Just tried Kasuie Hitchhiker.... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

when you run it, you get told of an error, and the only way to sort it is to reset, and that seems to hang on the htc screen until you push the power button, and then the kjam continues with the restart.

worked ok for me.
had some errors when specifing ip adress and to be honest its not really worked as well as i expected but i didnt need to reset at all.
hope he brings new one out supporting wm2k5 etc

i get a screen saying "there has been a problem either quit or details"
nothing then works except for reset button?

yeah i get that when i click on specify ip address option.
what version you on? i'm on 0.32.16368
its pretty bugged tho, it shows my home wireless in the list still as avaiable when i'm 30 miles away at work lol :|

weird? just reinstalled, but started with wifi off, and it said turn on wifi and retry, and it started ok.
ps. before i couldnt even get to the about screen, so was going to say mine was version 0.32


Wizard wont turn on - however lights still flash?????

Im currently using the imate rom Rom date 2/6/06 extrom version 0
It has been working fine for the past few weeks and the performane increase has been much better. I was also using the oush mail which also worked well. Then a few days ago I started to have a few problems with the phone, basically it would look as if it was working the lights flashing, however when I went to turn it on it wouldn’t turn on. The only way to resolve this si to soft reset the handset. This problem is now occuring on average 2 times a day! I havent even installed any new software!! Thwe only major incident before this started happening was I used skype twice! But havent used it since! I have also stopped push mail cause I thought this maybe the issue but it didn’t solve it!
Its so annoying cause I think the device is operating normally cause I see the flashing lights however it cant do anything cause it has frozen!
Any ideas???
I was thinking of going for a hard reset but if I restore my backup ive taken with spb will this not just reintroduce the problem?
just to add for further info i have no apps running and the
program memory is total - 44.01mb
in use 19.67mb and Free 24.34
thats after a soft reboot!!
This might be a really silly suggestion, so appologies if it is, but could it be just the backlight turned off for some reason so it looks like the device is off when it is actually on?
No, I don't think that it is the backlight as I am also now experiencing this same problem ... approx 1 - 2 time daily. You think that the phone is functioning until you try to use it. Only option is soft reset.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
no at present a soft reset is the only cure and even then it may occur again later on! Bluey HK are you using the same rom as me??? the imate one?
its done it twice already today and its only midday! the last time i was just browsing the web, closed the browser, then switched it off and then couldnt turn it back on! Do you think it may be a memory leakage issue????
This happened to me yesterday on my T-Mobile MDA. I am running the latest T-Mobile_RUU_Wizard_2210401_221_20710_ENG_US image from xelencin.
What appears to have triggered the problem for me was attempting to connect to T-Mobile's My Email app to download mailbox settings while the signal level is too low or intermittent (Wi-fi and Bluetooth were disabled).
The backlight would not turn on and I could observe the My Email app trying to access the server.
it sounds as though it may be a bug connected with a GPRS connection???
ahh its done it again, this time i wasnt doing anything just died! I think i am gonnna have to do a hard reset cause this is making the phone unuseable!
if i do a hard reset and then install a back up is there a high possibility that this will reintroduce the bug???
its not the backlight
my 8125 is having the same damn problem. its nto a backlight issue, as it just stalls, and the past 4 times its done it, i've just removed the battery and turned it back on as a soft reset wont work, and i can't it to react to any commands. this is either a software issue all our phones are dying. i was having this problem with summitter's previous 2.17 rom, then updated to the recent 2.17.11 aku 2.2 rom... thinking the upgraded rom is what it needed...NOPE... still crashed. almost all instances i believe are when the wifi connection was active. but i could be making that up, i'm positive on 3 occasions it was with a wifi connection active. but not too sure about the 4th.
this is making me insane, and we need to figure out whats up~!
to expound on the problem:
one time i was in the middle of checking voicemail, then tried to delete, but the screen wouldn't light up, and it wasn't responding to my option 7 to delete command. the other time was in the middle of a phone call. something's up....
i am having the same issue with my 9100, its running the latest offical rom, mine does it whenever it feels i dont believe it is wifi or gprs related as i have the problem at time when i have been using neither.
there does not appear to be a link to any software i am using either
any ideas?.
yea- i get the same sometimes, i go to take my phone out of standby and it wont do anything, the power button doesnt work- the light just flashes. sometimes it freezes on the today screen, the power button dont work or anything. really need to sort this!
any ideas? any1 else get this? its where u put ur MDA in standby, and next time u press power button 2 turn on nufin happens, but the leds still flash at the top!
yep i still get the problem! still no cure!
I have exactly the same problem... I just pick up my device from my pocket to use it, I press on the power button once but the device won't wake up from the standby mode. I wish someone can give us a cure.
Low Battery...
I had this happen to me once recently...for me it was becuase my battery was too low. Freaked me out, because everything looked good, but I would power on and get nothing! Right after it started it powered on for a sec then quit. I had to put it on the charger and leave it for a couple hours to get a good solid charge, then everything was fine. Hope this helps....
thanks for the response, unfortunately mine is definately not related to the battery charge!
mine hasnt done it in the last day, ive been leaving it a while before putting it into standby. i used to exit my app (messaging or whatever) and shut it off straightaway, but i give it a sec or 2 to make sure its all good
and its doin ok so far!

Phone not resuming from standby

In the past couple of days, there has been three occasions when the PPC (Orange m700) would not resume from standby by pressing the on/off button.
It was still on, but not responsive at all and required a soft reset. It would not wake up with a regular pre-set alarm, and nor with a phone call either - calls sent straight to answerphone.
I uninstalled some software after the first ocasion, as I though that may be the problem, but apparently not.
I can't find any other forum posts on this probelm either
Hmm, I'm having the same problem since upgrading my P3600 to the latest official HTC ROM. Unit appears to be in standby but cannot be woken using the power button. Haven't tried calling it in this state to see if a call will wake it.
No idea what could be causing it, soft reset seems to fix the problem.
Anyone else with this problem?
before i have same problem like both off u, did u install u'r device with c3 st4r wm5 cr4ck?? because when i have install with that prog my device in black screen i couldn't wake my phone again & tried to call my device but the phone not active, now i'm using the original c3 st4r serial number from dopod for free, my device just work fine
I have recently noticed mine doiing this as well, although if i hold the button down for a while it will eventually wake up. I dont have a crack for core but have a serial posted on the XXXXXXXXXX site- didnt get a serial or the program with my dopod..... can someone help me with a different serial?
Mod edit we do not make WAREZ suggestions on XDA-Developers
It's happened on mine a couple times recently. For the moment, I'm attributing it to running the gmail applet...no theory, just based on practical observation. A friend recently installed opera mini and had the same problem on his device (it's an HP6515). Could it be the midlets?
i dont use midlets, and i have the same problem and worse... some times everything stops working even in standby mode, or when i use it it crashes and i have to wait some time before using it or i have to soft reset after a long period... it is not a software problem because i uninstalled alot of heavy progs, but i think that mini sd might be corupted and the apps using it crashes,(us when i listent o the musing file paths are gone and i have to softreset)
im just trying using the mini sd as hdd in windows through the phone and do a checkdisk and defragment to see if the problem resists.. if it does ill paint blue my trinity and throw it to the see *(greek exprsion).... ime so ungry of those stuck problems, and i think we gave so much money and we cant even recieve phonecalls...its a pain in the a**
This has happened to me on occasion.
I am wondering if you guys check mail (use HDSPA?)... I have a feeling this may be the cause...
happens every now and then, suspect batterystatus plug-in which is not really meant for trinity, but could be some other software...
For the past three days the phone was frozen in the morning.
I have two alarms set to get me up, and there have been a couple of reminders (tasks), so I wonder if these are related to the problem? The alarms never went off!
Also my phone memory is now round about 12mb, so I also wonder if this is an issue?
Also, it has taken me 2 soft resets to get the phone working again after it froze the past 2 times
I have noticed the same issue for a while. In my case at least I think it relates to wifi (and maybe BT). If left on my phone doesnt typically emerge from standyby. If I switch off then I dont seem to have this problem at all. Maybe not just me?
Guys, I suspect you have a software problem. I know it's painful, but you can do a hard reset to the device so that it returns to its clean initial state and test for a few days to see if it's recurring.
Then you'll know if it's a software problem or hardware one. Also, it helps you to explain the situation when you ever need to return it.
Had the same problem. Drove me absolutely nuts. Had phone exchanged 3 times and did numerous hard and soft resets. Virtually no additional software on it. Finally resolved after switching to WM6. Thank god!
i think it's a hardware problem.
I have a trinity now, but I had this problem with my atom exec. it would do exactly that... turn off, not turn back on, power button doesn't work, people think im not answering my phone, alarms don't sound. I tried all the roms, including changing my WWE rom to a CHT rom, didn't work, same problem.
I'm interested in hearing why people think this is software related.
i have the same problem with my p3600 :| sometime it don'r resume from standby when i press poweron/off button :| any solution?
I think you'd better send it back to HTC.
I had the Standby of Death SOD this is when the phone fails to come out of standby with a power button press. This issue only affects some people on some networks. I'm not sure if its a network problem or a software problem but as only a minority of people have it, I suspect its mainly a network problem there is a software solution.
The solution is to change the phone settings band option from auto 3G/2G to either 3G Only (WCDMA + UTMS 2100 in Europe) or 2G Only (GSM + AUTO) depending on your requirements.
Also read this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=540943&highlight=standby&page=2 where the resolution was to get a new SIM.
Obviously this only solves the problem when the crash is because of the sim and/or settings which impact the sim. To rule out a software cause its best to start with a hard reset.
try this
problem phone freeze from standby often hapened to me then i try to install "SystemSecurityMonitorPro(V2.2)"
use it before turn on phone from standby
i dont know how it work but it working for me
correct me if iam wrong
hilang said:
problem phone freeze from standby often hapened to me then i try to install "SystemSecurityMonitorPro(V2.2)"
use it before turn on phone from standby
i dont know how it work but it working for me
correct me if iam wrong
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I'm not going to try and correct you as there can be different solutions to the problem depending on the cause, my solution will only solve the problem if its because of the sim/radio/network, other solutions are to update the radio, get a new SIM, do a hard reset etc etc etc. If it worked for you then it worked for you and your post is welcome.

Internet Explorer loads nothing.

I have a 8525 that has WM6 upgrade to it. Haven't really done anything else to it except load a few games. But it's always had an issue where you can open internet explorer and when it says its loading the home page (in my case google), it comes up with a blank screen. Any address typed in comes up blank like it can't locate the internet, even though everything is on.
My only fix is a soft reset which while not horrible, is slightly annoying. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something or some setting.
I get that occasionally and the only answer I have found was to soft reset.
Happens on EVERY ROM I've used (5, 6, 6.1)
Second that... when that happens all other "Internet" functionality apperas to go away as well... soft reset is the only fix.
Bumping back up.
I've been having this problem for a while, however even a soft reset isn't correcting it anymore. It seems like the connection is good because i'm still able to download email and weather info, however in IE i'm getting nothing (using medianet, wifi seems to work fine). I've tried reflashing with a few different ROM's, however nothing seems to be fixing it. Currently running CRCs r12.7 and radio
Anyone have any ideas?
Exactly the same thing happens to me. 1st load after soft reset all is fine in PIE, close it and next time this behavior is guaranteed to happen.
Weather & exchange sync are still working fine, just Internet Explorer ends up displaying blank ("opening" then blank page, properties show text with size of 0kb)
Did anybody come up w/ how to fix it?
Disable the proxy; it's interfering with the page loading.

YouTube Not connecting Problems

Hey Everyone,
I currently running Artemis_v100_WWE_210_23563 on my HD2, everything is going great except the YouTube app. Every time i try to play a video it seems to state "Connection failed. Please try again." only while I'm connect to wifi. Seems to work with my EDGE though for a little while and then it keeps showing that message. I've noticed if i hard reset my phone, it works amazingly for a good hour and then, if i trigger the wifi off, and use EDGE it starts causing issues, and when i try to re-enable wifi and use YouTube, it fails and never work again. Every time i hard reset the phone it seems to solve the problem for a little while, and then it goes back to the usual message.
I did not install anything on the phone when this occurred, and also turned off my network and only had wifi and its not working. It will work for a while like i stated with no network off immediately after i hard reset my phone but after i turn off the wifi and turn it back on it doesn't seem to work.
My internet and all other things work on the phone perfectly fine. Has anyone encountered this issue?
Current YouTube Version is 2.6
Anyone got any ideas?
anyone got any ideas yet? i update and downgraded my rom and installed the new rom V11 and still occurs, works for only a little while and now it doesnt
my does the same thing i want to know why too
luckych said:
Hey Everyone,
I currently running Artemis_v100_WWE_210_23563 on my HD2, everything is going great except the YouTube app. Every time i try to play a video it seems to state "Connection failed. Please try again." only while I'm connect to wifi. Seems to work with my EDGE though for a little while and then it keeps showing that message. I've noticed if i hard reset my phone, it works amazingly for a good hour and then, if i trigger the wifi off, and use EDGE it starts causing issues, and when i try to re-enable wifi and use YouTube, it fails and never work again. Every time i hard reset the phone it seems to solve the problem for a little while, and then it goes back to the usual message.
I did not install anything on the phone when this occurred, and also turned off my network and only had wifi and its not working. It will work for a while like i stated with no network off immediately after i hard reset my phone but after i turn off the wifi and turn it back on it doesn't seem to work.
My internet and all other things work on the phone perfectly fine. Has anyone encountered this issue?
Current YouTube Version is 2.6
Anyone got any ideas?
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I had this same problem... I had to delete a proxy registry entry for it to work correctly! I forget which one... Do a search for it and you should find it here in the forums...

Help! My Moto G4 Plus wont let me factory reset

So, i just bought from a friend a Moto G4 Plus almost brand new, everything working great.
But this morning i realized my notifications dont show, i cant pull down quick settings, home button and recent screens button are non responsive and i cant see the lock screen anymore; I try to unlock my phone with the fingerprint sensor but it unlocks with any fingerprint or even just by pressing the on button.
With all these problems, I went online to search for possible explanations for all of this. I tried to factory reset it but the button is a little faint and it wont let me. I tried to hard reset it but it also wont let me do that. I uninstalled all the apps i had to see if any app had done this but everything still wouldnt work. Also tried deleting all other information but still, home button and all other things dont work and still cant factory reset.
Also tried factory resetting it with two different programs conectting it to my computer but neither program recognized my phone even though its battery was over 80%.
I am getting really frustrated. I mean, everything else works fine, but all these things should work and everything and its really frustrating trying to use the phone having to go back on everything to go to the home page.
Anybody have any suggestions or have had the same problem? Tomorrow im gonna take it to a guy i know who fixes phones but would really love to know if i can solve it myself.
Thanks in advance
Search here how to flash the stock from for your model. It should fix it unless its a hardware issue.
fix-this! said:
Search here how to flash the stock from for your model. It should fix it unless its a hardware issue.
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Just did, and int fixed everything, home buttons working, quick settings are coming down and all the other things.
But, now my network connections are unavailable. My mac address is 02:00:00:00:00:00, my ip address shows as unavailable and my phone also wont read my sim.
I already flashed it again and also tried restoring it to factory setting because now it lets me do it but nothing changes. I cant connect to anything on Wi-Fi, it just stays on the screen of Wi-Fi turning on
I had same issue when memory bocame full! I did hard reset.

