Poor camera quality pictures, looking for solutions - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I am pretty much dissapointed with the pictures I have obtained with my Universal's built in camera.
Sometimes - most of the times - dont really beleive it is a 1.3 MPixels cam.
1. Do you think using another software to take pictures would improve performance/quality?
2. It is possible to use another software to manage the camera?
3. Maybe, it's just me not being able to use it properly. Any advice to get good quality pictures?

have you checked the pictures on your pc?
i thought this until i looked on the pc and they were actually pretty impressive, dont be fooled my the on screen preview after youve taken a pic

yes... checked them out on a PC.. but no good quality. The problem is that if you're taking good quality pictures.. the it must be me.. :?
Anyway I recon that good pictures can be obtained under good conditions (light, etc.), but indoors... no way, at least for me.

i've seen on my HTC wizard that in the registery the camera can be edited things like bitrate too, havent tried it yet.

Ive gone from a D500 to this. Both 1.3 megapixel cameras, but the images from the samsung are far larger and far better quality. The images I get from my XDA are terrible.

maybe -hope so - it's just the software.
Could the camera be used with another soft? maybe from another WM5 device.

HTC has used extremely cheap and low quality camera sensors :-( Theres not much you can expect from its camera....so i guess its wise to accept the fact and move on :S
There are tons of dead pixels, and fails to reproduce the colors accurately...its just a "i have a cam on my phone too" feature, and nothing of any practical use!

its enough to get the point across say car accident , for insurance or the poice, it would be enough to convince surlly.

Took some pictures yesterday for first time on Universal, on top of a hospital roof, sun shining.
So as normally happens in those situations you can not see what you are taking properly due to the screen contrast etc. in the sun. ( same on all camera phones I have had )
Just used the standard settings, didnt change anything, have just downloaded them onto the PC and I am quite impressed with the quality.
On par if not better than some of the camera phones I have had in the past.
Just checked settings and I was on 640 x 480 capture size and ambience auto.
So for me a thumbs up to the quality from a camera phone.

share one of those beautiful pics...
wanna check if it's just me..

Perhaps a silly question - but have you made sure your camera settings are at 2M (1200x1600) to take your photos. The exec defaults to a much smaller size.

hehe, yes.. thanks.
I'm just saying that quality doesnt fit in in a 1.3 Mpixels camera, my POV.

The camera is useless imho. sometimes its good to catch stupid pics of people who have parked terribly or funny signs on petrol station doors but all in all they would have been best just leaving it out.
The only solution is to get a decent camera.

I'm an amateur photographer (with the lovely Nikon D50), and no doubt the Universal's picture quality is not very good. However, I see it as a bonus add-on for the Universal rather than a proper feature. Say, I don't carry the Nikon D50 into my lessons at school all the time (until recently, when we had our very last lessons at school for the rest of my life!); with the Universal I was able to quickly take pictures of my classmates sleeping in our maths lessons or film our chemistry teacher burning jelly babies (they literally scream and burn when they react with some solution!).
Anyway, my conclusion is that the camera on the Universal is good for quick snaps, but not good for family portraits. :wink:
PS: HTC, come on, you call yourselves "High Tech Computer Corporation" and you can't even manage a tiny camera?

Whilst on the topic, yesterday I tried to take pictures of a beautiful wheat field in the sun, but the picture I got was just a very dark image, no matter where the sun was relative to the lens. Changing the settings to "Sunlight" or "Automatic" did not help either.
Very disappointed, and you don't often get this lovely weather in the UK!

To the OP, there's no easy way to say it: the camera is crap, like 99.99% of all mobile phone cameras. The CCD they use are cheap as dirt, and unless you're experiencing optimum conditions (such as bright, bright sunshine outdoors), there's no way you'll ever take any decent pic with this phone regardless of the software.
Glad I could clear that up! :twisted:

It does not seem that bad to me,
settings = 2M(1600x1280) and daylight
I have not resized the pic , so sorry if it runs off screen :wink:
This is just before my ride to Turkey and back from UK

Nice outfit!

mdaexecfan said:
there's no way you'll ever take any decent pic with this phone regardless of the software.
Glad I could clear that up! :twisted:
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Exactly - it's a phone/PDA with a free camera, not a camera with a phone/PDA... Miracles you will not get!

The quality is acceptable to me but getting the best result is sometimes difficult. My major problem the handling, choosing the right settings for the occasion is a bit awkward.
@Bagmanstu: Cool


Using the camera and getting good photos

I have done a search but can't really find much on the camera settings. I am struggling to get good photos using the MDA Vario 2. I used to get great ones with my MDA III.
Can anyone advise me on which settings will get me a half decent photo. I am not a camera buff and just want to use it generally a bit more not that my digital camera has died. I just cant seem to get it right?
Same here - with my Vadafone - picture quality was better on my Nokia 6600 mobile - is there a better application out there that take better qulity photos for the device?
Try CoolCamera 1.15b
What? Hermes camera is alright!! Here check out my pictures, i took them all w/ the hermes. http://flickr.com/photos/sutheep
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sutheep said:
What? Hermes camera is alright!! Here check out my pictures, i took them all w/ the hermes. http://flickr.com/photos/sutheep
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I agree with you. Good pictures are possible. Some folks like to tweak the brightness and contrast, although I find the base settings ok. But I wouldn't try taking good photos in dark/semi dark conditions - it's not good. The Macro along with flash works ok at night for really close up stuff but the flash is of little use for distance pitures at night.
In good light it's really pretty good at 1 and 2 megapixel setting. Keep in mind the pictures at this definition also appear much better when transferred to your PC. I can get a full 17 inch screen size with little or no pixelation at 2 megapixels and also clearer and brighter than it appears on the Hermes screen.
I'm really disappointed with the tytn's camera - i have an Orange M3100 version.
Try changing the sharpness and contrast settings both to 1.
It seems to be a fault that they are factory set at +7 and +6, ruining your chance of getting a good photo. Much better set as 1, especially the sharpness as it will otherwise draw a bold line around the detail. Unfortunately a restart resets to default.
Not sure about the T-Mobile version but the Orange version also will not take pics on the 2M superfine settings in most light conditions, you either get a blank pic or the camera app crashes and needs a restart.
I do love the tytn, just disappointed with the camera app, I have to mess about more with this than I do with my Canon SLR!
I'm not saying this is the case with all tytns, but the 3 I have had and the 2 others I have handled (all orange spv M3100) all suffer from the same issues.
Guest69 said:
I'm really disappointed with the tytn's camera - i have an Orange M3100 version.
Try changing the sharpness and contrast settings both to 1.
It seems to be a fault that they are factory set at +7 and +6, ruining your chance of getting a good photo. Much better set as 1, but a restart resets to crappy default.
Not sure about the T-Mobile version but the Orange version also will not take pics on the 2M superfine settings in most light conditions, you either get a blank pic or the camera app crashes and needs a restart.
I do love the tytn but very disappointed with the camera app, I have to mess about more with this than I do with my Canon SLR!
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I agree it's annoying it loses the tweaked settings you enter. BUT have you seen Sutheeps examples using his link - they're great!!
As good as a friends off the shelf 8Meg camera!!
Hi, I just downloaded the CoolCamera app, pushed the settings to max and snapped away; no crashes, no blank pics. Can't test this properly until daylight but this does look hopeful.
Agreed, Mike, I do admit that I have got a handful of very decent pics but I generally stopped using the camera as many more crashes and I'm sure I would have ended up throwing the tytn at the subject!
Fingers crossed, this coolcamera might be the end of the only gripe I have. I'm sure the problem is something to do with the Orange software.
Guest69 said:
Hi, I just downloaded the CoolCamera app, pushed the settings to max and snapped away; no crashes, no blank pics. Can't test this properly until daylight but this does look hopeful.
Agreed, Mike, I do admit that I have got a handful of very decent pics but I generally stopped using the camera as many more crashes and I'm sure I would have ended up throwing the tytn at the subject!
Fingers crossed, this coolcamera might be the end of the only gripe I have. I'm sure the problem is something to do with the Orange software.
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Hope it works well and the subjects are safe!!!!!
Agreed again: Sutheep, those pics are great, did you have it on fine or superfine?
Guest69;1078905 said:
Hi, I just downloaded the CoolCamera app, pushed the settings to max and snapped away; no crashes, no blank pics. Can't test this properly until daylight but this does look hopeful.
Agreed, Mike, I do admit that I have got a handful of very decent pics but I generally stopped using the camera as many more crashes and I'm sure I would have ended up throwing the tytn at the subject!
Fingers crossed, this coolcamera might be the end of the only gripe I have. I'm sure the problem is something to do with the Orange software.
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How's it been working out for you?
Anybody know where to find CoolCamera? www.ateksoft.com isn't a good url now.
as an update,
I'm still more than happy with the results using CoolCamera, I do occasionally get crossover on my images: the edge of a pic has a thin border on one side of the previous image. I do rarely get blank images when set to maximum quality. The interface, IMO can be a little complicated but once used to it, I like the extended settings options. The standard app on the m3100, for me, is not worth turning on: constant crashes and blank pics every time it's used. I know this is probably a fault with the Orange firmware, or maybe just my handset but the previous 2 units were the same.
I have had some fabulous, impressive results from using coolcamera in half-decent lighting conditions, without it I simply would not use the camera.
I know others are getting good results from the built-in app, which is why I feel it's an Orange firmware issue, but if you're having trouble getting decent results yourself, even after turning the default sharpness and contrast settings down (again and again - reboot resets to silly default), give coolcamera a try.
here's a zip of about 10 recent pics http://www.sendspace.com/file/3ox7rv
If you want to know what settings I use, give me a shout.
http://www.ateksoft.com/ seems to be working fine for me
With regard to coolcamera / hermes camera I have a few questions..
1. Does it hold settings after soft reboot usiong coolcamera software?
2. what is the frame rate on the maximum video out of the main camera?
3. is there any white balance or apperture settings in this model?
I've just ordered a Jas Jam and am curious more than anything. I had no intention of using the camera until I saw a few of these shots.
sutheep said:
What? Hermes camera is alright!! Here check out my pictures, i took them all w/ the hermes. http://flickr.com/photos/sutheep
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Hey man...great photos!!!
What settings did you use on the hermes cam app?
Have you tried the newer Camera application? It works well imho and people have reported that settings stick on it (though to be honest, I've not noticed either way).
i believe settings stick on any ROM above 2.x, ie 3.x and wm6.
i have always had issues when lighting is less than perfect, ie to bright or to dark.
but in the main, it works overall well. if i want exotic brilliant photos, use a real camera is the theme.
i also use the webcamera function at ateksoft, which is handy. have the cool camera app, but not really tested or used.
i suppose the moral of the story is, if you drive a road and trail motorbike, dont expect to perform as a road bike or a trail bike, when you buy hybrids you get the jack of all trades master of none scenario, same applies to all sorts on the HTC phones, not a good phone, not a good calendar, not a good computer, not a good camera, not a good music player, but capable of doing all of them to mediocrity.
Just Marketing
danieletroiano said:
Try CoolCamera 1.15b
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I did some test and I did get the same quality pictures from CoolCamera and HTC Camera. There is no big deal with use other software.
simon_darley said:
i believe settings stick on any ROM above 2.x, ie 3.x and wm6.
i have always had issues when lighting is less than perfect, ie to bright or to dark.
but in the main, it works overall well. if i want exotic brilliant photos, use a real camera is the theme.
i also use the webcamera function at ateksoft, which is handy. have the cool camera app, but not really tested or used.
i suppose the moral of the story is, if you drive a road and trail motorbike, dont expect to perform as a road bike or a trail bike, when you buy hybrids you get the jack of all trades master of none scenario, same applies to all sorts on the HTC phones, not a good phone, not a good calendar, not a good computer, not a good camera, not a good music player, but capable of doing all of them to mediocrity.
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Maybe so but I think for a phone it does the calendar/camera/music/running add on programs better then most other phones. As a phone, it's not the best but to be able to go out, not bring a phone, PPC, mp3 player, cheap pocket sized point and shoot camera - it's great! Plus I think my only issue with it as a phone is it's bulk. Call quality for me is pretty darned good. It's the best reception of any phone I've ever had in my house. It's my fav phone I've had since my Motorola StarTac
chymmylt said:
Maybe so but I think for a phone it does the calendar/camera/music/running add on programs better then most other phones. As a phone, it's not the best but to be able to go out, not bring a phone, PPC, mp3 player, cheap pocket sized point and shoot camera - it's great! Plus I think my only issue with it as a phone is it's bulk. Call quality for me is pretty darned good. It's the best reception of any phone I've ever had in my house. It's my fav phone I've had since my Motorola StarTac
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Oh the StarTac, what a phone!!! The best phone i had (before this) was my Nokia 7110.

3.0 MP Camera? I have my doubts

Sure the camera doesn't have much of a lens, and the zoom is really interpolated; but I really have my doubts that the camera is actually a 3.0MP.
Have there been any in depth tests to prove the camera's resolution???
How big a file should it be with the 3.0M super fine photos?
I take photos at the highest resolution and there is still pixel 'blocking'. I know HTC is new to this, but it is a let down. My old Sony 2.0MP takes better photos.
Clearly u have mistaken abt the relationship between MP and picture quality.
Higher MP does not necessarily mean better images taken.
If u compare a logitech quickcam IM's photo to that of the microsoft 2MP one. u will realise that althought the IM only supports VGA but
picture quality is much better......
The 4 most important factors in photography: Skill, Lens quality, lens quality, lens quality.
And you did realize that when you use the 3 MP mode, there is no zoom available?
A typical 3 MP "Super fine" image will be around 900-1400 KB depending on colors and detail of the object/situation you photograph. A "Fine" photo will land around 450-750 KB.
There is no noticeable difference between "Fine" and "Super fine" modes except in close up, high contrast photos.
I have attached 2 photos for your comparison. Yes, the camera is of poor quality as seen by these 2 images.
Oh, and to double check the resolution, just take a picture, save it to your PC and open it up with any image editing program and see for yourself.
keithwwalker said:
Sure the camera doesn't have much of a lens, and the zoom is really interpolated; but I really have my doubts that the camera is actually a 3.0MP.
Have there been any in depth tests to prove the camera's resolution???
How big a file should it be with the 3.0M super fine photos?
I take photos at the highest resolution and there is still pixel 'blocking'. I know HTC is new to this, but it is a let down. My old Sony 2.0MP takes better photos.
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Did you really expect super great pictures on the data centric device? Sure SE Phones do a better job of this, but what else can they do?
If you want a high quality camera or anything else techy, always buy a dedicated device for the job. Simple.
Personally speaking I find the camera quality more than acceptable for a PPC/Phone, as a matter of fact I would go as far to say that it is the best in class out of all PPC Phones. Just MHO though.
mackaby007 said:
Personally speaking I find the camera quality more than acceptable for a PPC/Phone, as a matter of fact I would go as far to say that it is the best in class out of all PPC Phones.
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I've got the same impression about the cam,
at least compared to my old HTC Magician
The quality of the camera is probably the only reason why I have not let the X7501 fully replace my N95 as a phone!
thetruth1983 said:
The quality of the camera is probably the only reason why I have not let the X7501 fully replace my N95 as a phone!
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lmao, scnr
mojo2000 said:
lmao, scnr
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I've got an N95 and its camera isn't much better in my opinion, though it copes with moving subjects slightly better and video is VASTLY superior. I prefer B&W shots on the Ameo though. The flash on the Ameo is much brighter too - I still don't understand why HTC don't provide an automated flash function though - very annoying!
Sorry if I gave the impression that I was expecting a first rate camera with the 7501.
I purchased this for the following reasons, ranking in importance:
Media Player
With that said, there is another component to a good photo beside: Skill, Lens quality.
That is the software that puts all the image together.
My old Sony 2.0MP had a Carl Zeiss lens and the end product was still crap compared to the Canon's of the day. The internal software was the let down. So too the HTC.
keithwwalker said:
Sure the camera doesn't have much of a lens, and the zoom is really interpolated; but I really have my doubts that the camera is actually a 3.0MP.
Have there been any in depth tests to prove the camera's resolution???
How big a file should it be with the 3.0M super fine photos?
I take photos at the highest resolution and there is still pixel 'blocking'. I know HTC is new to this, but it is a let down. My old Sony 2.0MP takes better photos.
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Calavaro said:
The 4 most important factors in photography: Skill, Lens quality, lens quality, lens quality.
And you did realize that when you use the 3 MP mode, there is no zoom available?
A typical 3 MP "Super fine" image will be around 900-1400 KB depending on colors and detail of the object/situation you photograph. A "Fine" photo will land around 450-750 KB.
There is no noticeable difference between "Fine" and "Super fine" modes except in close up, high contrast photos.
I have attached 2 photos for your comparison. Yes, the camera is of poor quality as seen by these 2 images.
Oh, and to double check the resolution, just take a picture, save it to your PC and open it up with any image editing program and see for yourself.
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Dude, when was the last time you really cleaned?
another big factor of picture quality is the sensor size...
most people down know this but the bigger teh sensor the better the picture quality...
that is why a dslr with a big sensor though it may have a 3 MP pixel size will alwasy be better than a point and shoot thats 8 MP
this gets into photography .. but basicly craming more pixels into a same sized sensor will seldom yield better results ... just maybe allow you to blow up the picture a bit more thats it...
having said that i think the camera on the athena is excellent compared to other phones of the nature
I disagree with the fact that len quality is the most important factor.... Len is very important but tt is when you r using something with a gd sensor.... the image processor and sensor.... b it cmos or ccd will
b the one that makes the most difference when it comes to image quality.......
Calavaro said:
The 4 most important factors in photography: Skill, Lens quality, lens quality, lens quality.
And you did realize that when you use the 3 MP mode, there is no zoom available?
A typical 3 MP "Super fine" image will be around 900-1400 KB depending on colors and detail of the object/situation you photograph. A "Fine" photo will land around 450-750 KB.
There is no noticeable difference between "Fine" and "Super fine" modes except in close up, high contrast photos.
I have attached 2 photos for your comparison. Yes, the camera is of poor quality as seen by these 2 images.
Oh, and to double check the resolution, just take a picture, save it to your PC and open it up with any image editing program and see for yourself.
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bLiTz^ said:
I disagree with the fact that len quality is the most important factor.... Len is very important but tt is when you r using something with a gd sensor.... the image processor and sensor.... b it cmos or ccd will
b the one that makes the most difference when it comes to image quality.......
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sensor is imp ... but like i said its sensor size...
and being how most cell phones are small... you cant fit a big sensor in it... so image quality willbe sub par always...
you made me laugh out loud with that comment....you're right!!
for gods sake calavaro if you dont want to dust, just blow that dust away.......sneeze or something!!
of course you wanted it there for effect!?!?
in keeping w/ the thread though, i have a trion w/ a 2 mp and it is the best i've had in all my pda/phones...how does the advantage compare to that camera? anyone??
[email protected] said:
you made me laugh out loud with that comment....you're right!!
for gods sake calavaro if you dont want to dust, just blow that dust away.......sneeze or something!!
of course you wanted it there for effect!?!?
in keeping w/ the thread though, i have a trion w/ a 2 mp and it is the best i've had in all my pda/phones...how does the advantage compare to that camera? anyone??
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Can't remember if the Trion is the same as the Hermes?! If it is, I had a Hermes and loved the camera...for a PPC, but I rate the Athena camera slightly ahead in every way.
i do find the athena camera superior to every other camera phone i have seen...
i especially like the focus... it definately makes the picture quite al ot sharper
any other camera with a fixed focal length produces far inferior results...
the reason is because it is fixed at infinity ... so it doesnt have to focus necessarily ...
basicly becaused of a fixed focal length at infinity you get a much softer picture...
and it is a common known fact among photographers the infinity focal length produces sub par results ...
for example they dont use the infinity focal length to take landscape pictures... it really depends per lens but they use a dif formula to calculate the best length...
the long and the short a variable focal lens will top a fixed focal length always...
in short if you cant focus ur lens like most pda phones athenas is better...
Haha. I do dust. I live in a 3rd world country with massive traffic in the center of a big-ass city. I even have maids helping out. That's the best that can be done on a day to day basis. So how about, you know, focus on the issue at hand?
No matter how you look at it, a camera on a phone will never be as good as even the simplest point-and-shoot camera. Yes, quality has improved, but it's still way behind.
So what's up with those red lines at the top left corner? about half the pictures I take has this "effect". Seems to happen mostly in high light conditions.
leoni1980 said:
I've got an N95 and its camera isn't much better in my opinion, though it copes with moving subjects slightly better and video is VASTLY superior. I prefer B&W shots on the Ameo though. The flash on the Ameo is much brighter too - I still don't understand why HTC don't provide an automated flash function though - very annoying!
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The N95 indeed has a poor quality STILL capture, however the VIDEO capability is amazing.
Calavaro said:
Haha. I do dust. I live in a 3rd world country with massive traffic in the center of a big-ass city. I even have maids helping out. That's the best that can be done on a day to day basis. So how about, you know, focus on the issue at hand?
No matter how you look at it, a camera on a phone will never be as good as even the simplest point-and-shoot camera. Yes, quality has improved, but it's still way behind.
So what's up with those red lines at the top left corner? about half the pictures I take has this "effect". Seems to happen mostly in high light conditions.
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This is becaues of teh sensor size i mentioned before ..
its just not possible unless you want to carry a huge phone... (thickness)
and though the athena is big its really not that thick...
i really don't get it. most of the comments posted praise the Athena camera. Personally i think the camera is pretty good and sharp and the fact it can produce a 3mp photo is excellent.. BUT.. after using it for 2 months.. it is only great for outdoor and scenery shots (or if your subject does not move too much). in a NORMAL (and i say normal as in if you are in doors and the lighting condition is considered very good) indoor situation, if your subject just moves a little.. the whole picture becomes blur.. try this.. take a shot outdoor while u shake ur camera.. (result.. decent picture)... go indoor and move your camera.. (result.. sucks)..
i for one bought the phone to also take pictures of my kid especially when we go out shopping.. but the camera feature simply cannot make it..
question: when indoors.. the camera is like perpetually in night mode (i mean everything is like in slow motion.. jerky..) weird?!?!? even if i am using my old xda ii, it does not do this.. why oh why?
i do understand what most of u guys are saying about a weak sensor.. but i for one is a disappointed customer.. a phone with such a powerful cpu yet the picture and video quality is terrible.. sigh...

Is the cam so bad?

Im dont know, every where I read, thay say that the cam is s..., and it takes 5 secs. from when I press till it takes the picture.
Is that right?
Stick with the Diamond, much better IMO. Only advantages of a HD is the bigger screen and more RAM, but I think the Diamond is much more useable.
To answer your question, that appears to be the case for me, yes.
"Only" the screen is a pretty major advantage, it's almost double the size. The Diamond isn't seriously usable for web browsing - the HD is. Ditto for video.
ChrisB said:
Im dont know, every where I read, thay say that the cam is s..., and it takes 5 secs. from when I press till it takes the picture.
Is that right?
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That's rubbish and completely untrue. I find the camera to be quite excellent and picture quality very good in fact.
I don't blame you though for getting that impression. Before I got my own unit, I also had that false impression from reading all the complaints on this forum. But after getting my own HD, I'm really happy with it. This is despite not having flash.
eaglesteve said:
That's rubbish and completely untrue. I find the camera to be quite excellent and picture quality very good in fact.
I don't blame you though for getting that impression. Before I got my own unit, I also had that false impression from reading all the complaints on this forum. But after getting my own HD, I'm really happy with it. This is despite not having flash.
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Exactly the HTC Touch HD is a great phone. Some people reading forum like this think they get a good sampling of what people using the phone think about it. That is not true since it is mostly the maybe 1% that have troubles of some kind with their phone that write here. The rest of the people that are happy with their phone do not write about.
The only thing I can recommend for people considering buying the phone is to get the phone and try it out. You will most likely like it a lot.
Camera is not bad, but also not good. Don't buy it as a camphone.
I've got a nokia n82 and a touch hd.
If the cam is ****? Yeah, it is. Don't let people let you think different. I guess it's not worse than other htc-phones though, I haven't had one since the original touch (elf).
If it was daylight out here now (denmark, actually) I should have taken comparision shots for you, but it's not, and with the xenon flash on the n82 it is even more superior in this light.
That said, the touch hd is a fantastic device in every other aspect! I didn't buy it for the cam, and don't care about it's picture quality, since I've got my n82.
The camera is only suitable for taking pictures in well-lit area.
Forget about dark areas.
All in all I'm sufficiently pleased with it, as I did not expect anything great.
Yes the Cam is ****
very slow slow slow and it only does pictures in very light areas.
In the drak they are very dark - the missing flash is a desaster.
Do not buy the hd for taking pictures or videos
But also safe you monry on fu.. nokia modells
The quality of the photos that the Touch HD can take is far better than the three HTC devices I've used before. It's actually pretty good in my limited experience with it. However, the camera remains virtually unusable because of two things:
1 - the delay between tapping the screen and the photo taking the image while the camera fusses over the focussing and then thinks for a couple of seconds
2 - the lack of hardware button makes camera shake very hard to avoid
These two factors make it almost impossible to take a photo of a moving scene because of the unpredictability of the timing of the shot and the likelihood of camera shake.
Attached is a photo I've just taken in the low evening light that illustrates what should be a perfectly easy photo. I couldn't avoid camera shake even standing still and being ultra-careful. The exposure isn't bad though.
the cam is bad... only usable by normal daylight also video recording is very bad
well in normal daylight the cam is better than my n73. video is realy better...
Are there some tweaks or settings to speed up taking images? It's really slooooow...
TIP: Disable the "Auto Whiteness" in the camera.
I have spent the last 2 weeks playing with the camera and was very disappointed with low level lighting pictures at first, BUT! now I have ressolved this problem.
There is an option in the camera "Auto Whiteness", the sensor or software in the camera seems to be useless at judging lighting, so if you set this to manual and select the indoor lighting icon (looks like a light bulb) then the camera gives quite impressive low level lighting pictures.
Speed of the camera between pressing and taking a picture is about 3 seconds, not the worst shutter delay I have seen on a camera phone, but not the best. Hopefully HTC can address this with future software updates??
For me the main issue is the blurryness of virtually all pictures,
if its a picture of a person I have to ask them to be still, then I take a pic and then I have to ask them once more to be DEAD STILL.
Most people take stay still to mean don't walk off any where but with the Touch HD stay still means don't let one muscle move.
If you want a phone that takes decent picture then its not or you.
Its a multimedia phone (pics not included)
I have been playing with the HD for two days now, which meant finding all of the tweaks and then removing them until it works for me. The excellent tweak app (search for it here) recommends enabling the sport and burst modes of photo (works great) and then changing the maximum res to 3M (makes my phone crash!)
Anyway if you want to take really good SHAKE FREE pics the ONLY way is through the burst/sport options. The auto focus for the 'normal' cam is so crap that the shutter stays open forever. In sport or burst mode the camera has to ditch the refocus and just shoot - out of the 5 in sport or 30 in burst you will have two or 10 decent pictures. This was exactly the same on my old HTC P3900.
The video is still completely crap - although much improved if you shoot as for MMS.
If we're talking about very low light, even my Canon camera does not give good result. So I don't expect miracle from HD. Having said that, I have taken quite a lot of indoor shots with lights on and the result is not noticeably worst than what my Canon camera can deliver.
As for motion, I actually don't find any problem there. I have taken quite many shots with car moving towards and away from me and the sharpness is still there. No blurring at all.
I find vido recording to be really good.
The lack of hardware button is a non-issue for me. I find it very easy to just touch the screen, the try to hold it still for the process to be completed.
This is the best camera I've ever had in a phone, and I find myself using it quite a lot since getting my HD.
This is seriously the worst camera I've ever had in a phone. And the sad part is the auto focus which is way too slow and cannot be disabled. No other tweak will help really unless somebody will figure out how to set focus to infinity permanently.
Attached are photos taken with the HTC Touch HD at night in New York City last week:
Auto light balance is useless, shutter speed is miserably slow (not even for a still photo) , no flash , video is worthless. 5 MP not in full screen (in full screen it is 4MP) .
If you have kids and want to take a photo for them then please wait till thy sleep and start shooting , other wise you will be wasting only your time and battery .
It is even too bad in watching movies without setting hours and hours converting them!
I hope it is not a hardware issue and only software that can be updated later .
No cam-mobile , yes surf-mobile and nav-mobile.

How to get better Quality results when using your Camara?

YES!, YES!, I know I'm noob....my first post yeah...OK to the question, when I take pictures using my HD2, and send them to my computer, the pictures don't like as neat and high def as the samples on the phone. I was just wondering if there is way to make it at least a bit more crisp and decent looking than the poor quality and blurness that i get now. The resolution is set to the highest..contrast normal, etc..ANY TIPS...Thank you...
get your hands on BsB Tweaks. Simple .cab install. It has a few options for 'hidden' settings for the camera and camcorder.
I'll do thanks...will that me it sharper??
Honestly I've not done a lot of comparisons, but it does add a SUPERFINE option to the camera, so that has to be worth something!
Finehood, what's the highest resolution setting you see in your camera menu? There should be a 5MP (2592x1552) setting available on there...it's on the second page of resolution options so make sure you didn't miss that.
If you don't see it there, then the BsB option jimbonics mentioned will add that in addition to the "superfine" mode. It also adds a couple of other modes you might like, so it's worth checking out. If you can't or won't use BsB, then they're available as just a regular cab too.
thank you guys....and yes I do have it in 5mp, but still the quality looks awful, but I'll be getting the bsb tweak...that sounds like it might fix my problems..any other suggestion is welcome!!!!THANK YOU
finehood said:
thank you guys....and yes I do have it in 5mp, but still the quality looks awful, but I'll be getting the bsb tweak...that sounds like it might fix my problems..any other suggestion is welcome!!!!THANK YOU
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Check out these other tips too:
(the last one on that list is what we've already suggested above)
thanks again...
good tips...I'll keep you guys post it if it gets better!!
Are you having a lot of noise problems ? Unfortunately that's not going to go away. If you're expecting some quality pictures like what a real camera would take you'll be quite disappointed . I've tried tweaking it myself left and right and every which way possible. I've seen some sample pictures from the EVO and even with it's 8MP cam it does not look a whole lot better.
good to know..
actually, u know what..i kind of knew that it would never be close to a regular picture cam, but with the high megapixels at least i was expecting something decent...but thank you...I did the bsb tweaks and got a bit better...the hidden tricks are all right...thanks everyone..
the fact is HD2 cam is poorer than HD's. I have both devices, HD in default (auto) settings takes very well pix, and HD2 (even after tweaks) takes puctures "ugly". The overall temperature of the shot is in grey tones domination, while HD take very realistic, closer to simple digicams. If anybody has an answers, please comment. Would be great if we will be able to take pix even just HD does.
When you take a picture and look at it from your computer is the size of the picture the same as the HD2's screen?
I'll usually just right click on the picture and send it to paint, click on image, then stretch/skew function. I'll reduce it to at least 50% / 50% and work my way down from there. That usually increases the image quality for me. I don't need a picture the size of three of my computer screens. Hope it helps.
When in doubt my friend photoshop is your friend
photoshop will do the fixing for us....jiji...but like i said before i was just wondering if there was a way to make it better...like a tweak or a .cab, etc. bsb is not bad, but it doen't make the image any better in quality...but good tweak really good tweaks..
finehood said:
photoshop will do the fixing for us....jiji...but like i said before i was just wondering if there was a way to make it better...like a tweak or a .cab, etc. bsb is not bad, but it doen't make the image any better in quality...but good tweak really good tweaks..
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What we have here folks is a hardware problem not a software problem. Well actually a little bit of both . All the software tweaks out there does help a bit compared to the stock camera but that's as far as your going to get. Software can only do so much and there isn't a magical software solution when you are coupled with a lousy quality camera lens. The fact is HTC has probably cheapened out the quality of the camera lens compared to earlier phones but regardless the HD2 is a phone first not a camera. Short of replacing the whole lens there's very little software can do when the hardware isn't up to par.
I've had my HD2 since June 30th and believe me this thing takes MUCH BETTER pics than my Blackberry Bold 9700 did at 3.2MP and that phone took some really nice pictures.
I think it depends on the environment your in at the time. I took a few close up pics of my Wife and kids and those images came out beautiful. I also took some scenery shots in landscape and those images came out awsome as well. I took some pics inside the Tennessee Aquarium and had mixed results. As long as the lighting was good the images came out great. In darker settings the images were not as sharp.
I do use BsB Tweeks and I also have my resolution set to 5MP. I'm not sure why your camera is producing such awful images but I'm very pleased with mine.
squire366 said:
I do use BsB Tweeks and I also have my resolution set to 5MP. I'm not sure why your camera is producing such awful images but I'm very pleased with mine.
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Is it awful? He never posted any samples of his pictures. Are you really pleased because I'm not. How good the pictures actually look to an individual are highly subjective. I would hardly consider the pictures I've taken pleasing but I'm just going to have to settle.
I think the problem here is that finehood is really picky and had high expectations. I'm assuming what he had in mind were quality pictures closer to that of a real camera.
Sounds like user error to me. Try wiping your lens before taking pics. . My HD2 takes great pics.
Take a picture at max resolution. Then copy that picture over to your pc. View that picture at 100%. You'll see it looks like ass.
hey guys...
i was reading some of the posts, and it makes sense, believe me I never got the wild idea of a phone cam being equal or better quality than a normal cam... but even with the 5 mp and the tweaks and considering light issues or environment surrounding your pics is not even close to a decent quality that's all I'm saying, the pictures look BEAUTIFUL on your phone, really neat and crisp, once you transfer your pics to a computer and see it in full scale you'll know what I'm talking about...blurriness, blur edges, sometimes pixelete images mainly in the face, I'm happy with the phone....and all it does, but I WAS JUST WONDERING if there was a way to make it a bit better...BSB Tweaks did some adjustments...thanks for the feedback guys, I'll be posting some pics shortly..so you guys get the idea....

Photos taken with HTC One from the top of Mount Elbrus

Hi guys, I would like to share some photos I took with my HTC One from the summit of Mount Elbrus.
Just a note tho, i was wearing ski goggles and the sun was extreme bright. So i couldn't really see the screen. It was mostly 'point and shoot' without the focusing part.
It was roughly -20 degrees at the summit, I was genuinely surprised when my beloved One was still functioning (my brother's iPhone died at the summit).
I did experience some difficulties taking some pictures while near the peak, I don't know if its from the cold (the battery was around 3 degrees Celsius) or everything was too white for the autofocus to work properly. sometimes it took roughly 10 seconds (from pressing the shutter to picture being saved) for the picture to be taken.
I would love to hear your guys opinion regarding the photos!
Another thing, The battery on the One is EXTREMELY resilient, I was able to run the GPS chip to do Geo-logging for over 12 hours and the battery was only down the 30% even in the extreme temperature!
General information about Mount Elbrus:
Highest mountain in the continental Europe, standing at 5642m above sea level.
Wow. Nice pictures from a nice adventure. Thank you.
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk 2
That's incredible! Thanks for sharing, and congrats on your climb!
Those look like some great pics to me..
Thanks for sharing them and the story behind it..
Very nice indeed the camera on this phone despite what some so call experts say is one of the best on a smartphone
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
These are really great pictures.
They remind me that the One has very coarse granulation of image adjustments. ie, trying to increase the exposure of a scene by the minimum increment will *drastically* increase the exposure.
In scenes like the ones in these pictures where there is a lot of snow, you generally want the snow to be a little whiter, less gray, so that the distant sky and forest will have a normal exposure. If the One allowed you to increase exposure *a little bit* , you could probably get the perfect balance of detail and realism. But I imagine if you set the camera to the smallest possible increase, ie " + 1 " , it would completely blow out all the lighter areas of the picture.
..at least with the initial versions of the camera software (ie system software 1.2x). They may improve this later I realize.
Of course at 5000+ meters you probably don't want to be playing around with the "image adjustments" menu anyway. So the default settings produced perfectly acceptable shots considering the conditions.
Gorgeous pictures. Congrats as well, amazing milestone.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
Someone should spread this story. A feel good story for the One.
-Sent from Marino's One-
Great story and great pics mate :thumbup:
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Amazing pictures man.....great adventure...
The only thing is... its a pitty that there is so much noise in the bluesky in the pictures..
I hope htc will fix this...other wise great
Here's some more photo near the summit.
I don't understand why there is so much noise...
john291 said:
Amazing pictures man.....great adventure...
The only thing is... its a pitty that there is so much noise in the bluesky in the pictures..
I hope htc will fix this...other wise great
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I was about to say, am I the only one that doesn't agree that theses are great pictures? It seems many judge pictures by the scenery but not the quality of the image.
Sure the subject matter and location are stunning, but the quality of the image is not really that good. My old sgs2 would have taken a better picture with more clarity and less noise. That phone is over two years old!
If I took a grainy, noisy picture of Kim karsashian in bed with Cheryl Cole people,would still be saying wow! Great image! What a great camera! The One sure has a good sensor!
No offence, I have the One, like the one, keeping the one, but I sure hope some image improvements are on the way.
I think it's certainly possible to find fault with the images.
But we have lots of other threads for stuff like that.
I'm willing to just accept this thread at face value: a guy took this phone to the top of a very high mountain and the phone's camera performed ably in this unusual environment. Nothing more nothing less.
I commend him for the report (as well as the journey itself!).
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
NxNW said:
I think it's certainly possible to find fault with the images.
But we have lots of other threads for stuff like that.
I'm willing to just accept this thread at face value: a guy took this phone to the top of a very high mountain and the phone's camera performed ably in this unusual environment. Nothing more nothing less.
I commend him for the report (as well as the journey itself!).
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Exactly.... I've taken a number on top of mountains myself and whilst the One shoots ably, the fact is the photos once you actually zoom in lack detail. The grave stone in first pictures for example lacks detail, the text can not be read. Everything beyond normal focal range is overly soft and lacking details and suffer noise and artefacts. Or the fact in one of the photos of your climbing partners, if you zoom in you can't even make out details on their clothing or faces sadly.
As much as I love my One, the reality is for landscapes where much of clarity is in distant objects the 4mp on the one just isn't enough to capture the fine details.
Yes they look great on Facebook, twitter and posted on forums when viewed quickly, but when you load up the full image and actually examine it the faults are all to easy find.
In the scenario the OP took the picture, blue clear day - ultrapixel actually provided NO benefit as there was always enough light for the image to capture, but the lack of megapixels does hurt because with greater MP we would have been able to see so much more clarity in the photo, a clarity that would have done so much more justice to the breathtaking view on the summit than sadly the camera does capture.
Congrats OP on your climb / achievement - its great. But I think some folks are mixing up your 'great' achievement with 'great' photo. Sadly the photos are just fine.
g2525 said:
Hi guys, I would like to share some photos I took with my HTC One from the summit of Mount Elbrus.
Just a note tho, i was wearing ski goggles and the sun was extreme bright. So i couldn't really see the screen. It was mostly 'point and shoot' without the focusing part.
It was roughly -20 degrees at the summit, I was genuinely surprised when my beloved One was still functioning (my brother's iPhone died at the summit).
I did experience some difficulties taking some pictures while near the peak, I don't know if its from the cold (the battery was around 3 degrees Celsius) or everything was too white for the autofocus to work properly. sometimes it took roughly 10 seconds (from pressing the shutter to picture being saved) for the picture to be taken.
I would love to hear your guys opinion regarding the photos!
Another thing, The battery on the One is EXTREMELY resilient, I was able to run the GPS chip to do Geo-logging for over 12 hours and the battery was only down the 30% even in the extreme temperature!
General information about Mount Elbrus:
Highest mountain in the continental Europe, standing at 5642m above sea level.
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Awesome pics buddy! Beautiful view! Congrats on the climb
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
nookcoloruser said:
Exactly.... I've taken a number on top of mountains myself and whilst the One shoots ably, the fact is the photos once you actually zoom in lack detail. The grave stone in first pictures for example lacks detail, the text can not be read. Everything beyond normal focal range is overly soft and lacking details and suffer noise and artefacts. Or the fact in one of the photos of your climbing partners, if you zoom in you can't even make out details on their clothing or faces sadly.
As much as I love my One, the reality is for landscapes where much of clarity is in distant objects the 4mp on the one just isn't enough to capture the fine details.
Yes they look great on Facebook, twitter and posted on forums when viewed quickly, but when you load up the full image and actually examine it the faults are all to easy find.
In the scenario the OP took the picture, blue clear day - ultrapixel actually provided NO benefit as there was always enough light for the image to capture, but the lack of megapixels does hurt because with greater MP we would have been able to see so much more clarity in the photo, a clarity that would have done so much more justice to the breathtaking view on the summit than sadly the camera does capture.
Congrats OP on your climb / achievement - its great. But I think some folks are mixing up your 'great' achievement with 'great' photo. Sadly the photos are just fine.
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yes it's a basic fact the ultrapixel camera will never be useful if zoomed, for that get another device
otherwise its one of the best all rounder phone cameras, especially in low light
the only thing weird in these photos, considering how much sun is that the images are little under exposed, guess the phone was trying to counter the extreme light in auto mode
as for the battery looks like heat is a good contributor to drain in ordinary use
hamdir said:
the only thing weird in these photos, considering how much sun is that the images are little under exposed, guess the phone was trying to counter the extreme light in auto mode
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Was actually thinking the same thing. Setting must have been changed in camera for contrast / exposure because I've shot in similar circumstances and the HTC One will tend to over expose. It could also explain 'additional' noise in the image if settings like that have been changed in image adjustments.
I think HDR would have likely done a better job at balancing it out (which is what I tend to do myself) rather than leaving it on standard setting albeit with image settings adjusted....
Absolutely amazing! First of all congratulations on your milestone...a fantastic achievement!
Secondly...I would like to propose your post + pics for HTC One's top-achievement...ever (so far). Ridiculous really for a mobile phone to function at all at nearly 6 km height...plus taking some real quailty pics to boot :highfive:
mwatson said:
I was about to say, am I the only one that doesn't agree that theses are great pictures? It seems many judge pictures by the scenery but not the quality of the image.
Sure the subject matter and location are stunning, but the quality of the image is not really that good. My old sgs2 would have taken a better picture with more clarity and less noise. That phone is over two years old!
If I took a grainy, noisy picture of Kim karsashian in bed with Cheryl Cole people,would still be saying wow! Great image! What a great camera! The One sure has a good sensor!
No offence, I have the One, like the one, keeping the one, but I sure hope some image improvements are on the way.
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Would the SGS2 have taken better pictures in that extreme environment though?
Yes they are a bit noisy, yes the scenery is great, there is a tradeoff there but the real issue is the environment.

