[UNOFFICIAL][028-Beta][TWRP 3.2.3-0] REDWOLF RECOVERY PROJECT - Xiaomi Redmi 4X ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other

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* Your warranty is now void.
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
Red Wolf Recovery is custom recovery based on TWRP source code, however some things are working here slightly different then you might expected. The main objective of this project is to provide stable recovery with features which you have never seen before in a recovery and which have not been accepted for adding to the official source code of TWRP. This recovery is also first recovery on the world with password protection.
Based on TWRP version: 3.2.3
Authors build: ATG Droid & dadi11
Developers:ATG Droid & dadi11
Thanks: z31s1g (for the base of his theme), Ray Li (For his useful advice in the beginnings), osm0sis (for his image scripts), dadi11 (for his awesome kernel & mido builds) etc.
Translated to EN, PL, zh_cn, & CZ
- Password protection
- Flashlight
- MIUI Incremental OTA Support
- Built-in latest Magisk, SuperSU & AromaFM
- Support two screenshot GUI actions - Power+VolDown to save screenshot in to the internal storage &
Power+VolUp to save screenshot in to the external storage (Will be automatically saved in to the internal in case
that external storage doesn't exist).
- Support automatic reboot after the restore process
- Recovery can automatically modify some props in the ROM directly during the installation
- Some built-in scripts from community
- Tap to wake support
- Advanced deactivation of the stock recovery
- Automatic deactivation of the dm-verity & forced encryption directly during the installation of the ROM
- Recovery can notify you about the completed backup/restore/installation using the notification diode & vibration.
- Support "set on boot" settings.
* Changes for security reasons *
- ADB isn't starting automatically at the start of the recovery. You have to activate it in recovery
- MTP isn't starting until user enter correct password
- Deactivated support of the custom themes
Some differences to the official version:
- get out of here if you are pirating apps. this recovery is not for you
- always up-to-date with the latest TWRP changes
- compiled on omnirom-7.1 source
- kernel compiled inline with the recovery
- fixed backup/restore of Firmware
- added F2FS support
- added NTFS support
- added exFAT support
- more languages
- other improvements from Features and Changelog lists
* Full Backup and Restore Partition
* Delete /cust and change /vendor
* Fix f2fs on data and cache partition
* Fix MTP on Windows
* File-manager: Add support for rendering of multiple selected files & ability to do a specific action for these files at once
* Force rendering of the different GUI icon element object for zip files under the GUI Scroll list, since file-manager show special action for them
* Revert changes which caused issues with slow reboot in 027
* MIUI-Updater: Fix sometimes possible double declaration of the final install status
* DataManager: Fix the TWRP's missing LOGINFO mount point for Output_Version
* RWDumwolf: Add support for the different fstab path on some devices
* RWDumwolf: Better handle the process of modifications to the default properties and let user know about the number of modified ones
* RWDumwolf: Find and remove start of flash_recovery service from inits, if it exists
* Recovery: Don't rename scripts under the /system/bin /system/etc for stock recovery replace, instead of it set different permissions to cause issues with execution
* RWDumwolf: Cleanup
* Updater: Properly handle info about the OSE package signature
* Recovery: Directly call start of the ADB if at the start of main we aren't able stat password file
* Recovery: Correctly handle ADB with recovery password related changes
* Recovery: Update to Oreo tree
* Partition-List: Add new list types for OSE partitions and storages for backup/restore process
* Installation: Load zip entries directly to buffer instead of extracting them
* ORS: Reboot on the sucessfull installation is now optional based on user's selection from the GUI
* ORS: Call Deactivation Process even if reboot on finished ORS isn't allowed or isn't forced by the ORS result
* OPTM: Call set action with the empty value in case that value should be positive
* OPTM: Fallback to main without variable which would be needed to be parsed is now directly down with call of home
* GUI: Allow user to select any active storage for the OSE backup/restore process
* OPTM: Call clear action instead of set if argument is negative
* GUI: Allow user to select OSE partitions for the backup/restore process, instead of the previous direct definition
* Installation: Add support for the format of A/B packages on the OSE zip detection
* GUI: Remove redefinitions of objects from screen page, since they're already defined on one overlay
* PartitionManager: Add new fstab flag to exlude partition from the GUI mount section, cust isn't really needed to be here if we want to use double mount points for one block device
* GUI: Remove for us the useless theme loading parts from previous builds
* Installation: Set install status info to tmpfs first and then update the status in cache during the log file update, since the previous implementation was just slowing us
* Recovery: Set path for screenshots directly to main folder instead of previous resource one
* TWFunc: Cleanup
* GUI: Improve flashlight compatibility with different devices
* OSE: Improve backup/restore call
* Device-Tree: Add support for unofficial treble support on officialy supported devices
* GUI: Fix missing page on the rebootcheck call which caused complete lag during the reboot with formatted system partition
* Recovery: Call Deactivation Process on reboot if there wasn't at least single call during the main threads
* RWDumwolf: Force persist.sys.recovery_update to false during the cleanup process
* OSE: Fix the variable mismatch caused by global variable definitions without handling the previous possible defined value
* INIT: Add new triggers for the ADB startUP.
* We're sure that there is also a lot of other changes which we just forgot to mention
* https://t.me/zhanreport
* https://t.me/zhanproject
Jika anda merasa puas dengan hasil kerja saya, dan mendukung project saya agar bisa lebih berkembang, silahkan donasi seikhlasnya ke rekening BRI, dgn nomor rekening 3112-01-019706-53-4 atas nama "Muhammad Rifa'i Aziz"
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Great work, if possible please make it official

Nice work Dev ?

Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk


I have restaured a backup and now im Lost muito IMEI and wi-fi anyone can help me?

LuizinhoCavalcante said:
I have restaured a backup and now im Lost muito IMEI and wi-fi anyone can help me?
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Click to collapse
Same problem here! after restoring a backup made in RedWolf, it will ask me to "insert a SIM card" and it won't find any Wi-Fi, even if I wipe and flash a new rom.
I'm trying to figure out a solution, have you fixed it?

cheboladen said:
Same problem here! after restoring a backup made in RedWolf, it will ask me to "insert a SIM card" and it won't find any Wi-Fi, even if I wipe and flash a new rom.
I'm trying to figure out a solution, have you fixed it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
UPDATE: I surely restored the wrong partitions and broke something.
FIX: I flashed TWRP, MIUI 9 stock, then restored a previous backup I made with TWRP, SIMcard detected and WIFI connected. I also tried flashing fresh ROMS and it was working aswell.
Now, please, I would like to know what partitions should I restore when using RedWolf backups, since I never had a problem with TWRP, even if they're "the same".
Thank you.


MultiROM v33 [6.0.1][JALEBI][UNOFFICIAL]

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MultiROM is one-of-a-kind multi-boot mod for Nexus 7. It can boot any Android ROM as well as other systems like Ubuntu Touch, Plasma Active, Bohdi Linux or WebOS port.Besides booting from device's internal memory, MultiROM can boot from USB drive connected to the device via OTG cable. The main part of MultiROM is a boot manager, which appears every time your device starts and lets you choose ROM to boot. You can see how it looks on the left image below and in gallery. ROMs are installed and managed via modified TWRP recovery. You can use standard ZIP files to install secondary Android ROMs, daily prebuilt image files to install Ubuntu Touch and MultiROM even has its own installer system, which can be used to ship other Linux-based systems.
* Multiboot any number of Android ROMs
* Restore nandroid backup as secondary ROM
* Use for example Ubuntu Touch or Desktop alongside with Android, without the need of device formatting
* Boot from USB drive attached via OTG cable
You can also watch a video which shows it in action.​
It _is_ dangerous. This whole thing is basically one giant hack - none of these systems are made with multibooting in mind. It is messing with boot sector and data partition. It is no longer messing with data partition or boot sector, but it is possible that something goes wrong and you will have to flash factory images again. Make backups. Always.​
Firstly, there are videos on youtube. If you want, just search for "MultiROM installation" on youtube and watch those, big thanks to all who made them. There is also an awesome article on Linux Journal.
Note 1: There have been reports that (not only) MultiROM does not work properly with older bootloaders. Update it to version 4.13 or newer in case you have problems.
MultiROM has 2 parts you need to install:
MultiROM (multirom-20160813-v33-UNOFFICIAL-jalebi.zip) - download the ZIP file from second post and flash it in recovery.
Modified recovery (MultiROM-Recovery.img) - download the IMG file from second post and use fastboot or Flashify app to flash it.
You current rom will not be erased by the installation.
Download links are in the second post.​
Adding ROMs
Go to recovery, select Advanced( 3 Lines Top Right of MultiROM Recovery.) -> MultiROM -> Add ROM. Select the ROM's zip file and confirm.​
Using USB drive
During installation, recovery lets you select install location. Plug in the USB drive, wait a while and press "refresh" so that it shows partitions on the USB drive. You just select the location (extX, NTFS and FAT32 partitions are supported) and proceed with the installation.
If you wanna use other than default FAT32 partition, just format it in PC. If you don't know how/don't know where to find out how, you probably should not try installing MultiROM.
If you are installing to NTFS or FAT32 partition, recovery asks you to set image size for all the partitions - this cannot be easilly changed afterward, so choose carefully. FAT32 is limited to maximum of 4095MB per image - it is limitation of the filesystem, I can do nothing about that.
Installation to USB drives takes a bit longer, because the flash drive is (usually) slower and it needs to create the images, so installation of Ubuntu to 4Gb image on my pretty fast USB drive takes about 20 minutes.
Enumerating USB drive can take a while in MultiROM menu, so when you press the "USB" button in MultiROM, wait a while (max. 30-45s) until it searches the USB drive. It does it by itself, no need to press something, just wait.​
Updating/changing ROMs
1. Primary ROM (Internal)
Flash ROM's ZIP file as usual, do factory reset if needed (it won't erase secondary ROMs)
Go to Advanced -> MultiROM in recovery and do Inject curr. boot sector.
2. Secondary Android ROMs
If you want to change the ROM, delete it and add new one. To update ROM, follow these steps:
Go to Advanced -> MultiROM -> List ROMs and select the ROM you want to update.
Select "Flash ZIP" and flash ROM's ZIP file.
In some cases, you might need to flash patched kernel - get coresponding patched kernel version from second post and flash it to the secondary ROM sama way you flashed ROM's ZIP file.​
Source code
MultiROM - https://github.com/Tasssadar/multirom (branch master)
Modified TWRP - https://github.com/Tasssadar/Team-Win-Recovery-Project (branch master)
Kernel Source - https://github.com/satyabrat-me/android_kernel_cyanogen_msm8916​
This archive contains:-
1. Modified recovery (based on TWRP): MultiROM-Recovery.img
2. MultiROM: multirom-20160813-v33-UNOFFICIAL-jalebi.zip
3. MultiROM uninstaller: multirom_uninstaller.zip
MultiROM v33
* Updates for Android 6.0 compatibility
MultiROM v32a
* Fix pattern encryption password incorrectly reporting "invalid password"
when the pattern overlaps itself
MultiROM v32
* Minor GUI improvements
* Support for device encryption (with Android-based secondary ROMs only). See
FAQ in this device's XDA thread for more info.
* Bunch of ROM compatibility fixes
MultiROM v31
* Add support for "multimount" fstab (fixes CM12)
* Support interlaced PNGs (fixes wrongly rendered icons in boot manager, e.g.
the L icon)
MultiROM v30
* Fix logs generated by the "emergency reboot" screen, they were incomplete
MultiROM v29
* Implement "autoboot if no key pressed" mode - the boot manager won't show up
unless you hold down a volume down button during boot. Must be enabled in
* Android 5.0 preview related tweaks
MultiROM v28
* Fix freezes in the boot manager
* You can now swipe between the tabs in the boot manager
* Minor UI adjustments
* SailfishOS support (for certain devices)
MultiROM v27
* Redesign the boot manager GUI. Looks much better now.
* Fix separate radio.img not working on Android L preview ROMs
* Fix issues with unaccessible /sdcard on Android L preview. Do NOT run
restorecon manually on /data/media, ever - it breaks MultiROM!
* Workaround bug which caused franco.Kernel on N5 to break secondary ROM's
* Update Ubuntu Touch init scripts
* Use power+volume down (you have to press power first!) to save screenshots.
They are now PNG images and are saved to /sdcard/Pictures/Screenshots/.
MultiROM v26
* Fix boot into secondary ROM from the MultiROM Manager app broken in v25
MultiROM v25
* Add support for the Android L preview
* Misc F2FS fixes
MultiROM v24
* Add F2FS support
* Show icons in ROM list, configurable via MultiROM Manager app
* Improve compatibility with different ROMs and kernels when booting a ROM
from the Android app
MultiROM v23
* Fix compatibility with Ubuntu Touch rev 290 and higher. If your Ubuntu
installation won't boot, go to recovery and use "Re-patch init" option in
Advanced -> MultiROM -> List ROMs -> *ubuntu*.
MultiROM v22b
* Mount the real /data partition to folder /android/realdata in Ubuntu Touch,
enabling sharing data between Android and Ubuntu Touch. See
http://bit.ly/ut_sharing for more info.
MultiROM v22a
* Fix hardware keys not working for some users
* Update Ubuntu Touch patches
MultiROM v22
* Fix linux-type ROMs (Ubuntu Touch) failing to boot for some users
MultiROM v21
* Revert "mount /system in secondary ROMs read-only" - if done so, SuperSU
breaks the boot.
MultiROM v20
* Support booting ROMs directly from Manager App
* Fix FCs on CyanogenMod-based ROMs
* Fix support for USB drives formatted with NTFS, broken in v17
* Mount /system in secondary ROMs read-only
MultiROM v19
* Implement "boot the last ROM" auto-boot type
MultiROM v18
* Fix silent-but-unpleasant crash with exFAT
MultiROM v17
* Changes to support MultiROM Manager app
* Add support for exFAT
MultiROM v16a
* Fix kexec not working on some kernels
MultiROM v16
* Add overscroll bounceback effect to rom list
* Add support for controling via physical keys
* Bunch of under-the-hood changes for mako and m7 support
MultiROM v15
* Fix cmdline handling for kexec, doesn't change anything for grouper, just to
have the same version for both flo and grouper (no need to update)
MultiROM v14
* Find and change correct fstab (fixes freezes on boot)
* Mount /realdata without nosuid (fixes no root on 4.1 and 4.2 ROMs)
* Use libbootimg to work with boot.img files
MultiROM v13
* Partial rewrite of the codebase to make it compatible with multiple devices
* Add run-on-boot scripts (for advanced users who know linux and bash, see
* Use libbootimg to work with boot.img files
MultiROM v12a
* Detect kexec-hardboot patch in kernel even if /proc/config.gz is not
MultiROM v12
* Implement screen rotation and 1280x800 theme
* Fix auto-boot option
* Fix listview's fast scrollbar behavior
MultiROM v11
* Option to hide Internal ROM
* Option to rename Internal ROM
* Support for Ubuntu Touch
MultiROM v10
* Non-error message boxes aren't red now
* Add possibility to switch between several color themes, go to misc tab and
try it out
* New MultiROM installer format
* Add "discard" option to /data mounting
* Add battery status to misc tab (bottom right corner)
* Add brightness setting
* Implement ADB
MultiROM v9
* Make it compatible with LZ4 ramdisk compression
* Improve touch-related code. You should not get anymore phantom button
presses nor listview freezes
MultiROM v8
* Fix kexec-hardboot with new bootloader v4.18
* Search for already present USB drives on start
* Centre "MultiROM" title in main UI
MultiROM v7
* Correctly boot Ubuntu after recent kernel update. Read this post:
* Remove specific support for Ubuntu - it is now handled as "generic linux"
(with rom_info.txt file). Nothing should change for the users
* Sort ROMs alphabetically
* Add "progress dots" to USB screen, so that user knows that it is doing
* Recovery was also updated, don't forget to flash it
MultiROM v6
* Properly check for kexec-hardboot patch in kernel
* Internal" is always first in ROM list now, as originally intended
* Much more logging for kexec-related stuff
* Print last 50 lines of klog to "Emergency reboot" screen
MultiROM v5-2
* Fix ubuntu
* MultiROM still says it's v5. I did not change the version number because it
is literally one character fix.
MultiROM v5
* Support for ROMs with configuration file. This makes porting
Ubuntu/plasma/webos/anything much more easier. See the third post.
* MultiROM will no longer let you boot Ubuntu ROM if it's name contains
spaces, because the boot would fail.
MultiROM v4
* Fix GPS on ROMs other than Internal
* Minor UI changes
MultiROM v3
* Switch to Ubuntu 13.04. Version 12.10 is no longer supported
* Switch to kexec-hardboot based multi-booting. Read the first post.
* Add support for booting from USB drive
* MediaScanner no longer scans /sdcard/multirom, which means no useless
battery drain
* Recovery was updated, make sure to flash it, too.
MultiROM v2
* Add support for Ubuntu on 3G version of Nexus 7
* Fix some issues with 4.2 ROMs
* Recovery was updated, make sure to flash it, too.
MultiROM v1
* Initial version
* Fix ZIP selector being set to wrong storage after flashing ZIP to a
secondary ROM
* Update to TWRP 3.0.0 (big thanks to nkk71 for doing most of the work)
* Use Material theme made by z31s1g - thanks!
* Fixes for 6.0 compatibility
* Fixes for SuperSU compatibility. Use BETA 2.67-20160203160253 (
http://bit.ly/m_su ) or newer!
* Update to TWRP 2.8.7
* Fix installation of CM-based ZIP files
* Add "duplicate ROM" option to "Swap ROMs" page
* Running "restorecon -R /data" while in recovery will no longer break
secondary ROMs
* Fix support for SuperSU 2.47 Beta and higher
* Update to TWRP 2.8.6
* Added "restorecon" option to secondary ROMs (in MultiROM -> List ROMs),
should be used to fix broken SELinux contexts, which can be causing
bootloops of secondary ROMs
* Bunch of ROM compatibility fixes - recovery now uses entirely new way to
inject ZIP installation files, which should be much more robust and reliable
* Big ZIPs (> 450MB) are no longer permanently modified when flashed as
secondary ROMs
* Fix sideloading of big ZIP files (> 450MB) into secondary ROMs
* Update to TWRP 2.8.5
* Fix support for ROMs containing a supersu.zip in their installation file
(e.g. AICP)
* Fix "Swap ROMs" feature after the last update
* Update to TWRP 2.8.4
* Lots of ZIP compatibility fixes (e.g. for CM 12)
* Support for ZIP files which are using the new 'block_image_update' command
(e.g. SimpleAOSP ROM)
* Update to TWRP 2.8.1
* Update autoboot settings for MultiROM v29
* Update with changes from upstream version: fix a bug that causes
weird graphics glitches and touch issues
* Update to TWRP 2.8.0
* Fix adding ROMs from backup to a FAT32 USB drives
* Remove "share kernel with internal?" from "Add ROM" page, there is usually
no reason to use it anymore and it might be confusing to figure out what it
actually does. You can still get the same behavior by clicking "Remove
boot.img" on the List ROMs -> *rom name* page.
* Remove Ubuntu Touch installation, installing via recovery is deprecated
* Add SailfishOS installation (only for supported devices)
* Show secondary ROM's name in the title bar while executing it's script (e.g.
during OTA update)
* Update Ubuntu Touch updater
* Fix failure to swap ROMs if it contains filenames starting with a dot
* Fix add ROM from a backup producing unbootable ROM with Android L preview
* Add option to remove radio.img from secondary ROMs
* Add config options for MultiROM v27
* Update to TWRP 2.7.1
* Hide misleading "Mount: Unable to find partition for path '/data'" message
which appeared during secondary ROM installation, it is not _actually_ an
* Fix installation of non-Android systems to USB drives
* Fix installation of bigger (>350MB) ZIPs as secondary ROMs
* Fix installation of Ubuntu Desktop
* Fix crash during settings loading, causing a bootloop with certain settings
* Add F2FS support
* Add tool to switch F2FS<->ext4 to Advanced menu
* Fix problems with backups introduced by TWRP 2.7.0
* Update to TWRP 2.7.0
* Remove "save" button from MultiROM settings page, it is saved automatically
* Some rendering optimizations, resulting in noticeably higher FPS in recovery
* Fix GPG signature verification of Ubuntu Touch installation files
* Add support for mice connected via USB-OTG
* Fixup scrollbar behaviour in file list
* Fix installing ROMs to USB drive
* Fix ZIP verification
* Support ZIP verification for secondary ROMs
* Support OTA updates on secondary ROMs (tested with omni)
* Add "Swap ROMs" feature
* Implement "boot the last ROM" auto-boot type
* Many bugfixes
10.11.2013 - 01
* Fix some mounting issues when using ntfs or exFAT
* Add exFAT support
* Support system-image based Ubuntu Touch installation
* Support Ubuntu Touch OTA updates, if Ubuntu is installed
via MultiROM manager app
* Fix SuperSU reporting "failed" when flashed to secondary ROM
and completely borking the MultiROM part for any subsequent
uses of "Flash ZIP" or "Backup" option
* Automatically inject boot sector with MultiROM
after ZIP installation or ADB sideload. Can be
turned off on "confirm flash" or "ADB sideload"
* Support 'adb sideload' when adding ROMs
* Support rotation while using custom recovery theme
* Don't display unsupported systems in "Add ROM" menu
* Use libbootimg to work with boot.img files
* Fix custom theme support
* Partial rewrite of the codebase to make it compatible with multiple devices
* Add option to backup secondary ROMs
* Don't show "Flash ZIP" option for Ubuntu Touch ROM, it is not an Android
* Update to TWRP
* Fix Ubuntu desktop image decompression
* Update to TWRP
* Temporarily removed Timur's USB kernel, because it is not
4.3-compatible and I can't find sources
* Clean rebuild of the recovery, I probably forgot to do that last time
and it wouldn't boot on some tilapia devices. No function changes.
* Fix updater-script incompatibilities for some ROMs (e.g. PAC-Man)
* Fix deletion of 4.3 ROMs with new SuperSU version installed
* Don't ignore format("/system"); when flashing ZIPs to secondary ROMs,
this should fix updating secondary ROMs, particulary from 4.2 to 4.3
* Some fixes for 4.3 ROMs
* Add "remove boot.img" option to Android ROMs
* Fix crash when installing Android ROM with kernel sharing enabled
* Add rotation option to MultiROM settings
* Properly handle kernel flashing for Android ROMs:
you can now flash kernel via "Flash ZIP" option in "List ROMs" menu,
Aroma installer should work properly
* Fix ZIP flashing for 3G version of Nexus 7
* Update to TWRP
* Support for screen rotation, Settings -> Screen
* Support for Ubuntu Touch
* Added options from MultiROM v11 to hide or rename Internal ROM
* MultiROM Settings menu was reorganized
* MultiROM options added to landscape layout
* Recovery now has Timur's USB host kernel
* Fix "Add ROM" option not properly installing /data partition from
backup, if the backup is bigger than 1.5gb
* Make names of ROMs created from Android Backup prettier
* Update to TWRP
* Add support for MultiROM installer format
* Add new MultiROM settings (brightness, adb)
* Updated to TWRP
* Add support for LZ4 & LZMA ramdisk compression
* Add some handy buttons to "flash complete" page,
thanks ikslawlok for suggestion
* Fix freeze when selecting ROM in "Add ROM" option
in MultiROM menu
* Updated to TWRP
* Fix recovery kernel, so that you can boot linux ROMs even if
kernel in internal memory has older kexec-hardboot patch
* Enable brightness settings from TWRP
* Updated to TWRP
* Add fast scrollbar to fileselectors
* Voldown to turn off screen ("sleep" mode)
* Fix Ubuntu Touch installation with
combination of 4.2 as Internal ROM
* Don't copy the ZIP to RAM while flashing ZIPs bigger
than 450 MB (currently only Ubuntu touch) in "Add ROM"
or "Flash ZIP" options. This prevents crash which would appear
due to low memory, but also means that these ZIP files
will be modified, which makes them unusable outside MultiROM
after flashing.
* Add Ubuntu touch support
* Update to TWRP
* Don't reset ROMs location in "List ROMs" when going back
from managing ROM to the ROM list
* Fix recovery crash when there is too deep directory structure
in /data, thanks rifraf for debugging this
* Update to TWRP
* Properly disable flash-kernel during Ubuntu installation.
This is important fix, because without it, Ubuntu
can rewrite your boot.img.
* Add option to wipe /data, /cache and dalvik-cache
of secondary Android ROMs
* Use gnutar binary compiled specifically for tegra 3,
means faster installation of Ubuntu
* Add "pressed" effect to all buttons, so that you know
if you pressed it or not.
* When installing Android ROM from ZIP which does not have
boot.img (armoma installer...), try to use current boot sector
instead of boot.img. The ROM may not boot, so you should always
add boot.img which is compatible to the ZIP file.
* Update to keep up with MultiROM v7
* Fix "Add ROM" for backups in internal memory
* Update TWRP to
* Add option to Add ROM from backups
* Should be able to flash ZIP files for both grouper and tilapia
* Update to support MultiROM v3
* Fix "flash zip" option for ROMs without whitespace in name. I've
accidentally broke it in previous update, sorry :/
* Fix "flash zip" option for ROMs with whitespace in name
* Add Ubuntu support for Nexus 7 3G
* Initial version

[RECOVERY][UNOFFICIAL][YU Yureka Black][V3.2.1-026] Red Wolf Recovery Project

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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* Your warranty is now void.
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
Red Wolf Recovery is custom recovery based on TWRP source code however some things are working here slightly different then you might expected. The main objective of this project is to provide stable recovery with features which you have never seen before in a recovery and which have not been accepted for adding to the official source code of TWRP. This recovery is also first recovery on the world with password protection.​
Based on TWRP version: 3.2.1
For devices: YU Yureka Black
Authors build: yshalsager
Developers: @ATG Droid & @dadi11
Thanks: z31s1g (for the base of his theme), Ray Li (For his useful advice in the beginnings), osm0sis (for his image scripts), etc.
[B]Translated to EN & CZ [/B]
- Password protection
- Flashlight
- MIUI Incremental OTA Support
- Built-in latest Magisk, SuperSU & AromaFM
- Support two screenshot GUI actions - Power+VolDown to save screenshot in to the internal storage &
Power+VolUp to save screenshot in to the external storage (Will be automatically saved in to the internal in case
that external storage doesn't exist).
- Support automatic reboot after the restore process
- Recovery can automatically modify some props in the ROM directly during the installation
- Some built-in scripts from community
- Tap to wake support
- Advanced deactivation of the stock recovery
- Automatic deactivation of the dm-verity & forced encryption directly during the installation of the ROM
- Recovery can notify you about the completed backup/restore/installation using the notification diode & vibration.
- Support "set on boot" settings.
[B]* Changes for security reasons *[/B]
- ADB isn't starting automatically at the start of the recovery. You have to activate it in recovery
- MTP isn't starting until user enter correct password
- Deactivated TWRP theme engine
Some differences to the official version:
[COLOR="red"]- get out of here if you are pirating apps. this recovery is not for you[/COLOR]
- always up-to-date with the latest TWRP changes
- compiled on omnirom-7.1 source
- kernel compiled inline with the recovery
- There isn't bug with reboot from recovery to recovery
- more languages
- other improvements from Features and Changelog lists
- This is just a quick bug fix release for MIUI users. So is highly recommend to update to this build if you are using MIUI.
- Fixed crash of the recovery while running OTA_RES.. (So MIUI OTA is now working again)
- General bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed bug with MIUI Updater app showing error that installation failed after installation of full ROM
- Deactivation process is now called only when it's really needed
- Updated kernel
- Fixed GUI color glitch while starting Aroma Installer update-binary
- Optimized pigz runtime process
- Updated recovery base to the AOSP 8.1.0 & TWRP 3.2.1
- Highly improved signature verification for Incremental packages so now we can be really sure if the package is compatible with the ROM.
- Introduced a file based backup/restore engine. Expect it to be improved with the next builds...
- Improved security related to the password protection
- Fixed loading of the AromaFM config file
- System survival process for Incremental packages is now set by default
- Code optimizations
- Removed the dumwolf process
- Added signature check for incremental OTA survival so we won't be unnecessarily creating a new one if it's signed under the same access key
- Magisk updated to the version 15.1
- Added Indonesian language
- Fixed issues with Chinese characters...
- Governor which is changed by the action in the recovery GUI is now automatically set for all cores instead of only four.
- Updated recovery base to the TWRP version 3.2.0
- Fixed issue with recovery sometimes showing "NO-OS" page even when OS is installed
- Merged: Fstab V2, minui updates, Keymaster 3.0 support, ADB updates, fixes related to the compiling errors...
- Added patch against the pirating applications
- Small improvements in the installation process
- Recovery will now automatically warn the user in case that user selected to install the zip which contain a bootloader
- You can now wipe installed substratum overlays directly from the "advanced wipe" section
- Automatically return install error if there is any issue with Incremental OTA Survival
- Added option to also backup system partition for Incremental OTA Survival (It's not always needed, but just in case it's better to backup it.)
- Added support for the compatibility verification of the Incremental Package
- Rebuilded & improved installation process
- Fixed starting process not being disabled correctly in case that we are running ORS
- Translation update
- Added support for devices with 2GB RAM or less... (Check installation process of this build for more info)
- Added checkbox for activation/deactivation of the boot check (Disable only if you really need to).
- Fixed booting problems on some custom ROMs which don't have gzip compressed ramdisk
- Removed bookmark feature
- Added ability to unzip files using the stock filemanager.
- Added search selection for the stock filemanager.
- Fixed 'No OS' on system image restore after wipe
- Merged some latest commits from TWRP gerrit
- Fixed flashing of the images in the previous 018 build
- Added back support for unpacking of the LZ4 compressed ramdisk
- Fixed bookmark feature
- Disable TWRP installation directly during the first boot
- Default time zone was set to CEST
- Use military time as default time.
- Support of the custom themes was completely removed from the installation process
- Few fixes & improvements in the strings.
- Default value of the RedWolf specific vibrations was slightly increased
- Improved saving/loading of the AromaFM config file.
- User can now select if recovery should disable stock recovery when system is mounted as read-only.
- Default color of the recovery was set to red.
- Fixed automatic reboot if the installation process was unsuccessful
- Center time in the statusbar as default
- Show CPU temp in statusbar as default
- Added "Red Wolf No-OS search engine". Enable this if you are sometimes getting No-OS installed error even when OS is installed.
- Added back support for extra languages
- Added support for Talian language
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation of the AromaFM by LiuNian and Pzqqt
- Fixed displaying of the extra languages
- Improved mounting of the partitions during the applying of set on boot values
- Fixes with "stuck at unmounting"
- Highly improved speed of the recovery while setting up a new password, changing accent color or setting a new splash screen
- Magisk updated to the V14.3
- Recovery now won't allow the user to enter special characters while entering the password (Causing issues...)
- Few improvements with the Android Oreo installation
- Updated kernel
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically disable forced encryption in the ROM
- Recovery will now automatically rename scripts in the system if the "Aggresive stock recovery deactivation" is enabled
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable USB Debugging in the ROM
- Removed some useless files to save the space
- Added support for saving the set on boot values also during the automatic reboot
- Redesigned flashlight icon
- Recovery now won't allow the user to enter the space in to the backup name
- Improved support of the last status checking of the MIUI ROM
- Recovery now won't show any button after the cancelled reboot action untill the sleep action won't be running anymore
- You can now select if recovery should also automaticaly reboot after the successfuly finished restore process
- Recovery will now hide the automatic backup feature if the system partition is mounted as read-only
- Updated recovery base to the AOSP 8.0.0
- Updated image drivers
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.adb.secure" property in the ROM
- Recovery will now automatically disable starting of the flash_recovery service if the "Aggresive stock recovery deactivation" is enabled (this process is also compatible with the backup of the init.rc by Magisk or SuperSU).
- Added new section called "Special Actions" in to the advanced menu
- Updated & optimized flashlight drivers
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.secure" property in the ROM
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.allow.mock.location" property in the ROM
- Highly improved support of the Incremental Package installation, detection etc.
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation of the recovery by LiuNian and Pzqqt
- Added support for the complete deactivation of the secure boot in the MIUI based ROMs
- ADB is now automatically starting as root
- Added support for the RedWolf update package
- Default theme of the AromaFM was changed to holo black with the sense icons and automount turned on
- SuperSU Updated to the 2.82 SR5
- Updated ramdisk cleaner & added support for more kernels (thanks to @MOVZX's kernel installation scripts...)
- Small fixes with the /WOLF folder in the PartitionManager
- Highly improved speed of the reboot
- 'Deactivation process' is now automatically called during the installation instead of the reboot
- Imroved deactivation of the leds after the installation / backup / restore process.
- Fixed bug with recovery showing on the governor page that the active governor is "Interactive" even when user selected performance/powersave mode.
- Removed some GUI messages while we are installing built-in zips.
- And many other things which i don't remember anymore...
- Fixed bugs with MIUI OTA Support to make sure that it will work even with newest beta builds of the MIUI
- Updated Polish translation by Daviteusz
- Fixed bugs in the Polish strings & edited the scale of the Russian strings
- Recovery will be now more aggressive if the process of the stock recovery doesn't want to be disconnected (Sometimes happen on some MIUI ROMs).
- Added detection of the installed ROM
- Magisk updated to the V13.6
- SuperSU updated to the 2.82 SR3
- Added ability to automatically flash SuperSU config before the SuperSU - https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/supersu/2017-08-13-supersu-config-t3655754
- Deactivated hw keys
- Added some missing back buttons
- Attempted to fix encryption
- Attempted to fix MIUI OTA installation - needs testing
- Removed extra languages (were not displayed properly)
- Small update which fixed deactivation of the dm-verity & forced encryption. Now you really don't have to flash the lazyflasher everytime when you are installing the MIUI ROM.
- Fixed feature "Backup wifi, bluetooth & hosts" not to work if the user wiped the data partition using the "factory reset".
- TWRP source code was updated to the Aug 15, 2017
- Fixed recovery remembering the wipe list after setting a new gui page.
- Improvements with the mounting of the partitions during the boot
- Fixed led drivers on mido
- Fixed ability to set custom backup folder name & ADB ID
- Updated with the latest TWRP changes
- Added flashlight switch on mido
- Fixed recovery not deactivating the dm-verity, forced encryption, & stock recovery if the OS was detected as not installed. This issue was often happening on some MIUI ROMs.
- Improvements with the OTA update system of the MIUI.
- Fixed wrong reboot for some users.
- Added support for automatic deactivation of the dm-verity, forced encryption & stock recovery after finishing the OpenRecoveryScript process.
- Fixed recovery not deactivating the dm-verity & forced encryption during the automatic reboot after the finished installation.
- Better explain the current situation if the OS was detected as not installed.
- osm0sis's scripts "unpackbootimg" & "mkbootimg" can now be easily called from the script or terminal
- Improved the speed of the reboot
- Updated the community script "Fingerprint scanner fix" by Magua. It's now working again!
- Added NTFS & exFAT support
- Added more languages and updated Polish RedWolf translation by @Daviteusz
- Added FGO patch - https://goo.gl/GBkhMN
- Slightly improved deactivation of the stock recovery during reboot after the zip installation
- Added ability to flash boot logo in the recovery
- Fixed firmware restoring issues
- added F2FS support for mido
- added Night Mode (kcal) support for mido
- Updated Polish translation by @Daviteusz
- Added few missing strings from the latest TWRP source
Installation instructions:
- Download image and flash it as you want!
Known Bugs:
- flashlight is not working.
Latest build for YU Yureka Black (garlic)
Please remember that recovery with password protection isn't still a full protection for your phone. Red Wolf can only prevent unauthorized access to your device from recovery. But your device can be still reinstalled using fastboot or Miflash.
XDA:DevDB Information
[RECOVERY][UNOFFICIAL][YU Yureka Black][V3.2.1-026] Red Wolf Recovery Project, Tool/Utility for the YU Yureka Black
yshalsager, ATG Droid, Dadi11
Source Code: https://github.com/RedWolfRecovery
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2018-02-15
Last Updated 2018-02-15
Recovery: https://github.com/RedWolfRecovery/rw_recovery
Device tree: https://github.com/TwrpBuilder/android_device_YU_garlic/tree/rw
Kernel: https://github.com/h2o64/android_kernel_yu_msm8937/tree/cm-14.1-clean/
Screenshots: Here
Doesn't work
preetnoobie said:
Doesn't work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you explain more?
It's tested and working perfectly!
bro the recovery is awsm and thanks for the recovery, and you have mentioned tht flash light doesnt work what does it mean bro. flashlight is working good in my phone, doesnt face any issue.
and in that recovery there is a option called splash image, when i flashed a image it just changed a boot animation and it's not a splash screen.
finally thanks for this owsm recovery.
Download link not working

[RECOVERY][UNOFFICIAL][KUNTAO] Redwolf Recovery Project

* Your warranty is now void.
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Red Wolf Recovery is custom recovery based on TWRP source code, however some things are working here slightly different then you might expected. The main objective of this project is to provide stable recovery with features which you have never seen before in a recovery and which have not been accepted for adding to the official source code of TWRP. This recovery is also first recovery on the world with password protection.[/CENTER]
Based on TWRP version: 3.2.1
For devices: Mido, Kenzo & Kate Now kuntao as unofficial
Authors build: Me for kuntao
Kernel/Tree: https://github.com/redking12/android_device_lenovo_kuntao_row
Developers: ATG Droid & dadi11
Thanks: @celoxocis
[B]Translated to EN, PL, zh_cn, & CZ [/B]
- Password protection
- Flashlight
- MIUI Incremental OTA Support
- Built-in latest Magisk, SuperSU & AromaFM
- Support two screenshot GUI actions - Power+VolDown to save screenshot in to the internal storage &
Power+VolUp to save screenshot in to the external storage (Will be automatically saved in to the internal in case
that external storage doesn't exist).
- Support automatic reboot after the restore process
- Recovery can automatically modify some props in the ROM directly during the installation
- Some built-in scripts from community
- Tap to wake support
- Advanced deactivation of the stock recovery
- Automatic deactivation of the dm-verity & forced encryption directly during the installation of the ROM
- Recovery can notify you about the completed backup/restore/installation using the notification diode & vibration.
- Support "set on boot" settings.
*[B] Changes for security reasons [/B]*
- ADB isn't starting automatically at the start of the recovery. You have to activate it in recovery
- MTP isn't starting until user enter correct password
- Deactivated support of the custom themes
Some differences to the official version:
[B][COLOR="red"]- get out of here if you are pirating apps. this recovery is not for you[/COLOR][/B]
- always up-to-date with the latest TWRP changes
- compiled on omnirom-7.1 source
- kernel compiled inline with the recovery
- fixed backup/restore of Firmware
- added F2FS support
- added NTFS support
- added exFAT support
- more languages
- other improvements from Features and Changelog lists
- This is just a quick bug fix release for MIUI users. So is highly recommend to update to this build if you are using MIUI.
- Fixed crash of the recovery while running OTA_RES.. (So MIUI OTA is now working again)
- General bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed bug with MIUI Updater app showing error that installation failed after installation of full ROM
- Deactivation process is now called only when it's really needed
- Updated kernel
- Fixed GUI color glitch while starting Aroma Installer update-binary
- Optimized pigz runtime process
- Updated recovery base to the AOSP 8.1.0 & TWRP 3.2.1
- Highly improved signature verification for Incremental packages so now we can be really sure if the package is compatible with the ROM.
- Introduced a file based backup/restore engine. Expect it to be improved with the next builds...
- Improved security related to the password protection
- Fixed loading of the AromaFM config file
- System survival process for Incremental packages is now set by default
- Code optimizations
- Removed the dumwolf process
- Added signature check for incremental OTA survival so we won't be unnecessarily creating a new one if it's signed under the same access key
- Magisk updated to the version 15.1
- Added Indonesian language
- Fixed issues with Chinese characters...
- Governor which is changed by the action in the recovery GUI is now automatically set for all cores instead of only four.
- Updated recovery base to the TWRP version 3.2.0
- Fixed issue with recovery sometimes showing "NO-OS" page even when OS is installed
- Merged: Fstab V2, minui updates, Keymaster 3.0 support, ADB updates, fixes related to the compiling errors...
- Added patch against the pirating applications
- Small improvements in the installation process
- Recovery will now automatically warn the user in case that user selected to install the zip which contain a bootloader
- You can now wipe installed substratum overlays directly from the "advanced wipe" section
- Automatically return install error if there is any issue with Incremental OTA Survival
- Added option to also backup system partition for Incremental OTA Survival (It's not always needed, but just in case it's better to backup it.)
- Added support for the compatibility verification of the Incremental Package
- Rebuilded & improved installation process
- Fixed starting process not being disabled correctly in case that we are running ORS
- Translation update
- Added support for devices with 2GB RAM or less... (Check installation process of this build for more info)
- Added checkbox for activation/deactivation of the boot check (Disable only if you really need to).
- Fixed booting problems on some custom ROMs which don't have gzip compressed ramdisk
- Removed bookmark feature
- Added ability to unzip files using the stock filemanager.
- Added search selection for the stock filemanager.
- Fixed 'No OS' on system image restore after wipe
- Merged some latest commits from TWRP gerrit
- Fixed flashing of the images in the previous 018 build
- Added back support for unpacking of the LZ4 compressed ramdisk
- Fixed bookmark feature
- Disable TWRP installation directly during the first boot
- Default time zone was set to CEST
- Use military time as default time.
- Support of the custom themes was completely removed from the installation process
- Few fixes & improvements in the strings.
- Default value of the RedWolf specific vibrations was slightly increased
- Improved saving/loading of the AromaFM config file.
- User can now select if recovery should disable stock recovery when system is mounted as read-only.
- Default color of the recovery was set to red.
- Fixed automatic reboot if the installation process was unsuccessful
- Center time in the statusbar as default
- Show CPU temp in statusbar as default
- Added "Red Wolf No-OS search engine". Enable this if you are sometimes getting No-OS installed error even when OS is installed.
- Added back support for extra languages
- Added support for Talian language
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation of the AromaFM by LiuNian and Pzqqt
- Fixed displaying of the extra languages
- Improved mounting of the partitions during the applying of set on boot values
- Fixes with "stuck at unmounting"
- Highly improved speed of the recovery while setting up a new password, changing accent color or setting a new splash screen
- Magisk updated to the V14.3
- Recovery now won't allow the user to enter special characters while entering the password (Causing issues...)
- Few improvements with the Android Oreo installation
- Updated kernel
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically disable forced encryption in the ROM
- Recovery will now automatically rename scripts in the system if the "Aggresive stock recovery deactivation" is enabled
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable USB Debugging in the ROM
- Removed some useless files to save the space
- Added support for saving the set on boot values also during the automatic reboot
- Redesigned flashlight icon
- Recovery now won't allow the user to enter the space in to the backup name
- Improved support of the last status checking of the MIUI ROM
- Recovery now won't show any button after the cancelled reboot action untill the sleep action won't be running anymore
- You can now select if recovery should also automaticaly reboot after the successfuly finished restore process
- Recovery will now hide the automatic backup feature if the system partition is mounted as read-only
- Updated recovery base to the AOSP 8.0.0
- Updated image drivers
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.adb.secure" property in the ROM
- Recovery will now automatically disable starting of the flash_recovery service if the "Aggresive stock recovery deactivation" is enabled (this process is also compatible with the backup of the init.rc by Magisk or SuperSU).
- Added new section called "Special Actions" in to the advanced menu
- Updated & optimized flashlight drivers
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.secure" property in the ROM
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.allow.mock.location" property in the ROM
- Highly improved support of the Incremental Package installation, detection etc.
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation of the recovery by LiuNian and Pzqqt
- Added support for the complete deactivation of the secure boot in the MIUI based ROMs
- ADB is now automatically starting as root
- Added support for the RedWolf update package
- Default theme of the AromaFM was changed to holo black with the sense icons and automount turned on
- SuperSU Updated to the 2.82 SR5
- Updated ramdisk cleaner & added support for more kernels (thanks to @MOVZX's kernel installation scripts...)
- Small fixes with the /WOLF folder in the PartitionManager
- Highly improved speed of the reboot
- 'Deactivation process' is now automatically called during the installation instead of the reboot
- Imroved deactivation of the leds after the installation / backup / restore process.
- Fixed bug with recovery showing on the governor page that the active governor is "Interactive" even when user selected performance/powersave mode.
- Removed some GUI messages while we are installing built-in zips.
- And many other things which i don't remember anymore...
- Fixed bugs with MIUI OTA Support to make sure that it will work even with newest beta builds of the MIUI
- Updated Polish translation by Daviteusz
- Fixed bugs in the Polish strings & edited the scale of the Russian strings
- Recovery will be now more aggressive if the process of the stock recovery doesn't want to be disconnected (Sometimes happen on some MIUI ROMs).
- Added detection of the installed ROM
- Magisk updated to the V13.6
- SuperSU updated to the 2.82 SR3
- Added ability to automatically flash SuperSU config before the SuperSU - [url]https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/supersu/2017-08-13-supersu-config-t3655754[/url]
- Deactivated hw keys
- Added some missing back buttons
- Attempted to fix encryption
- Attempted to fix MIUI OTA installation - needs testing
- Removed extra languages (were not displayed properly)
- Small update which fixed deactivation of the dm-verity & forced encryption. Now you really don't have to flash the lazyflasher everytime when you are installing the MIUI ROM.
- Fixed feature "Backup wifi, bluetooth & hosts" not to work if the user wiped the data partition using the "factory reset".
- TWRP source code was updated to the Aug 15, 2017
- Fixed recovery remembering the wipe list after setting a new gui page.
- Improvements with the mounting of the partitions during the boot
- Fixed led
- Fixed ability to set custom backup folder name & ADB ID
- Updated with the latest TWRP changes
- Added flashlight switch on mido
- Fixed recovery not deactivating the dm-verity, forced encryption, & stock recovery if the OS was detected as not installed. This issue was often happening on some MIUI ROMs.
- Improvements with the OTA update system of the MIUI.
- Fixed wrong reboot for some users.
- Added support for automatic deactivation of the dm-verity, forced encryption & stock recovery after finishing the OpenRecoveryScript process.
- Fixed recovery not deactivating the dm-verity & forced encryption during the automatic reboot after the finished installation.
- Better explain the current situation if the OS was detected as not installed.
- osm0sis's scripts "unpackbootimg" & "mkbootimg" can now be easily called from the script or terminal
- Improved the speed of the reboot
- Updated the community script "Fingerprint scanner fix" by Magua. It's now working again!
- Added NTFS & exFAT support
- Added more languages and updated Polish RedWolf translation by @Daviteusz
- Added FGO patch - [url]https://goo.gl/GBkhMN[/url]
- Slightly improved deactivation of the stock recovery during reboot after the zip installation
- Added ability to flash boot logo in the recovery
- Fixed firmware restoring issues
- added F2FS support for mido
- added Night Mode (kcal) support for mido
- Updated Polish translation by @Daviteusz
- Added few missing strings from the latest TWRP source
Latest build for Lenovo P2 (kuntao)
abhayruparel said:
Red Wolf Recovery is custom recovery based on TWRP source code, however some things are working here slightly different then you might expected. The main objective of this project is to provide stable recovery with features which you have never seen before in a recovery and which have not been accepted for adding to the official source code of TWRP. This recovery is also first recovery on the world with password protection.[/CENTER]
Based on TWRP version: 3.2.1
For devices: Mido, Kenzo & Kate Now kuntao as unofficial
Authors build: Me for kuntao
Developers:ATG Droid & dadi11
Some differences to the official version:
Latest build for Lenovo P2 (kuntao)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I thought epycn made it
b50corei5 said:
I thought epycn made it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Idk about "epycn". I compiled RedWolf recovery on 13th February (you can check the date on afh)
Edit check this out:- https://photos.app.goo.gl/VR32EgdMw0bBW7uC3
Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Thankyou for compiling it for our device. Will try it now. Good to know people actively has support for our device.
Sent from my Lenovo P2a42 using Tapatalk
abhayruparel said:
Idk about "epycn". I compiled RedWolf recovery on 13th February (you can check the date on afh)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay, thanks ?. Have flashed and is working well
I tried it and it works except for the vendor prebuilts e.g Aroma file manager. They all say "file doesn't exist, please reflash recovery", which doesn't fix it. I also tried compiling it myself, still the same error. Unpacked recovery image shows the files are included. So I have no clue what's causing it. Any one else have this problem?
abhayruparel said:
Idk about "epycn". I compiled RedWolf recovery on 13th February (you can check the date on afh)
Edit check this out:- https://photos.app.goo.gl/VR32EgdMw0bBW7uC3
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Idk why but - Screenshot - Build date - 12-August-2017 - before compiling itself you took screenshot [below] - Great ?? - Keep Continuing...
Miss Valeria said:
Idk why but - Screenshot - Build date - 12-August-2017 - before compiling itself you took screenshot [below] - Great [emoji23][emoji23] - Keep Continuing...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's because screen shot is taken from mido thread[emoji850][emoji28]
Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
abhayruparel said:
It's because screen shot is taken from mido thread[emoji850][emoji28]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Miss Valeria said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
We should appriciate every developers contribution. No one is paying anyone to do this. Devs invest their time in bringing this changes. So every effort should be welcome by the community.
Nothing can be 100% bug free infact many of your mods that you bring to the community is making our device better. Everyone should appriciate and help others learn and grow if they are into this.
As for rest of us we are enjoying the free ride and should appriciate the effort.
Sent from my Lenovo P2a42 using Tapatalk
rickyshaw said:
We should appriciate every developers contribution. No one is paying anyone to do this. Devs invest their time in bringing this changes. So every effort should be welcome by the community.
Nothing can be 100% bug free infact many of your mods that you bring to the community is making our device better. Everyone should appriciate and help others learn and grow if they are into this.
As for rest of us we are enjoying the free ride and should appriciate the effort.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No matter what you are trying to do in here, they do what they want - they never change their mind for this. Almost everyone knows - Few Devs updated the rom and new o roms, but only the devs are using it, and its kept private - Great contribution. I don't want to get involved in here again and again...
Flashlight is not working?!!! Any solution?

[RECOVERY][UNOFFICIAL][VINCE][V3.2.1-026] Red Wolf Recovery Project

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* Your warranty is now void.
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
Red Wolf Recovery is custom recovery based on TWRP source code however some things are working here slightly different then you might expected. The main objective of this project is to provide stable recovery with features which you have never seen before in a recovery and which have not been accepted for adding to the official source code of TWRP. This recovery is also first recovery on the world with password protection.​
Based on TWRP version: 3.2.1
For devices: Vince
Authors build: yshalsager
Developers: @ATG Droid & @Dadi11
Thanks: z31s1g (for the base of his theme), Ray Li (For his useful advice in the beginnings), osm0sis (for his image scripts), etc.
[B]Translated to EN & CZ [/B]
- Password protection
- Flashlight
- MIUI Incremental OTA Support
- Built-in latest Magisk, SuperSU & AromaFM
- Support two screenshot GUI actions - Power+VolDown to save screenshot in to the internal storage &
Power+VolUp to save screenshot in to the external storage (Will be automatically saved in to the internal in case
that external storage doesn't exist).
- Support automatic reboot after the restore process
- Recovery can automatically modify some props in the ROM directly during the installation
- Some built-in scripts from community
- Tap to wake support
- Advanced deactivation of the stock recovery
- Automatic deactivation of the dm-verity & forced encryption directly during the installation of the ROM
- Recovery can notify you about the completed backup/restore/installation using the notification diode & vibration.
- Support "set on boot" settings.
[B]* Changes for security reasons *[/B]
- ADB isn't starting automatically at the start of the recovery. You have to activate it in recovery
- MTP isn't starting until user enter correct password
- Deactivated TWRP theme engine
Some differences to the official version:
[COLOR="red"]- get out of here if you are pirating apps. this recovery is not for you[/COLOR]
- always up-to-date with the latest TWRP changes
- compiled on omnirom-7.1 source
- kernel compiled inline with the recovery
- There isn't bug with reboot from recovery to recovery
- more languages
- other improvements from Features and Changelog lists
- This is just a quick bug fix release for MIUI users. So is highly recommend to update to this build if you are using MIUI.
- Fixed crash of the recovery while running OTA_RES.. (So MIUI OTA is now working again)
- General bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed bug with MIUI Updater app showing error that installation failed after installation of full ROM
- Deactivation process is now called only when it's really needed
- Updated kernel
- Fixed GUI color glitch while starting Aroma Installer update-binary
- Optimized pigz runtime process
- Updated recovery base to the AOSP 8.1.0 & TWRP 3.2.1
- Highly improved signature verification for Incremental packages so now we can be really sure if the package is compatible with the ROM.
- Introduced a file based backup/restore engine. Expect it to be improved with the next builds...
- Improved security related to the password protection
- Fixed loading of the AromaFM config file
- System survival process for Incremental packages is now set by default
- Code optimizations
- Removed the dumwolf process
- Added signature check for incremental OTA survival so we won't be unnecessarily creating a new one if it's signed under the same access key
- Magisk updated to the version 15.1
- Added Indonesian language
- Fixed issues with Chinese characters...
- Governor which is changed by the action in the recovery GUI is now automatically set for all cores instead of only four.
- Updated recovery base to the TWRP version 3.2.0
- Fixed issue with recovery sometimes showing "NO-OS" page even when OS is installed
- Merged: Fstab V2, minui updates, Keymaster 3.0 support, ADB updates, fixes related to the compiling errors...
- Added patch against the pirating applications
- Small improvements in the installation process
- Recovery will now automatically warn the user in case that user selected to install the zip which contain a bootloader
- You can now wipe installed substratum overlays directly from the "advanced wipe" section
- Automatically return install error if there is any issue with Incremental OTA Survival
- Added option to also backup system partition for Incremental OTA Survival (It's not always needed, but just in case it's better to backup it.)
- Added support for the compatibility verification of the Incremental Package
- Rebuilded & improved installation process
- Fixed starting process not being disabled correctly in case that we are running ORS
- Translation update
- Added support for devices with 2GB RAM or less... (Check installation process of this build for more info)
- Added checkbox for activation/deactivation of the boot check (Disable only if you really need to).
- Fixed booting problems on some custom ROMs which don't have gzip compressed ramdisk
- Removed bookmark feature
- Added ability to unzip files using the stock filemanager.
- Added search selection for the stock filemanager.
- Fixed 'No OS' on system image restore after wipe
- Merged some latest commits from TWRP gerrit
- Fixed flashing of the images in the previous 018 build
- Added back support for unpacking of the LZ4 compressed ramdisk
- Fixed bookmark feature
- Disable TWRP installation directly during the first boot
- Default time zone was set to CEST
- Use military time as default time.
- Support of the custom themes was completely removed from the installation process
- Few fixes & improvements in the strings.
- Default value of the RedWolf specific vibrations was slightly increased
- Improved saving/loading of the AromaFM config file.
- User can now select if recovery should disable stock recovery when system is mounted as read-only.
- Default color of the recovery was set to red.
- Fixed automatic reboot if the installation process was unsuccessful
- Center time in the statusbar as default
- Show CPU temp in statusbar as default
- Added "Red Wolf No-OS search engine". Enable this if you are sometimes getting No-OS installed error even when OS is installed.
- Added back support for extra languages
- Added support for Talian language
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation of the AromaFM by LiuNian and Pzqqt
- Fixed displaying of the extra languages
- Improved mounting of the partitions during the applying of set on boot values
- Fixes with "stuck at unmounting"
- Highly improved speed of the recovery while setting up a new password, changing accent color or setting a new splash screen
- Magisk updated to the V14.3
- Recovery now won't allow the user to enter special characters while entering the password (Causing issues...)
- Few improvements with the Android Oreo installation
- Updated kernel
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically disable forced encryption in the ROM
- Recovery will now automatically rename scripts in the system if the "Aggresive stock recovery deactivation" is enabled
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable USB Debugging in the ROM
- Removed some useless files to save the space
- Added support for saving the set on boot values also during the automatic reboot
- Redesigned flashlight icon
- Recovery now won't allow the user to enter the space in to the backup name
- Improved support of the last status checking of the MIUI ROM
- Recovery now won't show any button after the cancelled reboot action untill the sleep action won't be running anymore
- You can now select if recovery should also automaticaly reboot after the successfuly finished restore process
- Recovery will now hide the automatic backup feature if the system partition is mounted as read-only
- Updated recovery base to the AOSP 8.0.0
- Updated image drivers
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.adb.secure" property in the ROM
- Recovery will now automatically disable starting of the flash_recovery service if the "Aggresive stock recovery deactivation" is enabled (this process is also compatible with the backup of the init.rc by Magisk or SuperSU).
- Added new section called "Special Actions" in to the advanced menu
- Updated & optimized flashlight drivers
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.secure" property in the ROM
- Added ability to select if recovery should automatically enable/disable "ro.allow.mock.location" property in the ROM
- Highly improved support of the Incremental Package installation, detection etc.
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation of the recovery by LiuNian and Pzqqt
- Added support for the complete deactivation of the secure boot in the MIUI based ROMs
- ADB is now automatically starting as root
- Added support for the RedWolf update package
- Default theme of the AromaFM was changed to holo black with the sense icons and automount turned on
- SuperSU Updated to the 2.82 SR5
- Updated ramdisk cleaner & added support for more kernels (thanks to @MOVZX's kernel installation scripts...)
- Small fixes with the /WOLF folder in the PartitionManager
- Highly improved speed of the reboot
- 'Deactivation process' is now automatically called during the installation instead of the reboot
- Imroved deactivation of the leds after the installation / backup / restore process.
- Fixed bug with recovery showing on the governor page that the active governor is "Interactive" even when user selected performance/powersave mode.
- Removed some GUI messages while we are installing built-in zips.
- And many other things which i don't remember anymore...
- Fixed bugs with MIUI OTA Support to make sure that it will work even with newest beta builds of the MIUI
- Updated Polish translation by Daviteusz
- Fixed bugs in the Polish strings & edited the scale of the Russian strings
- Recovery will be now more aggressive if the process of the stock recovery doesn't want to be disconnected (Sometimes happen on some MIUI ROMs).
- Added detection of the installed ROM
- Magisk updated to the V13.6
- SuperSU updated to the 2.82 SR3
- Added ability to automatically flash SuperSU config before the SuperSU - https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/supersu/2017-08-13-supersu-config-t3655754
- Deactivated hw keys
- Added some missing back buttons
- Attempted to fix encryption
- Attempted to fix MIUI OTA installation - needs testing
- Removed extra languages (were not displayed properly)
- Small update which fixed deactivation of the dm-verity & forced encryption. Now you really don't have to flash the lazyflasher everytime when you are installing the MIUI ROM.
- Fixed feature "Backup wifi, bluetooth & hosts" not to work if the user wiped the data partition using the "factory reset".
- TWRP source code was updated to the Aug 15, 2017
- Fixed recovery remembering the wipe list after setting a new gui page.
- Improvements with the mounting of the partitions during the boot
- Fixed led drivers on mido
- Fixed ability to set custom backup folder name & ADB ID
- Updated with the latest TWRP changes
- Added flashlight switch on mido
- Fixed recovery not deactivating the dm-verity, forced encryption, & stock recovery if the OS was detected as not installed. This issue was often happening on some MIUI ROMs.
- Improvements with the OTA update system of the MIUI.
- Fixed wrong reboot for some users.
- Added support for automatic deactivation of the dm-verity, forced encryption & stock recovery after finishing the OpenRecoveryScript process.
- Fixed recovery not deactivating the dm-verity & forced encryption during the automatic reboot after the finished installation.
- Better explain the current situation if the OS was detected as not installed.
- osm0sis's scripts "unpackbootimg" & "mkbootimg" can now be easily called from the script or terminal
- Improved the speed of the reboot
- Updated the community script "Fingerprint scanner fix" by Magua. It's now working again!
- Added NTFS & exFAT support
- Added more languages and updated Polish RedWolf translation by @Daviteusz
- Added FGO patch - https://goo.gl/GBkhMN
- Slightly improved deactivation of the stock recovery during reboot after the zip installation
- Added ability to flash boot logo in the recovery
- Fixed firmware restoring issues
- added F2FS support for mido
- added Night Mode (kcal) support for mido
- Updated Polish translation by @Daviteusz
- Added few missing strings from the latest TWRP source
[Red Wolf] Install TWRP and root your device without breaking incremental OTA's!
Known Bugs:
- Flashlight is not working.
Latest build for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 / 5 Plus (vince)
Please remember that recovery with password protection isn't still a full protection for your phone. Red Wolf can only prevent unauthorized access to your device from recovery. But your device can be still reinstalled using fastboot or Miflash.
XDA:DevDB Information
[RECOVERY][UNOFFICIAL][VINCE][V3.2.1-026] Red Wolf Recovery Project, Tool/Utility for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 / 5 Plus
yshalsager, ATG Droid, Dadi11
Source Code: https://github.com/RedWolfRecovery
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2018-02-21
Last Updated 2018-03-06
Recovery: https://github.com/RedWolfRecovery/rw_recovery
Device tree: https://github.com/RedWolfRecovery-Xiaomi-Devices/android_device_xiaomi_vince
Screenshots: Here
Great! thank M8!
Its very nice. Thanks to all devs in XDA.
My brightness is extremely low.
ProtoDeVNan0 said:
My brightness is extremely low.
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Confirm that!
thanks! that's a nice recovery,
Điệp Khối said:
Confirm that!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Official twrp has the same issue?
Hello, after Successfully Installed TWRP recovery in R5Plus, Do i Need to Flash Lazy Flasher to Avoid from Looping ? Or What ? -My Previous device is Note 4X, Lazy Flasher Required before rebooting in to system ?
yshalsager said:
Official twrp has the same issue?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, the official work normaly, just a bit slowly while starting!
yshalsager said:
Official twrp has the same issue?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is necessary to delete a line in BoardConfig.mk
or change the value to
brigudav said:
It is necessary to delete a line in BoardConfig.mk
or change the value to
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ProtoDeVNan0 said:
My brightness is extremely low.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please test the new build
yshalsager said:
Please test the new build
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's worked, thank mate!

Thank you so so so so so much man you are my hero such a good recovery, i would be happy to support you with donation but i have no money so take my thanks
Codseus said:
Thank you so so so so so much man you are my hero such a good recovery, i would be happy to support you with donation but i have no money so take my thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're welcome
But I can't see your thanks on first post
"Recovery won't allow you to to do this action until the pirating application called 'Lucky Patcher' is uninstalled from your device!"
I wiped System/Data and cant install anything. Perfect.
ZORAKSMark said:
"Recovery won't allow you to to do this action until the pirating application called 'Lucky Patcher' is uninstalled from your device!"
I wiped System/Data and cant install anything. Perfect.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
By default the devs seem to be anti-piracy so put in some silly checks to see if you have any piracy apps installed, you can remove this nonsense and build it yourself by patching the relevant parts here: https://github.com/RedWolfRecovery/...a1d52468afe11f6d0ea63a461e/twrp-functions.cpp
Thanks for the tip. Howewer, you could make patch/diff file and add some info how you compiled it.
BTW check starts in line 1691 in mentioned file.
AFAIK, there are two functions to delete:
bool TWFunc::User_IS_Pirate_****(void)
bool TWFunc::Get_Pirate_Variable(void)
*M* said:
By default the devs seem to be anti-piracy so put in some silly checks to see if you have any piracy apps installed ...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is worse than that. If you have ever had any apps that they think are piracy apps installed, then you will left with a crippled phone - unless you "format data" (and lose all the contents of your internal SD).
---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------
bigzion said:
Thanks for the tip. Howewer, you could make patch/diff file and add some info how you compiled it.
BTW check starts in line 1691 in mentioned file.
AFAIK, there are two functions to delete:
bool TWFunc::User_IS_Pirate_****(void)
bool TWFunc::Get_Pirate_Variable(void)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You will get into trouble with the moderators for talking like this.

[official][r8.2][twrp 3.2.3] orangefox recovery project

OrangeFox Recovery Project [Treble] [Santoni]
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* Your warranty is now void.
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
OrangeFox Recovery Project is custom recovery based on Redwolf Recovery v26 and TWRP source code, however some things are working here slightly different then you might expected. The main objective of this project is to provide stable recovery with features which you have never seen before in a recovery and which have not been accepted for adding to the official source code of TWRP. This recovery is also first recovery on the world with password protection.​
Based on Redwolf Recovery v26 and TWRP version: 3.2.3
Authors build : @MrYacha, @DarthJabba9
Developers : @MrYacha, @DarthJabba9
Thanks: @ATG Droid & @dadi11 (Redwolf Developer), @MrYacha (Project Creator, UI Developer), @DarthJabba9 (Co-Creator, Programmer), @ManoloRey (Vince contributions, kernel, etc), Kirillmaster4 & ZHANtech - for contribution to UI, z31s1g - for TWRP theme, @Nik001 (for making santoni a great device :3), @Muhajaya (Tester on Santoni), etc.
R8.2 :
* Improved support for disabling DM-Verity
* Improved support for f2fs formatting
* Improved support for installing Pie ROMs
* Enabled FBE (Default Pie Encryption)
* Support for showing the device's display panel
* Bug fixes
* Official support for markw
R8.1 :
* Updated support for new fstab encryption statements
* Updated support for disabling DM-Verity
* Added separate settings page for languages
* Added quick settings in operation pages (flashing zips, backing up, restoring)
* Added "notch mode" for supported devices.
* Use dark transparent background for quick settings
* Added "restore defaults" for OrangeFox settings
* Updated languages
* Added /cust in fstab
* Minor UI changes
* Minor bug fixed
* Fixed problems with random reboots
* Fixed problems with changing data FS to f2fs
* Led indicator now works on most devices
* Official support for kenzo
R8.0 :
* OrangeFox now supports the backing up of internal storage.
* Improvements in MIUI OTA functionality.
* Improvement in Treble support.
* Updated sources with lastest TWRP.
* Updated Magisk to 17.1
* Support Pie decryption (in Pie ROMs that support encryption).
* Fixed random crashes after install zip.
* Some minor bug fixes.
* Fixed graphic bugs in quick settings on 18:9 screens.
* Minor UI changes.
* Fixed bug with inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese and Korean not appearing on some buttons.
* Increases in devices officially supported.
R7-4 :
* Fixed MTP on Windows
R7-3 :
* Fix issue F2fs
* Fix building zip on Oreo
* Fix problem in OF_initd.zip
* Don't automatically command out /cust or /vendor
* Fix some OTA confusion issues with Treble ROMs
R7-1 :
* Fix 0mb internal on AEX Oreo Official Treble Last Build
R7 :
* Supports MIUI, Non-Treble, Treble, GSI!
* Upstreamed TWRP to 3.2.3!
* Added support to installing MIUI after Treble ROM
* [mido] Upstreamed sources to Oreo (Android 8.1).
* [mido] Installing Android 9 (Pie) fixed.
* Partition table updated.
* Hide persist, you still can backup, restore.
* Added flashing cust image.
* Transparent decryption of encrypted data.
* Improved identification of Treble and miui ROMs.
* Improved support for automatic rebooting to recovery after installation of OrangeFox.
* Improved support for disabling dm-verity and forced encryption.
* Improved support for MIUI OTA.
* Magisk updated | Remove Magisk Updated.
* Now using standard tools for unpacking and repacking images
* Auto enable ADB and ADB Sideload button.
**Gui changelog:**
- More optimizations and cleanup.
- Deleted unused pages.
- New reboot menu.
- GUI options placed in other menu.
- Moved communitу scripts to Fox Menu.
- Non UI settings moved to settings page and "fox_menu2" | unused hidden.
- Dark Transparent background for quick settings & btnreboot & btnadvanced pages.
- New splash | Now splash shows current build and TWRP version.
- Fixed button icons mode (fixed dot in left-top).
- Added new icons to "button icons mode".
- Added new advanced menu for "button icons mode".
- Fixed bug with tab when backup keyboard opened.
- Miui settings now have a dedicated page | buttons to activate OTA with recommended settings and to disable OTA settings | Help page.
- Deleted the "Special Actions" page.
- OrangeFox theme engine!:
* Changing themes and colors "hotplug" without reboot!
* All UI Settings moved to new page in OrangeFox UI Center.
* Custom splash moved to OrangeFox UI Center.
* Now header shows current status.
* Updated Russian, Ukranian, Indonesian, French, Chineese, Japanse translation.
* A large number of little code optimisations, bug fixes, etc.
R5.1 :
* Change Style Main Menu
* Exit Dark theme from beta status, looks stunningly
* Dark theme, buttons on main menu for default,
* Added white theme (Stable)
* Fixes UI bugs (example buttons in Partition SD card)
* Up to date with the latest TWRP changes.
* Stroke the Fox!
R5 :
* Based on Redwolf 026 and TWRP
* Treble support
* Built-in support for installing init.d functionality
* Support for AromaFM
* White Flashlight
* Working password, torch, led
* Support for Miui and Custom ROMs
* Better language support
* Built-in support for installing Magisk
* Built-in support for installing SuperSU (v2.82-201705271822 - non-Treble ROMs only)
* Optimized versions of community scripts
* Bug fixes
UI changes and optimisations:
* Fox theme engine:
- choice of theme (black, dark, white)
- choice of color scheme
- choice of splash screen
* Full remake of community scripts; code optimisation
* Updated built-in Magisk
* Removed built-in Xposed (can be installed from Magisk)
* Added ROM Password removal patch
* Removed screen settings (this can be done in quick settings)
* Removed unused graphics and pages
* Moved adb button to OrangeFox menu
* Statusbar displays the powersave mode, if active
* Added alternative lockscreen
* Stroke the Fox!
Downloads :
Installations :
Flash Zip file with other TWRP
and then Reboot Recovery
OrangeFox Group
OrangeFox Channel
ZHAN Testing And Report Group
ZHAN Project Channel
XDA:DevDB Information
Orangefox Recovery, Tool/Utility for the Xiaomi Redmi 4X
faizhifzhan, MrYacha, DarthJabba9
Source Code: https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: R8.2
Stable Release Date: 2018-10-26
Current Beta Version: R5
Beta Release Date: 2018-06-04
Created 2018-06-04
Last Updated 2018-10-26
R8.2 :
* Improved support for disabling DM-Verity
* Improved support for f2fs formatting
* Improved support for installing Pie ROMs
* Enabled FBE (Default Pie Encryption)
* Support for showing the device's display panel
* Bug fixes
* Official support for markw
R8.1 :
* Updated support for new fstab encryption statements
* Updated support for disabling DM-Verity
* Added separate settings page for languages
* Added quick settings in operation pages (flashing zips, backing up, restoring)
* Added "notch mode" for supported devices.
* Use dark transparent background for quick settings
* Added "restore defaults" for OrangeFox settings
* Updated languages
* Added /cust in fstab
* Minor UI changes
* Minor bug fixed
* Fixed problems with random reboots
* Fixed problems with changing data FS to f2fs
* Led indicator now works on most devices
* Official support for kenzo
R8.0 :
* OrangeFox now supports the backing up of internal storage.
* Improvements in MIUI OTA functionality.
* Improvement in Treble support.
* Updated sources with lastest TWRP.
* Updated Magisk to 17.1
* Support Pie decryption (in Pie ROMs that support encryption).
* Fixed random crashes after install zip.
* Some minor bug fixes.
* Fixed graphic bugs in quick settings on 18:9 screens.
* Minor UI changes.
* Fixed bug with inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese and Korean not appearing on some buttons.
* Increases in devices officially supported.
R7-4 :
* Fixed MTP on Windows
R7-3 :
* Fix issue F2fs
* Fix building zip on Oreo
* Fix problem in OF_initd.zip
* Don't automatically command out /cust or /vendor
* Fix some OTA confusion issues with Treble ROMs
R7-1 :
* Fix 0mb internal on AEX Oreo Official Treble Last Build
R7 :
* Supports MIUI, Non-Treble, Treble, GSI!
* Upstreamed TWRP to 3.2.3!
* Added support to installing MIUI after Treble ROM
* [mido] Upstreamed sources to Oreo (Android 8.1).
* [mido] Installing Android 9 (Pie) fixed.
* Partition table updated.
* Hide persist, you still can backup, restore.
* Added flashing cust image.
* Transparent decryption of encrypted data.
* Improved identification of Treble and miui ROMs.
* Improved support for automatic rebooting to recovery after installation of OrangeFox.
* Improved support for disabling dm-verity and forced encryption.
* Improved support for MIUI OTA.
* Magisk updated | Remove Magisk Updated.
* Now using standard tools for unpacking and repacking images
* Auto enable ADB and ADB Sideload button.
Link : https://sourceforge.net/projects/orangefox/files/santoni/
Great job, sir.. ?
@faizhifzhan . . awsome work man . . is any restriction for treble recovery like not support miui rom ??
Support All bro
Ramakrishnan [emoji41 said:
;76714817]@faizhifzhan . . awsome work man . . is any restriction for treble recovery like not support miui rom ??
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Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
I can flash over nikesh oreo version via fastboot right?
leodelacruz said:
I can flash over nikesh oreo version via fastboot right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What do you mean?
Orangefox Flash via TWRP before. Flash with zip
Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
R5 For ram 2gb fix?
Can we flash Miui 9 rom ???? In this. Recovery????
zae857 said:
R5 For ram 2gb fix?
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Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
Yes, U can flash miui 9 with Orangefox Recovery
emailofavinash5 said:
Can we flash Miui 9 rom ???? In this. Recovery????
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Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
After inainstalling this recovery via Normal twrp Is i need to Format data for access internal storage ??
Ramakrishnan [emoji41 said:
;76718019]After inainstalling this recovery via Normal twrp Is i need to Format data for access internal storage ??
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Click to collapse
Mybe Nope
Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk
More Screenshot
faizhifzhan said:
OrangeFox Recovery Project [Treble] [Santoni]
* Your warranty is now void.
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
OrangeFox Recovery Project is custom recovery based on Redwolf Recovery v26 and TWRP source code, however some things are working here slightly different then you might expected. The main objective of this project is to provide stable recovery with features which you have never seen before in a recovery and which have not been accepted for adding to the official source code of TWRP. This recovery is also first recovery on the world with password protection.​
Based on Redwolf Recovery v26 and TWRP version: 3.2.1
For devices (OFFICIAL) : Mido, Vince
For devices (UNOFFICIAL) : Santoni, Land
Authors build : @MrYacha, @DarthJabba9
Developers : @MrYacha, @DarthJabba9
Thanks: @ATG Droid & @dadi11 (Redwolf Developer), @MrYacha (Project Creator, UI Developer), @DarthJabba9 (Co-Creator, Programmer), @ManoloRey (Vince Developer) @joshua_M (English sub-grup, Graphics Designer), @Roker2 (Russian sub-grup, Tester) @vovcik3 (Russian sub-grup) , @Nik001 (for making santoni a great device :3), @Muhajaya (Tester on Santoni), etc.
Features :
* Based on Redwolf 026 and TWRP
* Treble support
* Built-in support for installing init.d functionality
* Support for AromaFM
* White Flashlight
* Working password, torch, led
* Support for Miui and Custom ROMs
* Better language support
* Built-in support for installing Magisk
* Built-in support for installing SuperSU (v2.82-201705271822 - non-Treble ROMs only)
* Optimized versions of community scripts
* Bug fixes
UI changes and optimisations:
* Fox theme engine:
- choice of theme (black, dark, white)
- choice of color scheme
- choice of splash screen
* Full remake of community scripts; code optimisation
* Updated built-in Magisk
* Removed built-in Xposed (can be installed from Magisk)
* Added ROM Password removal patch
* Removed screen settings (this can be done in quick settings)
* Removed unused graphics and pages
* Moved adb button to OrangeFox menu
* Statusbar displays the powersave mode, if active
* Added alternative lockscreen
* Stroke the Fox!
Downloads :
OrangeFox R4 DEV2 Santoni - GDrive
OrangeFox R5 Santoni - GDrive
Installations :
Flash Zip file via TWRP before
and then it will reboot automatically to recovery
XDA:DevDB Information
Orangefox Recovery, Tool/Utility for the Xiaomi Redmi 4X
faizhifzhan, MrYacha, DarthJabba9
Source Code: https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: R5
Beta Release Date: 2018-06-04
Created 2018-06-04
Last Updated 2018-06-04
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
?? Why
leomathers2017 said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
Thanks brader.
Nakul Prasad said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
Can we flash miui 9 rom ? Like miui pro miui 10 please answer
