JAM - Remove GPRS icon?! - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

hi there
i need to remove gprs icon coz it is annoying me. it take a notice space for nothing :? . i really need to remove it and get more space for other notifications software..... 8)

true... is there a way to remove it??

would be useful to know... the big "G" does absolutely nothing for me!


Frustrating o2 logo!!!

Do you know how to permanently remove the infuriating "o2" logo from the top of the screen in the UK? And do you also know how to stop caller ID showing up all the time in wisbar advance?
I know I've done most of these things before but I can not remember how
Any help appreciated
look in remove programs in settings
also look in windows\statup
I uninstalled the V2R stuff (active desktop etc) from o2 coz it was doing my head in having the "o2" on top of the notification area letting u know u had a txt msg etc.
i presume thats what u mean.
as for wisbar, i cant help u with that coz i dont and have never used it.
hope that helps a little.
Do you know how to permanently remove the infuriating "o2" logo from the top of the screen in the UK? And do you also know how to stop caller ID showing up all the time in wisbar advance?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For the wisbar part, this is what u do goto the setting of the wisbar, then goto the "task" tab and select "add" then find "IA caller ID" and the action is "ignore" click ok and thats settle for the wisbar...
as for the o2 logo i dun get where u mean the top of the screen on the phone program... on the top right hand corner?? if its that is what u are talking about... then goto /window, look for this file "carrierlogo" either delete it or get another pic (maximum 20 pixel) and rename it as carrierlogo.gif and its done...
peterbutler19 said:
Do you know how to permanently remove the infuriating "o2" logo from the top of the screen in the UK? And do you also know how to stop caller ID showing up all the time in wisbar advance?
I know I've done most of these things before but I can not remember how
Any help appreciated
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you want to stop IA_Caller_ID from loading you need to remove the shortcut from /windows/startup
also you still may find that it still loads after this..... in some roms it is also loaded from the registry... you will need a registry editor to do this... but you need to remove the following key:
O2 Logo
This logo comes from windows/connections.exe. Use program like advanced explorer to stop the process temporarily or regedit to remove key from registry.

Silly O2 icon on task bar

OK I have spent a lonley evening searching the forum for the answer on this - if its here I am sorry i cant find it - on my (new today) xda IIi there is an o2 Icon on the task bar - it sits in the most troublesome of places and covers up parts of program headings - it must be simple enough but I canot work out how to get rid of it - I have searched for the icon file itself to get the name and search for a value in the reg but no avail - please help - someone - anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
o2 icon
browse to the windows startup menu and it should be under connections, delete that shortcut and voila.....................
thank you somuch -
that was doing my brain in - what possesed them eh? - tell me that!!!!!
once again - thnks- it was the only thing PISSING ME OFF SO FAR
o2 icon
no probs........here 2 help
You can actually just tap and hold for a second or so on the icon, and a menu appears with a slide bar...letting you move the icon wherever you want it, that's if you want to keep it anyway.
I just cancelled the install of that all that O2 Active rubbish.
As I've stated before in here, I quite like the version that's on the 2i as it allows you to have different themes without it looking crap. Some of the features on this version are quite useful as well.
I've always wanted a screen that makes use of all aspects of the screen as it would a normal Nokia mobile, for example with battery life up the side and signal strength up the other, with some space to actually show the picture you've chosen.
I don't suppose anyone's found anything like that recently have they? I gave up looking 6 months ago!
New Update of O2 Connections
New Update of O2 Connections...
Forgot the thread here...

GPRS button in taskbar. How to get rid of it?

whenever i am using the phone my ear touches on the gprs button in the taskbar on top. this starts the connection dialogue and the mdac is about to connect via gprs.
i know i can delete all setup connections, but is there a way to get rid off the button?- like with the screen rotate button at the bottom via a registry entry?
any idea anybody?
got the same problem here... but it usually doesnt connect... annoying yes i know but i dont think its fixable.
found toggle start by vijay555 on his homepage. does something close to solve our dilemma: makes the whole start taskbar disappear, thus also the start button. got into contact with vijay to see if he has an idea concerning only the gprs button.
wait and see
Guys, AFAIK, unfortunately, the GPRS icon is displayed by default by the OS. I don't think it can easily be removed without some deep level hacking of the OS. A relatively easy solution would be to display something else on top of it, like a useful clock or battery icon, or memory usage icon etc... is that an option?
thanx a mil for your prompt reaction. In case you are dying of boredom one day, would be nice to see what you can do with deep level hacking!
thanx again
I use wisbar advance, it has an option to disable or hide the gprs icon!
Carty said:
I use wisbar advance, it has an option to disable or hide the gprs icon!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
now if wisbar, which i do noit want to use, can disable the gprs icon, there must be somebody who knows how wisbar does it.
please, any clues?

How to remove the Bottom tray?

How can I remove the bottom try on my today screen? The one that has the battery / comm manager icon?
Thanks in advance
go to \Windows\Start up\ and remove/move the "initTray"
Thanks... I should have searched first... I found it in 2 seconds.
WOW that worked great... Thanks you for that... it was something I have been looking for.
now for another question... how to I remove the top bar all together, or the bottom bar for that matter?
I was hoping I could get just a bottom bar that worked a little like the taskbar in windows. One not 2 bars to take up the main screen. I would be fine with removing either but I just feel that having both is TOOOO Much and just not required.
OK well first of all thank you for the info again... I have removed it and it was gone when I restarted my 8125.... but every time I plug it into the USB it pops back up and covers some of my screen.
??? any clue how to stop that ... along with my previous question?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
probably not. or use WAD to.
probably not... is that for both the remove bottom bar and the USB questions? I suppose I shouldn't have asked soo many questions at once. It just confuses me
Well either way Thanks nothin (did you notice I didnt use FOR in that statment)... and I have seen WAD but didnt really want to run such a bulky app. I was hope I could do it with reg or file manipulation. Oh Well...
Thanks again for your help.
hmmm, on second thought it may be possible, but cant check right now..
install vjtoggletoday, then go to its registry and try set "trayvisible" to 0...
(sorry for my funny english..)...
nothin... Thanks again for your responce. I do appreciate it. I just got VJToggle to give it a try. I find that it does remove the bottom bar and the top fine... but I am still having the problem when I sync my PDA the bar returns across the bottom of the screen. Sorry dont have a screen shot but here is what I see:
############sync icon##
TODAY PLUGIN (2 lines)
When I softreset it is all gone (the way I want it) but when I plug into USB the sync icon taskbar returns.
Can this be completely removed where it does not come back. I am going to look into tweaking the sync program... maybe I can turn off the show icon in taskbar or something.
Thanks again for you help..
Are you using a program that allows you to control your wizard from your pc? I can't remember the name of it right now, but when I used it it would cause the system tray to come back.

Get rid of TELFORT icon in start menu ?!

Dear All,
Does anyone knows how to get rid of the telfort link/icon in start menu? If I delete it, it will appear again after resetting the phone It's quite annoying - I doubt if anyone ever used it.
it is probably the network settings icon that is installed by your sim card. just move it to the bottom sand forget about it.
Dear samsamuel,
If this is the only option I will stick to that.
i used to deelete mine but now i also just leave it (called Natel on mine) and it does indeed come from the providers sim programming
It sometimes re appears after deleting it or at least it does on my o2-uk handset. BSBTweaks has an option to turn off the sdk service so the icon does not come back anymore after deleting.
Thats what I was looking for! No annoying icon after reset. Thank you very much.

