⚡⚡PLEASE READ! XDA Rules & Forum Moderators ⚡⚡ - Windows 10, 8, 7, XP etc.

Please be respectful and observant of all XDA rules, as well as towards each other.
Please use the links below if you have any questions about content you wish to post, or need help from the Moderator Staff.
Best Regards: Your Friendly Moderation Team
XDA Developers Forum Rules
Moderation Team
Rules for posting Development Threads
XDA-Developers and the GPL
Regarding Paid Themes On XDA
***WARNING*** Do Not Spam, Sell or Trade on XDA
Telegram Chat Channels - WayForward
Spoiler: How to use the New Forum "Prefix" system.
Everything prohibited by the Forum Rules.
Specified or implied off-topic threads.
Discussion of/linking to work of developers that are banned from XDA. If they are banned, so is their work.
Political/religious statements of any kind.
My device has a single forum with different prefixes available for each thread. What goes where?
Newer devices will have a single forum structure with prefixes/tags available for every thread (i.e. they won't have different sub-forums like the ones covered above). To understand what prefix is best suited for your thread, read below.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
What goes here:
All device/ROM/kernel/mods/themes related questions and the corresponding answers
What goes here:
Guides and tutorials
What goes here:
All discussions related to your own development (ROMs, kernels, and recoveries)
What goes here:
All discussions related to theming and applications (self made and others) for the phone
What goes here:
All discussions related to hardware accessories of the phone
What goes here:
Everything that does not fit in the above mentioned prefixes
Collections, repositories, indexes
General information about this device
Tips and tricks
General discussion about this device
NOTE: The list of not allowed topics in any section and also not in signatures (mentioned earlier) stays applicable for this prefix enabled forum as well.
Where can I post things that are not allowed in a device forum?
You might want to have a look in the General Discussion Forum for forums like:
Android Development and Hacking
What do I do when I do not understand a moderators decision?
Please feel free to contact the moderator via PM to request clarification. If that does not satisfy you, you can contact one of the Team Leaders (Senior Moderators). Do not, however, discuss any moderating issues in any of the forums. This will always be regarded off-topic (which it actually is).
Now let's all have fun on this forum and help each other to make XDA a place where users can gather useful information instead of sipping through knee deep piles of unorganized rubbish.


[REF] Guides | Tutorials | FAQs | Stickies | Read here before posting

Hi all,
In an attempt to make the forum neater and slimer here is an Rollup Sticky.
Here You Will Find All The Wiki Pages/Threads Which Are Worthy Of Being Stuck.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Enabling full WM the REALLY EASY SHIFTpack way
Here's the Shift disassembly guide
Shift Project Release: SSPL and HardSPL - the way to custom ROMs and more!
Full Instructions for getting WM6, RealVGA, Office and IE
Step by Step instructions for installing XP
Fast Shift with W7, 2gb, 128gb SSDhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=8574519#post8574519 Tutorial
How to have full functional shift control center on windows 7
[GUIDE]How to install Windows 7 retail via USB drive
HTC Shift Dismantling Guide by Motoi Bogdan
Dismantling guide mikechannon pdf version
Please Take Care Of The Rules. Before Posting.
Especially The Following Things:
Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
Any Member Who Posts Un-necessary Thread, Or Threads Which Have Aready Been Posted Before Will Be Warned, And His/Her Thread Will Be Closed Immediately. Repeated Offenders Will Be Banned From XDA-Developers.
Member conduct.
Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result what is ‘ok’ to say in your part of the world may not be ok in someone else’s part of the world. Please think about who is reading what you write. Keep in mind that what you think of as acceptable use of language may not be acceptable to others. Conversely, while reading member posts, remember that word you find offensive may not be to the writer. Tolerance is a two way street.
Nudity: XDA is used by people of all ages, including minors. It's not acceptable to post nude/pornographic imagery, which includes exposure of the male or female genitalia or of female breasts.
Flaming: XDA was founded as a group of people sharing information about certain mobile phones. Sharing does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) it does involve working together to solve problems in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Losing your temper and flaming another member, or group of members, is not acceptable behavior.
Personal attacks, racial, political and/or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive, therefore none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
Everyone Is Welcome On XDA-Developers And Nobody Shall Be Attacked Under Any Conditions/Circumstances. Breaking Of Any Of the Above Rules May Lead To An Immediate Ban From XDA-Developers Which May Even Be A Permenant One.
Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, either pay or find your cracks and serials somewhere else. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained.
Do not spam.
If you wish to advertise a product, contact us we provide ads. But do not post it in the forums, it will be removed and you're likely to receive a ban.
You are however allowed to sell used goods like your own device, parts of your device or accessories for your device in the marketplace forum, please read the rules there before posting. (This rule includes signatures, if you use a signature it will appear in your post)
XDA-Developers Is A Zero Tolerance Forum When It Comes To Spam And Warez. Spam Wastes Lots Of Valuble Space On XDA-Servers Which Can Be Used Productively Instead, Spammers Will Immediately Be Banned And Ofcourse The Spam Will Be Trashed.
Warez A.K.A. Pirated Works Are Not Allowed On XDA-Developers In Any Form Not Even Links.
Any Member Found Disturbuting Warez/Copyrighted Material- Not Meant For Disturbution Will Also Be Banned From XDA-Developers.
Warez Not Only Get You Into Trouble, But They Can Also Get Us Into Trouble.
Please Follow The Rules, Be Productive, Search, Read, Respect.
Enjoy !

Aria [REF] Guides | Tutorials | FAQs | Stickies | etc. Read here before posting

Please read before creating a new thread
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Full specs
How to replace the digitizer
Installing Amazon apps
Android development
(GUIDE) Aria Super thread
HTC Aria Sticky Roll-Up Thread
[ATTN - ALL ANDROID DEVS] General Public License
psfreedom port to aria done
More to add? PM me
Please Take Care Of The Rules. Before Posting.
Especially The Following Things:
Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
Any Member Who Posts Un-necessary Thread, Or Threads Which Have Aready Been Posted Before Will Be Warned, And His/Her Thread Will Be Closed Immediately. Repeated Offenders Will Be Banned From XDA-Developers.
Member conduct.
Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result what is ‘ok’ to say in your part of the world may not be ok in someone else’s part of the world. Please think about who is reading what you write. Keep in mind that what you think of as acceptable use of language may not be acceptable to others. Conversely, while reading member posts, remember that word you find offensive may not be to the writer. Tolerance is a two way street.
Nudity: XDA is used by people of all ages, including minors. It's not acceptable to post nude/pornographic imagery, which includes exposure of the male or female genitalia or of female breasts.
Flaming: XDA was founded as a group of people sharing information about certain mobile phones. Sharing does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) it does involve working together to solve problems in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Losing your temper and flaming another member, or group of members, is not acceptable behavior.
Personal attacks, racial, political and/or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive, therefore none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
Everyone Is Welcome On XDA-Developers And Nobody Shall Be Attacked Under Any Conditions/Circumstances. Breaking Of Any Of the Above Rules May Lead To An Immediate Ban From XDA-Developers Which May Even Be A Permenant One.
Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, either pay or find your cracks and serials somewhere else. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained.
Do not spam.
If you wish to advertise a product, contact us we provide ads. But do not post it in the forums, it will be removed and you're likely to receive a ban.
You are however allowed to sell used goods like your own device, parts of your device or accessories for your device in the marketplace forum, please read the rules there before posting. (This rule includes signatures, if you use a signature it will appear in your post)
XDA-Developers Is A Zero Tolerance Forum When It Comes To Spam And Warez. Spam Wastes Lots Of Valuble Space On XDA-Servers Which Can Be Used Productively Instead, Spammers Will Immediately Be Banned And Ofcourse The Spam Will Be Trashed.
Warez A.K.A. Pirated Works Are Not Allowed On XDA-Developers In Any Form Not Even Links.
Any Member Found Disturbuting Warez/Copyrighted Material- Not Meant For Disturbution Will Also Be Banned From XDA-Developers.
Warez Not Only Get You Into Trouble, But They Can Also Get Us Into Trouble.
Please Follow The Rules, Be Productive, Search, Read, Respect.
Enjoy !

[Mandatory] Development Forum Rules

Rules for Posting in the Development Forum
The following are a list of topics that we allow in the development forum
[DEV] - Development for any special projects or Apps
[ROM] - Custom ROMs
[KERNEL] - Custom Kernels
[MOD] - Hack & Modifications for the phone
[FIX] - Fixes for known issues & bugs
[GUIDE] - How to instructions and Guides​
When possible please include screen shots for your ROM / MOD / THEME / Apps & Games
All ROM / MOD / DEV / etc... found in the development sections not created by the developer themselves, do not qualify as a development and subsequently will be moved to General.
Please remember that direct download links are preferred
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar/substantially similar to XDA-Developers.com.
Do not post press releases, announcements, links to trial software, or commercial services. unless you’re posting an exclusive release for XDA-Developers.com.
Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
Off-site downloads from sites requiring registration are NOT encouraged but may be permitted if the following conditions are met:
A) the site belongs to a member of XDA-Developers with at least 1500 posts and 2 years membership who actively maintains XDA-Developers' support thread(s) / posts, related to the download,
B) the site is a relatively small personal website without commercial advertising/links (i.e. not a competitor forum-based site with purposes and aims similar to those of XDA-Developers.com.)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just a reminder about using the work of others
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As always, we thank you for your cooperation!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"

⚡⚡PLEASE READ! XDA Rules & Forum Moderators ⚡⚡

Please be respectful and observant of all XDA rules, as well as towards each other.
Please use the links below if you have any questions about content you wish to post, or need help from the Moderator Staff.
Best Regards: Your Friendly Moderation Team
XDA Developers Forum Rules
Moderation Team
Rules for posting Development Threads
XDA-Developers and the GPL
Regarding Paid Themes On XDA
***WARNING*** Do Not Spam, Sell or Trade on XDA
Telegram Chat Channels - WayForward
Spoiler: How to use the New Forum "Prefix" system.
Everything prohibited by the Forum Rules.
Specified or implied off-topic threads.
Discussion of/linking to work of developers that are banned from XDA. If they are banned, so is their work.
Political/religious statements of any kind.
My device has a single forum with different prefixes available for each thread. What goes where?
Newer devices will have a single forum structure with prefixes/tags available for every thread (i.e. they won't have different sub-forums like the ones covered above). To understand what prefix is best suited for your thread, read below.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
What goes here:
All device/ROM/kernel/mods/themes related questions and the corresponding answers
What goes here:
Guides and tutorials
What goes here:
All discussions related to your own development (ROMs, kernels, and recoveries)
What goes here:
All discussions related to theming and applications (self made and others) for the phone
What goes here:
All discussions related to hardware accessories of the phone
What goes here:
Everything that does not fit in the above mentioned prefixes
Collections, repositories, indexes
General information about this device
Tips and tricks
General discussion about this device
NOTE: The list of not allowed topics in any section and also not in signatures (mentioned earlier) stays applicable for this prefix enabled forum as well.
Where can I post things that are not allowed in a device forum?
You might want to have a look in the General Discussion Forum for forums like:
Android Development and Hacking
What do I do when I do not understand a moderators decision?
Please feel free to contact the moderator via PM to request clarification. If that does not satisfy you, you can contact one of the Team Leaders (Senior Moderators). Do not, however, discuss any moderating issues in any of the forums. This will always be regarded off-topic (which it actually is).
Now let's all have fun on this forum and help each other to make XDA a place where users can gather useful information instead of sipping through knee deep piles of unorganized rubbish.

⚡⚡PLEASE READ! XDA Rules & Forum Moderators ⚡⚡

Please be respectful and observant of all XDA rules, as well as towards each other.
Please use the links below if you have any questions about content you wish to post, or need help from the Moderator Staff.
Best Regards: Your Friendly Moderation Team
XDA Developers Forum Rules
Moderation Team
Rules for posting Development Threads
XDA-Developers and the GPL
Regarding Paid Themes On XDA
***WARNING*** Do Not Spam, Sell or Trade on XDA
Telegram Chat Channels - WayForward
Spoiler: How to use the New Forum "Prefix" system.
My device has a single forum with different prefixes available for each thread. What goes where?
Newer devices will have a single forum structure with prefixes/tags available for every thread (i.e. they won't have different sub-forums like the ones covered above). To understand what prefix is best suited for your thread, read below.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
What goes here:
All device/ROM/kernel/mods/themes related questions and the corresponding answers
What goes here:
Guides and tutorials
What goes here:
All discussions related to your own development (ROMs, kernels, and recoveries)
What goes here:
All discussions related to theming and applications (self made and others) for the phone
What goes here:
All discussions related to hardware accessories of the phone
What goes here:
Everything that does not fit in the above mentioned prefixes
Collections, repositories, indexes
General information about this device
Tips and tricks
General discussion about this device
NOTE: The list of not allowed topics in any section and also not in signatures (mentioned earlier) stays applicable for this prefix enabled forum as well.
Where can I post things that are not allowed in a device forum?
You might want to have a look in the General Discussion Forum for forums like:
Android Development and Hacking
What do I do when I do not understand a moderators decision?
Please feel free to contact the moderator via PM to request clarification. If that does not satisfy you, you can contact one of the Team Leaders (Senior Moderators). Do not, however, discuss any moderating issues in any of the forums. This will always be regarded off-topic (which it actually is).
Now let's all have fun on this forum and help each other to make XDA a place where users can gather useful information instead of sipping through knee deep piles of unorganized rubbish.
