Universal IR - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Does anyone know of any software that can mimic remote controls via the infrared transceiver?
I have a receiver on computer and other devices such as the TV and am wondering if it should be possible to grab some software to learn the codes and be able to control the computer/TV with the PDA IR like i do with the standard remote control.
Or if anyone knows whether it should be possible to write some software (perhaps in java) to achieve this? As far as i've researched the java framework as standard with windows mobile 5 is MIDlet/MIDP which from looking at the specification doesn't appear to contain any IR interfaces/information.

Hello gratz,
Check http://www.novii.tv/pocketpc/, works fine in my JJ.
Best regards, araappa

Any free / open source ones?

Haven't located any yet, anyone have any more info on this?


Need to display actual PDA screen on attached PC - ideas??

I'm a .NET server-side developer who's 100% new to PDA programming. I know the various SDKs exist but I haven't downloaded them or their associated emulators. I've skimmed the MS docs, but I haven't played with them to see what they can really do.
I'm looking for the sort-of opposite of an emulator.
We have PDA-connected software that we're demo-ing at a tradeshow. But the real demo is of the server-side stuff we've built; the PDA is essentially a dumb terminal using only its built-in browser & Outlook.
We need to run the demo on the real PDA but have the results visible to a large audience. So the goal is to somehow make the PDA's screen appear on our VGA projector that'll spray the image on the large screen behind the presenter.
Right now our first-cut plan is to have the PDA connected to a PC via the sync cradle. Then all we need is some software on either the PC or the PDA that'll drag the real-time screen image to the PC.
Does anyone know of such a program?
In the alternative, do the MS SDK emulators include the full functionality of a typical PDA, such as browser & Outlook so I can simply use the emulator and the PC's network connection to simulate the browser/Outlook & over-the-air connectivity, with no real PDA in the demo? The demo doesn't need any telephony capability, just TCP/IP connectivity.
If the emulators do have that capability, which one(s) do I need? There are a bunch of SDKs and emulators available & I don't really have time to grab them all and uninstall - reinstall hunting for the right one. We're looking for something that's American-market compatible and we don't much care which specific hardware device(s) it's emulating.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'll return the favor somehow.
if you need to show the PDA acreen on your PC monitor then you can use aprogram called PPC controller.
it even anables you to control the PDA from the PC.
hope thats what you are looking for.
Thanks, that was EXACTLY what I was looking for.
It'll also be a big hit around here for a bunch of other uses. All that and inexpensive as well.
Thanks again, and the next time you have some server-side .NET headscratcher, send me a note. I owe you one.
Another option is the free powertoy for PocketPC MS Remote Desktop Control and Activesync.
If the device has Bluetooth like the XDA2 then you can ActiveSync using Bluetooth and the presenter can wander within about 10 meters of the PC with the bluetooth connection and teh projector.

Communicate with an camera application using dde

I´m trying to develop an application that can communicate with the camera application in my PDA (Qtek 2020).
In order to communicate with the camera application, I want to use the DDE mechanism.
I would like to know if it is possible to use the DDE VIs in LabVIEW 7.1 PDA Module.
And also, if anyone has already tried to develop some similar application and knows where
can I get information about the communication protocol, so that i can send the correct messages to the camera application.
Thanks for any help,
Pedro Sampaio
try doing a search in the hacking it forum
camera AND sdk or API
but it's not an easy thing to dance with the camera of the htc devices

Freeware Remote App?

If there any remote control applications that use the IR port to control a tv in universal remote fashion? A bonus would be that it can interface with tv's without setting codes first (like those prank remotes on ebay). Freeware. Any help is always appreciated
I don't think anyone has fuguered out how to use the wizards ir as a remote. Not even the companies who sell ppc remote software last I heard about a month ago.
Try http://www.novii.tv/pocketpc/classic/ (don't know if it works, should probably email them)
I just use my old Palm Pilot with universal remote software OmniRemote to control everything (universal remote was all that thing was good for from the start ), but Navi does look interesting.
The IR port on most of the O2 devices is only good for about 1.5m so they're not really suited for a remote control. I've tried a few app's (all commercial) and none was any better than the others. Apparently HP use stronger IR modules which perform better.

software development kit

Hello, i want to know if there is a development kit for the htc 8125, some kind of program or software to developed my own programs, control bluetooth, control the keyboard something like that. I know it can be done with visual studio 2005 but I want to control bluetooth to send command to a bluetooth module, and I don´t know if that is possible with Visual studio 2005.
Some information will be very usefull.

[Q] BT Mouse: Alternative to BlueInput from Teksoftco?

Hi. Did anyone of you ever found an alternative to "BlueInput" Bluetooth mouse driver for WM5/6?
I'm also wondering how hard would it be to actually write one if there's no alternative for this commercial product.
Is there anyone out there who would like to start such project too and contribute to coding?

