ROM request - Essential Phone Questions & Answers

Might be a little too early still but how many people here would love to see Paranoid Android on the essential phone? And how likely would we see more rom variants soon?

hellot1M said:
Might be a little too early still but how many people here would love to see Paranoid Android on the essential phone? And how likely would we see more rom variants soon?
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well, we have Lineage. Could be coming some others soon, wouldn't be surprising. Likely Oreo roms when they ready.

I hope so. The phone is already pretty stock and lineage isn't that feature rich like PA or miui. I flashed the Oreo update and am loving it so far. Super smooth and battery life is amazing. I hope they at least feature the Oreo launcher with the official release.

Paranoid Android should be a given on this phone. I only ever saw both of them working hand in hand...
But if none of their devs buys one or someone buys on for the devs we are SOL...

ChriKn said:
Paranoid Android should be a given on this phone. I only ever saw both of them working hand in hand...
But if none of their devs buys one or someone buys on for the devs we are SOL...
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This phone deserve, more Roms!! lol


[PLEDGE] Give CyanogenMod / TeamHacksung a Galaxy S3!

Hello everyone. The time has come. Today Samsung announced their new flagship device GT i9300 A.K.A. Galaxy S3. Now, if you are a big fan of pure AOSP and his aftermarket distributions like I am you certainly already know that ICS based CyanogenMod 9 is out there and running and its pure fresh blazing awesomeness. That said, I decided to start this pledge to gather money to give Teamhacksung members codeworkx and xplodwild the next Samsung Galaxy S3 so they can develop for it and port CM9. As you probably know, Teamhacksung is the official CM mantainer for Samsung devices.
Im daily in touch with Teamhacksung members and they are already aware and fully support this pledge.
We running for two devices here. The ammount already includes Pledgie taxes. The donnations are going straight to xplodwild’s paypal account.
We count on you that, like me, is certainly going to buy this new beast called Galaxy S3 and want to see it sporting CM9 and future Google AOSP releases.
CM9 on Galaxy S3 for the WIN!!!!
Im very proud to come here and say that
I want to thank all of you very much for the collaboration. We did it and we did it fast. We are TEH community and we always prove right that we have such amazing power together. Thank you very very much again.
Now devs have what is needed to start the wild porting workx. Stay tuned! I will reach you with more news when I have them.
going to donate! this is definitely needed!
As soon as xplodwild at teamhacksung received the galaxy note, we received the cm9 official build instantly.
and we raised funds in just 24 hours where we could get them the galaxy note, love the community spirit. lets do it!
s3 needs to pimp the cm9 for sure!
androidindian said:
going to donate! this is definitely needed!
As soon as xplodwild at teamhacksung received the galaxy note, we received the cm9 official build instantly.
and we raised funds in just 24 hours where we could get them the galaxy note, love the community spirit. lets do it!
s3 needs to pimp the cm9 for sure!
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I'm not entirely sure I will want to put a vanilla or CM on this phone right away... the stock Touchwiz ROM seems to have a lot of nice features.. Unless these can be incorporated into a ROM that is based on CM9 or what-have-you I think I will try running a stock Touchwiz ROM with root access.. I have never used Touchwiz but even if I had I couldn't definitively say I won't like this because it's new to everyone.
CoNsPiRiSiZe said:
I'm not entirely sure I will want to put a vanilla or CM on this phone right away... the stock Touchwiz ROM seems to have a lot of nice features.. Unless these can be incorporated into a ROM that is based on CM9 or what-have-you I think I will try running a stock Touchwiz ROM with root access.. I have never used Touchwiz but even if I had I couldn't definitively say I won't like this because it's new to everyone.
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You'll be amazed by ideas we folks got during the announcement. ;-)
Believe me, CM9 will be better than TouchWiz once it's done. More details to come in the next days.
(That's the hell of a teaser)
XpLoDWilD said:
You'll be amazed by ideas we folks got during the announcement. ;-)
Believe me, CM9 will be better than TouchWiz once it's done. More details to come in the next days.
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To each their own.
Thanks for being so sarcastic. I guess things went a bit too fast.
Actually, while the Galaxy S3 will have many great features, they're all software-based. And after looking deeply, there's nothing that prevents us from adding these nice features to an AOSP ROM, for instance CyanogenMod 9.
Hence why, Galaxy S3, once running CyanogenMod 9, will profit from a community effort started recently to bring manufacturers' features to all CM9-enabled devices. This can include actions triggered by motion, and other features so-called "natural".
You can find out more details at Details on specific features, as well as the ability for everyone to request this kind of features, will be available on May 10th.
I can only thank once more people that will help Team Hacksung and CyanogenMod getting a Galaxy S III, to help all CyanogenMod 9 devices.
XpLoDWilD said:
You'll be amazed by ideas we folks got during the announcement. ;-)
Believe me, CM9 will be better than TouchWiz once it's done. More details to come in the next days.
(That's the hell of a teaser)
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So true, this was an inspired moment We will give you more details soon. I'm pretty sure you will all like it. But we will need more peeps to help. This won't be done by xplodwild alone. this is a community work. Once done, this will revolution the world of mobile and of every CM9 maintained phone. xplodwild linked the website, it's still under developement, but you learn soon what it is .
And to answer CoNsPiRiSiZe, touchwiz always deceived us. I don't see why it would change now. A proverb says : "You don't have to taste **** to know it taste like ****".
Even if you don't give them one, I'm sure that they will get one themselves as the product will be very popular
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
Didn't one of the team members say he would promptly return the SGS3 if he was given one by Samsung as happened with the SGS2?
olyloh6696 said:
Even if you don't give them one, I'm sure that they will get one themselves as the product will be very popular
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
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Developper are getting tired to work with samsung ****ty community support. Codeworkx already said that he won't buy the device himself.
meranto said:
Didn't one of the team members say he would promptly return the SGS3 if he was given one by Samsung as happened with the SGS2?
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codeworkx said that because he had hard times with SGS2 and bad Samsung support.
It doesn't mean the whole team is in the same mood ;-)
dont leave us gs2 users
any update on your open source kernel?
olyloh6696 said:
Even if you don't give them one, I'm sure that they will get one themselves as the product will be very popular
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
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I doubt it. CM9 developers stands with Nexus as personal device so they wont spend money on other flagships just to make us happy.
meranto said:
Didn't one of the team members say he would promptly return the SGS3 if he was given one by Samsung as happened with the SGS2?
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Don't take codeworkx rage attacks too serious. Im pretty sure he will work on CM9 for SGS3.
bluefa1con said:
dont leave us gs2 users
any update on your open source kernel?
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Nobody is going to leave SGS2. It is a CM9 supported device and will stand like this. Teamhacksung will continue making it better.
bluefa1con said:
dont leave us gs2 users
any update on your open source kernel?
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Don't worry - As mentioned before, we're working on the Note also
As for the kernel, we were waiting on 3.4 to be "ready". It's now the case, and we started the real work, codeworkx, me, Espjenfo and Entropy all together
Cannot wait to see what u guys have got under your sleeves. My gs2 runs amazingly on cm9 crept for some battery life issues. But thanks a lot for all you've done just for free
I'd help if I could
CM9 on the S3 would be amazing.
Hope there isn't any troubles rooting it like there was on the Note? S2 was simple to do
Doesn't cyanogen work for samsung? It seems like he would get one for free either way.
I was under the impression that teamhacksung is at odds with Samsung
All i see on twitter feeds are disgruntle posts about not having access to the source

More roms...come on guys..

Hey i'm Chriss-not an owner of Find 5 but wish i was....
I love Find 5....even it's website lists that it supports XDA,which is like a "Loyal King".
I want to buy it and i 'm trying,i checked out the xda tread and i saw official CM10.1 which really cool but there's nothing else except
AOSP.I mean if you guys can make a some-what stable guys could easily make more roms like Paranoid,PAC,MIUI would be awesome on 1080p display,and many other roms....more you make better,try out-of-box like firefox os...These things make news and make the device more popular,which brings in more support,donors etc...:good:
So dev who are try hard to fix cm bugs and are stuck build some other roms also ....don't mind the bugs that arise which can be fixed later
I would like to wish the team Best Of Luck! :victory:
Just be patient.
The cm10.1 rom was only released yesterday.:good:
With working and stable CM10.1 and AOSP Roms it's easier to port other Roms that are based on either of them.
I'd much rather have those two up and running in a near perfect state before we get a bunch of people that bricked their phones because they jumped on an alpha of Paranoid Android and they have no clue how to restore them.
Aerys said:
Just be patient.
The cm10.1 rom was only released yesterday.:good:
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Yeah. CM kangs almost never appear until CM is mostly complete for a device, and we didn't release until yesterday.
This device has only had kernel source available for sometime around a month, and isn't exactly widely available. Good development takes time.
FYI, CM went from "developers received the device" to "95% working" in less than two weeks, with the first week of that being research and laying the groundwork for a port. Most of the actual coding was done over the past weekend. Of course, this was only possible due to devices that came before us, like the Xperia Z.
It's amazing how much easier Qualcomms are to work with than Exynos.
Good lord.
Okay, you have two approaches to encourage development chrissmartin.
1) Knock yourself out and build a ROM of your own
2) Donate money to an existing developer who's working on a ROM / kernel... whatever you think is of value to you.
I don't know if you've done either, but short of those two options, please don't be 'that guy'. It's a new device in many respects, as Entropy pointed out. You want a ton of ROM's ASAP...go hop on the Sammy bandwagon.
charlatan01 said:
Good lord.
Okay, you have two approaches to encourage development chrissmartin.
1) Knock yourself out and build a ROM of your own
2) Donate money to an existing developer who's working on a ROM / kernel... whatever you think is of value to you.
I don't know if you've done either, but short of those two options, please don't be 'that guy'. It's a new device in many respects, as Entropy pointed out. You want a ton of ROM's ASAP...go hop on the Sammy bandwagon.
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Not gonna get that on Exynos BTW.... All of the Exynos4 CM maintainers are barely touching their devices, and so far, not a single person with maintainer experience has expressed interest in the Exynos5-based GS4. (As to Qualcomm-based GS4s - Some CM people are getting them, but myself and the other ex-Teamhacksung guys are going elsewhere.)
Edit: Obviously, other people can pick up the ball and take a crack at the Exynos5 GS4, but so far, I have not encountered anyone with an interest. All of the people with AOSP-on-Exynos experience I've talked to are done with the platform, and expect Exynos5 "Octa" to be even worse than the Exynos4 was. There's always the possibility we'll get a pleasant surprise from Samsung, but I have very little hope given that they completely failed to deliver on their promises made at the Big Android BBQ.
^ very good to know, thanks Entropy!
First of all!
I'm sorry....i thought cm10.1 had been released weeks or months that's why,i asked
Xiaomi themselves have described the Find 5 as " most likely next" and I'd prefer if miui was made by them.
Allanitomwesh said:
Xiaomi themselves have described the Find 5 as " most likely next" and I'd prefer if miui was made by them.
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You won't see any discussion of their port here due to their rampant GPL noncompliance.
They're kangers of the worst sort.
I'm sure the ROMs are coming, wait til CM 10.1 is mostly stable, I'm impressed how quickly development is proceeding already.
^^ same. CM came quick! This phone is just barely starting to grab peoples attention. Its a slow start because its not an HTC or a Samsung, or a Sony... or an LG lol. This is their first international phone ever and it's the first time anyone has even heard of OPPO in the mobile world.
sent from my
CM10.1 Rocks!
Sent from my C6506 using Tapatalk 2
Things are really starting to flow now, can't wait to try out al the current custom roms
Rule one is to not ask for ETF, and perhaps make a donation.
Sent from XDA app
I just built Jellybeer, but I haven't got my Find 5 yet so can't test it yet
PAC ROM rocks! Working camera now

**Rumour** One Plus to soon abandon CM and ColorOS **Rumour**

well guys i just came up with this news and i have heard this before but i never saw any news today sombody on fb shared this so i am really dissapointed by OnePlus :/ i was thinking to get one plus on and i m trying my best to get an invite but i guess now i have to wait for a official word on it
What do you think guys should they make their own ROM or use CM use the poll .!!
We still need the confirmation to this rumor, but if it's true, there will always be a CM rom for the OPO! All we need to do is root it and flash it.
A Tech blogging site, that doesn't quote any form of source in their article, or postulate why it might be in a company's best interest to skin their own version of Android, OR do anything other than say, they are working on their own version.... That's high school level rumor mongering. Sure it's possible.... but hey, guess what, it's already a CM compatible phone, who cares if they skin their own version of Android?
theres so many stupid fake rumors coming out of the rumor mill lately. they couldnt abandon cm if they tried. thats what happens when you sign paperwork and cm run the fastboot software and recovery.
there will be 2 years of support from CM for this device, so do not worry ^_^
funCrash93 said:
there will be 2 years of support from CM for this device, so do not worry ^_^
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Thank you guys well the site does provide a valid Source and this news came a week ago when people in china said that they don't like CM UI so OPPO started making its own UI
Its not 100% and not 100% true as the blog says
Even if they make their own there will still be cm officially. Its likely they may just want their own skin but only provide it as an optional alternative.
This is assuming the unlikely rumor actually turns out true. But assumptions on a rumor aren't reliable so take it lightly.
tiny4579 said:
Even if they make their own there will still be cm officially. Its likely they may just want their own skin but only provide it as an optional alternative.
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yeah this is what i read but i am a CM fan and getting special treatment from CM is always welcome as the speed of development of CM will be faster for 1+1 as compared to others
I call bs. Color os is about as Chinese as you can get.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Doesn't bother me. I install Apex launcher and then I like ColorOS. I even install Apex CM11, i hate the stock Android and Trebuchet launchers. ColorOS has some nice features that I miss when running CM.
So long as CM doesn't stop supporting it. It's all good lol
Sent from my One A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
They already released an AOSP rom available to flash via the Development category on the oneplus forum. The only thing it's missing is the gapps.
Don't believe it!
Oneplus i very highly doubt would switch ROMs so suddenly. And Color OS is getting pretty popular for phones in China it seems, do not lose hope friend!
vladashram said:
They already released an AOSP rom available to flash via the Development category on the oneplus forum. The only thing it's missing is the gapps.
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There's a reason they made the aosp ROM and not someone else, there aokp and paranoidandroid but there's no aosp group. The only way there would be an official aosp ROM would be if oneplus made it. It's based off cm source, oneplus has done no software development for the device. And the fact that gapps is separate actually says a lot. You can't just put on aosp and sell the device. The phone would not be Google certified. It took weeks for them to fall in line with Google's new strict standards.
Shipping ask that cyanogen inc. Works very closely with them. I think Steve klondik technically works for both companies. There's is no way they would ever end there partnership. The whole company is based around it. It's yet another fake rumor like the OnePlus tab and OnePlus two and onewatch. Best just to ignore it.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The OP twisted topic name of the thread.
OnePlus is dropping ColorOS for their own ROM but international will still have CyanogenMod as the default ROM.
Read more,
I heard a rumor that OnePlus was licensing TouchWiz from Samsung
Seriously, garbage rumors like this get floated all the time to force companies to make statements denying or clarifying the rumor. OnePlus is better off ignoring it.
new rom x oneplus one?
CafeKampuchia said:
I heard a rumor that OnePlus was licensing TouchWiz from Samsung
Seriously, garbage rumors like this get floated all the time to force companies to make statements denying or clarifying the rumor. OnePlus is better off ignoring it.
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Touchwiz people are already tortured by that ****ty UI and if OnePlus adds that then samsung will sue them
jatin059 said:
Touchwiz people are already tortured by that ****ty UI and if OnePlus adds that then samsung will sue them
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So will I
CafeKampuchia said:
So will I
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CM14 Nexus 6p

There is any new on the horizon for cm14 on Nexus 6p? I searched a lot around the forums but did not find something...
vagenrider said:
There is any new on the horizon for cm14 on Nexus 6p? I searched a lot around the forums but did not find something...
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You found nothing because there's nothing, they just announced they'll release it but google has still to release most of the blobs,so you'll have to wait for cm14
That's weird because there's cm14 builds up for oneplus one and nexus 5. Guess they still have a lot more dev support than we do, though.
xxBrun0xx said:
That's weird because there's cm14 builds up for oneplus one and nexus 5. Guess they still have a lot more dev support than we do, though.
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Really? Are they full cm14 or just a stock-ish android nougat port for these devices?
Pretty sure cm14 is stock nougat at this point.
My only thoughts on this are why has Nexus 6P not had the cm-14.0 branch pushed yet? You'd think with it being a nexus device it would have been one of the first to get at least the device sources updated.
There are several different devices with this branch and work done so far, but nothing yet for the 6P.
Just find it odd, regardless of actual progress on CM14 itself.
Why is everyone in such a rush man?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Jammol said:
Why is everyone in such a rush man?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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It is not that rush so much my friend.. simply had this wonder like many other users I guess
kronflux said:
My only thoughts on this are why has Nexus 6P not had the cm-14.0 branch pushed yet? You'd think with it being a nexus device it would have been one of the first to get at least the device sources updated.
There are several different devices with this branch and work done so far, but nothing yet for the 6P.
Just find it odd, regardless of actual progress on CM14 itself.
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I agree with you and will also add that I expected more development on this device
xxBrun0xx said:
Pretty sure cm14 is stock nougat at this point.
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noooooo said:
Really? Are they full cm14 or just a stock-ish android nougat port for these devices?
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i think stock'ish
vagenrider said:
It is not that rush so much my friend.. simply had this wonder like many other users I guess
I agree with you and will also add that I expected more development on this device
i think stock'ish
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It just seems like everyone wants things now now now. Factory images barely got put up yesterday? As far as development goes, I'm one of those old school flashers, there's only so much you can do with the same software. Pretty much all of the Roms are the same, with the same tweaks just under a different name. Am I the only that has thought this? ?
I feel like there's a lot of development for this device but it just all seems like the same. Then again, maybe everyone just wants more "development" to satisfy our flasholic syndrome???
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
You don't have to be so pompous.
Really though, give it a few weeks at least. The last thing you want is a super early new major CM version. (or really any new Android version jump). Even as a old time Flashaholic, going from a major version (4.X-5.0) (5.X-6.0) is always a bit jaring in the lack of polish and stability as not only does the OS need some patching to fix bugs that inevitably exist, but the Apps aren't ready yet.
I have to admit, that 6.0.1 has been pretty darn smooth and unlike the 5.X days, 5.1 was ok when it was polished but the early 5.0 days was downright retarded (though pretty vs KK before it). And KK itself was great around 4.4.2-4.4.4 as well.
But on top of that, I love CM from the old days, but man first version were always a crapshoot and while they might perform ok for a bit, usually on all my devices after a few weeks of use would show some major signs of underlying bugs that took months to patch out, if ever. :/
As far as stability goes, I am sticking with Pure Nexus's 8/21 build and ElementalX's 1.22 Kernel build until 7.1 drops or something because this is the most stable my 6P has been in months. Closest it's been to running like the HTC10 which has been polished to a pretty dang good shine from HTC since its release as well. Prior to this, random slowdowns or the occasional random reboot were getting a bit annoying, and I don't see Android 7.0.0 being anywhere near stable enough to DD right now...
Jammol said:
It just seems like everyone wants things now now now. Factory images barely got put up yesterday? As far as development goes, I'm one of those old school flashers, there's only so much you can do with the same software. Pretty much all of the Roms are the same, with the same tweaks just under a different name. Am I the only that has thought this? ?
I feel like there's a lot of development for this device but it just all seems like the same. Then again, maybe everyone just wants more "development" to satisfy our flasholic syndrome???
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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You have a point, which is why I get excited when I see something with a new name, but the exact same features as resurrection, aicp, du, etc...Enjoy the work of those who wanna make the ROMs, but OP has a point...
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
hope we will see soon an unofficial build!
I had tried this:
The conclusion is it can't find the sim card (China Unicom), and I can't downgrade to cm13, and can't flash to cm13, it always stuck in the boot.
Now I am using the official Naught from Google.
You mean like this thread you clearly missed in the development forum

Mix developer support abandonment

I've got this feeling, after the sad goodbye of dear @pappschumpfl, that development support for this beloved and wonderful device is weaning and slowly but surely disappearing. Checking the development section for other xiaomi devices like redmi note 4 or mi6 you can see a lot more movement, discussion and activity.
Anyway, just makes me sad this feeling and I believe it is not only a feeling... With the coming of Mix 2 it will probably get worse. Or maybe with the Mix getting cheaper it will change for the better in the future? What are your thoughts on this people?
There is of course AICP and those guys work is fantastic! But they are mostly alone right now...
Im pretty sure he meant that its his final Nougat rom, as everyone building roms for any device has now moved on to Oreo, so Im guessing we will see more updates once the Oreo roms have been figured out...
As you can see there are a fair amount of roms for the Mi Mix.......
Ultraman666 said:
Im pretty sure he meant that its his final Nougat rom, as everyone building roms for any device has now moved on to Oreo, so Im guessing we will see more updates once the Oreo roms have been figured out...
As you can see there are a fair amount of roms for the Mi Mix.......
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Well none of them are maintaining their builds except for BitO, who's given us Multirom and a fantastic Kernel :victory:
As for Papps he got a Note 8 and I have no idea if he's gona be building an Oreo rom for lithium. He doesn't have to of course.
Anyway, maybe you are right
albertoduqe said:
Well none of them are maintaining their builds except for BitO, who's given us Multirom and a fantastic Kernel :victory:
As for Papps he got a Note 8 and I have no idea if he's gona be building an Oreo rom for lithium. He doesn't have to of course.
Anyway, maybe you are right
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I wouldn't say none of them are maintaining as I'm sure most are working on Oreo
Sent from my Viper MI MIX using Tapatalk
I think this was inevitable with the Mix being a niche device.
I hope we get Oreo eventually, but at least we have some ROMs that are stable.
Final RR is pretty damn good.
Mix was a high end device, high priced device and now it's an outdated device... basically a standard life for a chinese phone on XDA like this one... exemple is based on large sell device, redmi/mi5/mi6... not the same as ur Mix...
Sadly, i think like u... device will go to trash silently...
Also, around the forums we've seen various devs state that we'll see O
IMO, it would be OK just seeing security patches for what we already have.
I have a Nexus 6P and whilst us enthusiasts want the latest and greatest, honestly there isn't anything worth getting too excited about.
I think it will be maintained for awhile, the sort of people who bought the mix are the ones who like to mess and build ROMs (hoping), only time will tell. Let's face it there is nothing worth buying over this at the moment.
but of course, you can also learn how to build roms, etc.
shoeprano27 said:
but of course, you can also learn how to build roms, etc.
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This is a very good point.
For beginners, here is a step by step for LOS:
Its not out dated and won't be for a while yet - it is odd and requires an interest in making roms. I am sure there will be development for the roms, people are so down these days.
Nicolfa said:
Its not out dated and won't be for a while yet - it is odd and requires an interest in making roms. I am sure there will be development for the roms, people are so down these days.
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Couldn't agree more
Sent from my Viper MI MIX using Tapatalk
Ultraman666 said:
Couldn't agree more
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And like already mentioned, no point building anymore nougat ROMs and no Oreo build's
Oreo will come in time - people really need to learn to be more patient. It has some very good nougat roms already.
Every 15 days aprox you have a new updated build here
Lineage OS oficial is running for lithium.
I don't understand the tittle of the post.
Worst comes to worst Lineage will be released for our Mixs. If it comes down to it, I'll start developing a Rom.
VerucaSalt said:
This is a very good point.
For beginners, here is a step by step for LOS:
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Doesn't work using the cm-15 branch so far... Or I couldn't make it work anyway. Problem is in Mix sources though, not LOS source...
I think Paps might come back. I went to Note 8 but will be back on a new Mix tomorrow. Missing that beautiful 3 side non existent bezel.
I wrote this OP over two months ago and in this time, luckily Papps hasn't abandoned us completely (thanks!) and BitObsession has been providing awesome work and support, several builds, Multitom and a fantastic kernel (thanks!!!). Also AOSiP came and is being maintained I think, so good enough maybe. The guys behind AICP keep also their work (thanks too!).
What seems still so far away that it seems to me we might not see it is Oreo... Anybody with info on wether the good guys at Lineage are working on Oreo for Lithium??
It's of course ok if dev support stays as it is, and developers do what they want with their devices, but it would surely be nice to see our Mix being upgraded to the latest Android as the flagship it is.
Thanks everybody.
