Better phone power on/off for XDA2? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Does anyone know of a utility tha allows me to turn the phone on/off on the XDA2? something better than clicking on the tiny phone icon, and waiting 10 secs before it decides to show the popup? If there was something that allowed me to map hardware buttons, or even large software buttons on the today page would be good.
Does such a thing exist?

How about keeping pressed red button for 5s? It doesn't work on XDAII?

Doesn't work on XDA2
Nope! I think that was a feature of the XDA1 that seemed to get missed out on the XDA2. I think it requires someone to write a utility to make this happen. Anyone know if one exists?
this progm here on the screenshots seem to have a bigger off button option
or maybe this have some option


The Red Button

I would like to know if there is any way that you can tweak the registry or install any application to enable the red button to close (or minimise) the phone dialer after completing the call (as you would do on a normal phone). It seems really silly to drag out the stylus to close (or minimise) the phone dialer after receiving a call.
Just assign record button to OK/Close function.
Red button problem
Well, I can't even get my red button to turn off the phone (although it says in the manual that it does this). Which means that I have to get out my stylus to turn the phone off if I, say, pop into the library. Even then the stylus click (2 clickes, as it brings up a menu first) doesn't always work, and when it does it is slow. I just want to pres a button , and IDEALLY WITHOUT HAVING TO OPEN THE CASE (but that's anotheer topic!). Has anyone else had this problem; do you know how to solve it?
Hi, Have you done a soft reset? Try .
Have you install new programs recently?
Re: Red button problem
Cathy said:
Well, I can't even get my red button to turn off the phone (although it says in the manual that it does this). [...] Has anyone else had this problem; do you know how to solve it?
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This is a known bug. It just doesn't work the way the manual describes. Currently, I know of no way around it, although I think everyone wants that feature back, so I guess HTC will fix it in a future ROM upgrade.

Radio off app for XDAII?

Just wondering if anyone knows or can quickly create a little applet (not java!) that can quickly switch the radio functionality of the XDAII? The manual clicking of that aerial icon is a pain. I guess the aerial functionality is probably accessing some DLL or something? Maybe it'd be a quick job?
Switching Radio off
According to my manual you're sposed to be able to press and hold the red phone button - the manual says this can be used to toggle the phone off/on but that certainly isn't the case on my phone?
Anyone know why this isn't working properly?
Manual's wrong... from previous forum postings, this can be done on the original XDA but this for some really weird reason doesn't work on the XDAII. Hence a request to some Pocket PC coders out there who might be able to whip a quick utility up?
what is wrong with clicking the signal level icon, and selecting 'flight mode' ?
clicking signal icon
that takes two clicks - it's a lot easier to press and hold a h/w button
I'm serious
I solved this problem in a nice way using ButtonMax 1.01. Now I can, not only turn radio on/off by simply keeping pressed the up/down key on my xda's pad, but as buttomax supports macros definition I could even let it put my pin in the phone as I turn the radio back on!
Using it toghter with Alarm Today allowed me to solve the problem of scheduled on/off too. Both programs run in team and you can use buttomax macros at a scheduled time, setting them as an alarmtoday event. :wink:
spicchio72 said:
I solved this problem in a nice way using ButtonMax 1.01. Now I can, not only turn radio on/off by simply keeping pressed the up/down key on my xda's pad, but as buttomax supports macros definition I could even let it put my pin in the phone as I turn the radio back on!
Using it toghter with Alarm Today allowed me to solve the problem of scheduled on/off too. Both programs run in team and you can use buttomax macros at a scheduled time, setting them as an alarmtoday event. :wink:
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Very good idea, indeed. Thanks.
It's possible to use the "Record" button instead?
I tried to use the “Record” button in the ButtonMax, but nothing appends?
If I use the down pad key, it work’s, why?
Can you help me? I really want to use the Record Button, that way, I can switch off the Radio(Phone) with the PDA inside the case in bell clip.
Nuno Cardoso.

using the green and red button in wm2005

maybe you can find a way to map the green and red phone button to the two soft keys we now have a the button of the screen,
i always push those buttons, it makes me think i'm using a phone,
forgetting it's a touch screen
recall somebody saying that those 2 buttons was hardwired to the gsm part of the phone and that CE had no control over them
but i guess he could have been wrong since they are locked by button lock
but then if the phone does ring they can make you pick up the phone without typing in your password
Red and green buttons are not hardwired to GSM module.
They are usual hardware buttons processec by system in a specific way.
While working on AEKMap I was able to unbind these buttons from WinCE. And I think that may write simple app to "unbind" them. But what the reason for this application?
1. not all of the programs will detect this key because it is out of "conventional" range
2. How you will answer phone calls without green button?
Hi AE,
Is there any way that you could release the source showing how your unmapped the phone buttons, or at least give us a few hints?
It really is an art that you have mastered, something that very few people have been able to do (outdside of the OS development labs, and we never see those results)!
There are nothing special in this application.
Just calls to
UnregisterHotKey(), UnregisterFunc1 and RegisterHotKey() - if you just need hint The only hint is UnregisterFunc1 - but it is also described in number of places (just ask Google) Hope, this will work in WM2005 also.
I suggest to do it another way. Today I "downgrade" my BlueAngel to Andes And now I should count my HW buttons again :shock: Lets wait some days - and probably I'll make some solution specially for Himalaya/Andes, taking into account your "red/green wishes" At least it will work on WM2003, but I see no problems for Magneto also.
I will post report in this topic:
P.S.: Please try to run program attached here to check if it hooks red and green buttons and let me know the results. You will need to soft-reset your device to restore normal HW buttons functionality
Unhooking the red and green buttons would definitely be useful for us with a Magician, since it has very few hardware buttons. You could still answer a phone call by clicking Answer when the dialog appears.
AE said:
P.S.: Please try to run program attached here to check if it hooks red and green buttons and let me know the results. You will need to soft-reset your device to restore normal HW buttons functionality
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it works, here is screen (first two are red and green buttons)
Welcome to

Button issue since new O2 ROM

Just wondered if anyone else had noticed that since the new O2 ROM upgrade, the green phone button on the edge no longer wakes the device up?
Only a minor gripe but still...
Er I haven't upgraded the ROM yet and the green button dosn't wake the device on my machine either. Have you got the keylock on now, when prior to upgrade you didn't otherwise no button other than the power button should wake the device by design.
Lordsmiff said:
Just wondered if anyone else had noticed that since the new O2 ROM upgrade, the green phone button on the edge no longer wakes the device up?
Only a minor gripe but still...
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Funny that, I used to use the light button on the front of my exec to turn it on from standby, but that doesn't work now after latest rom update.
i have the same problem, so annoying when it's easier just to press the light button to wake it up
maybe it's the new "feature" of the upgrade? or rather not...
I have just found a workaround for this problem. You need Spb Pocket Plus 3.1 for this. If you don't already have it, get a trial copy. Once you have it, go under Pocket Plus options, select "Buttons", then press "Feature Options", press "Assign to Buttons", press the "Lock" tab, then select the radio button "Do not lock buttons", and you're homefree! Now all the hardware buttons will wake up the phone, save for the green and red call buttons on the hinge, I wonder why...
this is like the blind leading the blind
go to settings
then buttons
then select LOCK, and select the option "do not lock buttons"
you need to press the button for a split second.
There ya go - I knew I wasn't imagining it
Cheers for that - even though I feel a bit dumb now because I like to think I'm a pretty advanced user (especially when I've had 15 years working in IT and computers as a consultant ) and it never even occured to me to go looking for the simple solution
I guess I should start looking for a new day job ;-)

broke my screen on/off button

is there an exe taht turns the screen on and off? and couldn't i just bind that to my camera button?
i did search..
You may be able to turn the screen off programatically, but how exactly would you expect to turn it on?
Of course, binding that to a button that actually works could do the trick. I think there a few freeware programs out there that allow you to change the bindings of the buttons (sry, can't remember a name, but if you google it you should be able to find one in no time).
On the other hand, phone off disables all buttons except the on/off button, so that might not work either.
i'm downloading vito button mapper now.
getting the screen to come back on was also my main concern. the only way i get it to come on now is by plugging it into the computer or resetting it. I don't always have a usb cable and a computer on hand, nor do i want to wait 5 min for my touch to restart to make a simple phone call.
any help would be GREATLY appreciated.. leaving for a trip in like an hour so i'd like to get this done..

