Touch Screen won't work not even with mouse - Android Head-Units

I've recently bought a car that coincidently has a Android Head Unit (right now I don't have any specific version other than it looks a lot like the generic ones that have the touch buttons on the side) and it also has AGAMA car launcher, but the problem is that we can't get to click anything! I know/think the touchscreen is not the problem because when I try to do a calibration it does go to the 4 dots screen, but I'm not able to click on them. I've also tried using a keyboard/mouse combo but it does show up the cursor, but apart from that no click either, I also tested the volume and home/back button and they seem to work.
I've tried almost everything they had on youtube, and I've also disconnected the battery just in case but with no luck, does anyone know what could it be


XTRONS D717AL Screen Problem

Hello XDA members,
I have been following XDA for almost a decade and now came my time to ask for a help.
I bought few months ago XTRONS D717AL. First of all, great player, awesome radio tuner. Catches many stations I couldn't with my old Audiovox and Clarion. It comes With Adroid 5.1.1 and Intel chip. Model number says: Full AOSP on Sofia. MCU Ver: HY_SFY170224EF.
But since day one I noticed a weird display actions. Radio starts right after I start the car engine, display pops-up and on random basis, sometimes the display lights up, sometimes not. It takes about 20sec to load the OS and apparently, the touch screen is working. I know where the Quick settings are, if I pull the top navigation panel down when the screen is in a working state. There is a Light button, which enlights or darkens the screen.
In a dark state (blank), if a pull the navigation panel down when the screen is dark and press the Screen button, screen enlights. I know approximately where this Light button is and pressing it screen enlights. That makes me think, that the screen darkness goes to value 0 at some point before even the OS load.
I have rear camera and DVR attached, but since I took everything away today except the ISO wiring harness, it makes me think that these AV in signals are not the issue. I even took away the reverse camera control cable, illumination cable, and GPS antenna. Brake In cable is fine attached.
Last week I tried to factory reset the unit – no luck.
Flashed with a firmware from the Xtrons tech support – no luck.
I recorded a video today which I uploaded on youtube (I can't post links yet, too young to do that )
Search "XTRONS D717AL Screen Problem".
If anybody ran into such a problem and a solution, will be much appreciated to share here.
Many thanks.
Edit: I just noticed, that upon switching off the radio, the dark display flashes for a half second on its way going in. Possible display cable issue?
Xtrons d717al
zhekozhekov said:
Hello XDA members,
I have been following XDA for almost a decade and now came my time to ask for a help.
I bought few months ago XTRONS D717AL. First of all, great player, awesome radio tuner. Catches many stations I couldn't with my old Audiovox and Clarion. It comes With Adroid 5.1.1 and Intel chip. Model number says: Full AOSP on Sofia. MCU Ver: HY_SFY170224EF.
But since day one I noticed a weird display actions. Radio starts right after I start the car engine, display pops-up and on random basis, sometimes the display lights up, sometimes not. It takes about 20sec to load the OS and apparently, the touch screen is working. I know where the Quick settings are, if I pull the top navigation panel down when the screen is in a working state. There is a Light button, which enlights or darkens the screen.
In a dark state (blank), if a pull the navigation panel down when the screen is dark and press the Screen button, screen enlights. I know approximately where this Light button is and pressing it screen enlights. That makes me think, that the screen darkness goes to value 0 at some point before even the OS load.
I have rear camera and DVR attached, but since I took everything away today except the ISO wiring harness, it makes me think that these AV in signals are not the issue. I even took away the reverse camera control cable, illumination cable, and GPS antenna. Brake In cable is fine attached.
Last week I tried to factory reset the unit – no luck.
Flashed with a firmware from the Xtrons tech support – no luck.
I recorded a video today which I uploaded on youtube (I can't post links yet, too young to do that )
Search "XTRONS D717AL Screen Problem".
If anybody ran into such a problem and a solution, will be much appreciated to share here.
Many thanks.
Edit: I just noticed, that upon switching off the radio, the dark display flashes for a half second on its way going in. Possible display cable issue?
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hi. do you know how to acces recovery mode or button combination? to do a factory reset. and about your problem probabli you have problems with display cable. my car stereo works just fine. THX
andreiutzu21 said:
hi. do you know how to acces recovery mode or button combination? to do a factory reset. and about your problem probabli you have problems with display cable. my car stereo works just fine. THX
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I have never tried to go to recovery of this unit. But, I found another topic here:
Regarding my problem, I returned the unit and it was replaced with a new one since it is still in warranty period.

Atoto A6 pro with gestures compared to Panlelo

I noticed the Android radio section is kinda small so thought I would provide some feedback with the various ones I've used. I've had two Panlelo and two Atoto radios.
The Panlelo radios I used were basically trash. Well the first one was ok, but it had a long boot. And started up with some strange bluetooth and gps error messages. I did like it at the time and it wasn't until I purchased Atoto that I realized what I was missig.. Being the first Android radio I used I had nothing to compare it to. I bought a different Panlelo for my wife because she wanted a volume knob. That's the only thing nice about it. The SD card slot was broken, the touch was terrible especially at the top and bottom. it wouldn't auto connect to my hotspot, it wouldn't remember my car launcher pro as the default launcher. Was just bad. I had also purchased a camera from them and the power trigger wire had a break in it somewhere. I've come to learn Panlelo does not make quality products. Oh yeah the first Panlelo had the side buttons stop working after a few months! And I always had obd2 connection issues.
The two Atoto radios I've had are amazing! The A6 premium I used for a year and then moved it to my wife's car. It has held up amazing and everything is layed out so much better than Pablelo. I never have issues with it. The obd2 always connects. I recently got the A6 pro with gestures and it's even better, though it's also more expensive. Aside from the gestures, the built in amp is noticeabley better. I can crank it much louder before distorting. It will actually support 2 ohm speakers although the kickers I use are 4 ohm with pretty high sensitivity (I think around 90) so they get pretty loud without an extra amp. The screen is also more vivid, better blacks, viewing angles and brighter. The resolution is the same as the first A6 but It definitely looks better. I don't use the provided screen protectors, and they don't seem necessary. The other A6 has no scratches after a year.
The gestures are pretty cool, although I've found the only two that work without problems are rotating your fingers/hand clockwise and counter clockwise. I never get false positives and it always registers when I use it. I first used it for volume up and down, but I've since used them as shortcuts for navigation and front camera. I changed the navigation app to torque so it pulls torque up instead. And front camera, I use for parking my big f250. Volume controls, home button and next are all configured on my steering wheel.
I used to use to wave your hand (defualt for that is mute) but I found it was triggering just driving around. Im hoping an update will make this more reliable. The other ones, hand forward and hand backward from sensor also trigger false. Umm besides that the layout is really good, with home, back and recents on the bottom left close to driver. (Another thing Panlelo got wrong by putting these on the top right)
Hotspot auto connects. Ohhh yeah and one thing I recently discovered! You can share Google maps navigation via Bluetooth. I'm still trying to think of a more seem less integration (wish it had NFC). But Bluetooth works well. Basically start your navigation from your phone, hit the share button, choose Bluetooth > Bluetooth2> accept the file transfer from Atoto it will then show where it was downloaded but just open maps and it will be there. It's actually pretty easy and works better than trying to type an address in. Especially when a lot of times someone has already texted you the address to your phone.
I'm still hoping for an easier way, I wish I could just out the phone close to the radio and beam it over. Or if there was a good way to get texts on the radio... I know there are Android messaging apps that sync, but I prefer the stock messaging app. Anyway, that's my experiences with Android radios. I like to use carlauncher pro.
Edit: added a couple more pics, one to show the parking camera
I can't make up my mind
Thanks for the right up. I may order the Pro unit minus the gesture feature. What brand of cables did you use on the install?

Head Unit AC6227L Touch Screen X & Y axis currupt

Hi, I was trying to reconfigure my resistive buttons to switch off the screen when driving at night. I managed to reverse the X&Y axis so I have to press in the opposite point in the screen to interface with the OS. Any advice on how to resolve this as I'm just getting more frustrated trying to navigate the menus to make the changes. Would I be better flashing the MCU firmware or the android firmware?
I had this problem before just go to factory settings and change it back
Thanks for the advice but it's difficult to get into factory settings and then what do I do, reset to default I don't see that option?
There's no default option in factory settings
U should go for touch screen settings and change x&y
If you're being difficult getting the factory settings
U can connect keyboard or mouse
That's what I did when I accidentally changed touch screen resolution...
I too am struggling to set it back to normal touch operation i even found one thing where i could see where each finger registered on the other hemisphere of the screen ... Halp me
Try this and say if it works.
In my Head Unit, thats had fixed the problem.
Marcio Abranches-The Bambi reply. I have a Shinzhen Android head stereo C80, 9.1".
I trolled countless pages looking for the solution of 'X' "Y" about face. I dont know what I did to deserve the terrible screw up. But let me say for all those who have also stumbled while stuffing around in this area that this 5 finger technique works on this model as well.
So positive feedback from me. Thanks mate...terrific.
Now the next problem is, how to make active the radio buttons on the left of screen; Home, Return, Vol+, Vol- etc......
In addition to Marcio's instruction, I have this link that takes you to a Youtube description of fixing the same issue and also goes into how to map the side buttons that also drops off.

Steering wheel controls for normal Android tablet

I know that there are many purpose-built Android DIN units that have some sort of resistive keypad interface. More than that I don't know a whole lot. I'm not talking about those.
I'm talking about normal Android tablets, like my Nexus 7 (2013) that sits on a gimble mount to my right. I do USB and Bluetooth so that's what I tried. Android has KeyEvents for a few things, like phone call, contacts and calculator. It doesn't have KeyEvents for Google Maps or your different audio apps. So your USB or Bluetooth device has to be different than a standard HID input device as you'll want to send custom info. Because you'll need to send intents, you have to make sure that your steering wheel is connected all the time to a specific Service or Activity. A normal HID input device belongs to the system and goes to the foreground app, not some random background app. So you need a custom USB or Bluetooth and an Activity or Service.
My steering column currently has just the single wire. I figure that I will use Bluetooth and steal a bit of power (milliamperes, not enough to actuate the horn) so it doesn't need batteries.
So, I threw together a proof-of-concept using USB. It works fine on my Android 9 devices, I set hot keys for a few different apps. I should be able to either add a second HID interface for "normal" buttons like volume, call or simply add that to the Activity or Service. There are currently permission wrinkles to get over on Android 10. Switching this from wired USB to Bluetooth is trivial.
Am I missing something? Is this old hat? How else is this done?
I've been doing some more work on this. I'm a bit surprised that I've gotten no resonance on this or anyone saying that they already do this some other way.
The 16 buttons can each do one of three things
A hot key directly to an app (not simply "next app" or "app switcher" dialog)
Go to a specific webpage using (and reusing) a specific browser tab (I've got onboard systems that host status web pages)
Normal Android keys like VolUp, VolDn, MediaPlay, etc.
The USB version works fine. It uses a daemon to inject the normal keys. The Bluetooth version is coming along. I've switched to using raw GATT instead of HID over GATT.
Na? How about this then?
Hi Renate,
I think these units you are talking about are not that often to find in cars. I don´t know anyone who uses a tablet in his car and the Nexus 7 is a real outdated unit, slow on startup and in usage.
The car units themselves normally provide SWC via CAN or resistance based.
To have an additional keypad beside the radio is not needed, as you are able to use the SWC buttons individually... at least for the most ones which are working resistance based.
That is the reason you won´t get any answers in this forum. Sorry for bad news...
Hi rigattoni: Thanks for the response. I'm just trying to figure out how people are using stuff in this whole Auto department.
I didn't think that anyone would be impressed with my Nexus 7 (2013), it's just what I'm using at the moment. In my vehicle (a Chevy G30 1 ton truck) a DIN unit is not as visible as a gimble mounted tablet. I do have space for a dual DIN. Currently I have a single DIN $20 stereo with Bluetooth. That's good enough.
But my theme was mostly: Do people have app-specific keys (without using the screen)? Can you go to Google Maps, your favorite streamer, your local audio collection (without using the screen). Would you like to? If you have CANBUS SWC you probably don't have a dedicated button to display your propane & fresh water tanks.
Aren't SWCs mostly normal Android KeyEvents? How can they get you to a specific app?
On CAN there is no possibility to change the SWC buttons to different apps.
If they are resistance based as a lot of the cars (even if I would like to get all things done via CAN) there you have an internal app included to register your buttons based on different resistance.
On a lot of units you even are able to set your SWC buttons to specific apps.
On top there you have this menu button on the SWC where you can toggle between FM radio, launcher, phone, MP3 and navigation, you name it...
I don´t use Google Maps, instead I use TomTom and if you set TomTom as standard navigation app, you can do so.
Additional buttons in form of a number pad I personally don´t need. By using an aftermarket launcher and have all my needed apps just in front.
For tablets like you use, the num pad is a nice thing as you don´t have these possibilities.... sure.
BTW: If you use an android car unit, there is no full BT stack implemented. That means that you would not be able to connect with your unit to the propane or fresh water tank or something like that. The implemented BT stack can only be used for phone calls and for BT OBD scanner.
Thanks again. Wow, it seems like those DIN units are more like radios than like Androids if they don't have full Bluetooth. Resistance keypads are kind of bush league too.
Actually, my tanks, power, HVAC, tilt come over WiFi from my Raspberry Pi. The OBD comes over USB from the microcontroller that runs my instrument display. (I've got to take a new photo since I replaced the display with a larger yellow one.) The PRNDL indicator indicates shifter position and which gear I'm actually in. The "5th gear" on a 4 speed is just what I call it when the torque converter locks. It kind of is another gear. I really love the lower left engine running time so that I remember to take coffee breaks!
I threw the keypad back on the steering wheel. For testing I just have 2 x AAA batteries. I'll add the current "stealer" later.
I use similar head unit to this one:
And I use analog (or resistive, whatever) SWC. It can be configured as in video above. I mean you can map any of those 16 functions to any button in SWC
Renate said:
Do people have app-specific keys (without using the screen)? Can you go to Google Maps, your favorite streamer, your local audio collection (without using the screen)
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I'll try to answer as best as I can, because I'm not sure if I got your point.
Its possible to open some apps by SWC. For example button 4 opens navigation app, which can be selected in head unit options (it can be every navi app installed on your head unit - google maps, here maps, sygic etc)
11 opens FM radio app
9 pick ups a call (if actually is someone calling) or opens bluetooth app where you can make calls (contact list can be synced from phone, call history also). Also by this BT app you can stream music from phone to car audio.
As you can see its very limited. In my head unit there is no way to open e.g youtube app by SWC.
other functions which can be used:
1(play/pause), 2 ,3 ,5(mute),6,7, 10 no explanation required I guess
12 depends on how the Chinese implemented it In mine : press once - mute/unmute sound. press & hold for while - somehow locks the screen (like in smartphone), black screen with date and time is displayed. Sound is muted too.
13 'home' button - works like in smartphone, brings you to main menu
14 back - works like in smartphone
15 turns off display (but plays music/ navigation commands in background)
16 'mode' one of most useful - cycles through active apps
8 AFAIK it opens google assistant, but it doesnt work in mine.
Thanks, wotii098. It seems like you're reinforcing my point. Besides "Navigation" and "Radio" most of the actions are generic Android KeyEvents. I'd think that MEDIA_NEXT and MEDIA_PREVIOUS only work correctly when your music app is in the foreground? When it gets to the nitty-gritty, I use 3 different mapping services and I need to switch between them. If you are wondering what keycodes exactly are being generated (or just to check) you can use my UsbMode.apk (in the sig). Probably "Navigation" and "Radio" don't exist as KeyEvents.
Renate said:
Thanks, wotii098. It seems like you're reinforcing my point. Besides "Navigation" and "Radio" most of the actions are generic Android KeyEvents. I'd think that MEDIA_NEXT and MEDIA_PREVIOUS only work correctly when your music app is in the foreground? When it gets to the nitty-gritty, I use 3 different mapping services and I need to switch between them. If you are wondering what keycodes exactly are being generated (or just to check) you can use my UsbMode.apk (in the sig). Probably "Navigation" and "Radio" don't exist as KeyEvents.
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No, Renate, that also works if the audio or navigation is working in background as the translated button press throws an intent. Even Navigation and Radio or any other app can be started (or taken to foreground) by mapping a keycode to a specific app.
For radio you even are able to switch stations without bringing the app to foreground. That all happens in the background by intents.
So nearly any modern Car radio with Android is working like that. You even are able to connect 2 different key panels to the units. That´s what I did... My SWC buttons are connected to the key 1 cable and an additional thingi in my cup holder in the middle console has different settings and is connected to the key 2 cable. So the preconditions in Android car radios are fine to fire the intents to every single app you programmed.
You even are able to use long-click intents to switch to different functions.
Station forward is a short click, station search is a long click.
Volume down works in a long click as mute/unmute button.
Menu button calls navigation on long click
the green phone button takes the call, on long click I open the voice dialer
Well, clearly your (custom) radio app is working on Intents and not KeyEvents.
The problem with long presses is that it delays the immediate action of a press (until it determines whether it's a long or short press).
Ok, in mode switching applications that's not a killer. For page-turn it is. Being impatient, I expect action on the down press. I defeated the long/short logic on my Android ereader.
I replaced my old Nexus 7 (2013) with my cheapy Walmart ONN 8" tablet. Although the battery was fine, I decided to do a "battery-ectomy". The first reason is, I don't like the USB cord coming in the bottom of the tablet where I can catch my knee on it when I turn around. The Onn 8 is pretty standard with a 10k resistor from the white lead to ground to simulate a thermistor. I didn't want to give up the USB connector entirely as I can/will use it for my custom ODB. I was going to solder in an extension so that I didn't have to use the connector out the bottom. It turned out easier than that. The little PCB for the USB can be unscrewed and the flex printed circuit for it can be routed out a hole in the back of the tablet. I may epoxy the board to the back of the tablet, but for now it's dangling. The round thing in the center is a sawed-off microphone holder (5/8-27 thread) epoxied to the back of the tablet. It screws on a gimbal mount by my right hand. The red/black wires get fed 4V from a Velleman buck converter.

Dasaita PX6 7" - touchscreen partially working

i have Dasaita PX6 7" without hardware buttons and some time ago the touchscreen started to do strange things like i'm driving and i hear the media makes *bop* sound as if i've touched the power touch-button and the screen goes off or it launches a program as if i've touched the screen over where it's icon is.
Now it seems it stopped doing all this but a portion of the screen is just not working, not responding to touch.
The pic of the unit is from the web but mine is the same. I did the color rectangular areas tho to show and say - the green area is responding to touch, the red area is not responding
I write for over a week to Dasaita on Aliexpress where i bought the unit for solution or for new screen - they just read, no answer. I also write to their FB page - no answer.
Because the portion of screen which is not active i can't drag and drop icons from other screens to main screen - i have mouse, but i cant select and drag. Any suggestions?
And please tell me if i can fix this touchscreen (maybe it delaminated somewhere and its not making contact) or where i can get new (because of high chance to ruin this when trying to fix it).
Thank you
Have you ever recalibrated the touch screen?
I don´t know how it works on yours, but for a couple of units it works like all 5 fingers touch at the same time and hold it until you get a marker on the upper left screen.
Touch it as exact as possible and do that for all corners as you get the touch point visible.
For the buttons on the left side you should have a setup in the settings menu.
Hi, i watched videos about the 5 fingers touch but it doesnt activate on mine.
I entered the factory menu /with the 126 password/ where are similar functions and tried them several times just to be sure - no change.
The buttons on the left side are part of the touchscreen even tho they are on the black stripe, its jsut painted, it dosn't matter.
In this case you should get in contact with Dasaita and/or the seller.
May be there is an issue with the controller or firmware.
