Angle of camera - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

On my old rom the camera used to be landscape now its portrate how can i change it back i cant see a setting and its irritating having to rotate the pictures

press the "contacts" button and it should flip it back to the other mode.


Wizard camera portrait/landscape

Hi! I'm sure the blue angel had a button (or at least a way) of taking portrait shots with the camera. I can't find this on the Wizard - only landscape - any ideas?
manual rotation
I'd just turn the handset in my hand and then rotate the picture afterwards.

Lock the screen rotation

Hi all,
Ive set a button to rotate the screen, I set it first in either the registry or via Screen in settings to be left handed and all is fine, press the button, portrait, press the button, land scape. But for some reason at random times it will suddenly revert back to right handed mode and I have to set it again in settings.
How can I lock it? I have tried setting it in the registry, I have tried changing it so there is no left or right option just portrait or landscape but it still for no reason will switch to right handed mode and I cant figure it out.
Seconds after posting this I found out what is changing the rotation back to right handed.
If I start the camera while the main screen is in portrait it then changes the registry to be back to right handed mode. If I start the camera while the main screen is in landscape it keeps my setting when I close the camera.
Any idea how I can lock this or chang the camera to be left handed?

rotate camera view

I was wondering if anyone knew how to rotate the camera so when you push the camera button you look through the lens holding the phone as if to make a call. this way you could hold the camera in one hand and possibly take shots by hitting on of the front buttons
I would like to see this as well...
The landscape style camera is ok but uncomfortable...
A portrait style camera would be nice...
CoolCamera is OK =\ but i much prefer the stock camera features (camera and video recorder in one etc.)...
If only you could rotate the stock htc camera into different positions like you can do with CoolCamera...

questions about screen rotation on xv6900

Hi all, has anyone tried or even know if there is an app or a setting that would auto rotate the screen orientation on the xv6900? just crious because its a pain to text or write email in portait and yeah i do know i can switch it to landscape but then its a pain to keep clicking the button to get it back to portrait.. any suggestions will be helpful and greatly appreciated.
I have my Vogue setup so when I press the camera button it rotates the screen. The Vogue does not have an accerometer so there is no sensor for auto-rotation.
If you would like to set your Vogue like mine just go from the start menu to settings/personal/buttons and select the camera button(button 2 I believe) to rotate the screen with a short press and activate camera with press and hold.

Landscape Nexus 1 Photo Gallery

Jut thought I'd throw this out there since it's new to me and I didn't see it posted anywhere else. If you hold your phone horizontally and open the gallery it works in landscape mode and gets distorted if you hold it in portrait mode. It should also be noted that if you've already opened the gallery app in portrait mode and try to reopen it in landscape you will have to kill the program first. I've uploaded 2 photos to show that it works for me at least.
Nice find bro!
hey guys, I found an even easier way to do this. press the camera button in the upper right hand corner, which causes the gallery to throw a force close dialog box. press force close and flip the phone's orientation immediately. gallery will quickly re-open itself automatically after the force close in the new orientation.
Even better find. Thanks.

