Annoying Device Lock - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi All,
I have a VPA Compact II (Cingular 8125) and am synchonizing this with the Exchange Server of my company.
My company have set a policy that the device is locked after 15 minutes.
My problem here is that I am using a navigation software and during my ride the device igets locked every 15 minutes. Very annoying.
Anybody knows a solution for this?
Is there a way to keep alive the device?

SOrry found the solution already.
Sorry again
Let me know how it works. I've received zero feedback on this. I'm curious if people are using it, but just not posting feedback or if its too damn complicated and I need to refine my directions.

I just installed and configured it as you discribed.
Unfortunately my device still gets locked up after 15 minutes (from the policy).
Till the 15 minutes are over the device is kept alive. Normally the backlight would die after 2 minutes, it now stays switched on.
Any idea?
I used the short methode of step 3.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Couple of questions first....
1) What gps software are you using?
2) When you open SKScheMa, does it say "WATCH ON" in the lower right corner?

Using TomTom.
Yes its ON

I think its a wizard or WM5 problem as it happens with me when listening to MP3s too
Sucks having a 15min lock policy, as i just set a 1hr timeout for mine and its enough to stp it irritating you much.
Is there anyway you can just "Forget" the policy or are you unable to.

Try these files...
Delete the old sksc and sksw file and try these files.
If they work, I'll post them to the original thread (which you posted in your second post). Place these files as described in steps 2 & 3. Sorry for the headache.
Let me know if this works.

Hmmm sorry to say, still the same.
It keeps the device alive till the 15 minutes policy comes in.
Might this be some other kind of trigger?

Some new files....
Sorry for the headaches. What I'd like to try next is have you try a new set of files. The ones you tried yesterday was supposed to prevent the device from locking by simulating the pressing of the "home" key. I'm wondering if this key doesn't work on your Wizard (I'm using a Universal). These new files will now simulate the pressing of the "enter" button. (Just so you know, when I tested this program on my JasJar/Universal, I did find that using certain "simulated" keys would not work. So maybe the "home" key doesn't work on your Wizard.).
Now this will not be the end solution. When you press the enter key when TomTom is running, it will bring up the main menu. When you press the enter button a second time, it returns you to the navigation screen. I want to test to see if SKScheMa is running properly. If it is, when you launch TomTom and don't touch anything, you should be able to see the screen cycle between the main menu and the navigation screen every 58 seconds.
Let me know if you see this behavior.

First of all thanks a lot that you are helping out here.
It doesn't seem to work. The screen does NOT change to the menu and back.
One comment, because I have a German device (unfortunately) , the program is in German as well. But that should not be a problem with the script I think.
You mention in your guide do click to ok button on the right top side. This closes the program and I do not find it running when looking under the started programs in settings. Is this correct?
I also tried not clicking ok, but this does not change anything.
Just trying to think with you. Is the ENTER key the same code as on your device?
BR Rogier

Thanks for the info on German. My guess is that the application name may be different (i.e. it's not TomTom Navigator but rather a German title). There's a relatively easy way to check.
First open TomTom.
Next, press the 'contacts' button.
From there, you should see the Windows Start Menu. Go to Windows Start -> Settings -> System -> Memory -> Running Programs.
There should be a list of the applications running. Do you see "TomTom Navigator" or something else?
P.S. I think the code will work on non-english versions, but only the developer can really answer that.

The Name of TomTom Navigator is the same.
Also the SKSchema Program is in German of course :-(
Is there an other option in SKSchema I can test to see if this is working at all?
(I am waiting on a new english ROM from our IT department.)

You can experiment and create some "watch" functions/programs. I recommend that you use the program to create some test cases. Here's a link to their instructions on how to create watch programs (and scripts too):
For example, when I learned how this program work, I created "test cases" in the watch section of the program. Some things you may want to try:
When a program is running (make it easy by using Contacts, Calendar, etc), play a sound.
Once you've created this "watch" script, SKScheMa will "watch" for the program to be launched and when I sees that it has been launched, it will continuously play a sound while the program is running.
Once you've sucessfully completed the sound test, you just start customizing it to your needs. For example, the next test may be to simulate pressing a key when the application is running. The simulation of pressing a key should prevent your device from locking. Using this test, you can see if your device still "locks" after 15 minutes.
P.S. I'm sorry you're having so much difficulty. If I can help you further (not that I've really helped you thus far), please let me know.

He no worries, I will have a look this weekend.
Many thanks.

Unlocked device and updated to english ROM (finally).
Will test again.

simulating the pressing of the "enter" button now seems to work. COOL.
Will test with the other file now.

Ooooooo YES!!!!!
I am a Happy Man. This works now.
Seems the German Version of the Utility does not liked the script or so.
On an Englisch ROM all seems to work fine.
Thanks a lot for your help.

I'm glad it worked out. I can't help but wonder....why does the language make a difference. I'm not a programmer so I guess I'll never know.
BTW, you can use SKTools to keep other programs open too. Let's say you want to keep your device alive while surfing the internet. You can develop a similar script for Pocket Internet Explorer/Opera/NetFront. I use it to keep alive TomTom and iGuidance. Take care. Justin

Thanks a lot for the tip.


NEW! [MAGICIAN ONLY] VJLumos - Superbright screen! RTFM

[Update Nov 7: Universal too! Use VJLumosLite]
If you follow this thread you’ll see discussion of the bizarre behaviour of the Magician’s screen when you start the camera; the screen momentarily goes whiter than white, nay, SuperBright. However, this level of brightness has been hidden from us in normal use.
I have developed a technique for using this SuperBright mode. I’m not too proud of it, because it’s an “ugly hack”, meaning a bit of a cheat. The ideal way to do this would be to reverse engineer the camera program, camera driver or screen driver and find out how it does this. I didn’t do this. I basically trick the system into thinking the camera is always running, hence always SuperBright.
Now, it basically works. However, and I cannot stress this enough, IT IS DANGEROUS.
Initially, I accept no responsibility for use of this program on your hardware.
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I don’t know the effect of running your screen so bright for prolonged periods. However, it’s basically just enabling the camera, so if the camera works SuperBright safely, I guess this should too.
The SuperBright mode can ONLY be achieved once per soft reset. So that means, use it once, and then when you power off the Magician it will go back to normal brightness again. If you try to run your camera again, it WILL HARD RESET the Magician. Let me say that again. Hard Reset. Not soft. So take a backup before use, and use wisely, and say no to drugs. To reenable SuperBright you will have to soft reset again.
VJLumos cannot (hopefully) be shut down after it’s been run, to remind you that you’ve run it once so don’t be a fool and run the camera again. Or it will hard reset your phone. Did I mention this?
VJLumos will show you a warning on startup. This can be optionally overridden by starting the program with a command line “silent”, eg
“vjlumos.exe silent”
I reiterate. I did not want to release this program because it is an ugly hack, works only once per soft reset and can hard reset your Magician. But I’ve been asked to release it, so caveat emptor.
This program took quite a while to develop and release, so if you want to express thanks or monetary vengefulness, please feel free to send a donation to my “Buy Vijay a WM5 device so he can keep pumping out the goods” campaign.
I need to buy a WM5 device to finish developing a ton of good stuff I can’t share with you guys yet. However, my Magician’s only a few months old and my better half won’t let me spend more cash now, so if I save up, you guys will reap the rewards. My stuff will generally be free or nearly free, particularly for XDA forum users. Stay tuned for more goodies on show shortly.
Click here to make a donation. :wink:
Guys, if you use this, successfully or not, please post. I need to keep track of how it works.
Download VJLumos.exe
Update - Lite version
If the automatic version (above) doesn't work for you, please try the "lite" version. To use this one:
1. Place a shortcut to VJLumosLite in your startmenu (no installer included for now).
2. Start the camera.
3. Click the tools option (second icon in the bottom right corner).
4. Click the tools menu.
5. Choose Adjust...
6. Now go to your startmenu and run VJLumosLite.
7. Hopefully after a few seconds you'll return to the today screen in SuperBright mode.
8. If you get an error message, please PM me with details of your setup.
Download VJLumosLite.exe
Further update, camera.exe
It appears that there are different versions of the camera.exe program on our phones. I'm using ROM 1.12. If you have incompatibilies, you can download the camera.exe from my ROM here. Install it in your \windows\ folder. If there are any copyright issues I'll take it down.
PS Did I mention the hard reset? Don’t run the camera again after VJLumos. And backup BEFORE first use in case you forget.
PPS Oh, and if you find yourself in a strange screen with a cross on it, press hangup (the red key) or somehow go back to Today screen.
PPPS I don't recommend putting this in your startup folder. It needs to play around with the camera, and your startup may be slow, causing problems with interacting with it.
Congrats for achieving what you've done so far
Chatty, did it work with your amputated camera?
Well, no. It says "Couldn't start adjust dialog". That's a big hint towards how you did it ;-)
Now I'm gonna soft reset and pray I won't face an unwanted hard reset regardless what I'm doing.
I've left all debug messages in, and of course, as discussed in the other thread, that's exactly how I did it!
The camera program will obviously not start up when it doesn't find a camera then. I can't think of any other way to make it work for you.
Any chance you could have just changed the faceplate on your phone, rather than remove the camera? At work we've got some great adhesive silver foil, which I've used to cover the back of my magician (and ipod) with. It looks ok, and prevents scratching when throwing it down on the desk. It would cover the camera part well I think, and not look too poo.
Did it hardreset?
Luckily it didn't hard reset yet... but with Radio 1.13 I have the strange problem, that after a soft reset I get a msg like there's no driver for my BT hardware and I shall enter a name for the driver?! After a few power off/on it works again.
Changing the faceplate only would violate firm's policy I guess because you could always take away the plate, shoot photos and send them away immediately via MMS. I can faithfully admit I've got no "PDA with camera", I only got an allowed "PDA without camera". Another thing is, it's easily undoable. I needed this already for using my warranty.
Has anyone (else) tried this yet? I need to know if it works or needs deleting... please post either good or bad.
I can't test it because i don't know how to use the command line
If i start the file it shows me a warning message and after 3 seconds the screen return normal.
Andrea - when I said that if you don't know how to use a command line you shouldn't use it, I was just being careful. You don't need to use a command line.
Run the program. You'll get the warning. Then just click ok. What happens after that? On my system it goes through its actions for a couple of seconds, then returns to the Today screen with the new brighter screen.
On my magician it shows a warning message and after start camera and shows a message: "Couldn't find adjust dialog" then i press ok and there are 2 black windows open, i close them and the camera is on. I turn off camera and the screen returns to normal brightness
i'll hopefully release a simpler more compatible version tomorrow morning. Sorry you guys who are having troubles.
I'm waiting to test it! :lol:
Andrea, I've posted a lite version, please read the first post again and download.
All If the automatic version doesn't work for you, please PM me with your setup, eg startup programs, rom, or any special stuff you might be running. It runs perfectly on my 1.12 Magician, but I can't test it on any other. However, do try the new lite version, which requires you to manually go to the camera's Adjust... dialog, and then run VJLumosLite. It should return to the today screen in bright mode.
Oh, and I've updated the original version as well (updated version) to give it more time to find the windows it needs. Please try this version if it didn't work before, but you have had success with vjlumoslite which should work for everyone).
Please tell me if it works or not
Vijay, u've got a new pm!
@code72: He can see that for himself... why did you post here without any further information? This way it's useless for everyone.
Sorry Chatty i was excited.
I've sended him my configuration and the screen of error message.
(Vijay wrote: If the automatic version doesn't work for you, please PM me with your setup)
My screen capture is:
Guys, code72 got it working. It appears that we have different versions of the camera.exe program on our phones. Don't know how that happened. I'm using ROM 1.12.
If you have incompatibilies, you can download the camera.exe from my ROM here. Install it in your \windows\ folder. If there are any copyright issues I'll take it down.
Also, Code72 asked if I could update the program to prevent the Hard Reset. I'm afraid I can't, I wish I could. The hard reset happens because basically I'm forcing the camera to think it's on (even when it's off), to force the bright screen. However, then, if you try to start the camera again, it discovers that it thinks it's already on, conflicts with itself and crashes out badly. So, the only choice is not to run the camera twice... sorry guys. If I come up with a better solution, I'll post it.
Thanks Vijay, for me VjlumosLite works ok. The screen is very brightness wow!
I've put vijay's camera.exe file in Windows folder, i've put VjlumosLite on SD card, i've created a shortcut to VjlumosLite in start menu then:
start camera
press camera settings
press tools->adjiust
press start menu VjlumosLite and.....
Wow, u are in today screen with a very brightness screen!
has someone tried this?
Guys, I've just managed to get a Universal, and guess what? VJLumosLite works!?

XDA Mini S wont load TOMTOM 5.21

New to the forum, been reading a lot of the posts over past week or so, I hope some of you knowledgable types out there can help me beacuse I am close to suicide here!
I have an o2 XDA Mini s, have had it for about 3 months now, originally had tomtom 5 installed and working with my bluetooth gps no bother, everything was all ok, however over last weekend I had to hard reset the xda and since then when I install tomtom it goes theru the first setup procdure, you get to select a voice, you test the voice, slect next and nothing happens, at one point it was left on this screen for 30 mins, it appears as if the xda has crashed, however if I press the hang up key the tomtom screen disappears and takes me back to the main screen and lets me use the xda again no bother, but the small tomtom hands are still visible int eh bottom right corner.
I have tried everything, I upgraded to tomtom 5.21 from the tomtom site, I removed all the celeb voices i had in case maybe they were faulty, I have reinstalled about 6 times, even trying an install disk I got from a colleague but nothing seems to work.
Please help me before I throw myself off the nearest bridge.
Many thanks for any help.
p.s I do not install from a CD I install via the 5.21 exe from the tomtom wesbsite.
cheers again
yes - I had this problem too..... its down to the checking of running signed code - basically its waiting for you to ok the next bit.
There is a tweak program recently in the forums (registry tweaker?) that on the third tab has a way of disabling the signed code popup
spants said:
yes - I had this problem too..... its down to the checking of running signed code - basically its waiting for you to ok the next bit.
There is a tweak program recently in the forums (registry tweaker?) that on the third tab has a way of disabling the signed code popup
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Actually its the "easy tweaking thread" ...
cheers for the replies
are you talking about the registry wizard by nico thats mentioned in this thread
Just wanted to double check before i go installing uit to the xda mini s
cheers again
thats it.....
you do have a Wizard? im not sure what the mini s is
how can i find out exactly?
sorry to ask so many questions but i'm pretty new to using the XDA's
cheers again
ok found it it is a wizard, found a bit of info on a site somewhere.
anyway, i have installed the registry wizard, i have ticked the box on the third tab called "disable security warning non cert. app"
reinstalled tomtom, but i am still getting the same soon as i press select to confim selection of the jane voice it just stops, nowt happens.
any help greatly appreciated
quick update, I managed to get the tomtom to load, managed to pair the bluetooth gps, everything runs great now....except there are no sounds in tomtom whatsoever, the voices etc are there and can be selected but when I press test, nothing, there is also no sound for the poi either, can anyone shed any light on this problem
p.s all other sounds in the actual xda itself are working ok, so it must be a tomtom problem somewhere.
U have to install tom tom and the maps voices etc, then go into tomtom, select the voice, then it asks you to activate, at this point exit out of tomtom, now copy the already activated tomtom.exe file over to the program files/navigator folder, overwrite the one thats there and hey presto tomtom now fully working.

MS Voice Command when unit is closed?

Hi all, I am new to this forum.
I own a Dopod 900, and currently trying to get MS Voice Command to work properly with my unit. I believe one of the problem with this application is that it does not respond to command while the unit is in closed mode (the pda screen in inside). Is solution to this problem already available?
I have searched the forum but have not been able to find any solution. I apologize if I missed it, please kindly point me to that posting if there is any.
Any advise is greatly appreciated.
- Josh :?:
From what I've read so far there isn't a fix I'm afraid. It's not fully compatible with WM2005 and will just have to wait for an update from Microsoft :-(
Thanks for your reply. That's too bad. I really have high hope that there is a solution for just this one problem, as there are already tweaks for the other problems. Being unable to receive command in closed mode really make MS Voice Command very much less usable. Too bad.
- Josh
I agree, but at least it's a step up with the other voice dial (that comes it with?). Couldn't do dialling from BT headset at all on WM2003 :-(
The "closed mode" doesn't bother me as I carry the Exec round in a Krusell case, with screen up. This allows me to instantly answer the phone when it rings (having seen who's calling first on the screen).
But there are a few more annoying problems with MS Voice Command 1.5 (I have UK version) present under Windows Mobile 5.0.
This one is unique to WM5.0:
- The first is when I try to call up a certain contact by "Show John Smith", it would show John Smith's contact under WM2003/03SE, but under WM5.0 it just shows blank screen on the Summary tab. This is still a proper contact, if you go to Notes tab, you see proper notes for this contact. You can press Edit and it will be edited... BUT, meanwhile if you just open Contact app, the ones you open are working great.
The following coupla' niggles are also present under WM2003/03SE.
- The days of week when answering "What date is it today" (somehow UK regional settings don't even have it, so I had to enable it in registry under NLS settings) -- all are announced correctly except Wednesday & Thursday, which are sounding simply as "Wed" and "Thu" instead of proper name.
- The signal strength for 1,2,3 and 4 "units" is announced as 30, 60, 90 and 100% correspondingly, instead of 25,50,75,100 which would seem more logical here. I don't know though if it's just caused by something real or an attempt to easily convert
That said, the application is enormously useful especially with the Krusell case, because the carrying shape for Exec in this case is PDA shape with screen up; but it's protected by screen cover of the case and you can't really write on the screen without opening the case -- so voice activation of programs and then controlling them by 5-way navigation control, is really a great way of using the Exec Examples of these programs are the eWallet (ever forgotten your PIN numbers or clothes size?) and speaking date/time, very convenient when you can't look down there.
Hopefully Microsoft corrects these small errors - the WM5.0 devices are the future.
EastExpert said:
Hopefully Microsoft corrects these small errors - the WM5.0 devices are the future.
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Really, MS should have had this wrapped up ages ago. So disappointed. I want a device like the Exec, but with Voice Command fully working and A2DP sorted, and it's a shame I still can't get all this.
I was so used to the VC software on my JAM, shame the Exec is giving problems.
And I'm tired of tangling my headphones up...
MS, sort all this out already.
EastExpert said:
The first is when I try to call up a certain contact by "Show John Smith", it would show John Smith's contact under WM2003/03SE, but under WM5.0 it just shows blank screen on the Summary tab. This is still a proper contact, if you go to Notes tab, you see proper notes for this contact. You can press Edit and it will be edited... BUT, meanwhile if you just open Contact app, the ones you open are working great.
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Copy the outres.96.dll into the windows folder and the contact will display correctly.
I'm sorry, but no, it doesn't work for me. Same effect as without outres.96.dll. And yes, I made a soft reset after copying it to the windows dir.
So the next question now is: how to remove the file again?
If I try to delete it, Resco Explorer says "Cannot delete file 'outres.96.dll'. The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file."
If the file is useless, then I want to remove it from the device. But it has been blocked by another process.
Thanx in advance
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
guc925 said:
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
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I have answered 'yes' to the security check. Nevertheless the dll doesn't work for me. So I want to remove it now, but I can't because it's blocked by some process.
Thanx in advance
I've copied the file gnassel suggested into my Windows directory (using the explorer on my desktop pc).... rebooted the exec.. and voila.. it's working like a charm now.. My voice command shows the contact when I say : "Lookup XXXX" or when i call someone, it confirms the person and shows his information just fine. Norte I am usin the u.s. version of voice command 1.5.
Thanks gnassel !
This is a reply to my own posting above.
I did the soft reset using an application called 'psShutXP' (maybe someone knows it; one use it in order to switch off or soft reset the device). Voice Command's contacts mask doesn't worked.
A few minutes ago I soft resetted the device using the "original" reset hole. And voila: Voice Command works as expected!
So there seems to be a difference between "soft reset" using psShutXP and soft reset using the reset hole.
Sorry for the confusion. THE FILE OUTRES.96.DLL WORKS!
By the way: What exactly does outres.96.dll?
Best regards
Many thanks gnassel, it works great..
The file was from OzVGA
Thanks for drawing attention to it and posting it, or I wouldnt have know..
Take a thanking damnit
Guys, where do I put the outres.96 dll file again? If I am using File Explorer there is a "WINDOWS" Folder from the very root with a lot of files. Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file or just leave it outside in the main root?
cktlcmd said:
Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file?
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gnassel said:
cktlcmd said:
Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file?
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It's "\windows" not "C:\windows".
Best regards
Thanks everyone. I thought for a while I have to plug it in my computer too.

XDA Neo HomeZone app - can someone upload?

I flashed my XDA Neo with the latest Dopod ROM but I lost my HomeZone app. Can someone upload it here? Thanks!
home zone o-2 de
Did home zone application ever worked for you? I had my neo with german rom and home zone application never displayed home icon or any visual indication that I was in home zone, when in fact I was in the home zone area. And yes application was loaded.
It worked on my magician (xda mini), but not on prophet (neo).
As far as actual application cab. I've seen it somewhere on this forum an attachment with german ext rom folder. Try that.
home zone o-2 de
Did home zone application ever worked for you? I had my neo with german rom and home zone application never displayed home icon or any visual indication that I was in home zone, when in fact I was in the home zone area. And yes application was loaded.
It worked on my magician (xda mini), but not on prophet (neo).
As far as actual application cab. I've seen it somewhere on this forum an attachment with german ext rom folder. Try that.
here we go, log in to see attachment.
here you go. For me it works with the XDAneo. The icon only shows when I klick on the "Phone-Connection" Button. Not the best solution in my opinion, but it works.
Very strange :?
Installed the app, works, says that HZ is running, but also "No coordinates received". And no little house anywhere
HZ problem
I've got the same problem.. I think there is something else you have to install from xda neo ext rom.. I've tried installing everything though, it didn't fix the problem. This issue accure after the rom upgrade to WWE from German. But to be honest, the HZ didn't work for me even before upgrade. I didn't have a problem with coordinates though. It just wouldn't display the home zone icon..
Yeah man, doesn't work for me either. What do you think, if I just wrote to O2 customer support and explained that I didn't install their crappy extended ROM, would they be so kind as to give me step by step instructions on how to get my home zone icon?
HZ and o2 tech reps
Not a chance! : ) At least not with O2 in Germany. Sorry for bursting your bubble, man. I’ve called them before, several times intact. I’ve spoken to a few different tech reps regarding this issue on few different occasions. Their only solution is a hard reset! They only go by the basic manual they have for this, where’s the only solution for fixing anything is hard reset. These guys there have no idea how to reset PPC without manual!
On one occasion I’ve asked them about “English WM” ( WWE Rom), since my previous phone (Magician) was in German, (that is when I was plain uneducated about flashing this phones and etc.) and guess what their answer was?! They’ve said that flashing the phone or putting any localizer third party software was going to kill the device without chance of restoration! I mean c’mon, how smart is that? So much for the tech support!
But any way, you try that, may be you’ll have more luck! May be they just wanted to prevent me from half flashing my phone or incurring any other errors to the point of no recovery on my own. But I have half flashed my prophet few times, had RUU stopping with all kinds of errors half way trough the process, leaving the phone with no rom Installed, and still, managed to restore the rom. It only cost me my fingers that I bit of in the process and tons of beer for the recovery : ) any way, good luck! Let me know if you find the solution.
By the way, you can ask them to enable voice indication of home zone. You’ll here Voice indicator “Home” when dialing from home zone. It’s kind of inconvenient, but it’s the only solution for me right now.
Unfortunately, aleksandr is absolutely right. The German O2 XDA support is not just poor - they disinform you! Come on, I know much more stuff about those devices yet than those guys, and I've had a PPC for only a couple of months. The "home" voice is the only solution for me too so far.
Awww, come on! I was kidding, that's why I put a smiley behind my post and used a somewhat sarcastic choice of words!
So for Home Zone voice confirmation I just call the hotline and ask them to enable it? That would work for me I guess. A simple icon would be better though... Sometimes I wish I was smart and could just write my own little programs!
HZ working now!
Hey guys. The other day I had nothing better to do then taking apart Neo’s german extended rom content and tried the home zone application on my prophet (wwe, dopod 818 pro rom) I’ve installed Home Zone cab posted by Sauron1978de and then RilGSM patch from the O2 (can be found in german O2 extended rom content. And funny thing it worked! I tried it a hundred times before and it never worked up until now. Just make sure you install rilgsm patch last. It does the soft reset at the end. I have home icon now in my connections notification bubble. Let the pda run for a few minutes until it receives new sms with coordinates and you should be all set. Make sure you have home zone short cut in your start up folder.
Good luck!
It works for me too! But I would like to see this icon on the top of the screen without pressing any buttons.
icon at the top bar
yeah, me too! no luck on that though..
do you know how to get rid of the sting "HZDisplayDataSMP" which appears on the top of the screen?
how to get rid of the sting "HZDisplayDataSMP"
No idea. never had this. may be by unchecking "Receive channel list" in Phone settings - More- Broadcast Channels- Settingds.
But by doing this, you also will no longer recieve new coordinates for HZ.
But again, this is MAY BE, as I don't really know what I'm talking about here I don't have this problem to play with.
i too have HZDisplayDataSMP popping up as the active app after waking up. most annoying, though pressing OK or red phone button gets rid of it. still, as i said, annoying. would like to know if there's some way to disable it being displayed, without turning off the "Broadcast Channels"-enabled option, as the HZ app seems to receive and use these broadcasts to enable the HZ display. well, that's my experience, anyways...
so, in short, anyone know how to hide an app from being displayed? or maybe forcing it to always run in the background?

Phone Button Problem.

Hello everybody, I am facing a strange problem. Some of my phone buttons have stopped working as they used to work before. The complete buttons on the front panel at times they work and at times they don't. The below mentioned buttons only are not working:
1. The Internet Explorer button.(Above on the right)
2. The Message button.(Above on the left)
3. The Call buttons. (The call picking and disconnecting button, below left and right) And the 4 keys along it.
And one more strange problem is the phone goes to the internet explorer by its own, at times when i open the phone it is on the internet explorer, though before going to the sleeping mode after getting locked it is on the normal screen but when i switch it on and put the password, i find it on the internet explorer screen. Pls help to resolve these problems, I'll highly appreciate you all.
The buttons would be controlled in the settings section.
But I have to agree about the IE coming up. I think its related to getting the phone out of the case on your belt and it presses itself - as it were. I've tried setting that button to nothing to see if that makes any difference.
The buttons would be controlled in the settings section.
But I have to agree about the IE coming up. I think its related to getting the phone out of the case on your belt and it presses itself - as it were. I've tried setting that button to nothing to see if that makes any difference.
Thnks for the msg. Can you advise where in the settings section the changes have to be done.
Regarding IE, i believe it is not due to removing and inserting in the cover. Even when it is removed from the cover, and at times if i press the key which is right below the contact(to open contact details), It opens IE and with the call button which is the green one also.
Pls help me, I never knew atleast with this device after spending a huge amount still i will come across such problem. I am really frustrated with the device.
Anybody pls help!!!!!
Regards Pankaj
which model do u have? i am having the same problem with my Softbank X01HT / Dopod 838Pro. Also change the buttons setting does not work
care724 said:
which model do u have? i am having the same problem with my Softbank X01HT / Dopod 838Pro. Also change the buttons setting does not work
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This may be quite wrong but I'm just wondering if you guys have programmes running in the background. You may know that just tapping on the X top right does not close programmes down fully. You need something like Magicbutton or HTC X Button installed to quickly and fully close running programmes. If you don't have such an application installed then some of these hard keys may be responding to the background programmes. It would not surprise me in this case that Internet Explorer pops up because it's never been fully closed.
Just a thought.
And if you knew all this already I apologise, but it might be useful to someone who didn't know.
mikechannon said:
This may be quite wrong but I'm just wondering if you guys have programmes running in the background. You may know that just tapping on the X top right does not close programmes down fully. You need something like Magicbutton or HTC X Button installed to quickly and fully close running programmes. If you don't have such an application installed then some of these hard keys may be responding to the background programmes. It would not surprise me in this case that Internet Explorer pops up because it's never been fully closed.
Just a thought.
And if you knew all this already I apologise, but it might be useful to someone who didn't know.
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Thanks for your information, well i really didn't knew about this. Can you suggest where can i find this software, i am having Imate Jasjam. Would really appreciate your immediate reply.
Thanks & Regards
Pankaj Oberoi
pankajunlimited17 said:
Thanks for your information, well i really didn't knew about this. Can you suggest where can i find this software, i am having Imate Jasjam. Would really appreciate your immediate reply.
Thanks & Regards
Pankaj Oberoi
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Not saying this is the cause of your problem but could be.
Magic Button shows running programmes and lets you fully close them:
It will ask for you to register and give e-mail address but you do not need to, you can still download without doing all that.
There are other programmes like HTC X Button but this one works fine.
i have the same problem! maybe something funny is going on with JASJAMs... anyway, i tried pressing the IE button after resetting the device (soft reset) and it STILL says it cant find the location. it must be SOMEWHERE in the registry!
can anyone please help??
benzothegreat said:
i have the same problem! maybe something funny is going on with JASJAMs... anyway, i tried pressing the IE button after resetting the device (soft reset) and it STILL says it cant find the location. it must be SOMEWHERE in the registry!
can anyone please help??
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Can we assume that IE works ok when you start it from the Start Menu, and that it is only when you try to start it from the hardware key it does not work?
yes thats exactly right. runs perfectly! i'm wondering if maybe the entry in the registry has gone missing...?
benzothegreat said:
yes thats exactly right. runs perfectly! i'm wondering if maybe the entry in the registry has gone missing...?
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Given the programme is working fine, this I think will be a simple matter of remapping the key to the shortcut/programme. Unfortunately it's late here, hopefully someone else can give you the detail. If not I'll check this thread tomorrow.
Go to Start>settings>Buttons>
Select button 2 and choose Internet Explorer from the drop down list below.
(If IE is already chosen then I would choose something else for button 2 (anything) tick to say ok. Try the button it should open whatever programme you selected. Now go back to the buttons menu and choose Internet Explorer for button 2 again.)
Hopefully this will work if not report back.
hi guys i have same problem my panels buttons are not woking just center buttons are wokring, its not work 2 week , then suddenly one day it work but next day again offf.... does any 1 have same problem?

