please guys my meizu m3 note screen black help mee - Meizu M3 Note Questions & Answers

hello .. my probleme is when i update the latest frimeware 6.7.28 ( nougat ) beta i have 'L' modele , and i root my device so i update from the phone i download it and update it after reboot upgrading and say upade or clear data i clicke update and reboot every thing gone black screen and some sruch no logo flyme only black screen and some scruch word ;; i download frimeware and sp tools when i plug cable and download nothing happen plz any help guys

any one helip ?

dz123 said:
any one helip ?
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if you have L version and you install the M rom on it than you have a black screen like my phone.
if you have black screen try that link worked for my L681
if it doesnt work:
+ first of all before you start these drivers must be installed correctly sometimes window make mass with them)
MediaTek USB Port
MediaTek Preloader USB VCOM (Android)
MediaTek DA USB VCOM (Android)
Maybe you need to use usb driver uninstaller than reinstall the drivers
+ than try the all steps again and again.
if it doesnt flash keep pressing three side buttons ( v+, v-, pwr) at the same time and hold it untill it restarts (usb cable was pluged.). it flashed. than i succeed.


[Q] Huawei E5372s-32 stuck on boot after wrong firmware

i need help to back my E5372s-32 which stuck on boot and give me logo of Huawei
after connect it to my PC cannot feel with modem
i tried to enter ' Force download " mode to firmware it using (power+Menu) buttons during turn on but i could see it for less 1 second
i could get manual for the device may help
That Simply means there is an error on the phone software, Update it and it'l be 5n
Unfortunately XDA is not the right place to talk about MiFi Routers. So although there are millions of members here, very few will find your post, and very few of those who do will be able to help you. So you will probably have much better success in places like the GSM-Forums website.
thanks for advice , I will post it here too , you mean gsmhosting?
I get some update after many trying
I press power+Menu , as soon as (Force download) appear I quickly plugin the USB cable which connected to PC
suddenly I got screen of mifi ( DONOT POWER OFF) its force update screen, then my pc starts to feel with the modem and starts to installing driver
the problem that this PC have new windows so it does not recognize of all drivers,
after some time I installed the driver from
then I tried to Enter Force download again I could not
I tried more but as soon as I enter it , the mifi go out again to Huwaie logo
I do not know how I enter fore download mode easy and make PC feel again with Mifi
Please alaa i have same a problem with huawei E5372 , but when i update nothing comining only huawei logo freeze
الله يا خليك يا عم علاء عندي نفس المكلة و كل لما اعملها مش بترضى و الججهاز بيعلق ممكن حل
alaa2003 said:
i need help to back my E5372s-32 which stuck on boot and give me logo of Huawei
after connect it to my PC cannot feel with modem
i tried to enter ' Force download " mode to firmware it using (power+Menu) buttons during turn on but i could see it for less 1 second
i could get manual for the device may help
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I know I may be a little too late but I found the solution to this. I was stuck on the FTM screen but THIS firmware solved it. It is really easy. Try it out and tell me how it goes. All the best.
Dear i have the same problem. with my sts huawei router. Could you please tell us the whole procedure how you did it? like from the start how to install driver how to flash with full links how to move my device into download mode to detect it with computer and make installation which tools needed. Thnx in Advance.
have you solved the problem ??
Ok, so I'll try to make this short, this is how I fixed the logo bootloop.
I basically flashed a wrong firmware and the device was rendered unusable(stuck at logo).
First of all u need to use "Huawei Vodafone R215 – E5372 Flasher by fr3nsis" u can google it.
U need to find the right .hmf firmware to flash with fr3nsis.
The only one that I found and worked was "R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1"
it contains 13 files .bin and the flashable R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.hmf.
You also need R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.exe
After getting the files u need to put the device in download mode,
take the battery out and put it back, press and hold menu and power until some text appears(1 second),
right when the text appears press menu and it should get you into download mode.
Now u can use the the flasher tool to flash the firmware. after a few seconds, it should say "fail"
restart device and flash with R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.exe. it should now work
searching R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.hmf
Hgall8 said:
Ok, so I'll try to make this short, this is how I fixed the logo bootloop.
I basically flashed a wrong firmware and the device was rendered unusable(stuck at logo).
First of all u need to use "Huawei Vodafone R215 – E5372 Flasher by fr3nsis" u can google it.
U need to find the right .hmf firmware to flash with fr3nsis.
The only one that I found and worked was "R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1"
it contains 13 files .bin and the flashable .
You also need R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.exe
After getting the files u need to put the device in download mode,
take the battery out and put it back, press and hold menu and power until some text appears(1 second),
right when the text appears press menu and it should get you into download mode.
Now u can use the the flasher tool to flash the firmware. after a few seconds, it should say "fail"
restart device and flash with R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.exe. it should now work
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*Hi, friend Hgall8, do you still have the R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.hmf? I've been searching but I do not get it anywhere on the internet*
jose_amaral97 said:
*Hi, friend Hgall8, do you still have the R215MobileWifiFirmware_v3.1.hmf? I've been searching but I do not get it anywhere on the internet*
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Not sure if I'm allowed to post links here, I'll send you the link in pm
E5372T -,Stucked on boot logo firmware version
Hi do you have any solution for version ? I'M stucked on boot logo. How to downgrade to version I tried using Fr3sis flasher 1.0v and it didn't work. I also tried Fr3nsis 1.6v but it didn't work bcuz it doesn't detect the com port meanwhile fr3nsis 1.0v can read the com port but different number of Com port. Let say huawei modem (com 9) but when it comes to detect the port using Fr3nsis 1.0v it show com4 instead. Desperately need help
Sir I have huawei e3272s-927 airtel modem when I upgrade software with wizard after the device not found and modem symbol is in device manager appear and disappear what the solution pls help me
dr_edmund said:
Hi do you have any solution for version ? I'M stucked on boot logo. How to downgrade to version I tried using Fr3sis flasher 1.0v and it didn't work. I also tried Fr3nsis 1.6v but it didn't work bcuz it doesn't detect the com port meanwhile fr3nsis 1.0v can read the com port but different number of Com port. Let say huawei modem (com 9) but when it comes to detect the port using Fr3nsis 1.0v it show com4 instead. Desperately need help
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use boot short pin method its helped
---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 PM ----------
alaa2003 said:
thanks for advice , I will post it here too , you mean gsmhosting?
I get some update after many trying
I press power+Menu , as soon as (Force download) appear I quickly plugin the USB cable which connected to PC
suddenly I got screen of mifi ( DONOT POWER OFF) its force update screen, then my pc starts to feel with the modem and starts to installing driver
the problem that this PC have new windows so it does not recognize of all drivers,
after some time I installed the driver from
then I tried to Enter Force download again I could not
I tried more but as soon as I enter it , the mifi go out again to Huwaie logo
I do not know how I enter fore download mode easy and make PC feel again with Mifi
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first press menu then power dont release until show arrow image
connect mifi to pc
install huawei driver
check your port device use huawei flasher or you can install firmware with exe extension

Unbricking Gionee elife e7 from total hard brick

Unfortunately I was one of the users that hard bricked their Gionee elife e7(my story - i tried to activate virtual softkey then systemui stopped working and I tried to flash with KitKat firmware but got fire hose error and that began my troubles). Well I guess my loss is your gain.
Generally the problem is not the flashing but the fact that it is connected as a USB hid instead of qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006(mine was connected as 9006). After trying so many combos and waiting for every last battery juice to dissolve, I found a combo that 'might' (not guaranteed) get you connected as qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006 (as I said before I got 9006 and it worked. If you get 9008 just try and see if it works .
- no download links will be posted here. The required files are the gnqc download tool and official stock firmware which you should already have.
- this is only for guys who can't boot their elife e7 at all( if you can boot to fastboot or recovery... your phone ain't dead yet and you could still save it).
- I assume you have basic knowledge of flashing firmware with gnqc download tool.
- I assume you have already installed the required drivers, have gnqc_download tool and have an official stock firmware for gionee elife e7 specific to your phone variant(32gb/16gb, E7/E7L/E7T and India/Chinese etc) of any android version(I used KitKat stock firmware and it worked but I highly recommend the stock jb 4.2.2). For some reason gnqc download tool didn't work properly in compatibility mode on my windows 10 partition but worked on windows 7. So I highly recommend windows 7.
- I also assume you have patience because this is war against your bricked elife and there could be lots of failures!
Now unto serious business!
- if you have just hard bricked the phone and it can't boot up, connect it to your pc, if it is connected as qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006 skip next step. If not... follow next step of course.
- Now for the dreaded USB HID. If you drain battery and it still connects as USB HID with blinking red LED try this. Uninstall the USB HID/USB input device the phone installed as(careful not to uninstall your mouse for desktop users). While still connected to PC, hold power button till red light stops blinking. Stop holding power button and immediately detach USB chord then hold volume up and volume down simultaneously in quick succession. Hold them down for quite a while. After much trial and error, i discovered that you have to hold power button for 12 seconds before phone restarts( into the dreaded black screen obviously. Tho it might not be 12 secs but that is what worked for me). So on the 12th second detach chord and press volume up and down simultaneously for quite a while. Then connect phone to PC while still holding the volume buttons(a second pair of hands might be required for precision). If all goes well, four unknown devices will appear in device manager. Wait till windows finishes installation and if you see qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006, you are good to go.
- Next, open the gnqc download.exe browse to your phone's firmware location. If it shows cant find mprg8x26.mbn, select 8974 in platform and if mprg8974.mbn is not found change to 8x26.
- When all is set and you see the 'Start download' button turn green, click on it. It should start download hopefully without error messages. After that, It should reboot to red Gionee logo then the white one and then to setup.
If all went well, you have successfully unbricked your Gionee elife e7! And also saved it from all phones' nightmare - your drawer.
If this works well for you feel free to click thanks and if you have a lot of joy in your heart, donate. Good luck and happy unbricking!
Which version of the flashing tool do you use? The site that I found the stock firmware from has Jelly bean stock and kitkat stock but they each have a different version of the flashing tool software. (xdafirmware).
When I connect my phone to the PC the LED light only comes on for a couple seconds and then turns off?
Also does it matter if I have a 64bit windows 7 or 32bit windows 7? Thanks for your detailed guide, I am about to try it. Really appreciate it.
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These are all the files I have for the drivers and firmware. (kitkat on the right and jellybean on the left)
Cricket5467 said:
Which version of the flashing tool do you use? The site that I found the stock firmware from has Jelly bean stock and kitkat stock but they each have a different version of the flashing tool software. (xdafirmware).
When I connect my phone to the PC the LED light only comes on for a couple seconds and then turns off?
Also does it matter if I have a 64bit windows 7 or 32bit windows 7? Thanks for your detailed guide, I am about to try it. Really appreciate it.
These are all the files I have for the drivers and firmware. (kitkat on the right and jellybean on the left)
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I used gnqc download tool v2.1.0.1, v1.6.9.0 didn't work on my windows 7. I think windows xp is required for that version. I really don't know if it will work on 64bit as mine is 32, but its worth giving a shot. At first my phone's led wasn't blinking but then after draining battery, it installed as USB input device and started to blink. Always uninstall the usb input device when it installs as that because it is worthless to have around. Good luck.
how i know if the battery is drained?
The device doesn't starts to know this.
(sorry for my bad english)
Video Help
Can you please make a dummy video of step 1
StarLord21 said:
Unfortunately I was one of the users that hard bricked their Gionee elife e7(my story - i tried to activate virtual softkey then systemui stopped working and I tried to flash with KitKat firmware but got fire hose error and that began my troubles). Well I guess my loss is your gain.
Generally the problem is not the flashing but the fact that it is connected as a USB hid instead of qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006(mine was connected as 9006). After trying so many combos and waiting for every last battery juice to dissolve, I found a combo that 'might' (not guaranteed) get you connected as qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006 (as I said before I got 9006 and it worked. If you get 9008 just try and see if it works .
- no download links will be posted here. The required files are the gnqc download tool and official stock firmware which you should already have.
- this is only for guys who can't boot their elife e7 at all( if you can boot to fastboot or recovery... your phone ain't dead yet and you could still save it).
- I assume you have basic knowledge of flashing firmware with gnqc download tool.
- I assume you have already installed the required drivers, have gnqc_download tool and have an official stock firmware for gionee elife e7 specific to your phone variant(32gb/16gb, E7/E7L/E7T and India/Chinese etc) of any android version(I used KitKat stock firmware and it worked but I highly recommend the stock jb 4.2.2). For some reason gnqc download tool didn't work properly in compatibility mode on my windows 10 partition but worked on windows 7. So I highly recommend windows 7.
- I also assume you have patience because this is war against your bricked elife and there could be lots of failures!
Now unto serious business!
- if you have just hard bricked the phone and it can't boot up, connect it to your pc, if it is connected as qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006 skip next step. If not... follow next step of course.
- Now for the dreaded USB HID. If you drain battery and it still connects as USB HID with blinking red LED try this. Uninstall the USB HID/USB input device the phone installed as(careful not to uninstall your mouse for desktop users). While still connected to PC, hold power button till red light stops blinking. Stop holding power button and immediately detach USB chord then hold volume up and volume down simultaneously in quick succession. Hold them down for quite a while. After much trial and error, i discovered that you have to hold power button for 12 seconds before phone restarts( into the dreaded black screen obviously. Tho it might not be 12 secs but that is what worked for me). So on the 12th second detach chord and press volume up and down simultaneously for quite a while. Then connect phone to PC while still holding the volume buttons(a second pair of hands might be required for precision). If all goes well, four unknown devices will appear in device manager. Wait till windows finishes installation and if you see qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006, you are good to go.
- Next, open the gnqc download.exe browse to your phone's firmware location. If it shows cant find mprg8x26.mbn, select 8974 in platform and if mprg8974.mbn is not found change to 8x26.
- When all is set and you see the 'Start download' button turn green, click on it. It should start download hopefully without error messages. After that, It should reboot to red Gionee logo then the white one and then to setup.
If all went well, you have successfully unbricked your Gionee elife e7! And also saved it from all phones' nightmare - your drawer.
If this works well for you feel free to click thanks and if you have a lot of joy in your heart, donate. Good luck and happy unbricking!
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Dear Starlord,
experiencing major problems in step 1
(Now for the dreaded USB HID. If you drain battery and it still connects as USB HID with blinking red LED try this. Uninstall the USB HID/USB input device the phone installed as(careful not to uninstall your mouse for desktop users). While still connected to PC, hold power button till red light stops blinking. Stop holding power button and immediately detach USB chord then hold volume up and volume down simultaneously in quick succession. Hold them down for quite a while. After much trial and error, i discovered that you have to hold power button for 12 seconds before phone restarts( into the dreaded black screen obviously. Tho it might not be 12 secs but that is what worked for me). So on the 12th second detach chord and press volume up and down simultaneously for quite a while. Then connect phone to PC while still holding the volume buttons(a second pair of hands might be required for precision). If all goes well, four unknown devices will appear in device manager. Wait till windows finishes installation and if you see qcom hs-usb qloader 9008/9006, you are good to go.)
My computer beeps when i connect my phone and refreshes the device manager but i cannot see any new device there.
Am i using the wrong drivers for my device?
Or should i been doing something wrong here.
Can you please elaborate this step of a very detailed tutorial here.
Does anybody resolved the brick using this method and willing to help?
The complete solution
Hey all.
Just have a look here
Success full unbrick my Gionee e 7 v5626
My ginee e7 hard brick 17/12/2015 company service center give me 8k estimate for repair but i m not fools so that time i paked my phone on cupboard ..suddenly 20/1/2016 i need simcard which i used for those phone..unpacked my e7 and remove sim card at that time luckily sit near my charger so i pinned charger pin in mobile i saw that red light flashing that so i m surprised i open my pc and search about it i reached xda forums and i see many solution but no one trick help me but they help me lots right way ..i download T8143 zip firmware for my Gionee e7 32gb_0301_v5626 model from Google and use flash tool wich included firmware zip..
All time i connect device to pc my pc detect hid/usb divice ...than 21/1/2016 my device connected pc and restart my pc at after restart i saw one iobit driver booster app wich notify me i have 3 new drive update one is my nvdia display one is my internet adapter ..but last one is unknown device detected ...than i click update now phone atomatic connect port ALCTEL HS Usb QDloder 9008 (port20) i open flash tool select firmware and select 8974 instead of 8x26 ..start download withing 5 minutes my phone downloaded 100% successfull now after 2 minutes i remove phone to pc connect charger red light start continue and 10 minutes later i pressed power button 15 second and my phone start like new unroot ..i al to happy that night ..thanks to all who give me right direction..thanks all ..sorry for bad English..
Sunilkumar Chaudhari said:
Success full unbrick my Gionee e 7 v5626
My ginee e7 hard brick 17/12/2015 company service center give me 8k estimate for repair but i m not fools so that time i paked my phone on cupboard ..suddenly 20/1/2016 i need simcard which i used for those phone..unpacked my e7 and remove sim card at that time luckily sit near my charger so i pinned charger pin in mobile i saw that red light flashing that so i m surprised i open my pc and search about it i reached xda forums and i see many solution but no one trick help me but they help me lots right way ..i download T8143 zip firmware for my Gionee e7 32gb_0301_v5626 model from Google and use flash tool wich included firmware zip..
All time i connect device to pc my pc detect hid/usb divice ...than 21/1/2016 my device connected pc and restart my pc at after restart i saw one iobit driver booster app wich notify me i have 3 new drive update one is my nvdia display one is my internet adapter ..but last one is unknown device detected ...than i click update now phone atomatic connect port ALCTEL HS Usb QDloder 9008 (port20) i open flash tool select firmware and select 8974 instead of 8x26 ..start download withing 5 minutes my phone downloaded 100% successfull now after 2 minutes i remove phone to pc connect charger red light start continue and 10 minutes later i pressed power button 15 second and my phone start like new unroot ..i al to happy that night ..thanks to all who give me right direction..thanks all ..sorry for bad English..
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Dear Sunilkumar can you please share a zip file for the drivers . . . . My Elife E7 is hardbricked aswell . . . Would be very thankful for your help. when i connect to pc Red light flashes only once for 2-3 seconds and it installs as usb input device. I tried the step 1 mentioned by starlord but qloader does not appear . . . again and again it installs as usb input . . . i have also installed driver booster but it is not giving update as in your case . . . can you please share driver zip files
---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------
its2kool said:
Dear Sunilkumar can you please share a zip file for the drivers . . . . My Elife E7 is hardbricked aswell . . . Would be very thankful for your help. when i connect to pc Red light flashes only once for 2-3 seconds and it installs as usb input device. I tried the step 1 mentioned by starlord but qloader does not appear . . . again and again it installs as usb input . . . i have also installed driver booster but it is not giving update as in your case . . . can you please share driver zip files
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Just Unbricked My Elife E7 Big Thanks to Sunil Kumar and XDA community. My phone was being detected as usb input device in first attemp but letting phone connected and restarting with vol up + vol down the computer detecdted unknown device driver booster identified it as ALCTEL HS Usb QDloder 9008. Driver booster detected and installed driver automatically after that i was able to update my phone. Many thanks Sunil. You saved a Worthy hardware from worst nightmare . . . MY DRAWER . . . Thanks mate
Welcome friend.
Sunilkumar Chaudhari said:
Success full unbrick my Gionee e 7 v5626
My ginee e7 hard brick 17/12/2015 company service center give me 8k estimate for repair but i m not fools so that time i paked my phone on cupboard ..suddenly 20/1/2016 i need simcard which i used for those phone..unpacked my e7 and remove sim card at that time luckily sit near my charger so i pinned charger pin in mobile i saw that red light flashing that so i m surprised i open my pc and search about it i reached xda forums and i see many solution but no one trick help me but they help me lots right way ..i download T8143 zip firmware for my Gionee e7 32gb_0301_v5626 model from Google and use flash tool wich included firmware zip..
All time i connect device to pc my pc detect hid/usb divice ...than 21/1/2016 my device connected pc and restart my pc at after restart i saw one iobit driver booster app wich notify me i have 3 new drive update one is my nvdia display one is my internet adapter ..but last one is unknown device detected ...than i click update now phone atomatic connect port ALCTEL HS Usb QDloder 9008 (port20) i open flash tool select firmware and select 8974 instead of 8x26 ..start download withing 5 minutes my phone downloaded 100% successfull now after 2 minutes i remove phone to pc connect charger red light start continue and 10 minutes later i pressed power button 15 second and my phone start like new unroot ..i al to happy that night ..thanks to all who give me right direction..thanks all ..sorry for bad English..
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Hello, Sunilkumar!
What are the used files for you?
Can you upload the files used, please?
Probably, the files must be as: MPRG8626.mbn, singleimage.mbn and the flash tool program.

Meizu m2 note bricked.

I have meizu m2 note. Its now bricked. I was using sp flash tool to unlock the bootloader and install twrp recovery.
i was following the guide giving on youtube. I can't attach an outside link here.
So i did everything this guide said, but on the last step when i switched off my phone and connected to the usb port. The sp flash tool stopped working i waited for 5-10 mins. Finally it crashed. Now when i try to connect my phone it says usb device not recognised (the last device you connected to this computer malfunctioned). I cannot start my phone. I tried pressing the power button for 10 secs, tried pressing volume + with power button, nothing happens.
Anybody have any idea how to solve this.
Go to download old version Flyme os 4+ any but original rom you have must install,
And dow load any latest sp tool,
And also downlaod latest all mtk devices drivers,
If you have system knoledge you can install all of these pc softwares,
Test it once again your phone connecting to computer,
Just detected only nothing. Can do that its just detected your will be alive soon but its very easy if you know a little bit mobile knowledge,
Lets go to process
Step 1 check best and good branded usb connecting cable, test to connect usb cable to your phone,
Step 2 extract Flyme stock rom, and extract mtk sp tool,
Step 3 open sp tool showing error there is no any scatter. Or download file dont worry, da file availble at sptools folder you can go and select, and scatter. File availble at flyme stock rom folder lets check it then select firmware all formate and install that you have to select that option, then you select download and now connect your phone just leave ituntill done then your phone is will alive feel happy like me if you need any more information any other problem connect. To. Me
Can you speak more clearly?I don't understand.Because my English is not very good.
zzx3731 said:
Can you speak more clearly?I don't understand.Because my English is not very good.
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What problem with your phone?
Hi ! I have the same problem right now, when I plug it, it says device not recognised, what could I do now ?
Thank you very much,This is my mobile phone. It's done.Thank you for your kindness.
Hagadou said:
What problem with your phone?
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I been able to install LineageOS, I fixed it by pressing home and menu button, it disconnect and reconnect and i been able to Re-flash it with the recovery and when i tried to install Lineage, my error was gone (error 7)

Lenovo Vibe K4 Note Can't Flash File Sp Flash Tool

Hi I'm new for this forum II have a lenovo vibe k4 note that will be bricked during upgrade session...I'm already used RR version 5.8.5. when I tried to next update my phone stuck up at and not finish to flash but I'm waiting to long,then my phone has reach a battery low and will it be turn off.I'm try to open but stuck at logo solved I'm flash a firmware s232 using sp flash tool but I'm worst I have no luck when my phone connect to USB its automatically open up and vibrate when I pressed DOWNLOAD button in sp flash tool.Please help me how to re flash or downgrage my phone when its come like this
PS. Sorry my bad english
Press Download button fist, then connect your phone after. Charging your phone to full, then try again. Maybe you should to change the usb port or download the other rom (I downloaded from
chuate92 said:
Press Download button fist, then connect your phone after. Charging your phone to full, then try again. Maybe you should to change the usb port or download the other rom (I downloaded from
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Thank you for your time sir but I have no luck when I pressed Download button then connect USB phone to computer its vibrate and screen open lenovo logo display that's why sp flash tool didn't work
jblonz said:
Thank you for your time sir but I have no luck when I pressed Download button then connect USB phone to computer its vibrate and screen open lenovo logo display that's why sp flash tool didn't work
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Did you install driver for you smartphone? And try this: on flash tool go Options --> option ... --> connection, choose "with battery".
Replace Cable for Mobile not Other Cable
chuate92 said:
Did you install driver for you smartphone? And try this: on flash tool go Options --> option ... --> connection, choose "with battery".
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Maybe cable didn't work caused cable be used is for jbl.
First install Mediatek USB Drivers and then click on download button and after that connect your phone. And that should help you.
Assuming that your pc has already been installed with mediatek usb drivers,you have to click download first and then connect usb to mobile(must be in shutdown mode) by holding both volume buttons,then after at max 2 min downloading will be done. This process has worked fine with me...hope it helps...
chuate92 said:
Did you install driver for you smartphone? And try this: on flash tool go Options --> option ... --> connection, choose "with battery".
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I had choose with battery option , latest lenovo usb driver installed then after pressing download and then connecting my phone it does Nothing it shows logo and starts charging in power off mode please do something???????
Waiting for your reply
Did u get it to work
How about now ? Have you found a solution to your problem? I also need the same solution because I can't flash with the error that always appears s_ft_enable_dram_failed.

[Firmware] for the SWM8802

Finally there is a complete working firmware (for sp flash tools) for the bricked or in bootloop hanging SWM8802.
If you're device is working wel, then is my advice have fun with it and do not flash it!!
If there is an update from the manufacturer i will update the post with it.
For the bricked or in bootloop hanging SWM8802 follow these steps:
1) Download Firmware, sp flash tools and mt8127 vcom usb drivers from the link bellow.
2) Extract the folders.
3) Disconnect the device completely from the power!! (I use a 12v adapter to connect the device at home).
4) Open sp flash tools and choose scatter-loading File (search the one located in the swm8802 firmware folder).
5) Press download button in sp flash tools.
[B][COLOR="Magenta"][COLOR="Red"]"Keep in mind that after connecting the power (in my case adapter),
you only have 2 - 3 seconds to connect the usb cable between the device and computer.
That is why you should already connect the USB cable to the computer or the device before starting to flash"
6) Power on you're device.
7) Connect the unit to the computer with a usb cable on the front usb port of you're device.
8) If you have done all the steps right, sp flash tool will start flashing your device.
Firmware, sp flash tools and mt8127 vcom usb drivers (all in one zip file):
Tutorial on how to install Windows 10 mtk vcom usb drivers:
With great thanks to 4PDA for the hard work!
reserved for possible possible updates ........
Since using this firmware update on the SWM8802, has it gotten bricked or stuck in a bootloop at all again? Or is it working 100% perfectly fine? Any issues you're aware of? Thanks!
The-Ace said:
Since using this firmware update on the SWM8802, has it gotten bricked or stuck in a bootloop at all again? Or is it working 100% perfectly fine? Any issues you're aware of? Thanks!
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I have the idea that my stereo is working beter, i used the option format in SP flash tools. The only thing is that i needed to find a navigation software because the IGO wasnt there anymore.
No issues or something that i have seen or feel in this rom. The only problem is, i dont like that i can not turn off the beep from the touchscreen in the settings.
my device does not work now does not turn on, Please help with another firmware for my swm8802
thank you
Hi, I have a similar problem with my SWM 8806 unit. I follow all the steps published in this thread but the SP Flash Tool can´t download the firmware (MT8127). It seems like a problem with the Drivers. I have installed the PreLoader USB VCOM, DA USB VCOM, USB PORT and USB VCOM in a Windows 7 laptop.
This is the log:
MainWindow::CreateDLSetting(): Download sceneDOWNLOAD_ONLY).(..\..\flashtool\UI\src\MainWindow.cpp,472)
ISetting::set_stop_flag(): dummpy stop_flag(0x04D81180) set.(d:\home\mtk14060\autoscript\project\wcp2_cleanroom\da\download_agent_main\flashtool\setting\ISetting.h,45)
APCore::Connection::ConnectBROM(): Connecting to BROM...(..\..\flashtool\Conn\Connection.cpp,72)
APCore::ConnMediaUSB:reConnect(): Scanning USB port...(..\..\flashtool\Conn\ConnMedia.cpp,55)
APCore::ConnMediaUSB::Search(): Search usb, timeout set as 120000 ms(..\..\flashtool\Conn\ConnMedia.cpp,21)
USBSetting::SearchUSBPortPool(): SearchUSBPortPool failed!(..\..\flashtool\Conn\USBSetting.cpp,165)
USBSetting::Search(): Scaning USB port failed!(..\..\flashtool\Conn\USBSetting.cpp,139)
APCore::ConnMediaUSB:reConnect(): Failed to find USB port(..\..\flashtool\Conn\ConnMedia.cpp,74)
APCore::Connection::ConnectBROM(): Connect BROM failed: S_TIMEOUT(..\..\flashtool\Conn\Connection.cpp,99)
APCore::Connection:isconnect(): Disconnect!(..\..\flashtool\Conn\Connection.cpp,155)
BackgroundWorker::run(): BROM Exception! ( ERROR : S_TIMEOUT (1042)
Somebody know what I´m doing wrong ?
Can anyone make video of this instruction?
I had bootloop but after Im trying this solution my device is dead after I was put usb A-A to front panel.
can you tell me me some infos about this unit before i buy ?
1] i Want to know the Antutu score of this unit
2] I want to know what GPU chip has. should be Mali400 or 450 i guess,
3] if it supports OTG
samm000 said:
I have the idea that my stereo is working beter, i used the option format in SP flash tools. The only thing is that i needed to find a navigation software because the IGO wasnt there anymore.
No issues or something that i have seen or feel in this rom. The only problem is, i dont like that i can not turn off the beep from the touchscreen in the settings.
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can you tell us how you flash the new firmware.
i have the igo backup if you want it
thank you
mihaiwasile said:
my device does not work now does not turn on, Please help with another firmware for my swm8802
thank you
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my unit is now in the same condition....All i get now are DRAM errors...
Upgade the firmware
Hi guys
i finaly found out how to flash our cheap android 8702 player.
first of all download this
then unzip it to desktop
then go to device manager and add a divice manual choozing the one from the file you unzip
instal drivers media tek da usb vcom port
and mediatek preloader usb vcom port
you will not see any new device in device manager just add the drivers
now oper the flash tool and select the scater file ftom the swm8802 firmware folder
then choose format all +download
you are ready now just klick on the green download arrow
after you do that conect the male to male usb cable to pc and to the front usb port at the player and after conect the power cable
now it start to flash the new firmware.
what i found after instaling is that the player is 4.4.4 and its faster
it is rooted
and it needs igo to be installed so copy your igo to sd before upgrade
there is also to download if you like this is very easy to flash
just copy the to sd and go to settings / about device / locale update and click update
everything work grate to me.
good luck
sorry for my bad english
make video
can u make video to see how is working and the interface and i want to know if u can change the radio fm backround
LudaNick10 said:
can u make video to see how is working and the interface and i want to know if u can change the radio fm backround
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It is exactly the same with the original but faster.
And it is rooted it has super user su.
You can change the background of the radio if you change the backgroud of the default launcer the same background goes to radio.
I will try to make a video just give me time
socioan said:
It is exactly the same with the original but faster.
And it is rooted it has super user su.
You can change the background of the radio if you change the backgroud of the default launcer the same background goes to radio.
I will try to make a video just give me time
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Does this work on the swm 8802? just run the update?
Anyone tested this with 8802?
Thanks for this info, your english is not that bad!
If have been struggling to flash my swm8802, been following all the steps/downloaded the drivers/scatter files and flash tool.
Still unable to get the flash tool to run, could it be because my unit is still in the vehicle connected to power cord? Could it be that the drivers isnt installed correctly?(code 10 error with yellow sign on driver) or is it as simple perhaps the usb cable is faulty? When plugging in laptop(windows10) I dont see or hear any sign that a unit is plugged in, should I see something?
Sorry for lengthy Questions
Barnard27 said:
Thanks for this info, your english is not that bad!
If have been struggling to flash my swm8802, been following all the steps/downloaded the drivers/scatter files and flash tool.
Still unable to get the flash tool to run, could it be because my unit is still in the vehicle connected to power cord? Could it be that the drivers isnt installed correctly?(code 10 error with yellow sign on driver) or is it as simple perhaps the usb cable is faulty? When plugging in laptop(windows10) I dont see or hear any sign that a unit is plugged in, should I see something?
Sorry for lengthy Questions
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To make flash tool to work you must first take out the unit from the car. Then have ready an external power and a usb cable plugged to the pc. Start the flash tool press download and then plug the power to the unit and immediately the usd. Flash tool must start downloading
thanks for reply on taking the unit totally out of power, I managed to get it flashed...and now the unit is dead, no button lights no screen, as if the power is totally gone. Please tel me this is the norm and i just need to keep something in for couple of seconds?
Barnard27 said:
thanks for reply on taking the unit totally out of power, I managed to get it flashed...and now the unit is dead, no button lights no screen, as if the power is totally gone. Please tel me this is the norm and i just need to keep something in for couple of seconds?
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I just tell you what i have done.
i don't know what was the external power that you give to your unit it should be 12V and it has positive and negative
you must know what you do and do it at your risk sorry for your unit but i am writing what i have done
Barnard27 said:
thanks for reply on taking the unit totally out of power, I managed to get it flashed...and now the unit is dead, no button lights no screen, as if the power is totally gone. Please tel me this is the norm and i just need to keep something in for couple of seconds?
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Even my unit died after the procedure that seemed to have been successful. I can't even run the procedure again as it gives me a "DRAM" error (4032). Barnard27 managed to solve the problem? Who could help me? Thank you!
