I-Mate Jam with 128mb ROM. - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Did anyone notice this updated jam coming out at the end of September? The specs says it has 128mb of RAM and ROM. This one could definitely support WM5. Why else would they release this thing if not to offer an upgrade? I have been reading this forum all week and I have been trying to decide what variation of the Magician I want to get. I think I may just hold out for this one.

thx for link dublin
but not integrated Wi-Fi again

Already available here in Dubai. The color is a dark shade instead of the normal white one. Looks good. I am still happy with my Big Storage Hack. Wonder if it will work there as well?

it is the same (i think) as th QTEK S110, which I got this week in the UK. Really good, though havig a little problem with charging.....

it is the same (i think) as th QTEK S110, which I got this week in the UK. Really good, though havig a little problem with charging.....

it is the same (i think) as th QTEK S110, which I got this week in the UK. Really good, though havig a little problem with charging.....

The S110 only has 64mb of Rom. It does have the 128mb of Ram, but that's not good enough for an upgrade to WM5. You have to have the larger Rom for that. The S110 is no different from a regular S100 that has had a memory upgrade. It's the Rom that makes this one unique.

You can get a normal I-Mate Jam through expansys (UK) which has been modded by PPCTECHs and has 128MB of RAM. Only £524 without contract

Is this for real or are expansys just testing the water? It says 128Mb in a few places but also 64Mb in the detailed text.
Looks like they cut and pasted some text from the original Jam advert

On the expansys Hong Kong website, it says "64MB ROM and 128MB RAM".
I believe it was a typo on the UK web.

MrDublin said:
The S110 only has 64mb of Rom. It does have the 128mb of Ram, but that's not good enough for an upgrade to WM5. You have to have the larger Rom for that. The S110 is no different from a regular S100 that has had a memory upgrade. It's the Rom that makes this one unique.
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That's perfectly true. Since Windows Mobile now resists in the persistent storage, more RAM is of no benefit. Quite the contrary, more RAM is of benefit more for Windows 2003 SE than for Windows Mobile 5.

I started looking around myself and found some of their sites say 128 rom and some say 64. Makes you wonder which one is true. It's probably the 64 rom, 128 ram. I got all excited there for a few minutes, but I would guess this is more likely the actual config. Oh well, I'll just keep dreaming.


memory upgrade for jam to 128mb

The guys over at Pocketpctechs have done it again/ already.
They're offering a replacement of 128mb for the current 64mb in our jams. 199.00 (not too bad) So for those of us who feel a little constrained by stepping down from a 128mb pocketpc phone or xda II. This might be the fastest most reasonable option.
Just when I thought Christmas was over :shock:
Here' the Link http://www.pocketpctechs.com/detail.asp?Product_ID=JAM-064-128RAM

What should I get . Orange M500 or QTEK s110

Hi guys,
about to be eligable for my upgrade to an Orange M500 (hopefully free!!), and was just having a look around and saw on a website a Qtek s110 on an O2 contract for £29 (£30 month tariff). I am not to bothered about moving phone companies, only that I know it is a bit of a hassle.
is it MUCH better having the 128mb of onboard ram, compared to 64?
thanks all
If the price difference is negligible, go for the 110. 128mb is better than 64mb, of course (more space for games, dictionaries etc), so your consideration is what it'll cost you.
i think i might then......
where abouts are you thinking of getting the s110 for the best price in uk?

Qtek s110 or MDA compact

I coming neer to renewing my subscribtion and whas looking for a new phone.
The MDA compact looked real nice, but now that the qtek s110 is almost here.
This does not make the chioce that easy as the s110 is 155 euro and the MDA compact is for free.
Also the MDA compact comes with 256MB sd card, but it is white en the s110 just looks beter :wink: .
Also I have read that the MDA has a dutch t9, which I can probably download of the ftp.xda-developers.com :lol:.
But which one, does the 128MB realy make life easyer ?
Can you give me some pointer on which one to get.
sold my S100 last week for a S110, see no difference
So no need to worried and spend more money. Same things juste nicer color and bigger memory 128MB instead of 64MB
TUX2K - someone's already posted exactly the same topic elsewhere, which has been responded to... S110 if you can afford it.
TUX2K said:
Also the MDA compact comes with 256MB sd card, but it is white en the s110 just looks beter :wink: .
Also I have read that the MDA has a dutch t9, which I can probably download of the ftp.xda-developers.com :lol:.
But which one, does the 128MB realy make life easyer ?
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The MDA Compact isn't white but silver.
The T9 is not really needed, but another fact is that the MDA Compact hasnt got it.
The extra memory is ok, but I wouldn't pay so much for just that.
Well, if I buy the MDA t-mobile will pay for it. Of course when I buy the Qtek s110, which also has 24 month garanty, I will not get the T-mobile discount.
So the S110 seems like a smart choice, longer support (which I can also get for the MDA at 160 euro), more main memory.
I owned a XDA, which was always runnig out of memory, so that why I asked if the 128MB makes that much af a diverance.
Also Qtek does release update for it's devices, which T-Moblie does not

News regarding the Qtek version of the Universal

Got some news for those of you waiting for the Qtek version of HTC Universal:
-The Qtek version of the Universal will be 'Qtek 9000', not 'Qtek 4040'
-It will be realeased in the end of october
-It will have 128 mb RAM and 96mb ROM, not 128mb ROM and 64mb RAM as stated elsewhere.
-The price will be € 986 w/o VAT
Found all this info on Qtek's Switzerland pages. But guess it will be available to the rest of the world by then as well, since they ship it internationally.
Availability site:
General info, Qtek 9000:
Accurate to a point BUT I don't believe those memory figures are correct.
When HTC first released details of the Universal they gave information that it would have 128MB RAM and 96MB ROM. At first both Orange and T-mobile gave that info out as being accurate. Now both of them have changed their info to say 64MB RAM and 128MB ROM. As such I'm inclined to believe that Qtek simply haven't corrected themselves (see also the dimensions they give - which are again based on the original info released by HTC, and which Orange, O2 and T-mobile have all now corrected).
I see.. But it could be true considering that the prototypes got 2*32mb + room for two more.
Perhaps it even will be different from each distributor? (lets say Qtek will give the RAM priority - 128mb RAM and 96mb ROM, and I-mate will do the opposite - 64mb RAM and 128mb ROM or something)
anicaus said:
I see.. But it could be true considering that the prototypes got 2*32mb + room for two more.
Perhaps it even will be different from each distributor? (lets say Qtek will give the RAM priority - 128mb RAM and 96mb ROM, and I-mate will do the opposite - 64mb RAM and 128mb ROM or something)
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The way Windows Mobile 5.0 works makes 96MB ROM and 128MB RAM a less efficient arrangement. No - I think the fact that their specs (including measurements) match inaccurate ones from a while ago makes it unlikely they are correct (not impossible - but very unlikely).
anicaus said:
Got some news for those of you waiting for the Qtek version of HTC Universal:
Availability site:
General info, Qtek 9000:
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Warning: Do not rely on qtek.ch. They are NOT official Qtek Dealers, instead they import the devices through dubious channels. Plus, they are thieves, a statement I can prove.
Go instead to http://www.dangaard.ch if you want to get official news about Qtek in Switzerland.
it's unlikely that the 2 empty places for chips could
be used for both rom and ram
the memorymap would get pretty screw'd up if
you just put in rom chips even if you could find
leg compatible ones
For size, see here.
Original HTC specs ARE correct!
Here it states 128/64MB
Wlan 802.11 b/g ????
Both stated Tri and Quad band ????
Launch in December
will we ever get the actual specs *LOL*

Anyone can explain price difference btw Qtek S200 and o2 neo

i would like to buy a HTC prophet derivate...
as far as i understood from reading the wikipage
there is no technical difference btw e.g.
dopod 818pro, qtek S200 and o2 neo...
However, I oberserved a big difference in price for the latter two in germany (around 80-100 €)... dopod is not available here...
So does anyone knows a reason for this ?
I would very much like to stick to the cheapest one (of course),
but maybe there are some minor differences...
I also read that a dopod with english rom boots faster than a Qtek version with german rom ??
However, one could change this just by loading a new ROM, right ??
thanks for clearing things up...
Re: Anyone can explain price difference btw Qtek S200 and o2
mtrimpl said:
i would like to buy a HTC prophet derivate...
as far as i understood from reading the wikipage
there is no technical difference btw e.g.
dopod 818pro, qtek S200 and o2 neo...
However, I oberserved a big difference in price for the latter two in germany (around 80-100 €)... dopod is not available here...
So does anyone knows a reason for this ?
I would very much like to stick to the cheapest one (of course),
but maybe there are some minor differences...
I also read that a dopod with english rom boots faster than a Qtek version with german rom ??
However, one could change this just by loading a new ROM, right ??
thanks for clearing things up...
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They are the same apart from the badge painted on them.
Well mostly anyway. They differ only in the software each provider adds to the basic specification. For example O2 will add O2 Plus.
You can indeed flash one prophet ROM with the ROM of the other prophet - but be careful otherwise you will end up with an expensive paper weight.
The price difference relies upon the software bundled and the warranty and tech support you get.
QTek costs less because there's almost lacking tech support, but at least you get twice as much of warranty (2 years vs 1 year) than on other brands.
Hi Rayan...
in fact, the o2 Version is cheaper than the QTek one...!
But thats a different story... Just after i ordered the o2 mobile on monday "night", i noticed that the price was higher on tuesday morning (similar to the Qtek) - maybe i asked too much questions
However, i ordered for the cheaper price; lets see if i will get it...
cu.... Marcel
P.S. in generell i have the feeling that technical support is always a bit disappointing... usually you find more help in these kinds of forums
Hint: O2-prices can vary a *lot* between online shop, O2-stores, independent phone stores and the MediaMarkt stores.
Be sure to check that!
Hi ...
yep, true... But i just got my o2 neo last Friday from an internet store and... the display is heavily damaged... one can use it but it has a huge (20x10 pixs) spot of dead pixls...
So.. having bought it in a slightly more expensive o2 store would be nice now as well... lets see...
cheers.. Marcel

