How to Root My Note Edge Sm-N915A ? - Note Edge General

i've been looking for a way to root my phone its 2019 guys no news ??


Root Samsung Galaxy J5 SM-J5108 Model

Hi Guys,
Is there anyway to root samsung galaxy J5 SM-J5108 model? I have been searching on the internet and
couldn't find a way to root it.

How to root S7 edge on 7.0 Nougat Android ?

I have been looking for a tutorial about how to root s7 edge on 7.0 for a long time , can anyone help me please ?
Think you'll have to wait... CF-Auto-Root doesn't seem to work on N

Sm-g928c root

I have a Samsung Galaxy s6 edge plus running on 7.0.
Is there any way to root it? I'd really appreciate it first you guys could help me out here.

Root on Pie (G950F/D, DSBA)?

Hello XDA,
Does anybody managed to root Galaxy S8 (on variant G950F/D) on the newest ...DSBA update?

root s7 edge sm g935p

good evening
i am searching for a way to root my s7 edge its OS is oreo 8.0 and its snapdragon does anyone have a way to root it plz plz plz
All directions, files and links are here:
