Q>after Unlocking bootloader and installing TwRP - Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Questions & Answers

I'm running latest MIUI ROM global as of this moment . Will this break the OTA updates once I altered the bootloader and recovery?

no it would not.

Unlock bootloader make this device not certified

You should be able to update it .. but you won't be able to update certified apps

I see, thanks for the input guys

waiting for mine to unlock, what twrp version did you use?

this phone is not completely certified and the author of this rveviev believes that his low price is a consequence of non-affirming.
I do not know if this can move the discussion.


Rooted LT15i_4.0.A.2.368_Generic Global.ftf

Please Provide us the Rooted
LT15i_4.0.A.2.368_Generic Global.ftf
for those who have a branded Arc and can not unlock bootloader for root it
and there is no OTA update available for this new update version
Please please give us Rooted 4.0.A.2.368_Generic Global.ftf
there is any other way to root it after update for locked bootloaders
zohaib0001 said:
Please Provide us the Rooted
LT15i_4.0.A.2.368_Generic Global.ftf
for those who have a branded Arc and can not unlock bootloader for root it
and there is no OTA update available for this new update version
Please please give us Rooted 4.0.A.2.368_Generic Global.ftf
there is any other way to root it after update for locked bootloaders
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If you have spend some time in searching the forum, you would have had the answers faster than posting here and waiting for someone to reply.
There is no current direct method root available if you are running Android v2.3.3 and anything beyond .145 firmware.
If you need to flash a rooted firmware, you need to unlock the bootloader. Otherwise you will not be able to flash it. If you still need a rooted firmware, please search the firmware, there are few of them available i guess.
Hope this helps.
And when asked so nicely, i am sure people are rushing to fix it......
I really hope SE would just go that one step further and would just give us a pre-rooted bloatless global .ftf, even if it's unsupported. It'd be nice for us and would increase their reputation on XDA tenfold
I think your chances of winning the lottery are higher than the chances of them releasing a pre-rooted version
DemonicHawk said:
I think your chances of winning the lottery are higher than the chances of them releasing a pre-rooted version
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I'm not sure, SE is acting pretty awesomely lately, and I even think they might bring is the next Nexus.
If SE makes their Kernel insecure that's good enough
here ya go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1203729
thread starter said to:
1. flash a non-rooted 4.0.A.2.368 rom first (which you can find here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1204302)
2. and then flash the img file he provided.
one thing that the thread starter left vague was proper instructions for the not so techy users so...
that being said, I am therefore unsure if you can flash the img file with a locked bootloader so get someone else to confirm that for everybody
IMG flash only on those phone which have unlock bootloader
but a branded or sim lock phone have locked bootloader and there is no way to unlock them
SE not open it for sim locked phone
thats why i am asking rooted 4.0.A.2.368 global in FTF format

UK Fingerprint rom question

If i install the UK fingerprint version here . Will the update still come to my phone? I see they have new updates now and oreo 8 is coming. Will i be able to install those from within the device or will i run into issues?
Also are there any issues using the UK rom over the US rom?
Also are there any better ways to enable the fingerprint sensor without install the UK version?
Does it also void warranty?
I'm in the US & I installed the UK ROM you link to above. It works as advertised. I wondered about receiving the update as well and read through the entire thread. It says you will be able to receive updates and you won't void your warranty since you are flashing official firmware. Of course that is just a post on an internet forum and carries no weight. Other than the warranty does it really matter? You can always update using Flashtool.
Yesterday I updated to 8.0 following this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/x-compact/how-to/stock-8-0-root-recovery-t3747479 and now I have 8.0, my bootloader is unlocked, I have root, adaway, my phone passes safetynet, and most importantly it still works..
There are some subtle differences between N & O that have made it worthwhile. Sorry I can't be of more help, I can only share my positive experience.
rjglenn said:
I'm in the US & I installed the UK ROM you link to above. It works as advertised. I wondered about receiving the update as well and read through the entire thread. It says you will be able to receive updates and you won't void your warranty since you are flashing official firmware. Of course that is just a post on an internet forum and carries no weight. Other than the warranty does it really matter? You can always update using Flashtool.
Yesterday I updated to 8.0 following this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/x-compact/how-to/stock-8-0-root-recovery-t3747479 and now I have 8.0, my bootloader is unlocked, I have root, adaway, my phone passes safetynet, and most importantly it still works..
There are some subtle differences between N & O that have made it worthwhile. Sorry I can't be of more help, I can only share my positive experience.
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if you unlocked your bootloader, while you might be if there is an update, you can't just download and apply it from phone. If you're only interested in major android upgrade, this won't be a problem as at most we probably will only got one more android major version update (or none, it will be close to two years after device release).
If you are interested on monthly security update though, this could be a pain to flash manually each month
So if i just install the UK via the xperia flash tool method here (https://forum.xda-developers.com/x-compact/how-to/fingerprint-reader-version-flash-t3470154) , will i get OTA updates for security patches? Or do i have to manually do it every time?
mystycs said:
So if i just install the UK via the xperia flash tool method here (https://forum.xda-developers.com/x-compact/how-to/fingerprint-reader-version-flash-t3470154) , will i get OTA updates for security patches? Or do i have to manually do it every time?
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Yes, you will receive updates as long as you do not tamper with the bootloader or recovery. If for some reason it doesn't work you can always use flashtool to apply an update. The convenience of the fingerprint reader working far outweighs the inconvenience of having to update a phone with a computer.

Google Pixel Android P DP2 to 8.1 [Verizon Pixel]

Hi everyone
I recently got a Verizon Pixel and i want to roll back to Android 8.1 Oreo, i am currently on Android P DP2 with a locked bootloader, i've enabled OEM Unlocking (done under Android P DP2) but didn't want to unlock the bootloader! how can i roll back safely! do i need to unlock the bootloader! if my bootloader is unlocked can i lock it back! what are the possible issues/benefits if a bootloader kept unlocked!
Thank you.
Just unenroll from android beta program by visiting android beta website and you will get an ota which will revert you back to android 8.1.0
I've heard that some people who did, got a softbrick after the OTA update! I want to roll back manually.
hbforce said:
I've heard that some people who did, got a softbrick after the OTA update! I want to roll back manually.
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You have two options then first One sideload the latest ota file of 8.1.0 which is of june. And then wipe your internal storage . For doing this you won't have to unlock your bootloader . And the second One is unlock your bootloader and flash the latest factory image of android 8.1.0.. Backup your data because both will cause you to lose your data.
Ziauddin_Sameer said:
You have two options then first One sideload the latest ota file of 8.1.0 which is of june. And then wipe your internal storage . For doing this you won't have to unlock your bootloader . And the second One is unlock your bootloader and flash the latest factory image of android 8.1.0.. Backup your data because both will cause you to lose your data.
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Thanks for the clarification, I have one more question, do you advise to let my bootloader unlocked or should I lock it back, knowing that I have a Verizon Pixel!
hbforce said:
Thanks for the clarification, I have one more question, do you advise to let my bootloader unlocked or should I lock it back, knowing that I have a Verizon Pixel!
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If u are into custom roms or rooting types things and customizing your phone then you should leave it unlocked .. as yours is verizon one you may not be able to unlock it in the future. Otherwise lock it .. ??
hbforce said:
Thanks for the clarification, I have one more question, do you advise to let my bootloader unlocked or should I lock it back, knowing that I have a Verizon Pixel!
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Pixel's are finicky as far as relocking the bootloader due to AVB and dm-verity. I highly recommend against relocking these phones unless they are COMPLETELY STOCK. Also if it is a Verizon device you will not be able to unlock it again without using an exploit which is a bit hard to find and a bit scammy

Heip with G5 plus non-rooted phone with unlocked bootloader running August 2018 8.1

I've just bought a second-hand moto G5 Plus that had a custom rom installed on it, I'm guessing it was also rooted at some point. It currently has the Aug 1 2018 version of 8.1:
build #: OPS28.85-13
It's been a while since I've messed about with flashing phones, so I wanted to ask for some assistance before potentially bricking the poor thing.
Ideally, I'd like to get it back on the stock update channel, so it can get OTA updates, but with root -- if that's not possible, I'd be almost as happy to just flash a Sept 1 2018 build (which my other 100% stock G5 plus already has) and root it. I've looked at a few posts here, notably this one:
Though not knowing the exact history of the device, I'm reluctant to just follow the instructions. Can anyone provide some insight as to the safe(st) procedure?
You can't have root and receive updates from official channel at the same time.. the bootloader need to be locked to recieve updates.. you can however flash twrp on the device.. flash the stock rom( you will find latest in the forums).. and when the updates come out someone will capture it and make a flashabe zip, so you just need to flash that.. you can have root that way and stay updated.. cause from what I've read so far you don't get OTA when you're bootloader is unlocked..
That makes sense. So I guess the moto software won't even attempt an update if the bootloader is unlocked? Thanks!
Unlocked bootloader won't make any difference. The OTA update checks the system files and bootloader. If you have made any modifications to the system, kernel, or are running an older bootloader version the update will fail. Lock status of the bootloader makes no difference.
Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Can I Upgrade To MIUI 12 With A Locked Bootloader?

Wondering if it will work fine using the local upgrade feature.
MIUI 12 China Beta ROM? I don't think so...
I think it requires unlocked bootloader. (maybe I'm wrong...)
Micdu70 said:
MIUI 12 China Beta ROM? I don't think so...
I think it requires an unlocked bootloader. (maybe I'm wrong...)
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Okay, thanks for the info
You can't. The current beta release is only intended for use in China and as such you cant flash it through the System Updater. The only way to flash it outside china is through TWRP for which you'll need to unlock the bootloader.
Also I'll suggest never to try flashing anything apart from the official OTAs if your bootloader is locked. Because if something gets messed up with a locked bootloader, you'll end up with a hard brick which can be a real pain to fix. Might even end up having to go through all the EDL and Authorized Accounts mess. Once you unlock the bootloader, its fine.
