T-Mobile Oneplus 8t 5g Sim unlock? and legit bootloader unlock - OnePlus 8T Guides, News, & Discussion

Quick and simple bc after sifting through this website I accidently figured it out. First use the script from this post - https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/oneplus-pure-debloat.4157691/ then check dev options and OEM unlocking should be ungreyed out. Grab your oneplus unlock by running this command - "fastboot oem get_unlock_code" Then go to - https://www.oneplus.com/unlock_token submit your token and serial number and wait exactly one week to the day. Download this tool https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...ck-twrp-factory-image-stock-recovery.3358711/ and you can unlock the bootload with your unlock.bin file. After that whats next is up too you!

I don't know about SIM unlocking, however I did figure out which package specifically enables the toggle for OEM unlocking in the Developer Options.
So I took a look at the debloat thread linked above and I went through the list of packages and I was uninstalling them on my phone one by one until I found the one that enabled the toggle for OEM unlocking in the Developer Options.
When I uninstalled the package com.qualcomm.qti.uim, the toggle for OEM unlocking was no longer greyed out.

That's a great find. Is it enough to simply force-stop the package or does it need to be disabled/uninstalled?
Might try this on the OP9 or OP10 if I get one.

LLStarks said:
That's a great find. Is it enough to simply force-stop the package or does it need to be disabled/uninstalled?
Might try this on the OP9 or OP10 if I get one.
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I didn't see if force stopping it worked or not so I wouldn't be able to answer that. I just uninstalled it with adb.

Title of tread said sim-unlocking, after reading through, it only mentions bootloader unlocking via the OnePlus website and all in one flashing tool. Yes it may bypassed the carrier restriction for bootloader unlocking, but is the phone actually sim unlocked? As you can use it with another carrier?
But I agree, finding out com.qualcomm.qti.uim being the toggle for bootloader unlock is great find.

I disabled com.qualcomm.qti.uim via ADB myself and while 'OEM Unlocking" is no longer grey and you can enable the option the bootloader for me is still locked. My OnePlus 8T model is through T-Mobile

kevinco1 said:
I disabled com.qualcomm.qti.uim via ADB myself and while 'OEM Unlocking" is no longer grey and you can enable the option the bootloader for me is still locked. My OnePlus 8T model is through T-Mobile
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gotta complete the whole process homie.. AFTER doing the uninstall or disable of com.qualcomm.qti.uim, then you gotta flip the toggle and then reboot to bootloader. after that you need to run the fastboot command, "fastboot oem get_unlock_code"... copy that code to your clipboard, then go to the Oneplus website, fill out the form and paste that code in the proper field.
After that it does take exactly one week... (to the minute) and you will need to go back to this site and you will see it change to download. Download that file and flash it via fastboot, then confirm you want to unlock and its done!
Now after that you have to remember to NEVER flash a stock firmware via fastboot again, otherwise you will re-lock your bootloader. I cannot confirm whether or not you will be able to, or even need to flash the unlock token again, but in the case of Samsung phones, when you flash the bootloader unlock token, you DO NOT get a second chance. If you unlock it once, and then accidently re-lock via flashing stock, you will be stuck with a locked bl. (EDIT: you CAN flash stock with samsung, as long as the bootloader version isnt changed. If you upgrade the BL then you are stuck!)
(Now theres a simpler way around all this but you must do your research, and look into converting your TMO-US fw to TMO-EU ... this can be done without unlocking the bootloader. And after the conversion, if you disable the OP mentioned file, you can simply toggle, and run the "fastboot oem unlock" command and thats it... no token file needed! And i am in Texas, so i can confirm 100% that ALL of the bands are active and available, and i get 5g with absolutely no problem... In fact my phone runs quicker and gets better battery life on the EU fw. )
Then when your phone is fully paid off, simply flash back to the US fw and you can have them Sim unlock you and you can either go thru the normal unlocking process, or you can go back to the EU... but either way no foul, no harm!

So to get T-Mobile to do it on their end do this.
Go on their site and facebook, keep telling them this. "I'm a developer who can't develop app's on my device, can you please allow my phone to be unlocked." Most will tell you it needs to be paid off, but you quite possibly will get that disgruntled worker or guy who just doesn't care. Took me 5 tries, then the guy I got was like, "okay I'll do it for you!" #boomdone
Social engineering at its finest.

kyanox said:
So to get T-Mobile to do it on their end do this.
Go on their site and facebook, keep telling them this. "I'm a developer who can't develop app's on my device, can you please allow my phone to be unlocked." Most will tell you it needs to be paid off, but you quite possibly will get that disgruntled worker or guy who just doesn't care. Took me 5 tries, then the guy I got was like, "okay I'll do it for you!" #boomdone
Social engineering at its finest.
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I have had this same issue. I bought the 8T+5G from OnePlus online store TMobile version (because the unlocked versions were sold out). Been back and forth betwee TMobile and OnePlus for 4 days, and OnePlus finally says they nor Tmobile can unlock the device until it has been used on Tmobile's service for 45 days (part of the unlock policy). I knew this, but thought surely someone can help me. OnePlus assured me that the IMEI number does not enter into the system as an unlockable phone until after the 45 days, and that NOBODY can unlock the phone until then... Am I screwed for 40 more days???? This in my opinion is a scam to force people to use a service they may not want.

i am shop in istanbul come to me oneplus 8t 5g t-mobile i ask whole world for simlock no one can and one of customer tell me i can unlock he take device for 3 hour he come back and device unlocked and he tell me i can do anything in oneplus phones i got crazy how he did this ? anyone know how ?

jabe78 said:
I have had this same issue. I bought the 8T+5G from OnePlus online store TMobile version (because the unlocked versions were sold out). Been back and forth betwee TMobile and OnePlus for 4 days, and OnePlus finally says they nor Tmobile can unlock the device until it has been used on Tmobile's service for 45 days (part of the unlock policy). I knew this, but thought surely someone can help me. OnePlus assured me that the IMEI number does not enter into the system as an unlockable phone until after the 45 days, and that NOBODY can unlock the phone until then... Am I screwed for 40 more days???? This in my opinion is a scam to force people to use a service they may not want.
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Does this still work on the recent 8T phones? Please do keep us updated on your situation. I'm thinking about buying this phone unlock the boot-loader, Sim unlock and get Lineage on it. I don't mind 45 days if they actually unlock it

TommyQuid said:
Does this still work on the recent 8T phones? Please do keep us updated on your situation. I'm thinking about buying this phone unlock the boot-loader, Sim unlock and get Lineage on it. I don't mind 45 days if they actually unlock it
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Yeah. I'm going to wait it out. Counting down the days I'm chained to T-Mobile (38 left). I actually wanted their service so it isn't an inconvenience, but I hate being forced to do anything, much less wait to do what I wanted to do from day one, which is Flash Roms. I'm looking at Lineage too. So I will update this post once I get to that point. Here's hoping they keep their word, because my 15 day return policy on the phone runs out in two days.

Alright folks I've been with Samsung over a decade and just got my first Oneplus (8T+5G KB2007) so don't start yelling at me just yet. Got this thing on Amazon and appears to be new. I'm sim/network unlocked through TMO. My OEM Unlock was never greyed out. I can toggle no problem. However, I went through the debloat described above because of the following problem: Sticks on "waiting for any device" after running "fastboot oem get_unlock_code" Please tell me this is an easy fix. I already reinstalled the google driver through SDK Manager bla bla bla.... Am I missing something simple? Any help would be appreciated. THX

jabe78 said:
Yeah. I'm going to wait it out. Counting down the days I'm chained to T-Mobile (38 left). I actually wanted their service so it isn't an inconvenience, but I hate being forced to do anything, much less wait to do what I wanted to do from day one, which is Flash Roms. I'm looking at Lineage too. So I will update this post once I get to that point. Here's hoping they keep their word, because my 15 day return policy on the phone runs out in two days.
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I should've done more research myself. Galaxy was about to quit on me so I grabbed this one specifically because it was rated as one of the very top phones for development. If it wasn't such a rush I would've spent more time.

jtford said:
Alright folks I've been with Samsung over a decade and just got my first Oneplus (8T+5G KB2007) so don't start yelling at me just yet. Got this thing on Amazon and appears to be new. I'm sim/network unlocked through TMO. My OEM Unlock was never greyed out. I can toggle no problem. However, I went through the debloat described above because of the following problem: Sticks on "waiting for any device" after running "fastboot oem get_unlock_code" Please tell me this is an easy fix. I already reinstalled the google driver through SDK Manager bla bla bla.... Am I missing something simple? Any help would be appreciated. THX
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Have you checked if your phone is properly connected to your computer? Check using "fastboot devices" to see if your device is detected, and if it is not, then go within the Windows Device Manager and install the appropriate driver from Google, which can be found by searching "Google Fastboot Driver".

Xryphon said:
Have you checked if your phone is properly connected to your computer? Check using "fastboot devices" to see if your device is detected, and if it is not, then go within the Windows Device Manager and install the appropriate driver from Google, which can be found by searching "Google Fastboot Driver".
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It doesn't show it shows under adb devices but not fastboot devices. Let me find the fastboot driver real quick and try. Thanks

jtford said:
It doesn't show it shows under adb devices but not fastboot devices. Let me find the fastboot driver real quick and try. Thanks
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[Guide] Fix Device Not Showing Up In Fastboot Mode (Windows 10/11)
You sir are saint...I've been trying to get fastboot to recognize my OP6T for the last 8 hours. Thank you so much!

Rootk1t said:
[Guide] Fix Device Not Showing Up In Fastboot Mode (Windows 10/11)
You sir are saint...I've been trying to get fastboot to recognize my OP6T for the last 8 hours. Thank you so much!
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Holy ****.... finally! I just needed the OnePlus_usb_driver_setup.exe in order to install the right driver from said directory. Big thanks man. Really!

TommyQuid said:
Does this still work on the recent 8T phones? Please do keep us updated on your situation. I'm thinking about buying this phone unlock the boot-loader, Sim unlock and get Lineage on it. I don't mind 45 days if they actually unlock it
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So it was actually 40 days, I don't know why I said 45. Anyway, even after (48 days), it took me calling TMOBILE and having someone talk to their (OEM team) and start a conversation with them. 3 days later I was able to SIM unlock the phone. I was able to toggle OEM unlocking. Did the Fastboot command to get the Unlock Code, and sent it to OnePlus for "7 days". What the crap is all of this hassle? I left Android and went to Apple for 7 years. When I left, you could unlock a bootloader in minutes. For being so keen on allowing us to unlock our phones, it seems they give you a Circus of Hoops to jump thru "on Their timeline". Anyway, I actually think I may have screwed up the code because it was displayed on two lines from Fastboot. I sent it as one line. Hoping they sort it out and I don't have to reapply and wait another 7 days. What a mess!

jabe78 said:
So it was actually 40 days, I don't know why I said 45...
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Thanks for the update


Fastboot oem unlock/ fastboot oem lock please read!

I have seen quite of few people screw up their devices by not knowing what they are doing. So I am making this thread to simply tell people not familiar with fastboot what they should and should not do.
1. Fastboot oem unlock will unlock your bootloader and do a complete wipe of your device. As far as I know the only way for something to go wrong here is if you're device is low on battery and shuts off during the process. Either plug it in or have a "good" amount of juice left in your battery. To be 100 percent sure plug it in.
Before I get into oem lock IMHO you should only use this command for one thing only. Getting the device ready to send into motorola for the LGT upgrade or a another warranty repair or some sort. When done properly it is completely safe but there is no reason to do to go back to "stock".
2. Fastboot oem lock. Do not issue this command unless you are absolutely sure you have the correct software on your device. The correct software is what you get from the motodev site for your device. You need the official sofware images for your specific device AND REGION. If it is not released then DO NOT re-lock the device. If you have a OTA installed you will need to flash back to the motodev images first.
All this info is all ready on the forums in various threads already but I wanted to put in one place since I noticed quite a few users botch up the devices trying to update to 3.1 The last thing we need are a bunch of people bricking the devices and sending them in moto. I suspect if enough people do it they will end up changing their minds on the entire encrypted bootloader situation.
I know you have to unlock to flash "non-stock" images, but do you have to unlock if you are only going to flash the "stock" motodev images?
If I am currently just unlocked, not rooted do I need to lock in order to get the 3.1 update?
ccogan said:
If I am currently just unlocked, not rooted do I need to lock in order to get the 3.1 update?
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NO. the update only checks for stock files, not lock or unlock.
Blaisun said:
I know you have to unlock to flash "non-stock" images, but do you have to unlock if you are only going to flash the "stock" motodev images?
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before you can flash anything you will need to unlock the bootloader.
how to lock the bootloader????
albundy2010 said:
I have seen quite of few people screw up their devices by not knowing what they are doing. So I am making this thread to simply tell people not familiar with fastboot what they should and should not do.
1. Fastboot oem unlock will unlock your bootloader and do a complete wipe of your device. As far as I know the only way for something to go wrong here is if you're device is low on battery and shuts off during the process. Either plug it in or have a "good" amount of juice left in your battery. To be 100 percent sure plug it in.
Before I get into oem lock IMHO you should only use this command for one thing only. Getting the device ready to send into motorola for the LGT upgrade or a another warranty repair or some sort. When done properly it is completely safe but there is no reason to do to go back to "stock".
2. Fastboot oem lock. Do not issue this command unless you are absolutely sure you have the correct software on your device. The correct software is what you get from the motodev site for your device. You need the official sofware images for your specific device AND REGION. If it is not released then DO NOT re-lock the device. If you have a OTA installed you will need to flash back to the motodev images first.
All this info is all ready on the forums in various threads already but I wanted to put in one place since I noticed quite a few users botch up the devices trying to update to 3.1 The last thing we need are a bunch of people bricking the devices and sending them in moto. I suspect if enough people do it they will end up changing their minds on the entire encrypted bootloader situation.
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Question for you, how do I go about entering this command? My knowledge is basic. I have unrooted, restocked a Nexus 7. Trying to do oem lock without being able to use the screen. Cannot enable USB debugging because the screen is nonoperational. Any advice?

Phone permanently locked to AT&T and need help!

I stupidly wrote down the wrong sim unlock code given to me by ATT on my phone and I guess I entered the wrong code too many times. I called ATT tech support and they said that my phone is locked permanently ATT now.
Is there a fix around this or am I screwed?
he.spinal said:
I stupidly wrote down the wrong sim unlock code given to me by ATT on my phone and I guess I entered the wrong code too many times. I called ATT tech support and they said that my phone is locked permanently ATT now.
Is there a fix around this or am I screwed?
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As far as I know, you are SOL and is locked permanently to ATT, unless theres a way to unlock it via the service menu after a code has been inputted wrong.
Go to Cellunlocker.net and talk to someone in support about getting a code that unlocks your sim-locked status. It's not the code to unlock your phone, it's the code that resets the perma-lock state of the phone.
I guess i am SOL i called cell unlocker and they said they dint have the software to do it
Did you try the method listed for unlocking your phone from the service menus - without an unlock code?
I have not seen it explained, but it appears to me that by disabling the SHA256 network lock, you are basically getting rid of the requirement for the unlock code that is cryptographically dependent on the IMEI.
I did it on my AT&T phone and plopped in a T-mo sim and it worked fine:
I am not responsible for anything you may mess up though.
he.spinal said:
I guess i am SOL i called cell unlocker and they said they dint have the software to do it
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You might have one other option that I know of that might work, might not work, or might make things worse. It is the "Free unlock" menu method in the general section. I am assuming you haven't tried it already. Normally I tell people to stay clear of it because of the slim chance it could screw your phone up, but in your case, I'd say it's already screwed up.
Follow the directions and see if restoring your "Golden backup" (NV restore) resets the cell locks on your phone. You can also try thing like turning SHA256 "On", or "Off" and see if it makes a difference. The reason the free unlock method works for some and not others all depends on what info resides in your phones NV backup. For some, it restores full phone functionality without network locks (sim unlocked), for others, it restores exactly what is already on the phone's NV memory (still network locked), and for others, it restores a backup that screws the phone up. There is a slim possibility that if you restore the NV data via the hidden menu, you might restore your phones original sim locked state and then be able to use the code with SHA256ON or maybe Off.
The risk you take if you try it is completely yours.
It might help, it might not help, or it could make it worse. Good luck.
Would flashing back to stock rom work? I am still fairly new with android devices coming from iphones so i dont want to mess with it if it has absolutely no chance of working. The phone is still working fine just can't unlock it.
Thx for the suggestions tho
he.spinal said:
Would flashing back to stock rom work? I am still fairly new with android devices coming from iphones so i dont want to mess with it if it has absolutely no chance of working. The phone is still working fine just can't unlock it.
Thx for the suggestions tho
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Flashing back to stock is not going to cure your problem. You're kind of hosed at this point. Scott's suggestion is probably your best bet, BUT you could end up with no phone working at all. If you can still get phone service I'd leave it as is and give up ever unlocking.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 07:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------
TO ANYONE WHO IS FOLLOWING THIS THREAD, PLEASE DON'T DO ANY THING TO YOUR PHONE BECAUSE YOU THINK IT MAY BE COOL. Really know what your doing and why before you do try it. You can really mess up your phone. There a lot of good info in this forum, use it. And take your time, read, study, and read some more.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
about permanent unlock!!
hello buddy , did you found any solution for the permanently lock to att? im having the same problem! thanks
he.spinal said:
Would flashing back to stock rom work? I am still fairly new with android devices coming from iphones so i dont want to mess with it if it has absolutely no chance of working. The phone is still working fine just can't unlock it.
Thx for the suggestions tho
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I wasn't able to unlock my AT&T GS4 via the service menu methods, nor with an unlock code I bought online. I was finally able to unlock it via the USB program at FastGSM. It seemed kind of shady but it worked for me...
Zoide_ said:
I wasn't able to unlock my AT&T GS4 via the service menu methods, nor with an unlock code I bought online. I was finally able to unlock it via the USB program at FastGSM. It seemed kind of shady but it worked for me...
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Which Version worked for you? Their download page has several but none of them say Fire Phone.
I bought this phone for my mom and sent her the unlock code... but she missed it 5 times.. LOL now it is permanently locked to At&t
ZeroHart said:
Which Version worked for you? Their download page has several but none of them say Fire Phone.
I bought this phone for my mom and sent her the unlock code... but she missed it 5 times.. LOL now it is permanently locked to At&t
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Sorry, it was so long ago I don't know. The Paypal receipt says "Samsung i337 Unlocking Software", if that helps.
Zoide_ said:
I wasn't able to unlock my AT&T GS4 via the service menu methods, nor with an unlock code I bought online. I was finally able to unlock it via the USB program at FastGSM. It seemed kind of shady but it worked for me...
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Zoide_ said:
Sorry, it was so long ago I don't know. The Paypal receipt says "Samsung i337 Unlocking Software", if that helps.
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No Problem, Thanks

Please help want to unlock bootloader

Guys please help I can't unlock the boot loader(ze550kl) for the following model I wanted to install cm. Thank you
BOARD msm8916
BRAND asus
CPU_ABI arm64-v8a
DISPLAY LRX22G.WW_user_1.17.40.1234_20160304
FINGERPRINT asus/WW_Z00L/ASUS_Z00L_63:5.0.2/LRX22G/WW_user_1.17.40.1234_20160304:user/release-keys
HOST builder5-pc
TAGS release-keys
TYPE user
USER builder5
INCREMENTAL WW_Z00L-WW_user_1.17.40.1234_20160304-user-20160304
RADIO 202c10_11.1.0_160304
Root Access:no access
SU:not found
How to unlock bootloader?
Use the boot loader unlock app found in the General subforum.
HampTheToker said:
Use the boot loader unlock app found in the General subforum.
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I tried it just restarts and there is no white logo screen
The white logo screen is only for the ZenFone 2 base models. For ZenFone 2 Laser variants, the logo screen will and should remain black. To verify whether your device hadha been truly unlocked, head over to fastboot mode on your device, and type the command: "fastboot oem device-info" (without the quotes) into the command prompt/terminal.
If it says device unlocked: true, that means your device had been successfully unlocked.
Another method is to try flashing TWRP onto your device, then attempting to boot into recovery. If it boot successfully, your device had been unlocked. If the ASUS logo just flashes and goes instantly, and then rebooting back to the system, it is still locked.
Rizzed said:
The white logo screen is only for the ZenFone 2 base models. For ZenFone 2 Laser variants, the logo screen will and should remain black. To verify whether your device hadha been truly unlocked, head over to fastboot mode on your device, and type the command: "fastboot oem device-info" (without the quotes) into the command prompt/terminal.
If it says device unlocked: true, that means your device had been successfully unlocked.
Another method is to try flashing TWRP onto your device, then attempting to boot into recovery. If it boot successfully, your device had been unlocked. If the ASUS logo just flashes and goes instantly, and then rebooting back to the system, it is still locked.
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Thanks Rizzed I'll check via fastboot
Any results?
Same device and same problem
I have tried with a few "different" unlock apps and still get the following result after running
fastboot oem device-info
(bootloader) Device unlocked: false
(bootloader) Charger screen enabled: false
(bootloader) Display panel:
OKAY [ 0.004s]
finished. total time: 0.004s
Also I noticed that Asus' support page from the country where the device was bought does not have "utilities" section where the unlock apk would be located. (can't post a direct link since I'm new here, so here's part of the link: asus.com/br/Phone/ZenFone-2-Laser-ZE550KL/HelpDesk_Download/)
for this version of firmware(WW_user_1.17.40.1234_20160304) it does not work.. I have tried many times ... I am downgrading to 1.16.... will check.. For 1.16, bootloader unlock works with the unlocker app for ze600kl
hemantjangid39 said:
for this version of firmware(WW_user_1.17.40.1234_20160304) it does not work.. I have tried many times ... I am downgrading to 1.16.... will check.. For 1.16, bootloader unlock works with the unlocker app for ze600kl
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Does it really work after downgrading? I'm currently sitting right here pulling my hair out over this. Would be great if it really works.
Did you manage to downgrade?
I tried downgrading but failed with fota_return_code 409 ("can't install this package [date] over newer build [date]").
igorrafael said:
Did you manage to downgrade?
I tried downgrading but failed with fota_return_code 409 ("can't install this package [date] over newer build [date]").
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Before attempting to downgrade, go to FASTBOOT mode, and type this commands (in order),
fastboot erase system
fastboot oem reboot-recovery
It should be able to flash successfully now.
Rizzed said:
Before attempting to downgrade, go to FASTBOOT mode, and type this commands (in order),
fastboot erase system
fastboot oem reboot-recovery
It should be able to flash successfully now.
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Thanks for the tip. Erasing system didn't work but your gave me the idea of changing the recovery partition. I managed to flash the stock version from this post. Only after the second line of the recovery screen showed "1.16" I managed to flash the file UL-Z00L-WW-
Unfortunately still didn't manage to unlock after a factory reset with the new firmware. Using unlock apk from this post:
igorrafael said:
Thanks for the tip. Erasing system didn't work but your gave me the idea of changing the recovery partition. I managed to flash the stock version from this post. Only after the second line of the recovery screen showed "1.16" I managed to flash the file UL-Z00L-WW-
Unfortunately still didn't manage to unlock after a factory reset with the new firmware. Using unlock apk from this post:
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Really sorry about that..
I'm currently trying out all the other previous software, starting from the latest to the oldest. I will inform you immediately if it works out.
nrv.patel said:
I tried it just restarts and there is no white logo screen
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I have been trying to unlock using the official unlock app since seven days. @Rajko said the app works sometimes. Also I have noticed that devices that were updated to 1.17 build are facing the same problem. Others who unlocked their device before the update were able to unlock BL. I even tried downgrading to 1.15 and 1.16 but no success till now. Maybe Asus has patched the bootloader with the 1.17 update and as you know bootloaders cannot be downgraded normally and can be fatal for any device. We may be able to unlock when Asus releases unlock app for Z00L.
sziraqui said:
I have been trying to unlock using the official unlock app since seven days. @Rajko said the app works sometimes. Also I have noticed that devices that were updated to 1.17 build are facing the same problem. Others who unlocked their device before the update were able to unlock BL. I even tried downgrading to 1.15 and 1.16 but no success till now. Maybe Asus has patched the bootloader with the 1.17 update and as you know bootloaders cannot be downgraded normally and can be fatal for any device. We may be able to unlock when Asus releases unlock app for Z00L.
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Can confirm this. I downgraded to the oldest but to no avail.
Is there any way to downgrade the bootloader though? I really am thinking of selling this device for those high-end phones (Samsung S7/HTC 10) if there really is no solution.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00LD using XDA-Developers mobile app
Rizzed said:
Can confirm this. I downgraded to the oldest but to no avail.
Is there any way to downgrade the bootloader though? I really am thinking of selling this device for those high-end phones (Samsung S7/HTC 10) if there really is no solution.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00LD using XDA-Developers mobile app
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if we don't figure it out within a month I'll also look into a replacement. For now I'll try to live with the stock rom...
btw, any reason you'd go for Samsung/HTC instead of Motorola/OnePlus?
igorrafael said:
if we don't figure it out within a month I'll also look into a replacement. For now I'll try to live with the stock rom...
btw, any reason you'd go for Samsung/HTC instead of Motorola/OnePlus?
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The HTC looks to be an excellent choice. Their last few devices weren't up to par, and it's cost them dearly. They've stepped their game up with the 10, and I think it'll be the device to put them back in the game.
The Galaxy S7 family speaks for itself.
As for Motorola, I'd avoid them like the plague. They're horrible with updates and are getting sued right now for failing to properly honor their customers warranty claims.
Oneplus is a toss up, IMO. The Oneplus 3 could be a hit or a miss. I'm not sure when it's supposed to drop, but I'd keep my eye on it.
HampTheToker said:
The HTC looks to be an excellent choice. Their last few devices weren't up to par, and it's cost them dearly. They've stepped their game up with the 10, and I think it'll be the device to put them back in the game.
The Galaxy S7 family speaks for itself.
As for Motorola, I'd avoid them like the plague. They're horrible with updates and are getting sued right now for failing to properly honor their customers warranty claims.
Oneplus is a toss up, IMO. The Oneplus 3 could be a hit or a miss. I'm not sure when it's supposed to drop, but I'd keep my eye on it.
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Interesting, I personally had very good experience with Motorola and have seen a lot of people having trouble with samsung phones.
My view on Samsung is biased though, as I barely consider them android phones. Prejudice aside , I see them as designed for people who want the status of iPhones but want something "like an android".
I hope the OnePlus 3 turns out to be good
igorrafael said:
Interesting, I personally had very good experience with Motorola and have seen a lot of people having trouble with samsung phones.
My view on Samsung is biased though, as I barely consider them android phones. Prejudice aside , I see them as designed for people who want the status of iPhones but want something "like an android".
I hope the OnePlus 3 turns out to be good
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Well, sorry for saying this, but I personally do not trust any companies from (you know which country). Their phones may pack in very high specifications at very low and attractive prices, but really, there must be a catch, right? (personal opinion)
I live in Singapore and unfortunately, I don't see any Motorola smartphones being sold at any of our major electronics store or even online.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00LD using XDA-Developers mobile app
igorrafael said:
Interesting, I personally had very good experience with Motorola and have seen a lot of people having trouble with samsung phones.
My view on Samsung is biased though, as I barely consider them android phones. Prejudice aside , I see them as designed for people who want the status of iPhones but want something "like an android".
I hope the OnePlus 3 turns out to be good
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I didn't say Moto makes a bad phone. On the contrary, their phones are usually pretty solid. It's their business practices and weak update support that turns me off, but they undeniably make good phones. Just don't expect to run the latest and greatest Android has to offer a year after release.
My opinion of Samsung is biased as well. My previous device was a Galaxy S4, and I LOVED it. It was a damn good phone that could take whatever I threw at it. And, the dev support...that phone had every ROM and mod you could ever want. The only reasons I didn't stick with Sammy were the price, and I the fact that my Samsung experience had gotten a little stale after three years with a Galaxy S4. Plus, these Zenfone variants dropped when I was ready to upgrade, and they were pretty attractive. I don't regret it for a second. Like I said previously, if Asus would drop ZenUI, I'm certain that the root community would want what they have to offer.
Oneplus is due to release a good device. I have a good feeling that they'll drop that crappy invite system this time around. If they do that and give us another flagship killer, the Oneplus 3 would be more than likely sell like hotcakes.

[How to] flash Global to China Mi6 without UBL

I bought the MI6 and find out that without tools or unlock bootloader, there is no way to flash a global rom to china rom. My Mimax convenient EDL cannot be used in Mi6.
Unlock is easy, but since mine is new and under warranty, i prefer a Xiaomi rom.
Luckily i fond this tool:
Credit to the dev http://en.miui.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=663972&highlight=xiaomitool
Download this, run, and follow the screen.
it will check your boot, recovery, then list the rom that possible to install.
Choose global, lets it download, choose recovery and the tool do the rest.
Thank you. I will give it a try on " bricked" mi5 and new mi6.
This tool make unlock bootloader automatically... so your warranty is gone after
psxsnake said:
This tool make unlock bootloader automatically... so your warranty is gone after
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I checked the unlock status in developer, mine is still locked.
i think this tool somehow by pass the recovery to install the global rom.
mali301262 said:
Thank you. I will give it a try on " bricked" mi5 and new mi6.
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Did it work on Mi5? I would like to flash my Mi5 with locked bootloader
Ok it works
It is not working locked bootloader
Just ask for permission to unlock bootloader, usually takes a week or so. Unlock > flash > lock again. No need to experiment with some tools or whatnot official.
pi4a7a said:
Just ask for permission to unlock bootloader, usually takes a week or so. Unlock > flash > lock again. No need to experiment with some tools or whatnot official.
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But my device is semi brick. My device id and IMEI are NULL. So, I couldn't unlock my device? i need know other way to unlock it.
dtosun said:
But my device is semi brick. My device id and IMEI are NULL. So, I couldn't unlock my device i need know other way to unlock it.
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In that case - http://en.miui.com/thread-299790-1-1.html
I don't know what device you have but probably the Engineering Flash Cable will work.
Follow that topic and maybe you will be good. Good luck.
pi4a7a said:
Just ask for permission to unlock bootloader, usually takes a week or so. Unlock > flash > lock again. No need to experiment with some tools or whatnot official.
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Took 4 hours for me.
NickTheSickDick said:
Took 4 hours for me.
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you must be a gold star member ofr xiaomi.eu...or something or the sort..normal is a 3 day wait
Tech_Savvy said:
you must be a gold star member ofr xiaomi.eu...or something or the sort..normal is a 3 day wait
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Well, eu don't give permissions... However it can take from immediately to month/s .
Tech_Savvy said:
you must be a gold star member ofr xiaomi.eu...or something or the sort..normal is a 3 day wait
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I already had been using the phone for long enough, the permission took 4 hours to go through. Never been an active user of their services either.
Actually I am looking for a way to wipe whole partition as my second-hand mi6 is binding with a mi account which is not mine.
Flashing in EDL mode is easy to flash any official from you want but asking to unlock the device after setting up.
Though there is some tricks can be done to bypass the checking, I cannot log on my mi account or even restart device.
I had just had a tried as this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/mi-max/how-to/installing-twrp-locked-bootloader-t3406501
To flash TWRP directly by MiFlash. But fail to boot in it with a 'the system has been corrupted'.
Just wanna give more ways to flash or unlock with the limitation of officially unlock BL

Someone with an unlocked Google Store variant

Please dd and pm me your frp, ftm, and if you are willing to, factory reset and then enable oem unlock, and send your userdata partition, all with the oem unlock allowed.
What is this needed for? I've upgraded to the 4XL but still have my 2XL for right now.
wgrant said:
What is this needed for? I've upgraded to the 4XL but still have my 2XL for right now.
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The request is probably for this thread. People are trying to use the recently rediscovered exploit to finally be able to bootloader unlock Verizon Pixel 2 XL phones.
wgrant said:
What is this needed for? I've upgraded to the 4XL but still have my 2XL for right now.
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On the LG V40 if the frp partition from a phone with the OEM lock flag triggered is dd'd to another device, the bootloader will allow unlocking, additionally, the ftm partition on the v40 seems to carry the imei so I assume the same is true for the Pixel, I'd understand if you didnt want to share that partition but I think if the phones imei registers as a Google store one, that could help trick it into working.
Is there any way an exchange can be done here for the Verizon software that enables WiFi calling, volte, voicemail, and video calling? Is that Verizon software out there somewhere? If you guys are trying to root and unlock vzw phones you'll be wiping and starting with a fresh phone anyway. Is that a good time to extract these files and provide them?
I have a Verizon Pixel 2 XL on Android 9 [last security patch]. Bootloader unlocked :good:
IcyAgitator said:
I have a Verizon Pixel 2 XL on Android 9 [last security patch]. Bootloader unlocked :good:
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Could you follow this guide: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2450045 to get frp and ftm partitions? Then PM them to @Whoareyou
Thanks again!
Unfortunately I already was able to get these from someone with a Google Store unlocked one, the dd'd partitions didnt stick through a reboot, and it wasnt able to oem unlock, ive been messing with the oemlock-bridge-client, so far chaning the device_lock status from 1 to 0 does nothing :/
shwise said:
Could you follow this guide: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2450045 to get frp and ftm partitions? Then PM them to @Whoareyou
Thanks again!
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I updated to Android 10 Security Patch October 6 2019. But I will do what I can.
Whoareyou said:
Unfortunately I already was able to get these from someone with a Google Store unlocked one, the dd'd partitions didnt stick through a reboot, and it wasnt able to oem unlock, ive been messing with the oemlock-bridge-client, so far chaning the device_lock status from 1 to 0 does nothing :/
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Could you try flashing those from temp root, hard powering off (holding button) and then booting to BL?
shwise said:
Could you try flashing those from temp root, hard powering off (holding button) and then booting to BL?
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I'll try when I get home, but I don't know if it'll be any different than using the "reboot bootloader" command.
No offence but,why are people still trying to unlock/root the "unlockable/unrootable" variants of this phone? Its like what 3-4 years old? Like i get trying to root/unlock them when they 1st come out even though like come on you should've known by now. But now there are way better phones. Everyone is offering good deals for trade in's. I think its time to give up.
I would not have even rooted android 10 if Google music had a dark mode. (literally the only thing i use root for now) Oh and to fix the things google ****ed up like the lock and unlock sound and battery sound.
krolla03 said:
No offence but,why are people still trying to unlock/root the "unlockable/unrootable" variants of this phone? Its like what 3-4 years old? Like i get trying to root/unlock them when they 1st come out even though like come on you should've known by now. But now there are way better phones. Everyone is offering good deals for trade in's. I think its time to give up.
I would not have even rooted android 10 if Google music had a dark mode. (literally the only thing i use root for now) Oh and to fix the things google ****ed up like the lock and unlock sound and battery sound.
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I expect to get two more years out of this phone.... It'd be nice to have root options.
krolla03 said:
No offence but,why are people still trying to unlock/root the "unlockable/unrootable" variants of this phone? Its like what 3-4 years old? Like i get trying to root/unlock them when they 1st come out even though like come on you should've known by now. But now there are way better phones. Everyone is offering good deals for trade in's. I think its time to give up.
I would not have even rooted android 10 if Google music had a dark mode. (literally the only thing i use root for now) Oh and to fix the things google ****ed up like the lock and unlock sound and battery sound.
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It's 2 years old
