I can't change my Samsung's Boot animation - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I want to change my Galaxy Note 3's boot animation, so I followed all the steps and I came across something the guide didn't encounter. The bootsamsung.qmg won't delete or replace and it won't let me no matter what. I've copied it for back up into the Downloads folder just in case and when I try copying the new one over, it says "Operation failed!", okay let's try deleting it. When I try to delete it, it says "Deleted bootsamsung.qmg" but the file is still there no matter how many times I delete it. I'm using Root Browser btw. Can anyone help me?

Use another explorer tool .
Like FX. or MIX explorer.
Fails rename the file with a Rem at the front.


Root Explorer

Anyone else having this issue?
I have Root Explorer purchased and installed. I am trying to remove/rename the start up/start down sounds. It appears that root explorer is in r/w mode for the folder I am in (Sytem/etc) if I delete the file, it shows "file deleted succesfully". I refresh and it is still there. If I try and copy my new file from the internal sd, it says "file copied succesfully" but it does not show up. I have also tried renaming PowerOn.wav to PowerOn.wav.bak and it takes but I cannot rename it to PowerOn.wav. Then if I verify things with Linda file manager, it shows the file still named PowerOn.wav.bak. How come it's not letting me change the files? Also, hitting the button "Mount R/O" does nothing, it always says the same thing, it never changes to "Mount R/W".
I keep hearing people say it works for them but it's not working for me. I am using stock rooted firmware.
works perfect for me with root explorer... I renamed the original to "orig_PowerOn.wav" and then copy the one I wanted into the folder and named it "PowerOn.wav" (no quotes of course)
Well ****! now it's working. ????
Working well for me. I didn't delete default sounds, i moved them to backup on SD.
This same exact issue happened to me 3 nights ago while changing my shutdown animation. I had to re-boot my phone a few times before Root Explorer worked properly.

Startup sound and shutdown sound/video

I posted this all int eh captive section >.< but thought I would put it here in case the other vibrant users would like to know this...
I found the hard way of change the startup sound and shutdown sound, which can be confusing, but i'll try to explain (this is after you have root)
1) went into Astro and copied the file from etc called PowerOn.wav to my SDcard as backup
2) found a wav file I wanted to change for power on and named it PowerOn.wav and stored it on the root of my SDcard
3) downloaded terminal emulator from market
4) when I launched, superuser permissions granted it SU access
5) type the command 'su root' (without the ' of course)
6) then type the command 'cp /sdcard/PowerOn.wav /etc/PowerOn.wav' and hit the enter key
This changed mine to a cooler "system activating" wav file I found...this was my way and it worked, but would much rather know the simpler version of How to grant Astro superuser permissions.
PS I used Audacity to convert my mp3 to wav and ogg files...in case anyone wants to know a free software
Shutdown Video:
I think you can change the shutdown video by adding custom PNG files in the /system/media/video/shutdown folder, but I haven't tested yet...i'm trying to figure out what I was going to do for the video (has to be 14 PNG files...or 14 of them all named the same thing).
I'll be testing soon and letting you know if this works.
I was able to create 14 PNG images and copy them from my SDcard to the /system/media/video/shutdown folder and now I have a new shutdown video...anyone have a sight I could upload the new shutdown PNG files too? I have a couple different ones I created...really basic, but a little nicer than the T-mobile default one.
EDIT...AGAIN: And the new shutdown video
Anchor reply for future information on this...possibly some shutdown videos
couldn't you just use root explorer and put the new wav file in the place of the old one with the same name? This is how I changed my boot animation. I'll try your way if mine doesn't work.
Thanks for this.
hey can you zip your shutdown file and give it to me without the sound? it looks badass, and the axura is pretty homo right now.
also are you sure this will work for vibrants?
my startup i changed from sdcard/system/media/...
Vibrant using simply honey 2.8
Im tryn to add a boot sound an cant figure it out please help there was no boot sound to begin with.. i made PowerOn.wav an tryed in system/etc and then tried media then ui nothings working am i naming this wrong or what Please help me out some on! pm me

Decompiling framework-res.apk and soft brick

I am trying to edit the arrays.xml file in the framework-res.apk file to do the hotspot hack, however, when I copy the new framework-res.apk file to my system folder, change permissions to 0644, then move it to framework, the phone crashes and goes into soft brick. Even if I push it over by adb shell and issuing stop, it still soft bricks on reboot. Everything appears to be good, the APK file says completed with no errors, etc. Any thoughts?
NOTE: I know there's a different hotspot hack available, but I was wanting to try something new to me, which is editing the files myself.
rodin95 said:
I am trying to edit the arrays.xml file in the framework-res.apk file to do the hotspot hack, however, when I copy the new framework-res.apk file to my system folder, change permissions to 0644, then move it to framework, the phone crashes and goes into soft brick. Even if I push it over by adb shell and issuing stop, it still soft bricks on reboot. Everything appears to be good, the APK file says completed with no errors, etc. Any thoughts?
NOTE: I know there's a different hotspot hack available, but I was wanting to try something new to me, which is editing the files myself.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't believe it will work by pushing it into system via a file explorer or adb. I have flashed it using a zip in custom recover, i.e. safestrap. Glad to see someone trying to learn. I commend you for that.
I was able to copy the Verizon framework file over using the same method, and the phone works fine, except there are a few minor issues using that framework (items are not labeled correctly, incorrect ASCII characters in random places on screen, etc.
When I modify the framework file, it sits on the white ATT screen, and flashes "bright to dark" every 10 seconds or so..like it does when it does a normal boot, but it never boots.
Always willing to learn

change boot animation xdauto 1.6.2c

is there a way to change the boot animation in xdauto 1.6.2c ? I would like to see my Chrysler car logo animation.
Thanks in advance
any luck with that yet? been thinking of changing the boot animation too.
Well, I have gone through a series of trial and error, and have successfully gotten my own created boot animation to work. However, I havent figured out the max resolution I can use (my animation looks to small from the one I originally created. Using xdAuto, the current boot animation resolution is at 480x292. Anything bigger than that, causes a black screen during the boot process (or at least this is what I've led myself to believe, if anyone finds anything different please update let us know.) Although I was under the assumption that I could use 1024x600 but my animation won't work if I use this big of a resolution.
It goes basically like this:
1. on your computer - Create a new folder and rename it to bootanimation
2. Create a folder inside bootanimation called part0 (you can add more parts if you wish increasing by increments of 1. part1, part2, part3, etc.)
3. in the part0 folder, make sure all images are in the same format. I used .png format, and make sure the pictures are in order, eg. 00000.png, 00001.png, 00002.png, etc. (You are essentially making a slideshow that plays at a max of 30 frames per second)
4. Install "boot animation creator." You can google for this or search for it here on XDA. (I cant post urls yet.)
5. open boot animation creator, follow the prompts to make your boot file, don't forget to add a loop when that section comes up for making your bootanimation.zip file.
6. place your bootanimation.zip file in your android HU (I'm using a carpad III).
7. (root required) go to the root of your Android HU/carpad. Go to this path /system/media
8. make a backup copy of the current bootanimation.zip file and place it in a safe place.
9. copy and paste your created bootanimation.zip file in /system/media
10. reboot, if done correctly you should see your new bootanimation.
Hope this helps.
Update: So my main problem, was that root browser was giving me a "operation failed" error. Its strange because sometimes it would let me write to the /system/media
folder. I was able to get a 819x432 bootanimation.zip to write. But now for some reason I can't get anything else to write to it... very strange. I am pretty sure that the max resolution for bootanimation.zip for Carpad II / III is 1024x600, getting it to write when I want it to is the issue I am having now.
Okay, well I found out why I was getting the write errors. Well, at least this worked for me.
I went into SuperSU, settings, and unchecked Mount namespace sepraration.
This allowed me to write my bootanimation.zip file to the /system/media/ folder.
I was also able to use my original 1024x600 bootanimation.
Hope this helps.

Boot animation no longer works

I tried to make/apply a custom boot animation using the guide on droidviews "How to Set a Video as Boot Animation on Android Devices" (I am a new user so cannot post links)
I followed every step but it did not work. When i tried to replace it with another premade one online (as previously i used an app to change the boot animation to see if it was real),I found this did not help to get the boot animation to work. I have also tried to replace the given bootanimation file in system/bin with one from online but this also did not work.Has anyone understand what may be wrong.
Thank you in advance.
It goes in system/media folder whatever you want to use just name it bootanimation.zip. I usually rename the stock one with .bak on the end so it's there if I ever want to go back.
After you move it to system/media, don't forget to set the permissions to rw-r-r, or 0644.
I have done exactly what you have said with other bootanimation.zip i have tried to use but still does not work. I followed the tutorial mentioned in the top and it says to replace the bin bootanimation and the media bootanimation.Is there any way to get the originals back as I did not back them up.

