Google Play Services draining battery in 3G/4G - OnePlus 5 Questions & Answers

Under WiFi, my OnePlus 5 makes 5 or 5 hours and half of active screen. Under 3G instead, battery leasts really less (about 3 or 3 hours and half) because Google Play Services spends a lot of battery: the same of Display in percentage. I tried to reset my phone and to reinstall software from adb too. Any solution for this problem?

rirri said:
Under WiFi, my OnePlus 5 makes 5 or 5 hours and half of active screen. Under 3G instead, battery leasts really less (about 3 or 3 hours and half) because Google Play Services spends a lot of battery: the same of Display in percentage. I tried to reset my phone and to reinstall software from adb too. Any solution for this problem?
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Get Wakelock Detector Lite from the playstore and figure out exactly what function of the Google Services rip your battery apart.
I would recommend rooting the phone and disabling your culprits (for me it was net scheduling, safe to turn off).
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk

ipredatorv said:
Get Wakelock Detector Lite from the playstore and figure out exactly what function of the Google Services rip your battery apart.
I would recommend rooting the phone and disabling your culprits (for me it was net scheduling, safe to turn off).
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I rooted my device and installed Wakelock Detector. Opening the app a toast message always says: "Failed ti perform this task at the moment, please try again". What can i do to make this app working?

rirri said:
I rooted my device and installed Wakelock Detector. Opening the app a toast message always says: "Failed ti perform this task at the moment, please try again". What can i do to make this app working?
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I said Wakelock Detector LITE and not the rooted version. The rooted version is broken as the dev didn't update it yet.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk

If you rooted your device with Magisk there's a module that allows Google Play Services to go into doze mode--normally it's exempt. You can also install the Greenify module which allows more aggressive doze than stock Android. Or you could go the route of identifying and blocking specific wakelocks as the earlier poster suggested.

Ok, this is the report form Wakelock Detector (phone battery was at 22%). What should I do now?

rirri said:
Ok, this is the report form Wakelock Detector (phone battery was at 22%). What should I do now?
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You got the same wakelocks as me. Luckily I got the perfect link for you. Follow the guide and you'll be good.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk


Android OS stay awake time very long

My Android OS is showing a stay always time of over 17 hours (out of a 20 hour run time where my battery is completely depleted). Is there anyway I can find out what cause it?
I am already on 4.2.2
elty123 said:
My Android OS is showing a stay always time of over 17 hours (out of a 20 hour run time where my battery is completely depleted). Is there anyway I can find out what cause it?
I am already on 4.2.2
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Android os = apps . Facebook maybe ?
You're experiencing wakelocks. Might wanna do some research on the forum so that you can post logs for people to analyze what's really eating your battery.
Sfkn2 said:
You're experiencing wakelocks. Might wanna do some research on the forum so that you can post logs for people to analyze what's really eating your battery.
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THIS. I was having problems with wakelocks and traced them back to these few things below which got my battery life to greatly increase once disabled.
1) using dashclock extensions like FB and gmail
2) leaving google sync on in settings for the various google services
3) corporate email exchange servers
4) setting a long time variable for the phone to lock after the screen turns off (i did this to prevent putting in a pin to unlock but it kept the phone awake after the screen turned off)
5) live wall papers
There is also a known issue in the stock kernel that causes the phone to stay awake when it is supposed to go into sleep mode during extended periods of inactivity. This can be solved by using a custom kernel just as Franco r90 which has implemented patches in order to allow the phone to go into sleep to preserve battery. It is expected to be fixed in the next official OTA from google although this was also expected to be in 4.2.2 and was not fixed fully.
Same issue here. 4.2.2 stock kernel+rom, rooted
BBS shows "suspend_backoff" is at 45% no idea what's causing that.
Disabled pretty much all of the sync services but no improvement.
Interestingly right after the 4.2.2 update, the battery life was good.
Download this app and it will keep your applications from running in the background.
Here's the forum for the application.
scream4cheese said:
Download this app and it will keep your applications from running in the background.
Here's the forum for the application.
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So far so good! totally eliminated the suspend_backoff wakeup
akiv said:
So far so good! totally eliminated the suspend_backoff wakeup
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Update: Worked for a day now suspend_backoff is back. Happened after a recharge.
Could it be that afther the phone is charged something gets changed.
Edit: Runnig franco r90 kernel
I'm having the same problem with the Android OS draining lots of battery. When I reboot it sometimes helps but not consistently unfortunately.
Jester23 said:
I'm having the same problem with the Android OS draining lots of battery. When I reboot it sometimes helps but not consistently unfortunately.
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I have narrowed my problem down to places where I use wifi transmitted by a lot of routers (Office wifi)
akiv said:
I have narrowed my problem down to places where I use wifi transmitted by a lot of routers (Office wifi)
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I turn off my wifi when not home so I don't think that's the issue here.. I've tried removing a few apps like dash clock and my live wallpaper to see if it helps my issue. Will report back.
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Google play services has something to do with the high usage. Yesterday I was near 20% usage today I disabled it and android os is at 7%. It only affects YouTube app for me, but the browser version is fine. I haven't seen any adverse affects other than maybe losing updates to the play store and ota updates which I don't care about because that's what xda and Roms are for. Now it may be placebo, but it also seems like the ui is smoother. Battery has improved greatly with sot of 3 hours with 57% left.
how do you disable Google play services?
Try using the app greenify if your rooted.. It's been helping my battery life. Use it on maps and that will help. If maps is set as a system app, move it or just install banks minimal gapps so you can download from play store.
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[Q] [HELP] Suspend_backoff wakelock

Hey, my friends!
I have recently bought my great new phone- the LG Nexus 4. I am also quite happy with it, but I am facing wakelocks, so I can not reach deep sleep. That consumes battery, etc...
I've tried really everything- uninstalled Google maps and Google Search,
freezed Facebook, prevented many autostarts of apps that do not need them. But the wakelock ist still present, even if sync is OFF!!
Btw- i installed the newest factory image and then went straight to CM.1 to have a real fresh install.
I used SPY Cpu and Better Battery Stats to analyze. In the appendix you will find som random logcats and screen pictures.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
In the case of grammatical errors I apologize.
Thanks in advance!
With kind regards,
1/ Install stock ROM.
2/ Clean Phone of everything.
3/ Install 1 app per day and monitor
4/ Rinse and repeat until you find the offending app.
Whenever that wakelocks appear (randomly) I just reboot and that will do the trick.
AW: [Q] [HELP] Suspend_backoff wakelock
CrazyPeter said:
1/ Install stock ROM.
2/ Clean Phone of everything.
3/ Install 1 app per day and monitor
4/ Rinse and repeat until you find the offending app.
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Good idea, but seems to be to difficult ! Thanks anyway!
calanizzle said:
Whenever that wakelocks appear (randomly) I just reboot and that will do the trick.
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Not working.
AW: [Q] [HELP] Suspend_backoff wakelock
Wakelocks came from experience Pro when touchwake or when autostart were enabled.
Sv: [Q] [HELP] Suspend_backoff wakelock
Do you have Google Chrome installed then try to uncheck everything under settings/developer tools.
That helped for me.
Skickat från min Nexus 4 via Tapatalk 2
AW: [Q] [HELP] Suspend_backoff wakelock
berg82 said:
Do you have Google Chrome installed then try to uncheck everything under settings/developer tools.
That helped for me.
Skickat från min Nexus 4 via Tapatalk 2
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Yes i do. And i tried to uninstall but it didn't help. I discovered that this came from that app mentioned before- experience pro by enabling touch wake.
Now I use Google chrome with default settings and I there are no wakelocks anymore.
Wake locks are almost always caused by apps, except the kernel wake locks like the infamous hsic. Anyway, Facebook app is a major source of wake locks and even if you freeze the app, its associated services run silently behind the scene. Your best bet is to never ever install such rogue apps in the first place.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
AW: [Q] [HELP] Suspend_backoff wakelock
jamesc760 said:
Wake locks are almost always caused by apps, except the kernel wake locks like the infamous hsic. Anyway, Facebook app is a major source of wake locks and even if you freeze the app, its associated services run silently behind the scene. Your best bet is to never ever install such rogue apps in the first place.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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It wasnt facebook. I disabled all autostart receivers from that app ))
What is hsic wakelock? Thank you!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Wakelockmanager excessive wakelocks!!

Hello everyone!
I've been having excessive wakelocks from "wakelockmanager", check out Wakelock Detector stats on the attached image. I'm using CleanROM 1.5 with Galaxy Gear connected all the time. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
XanoZuke said:
Hello everyone!
I've been having excessive wakelocks from "wakelockmanager", check out Wakelock Detector stats on the attached image. I'm using CleanROM 1.5 with Galaxy Gear connected all the time. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
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I've done some other tests and I only see the wakelocks when I'm connected to the mobile network (with or without data). I use my Verizon Note 3 on GSM/WCDMA.
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Any follow up on this? Having the same problem all of a sudden
Do you have Android Firewall and/or XPrivacy XPosed module?
I have T-Mobile Note 3 with stock ROM and I noticed this battery drain also when I have both installed. I actually have these wakelocks within 3 hours after rebooting.
- WakelockManagertimeout (runs 808 times)
- WakeLockManager (runs 1107 times)
So maybe it is something that is universal rather than restricted to a particular model (Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.)
I actually just installed xprivacy and rebooted. So far I don't have the wakelock anymore but has it within 6 hours or so after the first reboot... Frigging strange I can't pinpoint what it is even in BBS.
fookea said:
I actually just installed xprivacy and rebooted. So far I don't have the wakelock anymore but has it within 6 hours or so after the first reboot... Frigging strange I can't pinpoint what it is even in BBS.
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Probably the Android Firewall then. Some networking related process must be running in the background that intercept network request from the application.
However, if OP doesn't have these 2 apps, I am not sure what caused the excessive wakelocks...
Wakelock Detector quit working for me on 4.4.2. It crashes shortly after opening the app and giving it SU permissions.
i don't have Android firewall at all. I did deny some location and wakelock permissions in AppOps and it's better now. I'll post some pictures with the apps i have maybe we can compare them and find the culprit this way.!dIl3mRoa!XK4Yg1Dh-9E-AXgoA5BAIJm9qV-Y6QA2ewGU_JMuDUk!JZFm0RLY!V4Pu8elpJJN8Ufk8_k3qj-P1yoY_zruuv07wV84EM8A!tEUwVT4T!-UQPZdIGhCHgbvRvSe57l2i4ccPegRmUjDtr2OlCXoM!dF9jDDBY!sLRsk5b_Nur22gADlKx6vG7NcJ9T81lU5E0QpQXkOhA
Ignore the obvious ones like facebook and games.
I solved my issue. I ran Catlog and found that the csc was causing me a lot of wake locks. I have ORO CSC and flashed a SIN CSC. Somehow it was constantly trying something in the background. I deleted all the CSC folders except the common one and everything is back to normal. Also my Android OS and Android system are low now. The folders are located in /system/csc. I do advise backing them up in case something goes wrong.
Hope this helps

KitKat battery drain fix

I've tried this and its work for me.
1) Download Xposed installer from google store
2) Download WakeLock Terminator and add module to Xposed
3) Find Google Play Service in Terminator and set filter:
Checkin Service
The Xposed installer was removed from the Play store quite a while ago. You need to visit the thread here on XDA to get it - Link
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
for me worked:
turn of location service
reboot phone
back to normal, but still have unlock bug + lags
bollix said:
I've tried this and its work for me.
1) Download Xposed installer from google store
2) Download WakeLock Terminator and add module to Xposed
3) Find Google Play Service in Terminator and set filter:
Checkin Service
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Were you able to get at least a day of battery life for doing that?
bollix said:
I've tried this and its work for me.
1) Download Xposed installer from google store
2) Download WakeLock Terminator and add module to Xposed
3) Find Google Play Service in Terminator and set filter:
Checkin Service
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I dont find WackLock Terminator in Xposed....?!
AlexX-DE said:
I dont find WackLock Terminator in Xposed....?!
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It's not in the repo, probably because an in app purchase is required to unlock full functionality.
Here's the link to it on the Play store in any case -
Note that I haven't used it, so try at your own risk.
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
uchechris said:
Were you able to get at least a day of battery life for doing that?
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Google play Service still drain some.battery but i think, its quit.better.
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
Yeah sometimes that sh** google services start to draining battery.
You can try to kill it or restart the phone.
ninjy said:
Yeah sometimes that sh** google services start to draining battery.
You can try to kill it or restart the phone.
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Well this dont help
Hi guys, when I acces battery usage Google play service doesn't appear in 4.4.2.
I don't have any draining battery with Google play service and I can use XZ 1-2 days without recharging.
I'm the only one?
I don't have this problem. My battery seems to be the same as I had with JB 4.3
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
wolf.XZ said:
Hi guys, when I acces battery usage Google play service doesn't appear in 4.4.2.
I don't have any draining battery with Google play service and I can use XZ 1-2 days without recharging.
I'm the only one?
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No, you are not the only one ?. Its the same for me too.
Skickat från min C6603 via Tapatalk
Me too, google play service dont appear in my battery usage
wolf.XZ said:
Hi guys, when I acces battery usage Google play service doesn't appear in 4.4.2.
I don't have any draining battery with Google play service and I can use XZ 1-2 days without recharging.
I'm the only one?
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I have remove a google+. Since 6 o'clock in the mooring i have 60% stamina + wifi+ bluetooth and smart watch. Please check and confirm.
bollix said:
Google play Service still drain some.battery but i think, its quit.better.
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
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I have this problem in 4.3... don't think it's 4.4 related..
No problems here. I killed the Google plus thing, and the Sony social life app and I'm at 75% at 7.5 hours of up time. Phone says I should have another 18 hours to go at my current use rate. Today has been about the same usage as normal. For me the kk battery life is better.
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Hi all , I go to Settings->Security -> Uncheck Verify apps. The battery life was much better now.
wolf.XZ said:
Hi guys, when I acces battery usage Google play service doesn't appear in 4.4.2.
I don't have any draining battery with Google play service and I can use XZ 1-2 days without recharging.
I'm the only one?
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how's this without recharging?! i can clearly see it was recharged!
Alhaddad said:
how's this without recharging?! i can clearly see it was recharged!
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If I say I can use it 1-2 days without recharging this doesn't mean I didn't recharged a little bit when I took the screenshot.
The phone was connected to my pc for 1-2 hours.
The battery can work 1-2 days with 1h calls in a day + 3h music in my headphones + 1h on internet with 4g.
if i use app disable service, where i can find it???

Google Play Service battery drain cause?

I tried searching Google for battery drain related to Play Services. Up until my phone had official KitKat, even with CM11, the battery drain from play services was never this horrendous (about 36% battery usage).
The only thing I could find besides version 4.4 was the "fix" for battery drain related to location was that some Sony devices, upon upgrading to KitKat, suffered similar problems with battery.
I've come to the conclusion the RAZR HD/MAXX HD suffer from the same issue.
Downloading BetterBatteryStats I found when GPS was the only way of doing location services, the battery drain is ~1% an hour. When I had high accuracy or battery savings mode, the drain was ~3.5% an hour. This is the EXACT issue that the Xperia devices are suffering from.
So, for all those on KitKat who are experiencing battery drain, try switching to Device Only. This will utilize only GPS satellites to determine location. You will lose location based stuff in Google Now, suck as traffic or weather but your battery will last much longer.
I looked through and didn't see anything about this in any other thread, so I decided to make a new one. Hopefully Google updates Play Services to be a bit more friendly with LTE and WiFi location settings soon (I'm looking at you, I/O).
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using XDA Free mobile app
Another potential way around this is possibly using the Greenify app, if you're rooted. You'll also have to donate ($2.99 USD) but it's well worth it if you ask me. I actually used my Amazon Coins to donate that way.
With a donated version, you can hibernate system apps, but you have to be careful because hibernating certain system apps could cause other apps to no longer work (which is easy to fix - just unhibernate them). But, this is different from freezing apps. Freezing an app means you've disabled it. What Greenify does is prevent the phone from starting up apps when the screen is off (wake lock). But, you can launch the app yourself and it will fire up (albeit maybe a little slower since it wasn't pre-loaded) and then when the screen goes back off, Greenify will hibernate the apps again.
This is another way to stop apps from firing up when you're not using your phone. I've noticed Google Play services going nuts one time. A reboot cured it, but I wasn't sure what apps would have been using it. I've since Greenified some regular apps and I haven't seen it happen again.
But, Greenify is definitely something to look at. The non-donation version only allows you to greenify non-system apps, but even for those, it works really well.
You can get it at Google Play or at Amazon App store.
I haven't got issues with battery drain at the moment but I bookmarked this link of reddit and maybe it help you.
Sorry for the English
Enviado desde mi RAZR HD mediante Tapatalk
I believe I read that thread, too. It is helpful to understand that Google Now is really what's killing the battery. I've noticed that the battery life is one again incredible on my phone after changing to device only. This allows me to still use navigation if necessary and also allows my weather extension in DashClock to work because the one I installed allows the phone to read GPS location instead of relying on my network location. So for now while I lose traffic updates and weather updates through the Google search app, it's not SO bad. I seriously hope they modify the number of times that Google pings for your location or figure out how to cause less drain on the battery, because I find the location stuff incredibly useful at times.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Free mobile app
Looking through the time line today saw this thread and remembered this app. Hopefully its helpfull
