ZTE Blade V7 EU (p653a10_EU) - Blade General

Hi everyone, I'm trying to fix a ZTE Blade V7 and need to perform an upgrade via SD card in recovery mode.
After a search on ZTE's website, I got a hold on the Turkish version of the firmware, but it doesn't work with my phone, which was bought in the EU, specifically in Germany (p653a10_EU).
I contacted ZTE directly via email but got no answer so far.
Does anyone have a link to the original (not custom) firmware for the EU version of the phone?
I'm running Android 6.0 at the moment so anything 6.0 or higher would work.
Thank you very much!


zte blade g lux firmware

hi guys, my friend has a zte blade g lux. he rooted and unrooted it 2 times and now he decided to remain without root beacuse it caused a lot of bugs and crashes. he found an ota update but the phone doesn' t let him to install that update. i searched an official firmware in order to flash it manually but i didn' t found anything even in the official site. does anyone know where i can find it? thanks

Need help upgrading ALE-TL00 to Marshmallow AND remaining with ALE-TL00 (Chinese)

Hi there,
My wife has this P8 Lite (Young named model in fact) version ALE-TL00C01B250, which is a Chinese model with Chinese firmware.
I want to upgrade it to the lastest official chinese firmware, but the built-in sytem update check tells there is no other version available (Android 5.1.1, UI 3.1).
I have seen around some how-tos to convert to international version of P8Lite with Marshmallow, involving root and required tools. But we just want to keep the Chinese firmware, without having to install google apps and want to keep the so-called 'chinese bloatware'. So, basically we just need to find the official chinese firmware for the phone and use it, perdiod... but as I can't read Chinese, searching on officialor unofficial Huawei chinese forums is pointless.
Thus, some help here would be really appreciated to get the official Chinese update file and how to apply it properly.
Thanks in advance for your help!
pierrehenry said:
Hi there,
My wife has this P8 Lite (Young named model in fact) version ALE-TL00C01B250, which is a Chinese model with Chinese firmware.
I want to upgrade it to the lastest official chinese firmware, but the built-in sytem update check tells there is no other version available (Android 5.1.1, UI 3.1).
I have seen around some how-tos to convert to international version of P8Lite with Marshmallow, involving root and required tools. But we just want to keep the Chinese firmware, without having to install google apps and want to keep the so-called 'chinese bloatware'. So, basically we just need to find the official chinese firmware for the phone and use it, perdiod... but as I can't read Chinese, searching on officialor unofficial Huawei chinese forums is pointless.
Thus, some help here would be really appreciated to get the official Chinese update file and how to apply it properly.
Thanks in advance for your help!
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Download firmware from either Huawei's official website or carbon Tesla and update it by going in setting--->updater---->local update.
You may lose is data so I recommend to make a backup.
Thanks for your replay, but the Carbon Tesla does not provide any ALE-TL00 firmware, only ATE-L21 which doesn't fit our purpose.
Huawei's official website (in Chinese to access ALE-TL00 firmware) is... in Chinese, and I can't read or find what I need... same as I mentioned it already for the official forum... but even after trying some 'random' clicks, I found only Lolipop version of firmware...
pierrehenry said:
Thanks for your replay, but the Carbon Tesla does not provide any ALE-TL00 firmware, only ATE-L21 which doesn't fit our purpose.
Huawei's official website (in Chinese to access ALE-TL00 firmware) is... in Chinese, and I can't read or find what I need... same as I mentioned it already for the official forum... but even after trying some 'random' clicks, I found only Lolipop version of firmware...
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You SHOULD obtain the beta update.
1. Be sure: your phone must have original recovery and unrooted
2. Via HiCare (not from play store, but that preinstalled). From here go to beta testing, or rom update (accept the terms, maybe the text is in chineese but this you will understand)
3. If none above are working, try installing twrp, root, and flash sokkobans modified b564 cn firmware
(read the instructions)
tamaskurti said:
You SHOULD obtain the beta update.
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Yes, we've got access to teh HiCare installed app, and there is an update offers (B551). Unfortunaterly, we have no account, and making one leads to error (probably a country issue).
But that's something I can try to fix.

Can I reflash my B2017G (US model) to European stock ROM? (ZTE Axon 7 Mini)

It just bought it in the US... I want it to behave like a stock ROM European Axon 7 Mini.
I found out that the US model has limited language settings available.
Thank you!
I have the same exact question, not much info on the web. Anyone know if this is possible?
Do you have any firmware to flash (not update file)? I have ZTE Axon 7 mini from UK market and I can't update to european 7.1 android system. If I use system update function it cannot see any update, and same situation is with stock RECOVERY - after clicking "install zip from SD" and selecting file, phone restarts immidietly with regular 6.0 system.
olliolli82 said:
It just bought it in the US... I want it to behave like a stock ROM European Axon 7 Mini.
I found out that the US model has limited language settings available.
Thank you!
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Yes, you can flash it with the European stock firmware if it is the same model no. My device is ZTE B2017G bought in the US. I accidentally selected US Band in the engineering menu and I lost network services because I don't use the device in the US. I searched all through the net, no luck until I decided to flash the European firmware and it worked perfectly. I updated the firmware to 7.1.1 from the Russian ZTE site and it is still working well.

How to install european/chinese ROM on US version of M3(BTV-W09)

Hi M3 users,
I would like to kindly ask you if it is possible to flash european(C100) or chinese(C233) version of the ROM to US version of M3(C128).
I successfully unlocked the bootloader, flashed TWRP(by greatslon) and rooted my BTV-W09. I managed to enable 5G via the build.prop modification too. But now I was thinking to flash over my US ROM(C128B003) with european one(C100B006) - is that possible and how difficult is it? I downloaded latest european build C100B006(1.8GB file) from Huawei's italian webpage and would like to flash it, unless there it may damage my M3. Is there any fool-proof way to do it safely?
Looking forward for your replies, many thanks and with best regards,
I have a BTV-DL09 (LTE version) EU C100 version.
I have successfully flashed C233, C199 and other versions. After this I reflashed the C100B009 and got my M3 like new.
Usually (with Huawei at least) the localized versions are interchangeable.
Best if you have also your original ROM, in any case
Many thanks for the info Nicolap,
so what is the procedure of flashing euro/chinese rom over my US version. Can it be done with TWRP? What is the safest way to do it?
Many thanks in advance
Search this sub-forum: the response is here...
Can give me the adresse of the sub forum mentionned?
Want to flash C100 firmware
Hey all, Just got my M3 from China.
Model No: BTV-W09
Build Number: BTV-W09C233B030
Was wondering how should I proceed if I wish to flash to a UK version of the software? Any guides out there?
Many thanks for your help!
Not quite the same tablet but i had issues with updates on my EU flashed C100 (LTE version) rom as my hw vendor an oemregion partition was still asia.
To get things working properly i had to install the EU oeminfo partition THEN flash the correct firmware. Before that auto updates picked up nothing and on upgrading to Nougat things like bluetooth broke.
That was for the LTE version though.
---------- Post added at 11:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 PM ----------
Not quite the same tablet but i had issues with updates on my EU flashed C100 (LTE version) rom as my hw vendor an oemregion partition was still asia.
To get things working properly i had to install the EU oeminfo partition THEN flash the correct firmware. Before that auto updates picked up nothing and on upgrading to Nougat things like bluetooth broke.
That was for the LTE version though.

Daydream ?

I have a ZTE A2017G (ZTE A2017GV1.3.0B02), is it possible to do something (root, ...) to recover a Daydream compatibility on this mobile phone ?
Thank you for your help
The rumour is that ZTE will release an Oreo update with Daydream support again included so may pay to be patient and wait.
Wilw said:
I have a ZTE A2017G (ZTE A2017GV1.3.0B02), is it possible to do something (root, ...) to recover a Daydream compatibility on this mobile phone ?
Thank you for your help
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It is possible, you either a) wait just like @RobboW said, or b) roll back to Nougat, but you'll lose your internal storage and app data if you do. Rolling back is easy, you just have to get the official Nougat package from the ZTE page (get it from ZTE australia or germany) and install it via normal SD card or internal storage method. There might be an O-N rollback package, that'll work, but the normal Nougat packages work too
The Russian site has an O-N rollback specific package alongside the other packages.
