Tweaks2k2 on the HTC Universal - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Is Tweaks2k2 really that necessary for our Exec (HTC Universal)?
Can anyone comment on compatibility on our Exec?

it's compatible (runs only in Portrait mode though).
Is it necessary? No. You can do all the registry changes manually.
Is it convenient? You bet! It takes much less time to do everything manually, and it allows you to try the VGA brute force method on various programs (and revert back if it doesn't work)

You don't really need ALL the registry tweaks that comes with the program if you know how and where to edit your registry.
You only need some of the registry tweaks so don't waste the precious memory of the EXEC

95 % of the tweaks are here,for free.....


MS Voice Command causes keyboard selector to be sloooooow

I finally figured out that MS Voice Command is the program that makes the keyboard input box be slow to appear. It was taking like 6 seconds to bring up the list to choose another input method. On my Jamin, I'm 100% sure that MS Voice is to blame. After uninstalling it the delay disappeared. This is a real drag since I used MS Voice all the time for making calls. I wonder if the K-jam has the same problem? Anyone have a work around for this problem?
Well spotted That's always the first step on the way to a solution. I also depend heavily on this software so I hope a work-around's available.
Could this be the cause of the thumbpad (T9 pad) not coming up all the time, requiring a soft reset? I'm using WM2003SE btw.
I aslo stopped using MS voice command on my JAMin. I did a hard reset and did not install PocketZenPhone, Phone Alarm and MS command.
Now my JAMin runs awesome! I can change the keyboards instantly and I can even use full screen keyboards which never would work before.
I do miss voice command but I can live without it. In fact the built in voice dialer is not bad. I don't miss having to say the full name and then home or mobile or whatever. The less I have to talk to my phone the less crazy i feel. Plus it works better over bluetooth headsets.
MS Voicecommand & slowwww SIP
I encountered this prob about 4 months ago after upgrading my Xda2 to WM5.0. When I upgraded my device to the prophet, the exact same thing happened.
Here's my work-around:
1) Do a hard reset
2) Export the entire registry
3) Install MSVC
4) Import the registry saved in step 2
VOILA... now I have MSVC & a normal SIP change....
This is a great find. I've been trying to find out why my selector take 7 seconds to pull up. I thought it was keyboard skin or some other input program I installed. Didn't realize it was MSVC.
Now only if we can figure out which registry changes are causing this problem...
Re: MS Voicecommand & slowwww SIP
Putra said:
I encountered this prob about 4 months ago after upgrading my Xda2 to WM5.0. When I upgraded my device to the prophet, the exact same thing happened.
Here's my work-around:
1) Do a hard reset
2) Export the entire registry
3) Install MSVC
4) Import the registry saved in step 2
VOILA... now I have MSVC & a normal SIP change....
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For those of you who don't have MSVC installed already, Step 1 is not necessary, i.e. no hard reset.
All you need to do is export the registry before installing MSVC, install MSVC and restore your registry.
I might have found something
I installed the trial of SKTools and was playing around with the "invalid registry entry" tool and deleted a few entries that were flagged. I remember one that had something to do with VC and started with a weird character "%a" or similar. Sorry that I can't remember better, but I did not realize right away that that fixed the problem, since I was only "cleaning up", but the keyboard selection is working well right now and that was the only thing I changed in the meantime that had anything to do with it. Hope that's the right direction.
Seems to be fine after the newest ROM update
I had the Slow keyboard with older ROM
Phone: JAMin
Some tweaks may solve the problem.
I have a Cingular 8125 with 200Mhz CPU (reportedly running at 180Mhz only).
I use Omapclock to speed up PocketSNES, but it doesn't speed up the keyboard selector at all.
Also tried the Registry trick, but restoring the original Registry after installing Voice Command clears everything, settings, program icon... ... and disable Voice Command.
So it's not a good solution.
Finally tried to tweak the Registry (for generally speeding up WM5).
It's worked so perfectly for me.
The Keyboard Selector menu pops up in 1 second or less, almost instantly.
Before tweaking, even without Voice Command installed, it takes 2 to 4 seconds.
Here are the steps:
Increase cache: Noticable effect on WM5.01. Use any registry editor:
* Change 'limit' to 8192 up to 32768
* Close registry editor (Save)
* Soft reset
Disable Animated Menu (I know, doesn't relate much with the KB selector problem, but it speeds up the whole system anyway)
Use Registry Editor:
* Change "AniType" from default 6 to 0
Use any add-on that close the programs for real, not just minimize it (SPB Pocket Plus, or PHM Free Utilities, whatever)
Increase SD card access rate:
Use Registry Editor:
* hklm\drivers\sdcard\clientdrivers\class\mmc_class
* hklm\drivers\sdcard\clientdrivers\class\SDMemory_c lass
Change both BlockTransferSize from 64 to 128 or 256
(I use 256. Don't know if it make the reading/writing process any unstable, but so far no problem for me ever. Plus I have backup, so why worry)
Affects WM5.0 and can increase overall speed up to 20%
Use Registry Editor to change from default 0 to:
* [HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS] CacheSize = 4096 EnableCache = 1 * [HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt] ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096
(For me, I did everything before Resetting)
PHM registry Editor can be downloaded from
Good luck.
If that does not solve your problem, please tell. Because then I know that I might accidentally did something else that made it work
Chai T
Is there any update on how we can fix this besides importing/exporting the registry after install?
I followed chaintox's directions for speeding up the device, which did seem to speed up some of the menu drawing and a few other things that it should have, but it did not help the speed of the choosing a SIP at all. I've removed all third party SIPs, and also disabled the PhonePad SIP, and it's still very slow (around 15-30 seconds).
I'm not willing to do a hard reset right now... is there anyone that has the registry export from before and after installing Voice Command? That would let me see exactly which keys were created, so I could look at removing some one by one until I find what's causing the slowdown.
Thanks in advance.
I found out that the slow SIP selector bug has something related to AKU2.2 and up...
I reflashed back to the original dopod ROM with AKU 2.15 and my SIP selector is fast even with voicecommand installed.
I'm curious if AKU 3.3 has this bug and whether WM6 has this issue too? This was probably the primary reason for ditching the latest ROMs and sticking with the original.
Well, I installed Voice Command on an WM5.0 (no AKU) emulator image to get the registry diff, and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Installing Voice Command also did not cause the SIP slowdown on the emulated PPC, so I tend to agree with everyone that it may be AKU2.2 specific. I'm curious to see the answer to mr_yellow's question about AKU3.3 or WM6... I may be willing to upgrade if it fixes this issue.
I just remembered that I did test AKU3.3 (I think i flashed AERGS's AKU3.3 ROM) and it did have the same laggy SIP selector bug/feature... so the only other option is WM6... Does anyone know if you the SIP selector is slow for WM6? This is for a G3 device (dopod818pro)...
Hi all,
I have been noticing that my input selector is really slow so after much digging around I came upon this thread and Chaintox's instructions.
However I read his first instruction to increase cache and followed that with a soft reset and now my JAMin isnt completing the soft reset
It is just hanging at the SPB safe mode menu reboot screen.
Is there anything I can do?
please help! and contribute to the forgive-a-noob fund
chaintox said:
I have a Cingular 8125 with 200Mhz CPU (reportedly running at 180Mhz only).
I use Omapclock to speed up PocketSNES, but it doesn't speed up the keyboard selector at all.
Also tried the Registry trick, but restoring the original Registry after installing Voice Command clears everything, settings, program icon... ... and disable Voice Command.
So it's not a good solution.
Finally tried to tweak the Registry (for generally speeding up WM5).
It's worked so perfectly for me.
The Keyboard Selector menu pops up in 1 second or less, almost instantly.
Before tweaking, even without Voice Command installed, it takes 2 to 4 seconds.
Here are the steps:
Increase cache: Noticable effect on WM5.01. Use any registry editor:
* Change 'limit' to 8192 up to 32768
* Close registry editor (Save)
* Soft reset
Disable Animated Menu (I know, doesn't relate much with the KB selector problem, but it speeds up the whole system anyway)
Use Registry Editor:
* Change "AniType" from default 6 to 0
Use any add-on that close the programs for real, not just minimize it (SPB Pocket Plus, or PHM Free Utilities, whatever)
Increase SD card access rate:
Use Registry Editor:
* hklm\drivers\sdcard\clientdrivers\class\mmc_class
* hklm\drivers\sdcard\clientdrivers\class\SDMemory_c lass
Change both BlockTransferSize from 64 to 128 or 256
(I use 256. Don't know if it make the reading/writing process any unstable, but so far no problem for me ever. Plus I have backup, so why worry)
Affects WM5.0 and can increase overall speed up to 20%
Use Registry Editor to change from default 0 to:
* [HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS] CacheSize = 4096 EnableCache = 1 * [HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt] ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096
(For me, I did everything before Resetting)
PHM registry Editor can be downloaded from
Good luck.
If that does not solve your problem, please tell. Because then I know that I might accidentally did something else that made it work
Chai T
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Wow, i forgot about this thread... I found a good workaround/solution. Not sure if it'll work on all devices. but it worked on my HTC Prophet.
Figured out the exact keys in the registry to import/export.
see this wiki page for more details
This can be done after you've installed VC.
Cool TY for that info !
This fixes the problem PRONTO!

Advice for new Wizard owner?

I am the proud new owner of a Wizard (in the form of a Cingular 8125) .
I have been scouring these forums and the wiki and learning all sorts of useful stuff. I've compiled a list of "things to do" to my Wizard and was wondering what I'm missing.
Anything is appreciated.
Here are my goals: I want to optimize my 8125 for performance (speed, internet, stability, and usability) without sacrificing too much battery life. I have a G4 chipset, but don't want to flash any ROMs.
Here is my list so far:
1. Overclock the processor to 235 mhz (it seems like there are a few choices for how to do this, I'm not sure which is the best for me).
2. Open my wi-fi to allow 802.11g (is djvw's optimizer the best choice for this?)
3. Make my 8125 actually close programs when I click the "x," to save resources.
I appreciate any tips you give me
magic button works well for closing programs. it also has a built in task bar that I cannot do without.
1. Overclock the processor to 235 mhz (it seems like there are a few choices for how to do this, I'm not sure which is the best for me).
Most people seem to use OMAPClock to do this. Check out OMAPClock plus. I keep my wizard (TMobile MDA) at 240.
2. Open my wi-fi to allow 802.11g (is djvw's optimizer the best choice for this?)
This is done with a registry edit. There are several programs that will allow you to do the edit (resco explorer, total commander, ...). and at least one package that has most of the usual edits in one place. (registry wizard). Do your research before doing this since one wrong edit and you will have to hard reset.
3. Make my 8125 actually close programs when I click the "x," to save resources.
There are several programs that will do this for you. Research to find out which will do what you need. (HTC X, smartskey, magic button, pbar, GSPocketMagic)
HTC X - nice, integrates very well with WM5, maybe originally done by HTC
smartskey - most consider this an almost required install on your WM5 device, remaps your softkeys to make them more usefull and will help keep your phone overclocked.
magic button, gspocketmagic - both have a taskbar and will close apps for you.
pbar - newest one I have seen, program closer with taskbar, even has an area for favorites on taskbar.
Now for caps, DO YOUR RESEARCH, look up the features and problems with each program and especially before you even think about doing any registry edits. You will have to find which works the way you want and feels comfortable.
Forgot to mention, all of the apps I mention are free downloads except Resco Explorer.

Slow Changing of Input Method?

Guys, I have a question.
I used to have an iPaq 6300 running WiMo 2003, when selecting input methods there is an arrow beside the input method you click on to bring up the menu that lets you choose between Keyboard, Block Recognizer, Transcriber or Letter Recognizer. This was instantaneous! The moment you press the arrow, the menu pops up and you can switch input methods instantly.
On my new Atom Exec though this is not the case. You have to press the input method icon first, which brings up the arrow, then click on the arrow, then wait like a minute before the menu pops up. What gives? Is this really how all WiMo5 devices work? Is this a problem with WiMo5 or with the Atom Exec in particular?
It is annoying because it makes it harder to switch between input methods. Could someone tell me the score on this?
My bad, I fiddled around with the Atom a bit more and fixed the problem by doing a Hard Reset. Now I set the PPC back up to how I like it and it's working flawlessly.
Hmm after some time the problem seems to be back. It looks like the phone bogs down with stuff after a while, causing this problem. I don't feel like reformatting, does anyone have a fix, or a program that cleans up and optimizes your PPC?
this is an issue of WM5.
It also happens to WM6. The more applications you installed, the slower it will get (not sure what kind of application though). Well, Atom Life has 1GB of ROM. Of course people will start installing a lot of applications.
Anyway, I read somewhere in the forum stating that if you have more than 10 today plugin installed, the SIP will take a some time to appear. The plugins don't necessary be active. I mean, the ones not active are also counted. I have not confirmed this yet though.
I have more than 40 programs installed in my atom. It didn't slow down that much (only 5 to 10%) but what I usually do is to backup everything first before I install anything. At the first sign of speed reduction or bugs, I just do a restore. I have more than 15 today plug-ins both active and inactive. However, one thing I noticed is that it is better if you install your non-essentials to your sd card. It doesn't matter if you do a hard reset, they will still be there and if you use a tray launcher or clauncher, you can configure the icons to reappear even if you do not re-install them. This way, you reduce the clutter in your main memory and at the same time save you the trouble of re-installing. The reconfiguration of the executable icon will take some time but it is still faster than re-installing 30+ programs. It is important though to maintain a storage of no less than 17MB. Once you go below this, you will really see the reduction in speed and will be pissed off with your PPC. By the way, do not use Opera or any modified IE (tab browsing and downloading. by the way, Opera is good with downloading but sucks in handling your PPC's memory) while doing something else with your PPC. It will really really slow down your PPC.
i posted this same thread sometime ago, but there was no solution. At last i discover the culprit. I see the difference in speed when i install Embedded Windows VB Runtimes. regardless whether i install it in the memory card or the main memory.
Got this info from another site, it really works.
make WM5 SIP faster (加快輸入法) (not a joke)
X51V ENG A12 + Ce-Star 2.8R2A + Monster SIP + MS IME for JAP works well.
But I am not very sure "every WM5 PPC" works well, too.
After installing a lot of softwares, WM5 SIP becomes slow.
You can make it fast again.
1. install resco explorer 5.42 and resco registry at \Device
2. use resco registry to export the registry of
to a file (like CLSID.reg) at PPC, or SD, or CF
donnot edit or modify CLSID.reg
3. use resco registry to delete CLSID
4. use resco explorer to execute CLSID.reg to import the registry CLSID back
5. turn off PPC, soft reset
It is amazing like magic.
Weird... it really works. Everything back to normal. Menu is displayed instantly after tapping on the list button.
I'm using Atom Life WM6, so this mean that it also works for WM6.
Urk Double Post
Aha! O2's proprietary software is a bunch of Today plugins! That may be the culprit. I noticed the a while later though after the O2 software was installed.
I have no perceptible slowdown on the Exec other than the input method switching. I just need to fix that!
My main memory is about 85% free (83.6MB) and yes I do install all the non-essentials to the SD card.
MightyOx I'll try your method hopefully this fixes this issue. While "upgrading" to WM5 I thought it would be a completely better experience, but I'm finding WM5 has issues and that quite a few things were done better in WM2K3 (like the SIP switching speed) or how about creating a new SMS message in WM2K3 you only needed 2 taps here in WM5 you need 3. *roll eyes* sometimes I wonder what developers are thinking when they take steps backwards like this.
On the other hand I love being able to rotate the screen, and Voice Command 1.6 was totally worth it.
Mochan said:
Aha! O2's proprietary software is a bunch of Today plugins! That may be the culprit. I noticed the a while later though after the O2 software was installed.
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Click to collapse
It's not O2's software. It just happen to be the next software you've installed before the problem show itself. It can be any software. As I said in my previous post, it will happen after you've installed a certain number of software. I think it is WM5 and WM6 related.
Anyway, the workaround is already posted. So, I have no more complain about this problem.
Yeah, looks like it's not. I tried Mightyox's method, THANK YOU SIR my Atom is running fine again. It's like once you pile over some registry entries over the CLSID directory, it takes time to get it. So the solution is to delete the registry key and "re-enter" it so it goes back on top. Very strange but if it works then more power.
Tried it on my like a charm

Per program control for RealVGA (doable?)

Hello everyone,
Having tried out RealVGA on my recent reflash of WM6 for my Uni I must say it's rather lovely at 96dpi and while quite a few progs get along just fine there will always be a few that just are not keen on it and resetting the Uni just to run a game or prog is a pain on the rear.
My question is would it be possible to have RealVGA have a list of .exe's which would be run at 192dpi (kinda like Midget_1990's VGA prog but the other way round) so in operation it would kind of do the following. . .
Run prog.exe
RealVGA checks list finds prog.exe is 192dpi only
RealVGA runs prog.exe in 192dpi
When you exit/taskswitch prog.exe screen returns to 96dpi
I know it's a bit of a long shot but I'm also looking to treat myself to an Athena/Ameo/x7501 of some flavour and given that this has the same issues as the Uni I think this would be a winner for both units.
Long time lurker first time poster
That is not possible. RealVGA does not run in background, it just changes a few registry settings so the device 'thinks' its a regular device with big screen and not VGA.
What you can do is make some programs 'VGA aware' that way they will run in true VGA while the rest of the system works normally.
You do this by adding a resource to the exe of type "CEUX" called "HI_RES_AWARE" with binary content 01 00.
You can use Resource Hacker but make sure the file is not signed when you edit it.
Thanks for the reply,
After posting this thread I thought I could of better worded it so take two.
As you say RealVGA just performs it's magic then it's done but would it be possible for an app to be made that could sit in the background and change the dpi on the fly or is it something beyond the capabilities of a WM device?
Meantime I shall have a look at the method you have described and see if it can fix the problem on imate blackjack as it visually looked ok but none of the menu items could be selected.

Configuration Apps - Which One??!?!

So, I have -
Diamond TF3D Config Tool (for changing themes)
SK Tools
HD Tweak
and about to install Schaps Advanced Config
I'm a little worried about having too many programs installed on my HD (slowing things down perhaps?) Can I remove Schaps and Tweak HD once I've made the changes I want?
I guess I don't need Diamond TF3D if I'm happy with my theme...
Sk Tools seems to be the only one which has more uses and I should run from time to time?
that actually sounds like a good question, can these optimisation apps effect each other or are they just registry tweaks? I suspect the latter so it shouldn't be a big issue as far as processing power or time goes.
But as for uninstalling, I know for a fact that some tweaks don't survive a reboot so if you want them, you'll need the tweaker.

