del - Xiaomi Mi 6 Guides, News, & Discussion

Better ROMs:


Dobsgw said:
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It`s nice to see a new rom for our old mi 6, but i can`t find the download link? I have wiped my phone to install this rom , but for now i don`t have what to flash, still thank you for mentaining our device alive and up to date with new rom(s) based on the newest android os.
Waiting for news about download link. :fingers-crossed:

mArIuS% said:
It`s nice to see a new rom for our old mi 6, but i can`t find the download link? I have wiped my phone to install this rom , but for now i don`t have what to flash, still thank you for mentaining our device alive and up to date with new rom(s) based on the newest android os.
Waiting for news about download link. :fingers-crossed:
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press the download button now. I messed up the thread when editing

Will "swap buttons" function be added in this OFFICIAL build? Thx!

wow...thx :good:

one of the best roms
one of the best roms but need f2fs support

Finally, I really like this rom
Thank you so much :good::good:

Thanks for your effort. Trying.

oww thanks

Everything is cool but,
google pay not working even with magisk (hide)

Where I can find the changelog of new update ??

Magisk ERROR: 1
Hi. Pretty nice ROM, but I have a problem with installing Magisk. It's showing ERROR: 1 (Magisk 20.4). Any ideas?
@edit 05/05/20:
I found a solution, if someone has same problem: watch?v=NmEzjTG0cTI

TWRP Version
Thanks for build this ROM,
What version of TWRP is used to install this ROM and this ROM included Frimware?

I just wanted to say that ROM is awesome stable so far never had any issue except sometimes my mic got disabled suddenly, ppl can't hear me in records calls anything and only restart fixes this issue otherwise all good 2 weeks nw.

Same problem here of the mic which is extremely annoying + having a bad mobile data signal otherwise, a really good rom

Hello, I downloaded the latest version of the firmware and cannot answer the call. When someone calls you, the phone does not respond, and no dialog box pops up to answer the call.

Hi, now I'm downloading. I'll flash clean. I was on Pixel Rom but I just tried MIUI12 EU Rom and it sucks... Errhhggg...
I'll flash this clean. Hope to won't back MIUI12...

Mic not working after use google assistant, and must reboot to make it work.

Evolution-X provides updates via OTA? I think Xiaomi is not going to update anymore and I am thinking of putting Evolution-X among other candidates ...



I re-ported(adapted to ZTE Blade Q Maxi) this rom from Huawei y511
original port is here and is made
by "nambba"
all creditts to him
instalation process work only with CWM
make first a backup of previous rom wich work on your phone
you do it on your risck, no more waranty and all the rest
how to install
download and copy the rom archive to sdcard
reboot in recovery
"wipe data factory resset/ yes format"
"advanced/wipe dalvick cache/ yes"
"install zip from sdcard/choose zip/(sellect the rom archive)/yes install"
when it finish, the phone will boot alone
I hope you like what i do and aspect feedback from you
XDA:DevDB Information
Miui_v5_Blade_Q_Maxi, ROM for the ZTE Blade
ROM OS Version: 4.2.x Jelly Bean
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: Miui
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-08-31
Last Updated 2014-08-31
I cannot stress it enough how awesome you are!! The rom works flawlessly and îs the best rom I have ever used.
Cheers to you Vaserbanix, and keep 'em coming . Maybe soon enough we'll see a kitkat port.
Works great. The only weird thing is Google Chrome get crashed every single time and the camera Resolution is 2mpx instead 5mpx.
imkoma said:
Works great. The only weird thing is Google Chrome get crashed every single time and the camera Resolution is 2mpx instead 5mpx.
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And that after reboot it doesn't remember that I disabled vibrate on touch and keypad sound. But those aren't something important
Overall great rom and great port!
Also, it doesn't display diacritics at all. Very strange. Is it a font issue?
vaserbanix said:
I re-ported(adapted to ZTE Blade Q Maxi) this rom from Huawei y511
original port is here and is made
by "nambba"
all creditts to him
instalation process work only with CWM
make first a backup of previous rom wich work on your phone
you do it on your risck, no more waranty and all the rest
how to install
download and copy the rom archive to sdcard
reboot in recovery
"wipe data factory resset/ yes format"
"advanced/wipe dalvick cache/ yes"
"install zip from sdcard/choose zip/(sellect the rom archive)/yes install"
when it finish, the phone will boot alone
I hope you like what i do and aspect feedback from you
XDA:DevDB Information
Miui_v5_Blade_Q_Maxi, ROM for the ZTE Blade
ROM OS Version: 4.2.x Jelly Bean
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: Miui
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-08-31
Last Updated 2014-08-31
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Can you make this working on zte blade q mini? Thank you!
An image? said:
An image?
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Press the screenshot buttons from the top of the thread
vaserbanix said:
Press the screenshot buttons from the top of the thread
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Nu stiam chestia asta.... Si cred ca m-am indragostit de acest rom dupa cum vad din poze
Please you enjoy the ROM on That level for 4-5 days.
I have some personall jobs to do wich are eat all my time.
Post all bugs or malfunctioning you can get and I will try to fix it
Ps.- my brouser work fine # try delete cache from settings/aplication/brouser
or reinstall the rom (wipe factory, wipe dalvik cache)
-for Q Mini I will try to port But on few days
There is a problem, the battery tells me that 1%, I had 60% before installing this ROM. Some FIX?
Flaxxy said:
There is a problem, the battery tells me that 1%, I had 60% before installing this ROM. Some FIX?
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Aply the fix from Samsung rom(my previous rom) I Post there 2 way to fix the battery
vaserbanix said:
Aply the fix from Samsung rom(my previous rom) I Post there 2 way to fix the battery
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Ok Thank you ! Just one more thing, when I change to SILENT mode and then back to NORMAL mode, the vibration of the keys and other things again, not kept in my settings.
But very good job with the ROM, I really like
MIUI - Who would've thought that there was actually a market for people who want Android to be just like iOS?
Let me thank you for providing this ROM, it was a unique experience, having first sampled flashing my first ZTE device and also having sampled MIUI and also for the chance to finally install CWM recovery!
That being said, there are a few issues with it, like the battery level, the sound options, random crashes, the keyboard, no live wallpapers, stupid/useless/bloated notification bar and most important of all, because the phone is no longer seen as Orange Reyo/ZTE Blade Q Maxi, the ZTE ABD driver does not recognize it anymore, so a restore from PC is not possible, only through CWM recovery.
I dislike iOS and MIUI, so I'll be sticking with the stock ROM and Nova Launcher on top.
Thank you again for your hard work and keep it up!:good:
UzY3L said:
MIUI - Who would've thought that there was actually a market for people who want Android to be just like iOS?
Let me thank you for providing this ROM, it was a unique experience, having first sampled flashing my first ZTE device and also having sampled MIUI and also for the chance to finally install CWM recovery!
That being said, there are a few issues with it, like the battery level, the sound options, random crashes, the keyboard, no live wallpapers, stupid/useless/bloated notification bar and most important of all, because the phone is no longer seen as Orange Reyo/ZTE Blade Q Maxi, the ZTE ABD driver does not recognize it anymore, so a restore from PC is not possible, only through CWM recovery.
I dislike iOS and MIUI, so I'll be sticking with the stock ROM and Nova Launcher on top.
Thank you again for your hard work and keep it up!:good:
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"MIUI - Who would've thought that there was actually a market for people who want Android to be just like iOS?"
-I discover android about 5 years ago and never like me iOS and MIUI(becouse of it launcher,thats whay i changed it with ADW and now it look GOOD)
"the battery level"
-can be fixed! just read all post on this page
"most important of all, because the phone is no longer seen as Orange Reyo/ZTE Blade Q Maxi, the ZTE ABD driver does not recognize it anymore, so a restore from PC is not possible, only through CWM recovery"
-i dont have this isues! SPflashTool and MTKdroid it see the phone and work good with it
"random crashes"
-i never had something like this
"the keyboard, no live wallpapers"
-market(play store) is full with this
Thanks for feedbak, i will try to fix some of it like battery level, name on pc and others
Vaserbanix, it is a phenomenal port. I haven't had the slightest of issues. It is a great rom, and it's blazing fast. This rom is perfect to fill in the wait for kitkat 4.4.
Also, have you heard any news about that lg device with kitkat and mt6572?
This ROM is great, works fast, with MIUI store you have all, you just have to know how to configure the phone, can not talk bad if inexperienced user.
+10 Vaserbanix Thank you for share
i have this rom for a few days now and asa far as i see its a very very good rom but i found some bugs if i may call them like that......first i cant sincronise my google contacts, second when im using data connection i cant download anything......i enter google play store and trying to take 2 mb apk and its saying that i should use wifi....even 100kb cant download...i can browse the internet but cant take nothing.....these are not cool at all....and finally that app,MiCloud, its useless.....sorry for my bad english :fingers-crossed:
jupanualex said:
i have this rom for a few days now and asa far as i see its a very very good rom but i found some bugs if i may call them like that......first i cant sincronise my google contacts, second when im using data connection i cant download anything......i enter google play store and trying to take 2 mb apk and its saying that i should use wifi....even 100kb cant download...i can browse the internet but cant take nothing.....these are not cool at all....and finally that app,MiCloud, its useless.....sorry for my bad english :fingers-crossed:
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Chek your APN to be set on Orange Internet, not on Orange Word(if you are on Ogange ntwork)
Miclouds are not useful for me too, maybe for others.

Mi Max Helium 3gb/64gb - first review (and ROM flash tips)

guess this will be more of a review as it is hard to say which feature i like BEST:
Got my MAX 3gb/64gb (helium) delievered yesterday. Since it came with the 7.3 MIUI first thing i had to do was read up on how to install the MIUI8 China dev rom to the device. After a bit of fiddling and translating chinese / indian websites i came up with a workable solution, even with the bootloader locked. So since yesterday evening i got MIUI8 6.6.23 running on the device - weeded out some apps i did not understand (chinese) and installed Play Store.
So far i must say - this phone is glorious. MIUI8 is fast and seemingly stable, i did not come across any big bugs and there doesnt even seem to be the typical micro-stuttering. Im really happy i bought the phone and hoping there will be a multilanguage (i.e. german) MIUI8 for it. For now im perfectly good with the Dev Rom and english localisation.
Thanks Xiaomi!
To anybody interested - flashing the China Development ROM (MIUI 8 6.6.23) with the locked bootloader was not exactly easy, here is how to:
- get the rom image from here: (be sure to download the Mi Max Pro fastboot image - 1418mb)
- get MiFlash Beta from here:
- extract tgz fastboot image - keep folder structure!
- enable developer options -> usb debugging in additional settings then turn off phone
- boot phone into EDL mode (phone off, press simultaneously vol+&vol- then connect usb cable)
- open miflash beta - there should be an entry with "id 1" and "device" something like "COM10" in the bottom table now - SEE ATTACHED SCREENSHOTS!
- select the folder where extracted image is located
- tick "clean all" in the bottom right
- hit flash
- enjoy.
First of all, thank you for sharing this. I went step by step (vol up and down didn't work for me, tried power and vol up and device didn't show up in fast boot, did vol down and power and it showed up) then I flashed the image and it successfully flashed, when the device booted it still showed the 7.4.16 global stable Rom the vendor installed : /, I did it again and the same thing, the rom didn't change. could you please help/?
Sorry, I followed the steps exactly as described and it worked out perfectly, thank you very much, its just that when I pressed vol + and - I didn't see anything on the screen so I thought it wasn't working, miui 8 is nice indeed, could you explain how you installed the play store, the one on the Mi store is crashing on me.
it's a little tricky but there is a thread on here that should get you started. you have to use the Google installer and then update some Google components before you restart your phone.
Tapatalk on Mi Max
g_BonE said:
Got my MAX 3gb/64gb (helium) delievered yesterday.
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where you buy the 64 GB Mi Max ?
Greets, Peter
bought it through had it delivered 3 days later. can recommend. they ship with DHL.
Tapatalk on Mi Max
Is it possibile to get it rooted?
e753 said:
Is it possibile to get it rooted?
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Nothing is impossible... Unlock bootloader (not even required anymore), flash TWRP, flash latest SuperSu or prerooted ROM... Done.
Hi, friends
I bought my first Xiaomi device, it' MI MAX Pro (snapdragon 652) I found other link MIUI 8 China Developer ROM 6.7.7 from en.miui, so I'm very confused what is difference between
MIUI 8 China Developer ROM 6.6.23 link from OP
Please advise me.
Thank you.
memooffon said:
Hi, friends
I bought my first Xiaomi device, it' MI MAX Pro (snapdragon 652) I found other link MIUI 8 China Developer ROM 6.7.7 from en.miui, so I'm very confused what is difference between
MIUI 8 China Developer ROM 6.6.23 link from OP
Please advise me.
Thank you.
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6.6.23 is older (june 23)
6.7.7 is the newest sofar (July 7)
I use the weekly multi rom on my MI Max since its better tuned with translations and the china apps that I don't use are removed
the process for installing the new Version does not change with the newer miui8 6.7.7 so you're good to go with the same Instructions from OP.
Meanwhile on my Max I have boot loader unlocked and root. Works flawlessly with the new MIUI weekly Releases.
Tapatalk on Mi Max
I am on China stable rom
Already unlocked bootloader
Does official twrp hydrogen work properly with helium model?
nijel8 said:
Nothing is impossible... Unlock bootloader (not even required anymore), flash TWRP, flash latest SuperSu or prerooted ROM... Done.
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May we ask you to share your experience for helium.
There are few resources for this device.
s2k7 said:
May we ask you to share your experience for helium.
There are few resources for this device.
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I have hydrogen but reading the forums people are using same TWRP for helium. Just read XDA and official MIUI forums...
g_BonE said:
it's a little tricky but there is a thread on here that should get you started. you have to use the Google installer and then update some Google components before you restart your phone.
Tapatalk on Mi Max
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Would you mind pointing that thread where it's explained?
Thanks a lot for you experience sharing,
I was wondering maybe you solved this: i can't get whatsapp to run on this rom, even with all permissions given, whatapps and skype cant access my contacts. I got my contacts on the system using the old google installer apk which worked wonders except now i can't get past the looking for backup screen in whatsapp.
If anyone has ideas pls let me know and in the meanwhile i will try to flash other roms to see if one works..
I answered my own question playing with the settings. You have to register under accounts mi accounts to unable contact sync for all apps .... ? anyway it all works now!
BTW I have updated MUIU using new dev rom and followed instructions.
pocketjose said:
Would you mind pointing that thread where it's explained?
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Click to collapse follow that! step by step
ispeedca said:
I answered my own question playing with the settings. You have to register under accounts mi accounts to unable contact sync for all apps .... ? anyway it all works now!
BTW I have updated MUIU using new dev rom and followed instructions.
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Thanks heaps for the tutorial about installing Google Play services
By the way, can this rom you're talking about be flashed following the instructions by original poster?
Do I need to flash in first place the rom from original poster (MIUI 8 6.6.23) and then flash your new one (MIUI 8 6.7.14)?
Or can I flash directly latest one?
pocketjose said:
Thanks heaps for the tutorial about installing Google Play services
By the way, can this rom you're talking about be flashed following the instructions by original poster?
Do I need to flash in first place the rom from original poster (MIUI 8 6.6.23) and then flash your new one (MIUI 8 6.7.14)?
Or can I flash directly latest one?
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I can't tell you for sure but i think you have to use the instructions from the muiu site if you want the lastest dev rom.
1- I used OP instructions and links to install muiu 8
2- updated to last china dev rom following muiu site instructions.
3- installed all gapps stuff
PS if you want to ROOT, do this between 2 and 3: (unlocked boot loader)
1-Download SuperSu to root Xiaomi Mi Max and copy it to your phone sd card from this site:
2-Download xiaomi twrp flasher and use it to flash from:
3-Follow instructions from step 9 :
Last thing im playing with trying to activate LTE bands on the phone. If anyone can help for that, i can't get the drivers to install propertly

[ROM] Cyanogenmod & Remix & Mokee for Z2 Pro (MEGA download links)

If the author forbids me to reprint this article, please contact me to delete.
I just transfer the resources from Chinese netdisk to MEGA, and translate the thread. Have fun!
From: (Forbidden reprint)
Flour_Mo - Lenovo ROM team
Please view screenshots in:
Thanks to:
+ These 3 ROMs are similar, only settings are not same.
+ Default language is Chinese, you can change it.
+ There is some built-in Chinese APPs.
Before flash:
1. unlock your BL
2. use the corrent third party TWRP recovery
3. be sure to back up important data
If you meet "system partition has unexpected contents after OTA update" exception, please try this recovery:!ZhhmADYD!YagVyniVwIK1ge38_AJ166VG4kkCHnYqK3VAl0Qibik
(from, default Chinese, include English)
[25.07.2016] (Just CM)
+ Update the latest sources to repair many bugs
[23.07.2016] (Just CM)
+ Fixed light
+ Fixed GPS
+ Update the underlying libraries to the latest
+ Fixed Bluetooth connection
+ First version
What's working:
Camera, WiFi, touch screen, display, sound, sensor,
Base band, dual SIM, data online, fingerprint, flashlight,
Shutdown charging, environment shows, SELinux, doze,
Automatic brightness, active wake-up, LED, GPS.
Known issues/Bugs:
Vibration not working
Touch = back,
press = back to home,
long press = clear the background.
Use at your own risk!
If the author forbids me to reprint this article, please contact me to delete.
Download links:
MD5: a91b58f93acae28334b067620dd25e5c
MD5: 00d8668f373e10aab27fcd172aa31d80
MD5: d19ebca5e7abe9376b8894ea7dee579b
MD5: Unknown
Thank you for doing this!
Hello any chance of CM13 for the non-PRO version?
I'm just trying to build the kernel source released yesterday, but it seems the symlinks inside the archive are stored in a bad way, I'll have to fix that somehow first. And I've never built a CM before, so it can take me some time... or make that a LOT of time
relghuar said:
Hello any chance of CM13 for the non-PRO version?
I'm just trying to build the kernel source released yesterday, but it seems the symlinks inside the archive are stored in a bad way, I'll have to fix that somehow first. And I've never built a CM before, so it can take me some time... or make that a LOT of time
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Sorry but I don't know how to build it, I just transfer it.
iMaeGoo said:
If the author forbids me to reprint this article, please contact me to delete.
I just transfer the resources from Chinese netdisk to MEGA, and translate the thread. Have fun!
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Why isn't this post in the ROMs section?
relghuar said:
Hello any chance of CM13 for the non-PRO version?
I'm just trying to build the kernel source released yesterday, but it seems the symlinks inside the archive are stored in a bad way, I'll have to fix that somehow first. And I've never built a CM before, so it can take me some time... or make that a LOT of time
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They released the sources not long ago, I assume it's going to pop up very very very soon !
There is nightly release for Mokee rom for the Zuk Z2 pro :
Hello, I have a problem to unlock the bootloader as, I cannot create any Zuk account from France.
My téléphone number does not work.
Can somebody help me ?
Thank you
izanagi_kami said:
There is nightly release for Mokee rom for the Zuk Z2 pro :
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there was this issue with the vibration not working, any news that it has been fixed?
I would like to switch from the ZUI to a more stock experience but I am afraid that some of the things do not work anymore.
Guillaume7373 said:
Hello, I have a problem to unlock the bootloader as, I cannot create any Zuk account from France.
My téléphone number does not work.
Can somebody help me ?
Thank you
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Salut Guillaume,
There is already a thread open regarding the bootloader unlock process, please read it. You will find there a link given to register with an email address instead of a phone number
mokee build are buggy, just tried the last one, if the phone rotation is ON, the phone reboot when it rotate.
also there is no vibration
but this seems to be the only bug.
zyvex_14 said:
Salut Guillaume,
There is already a thread open regarding the bootloader unlock process, please read it. You will find there a link given to register with an email address instead of a phone number
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Dear Zyvex,
Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately, I have tried with some threads related to Zuk developpers and each time, after entering email, a new widow appear asking telephone number to register.
So please give me the good link.
Thank you !
For Guillaume
nesquix said:
mokee build are buggy, just tried the last one, if the phone rotation is ON, the phone reboot when it rotate.
also there is no vibration
but this seems to be the only bug.
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The last release which really works is the one from 2016-08-01 18:05.
NiTeSHiFT said:
The last release which really works is the one from 2016-08-01 18:05.
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I can't find it ...! Can you share it please on a rapidlink like mega ? Thanks
Dear all,
My phone is a ZUK Z2 Pro. But it is called Z2121 so Mokee Rom is impossible to install due to error 7. What can I do?
Hey guys, I get hte solution, it was written into the first post!!!
In the case you get problem to flash rom, use chinese twrp!!!!
willich said:
Dear all,
My phone is a ZUK Z2 Pro. But it is called Z2121 so Mokee Rom is impossible to install due to error 7. What can I do?
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Use twrp from here
sernam said:
Use twrp from here
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Thank you, it is just what I have done, and all is great, nut, I can only boot the rcovery with fastboot, impossible to flash. An error occured with ADB mentionning problem :
Unknown partion: 'recovery-TWRP-3.0.2-20160712-ZUK_Z2_PRO-CN-wzsx150.img'
error: cannot determine image filename for 'recovery-TWRP-3.0.2-20160712-ZUK_Z2_PRO-CN-wzsx150.img'
I will try to find more.
Thank's again!
Seems like you don‘t tell fastboot on which partition to flash TWRP.
Try this one:
fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery path/to/twrp/img

7.1.2 Dirty Unicorns Rom

This is just a heads-up about a 7.1.2 Rom by Anderson Mendes. Saw it somewhere and downloaded it, works very well. You need to flash a zip called motoactionfix with the Rom. Latest beta SuperSu works, as does 7.1 Gapps.
well, but I get a configuration error on the start screen ...... what happend.... I flashed the pico gaaps
Yes. Its working well. I am using it from 2 days. Only one random reboot initially after installing. Till now all basic things working.
Installing ROM and gapps together gives setup widget fc.
But Flashing ROM, reboot, flash gapps works fine.
Installed it, works really well.
Was able to install Substratum with 7.1.1 Themes.
You CAN'T' post any DU roms on XDA. Ffs, take this down.
Pulse not working properly & equalizer too..
here guys dirty 11.3 for titan motoaction bug is fixed in this version
evandro_stan said:
You CAN'T' post any DU roms on XDA. Ffs, take this down.
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That's not actually true. An "Urban Myth" perhaps.
Any bugs?
Well the only bug, and it seem to be common on AOSP roms, is that the Navbar Editor is listed in Settings but it can't be invoked.
Anyone know a workaround to change the order of the navbar buttons?
Same error
rickseth said:
well, but I get a configuration error on the start screen ...... what happend.... I flashed the pico gaaps
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I flash ROM + gapps + zipmoto and get eroor .. I flash 11.3 if not return to lineageos )
Till get fixed only replace SetupWizzard after flashing gapps & don't forget give permissions
I didn't get any problems with 11.2 , used without gapps.
Today I've installed 11.3 build made by @Kranoner, In this I didn't have apns , I've created manually but I get 2G connection only.
Pulse doesn't show up with poweramp .
Flash Rom + Supersu
Boot to Recovery, flash GApps
raj_45 said:
I didn't get any problems with 11.2 , used without gapps.
Today I've installed 11.3 build made by @Kranoner, In this I didn't have apns , I've created manually but I get 2G connection only.
Pulse doesn't show up with poweramp .
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i build this blind also i cant test it or fix any bug i use dirtyunicorns 11.3 of my pixel and my mi 5 and i have no bugs sorry for your guys but buy a new phone this solved alot of bugs then in the future i dont think any one will bring new stuff for moto g 2014 its to old and 1 gb ram is to low and the kernel version is horror all good feats come in kernel version 3.10 and up
Kranoner said:
i build this blind also i cant test it or fix any bug i use dirtyunicorns 11.3 of my pixel and my mi 5 and i have no bugs sorry for your guys but buy a new phone this solved alot of bugs then in the future i dont think any one will bring new stuff for moto g 2014 its to old and 1 gb ram is to low and the kernel version is horror all good feats come in kernel version 3.10 and up
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Thank u for making this , even without having device in hand
I have only problems
2.I don't get voice from earpiece when making call after unplugging charger, to get voice I have reboot.
raj_45 said:
Thank u for making this , even without having device in hand
I have only problems
2.I don't get voice from earpiece when making call after unplugging charger, to get voice I have reboot.
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This also happened with me even old builds. I need to switch to other 7.1.2 coz of this issue.
Still great ROM. Many thanks @Kranoner
Hi guys, any hope for a new update to 11.4 or 11.5?
can it be used for moto g falcon as both models are almost same????
SHIVAM1198 said:
can it be used for moto g falcon as both models are almost same????
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Is this Lineage OS 15.1 build for Redmi 2 Prime genuine?
I found this online. Contains number of Oreo builds for Redmi 2 (wt88047), but when I flash the Lineage OS Build update 16-03-2018 , it returns Error 7, says this is for the following devices....
A list of all the redmi 2 models appears on screen, including 2014818..
This is the only file I've tried from the list.
Can someone confirm if this is legit?
I'm looking for a stable Oreo 8.1 Build for this device.
Dont test it there are many cause i am trying to make them perfect i will continue it after my exams
warrenlobo said:
Dont test it there are many cause i am trying to make them perfect i will continue it after my exams
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Dear warrenlobo,
I just want to say that I already tried the two most recent builds and I'm impressed.
I was looking for an alternative rom for my Redmi 2 (2014813/wt86047) because MIUI updates have stopped a long time ago.
So I was searching for some recent builds of Lineage OS and by chance I read this post and this is how I located your repository.
First, I tried to flash but got error 7 (This might be a problem with the recovery), so I removed the checks from the script and it flashed ok. The rom was slow, had some random reboots, maps and earth was crashing, FM Radio was not working but other apps, camera and settings were working. Modem was not working on my device and I had to flash a compatible NON-HLOS.bin.
Then I flashed the latest version, in which maps and earth are running without crashes, FM Radio is not working and I think that the camera app is completely missing because the camera launcher is crashing probably it doesn't find any cameras in hardware level. The rom is slow, had some random reboots, but very promising with good battery life and I have it installed on my phone for now.
edit: Forgot to write that AudioFX is not functioning properly, you can enable it after a song starts but on the next song the sound would be muted.
Warrenlobo, when you finish your exams, it might be a good idea to start a thread for this rom, with some development changes so we can send you feedback and help you improve this. I think that it is very close to being a fully functional/full speed Lineage OS Oreo rom for Redmi 2. Also I think that you should make it an official LineageOS rom.
Thank you very much and good luck with your exams.
What about VOLTE with 21-03 build?
Lost it when flashed over 16-03. Haven't tried clean flashing yet.
m!xal!s said:
Dear warrenlobo,
I just want to say that I already tried the two most recent builds and I'm impressed.
I was looking for an alternative rom for my Redmi 2 (2014813/wt86047) because MIUI updates have stopped a long time ago.
So I was searching for some recent builds of Lineage OS and by chance I read this post and this is how I located your repository.
First, I tried to flash but got error 7 (This might be a problem with the recovery), so I removed the checks from the script and it flashed ok. The rom was slow, had some random reboots, maps and earth was crashing, FM Radio was not working but other apps, camera and settings were working. Modem was not working on my device and I had to flash a compatible NON-HLOS.bin.
Then I flashed the latest version, in which maps and earth are running without crashes, FM Radio is not working and I think that the camera app is completely missing because the camera launcher is crashing. The rom is slow, had some random reboots, but very promising with good battery life and I have it installed on my phone for now.
Warrenlobo, when you finish your exams, it might be a good idea to start a thread for this rom, with some development changes so we can send you feedback and help you improve this. I think that it is very close to being a fully functional/full speed Lineage OS Oreo rom for Redmi 2. Also I think that you should make it an official LineageOS rom.
Thank you very much and good luck with your exams.
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Why dont he build android go edition ? Much better and will smoothier .
unknown said:
Why dont he build android go edition ? Much better and will smoothier .
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Android Go is a slim Android edition for very basic/entry level phones. It has a simpler graphics, needs special apps because it has a limited/simpler set of libraries.
I think that Redmi2 is a decent phone, capable to run the full Android. But it could be built as an alternative to the full experience and it can be useful for devices with 1GB of RAM.
