were times when a picture that I assign to a contact won't show up during a call with the Magician. This never happened to me since I started using WM5. And since contact pictures are synchronised with Outlook I don't need to re-assign them again after a hard-reset.
Finally regarding stability, yes there is software that is not compatible with WM5 yet, but most of the best software is already compatible. I'm using the following software and never had to reset my PPC:
SPB Diary
Resco File Exporer 5
MS Voice Command
and a couple of games
Personally, I think it's quite a stable platform. The only thing that annoys me is that sometimes Wm5 (or the Prophet) loses the storage card after being on standby, and the media stored on it is not always immediately available. You'd have to wait those 3 sec sometimes. But this will hopefully be fixed in the next ROM update. If not, I'm still happy with the overall package
Just my 2cents!
Hokay. Regarding WM5... I have never come across an OS that actually requires a file that YOU OWN signed by an EXTERNAL AUTHORITY instead of yourself, and that purposefully ignoring this warning to install said files doesn't necessarily mean it won't be blocked when you try to run it (goodbye backward compat). I thought this technology was strictly for web only.
Stick to WM2003, at least it has the decency to trust its own owner. -.-'
Re: Meh.
Ultimate Chicken said:
Hokay. Regarding WM5... I have never come across an OS that actually requires a file that YOU OWN signed by an EXTERNAL AUTHORITY instead of yourself, and that purposefully ignoring this warning to install said files doesn't necessarily mean it won't be blocked when you try to run it (goodbye backward compat). I thought this technology was strictly for web only. '
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I dont understand - what situation is this coming up?
Well, I have some games on my O2 Xda mini. I tried transferring them to my sister's new Atom.
Message I got from installing was the generic 'this program is not signed by a trusted source'. I ignored it and installed anyway.
But when I tried to run it, guess what? 'Program cannot be run because it is either not signed with a trusted certificate or some files are missing. Please reinstall...'. This was from an installer works perfectly on my Mini.
Did some research, Win Mobile 5.0 will also generate this error when you attempt to execute something with a DOS parameter at the back. It also blocks stuff that do not require installation; Scummvm 8.0 was halted with the same error message. I know the latest Windows OS's have File Execution Prevention but it was never as anal and obnoxious as to go 'I do not want to let it run. So there. Nyah.'
Seeking the Caller ID (Photo Contacts)
kta said:
Plus, WM5 can do without 3rd party programs like Caller Id, Photo Contacts, etc. cause they are all integrated with the OS. For example, there were times when a picture that I assign to a contact won't show up during a call with the Magician.
Just my 2cents!
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When I was using the I-Mate Jam (Magician) I really liked the "Photo Contacts" program they had, which was actually "Caller ID 1.6" allegedly from IA Styles of late. But it cannot seem to be found anywhere. I have looked from freeware sites to pirate sites and cannot find it. I downloaded and used "Photo Contacts 4.1" for a pretty penny, but it did not allow for animated .gif contact images. I REALLY liked that. Does anyone know where this program can be found? Can any of you remove and distribute it from your phone or from a ROM?
papakeithjenkins said:
When I was using the I-Mate Jam (Magician) I really liked the "Photo Contacts" program they had, which was actually "Caller ID 1.6" allegedly from IA Styles of late. But it cannot seem to be found anywhere. I have looked from freeware sites to pirate sites and cannot find it. I downloaded and used "Photo Contacts 4.1" for a pretty penny, but it did not allow for animated .gif contact images. I REALLY liked that. Does anyone know where this program can be found? Can any of you remove and distribute it from your phone or from a ROM?
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Why don't you download it from the xdadevs FTP server? There are the ExtRoms for Magician with the cab files.
But be careful, you seem to run a WM5 device, it might not run (and force you to hard reset)
Actually WM6
In reality I have upgraded my system to WM6 Pro now and I will let you all know how loading this cab on my Hermes does with WM6. I loved this program when it was running on my Magician (which I gave away to my friend/biz partner) and have tried Photo Contacts Pro 4.yada.yada, and was not happy with THAT. Even got a refund.
Thanks a bunch Dude
Only took a minute
I found it right where you said I would and downloaded it and installed it and soft reset and . . . when I tried to asign a photo it got a headache and gave me a message about being unable to use the program for somereason.
I unistalled it from the system and did another soft reset and while I don't have menu access to assign photos, I can open the edit screen on a contact and assign a photo there.
Maybe I should reload the program again and try accessing it from the Edit screen too? We shall see.
Otherwise, I think I shall attempt installing it on my wife's Blue Angel.
littld said:
We know we won't get an upgrade for Magician. Well, not until May at any rate. (!)
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what makes you think we will get an upgrade then ???
sorry n00b magician owner here only had it for a week
any tips?
Greatest 'Photo Contacts' ever
I installed the photo contacts on my wifes Blue Angel - WM2003 - and it was excellent - I only wish someone could make the same program work on my Hermes with WM6. It has the unique ability to use animated .gif images and I LOVE THAT!!!
If anyone could pull this one off I would be overjoyed. I have attached the version with which I am familiar. And if you can't make it work for WM6 - or WM5 - it already works on WM2003 really well. I have loaded it on a couple of Wallabies, a Magician with a new ROM and a Blue Angel - all with great joy in its application.
littld said:
Let's avoid the WM5 upgrade saga again. We know we won't get an upgrade for Magician. Well, not until May at any rate. (!)
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what's happening in may!!!!!
why dont we have it yet?
PharaohSam said:
what's happening in may!!!!!
why dont we have it yet?
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As we can clearly see and hear from this video, there will be rain in may!
"Rain in May, wipes your worries away"...

Activesync backwards steps

Apart from all the nightmares about making AS 4.2 work with the Wizard at all and then making it RLAD when it does work, there seem to several backwards steps.
Like, the fact that there's no backup facility.
Like the fact that conflicts between PC and PDA only have an option to overwrite one or the other as a default not highlight the issue like previous versions.
Any others people can think of ?
Yes - assuming you are comparing it to a 3.x version running with a wm2003 pocket pc:
- you can't sync over wifi (I find this REALLY annoying)
- it doesn't sync properly with avantgo (though you can use the avantgo program to sync when the device is cradled)
it's a complete back'o'****e as far as I'm concerned.
Please email Microsoft support and tell them what you think......Surely can't hurt.
I relented and purchased Sunnysoft's backup manager to replace that bit of the functionality, just something too importantant not to have. It's only $14.95, damn good little app.
Yes, much as it offends my cheapskate nature to pay for software. Since it does it's job (unlike most Microsnot sw) and it is cheap (unlike most Microsnot sw) I may actually have to pay for it now the trial has expired.
Ho hum
I have never used the old 3.* activesync version since I started with a WM5 phone (HTC Wizard) but in my opinion the 4.* versions have hardly ANY use at all. I had a SonyEricsson P900 before this and the software for that had nearly everything one could need. The reason to disable all the features they had in the 3.* ActiveSync versions is one I will never understand. Does anyone have the Support-Email from Microsoft? We should start a petition and send them the link
1. Wifi + Bluetooth Sync
2. Backup possibility
3. Fix the problems with activesync disconnecting
4. Fix Avantgo and Worldmate sync issues
5. ...
5. Lack of support for .mdb - .cdb conversion
AS 4.1 is, as you say, a bag of ****e.
As for the "security issues" associated with sync over wi-fi - then write some code to allow admins to bloody well disable it not just remove the facility.
Another bag of ****e - the MS BT stack, why do we pay for this junk :x
There's really no excuse for a company as big as Micro$oft churning out software as flaky as this. It's not their first attempt at this, it's not even a beta. When you consider some of the great (and stable) bits of software out there for the pocket PC that have been written by enthusiastic amatuers in their bedrooms. I never had these sort of problems 15 years ago with my Psion Organiser. So much for progress :x
darrin2101 said:
I never had these sort of problems 15 years ago with my Psion Organiser. So much for progress :x
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Amen m8! AMEN!!
Let's not forget the broken uninstall feature...
I might be just just really unlucky, but I seem to loosing the uninstall lottery more time than I win it. As a matter of fact of the last 8 programs I have tried and decided to uninstall from my 8125, none have uninstalled properly - most not at all.
I'm sure this has been a boon for the 3rd party backup program vendors like spb (which is a great product actually) but it really limits ones ability to try before you buy on a production device. Almost makes it so you need a seperate test machine. Is this the method behind the madness?
AS 4.x is truely a step backwards. I'm AMAZED no one has come out with an alternative. But then again I'm not a programmer and so don't know the full extent of what that would involve. I put $50 down. Shall we create a kitty and see who takes the project on? Is it even possible?
Unbelievably Frustrated with AS 4.x
Let's not forget the broken uninstall feature...
I might be just just really unlucky, but I seem to loosing the uninstall lottery more time than I win it. As a matter of fact of the last 8 programs I have tried and decided to uninstall from my 8125, none have uninstalled properly - most not at all.
I'm sure this has been a boon for the 3rd party backup program vendors like spb (which is a great product actually) but it really limits ones ability to try before you buy on a production device. Almost makes it so you need a seperate test machine. Is this the method behind the madness?
AS 4.x is truely a step backwards. I'm AMAZED no one has come out with an alternative. But then again I'm not a programmer and so don't know the full extent of what that would involve. I put $50 down. Shall we create a kitty and see who takes the project on? Is it even possible?
Unbelievably Frustrated with AS 4.x

Is JDB PocketShield no longer supporting Windows Mobile?

I love this program. It can be configured in so many ways and the options are so easy and clear to understand.
I have Protection Edition Version thats newer then the they are selling on there websight at http://www.pocketshield.net/activate.aspx for a sale price of $5.
I think they stopped supporting it. Its a real bummer for me that I can not activate because I had to hard reset again and pocket shield is not liking my original activation code and email. They have not responded to my many emails I sent using the program itself and the contact page on there websight and my yahoo account too. I see they are selling it for only $5 now. I cant find a crack or keygen so I will soon be forced to buy it again. Kind of makes me mad.
I have tried many many other screen lock programs but none come close to pocket shield. They just dont cover all possible situations like PS does.
Does any one have any info on there current standing with us windows mobile users? Have they totally dropped the ball? It would be nice if they would put out a keygen or free version because it seems like they are abandoning us.
They have not abandond us!
It was months ago that I had the problem of them not responding. Today I tried one last time sending them an email about an activation problem. Purposely leaving out any further data. They responded fast asking what program. I re sent my original text with my email and registration code and they responded fast saying I should re try registration now. I did and it worked. I will never know what happened to cause a no response but now I am happy again they have not abandoned us. Thank you pocket shield.
Dude, I was wondering should I buy this software or not, cuz using the full trial verison, got me very high immpresions about PS . If any other simillar program got near PS that was without a doubt S2U2 latest version, but not close enough. The latest S2U2 version (I think its 2.43 if I'm correct) it is not that battery hungry like previous versions, it is much more stable than any other previous versions of S2U2 and it is not eating RAM like previous versions did.
About PocketShield, I did a lots of reading and researching is it good, is it battery friendly, etc. Then I got the trial version of and cuz in those 14 trial period days I didn't have that much time to watch the battery respond to this program. So I will ask you for a little feedback and help with this program:
1. Is it a battery friendly program?
2. Is it a RAM friendly program?
3. What is your personal experiance with using it?
4. Where did you get version When I d/l form their site, it said , but when I install it, it says
If you used S2U2 2.43 you can make a comparassion with that with answering my questions. I have Samsung Omnia i900 with custom light rom WM6.5.3
Thank you in advance
1. Is it a battery friendly program?
Yes in fact your battery will last longer with it.
2. Is it a RAM friendly program?
I dont know. I had not noticed any problems here.
3. What is your personal experience with using it?
Most of the time its fine but every 5 months or so it Slows the phone down at times reinstalling it is the only thing I found to get it back to normal.
4. Where did you get version When I d/l form their site, it said , but when I install it, it says
I installed and checked after install and it says its
S2U2 does not have near as may options and is not as capable. Once you set up PS to do exactly what you want when you want you will be willing to pay any price for it. It truely does cover all situations and will not let you down.
travissand said:
I think they stopped supporting it. Its a real bummer for me that I can not activate because I had to hard reset again and pocket shield is not liking my original activation code and email. They have not responded to my many emails I sent using the program itself and the contact page on there websight and my yahoo account too. I see they are selling it for only $5 now. I cant find a crack or keygen so I will soon be forced to buy it again. Kind of makes me mad.
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Well, I came across this page as I found myself in the same situation as above. I recently had to re-install PocketShield v3.7.0.8 after flashing my HTC HD2 to the latest CrossbowHD2 Rom, and realised that I could no longer register my purchased software online. I believe that there's either a count on the number of times you are allowed to use the PIN code for activation, or how many times it is used within a time period before it gets deactivated permanently by JDB.
So like travissand, I sent email after email to JDB and got no response. It's very frustrating because this is the only software I've purchased and installed on my Windows Mobile phone that requires online activation. To add insult to injury, I didn't get it at the current discounted price either.
Driven to desperation, I started searching online for hacks or cracks for this program, none of them worked. Fortunately in the process, I learnt enough to finally figured out what the program activation code checks for. Since I have a backup of my previous phone including it's registry, I was able to modify the necessary registry keys to finally get my new reinstalled PocketShield v3.7.0.8 activated and out of trial/bug mode offline, without requiring server authentication.
I know it only costs $5 to get a new license (assuming they are still handing those out) but I don't really feel like paying another dime when I legitimately paid for and did not pirate the software, Several Windows Mobile developers are simply giving away their previously commercial software since WM5/6 is considered a legacy system. I also hate it that when (not if) JDB decides to take their authentication server offline, you not only can't re-install and activate their software anymore, neither can you switch skins. FYI, you MUST be online to download the skins catalog and to install a skin, even if it was one that you had previously downloaded and installed before. As I mentioned, this is the only Windows Mobile program that I own which has this ridiculous requirement.
[Edit] Don't bother asking me for the Windows Mobile registry keys that the program checks or my license key, PIN or email. This is not just because I don't wish to pirate the program, but also because I believe the activation is hardware specific and wouldn't work on another device... a nasty form of copy protection. Urgh!

