What are all the .dsm and .rgu files in WM5 Win dir - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

What are the .dsm and .rgu files in WM5 windows directory? THere seems to be a lot of them. they have names like
Any ideas?

I was wondering this myself, new to WM5, that's for sure!

WinBackup File Extension Library
DSM ( .DSM ) - File Extension Information
Extension: DSM ( . DSM )
DSM is the file extension for music modules associated with MOD, DSI and DSIK.
Format Category: Audio
Actions: Open,Play
thats pretty much all i could find out about it, rgu couldnt find anything relating

how we can remove it ?
all this file have the propriety's with rom file

Beyond the Tech answered my question at hofo. And the rgu files are registry keys that are run at reset. The rgu files can be read by any text editor. There seems to be a dsm file for each rgu. So i don't hink deleting them is a good idea.. I almost deleted them myself.


Make registry modifying only Cab

How can I make a registry modifying only cab, that doesn't require files to be added??
So far, it seems that adding SourceDisksFiles and other required sections like this on the .inf files won't allow to create a registry modifying only cab file... :?
Yes those sections of the inf are mandatory.
To create a cab that only modifies registry you need to put your modifications in the form of an xml file, name it _setup.xml and use makecab.exe like this:
makecab /D COMPRESS=OFF _setup.xml mycab.cab
Do not try to use cabwiz because it will change the file name inside the cab.
To learn how to formulate registry changes as xml look in MSDN under Configuration Manager and Provisioning a device.

Registry in WM5.0

I've been working on Registry files for WM5.0, and got to some conclusions, that I'd like your confirmation for:
1) PHM Registry Editor last version (v0.70), doesn't support import of .reg files!?
At least, I never was able to see this option enabled at menus.
In alternative, I've been importing .reg files with Resco Registry
2) .reg files only support Unicode textformat. ASCII format is not imported, at least with Resco!?
3) .reg files for WM5.0, does not support line comments!?
Everything after a ';' seems to be ignored.
Did I took the right conclusions?
WinCE CAB Manager correctly handles all topics above transparently (Unicode; ascii; comments), when importing .reg files.

howto dump mxip_*.vol?

I need this files from the root of my running device (not windows folder)
But I cant copy them!
Is there any way or tool to get them?
Try to dump the rom with This tool
but i don't know if the PE headers will be correct ...
hi TofClock,
this tool dumps only files in the Windows folder, but I need the files from the root.
This files are the databases of the system, the files in the windows folder are the templates for the first boot.
Also the content of the .dsm and .provxml files is writen to this databases (after first boot).
My idea is to use the finished database in a ROM and delete the .dsm files
i've just finished a dup with the tool , and in the "Files" , i've mxip_lang.vol , mxip_notify.vol and , mxip_system.vol
EDIT : **** , it should not work :/
Test that :
I've succefully copied , with built-in explorer :
- mxip_initdb.vol
- mxip_lang.vol
- mxip_system.vol
but i can't copy or rename mxip_notify.vol
does anyone how to edit those files (mostly mxip_lang.vol from /Storage folder) and how to replace them?
my phone always says that it is in use and i can not do anything with it
this is the last file I have to change to get my phone fully translated
With Sktools you can export metabases mxip_lang.vol into .xml files . Also SKtools has import function. But I don't understand how it is work. I tried to insert some new rows in metabase but sktools say: 0 records imported. May be anybody know how to import new record in metabase with sktools? Please, help me!
I successfully translate mxip_lang.vol !!! I used Sktools for dump this file. After that I translated all english records in to russian ( text file in unicode format). Then I have put DevPrepSP.exe utility ( with its configuration .xml file) and my .txt file in \Storage\MUI\ folder on my Qtek8310. I have started the DevPrepSP.exe and have added records in to mxip_lang.vol. It has worked!!!
My txt file has such format of records:
0#19#1;1049#31#Размер сист. шрифта:;
0#19#2;1049#31#Время нажатия:;
0#19#3;1049#31#Макет начального экрана:;
..................................................... ;

Merging all the .RGU files into the hives files ?

Hello there.
Well, i'm trying to cook a new version of my ROM (French version for the artemis) , and i saw on Faman release that there's no RGU files...
He seems to have merged all of them into the default.hv and user.hv (sys\metadata).
I've tried to do the same and merge all of my rgu files in default.hv and user.hv but phone doesn't boot anymore.
And when i look in my kitchen\temp folder, there is the two default.hv and user.hv files but when converting them back to rgu they are empty ?!
So i don't really understand what buildos do ?! Because each modification in sys\metadata hives files doesn't seem to have any effect on final ROM...
I have tried to copy this files just before launching createrom.bat but mobile still doesn't boot...
Have you got any idea on how to do that ?
Best regards

Issue - Files over-written when creating a ROM

When I'm cooking multiple applications in to my ROM, I have an issue where different applications have the same file name and over-write each other.
For instance,
when cooking in G-Alarm and Opera Mobile they both have image files called something like "nextbutton.png."
So it seems that one of them over writes the image file of the other, which results in one using the image file of the other.
Is there an easy way to fix this?
found the answer!
I don't know if anyone finds this interesting.. But if you are cooking in a lot of EXT packages, chances are you're going to over write several files with common names.. (they all get put in the \Windows\ directory..).
Heres a simple little solution:
(make a batch file and paste this in it)
::for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d') do rename "%%a" "ab0_%%a"
for %%a in (*) do rename "%%a" "ab0_%%a"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Paste this in the files directory of your EXT package. It will add a prefix to your files.
Then simply edit the app.dat file in your EXT package with any text editor that has "search and replace" and search for "\Windows\" and replace with "\Windows\ab0_" where ab0 - is the prefix you added to your files.
You'll need to manually edit any lines where \Windows\ was in the destination path, and not the source path. Generally these are a couple lines at the end of your app.dat file.
Hope this helps someone else!
