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any solution path validator exception:trust anchor forcertification path not found


Mobile file paths in MS Visual Studio 2005

Hi all,
my father got MS Visual Studio 2005 some time ago and I just discovered that it's capable of creating mobile applications as well so I'm playing with it, trying to do some cool stuff (program for recording my marks at school atm ). The fact is, that I'm not extremely experienced in C# (in which I'm working in the MSVS2005) so I have to look up syntaxes or parts of code in help database every now and then. I have always succeeded so far, but now I have a problem I need someone to help me with.
I just started working with files, everything is fine, I think i quite understand the syntax and stuff, but I can't figure out how file paths under Windows Mobile work. In help file, they say that this should work:
string path = @"c:\temp\MyTest.txt";
but i think this is for desktop Windows only. If I try to use this in my programme, "Catch (Exception Ex)" command returns error saying: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException.
I tried various variants of the file path and the only one working was just plain name of file, for example
string path = @"MyTest.txt"
This way, I managed to write into the file and read the input back..but I couldn't find the file anywhere in my phone's memory :S
So if there was someone who would be so kind and told me how to specify file paths under WM correctly, I would really appreciate it. btw if the "someone" gave me his MSN/ICQ too, and was willing to give me real-time help once a time, it would be absolutely perfect
The root of the Windows Mobile filesystem is "\". If you want to place the file in the temp dir of the root, use this:
string path = @"\temp\MyTest.txt";

The ABC dll

does anyone know what the dll file is in the windows folder w/c the "abc" input method points to?this might help in the search for turning off xt9...

Problem when running XML file

I am just starting with Android Development and have a few minor problems.
First of all, sometimes I don't always know what packages to import. Is there a way to import them automatically? I am coding in Ecplise.
2nd, If, because I am not attentive, I hit the "Run" button but with an XML file opened. This results in making a another xml file name <filename>.out.xml that has errors. If I delete the file I still have a red x on my project folder. And when I try to run the actual java file it sais that the project contains error. The only solution is to delete the entire project and recreate it. But this is uncovinient to always recreate the project, recopy the entire code and everything. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks
Forgot to mention, the error that appears in the "problems" tab is this: Description
Unparsed aapt error(s)! Check the console for output.
And in the console i have this:
[2010-06-30 19:36:36 - Math Test] Error in an XML file: aborting build.
[2010-06-30 19:37:12 - Math Test] res\layout\main.xml:0: ERROR Resource entry main is already defined.
[2010-06-30 19:37:12 - Math Test] res\layout\main.out.xml:0: Originally defined here.
[2010-06-30 19:37:16 - Math Test] res\layout\main.xml:0: ERROR Resource entry main is already defined.
[2010-06-30 19:37:16 - Math Test] res\layout\main.out.xml:0: Originally defined here.
to import packages ctrl+shift+o
Thanks. Also, I managed to remove the error just by deleting it from the "Problems" tab and forcing a rebuild. Thanks.

[Q] SAX Parsing in Android

need a help regarding SAX Parsing in Android.
I have code in XML file Having List of attributes of innertags.
outertag->innertag--> 1st attribute
-> 2nd attribute
-> 3rdattribute
How I could store these in vector..
would anyone provide me solution How could I DISPLAY Vector in oncreate() method.
Found this SAX example:
Dont understand the difficulty you're having in using a Vector, its just another collection....

(Q) mapping hardware keyboard, polish layout

Hello everyone
I am trying to acheive the right method for mapping hardware keyboard. Usb host works perfectly, always does what it should on firmware 1.21 with nook manager, kernel version 176. I found some polish keychar kcm file on the net, then I renamed that file with right vendor and product id for my keyboard (terminal, keyboard connected in host mode, typed: lsusb) and placed it in system/usr/keychars... But that didn't make any effect on keyboard mapping, looks like that file is ignored. I could try to edit qwerty.kl in system/usr/keylayouts but from what I know, you cant add there symbols like "ą" or "ś". What I am going for is just these few polish letters : Ą,Ę,Ś,Ó,Ż,Ź. Normally you get them by pressing modifier (alt) and for example, " A", what gives you "Ą" etc. Usb mode ultilty, and little app avaible on net - Key Test, both will show you the same keycode when you pressing a letter or letter+modifier. That makes hard to find out how to edit keylayout file (qwerty.kl) as you cant guess that needed keycode. I was looking quite a lot for answers on xda before I decided to ask, but what I finds does'nt look like exact sollutions. Hopefully I didn't miss anything. Adb is working fine for me, any hints appreciated, Thanks
Step one, determine what .kl and kcm.bin the Nook is trying to load.
You will see this if you have ADB and logcat running when you connect.
It will try to load one based on the VID/PID.
It will tell you the exact name of the file.
Probably your naming is different.
I ran into this already.
I didn't bother, I just use qwerty.kl and qwerty.kcm.bin
These are the defaults when there is no VID/PID specific files.
If your kcm.bin is correct it should have the UTF-16 values inside.
The format is pretty simple. After the header (32 bytes) it's like:
uint32 keycode;
uint16 label;
uint16 keypad;
uint16 normal;
uint16 shifted;
uint16 alt;
uint16 altshifted;
You can just enter the little-endian UTF-16 values using a hex editor.
Ok I got it! It is easy to find some proper tutorials for hex editing qwerty.kcm. But before I did that effort and started learning about it, I searched for some very lazy sollution: qwerty.kcm.bin already prepared by someone else. I found one (obviosly with polish layout),I swapped the original file with it, set the permissions to be the same as in original file, reboot (don't know if absolutely necessary)... thats it, easy. All that thanks to some hard working man who (as he has mentioned on other forum) spent the whole night learning on how to edit qwerty.kcm in hex editor.
Anyway, thank you very much for directing me in the right way. Knowing which files should be edited helped me to resolve the problem. Also logcat is very interesting tool, as it might give some image of how the system works. Thanks
hi, I have the same problem but i can't find the qwerty.kcm.bin with polish letters. Could you provide the file ??
bartbrudz said:
hi, I have the same problem but i can't find the qwerty.kcm.bin with polish letters. Could you provide the file ??
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Hi, I'll try to copy it from my nook directory, once I have some time.
hi, here is my whole keychars folder (/system/usr/keychars). You can make a backup of your keychars forder and then overwrite it with mine. You can let me know if it works for you. Find attachment below. Powodzonka.
Awesome!!! works perfectly. :victory: Thank U !!!
bartbrudz said:
Awesome!!! works perfectly. :victory: Thank U !!!
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Click to collapse
cool, I am glad I could help! : ) (although real credits goes to someone who created this qwerty.kcm file)

