Any hope for dual GPS? - OnePlus 6T Questions & Answers

My ultimate decision in the next week or so will be 6T or Mate 20 Pro.
I really wish 6T included dual GPS. My understanding is it locks in quicker in built up areas.... with so much of my time in CBD I really would LOVE this.
Any hope of a surprise on launch?

Don't most phones now support GPS and the Russian (or European) variant called GLONASS and there is a 3rd one that is Chinese u thought.

tk8lm6 said:
Don't most phones now support GPS and the Russian (or European) variant called GLONASS and there is a 3rd one that is Chinese u thought.
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You are correct, but my question is different and should have used better terminology - apologies.
What I'm hoping for in the 6T is "Dual Frequency GPS". Xiaomi first introduced it in their Mi 8 and now Mate 20 Pro has it.
Details and benefits can be found:

I'm never excited about these launches anymore since they always seem to hold things back. I'd love to see dual freq gps in the 6t though. That would be a geocacher's dream. We'll know tomorrow.

Ahhh. Thanks for the info. Interesting.
ero69 said:
You are correct, but my question is different and should have used better terminology - apologies.
What I'm hoping for in the 6T is "Dual Frequency GPS". Xiaomi first introduced it in their Mi 8 and now Mate 20 Pro has it.
Details and benefits can be found:
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Don't shoot the messenger
ero69 said:
My ultimate decision in the next week or so will be 6T or Mate 20 Pro.
I really wish 6T included dual GPS. My understanding is it locks in quicker in built up areas.... with so much of my time in CBD I really would LOVE this.
Any hope of a surprise on launch?
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Think its unwise to hold your breath waiting for dual frequency GNSS. Seems that even when the GPS hardware is installed, the phone makers are happy to advertise and promote it.......even if it isn't activated or is non-functional. Here is an excellent article to fill in the sorry blanks...


Desire HD has GLONASS-support!

Since last week the GLONASS-network has worldwide coverage.
This is good news, as we now have another positioning network next to the GPS-network.
But even better news:
Yesterday Qualcomm revealed that (amongst others) the Desire HD has built-in support for the GLONASS-network, according to this page of Qualcomm's site:
Today we’re announcing wider support for GPS and GLONASS. Any device with a Snapdragon ™ S2 or S3 processor is capable of accessing both satellite networks.
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(For those not in the know, the DHD has an S2-processor).
When using GLONASS together with GPS one gets a more precise location, an accuracy of 2 meters instead of 10 meters.
Also one gets a faster fix on one's location and of course there's a higher reliability, with twice as many satellites to lock on to.
All-in-all good news
the processor might have support, but does the firmware/rom/whatever need updating to get the new information?
panyan said:
the processor might have support, but does the firmware/rom/whatever need updating to get the new information?
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I'm not sure HTC will release an update (but who knows), but the ROM-cooks could probably get some stuff done?
desire hd owner bumping for intrest
I do wonder what they mean with 'Today we’re announcing wider support'?
Does it mean they're releasing some kind of drivers?
Any news?
I've just read this article where Qualcomm confirms presence of Glonass in S2 chips. MSM8255 is a S2 chip. So is it in use or not?
Does Android itself support different location sources than GPS?
paszczi said:
Does Android itself support different location sources than GPS?
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Android can even not know about glonass or GPS. Chip driver sends coordinates to OS API.
But I'd to know does the chip use both systems or just GPS?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
High End Device
After reading the OP post i can say that i'm kind of touched by the news. If we can realy taste the GLONASS technology, that means that we realy have a High End device. This means that can pass another year untill something realy new (I refer to technology build in) will make the difference between outdated and actuality.
PS: I will stick with my DHD just in case that something new about it will get revealed.
can someone tell me what is GLONASS?? i really dont know :$
renehd2 said:
can someone tell me what is GLONASS?? i really dont know :$
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I hope this helps.
radio-based satellite navigation system operated for the Russian government by the Russian Space Forces. It both complements and provides an alternative to the United States' Global Positioning System (GPS), the Chinese Compass navigation system and the planned Galileo positioning system of the European Union.
This sounds awesome to me, now if i can truely find a better battery then i cant see me needing to upgrade my phone for a good while.
renehd2 said:
can someone tell me what is GLONASS?? i really dont know :$
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GLONASS is a Russian acronym for Globalnaya navigatsionnaya sputnikovaya sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System. The satellites are operated by the Russian Space Forces.
Samsung already released a Glonass enabler application for Windows Phone Mango phones.
Anyone got anymore info on this? The Note sounds awesome at gettin GPS lock using glonass.
This is really good news but how do I know if it uses these satellites? Having support for it doesn't say it is really going to use it.
Which programs can use both navigation systems?
Afaik all.
Calculations are done by the chipset and it will also decide if/when activate Glonass or not.
Problem here seems we first need an "activation" of the feature by HTC....I also asked them on Facebook with no answer
Sony did it. Samsung did it. Come on.....Htc.....just tell right people what to do to have it enabled.....
Is there any way to get it ported across from something else?
^^ GPS ( Global Positioning System ) is a satellite constellation maintained by the US DoD for military and commercial use.. ( military users ofc have more rapid locks and more precision ,around 2,3 meters )
GLONASS on the other hand is its RUSSIAN rival , gps being american was more 'in' commercially while glonass lagged behind .. only recently has the russian govt made this tech available to comm users
comparing the two, GPS has better precision overall ( but GLONASS is catching up )
other countries are also deploying their own systems , like china's COMPASS ( in progress ) , EU's GALILEO ...
i wont be surprised if in the near future one has options to lock onto GPS,glonass and compass !!!
back to topic,
hows it possible that one DHD fone can acquire fix frm both GPS and GLONASS ?

GPS - Galileo will be available?

Note 7 could connect to Galileo satellites, but what about S7? Is possible (technically) to connect to the new EU satellites? May Samsung will give us sw update?
I want to know that too
It is certainly possible on the S7/S7E with Snapdragon/Qualcomm chipset version (US) (But perhaps only a after a firmware upgrade - I don't have one to test).
What I'd like to know is about the S7/S7E version with the Exynos chipset. Found nothing about it and am starting to think it won't be supported (which would be ironic as it is the model sold in the EU, there Galileo originated).
I have an Exynos and it does not seem able to see any Galileo satellite, although it hasn't had any update lately.
Note 7 has (or had...) Exynos 8890 chip and Galileo support. S7 edge has Exynos 8890 too so in theory Galileo should work in S7 edge but most likely requires sw update.
Hi everyone.
Galileo started offering Early Operational Capability (EOC) on 15 December 2016 and is expected to reach Full Operational Capability (FOC) in 2019
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So while the S7 has the ability to connect, that doesnt mean you will be able use it straight away. I would expect your ability to use it to be very random over the next 3 years as they continue to scale up the system.
What would improve?
Firstly, i want to distinguish between different systems. Whilst we (the public) say GPS to refer to all the systems as a whole, GPS is really the American NAVSTAR GPS system. For this post, GPS will refer to the American system.
The first improvement will be precision. The resolution is alot better. GPS is 5m whereas Galileo is 1m (note: GPS can do 1m precision but this is restricted to the US military)
Second improvement is reliability. GPS has been running since 1974 and so the satellites are going to start failing. Whilst they are likely to be replaced, priority is always given to the US military and third party use can be cut at anytime (just ask the Indians in 1999!)
Lastly is the nature of the system. As mentioned, GPS is a US military system and therefore use could be denied (war for example). The Galileo system however is primarily designed for emergencies such as search and rescue and natural disasters. Whilst politics of the EU could disrupt access, its more likely Donald Trump will cut access of GPS unless you pay for it than the EU doing so!
Hi, news about Galileo and Galaxy S7/S7 edge (EU version-Exynos) with Android 7 ?
Can Galaxy S7 operate with Galileo?
If Note 7 is/was confirmed to support Galileo, then it would, in theory, be possible for Dev's to create a MOD to enable it on S7/S7 Edge with Exynos 8890; is it?
S7 edge Nougat 7.0
Spartacus500 said:
S7 edge Nougat 7.0
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what type of s7 edge you are using?
and what ROM you are using?
just checked and mine finds galileo too. 935f, batman rom
ghbuur said:
just checked and mine finds galileo too. 935f, batman rom
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exynos or snapdragon?
jasoncled5 said:
exynos or snapdragon?
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exynos, 30.09.2016 manufacturing date
ghbuur said:
exynos, 30.09.2016 manufacturing date
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hi, u live in germany?
where can i see my manufacturing date?
i have G935FD, should i try the batman rom just for the sake of galileo?
jasoncled5 said:
hi, u live in germany?
where can i see my manufacturing date?
i have G935FD, should i try the batman rom just for the sake of galileo?
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no in switzerland with phone info *samsung* app from play store. even if you would not use/need galileo I would give a shot with that rom. dev made a great work. little hint...combo with notorious kernel..
ghbuur said:
no in switzerland with phone info *samsung* app from play store. even if you would not use/need galileo I would give a shot with that rom. dev made a great work. little hint...combo with notorious kernel..
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are u using the default setting of batman rom installation?
or does it even matter to obtain galileo?
if i dont use notorious kernel is there any effect of galileo compatibility?
jasoncled5 said:
are u using the default setting of batman rom installation?
or does it even matter to obtain galileo?
if i dont use notorious kernel is there any effect of galileo compatibility?
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yeah most is default except dual speaker, stock splash screen and some samsung apps i didn't install. but i guess those settings and even kernel doesn't matter concerning galileo. anyway the kernel is changed pretty fast. backup everything in recovery and try it out. hope I could help..
ghbuur said:
yeah most is default except dual speaker, stock splash screen and some samsung apps i didn't install. but i guess those settings and even kernel doesn't matter concerning galileo. anyway the kernel is changed pretty fast. backup everything in recovery and try it out. hope I could help..
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yea man i try it out right now
not sure since i live in asia can i get galileo compatibility
jasoncled5 said:
yea man i try it out right now
not sure since i live in asia can i get galileo compatibility
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philippines? i cannot imagine, should be worldwide like the russian and chinese "gps" too. let's see if the new rom helps..

Xiaomi Mi Pad 3 owners thead

Got my Mi Pad 3 about a week ago. anybody else gotten it so far?
loving it for the most part. volume rocker and power feel a little wobbly, and I get some random MIUI FC's, and it FC's every time I open the screen battery statistics. Anybody else getting this issue?
Hey, I got this device 5 days ago. Bought for e-book reading, but was better than I thought.
glitchhawk said:
Got my Mi Pad 3 about a week ago. anybody else gotten it so far?
loving it for the most part. volume rocker and power feel a little wobbly, and I get some random MIUI FC's, and it FC's every time I open the screen battery statistics. Anybody else getting this issue?
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I get that FC too. Settings -> Battery -> Battery Use -> Screen, and it's over.
Side buttons are made of plastic and it's littly wobby - that's regular in middle ranged xiaomi phones anyway.
Anyway, good device. And I'm waiting for a RR Rom to flash.
ndac_todoroki said:
Hey, I got this device 5 days ago. Bought for e-book reading, but was better than I thought.
I get that FC too. Settings -> Battery -> Battery Use -> Screen, and it's over.
Side buttons are made of plastic and it's littly wobby - that's regular in middle ranged xiaomi phones anyway.
Anyway, good device. And I'm waiting for a RR Rom to flash.
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A new ROM would be awesome. I'm not getting my hopes up on a Mediatek soc though lol.
Any developers declared a rom for us to flash yet? Miui is so annoyingly ugly.
myjasson said:
Any developers declared a rom for us to flash yet? Miui is so annoyingly ugly.
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no ROM yet besides china stable and developer. TWRP just appeared on the MIUI forums today though. sadly no touchscreen support as far as I can tell.
Try flashing one of the modified MIUI roms from one of the below:
I guess we all have to wait. A lineage package would be awesome.
myjasson said:
I guess we all have to wait. A lineage package would be awesome.
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Mi Pad 4 will be out by then :laugh:
Palm Trees said:
Mi Pad 4 will be out by then :laugh:
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Stop being a bummer!
myjasson said:
Stop being a bummer!
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The only bummer is investing in the Mi Pad 3. MediaTek chipset which hasn't had any support as of yet.
Get a lottery ticket
Palm Trees said:
The only bummer is investing in the Mi Pad 3. MediaTek chipset which hasn't had any support as of yet.
Get a lottery ticket
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Well, the nvidia and intel chipsets in former mipads have been surely resurrected, and mediatek chipsets are also popular(at least in china) and enjoy a great many optimized roms maintained by xda developers. No matter how long it takes I will be waiting.
myjasson said:
Well, the nvidia and intel chipsets in former mipads have been surely resurrected, and mediatek chipsets are also popular(at least in china) and enjoy a great many optimized roms maintained by xda developers. No matter how long it takes I will be waiting.
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Allow me to put the nail in the coffin here. Intel Atom chips have only received love from KonstaT - his work on Cube Iwork8 Ultimate/Air + Chuwi tablets sporting the Atom chips e.g. - he is the main reason anything gets done for the Mi Pad 2 (check the credits )
The Nvidia chip is found in ... Shield Tablet which is still being supported and in other devices - still receiving love.
Quick search on the MT8176 chip. Couldn't find anything. And I know for a fact that KonstaT doesn't mess with MediaTek chips.
Obviously, I hope the best for the Mi Pad 3 owners, but it doesn't look too good right now. Mind you, I did suggest that you try flashing the and/or's Mi Pad 3 MIUI rom. They both optimize the rom, so give it a go and tell us which is better.
Lastly, Chris from TechTablets isn't impressed and suggests the Mi Pad 2 and Ifive Mini 4S over the Mi Pad 3.
Review and thoughts here:
Palm Trees said:
Allow me to put the nail in the coffin here. Intel Atom chips have only received love from KonstaT - his work on Cube Iwork8 Ultimate/Air + Chuwi tablets sporting the Atom chips e.g. - he is the main reason anything gets done for the Mi Pad 2 (check the credits )
The Nvidia chip is found in ... Shield Tablet which is still being supported and in other devices - still receiving love.
Quick search on the MT8176 chip. Couldn't find anything. And I know for a fact that KonstaT doesn't mess with MediaTek chips.
Obviously, I hope the best for the Mi Pad 3 owners, but it doesn't look too good right now. Mind you, I did suggest that you try flashing the and/or's Mi Pad 3 MIUI rom. They both optimize the rom, so give it a go and tell us which is better.
Lastly, Chris from TechTablets isn't impressed and suggests the Mi Pad 2 and Ifive Mini 4S over the Mi Pad 3.
Review and thoughts here:
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Hyy @Palm Trees
Why don't you join us on telegram group of MiPad 1
Since you have a MiPad 1 it will be useful for you also,
Here's the link
Hi, although I'm not expecting much development (if any) for this tablet and I know it won't be a hit in sales, I find it most interesting. Those specs are just fine for my needs.
Plus, Xiaomi has proven a brand with very high quality products and which you can trust (I've had a couple of phones, the 12.5" laptop and some other stuff from them and I love them).
So I couldn't resist and I have just ordered one. As long as there is Miui and it gets a couple of update, it's fine for me.
Anyway if any developer is motivated for some cooked roms, I'm sure a few of us will appreciate!
Enviado desde mi SHIELD Tablet mediante Tapatalk
MAC address changes after wakeup from Wifi standby
I just received my MiPad 3 this weekend - a nice first impression regarding appearance and haptics,
BUT, I recognized that every time the Wifi wakes up from standby again, the MiPad comes up with a different MAC address! Not after reboot (observed on different MediaTek devices, e.g. Cubot X9), but on any Wifi reconnect after standby it reconnects with strange MAC addresses beginning with 00:00:00:aa:bb:cc - while in the "about the Phone" still the original MAC address is stated.
It seemes that this behaviour had been an issue for the MiPad 2 as well:
VERY disappointing at all!
Waiting for Wifi issue
I just got my Mi Pad 3 and it is installed with the China ROM I installed play store into it and it was working fine until play store got updated. Now it prompt need to update Play store and indicate waiting for Wifi. Anyone know how to solve this?
darienthy said:
I just got my Mi Pad 3 and it is installed with the China ROM I installed play store into it and it was working fine until play store got updated. Now it prompt need to update Play store and indicate waiting for Wifi. Anyone know how to solve this?
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Go for's MIUI rom (
Palm Trees said:
Go for's MIUI rom (
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Have you flashed that ROM on a Mi Pad 3? Does it possibly give U.S. as a region in settings?
david3140 said:
Have you flashed that ROM on a Mi Pad 3? Does it possibly give U.S. as a region in settings?
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Ask at the forum or try this app
I don't own a Mi Pad 3 and never will. I have flashed roms before on two devices - all worked great.
Palm Trees said:
Ask at the forum or try this app
I don't own a Mi Pad 3 and never will. I have flashed roms before on two devices - all worked great.
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I tried to register as a user at and kept getting an error message that my attempt to register was rejected because it "resembled automated or spam-like behavior. Please contact the administrator for further information or assistance." I tried 8 or 9 times before giving up. At any rate, I did download TWRP for the Mi Pad 3 and installed it. I then flashed the custom "weekly" room from 5-26 and all is good. It sort of took care of the region issue as settings no longer shows China.
Would really like to contribute at that site, but if it's that difficult to register - forget it. But thanks for the link. ?

Planning on buying this phone

So I was planning on buying this phone.
But before I buy this phone I have a few questions to ask.
Will this phone get official LineageOS? if yes, how long does it take?
how was your experience with the phone so far? Was it good or bad, and why?
Will the price of this phone will drop in a few weeks?(for Malaysia set)
Thank you!
watatara.102 said:
So I was planning on buying this phone.
But before I buy this phone I have a few questions to ask.
Will this phone get official LineageOS? if yes, how long does it take?
how was your experience with the phone so far? Was it good or bad, and why?
Will the price of this phone will drop in a few weeks?(for Malaysia set)
Thank you!
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My opinions:
1. It's still in the earlier stage for this phone, so LineageOS maybe take time to be "tasted".
Need some patient here..?
2. Its bad for the software. The curve aren't smooth enough at the bottom(not sure yet is that from software or hardware).
Im also facing wifi tethering problem where its connected but no internet.
(Im starving for custom rom ?)
Hardware seems to be ok but im still confuse with gsmarena n cpu-z where gsmarena state the cpu clock are 2.2GHz but the cpu-z state its only 1.96GHz.
3. This year end sale would do, maybe. Discount only.
The price trend maybe still the same just like the M1 generation.
Just sharing my opinion..
---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------
watatara.102 said:
So I was planning on buying this phone.
But before I buy this phone I have a few questions to ask.
Will this phone get official LineageOS? if yes, how long does it take?
how was your experience with the phone so far? Was it good or bad, and why?
Will the price of this phone will drop in a few weeks?(for Malaysia set)
Thank you!
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My opinions:
1. It's still in the earlier stage for this phone, so LineageOS maybe take time to be "tasted".
Need some patient here..?
2. Its bad for the software. The curve aren't smooth enough at the bottom(not sure yet is that from software or hardware).
Im also facing wifi tethering problem where its connected but no internet.
(Im starving for custom rom ?)
Hardware seems to be ok but im still confuse with gsmarena n cpu-z where gsmarena state the cpu clock are 2.2GHz but the cpu-z state its only 1.96GHz.
3. This year end sale would do, maybe. Discount only.
The price trend maybe still the same just like the M1 generation.
Just sharing my opinions..
1. I dont think you will get that Lineage OS anytime soon since the TWRP for this phone not even out yet.
2. If you had used Asus Phone before, their OS is pretty plain if you compared to the features rich Samsung or Huawei. The phone is very responsive and the screen looks great compared to my Samsung A7 2017. For the amount money you pay, you get the fastest mid tier processor, 6GB RAM and 64GB Storage, nothing to complain form me. The only problem I see now is the wordings being cut at both left and right edge at the bottom, and it seems I am unable to format any of my Sandisk Ultra 128GB MicroSD as portable storage (the card was used in my Samsung phone and it works well all the time) but It can be formatted as internal storage using adoptable storage. So far I had tried 3 Ultra cards all just refuse to work properly.
3. Direct D is selling at RM999 for the 6GB version, you should be able to find some selling on Lazada or Lelong slightly cheaper, maybe RM50 or so. They are doing promotion on the M1 at RM899 for the 6GB version but when they are selling at RM999 for the M1, I can find the M1 selling for like RM859 on lazada for the 6GB version. So unless you are getting the M1, yes you can find some with reduce price if you look hard enough, but for the M2, maybe just slight cheaper than the SRP for now.
Better not to buy, phone has lot of bugs Asus never gonna fix the issues. Better to switch mi or Nokia android one series with zero bugs.
1. Will this phone get official LineageOS? if yes, how long does it take?
Let me just clarify that I am happy with stock android because I bought this phone strictly for work. I am not even going to root. However, people who want to flash custom roms have to wait. The unencrypted source code was recently released. Hopefully, development can pick up pace and there will be custom roms soon.
2. How was your experience with the phone so far? Was it good or bad, and why?
It is good. For the price I paid, this phone is performing extremely well. I debloated it as soon as I got it out of the box and now the stock android coupled with good hardware is excellent. I have not noticed the notch issues, maybe because it is a recent purchase and it was fixed, or maybe because I am using Nova launcher and the notches at the bottom seem fine to me.
The phone is fast and responsive and the battery lasts forever. Call quality, network reception, wifi/bluetooth connectivity and external storage are all working fine for me. There are no complaints.
The camera seems sub-par. I am not an experienced photographer so maybe others could use it better. The photo quality is far from what I got from my older pixel phone but I don't mind because I only use it to scan documents, for which it works well.
3. Will the price of this phone will drop in a few weeks?(for Malaysia set)
Unlikely, seeing the pricing trend of the older max pro m1 in India
Thank you for the reply!
I think will buy the phone, but not now... maybe in a few more months or when Asus decide to put an discount
Oh and yesterday(1 jan 2019) price for Max Pro M2 got 5% off to RM819... so yeah I'm gonna wait
steprajjog said:
Better not to buy, phone has lot of bugs Asus never gonna fix the issues. Better to switch mi or Nokia android one series with zero bugs.
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That the reason why I asked about LineageOS(or any other custom roms). If Asus not gonna fix it, then maybe some developer will.
About switch to Mi or Nokia, I prefer to have pure android experience... I know Mi and Nokia have in Android One program but Mi don't have audio jack while Nokia too expensive for me.
watatara.102 said:
That the reason why I asked about LineageOS(or any other custom roms). If Asus not gonna fix it, then maybe some developer will.
About switch to Mi or Nokia, I prefer to have pure android experience... I know Mi and Nokia have in Android One program but Mi don't have audio jack while Nokia too expensive for me.
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Lol, he must have someone on the inside. Every oems fix the issues through updates. Max pro M1 received like 15 updates I think. So don't worry it will get fixed. This is the best mid ranger right now.
About custom roms: some members of the community were able to port twrp and also root the phone using magisk today. So the development will also Kick-start in a month or two.
Buy it if you like it. :good:
kickyvivi said:
About custom roms: some members of the community were able to port twrp and also root the phone using magisk today.
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Aweasome! Is there any forum post? can you link it to me? Thanks
watatara.102 said:
Aweasome! Is there any forum post? can you link it to me? Thanks
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It was posted in the telegram group.
Link: Zenfone Max Pro M2 | OFFICIAL
Zenfone Max Pro M2 - Official | Telegram Group
- Rules : Use /rules
- Channel: @asusmaxProM2
- Our Off-Topic Group: @zenfoneOT
- Our Photography Group: @zenfonePhotography
- Our Customization Group: @zenfoneCustomization
The notch. Can you hide it? I am getting sick of the notch
maXDAmn said:
The notch. Can you hide it? I am getting sick of the notch
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Install apps from store then u can hide it..there many apps to hide the notch from playstore. try it.
You know what? I about to place an order on this weekend.
And now with Xiaomi announcement about their new phone, Redmi note 7.
I'm on dilemma!
watatara.102 said:
You know what? I about to place an order on this weekend.
And now with Xiaomi announcement about their new phone, Redmi note 7.
I'm on dilemma!
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Redmi 7 won't come for another 2 3 months even if they release it in India. Both phones will be similar and similarly priced. And don't get your head churned about the 48mp camera. It's just clever advertising.
kickyvivi said:
Redmi 7 won't come for another 2 3 months even if they release it in India. Both phones will be similar and similarly priced. And don't get your head churned about the 48mp camera. It's just clever advertising.
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I'm more interested into small waterdrop notch and usb type-c compare with max pro m2 notch and micro usb.
to my understanding that Redmi note 7 using Samsung sensor and its only 12 MP interpolate to 48 MP but not for Redmi note 7 Pro which is using Sony imx586 that actually real 48MP
Redmi note 7 Pro will release in China in Chinese New Year(probably) and after 1 month maybe we can see this phone for global set
watatara.102 said:
I'm more interested into small waterdrop notch and usb type-c compare with max pro m2 notch and micro usb.
to my understanding that Redmi note 7 using Samsung sensor and its only 12 MP interpolate to 48 MP but not for Redmi note 7 Pro which is using Sony imx586 that actually real 48MP
Redmi note 7 Pro will release in China in Chinese New Year(probably) and after 1 month maybe we can see this phone for global set
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Rn7 pro. Hmm. No idea when that will come to India.
Does it support MHL or not ?
My decision is greatly depending on this feature, please inform me.
Dont buy this hanging phone touch problem and hanging problem. We have to press 3 times to open particular app.
TechNcracked said:
Does it support MHL or not ?
My decision is greatly depending on this feature, please inform me.
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Anyone here to reply on this??
TechNcracked said:
Anyone here to reply on this??
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what phone are you referring to? RN7 or max pro m2?

Is the One Plus 8 Pro Android Enterprise Recommended?

I've looking around to see if this device is Android Enterprise Recommended but I can't seem to find any documentation.
Do you know what's the case?
It's not listed on Google's site yet, so they're likely not.
MishaalRahman said:
It's not listed on Google's site yet, so they're likely not.
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Thanks for the reply! In the overall devices list (not filtering for AER), the One Plus 8 series was still not listed (as of right now), so that's why I had some hope.
I won't be able to buy this phone then, I was really excited about it; seems a bit odd that at the price point they don't support AER or KNOX.
I've had contact with a reseller for my company, he has asked OP about this, and got the response that op was/is working on it. So hopefully soon...
The phone is manageable but lacks zero touch right now.
