About ghost image / burn-in screen / image retention, how to fixes? US996.
I have tried some night app, but they are not included nav bar / navigation bar icons. Night Screeen app included nav bar / navigation bar icons but status bar icons fixed whirte.
I didn't start getting retention until my phone started over heating. I you kill all back ground apps, turn off the screen until the cpu cools down, or any method that will allow the device cool the retention ghosting goes away. If you are a power user like me then you should probably do what I did which is get another phone because it may only get worse. No real burn in but the retention and ghosting. Also non of those apps to fix it works better than the methods I mentioned.
mookiexl said:
I didn't start getting retention until my phone started over heating. I you kill all back ground apps, turn off the screen until the cpu cools down, or any method that will allow the device cool the retention ghosting goes away. If you are a power user like me then you should probably do what I did which is get another phone because it may only get worse. No real burn in but the retention and ghosting. Also non of those apps to fix it works better than the methods I mentioned.
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so do you know v30, this stuff have same issue?
See this thread for a fix. Have had applied myself since day 1 of rooting my V20.
kudouyuzi said:
so do you know v30, this stuff have same issue?
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I think the v30 is oled so it wouldn't have the retention but there is always a possibility for burn in. I've had burn in on every Samsung I've owned. I chose to get a z2 force and I must say it is awesome plus it came with oreo in stalled for only $375 online at Tmobile
mookiexl said:
I think the v30 is oled so it wouldn't have the retention but there is always a possibility for burn in. I've had burn in on every Samsung I've owned. I chose to get a z2 force and I must say it is awesome plus it came with oreo in stalled for only $375 online at Tmobile
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Z2? What is the brand? With ghost image it's 1st time.
kudouyuzi said:
Z2? What is the brand? With ghost image it's 1st time.
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mookiexl said:
I think the v30 is oled so it wouldn't have the retention but there is always a possibility for burn in. I've had burn in on every Samsung I've owned. I chose to get a z2 force and I must say it is awesome plus it came with oreo in stalled for only $375 online at Tmobile
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Jaws4God said:
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I don't want moto/lenovo again, because moto/lenovo have too bad tech support. My moto X pure still running Android 6, I call them many times, moto/lenovo keep me waiting.
kudouyuzi said:
I don't want moto/lenovo again, because moto/lenovo have too bad tech support. My moto X pure still running Android 6, I call them many times, moto/lenovo keep me waiting.
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To be honest I've never called any of the manufacturers for any of the phones I've had. Most of the nagging issues that I've encountered with my phones, I always turn to root and XDA for support because the guys in this community are much more helpful than any customer service rep or tech support I've ever talked. For instance the overheating of the V20, I saved my self precious time talking to reps by rooting and using the the thermal fix in this thread. That is why I never buy phones that I can't root, you get faster fixes and updates on XDA than the manufacturers.
mookiexl said:
To be honest I've never called any of the manufacturers for any of the phones I've had. Most of the nagging issues that I've encountered with my phones, I always turn to root and XDA for support because the guys in this community are much more helpful than any customer service rep or tech support I've ever talked. For instance the overheating of the V20, I saved my self precious time talking to reps by rooting and using the the thermal fix in this thread. That is why I never buy phones that I can't root, you get faster fixes and updates on XDA than the manufacturers.
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I agree. But I do not have enough time to go to the community for help. Usually I will ask the manufacturer, if it is not a hardware problem I will ignore it, but if there is no system update for a long time, I would think this manufacturer does not care about user experience and security. So I will not buy some stuffs from this Chinese manufacturer.
kudouyuzi said:
I agree. But I do not have enough time to go to the community for help. Usually I will ask the manufacturer, if it is not a hardware problem I will ignore it, but if there is no system update for a long time, I would think this manufacturer does not care about user experience and security. So I will not buy some stuffs from this Chinese manufacturer.
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I hear you, but that particular moto x device you have has android 7.1.1 available for the community. Samsung is really slow about updates also.
mookiexl said:
I hear you, but that particular moto x device you have has android 7.1.1 available for the community. Samsung is really slow about updates also.
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Can you send me the link for moto X pure xt1575 Android 7.1.1?
kudouyuzi said:
Can you send me the link for moto X pure xt1575 Android 7.1.1?
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I'm not sure if the x pure and x style pure are the same thing this is my 1st time since the Motozine owning a moto. If you got the x style pure here you go https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-style/development/rom-cyanogenmod-14-1-nightlies-moto-x-t3513299
mookiexl said:
I'm not sure if the x pure and x style pure are the same thing this is my 1st time since the Motozine owning a moto. If you got the x style pure here you go https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-style/development/rom-cyanogenmod-14-1-nightlies-moto-x-t3513299
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.................... Hey pal, this ROM by Moto?
kudouyuzi said:
.................... Hey pal, this ROM by Moto?
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Most definitely not lol. That's why I prefer rooting and to hell with the manufacturer. I just need the hardware lol.
mookiexl said:
Most definitely not lol. That's why I prefer rooting and to hell with the manufacturer. I just need the hardware lol.
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ok so i am 99% sure i will buy the nexus one, i just have some concerns.
for one i have been hearing ever since the phone was released about the dust issue, also heard that htc knows about this and would fix what was needed. so the qeustion about this is if this is a valid reason for me to hold of on buying a nexus one?
the second thing is that i am not sure i want to root yet (probably willl^^) but the concern is that the stock kernel as i understand it only supports half of the ram in the nexus one leaving the other half useless. will google deploy a kernel update anytime soon and how much does it show when using the stock device that such a big part of the ram isn´t used?
thanks in advance
ignore the fud... hundreds of thousands of people are very happy with their stock N1..
if you get it, and are not happy with stock... you got options.
can't say that about the other contenders.
i got mine yesterday.
the screen itself seems fine. the screen cover isn't peeling up but i have a rather large spec of dust under it? no idea if it was there from when it was built or magically worked it's way under there...
good thing it has a 12 month hardware warranty i guess? i wonder if unlocking the bootloader will void the warranty for something so obviously unrelated.
crazy talk said:
i got mine yesterday.
the screen itself seems fine. the screen cover isn't peeling up but i have a rather large spec of dust under it? no idea if it was there from when it was built or magically worked it's way under there...
good thing it has a 12 month hardware warranty i guess? i wonder if unlocking the bootloader will void the warranty for something so obviously unrelated.
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just got off the phone with HTC support. if you root/unlock the boot loader the entire warranty is voided. even if it has dust under the screen.
hopefully someone figures out how to relock it soon..
but ANY dust under the screen will be enough of a reason for a hardware replacement within the 12 month warranty period if you haven't done anything to void the warranty.
I've had mine since launch with no dust issues. The RAM thing was originally brought up by Google developers who said they are working on implementing it.
Also had mine since launch with no dust issues or any other bugs! It still flies with the current ram (should get more ram update from google soon). Play with it a while before you want to root!
galaxys said:
Also had mine since launch with no dust issues or any other bugs! It still flies with the current ram (should get more ram update from google soon). Play with it a while before you want to root!
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does the N1 really only have 256MB of ram currently accessible? that would explain why i only tend to have ~110MB of ram free after shutting all applications down.
and seriously, 10 minutes in the hacking and development sections or the theme area and you want to root.
Red MacGregor said:
ignore the fud... hundreds of thousands of people are very happy with their stock N1..
if you get it, and are not happy with stock... you got options.
can't say that about the other contenders.
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Been very happy. Never had a problems with dust or the stock rom. Plenty of customization options out there for the stock N1's too.
Go for it and it you have smooth sailing after a few months maybe you'll root it.
mardox said:
ok so i am 99% sure i will buy the nexus one, i just have some concerns.
for one i have been hearing ever since the phone was released about the dust issue, also heard that htc knows about this and would fix what was needed. so the qeustion about this is if this is a valid reason for me to hold of on buying a nexus one?
the second thing is that i am not sure i want to root yet (probably willl^^) but the concern is that the stock kernel as i understand it only supports half of the ram in the nexus one leaving the other half useless. will google deploy a kernel update anytime soon and how much does it show when using the stock device that such a big part of the ram isn´t used?
thanks in advance
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the dust issue is a very isolated and rare case... you will get a new phone no charges toward you if you have this issue...
as for the stock kernel, there is plenty of memory... i ran stock for the first month and a half before i rooted to the dark side... never had a big slow down issue and even then just get a task manager... i was getting like 100mb of ram on stock with almost everything closed
crazy talk said:
does the N1 really only have 256MB of ram currently accessible? that would explain why i only tend to have ~110MB of ram free after shutting all applications down.
and seriously, 10 minutes in the hacking and development sections or the theme area and you want to root.
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Yes on only 256MB active on the N1! There is a hack in development if you need more and can't wait for the ota.
True about the fun after root for most, but this was the op's 1st post.
Two things... what does "fud" mean? As for the 256mb, it hasn't been an issue yet. My phone's logged over 220 hours of uptime without any slowdowns and I haven't killed a single task in that time. Stock ROM..not rooted and locked bootloader. I'm confident that Google will update the kernel soon...hopefully along with a better tweak to the 3G connectivity.
Thanks for all your answers! Im definently buying i nexus one soon was thinking about getting desire instead but hate sense and the droid eris still has not been rooted so the same could happen with the desire.
Thanks again!
You guys better not be fibbing.
Im gonna be so mad if this thing sucks.
Does anyone use swype on it instead?
I use it on my G1, im just curious anyones opinion
docsparks said:
You guys better not be fibbing.
Im gonna be so mad if this thing sucks.
Does anyone use swype on it instead?
I use it on my G1, im just curious anyones opinion
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Constantly use swype. Haven't typed a text in landscape since I started using it a few weeks ago. I text pretty much all day too.
crazy talk said:
10 minutes in the hacking and development sections or the theme area and you want to root.
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Yeah.. xda-developers membership is like an addiction. Once to root(android)/HSPL(WinM) you can never go back... every next phone you buy, you want to flash it with custom ROMs.
uansari1 said:
Two things... what does "fud" mean?
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i think i would consider holding off on buying a new one, or atleast be prepared to send it back...
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this phone is only two days old.
uansari1 said:
Two things... what does "fud" mean? As for the 256mb, it hasn't been an issue yet. My phone's logged over 220 hours of uptime without any slowdowns and I haven't killed a single task in that time. Stock ROM..not rooted and locked bootloader. I'm confident that Google will update the kernel soon...hopefully along with a better tweak to the 3G connectivity.
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fud: Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.
a commonly employed technique by fanbois...
Haven't heard anything and like you, a search turned up nothing. Keep us updated if you hear anything else. Seems really strange. What could be so bad that would warrant pulling remaining stock?
Sent from my VS986
I haven't heard anything either. Keep us posted.
Very interested if this would be happening with Verizon too.
Then they haven't been working there long enough to remember the LG Rumor debacle, or the Palm Pre. When I was fixing rumors due to shredding flex cables and faulty charging ports, our manager authorized free replacements with brand new Rumor 2s, which broke... Just as much, really. Seriously, the original Rumor's port would snap off if a baby sneezed in the same zip code. I have nightmares about that phone and the 65 billion screws it had.
The Palm Pre had the Oreo effect, where the two halves would just start twisting freely, like you were taking apart an oreo. And of course, Palm wouldn't let us repair them, so we had to just swap them with refurbs. We had people that were on their 7th, 8th, 9th devices, but didn't want a different model because of Palm loyalty, and the fact that the Pre had a REALLY nice OS, as compared to early Android.
hellot1M said:
I've talked to a few repair centers. This is most replaced device in the history of Sprint.
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I've already order the accessories, but not the device. Guess I have to wait a while, I really don't want to end up with the Nexus 5X.
hellot1M said:
I've talked to a few repair centers. This is most replaced device in the history of Sprint. The galaxy s2 is a close second. Most stores refuse to sell the device because of so many returns.
One of the main hardware issues is the screen splitting down the middle and then becoming unresponsive.
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The forum does not seem to be exploding with this issue, most we find is this thread on it here and see my post lower down that links to sprint users. All of two pages
Things are quiet because LG is replacing the screens under warranty. In my market they offer a 6 month after purchase screen replacement offer. Samsung does the same as well. This means if this problem does not occur within 6 months then it ain't going to happen.
Knowing that this issue may happen and if it does all it takes is a simple screen replacement that too under warranty means i would be less excited if this occurred. An inconvenience to head off to the service center but at least i know i will get it back very likely on the same day because this thing is easy to repair.
Not knowing this can happen otoh would be frightening.
Will be interesting what Sprint will say when I take mine in tomorrow......I will show them this for sure if I get any hassle......I just want my phone!! Grrrr!!
EU model H815
Any idea if the EU model is also affected? I'm waiting for my new G4 to be delivered. Was happy until I saw this thread...
joaste said:
Any idea if the EU model is also affected? I'm waiting for my new G4 to be delivered. Was happy until I saw this thread...
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All i found was the recall for sprint model.
I think its only the first batch of sprint models affected.
Sent from my LG-H812 using XDA Free mobile app
Hmm, makes me wonder if it's just the Sprint CDMA model.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
DirgeExtinction said:
Hmm, makes me wonder if it's just the Sprint CDMA model.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
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It's a recall that only effected the Sprint, not necessarily CDMA as Verizon is not impacted, but something Sprint added software wise that created a hardware issue. The major symptom is the screen half snow or static, but other issues such as overheating, freezes, bootloops, stuck on LG logo during boot, touch response issues and network connectivity issues. This effects all models manufactured prior to 10/5/15, in which LG modified the hardware to not have an issue with what ever Sprint does with their software. Knock on wood, the only issue I have had is the network connectivity (average 30% without signal) and constant dropping signal and jumping between 3G and LTE. Kinda a pain in the butt, but I do have to say its improved with ZV6, even though not completely gone. Mine was manufactured May 2015.
Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
Can someone comment on exactly what the "issue" is?
Is this sprint only
Is this sprint only
dsilx said:
Is this sprint only
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Read up a post or two.
Is this a horizontal split or vertical? My girlfriend's G4 has a horizontal split that we're not sure how it came to be.
Tx Redneck said:
Is this a horizontal split or vertical? My girlfriend's G4 has a horizontal split that we're not sure how it came to be.
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This is the issue as found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=63041563
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Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
I'll start this rolling with a video, explaining what is expected of the next great LG Premium device.
We now have a LG G5 hangout.
Click here to visit
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G5 hangout:highfive:
Can't wait for G5 announment!!!!!
Rumor that power/volume might be moved to side of device is sad. I love the back buttons!
I'm hoping it has the modular design and removable batter. Even a removable battery would be enough to make me switch from Samsung.
blastagator said:
Rumor that power/volume might be moved to side of device is sad. I love the back buttons!
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I agree with this. I think it's one of the reasons I like LG devices so much:good:
Frank-o said:
I'm hoping it has the modular design and removable batter. Even a removable battery would be enough to make me switch from Samsung.
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Yup, LG is one of the last to still have a removable batt. It's great to have the option to change out the battery of my G3 and G4 on the fly:good:
things are getting closer enough on the geeks and making me nervous much more to travel all the way to korea !
awaited for more leaks
blastagator said:
Rumor that power/volume might be moved to side of device is sad. I love the back buttons!
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i really like the back buttons but in my opinion i think that with the dual camera it would be ugly to leave volume buttons on the back
Nothing less than a fully unlockable Bootloader will make me even consider switching.
First, thanks to Tony for kicking off the thread. Second, I'm looking forward to the SD 820, micro SD card, removable battery, buttons on the back, hell just everything! I'm super stoked about this phone. Buh bye Nexus 6!
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
myisf08 said:
First, thanks to Tony for kicking off the thread. Second, I'm looking forward to the SD 820, micro SD card, removable battery, buttons on the back, hell just everything! I'm super stoked about this phone. Buh bye Nexus 6!
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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lol, the G5 will be everything your N6 should have been:good:
lurker316 said:
Nothing less than a fully unlockable Bootloader will make me even consider switching.
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Well like it's predecessors, there will most likely be a few variants that will unlocked or unlock able:good:
TonyStark said:
lol, the G5 will be everything your N6 should have been:good:
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Except it doesn't run stock Android, can't be used on multiple carriers the same as the N6 can, doesn't get fast updates, will have much less dev support, isn't guaranteed to get root or unlocked bootloader, etc.
geoff5093 said:
Except it doesn't run stock Android, can't be used on multiple carriers the same as the N6 can, doesn't get fast updates, will have much less dev support, isn't guaranteed to get root or unlocked bootloader, etc.
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But it should have a better camera, a much better screen, modular support (Removable battery/SD Card slot), higher screen density, better CPU/GPU, more RAM, better audio quality..... But hey, latest software makes a phone right, sigh.
miketoasty said:
But it should have a better camera, a much better screen, modular support (Removable battery/SD Card slot), higher screen density, better CPU/GPU, more RAM, better audio quality..... But hey, latest software makes a phone right, sigh.
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Did I say otherwise? My comment was to the comment that the G5 is "everything the Nexus 6 should have been" the other poster claimed.
geoff5093 said:
Did I say otherwise? My comment was to the comment that the G5 is "everything the Nexus 6 should have been" the other poster claimed.
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The way I interpreted it was that the G5 will still pale in comparison to pretty much any Nexus device because it doesn't run stock software or isn't easily unlockable.
If that wasn't your intention then I do apologize, but I do feel strongly that at this point even phones without Nexus like interfaces will still run better than Nexus devices because of the hardware choices that Google gives manufacturers for those specific devices (Although Google is starting to push the limit a bit with the latest Nexus releases).
miketoasty said:
The way I interpreted it was that the G5 will still pale in comparison to pretty much any Nexus device because it doesn't run stock software or isn't easily unlockable.
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^^ This:good:
I went from a LG G4 to the N6, three weeks later I went back to the G4. When the N6P came out, I purchased it hoping for the best. I tried... I just couldn't like it. I gave it to my son and then purchased the G4 with unlocked BL.
@geoff5093 I do understand and appreciate your point of view (thank god we all have one:good I have found that the one dinamic I truly love about the G4 is the feel in the hand. While this may not be a biggie to developers, or the crowd that wants root, I truly like when I can hold a phone and it just feels right
TonyStark said:
^^ This:good:
I went from a LG G4 to the N6, three weeks later I went back to the G4. When the N6P came out, I purchased it hoping for the best. I tried... I just couldn't like it. I gave it to my son and then purchased the G4 with unlocked BL.
@geoff5093 I do understand and appreciate your point of view (thank god we all have one:good I have found that the one dinamic I truly love about the G4 is the feel in the hand. While this may not be a biggie to developers, or the crowd that wants root, I truly like when I can hold a phone and it just feels right
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Haha, I went from the G4 to the 6P and loved everything about the 6P more except the camera.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
blastagator said:
Rumor that power/volume might be moved to side of device is sad. I love the back buttons!
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I can confirm that the volume button is on the side of the phone. The fingerprint reader is going to serve as the power button, and that will be on the back.
OneStepAhead said:
I can confirm that the volume button is on the side of the phone. The fingerprint reader is going to serve as the power button, and that will be on the back.
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BTW... Are you working on cases yet?
I'm Waiting G4 & S7 for upgrade my phone. I'm boring with knox.:crying:
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This thread has been created to assist owners of:[/SIZE][SIZE=+2]The Moto G4[/SIZE]
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My sister's Moto G takes way too long to charge with it's original charger. Way over 5 hours even though the device is supposed to be a fastcharge one. If she uses a standard charger from her old phone, it takes about 2.5 hours which, I think is normal considering those chargers don't support fast charge.
Yeah I'm using a Samsung fast charger which is charging from 10% to full in 50mins
Sent from my Moto G (4) using XDA-Developers mobile app
It feels too slow for me too. How do you know something is a good charger for this phone? You should look at voltages right?
Does this phone support wireless charging?
Doukeyakusha said:
Does this phone support wireless charging?
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I haven't received mine yet but I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
Doukeyakusha said:
Does this phone support wireless charging?
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Built-in, no. You'll most likely be able to use a 3rd party microUSB-to-Qi wireless charger receivers that can be found on Amazon for ~$12. Since the G4 lineup has a removable back plate, you might even be able to stick it inside the phone (if it doesn't fit, can just use a case).
Thanks for the responses, much appreciated
I'm excited about mine. I ordered one for my GF and I. I have the Note 5 but they are so slow with updates and I live down here in Colombia so walking around with the Note 5 isn't always the smartest. Plus all I use my phone for is work email, hangouts, whatsapp and skype. I will be getting mine next week and if for some reason I don't like it I can easily sell it down here. I think they run about $250-300 here in Colombia
Should've done some reseach, motorola is also quite slow with updates from what I've heard.
Florensie said:
Should've done some reseach, motorola is also quite slow with updates from what I've heard.
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Meaning? Model or phone. In my experience Motorola is as good as most on updates, certainly better than some companies like Samsung.
Tel864 said:
Meaning? Model or phone. In my experience Motorola is as good as most on updates, certainly better than some companies like Samsung.
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My brother's moto g (2nd gen I believe) took a couple of month before getting his marshmellow update he was promised.
Florensie said:
Should've done some reseach, motorola is also quite slow with updates from what I've heard.
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I've had motos before and they always released before Samsung. Half the time I have to flash third party to get the update before Samsung does the official release. Plus I don't need a $500 phone anymore. I can buy 4 of these Moto g from Amazon for the price I got the note 5 for.
Sent from my SM-N920C using XDA-Developers mobile app
My note 5 was about 4-5 behind in get MM. Looks like most Moto phones got the release in Feb which is only 2 months behind the actual release date
daweeze02 said:
I've had motos before and they always released before Samsung. Half the time I have to flash third party to get the update before Samsung does the official release. Plus I don't need a $500 phone anymore. I can buy 4 of these Moto g from Amazon for the price I got the note 5 for.
Sent from my SM-N920C using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I've previously had Samsung, LG, Moto and Huawei and the Moto's were the best on updating. Samsung was probably the worst but that was probably because they don't push out updates directly and instead let the providers do it. LG and Huawei, seem to make every phone end of life as soon as they release it.
spotify issues?
i'm about to pull the trigger on this but have had issues on my current phone using spotify and an sd card.
can someone confirm that there are no issues saving offline music to an sd card?
Does anybody have "burn-in" problems on the screen? I know it's LCD but the icons on the notification bar burn-in extremely fast. The problem goes away 100% overnight, but what bothers me is how ridiculously fast the burn in occurs. Could my screen be defective?
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
Terrible gaming performance (Pokemon Go, Hearthstone)
I am experiencing terrible frame rates in the only two games I play on my device, Hearthstone and Pokemon Go. Review videos showed the phone playing 3D games with ease, yet I seem to be having trouble . Is anyone else having issues? I can barely navigate the menus of Pokemon the framerate is so bad.
4ny0n3 said:
Does anybody have "burn-in" problems on the screen? I know it's LCD but the icons on the notification bar burn-in extremely fast. The problem goes away 100% overnight, but what bothers me is how ridiculously fast the burn in occurs. Could my screen be defective?
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
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I've only had mine a couple of days, but I haven't seen that so far.
One question. Does G4 have any restriction in Wifi tethering? The reason I asked is I got burned last time I got a Nexus 6P from Google and it does not allow Wifi tethering unless carrier's plan allows it.
Anyone get one? What the patch level if so?
fr4nk1yn said:
Anyone get one? What the patch level if so?
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Just installed it. May 1st, 2017.
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Yes. It was confirmed on another site. Odd this is supposed to be the latest security update but they did t update the patch to June.
I'd love to hear some theory as of what's in this new build of the same kernel.
hopefully it includes a fix for the massive battery drain problems I've been having since the previous update...
It sure didn't help my Wi-Fi problems.
bobdamnit said:
It sure didn't help my Wi-Fi problems.
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Constant disconnects?
fr4nk1yn said:
Constant disconnects?
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It is unbearable. WiFi doesn't last but seconds before it dies.
It's bad enough that I'm considering turning the device in for warranty repair. Five feet from my access point, it constantly disconnects. Does this until I finally reboot my device or disable WiFi long enough. Also, months later I am stuck on 7.0.0 where my wife on a Pixel XL has 7.1.2.
The screen scratches very easily and they have not updated their ShatterShield display laminate to be available for consumers. I have brought this to Motorola's attention several times but they insist I turn it into Verizon for warranty repair service for a few scratches and be without a device as well as pay the deductible to have a Lenovo repair tech replace the screen because I simply cannot buy the lens and replace it myself.
I have been with Lenovo/Motorola since the original Motorola Moto X. This will be my last Motorola/Lenovo device. I simply am not happy with their latest Verizon flagship. I very seriously wish I had purchased the Galaxy S8.
bobdamnit said:
It is unbearable. WiFi doesn't last but seconds before it dies.
It's bad enough that I'm considering turning the device in for warranty repair. Five feet from my access point, it constantly disconnects. Does this until I finally reboot my device or disable WiFi long enough. Also, months later I am stuck on 7.0.0 where my wife on a Pixel XL has 7.1.2.
The screen scratches very easily and they have not updated their ShatterShield display laminate to be available for consumers. I have brought this to Motorola's attention several times but they insist I turn it into Verizon for warranty repair service for a few scratches and be without a device as well as pay the deductible to have a Lenovo repair tech replace the screen because I simply cannot buy the lens and replace it myself.
I have been with Lenovo/Motorola since the original Motorola Moto X. This will be my last Motorola/Lenovo device. I simply am not happy with their latest Verizon flagship. I very seriously wish I had purchased the Galaxy S8.
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I was getting disconnects, even after a wipe but I think it was because of how I configured my routers. Plural. I was roaming from one to another and back.
Not getting a .1 update sucks but it's not surprising. I've had LG and my wife had has samsungs that
skipped 5.1 for example.
And the screen just sucks. I got a tempered glass and it feels better and takes scratches better than the plastic.
I hope they do something different with the Z2. The Motorola software is rather boring. I find AOSP 7.1 has more features.
After the Droid Turbo 2 Shattershield screen, many of us knew to put a tempered glass screen protector immediately on the Force. But I agree the Shattershield replacement screen not being available is ridiculous. I haven't had any WiFi problems, but that would be maddening.
One thing I know it fixed for me, I was having a weird charging issue where the phone would simply refuse to charge on certain chargers until I rebooted into recovery and cleared cache. That problem has gone away now.
benjamminh said:
After the Droid Turbo 2 Shattershield screen, many of us knew to put a tempered glass screen protector immediately on the Force. But I agree the Shattershield replacement screen not being available is ridiculous. I haven't had any WiFi problems, but that would be maddening.
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Motorola Customer Support
Response By Email (Abigail)*(07/18/2017 05:47 PM)
Hi John,
Thank you for contacting Motorola Mobility, this is Abigail.*
It’s sad to know that you are experiencing some difficulties regarding your phone's shattershield. Rest assured we're committed to being responsive as possible to deal with your issues efficiently.*
In order to better assist you, we need to verify the following information.
Phone number:*
Email Address:*
Unfortunately the only thing we could provide you is the link on where can you request for a shattershield for the phone as it is currently out of stock. Here is the link you may check*https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/shattershield_ask*. Or you may check on other authorize reseller if they have the shattershield.
We want to let you know that we value your business with us. If you have other questions regarding Motorola devices and services, please call us at*1-800-734-5870*or check our support site for further assistance by clicking this linkhttps://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/home/*and we'll be more than happy to help you.
We at Motorola continuously strive to exceed our customer expectations. You may receive a survey through your email, it should take no more than a minute and we would appreciate your feedback. This survey purely talks about my performance within the whole interaction and not about Motorola devices and processes. If you have feedback please enter it in the comments section.
Sincerely yours,
Motorola Customer Care
Motorola L1 Tech Support*
Customer By Web (John)*(07/17/2017 04:39 PM)
I would like to buy a shattershield replacement for a Moto Z Force Droid I bought used. The shattershield is scratched up and the order online always says out of stock. I do not want to send my device for a repair I can perform myself. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you
Sent from my XT1650 using XDA-Developers Legacy app