Jasjar in stock in Tottenham Court Rd, London.,what a beauty - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I got to play around with one this evening, Like the colour and overall shape/size. Not too big or bulky to make it difficult to carry..and it fitted into my Ipaq belt-clip case!
The screen is amazingly clear..a little smaller than the HP4700 screen and not as bright but still a beautiful screen. The stylus is cool...quite big as styli go...2 speakers at the front base of the unit (didnt get to check the audio quality)...Video and camera quality seemed very good infact...speed of the unit was quite responsive...didnt see any noticeable slowdown. Overall very impressed. Will try and mess about with it more 2moro sometime.
The store that had just stocked them is called Inkino situated inside Sunrise Digital Electronics about half-way down Tottenham Court Road if any1 is intrested.

How much is it from there?


Some of the images of the Jas Jar looked like the devices was grey-black, other images made it seem almost brown.... How would you describe the colour? Can you take a picture and post it?

The orange ones are an ugly grey black like the M500 (I prefer the qtek aluminium look!).
We played with it at Modaco's party in August... I'm not sold on the idea yet.

its definatly not brown...more dark grey with black keyboard...will try and take a few pics of it and post here

its definatly not brown...more dark grey with black keyboard...will try and take a few pics of it and post here

What can you say about the camera quality? I heard that it is crap...

popped into Sunrise, and what a beauty. I was so tempted. Still am.
might pop over there today and get one.
Very knowledgeable as well.

I was quite suprised at how good the video quality was...not tried taking any pictures with it as yet...waiting till end of next week before I can afford to get one
I'll do a in-depth review just as soon as I get my hands on one.

More locations to get the JASJAR
Just an update on where to get the JASJAR. I followed up a number that is given on the iMate campaign for the iMate JAM on the London Underground (0845 225 7225) in the hope of getting a repuatble dealer of things iMate. I was pointed to an outfit called Inkino Ltd on Tottenham Court Road. They have TWO outlets on this road. One at the Sunrise Digital Centre at 229 Tottenham Court Road and the second at the MBA Technology Centre at 243 Tottenham Court Road. Thier contact number is 0207 631 4567. I went along to see the JasJar and could not believe it; there was a queue here of guys waiting to buy and try this amazing machine. As sods law would have it the guy two places in front of me bought 4 of these machines with cash. The guy in front bought the last one and the elderly guy serving had spotted that I had been patiently waiting and took the time out to show me the demo machine and promised me that I would get the first one from the next delivery next day. True to his word I got a call at 10.00am the next morning. By 10.30 I was the proud owner of a spanking new JASJAR. What a machine! What good service. I should mention that at this store(243) and the other branch the guys are very clued up and do not do any hard-selling. In fact they openly invite you to go and check out other places. Most refreshing. I am going there for the accessories as soon as they start rolling. The old guy is going to ring me. They have also promised to install TomTom Nav 5 for me. I checked out the other stores out of curiosity and believe me these guys were the only ones who actually know anything about the product on the street. They also live by thier products and were able to show me TomTom running on a SPV c500, a Trep 650, iMate JAM and also a standalone GO 700. All the other shops showed me the cellophaned boxes from the shelf. Shame on them. They know who they are. I will keep you posted of my findings from using the JASJAR. Be cool.

a myth about tottenham crt rd. its many shops owned by 3 families, so of course they dont mind you browsing elsewhwere in their other sstores.
any they all talk to each other.

Wrong my friend. I have checked this out and yes the hifi type sellers are pretty much all related. Its a different story with the PDA/GPS guys who are primarily guys who hold concessions in the bigger stores. A lot of them are owned by one particular mob(I use this word under advice) but these Inkino guys are new kids on the block and been going for less than two years and yet have already earned a reputation for knowledge and service. I have gleaned this info from casual chats with other non PDA sellers who had no axes to grind. One guy even hinted that he wouldn't mind working from them. On my last visit there I got to try out the Holux GPSlim bluetooth receiver and picked it up just from what I have read about it in the press and on the web; next week I am going for the MemoryMap stuff and TomTom. The JASJAR is still Rocking!

strange. most of the tcr stores i know people personally and have business dealings.

good 2 see new talent though

I got my jasjar from Inkino also...glad u liked it...its an amazing piece of kit...I personally know the guys at Inkino and can vouch for them 100%...great bunch of lads with very good knowledge.

I got my jasjar from Inkino also...glad u liked it...its an amazing piece of kit...I personally know the guys at Inkino and can vouch for them 100%...great bunch of lads with very good knowledge.

Mine came from Inkino too and I highly reccommend them...
While I was in there playing around with the demo JasJar, the guy behind me bought a Bluetooth GPS thing for his PDA. He started chatting to me about my potential purchase before pulling out his HP6515 to answer a call.
As soon as 'Mr Inkino' saw this guys HP, he explained to him that it already had built-in GPS, and that the receiver he'd just purchased was pretty much useless if he was intending to use them together. He then proceeded to refund the guy his cash, and give him a thorough demonstration of how to get GPS up and running on his PDA.
Basically, I was quite impressed by the fact that the man working there spotted a new PDA from halfway accross the room, did himself out of a sale, and then spent 15 minutes helping out someone who ended up spending nothing in there. Made me happier about giving them my hard earned cash!

sub69 said:
Mine came from Inkino too and I highly reccommend them...
While I was in there playing around with the demo JasJar, the guy behind me bought a Bluetooth GPS thing for his PDA. He started chatting to me about my potential purchase before pulling out his HP6515 to answer a call.
As soon as 'Mr Inkino' saw this guys HP, he explained to him that it already had built-in GPS, and that the receiver he'd just purchased was pretty much useless if he was intending to use them together. He then proceeded to refund the guy his cash, and give him a thorough demonstration of how to get GPS up and running on his PDA.
Basically, I was quite impressed by the fact that the man working there spotted a new PDA from halfway accross the room, did himself out of a sale, and then spent 15 minutes helping out someone who ended up spending nothing in there. Made me happier about giving them my hard earned cash!
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The next time I am in London, will definitely give Inkino a visit. These news certainly brightened up my visit. Otherwise I have struck off Totenham Court Road as one of the lousiest places to get electronic.

I was in manchester yesterday .. but expansys was CLOSED !!!!!!!!!!!! arg ..
but I've touched a "fake" of the m500 ... (from free to £179 !!!! )
I guess that next saturday will be the good one


I STOOD ON MY XDA EXEC :: Q's about insurance

Hi I have looked on the forums and have found a bit about phone insurance. I stood on my XDA exec ( I know what a c**k) its knackered. The screen has popped the silver bit on the back has come up in one corner and the flip / rotate mech snapped so the screen flaps about in the wind.
Yes I was drunk
Yes I am stupid
Yes I have made a claim.
I have sent it in today to LSG (lloyds tsb phone insurnace). From looking at other web sites my concerns are as follows :-
1) They will not be able to get the parts to repair the exec.
2) If they replace my phone they will not be able to get an O2 one (I know the imate is the same but I like it in black).
From what I have read elsewhere people have had a real issue getting top of the range PDA's fixed (unless its by the network insurance when they mostly get new ones) Most of the time people get offerd a cash settlement.
Has anyone else claimed through Lloyds phone insurance or any other 3rd party insurance and got a replacement phone ?
If they want to settle for a cash sum. How much should it be ??
any help on this would be good ???
Have edited my first post to be more specific. Anyone ??
here is the answer to anyone who is interested. they tried to get me to take a nokia n91 or n80. I said no.
told them I wanted an exec or the cash. after about 10mins of holding ect I got a supervisor who tried to tell me how good the 91 was. I still said the same. put on hold again.
they came back on and said your exec is in the post.
here's the deal. full new boxed o2 xda exec.
I got my first on in feb 05. this one feels much more solid. the screen flip is much tighter it has come with new rom installed. seams faster.
phone signal is better.
the whole unit seams much more soild than the first one??
could it have been that my first unit was a recon ?
anyway very happy
It seams I spoke to soon. The screen has started to flicker (brown lines jumping all over the place) this is very random but the unit has done it about 5 times now.
It will have to go back.
Can I ask for Cash instead of a new phone ??
Phoned them. Sending it back.
Will make me a cash offer when the get the phone back.
Think im going to go back to Ipaq. Had nothing but problems with this phone.
Hi I have just had my claim paid up by the same insurance (lloyds bank) They told me they do not have any xda replacements and would either give me a nokia n91 or cash settlement I went for the cash they paid me £450 for a xda IIs (ba) £450 is the maximum they pay out so you would more than likely get the same.
I have been informed by a supervisor today that the max they will pay out is £600. They use GSMarena.com to price up what they pay out. Universal costs around 550 - 650 GBP depending on where you look.
The girl on the phone said they will price it on the day the get the damaged one they sent me back. They have 3 suppliers (she would not name them) and they take the average as the units value. I would think they then knock a bit off.
I expect at least £500.
How quickly did they pay you. I have read on other sites it takes them ages to sort it out.
If you look on there website it states a maximum figure of £450 I doubt they will go over it.
I am a platinum account holder and should be covered up to 600 GPB
We will see I will post when I find out.
Lloyds TSB insurance
I've claimed for 2 Xda2i machines that I lost via lloyds TSB insurance which is part of my gold account. each time they've been great at sorting things out for me.
My last claim they informed me they had no replacements and so like others have already mentioned, went for the cash settlement. They paid me £450.
You can only claim twice in every yearly period so I've used up my 'allocation' as it were! I'll ring them next to see when I'm allowed to claim again if needs be. To minimise my risk, I've started carrying my phones in aluminium cases, in my pocket where they cannot fall out and get lost/broke screens again !
I recommend lloyds tsb insurance via lifestyle services group - quick hassle free insurance !
Cheers! Dennis! West London UK!!
Well got the call today. £569.00 offered and taken.
Going to jump ship to ipaq hw6915 here I come.
Ill no doubt be back.

Another Brand New Exec for sale!

Hi fellow site users!
I have a 3 weeks old Exec that has done nothing but be an expensive paperweight since I've had it! See my other posts about the Active Sync/Outlook problems I've had with it!!
I've therefore decided to sell it off and thought I'd offer it here for first dibs to you guys rather than have the time waster bids on eBay.
history - I took it out of the box, setup a new partnership on my laptop and when it sync'd only 24 of my 88 or so contacts showed up on the exec's display - no amount of tweaking, settings changes, selecting show all shows the rest up. I've had to borrow a friends Xda2i in order to allow me to continue working which has no sync problems at all. These last 2-3 weeks the Xda has sat on my bedside table on a bunch of sales receipts!
In order to quel any of you guys fears, I do have an eBay account with feedback of 311 at 99.1 % and my business eBay power selling account with feedback of 5280 at 99.8% (I will provide these via any PM's )
I will send abroad to the US/Canada/Aus (in fact I sold me, my business partner and brothers Xda2 to USA buyers!).
The unit itself is of course in brand new condition. Nothing is missing, I've not opened the software. The only thing I've done is update to the latest ROM from 02's website. It's currently in Corporate mode too. I've not installed any programs, nor have I used the phone. I've only tried to sync it with my laptop - it's the only use it's had! - I also put a screen protector on as soon as I peeled off the 'shipping sticker' on the screen.
Similar Exec's on Ebay from sellers with decent feedback seem to be in the £300-350 range (lower priced ones are from lower and single digit feedback sellers - which raises the point if they're genuine).
I'd like £325 for this unit and I'm open to sensible offers.
If there's anything else you'd like to know - just ask here or via PM!
Cheers! Dennis! West London UK!!
Is the price too high?!
I guess I need to start taking some pics of the Exec and prepare to list it on eBay!
Anyone on here interested?!!!
Dennis! West London UK!!
You obviously haven't looked hard enough, mate!
A brand new one for £250. Yours would have to be offered LESS than that, considering its not new like the one here:
rubish..... £325 is an absolutelly more than fair price!!....specially if you are able to reassure the buyer that this is not going to be an insurance claim!!... which is more than what you can say about alot of the phones going through ebay! :roll:
agent003 said:
rubish..... £325 is an absolutelly more than fair price!!....specially if you are able to reassure the buyer that this is not going to be an insurance claim!!... which is more than what you can say about alot of the phones going through ebay! :roll:
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Nah, I disagree, £325 is a fair chunk higher than market value. Last as new exec I sold on ebay got £265 and my open box ones about £230. eBay may well be higher than market value as there are less savvy buyers doing their bidding and pushing prices up, not down. Someone using this board is less likely to pay over the odds, which £325 definatley is.
I think I'll just whack it up on ebay and hope none of the stupid zero bidders wastes the auction!
Hopefully I'll get 'decent' dosh for it !
Cheers guys!
Dennis! West London UK!!
DennisCooper said:
history - I took it out of the box, setup a new partnership on my laptop and when it sync'd only 24 of my 88 or so contacts showed up on the exec's display - no amount of tweaking, settings changes, selecting show all shows the rest up. I've had to borrow a friends Xda2i in order to allow me to continue working which has no sync problems at all. These last 2-3 weeks the Xda has sat on my bedside table on a bunch of sales receipts!
The unit itself is of course in brand new condition. Nothing is missing, I've not opened the software. The only thing I've done is update to the latest ROM from 02's website. It's currently in Corporate mode too. I've not installed any programs, nor have I used the phone. I've only tried to sync it with my laptop - it's the only use it's had! - I also put a screen protector on as soon as I peeled off the 'shipping sticker' on the screen.
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As soon as the packaging/box seal is broken it is already a second-hand product eventhough totally unused. You have already used the item and changed the original OS in it.
I guess you'll get a better offer if you claim it as a "like new" item.
You interested in trades for this,Dennis?
Brand New, UNUSED Samsung E900?
Let me know ASAP.
You're probably best off sticking it on ebay, I have done this with all of my previous XDAs and have always got the proce I was looking for, probably because they were in very good conditon (which yours obviously is) and because of my solid ebay rating. I think people would rather pay a decent price for an item from somebody who is reliable than go with somebody like the guy offering a brand new Exec in the link for £250 (18 feedback and only 95% positive? Would you really risk £250?) Just my two cents.

Where'd you get your TyTN

Hi, I really kind of hate askin questions like this, cause so many opinions can vary, but I am trying to get a few ideas on reputable dealers, since I have never dealt with any of them before, I was planning on getting one through Smart-Mobile-Gadgets, they were just mentioned in a few reviews/posts I read in the beginning and seems like a good dealer, but I see so many other places offering TyTN's now.
If you have bought a TyTN and recieved a US charger without the UK adapter, or have had to send your unit back for warranty and recieved good customer service or know of places with good warranty contracts/extended service, or just know of a very reputable dealer, any info you might share would be greatly appreciated.
Also if you happen to know any dealers that have been shipping the 630 serial models.
I used phonesource-usa via eBay w/o any issues at all. When Christian replaced my original TyTN, the new one came through with an HT630 serial number. He offered a 3 day return policy on eBay. I'd also check his website to see if it's the same there or not.
I have heard good things about phonesource, but MMB (Mad Monkey Boys Gadgets) I have dealt with personally and he is excellant. Recieved a USA Charger with mine and the 630+ Ser #. excellant communicaitons as well.
I went through quite an exercise on my quest for a TyTN:
1. I went to Smart-Mobile-Gadgets, and pre-ordered an early shipment from him in late July for an August ship date. Unfortunately, he ended up getting a bad shipment (all MTeORs and no TyTNs), but I'm happy to say he promptly refunded my money. (Overall experience: no phone but still an "A")
2. I went to PhonesourceUSA. I bought a TyTN (628-series), which he promptly shipped to me overnight (I paid extra for that). (Overall grade: "A+")
3a. After about a week with the TyTN, I experienced the stupid stylus silo problem. I arranged to have the device replaced as a DOA. In support of this, I shipped the device out for Saturday delivery, with the expectation that a replacement would be shipped back to me the following Monday. I would have preferred that he ship the replacement before he received the bad unit, but I could live with this arrangement. (Interim experience: "B+")
3b. Well, it didn't ship on Monday... and it wasn't until Tuesday when I called to complain that he did ship a device... but he shipped it 7-day Ground! Unfortunately for me, this happened around the Labor Day holiday, and a full 10 days passed without my replacement TyTN. Suffice it to say I was IRATE... especially after having paid the premium for overnight the first time around and specifically requesting that he send it as quickly as possible (I needed my phone back). Bottom line, I did get my new device earlier this week (630-series), and it seems to be working fine, but the shipping fiasco turned what had been a very good sales experience into a very disappointing one and soured my opinion of this vendor. (Overall grade: "C-")
So the moral of the story: go with the vendor that's going to do right by you on the support front. Given the opportunity to do this all over again, I think I would have bought from MadMonkeyBoy. Although his website is the toughest to use, he's got the scale and the track record to back up what he sells.
Of course this is just my personal experience/opinion and YMMV....
madmonkeyboy all the way.
Bought my HTC Prophet from him....
And now my HTC TyTN.
I keep telling myself not to get the Trinity when she comes out but I'll most likely get that from David as well.
My TyTn
I bought my TyTn at my local dealer !
Fox-Computer in Paris http://www.fox-direct.com
With the GPSlim 240 Holux.
MMD too
I wouldn't recommend for anyone else though; they don't live up to their responsibilities concerning RMA.
Luckily I'm getting more and more happy with my device, so I'm not going to return it anyway ;-)
MadMonkey Boys if you are in the states. Not a big bells & whistle web site, but offers fast, reliable service, and stands behind his sales.
john1027 said:
MadMonkey Boys if you are in the states. Not a big bells & whistle web site, but offers fast, reliable service, and stands behind his sales.
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I'd rather David spend his time on Customer Service and fast shipping than a website.
Brought mine from mobileshop.com - placed the order about 2PM, arrived 9AM the next day! Didn't even pay a dime for the device or shipping. £35/18months. Magic.

Best Store in London

I'm going to Europe next month and was wondering about buy a new TyTN, and some accessories (like memory card, GPS, etc). Any ideas about best store/price in London?
Other question: anyone knows if are there the Think Outside brand to sell? I love that BT Keyboard, and mine have some pieces broken.
There are differing opinions here as to whether of not the UK is part of Europe.
As for London, head for Tottenham Court Road - it's an entire street of gadget shops. It's gadget heaven! You will be able to buy a TyTN there. Stick to the net for your accessories though - they'll be cheaper.
Thanks, TheBrit.
That street are in downtown, easy to find, everyone knows?
Well, looks like it's better buy the accessories online them.
Its the bottom end where Tottenham Court Road meets Oxford street..(right in the centre) you can get the tube to Tottenham Court Road and the gadget shops start from just outside the tube station
Last time I was down there they had plenty of TyTN's (mostly pure HTC ones), and you'll always manage to haggle a bit off the prices
For GPS etc.. and accessories.. try CeX (Red Sign) It's on tottenham court road too and they have some good deals on second hand and new stuff.. for things like gps second hand could save you a fair amount
Good advice here. It's very easy to find and everybody knows where it is. Make sure you try as many shops as you can and do not be afraid to haggle a bit once you get a good idea of what they are currently going for.
I spent many an hour on that strip of road when I was a young lad!
That street are in downtown, easy to find, everyone knows?
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Oh yes!
You'll probably balk a bit at the prices though, the £/$ exchange rate is awful if you're coming over from the US.
CeX is also known as Computer Exchange if you were wondering (it took me ages to figure out that there was a CeX store on the road down to my Uni in the middle of Brum!) Sometimes it's proper shady in there, loads of second-hand mobile handsets and games, but heck, the Tottenham Court Road store is probably much more upmarket.
I also found that in the Brum Selfridges store there was an HTC section! I had a good nosey around the section then (and was harangued by a salesman probably looking for his first sale of the week, because it wasn't advertised at all).
Happy shopping mate
Thanks all, for the advices!

Invisble shield hard to apply, TIPS?

I had it on my herald and it went on easy and looked great. Putting it on the fuze its alot harder and it looks pretty bad, i got the full protection, but just screen coverage alone gave me alot of issues.
Any tips?
I followed the instructions carefully
Did you watch their youtube videos? They have them on their website. I have a feeling (waiting for mine to arrive) that this will not work out for full protection. I should have watched the videos earlier.
You have to seriously molest the shield to make it attach to the corners. There is a penalty for spending too much time or not enough time on molding it. There is also a penalty for finger oils, too much liquid, not enough liquid, blah blah blah. This is no Shamwow!
I will try to record me putting it together on mine for the first time so we can share in the fun.
Their videos are like step 1...step 2...step 154,987...hahaha
I love knowing that we are about to spray a plastic product with a bunch of liquid and then adhere it mere millimeters away from the warranty voiding pink water sensitive tabs.
Man, Im a negative SOB on something I have never tried. Sorry Zagg I will correct myself if needed.
Perhaps I should have gone with one of the brands I used for my 8125 or my x61tablet.
Can someone who has applied an Invisible Shield to a Touch Pro/Fuze, please post a good quality, up close picture of how it looks after installation? I have looked at their site, but all the pics as fairly small.
I would really appreciate it.
Saved for pictures of install.
Thresher said:
Saved for pictures of install.
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Thanks Thresher
i installed mine 2 days ago and at first i was like ****ttttt cause it had lots of bubbles and looked just awful but they do work themselves out and now i have only one that has coninuously gotten smaller but of course its right in the path of sliding in tf3d hopefully it moves out as well
havent tried the back yet
You should all return your InvisibleShield and buy a real full body kit with BodyGuardz.
Way better then the crap you get from Zagg and BodyGuardz give you 2 full kits.
AllTheWay said:
You should all return your InvisibleShield and buy a real full body kit with BodyGuardz.
Way better then the crap you get from Zagg and BodyGuardz give you 2 full kits.
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Umm, but what about the PTT button? Doesn't look like there's an opening for it.
tribalmunky said:
Umm, but what about the PTT button? Doesn't look like there's an opening for it.
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According to InvisibleShield there doesn't have one either. Just had a buddy of mine order one from them. All they have right now is the TouchPro. I guess just wait it out until they have with the PTT already cut out. I am going to modify mine when I get it. I'm not that picky about it. Just trying to save people the trouble of ordering from Zagg. Probably the worse customer service I had ever experienced.
I just ordered a full body kit from ghost armor, it should be here in a few days. Any one ever used it? I assume they are all about the same as far as installation. I have just the screen protection from body gaurdz right now, it has a lot of drag on the screen (stylus doesn't slide very well)
Contacted Zagg they approved my return. Im assuming the guardz is the same type of material as Zagg uses? Reason being, on the touch screen it provides a much better feel that other screen protectors.
Cant really explain it buy it sort of gives you a light grip its an amazing feel compared to a bare screen or a normal screen protector in general
AllTheWay said:
You should all return your InvisibleShield and buy a real full body kit with BodyGuardz.
Way better then the crap you get from Zagg and BodyGuardz give you 2 full kits.
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To be fair, I have used InvisibleShield's on my Tilt, MDA, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP and those things are indestructible! After 1-3 years, they are all still going strong.
xboxhaxorz said:
Cant really explain it buy it sort of gives you a light grip its an amazing feel compared to a bare screen or a normal screen protector in general
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I agree.
I'm curious to see how well the invisibleshield went on the back of the fuze. I was thinking of getting it, but just for the back. I use on all of my devices with screens the boxwave anti-glare. Some ppl argue that it dims the screen, makes it look less sharp, and I disagree. They make all my devices from my Palm Lifedrive down to my Sony PSP usable outside, and that's a biggy for me. So the first thing I'm doing when I open my fuze box is going to be taking the already unwrapped boxwave and putting it on, before I even turn on the device.
But the back worries me, it seems like a scratch magnet, and I want to get that protected too. Anyone want to post pics from their installs? How hard was it with all those facets?
californiarailroader said:
To be fair, I have used InvisibleShield's on my Tilt, MDA, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP and those things are indestructible! After 1-3 years, they are all still going strong.
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Well they might be strong but there customer service is compared that of Raiders offensive production this season. Abysmal.
I have never in my life been so admiment about asking for a return. I have dealt with mobile providers customer services, which by industry standards is always pretty bad, but Zagg has reached a new low.
I never said they had a horrible product by any means, but there Customer service was enough to make me post, not only this post but numerous others about the company. Whoever is running the company needs to make a serious adjustment on the way they handle customers. I ordered a InvisibleShield or I should deem it "The Shield that never came to be" on Saturday the 15th. The informed that the Shield would be shipped in 3-5 business days. Never heard a response after 5 business days. When I e-mailed the company asking them about it. Nothing. No response for 2 days. When I asked the "Customer Service Represenative" about where the order was all the could tell me was that it was processing.
When I called for further clarification all I could get was the same answer and the lady on the phone told me "I have no idea why it hasn't shipped yet" When I told her my complaints about the company all she said in response was, "I'm sorry to heard that." Not, how can I make this better for you. Or I will check on your order right now and make sure that it's shipped out today. I immediately there after cancelled my order and sent my money else where. Of course I have to wait 3 - 5 business days for my money to be returned to my bank account. Funny that it took less then 12 hours for them to take the money but takes 3 - 5 business days for the money to be put bank into my account. Funny how that works.
If you are happy with InvisibleShield, then so be it. I just wanted other people on XDA to know about the horrible customer service that I experienced.
A side note. Another fellow XDA member purchased a invisbleshield the day after I ordered mine. He received his order last Wednesday. How does somebody who ordered the same exact product in the same state one day after me get the product before me. What's funny about though is that he received a invisibleshield for another phone not the Fuze.
Once again another stellar example of the applitude of people running Zagg.
AllTheWay said:
Well they might be strong but there customer service is compared that of Raiders offensive production this season. Abysmal.
I have never in my life been so admiment about asking for a return. I have dealt with mobile providers customer services, which by industry standards is always pretty bad, but Zagg has reached a new low.
I never said they had a horrible product by any means, but there Customer service was enough to make me post, not only this post but numerous others about the company. Whoever is running the company needs to make a serious adjustment on the way they handle customers. I ordered a InvisibleShield or I should deem it "The Shield that never came to be" on Saturday the 15th. The informed that the Shield would be shipped in 3-5 business days. Never heard a response after 5 business days. When I e-mailed the company asking them about it. Nothing. No response for 2 days. When I asked the "Customer Service Represenative" about where the order was all the could tell me was that it was processing.
When I called for further clarification all I could get was the same answer and the lady on the phone told me "I have no idea why it hasn't shipped yet" When I told her my complaints about the company all she said in response was, "I'm sorry to heard that." Not, how can I make this better for you. Or I will check on your order right now and make sure that it's shipped out today. I immediately there after cancelled my order and sent my money else where. Of course I have to wait 3 - 5 business days for my money to be returned to my bank account. Funny that it took less then 12 hours for them to take the money but takes 3 - 5 business days for the money to be put bank into my account. Funny how that works.
If you are happy with InvisibleShield, then so be it. I just wanted other people on XDA to know about the horrible customer service that I experienced.
A side note. Another fellow XDA member purchased a invisbleshield the day after I ordered mine. He received his order last Wednesday. How does somebody who ordered the same exact product in the same state one day after me get the product before me. What's funny about though is that he received a invisibleshield for another phone not the Fuze.
Once again another stellar example of the applitude of people running Zagg.
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what you done realize is, the minute your hit purchase you had your invisiheild. You can't fault them for not shipping you something you had all along. i think if you look hard enough you miiiight...juuuust miiight see how inviable this shield really is. and when you see your inviable shield, you'll enjoy it that much more! here here for invishield...a job well done!
AllTheWay said:
You should all return your InvisibleShield and buy a real full body kit with BodyGuardz.
Way better then the crap you get from Zagg and BodyGuardz give you 2 full kits.
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The point of getting the Zagg is I dont Need two kits...
Ill post pics of mine should get mine in the mail today or tomorrow. I've applied Invisible shields to almost a dozen devices and I've only had it come out with extra bubbles once when I wasnt as careful with my Sansa Fuze (my phone and mp3 players are both Fuzes now...neato)
rzanology said:
what you done realize is, the minute your hit purchase you had your invisiheild. You can't fault them for not shipping you something you had all along. i think if you look hard enough you miiiight...juuuust miiight see how inviable this shield really is. and when you see your inviable shield, you'll enjoy it that much more! here here for invishield...a job well done!
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lordmaxx said:
The point of getting the Zagg is I dont Need two kits...
Ill post pics of mine should get mine in the mail today or tomorrow. I've applied Invisible shields to almost a dozen devices and I've only had it come out with extra bubbles once when I wasnt as careful with my Sansa Fuze (my phone and mp3 players are both Fuzes now...neato)
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Like I said. If you are happy with your product then so be it, but just don't say I didn't warn you.
Oh and Rzanology it did say HTC Fuze when I ordered it not HTC Touch Pro so once again it's Zagg fault.

