WiFi link only 433 on 5ghz - Redmi K20 / Xiaomi Mi 9T Questions & Answers

I was wondering if I was the only one who notice the link speed is only 433 on 5ghz. I have 866 with a s8 on the same router. Any ideas

smartt699 said:
I was wondering if I was the only one who notice the link speed is only 433 on 5ghz. I have 866 with a s8 on the same router. Any ideas
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Different hardware, different Wi-Fi chip inside the Xiaomi, less speed. For a budget phone it's an decent speed. What's your Internet speed anyway at home or where you use the 5ghz?

I'm testing a gigabyte connection and I always test new devices max speed. I'm ok with 433 irl about 250ish. But I get more than 500 on a s8. I was wondering if it was a setting or something. Thanks

Even POCO F1 is 866 Mbps

same here max on 5ghz is 433mb it does max my speed which is 220mb, on 2.4ghz max i get is 67mb, I also came from S8 which on 2.4ghz gave me 120mb , the speed i get is still more then enough for me and how much the device costs can live with that and the range is similar to S8


What is the max internet speed on Touch HD?

I was wondering, on spec for the phone it says 7.2/2 Mbps, but I'm getting max speed about 2.4/0.3 Mbps even though my ISP is providing HSDPA/HSUPA internet.
What speeds do you get with HD maximum?
feeltch said:
I was wondering, on spec for the phone it says 7.2/2 Mbps, but I'm getting max speed about 2.4/0.3 Mbps even though my ISP is providing HSDPA/HSUPA internet.
What speeds do you get with HD maximum?
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I went to http://www.dslreports.com/mspeed and used 1mb download and got 327kbps
what test did you use so I can send comparative results to you
Ps I live in Thailand so internet is not great no HSDPA as far as I know
I ran dslreports test now and got 1344 kbit/s.
Those speeds I mentioned before I tested on desktop computer connected to HTC via USB and using speedtest.net
I get low results with dslreports.com. The fastest download speed I have ever seen was when i connected blackstone to laptop via USB and enabled Internet Sharing. Then on laptop I used www.speedtest.net and got 3.8 Mb/s. Thats pretty good result IMO.
Aha. Way to go. So it's possible.

Full N mode

Has anyone reached more than 65 Mbps? I tried many different options on my Asus RT-N66U, but I haven't got faster. When I connect to my WLAN, SGN shows only 65 Mbps, while router supports up to 450. If there is a way to get faster I would greatly appreciate to know how) I use 5GHz, WPA2-PSK network
Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Well, might as well respond to this.
Note is being advertised with 802.11N but it isn't exactly what you think. Usually if you see WiFi N you automatically think it's 150 or 300 or 450 in speed.
How they reach those theoretical maximum speeds is MIMO and higher bandwidth. (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)
Now look at wifi routers or adapters. See a router with 150M? It has one antenna. See a router with 300M? It has two antennas. See a router with 450M? It has three antennas.
Now if you look at their specs you can see they support 20Mhz and 40Mhz bandwidth.
With single 20Mhz link the max you can reach on WiFi N is 72.2Mbps. With single 40Mhz link you can reach 150Mbps.
Now add another link and what happens? Possible speed doubles. Add another link and it triples compared to single.
See the chip/antenna in our phones (other phones as well) isn't simply capable of higher speeds.
The chip and antenna in our phone is only capable of single 20Mhz link. Add higher bandwidth -> more battery is drained. Add another link -> more battery is drained.
If I were you I'd take a quick look at the wiki page for IEEE 802.11 and read a little about the bandwidth, data rate and such. It's actually rather entertaining stuff.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
My views coming from a network administrator's perspective.
What sort of Router are you using, what sort of files are you accessing / transferring.
just an example, do you understand there are various type of switches, Normal, Low Latency, Ultra low latency etc...
My point is there are many factors to consider before you can reach certain speed, N specify XX speed means it can reach that speed but criteria do matters.

Maximum AC wifi link speed?

I've been searching for a while and i just cant seem to find the answer. I just upgraded from an AC 1200 to an AC 1900 router. My note 4's wifi link speed on the AC 1200 maxed out at 867 mb/s. on 5ghz which is the max for AC 1200.
Now with the new router it still only connects at 867mb/s and not the max link speed the new AC 1900 router should provide.
I know it dosent matter, has nothing to do with why i bought the router and is plenty fast enough... but it's bugging me.
I just want to know if the N4 tops out at 867mb/s? Has anyone gotten anything higher for a link speed?
I certainly haven't gotten anything higher than that with my RT-AC87 and my Note 4. Only topped out at 700-something Mbps while being in the same room as the router itself.
Usually, the bandwidth numbers on these routers are inflated for marketing reasons anyway. Sometimes they mash together the total theoretical bandwidth for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, sometimes they assume you're using 3x3 clients (I'm pretty sure the Note 4 and most other smartphones and laptops are just 2x2), and sometimes they conveniently ignore the fact that Wi-Fi is an inherently half-duplex connection (transmit OR receive, not both, so your bandwidth's halved for bidirectional communication).
Your new router is probably only a dual band. Two channels of 433 Mbs. = 867Mbs. I have a Nighthawk Tri Band router which will combine 3 channels to allow 1.3Gbs. However I have no devices that support triband connections. My Surface Pro 3 and Samsung Tab S only connect at 867Mbs. Even the new Note 5 specs say Dual Band for the .AC radio spec. I haven't seen any new phones with a Triband spec yet.

Awful 5 GHZ WIFI performance? L-29

Hi all,
I am getting only 86 Mbps near my Router, whatever setting I play with. On 2.4 I am getting 65 Mbps.
My 2x2 Ultrabook [Yoga 900], just besides the phone, gets 866 Mbps.
Anyone getting good speeds using the mate 8 or are we all in this together?
My phone has the latest B320 firmware.
I'm getting 210mbps in Normal mode and 180mbps in Intelligent mode.
Hi there
I own a mate 8 also, l29 varriant, my wifi speed is 200mb on a RT-AC1200G+. Curent room is stock b180. My friend who owns a s6 edge took the same speed test from my router and got 400mb+, so i dont know what is up with that but acording to "anandtech.com/show/9878/the-huawei-mate-8-review/9", with the new broadcom chipset ported to this device the speed should be 300+ . I dont know im not a programer but maybe it is limited by the software.
I always seem to get 65mbps on 2.4GHz regardless what speed the AP is. On 5GHz I normally get about 180mbps (this was connecting to an Apple base station)

Le pro 3 wifi ?

I am getting 50 to 70 Mbit/s wifi speed with my Le Pro 3 Al.
How come i can't get any faster wifi speed ?
And how fast wifi speed do you get in 2.4 and 5.2 Ghz with your Le Pro 3 ?
90.7 Mbps down and 10.6 Mbps up on my x722 on 5 GHz. Tested with the Amplifi app (for Amplifi routers only). But there are a lot of factors at play when it comes to Internet connectivity. Like the speed testing website or app you're using, as well as your proximity to your router.
My router is about 10 feet away from me. If my router was in the living room (I'm upstairs), I would be at around 30 to 50 Mbps down right now.
Also, add peak times for your ISP to the list of factors. My ISP (Rogers)'s peak times are in the evening. That's when everyone here is streaming Youtube and Netflix in HD. Some ISPs will throttle you during certain times too.
Another factor could be your Mediatek processor and your device's WiFi chipset. When it comes to wireless or LTE, Qualcomm has it down pat. I saw that the Pro3 AI does have MU-MiMO and two-stream WiFi like its Snapdragon counterparts, but I can't find any official specs on it.
Have you tested other Android devices on your WiFi connection? You'll know if it's just your device with those speeds then.
