moto z notification led - Moto Z Play Guides, News, & Discussion

Just to let you guys know, you can have the charging indicator as a notification light if you have
1) root
2) tasker or another similar application.
The command to use the led is
Echo X > /sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
X to be substituted for values 0,1,2,3.
0 = off
1 = fast blink
2 = slow blink
3 = solid
Unfortunately the led is only white but beggars can't be choosers.
You need 2 profiles, one for when the notification comes on, and one for when the notification is removed.

I have a basic understanding of Tasker. Once these 2 profiles are created do I need to do anything else for my apps such as messaging or email to use them? Would you be able to attach your profiles?

Profile: Notification (2)
Event: Notification [ Owner Application:Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Messages, TypeApp, WhatsApp, Push Notification Tester Title:* Text:* Subtext:* Messages:* Other Text:* Cat:* New Onlyff ]
Enter: Light (3)
A1: Run Shell [ Command:echo 2 > /sys/class/leds/charging/brightness Timeout (Seconds):0 Use Rootn Store Output In: Store Errors In: Store Result In: ]
Profile: Notification Removed (4)
Event: Notification Removed [ Owner Application:* Title:* Text:* Subtext:* Other Text:* Cat:* ]
Enter: Light Off (5)
A1: Run Shell [ Command:echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/charging/brightness Timeout (Seconds):0 Use Rootn Store Output In: Store Errors In: Store Result In: ]

Thank you for the quick reply. Would it be possible for you to backup your profiles and attach the xml file here for easy import?

governmentissuejoe said:
Thank you for the quick reply. Would it be possible for you to backup your profiles and attach the xml file here for easy import?
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Here you go

The LED was always used for notifications for me on LineageOS, without needing any additional applications.

BtbN said:
The LED was always used for notifications for me on LineageOS, without needing any additional applications.
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That's lineageos. Unfortunately for those of us who want to use stock we have not much of a choice.

Apart from promoting Moto App where you have notifications on screen, I see no reason why we can't use LED for notification without root. It'll be very useful...

davtse said:
Echo X > /sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
0 = off
1 = fast blink
2 = slow blink
3 = solid
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Great find! Unfortunately it is not working overly well on my Moto Z Play. The LED blinks very erratically. I even tried scripting my own blink pattern with the following code:
Run echo 3 > /sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
Wait 2 seconds
Run echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
Wait 2 seconds
Goto start
Sometimes, the LED lights up for 2 seconds and goes dark for 2 seconds. Other times I see the LED blinking for a split second, and going dark for ~3.5 seconds. Something seems to interfere or the LED reacts slowly at times.
Btw., I am running the official Lenovo Marshmallow.

daniel_m said:
Great find! Unfortunately it is not working overly well on my Moto Z Play. The LED blinks very erratically. I even tried scripting my own blink pattern with the following code:
Sometimes, the LED lights up for 2 seconds and goes dark for 2 seconds. Other times I see the LED blinking for a split second, and going dark for ~3.5 seconds. Something seems to interfere or the LED reacts slowly at times.
Btw., I am running the official Lenovo Marshmallow.
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It's doze or some stock power save feature i think. I have the same problem on stock. Sigh.

davtse said:
It's doze or some stock power save feature i think. I have the same problem on stock. Sigh.
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I don't know if you have xposed installed, but if so, you can try the AppContext module.

governmentissuejoe said:
I don't know if you have xposed installed, but if so, you can try the AppContext module.
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The notification detection isn't the issue, the system seems to go wonky when the screen goes off, its like the led timer isn't consistently firing off the alarm.

davtse said:
The notification detection isn't the issue, the system seems to go wonky when the screen goes off, its like the led timer isn't consistently firing off the alarm.
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In order to test my task, I ran it with "screen on". Therefore I didn't even think about doze or other power saving mechanisms.
Damn-it! It is working correctly now
I didn't change anything in tasker. I use the following settings: "Run In Foreground -> On", "Show Notification Icon -> On", "Use Reliable Alarms -> Never" and "Reduce Resource Usage -> On"

Weird... Mine only seems to go wonky when the screen has been off for a while.


Low Power LED Notification

Hi all,
This may probably be normal but need to check with others.
When you on are on low battery status and the orange LED notification blinks does your phone blink for like 12 or 13 times(can't remember it exactly) and then the LED notification disappears i.e. no more flashing or colour in LED?
I thought the orange blink LED would blink continuously till battery expiration or do I need to change a setting?
Can anyone else confirm the above on their HTC HD2?
Hope this helps others:
Just to add to the above you need to do the below to get the notification to appear in the notification settings of the HD2. By default it ain't there and you need to use a reg editor to modify the key below to add a new string and name it to Low battery warning.
The instructions are below to getting the amber LED to continuously blink all the time. Mine was only blinking a few times and then disappeared and I was wondering why does it keep disappearing. Hope this helps others...
Using a regeditor I am using taskmanager:
1. Search for the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877 D663-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}\.
2. Next to Default the first option in the below window highlight it hold with finger and select edit and select value type REG_SZ. Then leave value name blank and type in Value data: Low battery warning tap on tick. Close task manager..
3. Now goto settings in HTC sense -> settings->menu ->all settings -> Sounds & Notifications applet -> Notifications tab, choose Low battery warning value from the Select an event drop-down menu and set flash light to whatever you want.
This way your orange LED battery low light blinks all the time now
xlr8me said:
Just to add to the above you need to do the below to get the notification to appear in the notification settings of the HD2. By default it ain't there and you need to use a reg editor to modify the key below to add a new string and name it to Low battery warning.
The instructions are below to getting the amber LED to continuously blink all the time. Mine was only blinking a few times and then disappeared and I was wondering why does it keep disappearing. Hope this helps others...
Using a regeditor I am using taskmanager:
1. Search for the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877 D663-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}\.
2. Next to Default the first option in the below window highlight it hold with finger and select edit and select value type REG_SZ. Then leave value name blank and type in Value data: Low battery warning tap on tick. Close task manager..
3. Now goto settings in HTC sense -> settings->menu ->all settings -> Sounds & Notifications applet -> Notifications tab, choose Low battery warning value from the Select an event drop-down menu and set flash light to whatever you want.
This way your orange LED battery low light blinks all the time now
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Nice one! thanks for finding that
I have the same problem with low battery notification.
Few weeks ago it worked as described in users manual, blinking red until the phone turns off.
I don't know what happend but now when the battery is below 5% the led blinks about 12-13 times in red and then turns off, but the phone is still working.
I tried a reg hack and set the led to blink without limit but it doesn't work.
I also did a hard reset but the problem still exists.
Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong ?
This thread has been dead for a while but I havethe same problem of the low battery notification blinking 13 times and turning off. I did the reg edit, using CERegEditor initially, and then I tried it again with TaskManager.
Both times it resulted in the low battery warning showing in the drop down menu BUT even when I set it to repeat infinitely (I'm using a Chinese ROM so I don't know what it says exactly on English ROMs) it still only flashes 12 - 13 times! Same problem as et1.
Did I follow the instructions wrong both times? Has anyone found a solution to this?
Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.

HOWTO: Notification LED for Moto X 2 (2014) using Tasker (Nexus 6 also))

I previously had an old Nexus i9250 which had an LED and I'm missing that badly, despite the Moto notification.
However, the Moto X 2 (2014) has a LED hidden under the earpiece, but it is normally only used to indicate charging (this is similar to the Nexus 6, but the Moto 2014 LED is just green, the Nexus-6 seems to have a hidden multi-color LED too).
On rooted devices the LED can be turned on by writing a value to a system file:
echo <brighness> >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
(<brighness> is some value betweeen 1 and 255, for testing in an adb shell it needs to be issued from su)
The LED can also be activated using the LightFlow app (see thread here:
Here are instructions for the Tasker app (which allows more flexible control over the LED):
1) Create a Tasker task "Led On If Screen Off"
- Task-Type "Code>Run Shell", set Use-Root to "on", command: echo 64 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- EDIT: as someone suggested here, alternately (instead of the command) you can add a Task: Alert>Set-Light>Charging and set slider to 64
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
- (the number 64 in the command is the brightness, it can technically run from 1 [dim] to 255 [battery consuming])
2) Create a task named "Led Off"
- Task-Type "Code>Run Shell", set Use-Root to "on", command: echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- EDIT: as someone suggested here, alternately (instead of the command) you can add a Task: Alert>Set-Light>Charging and set slider to 0
3) Create a Profile named "Notify Led On"
- Profile-Type "Event>UI>Notification"
- Owner Application "*" (or any you may like)
- Assign profile to perform task "Led On If Screen Off"
4) Create a Profile named "Notify Click Led Off"
- Profile-Type "Event>UI>Notification Click"
- Assign it to perform task "Led Off"
5) Create a Profile named "Screen On Led Off"
- Profile-Type "Event>UI>Display>Display On"
- Assign to perform task "Led Off"
Violá ... Tasker will turn on the LED if the display is off and a notification arrives. (Of course other triggers like "State>Battery" can also be linked to the "Led On" task).
Can you say why my echo <brightness> keeps coming back to 0 by itself?
fhreire said:
Can you say why my echo <brightness> keeps coming back to 0 by itself?
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It should be something like
echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
And needs to be running in root or superuser, so make sure the command is set to run as root (and you have Tasker allowed in SuperSU or similar apps).
fhreire said:
I don't have the Tasker app, I tried a cracked one to test but it didn't ask me permission for SuperSu, so I guess it's not working, innit?
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The Use-Root flag must be set in the task.
Probably su echo 64 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness as a command will also work.
Or your cracked version is broken (Tasker is worth the money anyway and you can get a refund from PlayStore within a few hours if you don't like).
Otherwise see the link (in the original post) to the thread using LightFlow for the LED
We can make it blink!
shimodax said:
Here are instructions for the Tasker app (which allows more flexible control over the LED):
1) Create a Tasker task "Led On If Screen Off"
- Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: echo 64 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
- (the number 64 in the command is the brightness, it can technically run from 1 [dim] to 255 [battery consuming])
2) Create a task named "Led Off"
- Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
3) Create a Profile named "Notify Led On"
Task-Type "Event>UI>Notification", Owner Application "*" (or any you may like) and assign it to task "Led On If Screen Off"
4) Create a Profile named "Notify Click Led Off"
Task-Type "Event>UI>Notification Click", and assign it to task "Led Off"
5) Create a Profile named "Screen On Led Off"
Task-Type "Event>UI>Display>Display On", and assign it to task "Led Off"
Violá ... Tasker will turn on the LED if the display is off and a notification arrives. (Of course other triggers like "State>Battery" can also be linked to the "Led On" task).
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Great one! Was looking for some way to turn it on and off.
BTW, you can make it blink softly (like Moto G 2014 and others) by changing the action Led On If Screen Off to the following:
1. Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
2. Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: echo 25 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
3. Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
4. Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: echo 25 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
4. Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
6. Task-Type "Task>Wait"
- 10 seconds (or the desired blinking interval)
7. Task-Type "Task>Goto"
- Type "Action number"
- Action number 1
Then, just add the following to the Led Off task:
- Task-type "Task>Stop"
- Task "Led On If Screen Off"
And it should blink until you tap the notification. My hope is that it will decrease the battery consumption to a minimum level.
Hope it helps!
shimodax said:
The Use-Root flag must be set in the task.
Probably su echo 64 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness as a command will also work.
Or your cracked version is broken (Tasker is worth the money anyway and you can get a refund from PlayStore within a few hours if you don't like).
Otherwise see the link (in the original post) to the thread using LightFlow for the LED
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Just bought the app, gonna try that again, thanks.
joaoeder said:
BTW, you can make it blink softly (like Moto G 2014 and others) by changing the action Led On If Screen Off to the following:
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Very cool. Something learned today . Thanks!
joaoeder said:
Then, just add the following to the Led Off task:
- Task-type "Task>Stop"
- Task "Led On If Screen Off"
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Very cool .
I did my own version so it blinks really smooth, with fade-in and fade-out, and repeating every 5 seconds.
To ensure compatibility, install busybox!
Same as @joaoeder, but put this on Led On If Screen Off
1. Task-Type "Code>Run Shell"
- set Use-Root to "on"
- Command: (ensure that you copy everything in a single line. I recommend to copy & paste )
l=1;while [ $l -ne 32 ] ;do echo $l >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness; l=`expr $l + 1`;sleep 0.01;done;sleep 0.5;while [ $l -ne 0 ] ;do l=`expr $l - 1`;echo $l >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness;sleep 0.01;done
- fill in the IF-section: IF %SCREEN equals off
2. Task-Type "Task>Wait"
- 5 seconds (or the desired blinking interval)
3. Task-Type "Task>Goto"
- Type "Action number"
- Action number 1
Now the led will smoothly fade in for 1/3 second, keep on 1/2 second, and fade out for 1/3 second.
No more crappy slow and noticeable brightness steps! It's almost identical to the stock notification of most phones.
I had issues with tasker, I discovered that I had to reboot the phone each time I made changes for applying them, otherwise it just didn't work
If you want the led to be on for more time, change sleep 0.5 to whatever you want (0.5=1/2 second, 1=1second, 2=2 seconds...etc)
No need to use shell, you can use the build in taster function.
It is under Alert > Set Light, from the drop down menu select charging and use the slider to set the brightness of the Led.
I thought it was said the OS couldn't access this light, nice!
Nedle said:
No need to use shell, you can use the build in taster function.
It is under Alert > Set Light, from the drop down menu select charging and use the slider to set the brightness of the Led.
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Awesome, didn't see that. Will edit the original post. Thanks!
Nedle said:
No need to use shell, you can use the build in taster function.
It is under Alert > Set Light, from the drop down menu select charging and use the slider to set the brightness of the Led.
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Now that's news to me. Nice to see it has a built in way to access the led. Thanks for sharing!
Could someone show how the LED looks?
Can this be applied to the 2013 moto x?
Haven't had any luck with tasker yet, i cant get the prompt for root to show. gonna try lightflow and see if i have any luck with it. Do i need to disable moto display and ambient display?
EDIT: Fiddled with lightflow for a while with no luck either. Finally got tasker to show the prompt for SU but it isnt working either. Can't figure what I am doing wrong.
dabyd64 said:
I did my own version so it blinks really smooth, with fade-in and fade-out, and repeating every 5 seconds.
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Great dude!
wasnt able to get it working on moto x 1st gen either. obviously the implementation differs from the one in the moto x 2nd gen, allthough the paths and the triggers are the same. would have been great to get a notification led....
Gesendet von meinem ghost mit Tapatalk
I can't seem to get this to work on my 2nd Gen Moto X. I can get the tasks to work just fine (turns on/off the LED) but the profiles with the notification and notification click don't work. The light doesn't come on with a notification, with screen on or off, and if I manually turn the light on through the task, I can't get it to turn off with a click on a notification. Any ideas?
akates said:
I can't seem to get this to work on my 2nd Gen Moto X. I can get the tasks to work just fine (turns on/off the LED) but the profiles with the notification and notification click don't work. The light doesn't come on with a notification, with screen on or off, and if I manually turn the light on through the task, I can't get it to turn off with a click on a notification. Any ideas?
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Using moto display? Clicking a notification through moto display isnt registered as notification click unfortunately.
Try setting notification + display state off to turn on the led for notifications.
Good luck and cheers
Sent from my XT1092 using XDA Free mobile app
Guys, I'm having some issues with the led.
First I've rooted my phone and tried to make the led blink using tasker and Stock ROM, but I have no success.
The second time, I've flashed temasek ROM (with some led options like blink duration and speed) but didn' t worked too.
The third time I've tried with tasker and the custom ROM. No success
To sum up my situation I can't make the led blink, it turns on but still on continuosly when the screen is off.
I would like to know if someone made the led blink with success.
Sorry about bad english
Sent from my victara using XDA Free mobile app

Hidden LED Spotted on Moto G 4th gen

Moto G 4th gen is having hidden LED notification light in it just near the fingerprint sensor.Hope so soon there will a way to control it.The same hidden LED is also spotted in Moto G3 ,Moto G2 and moto X play. :good:
via: Gammerson
Himalaya saxena said:
Moto G 4th gen is having hidden LED notification light in it just near the fingerprint sensor.Hope so soon there will a way to control it.The same hidden LED is also spotted in Moto G3 ,Moto G2 and moto X play. :good:
via: Gammerson
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Yup, Noticed it while unlocking the boot loader. But, can't activate it!!
I noticed that.hope in future there will be a way to enable it.
carreddy said:
Yup, Noticed it while unlocking the boot loader. But, can't activate it!!
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Now the root is possible so how can we enable it ?
Enable notification light on Moto G 4 Plus [Root Required]
After a little experimentation, I found that you can use the Light Flow Legacy app to control the led. (
Once you've installed it, you must give notification access.
Go to menu > settings > Device Settings and Root > check "root mode" and "run every command as root".
Then go to menu > settings > LED control > Additional LEDs found > check "charging control"
Now, go to menu > notification settings > click the 3-dot menu on any of the items in the list > settings
In the next screen, swipe right to find a tab called Light. Find charging LED and click on it. You'll have an option of turning it "solid".
You also have an option to set its brightness, but that setting didn't change the led's brightness.
On the top right corner, you have an option called "Test". Click on that and switch off your display.
You should see the charging led light up.
Any Rooted User Can Try This App.
I think we can use the LED once the device is rooted.We can use apps like " Light Flow Legacy" and "Moto LED".Not sure if this will work or not.
But these apps worked on Moto G3 so i think these will work on the 4th gen as well
IamAlexD said:
I think we can use the LED once the device is rooted.We can use apps like " Light Flow Legacy" and "Moto LED".Not sure if this will work or not.
But these apps worked on Moto G3 so i think these will work on the 4th gen as well
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Light flow legacy doesnt work for me. Moto LED might, but what's the point. It doesn't allow for notification lightup.
did you find a non root method which work
Feature is crucial to me. I need my g4 to notify me of messages without having to pick the phone up. Has anyone got this to work as such?
leif2 said:
Feature is crucial to me. I need my g4 to notify me of messages without having to pick the phone up. Has anyone got this to work as such?
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I'm just curious but why is that small, barely visible in full light led any better than a notification turning your screen on.
For the simple fact I would notice my phone blinking at me without having to pick it up. I'm not sure I can explain it better than that other than without this feature I would be picking up my phone all the time for fear I have a missed message. I don't want to be doing this.
Sai_D said:
After a little experimentation, I found that you can use the Light Flow Legacy app to control the led. (
Once you've installed it, you must give notification access.
Go to menu > settings > Device Settings and Root > check "root mode" and "run every command as root".
Then go to menu > settings > LED control > Additional LEDs found > check "charging control"
Now, go to menu > notification settings > click the 3-dot menu on any of the items in the list > settings
In the next screen, swipe right to find a tab called Light. Find charging LED and click on it. You'll have an option of turning it "solid".
You also have an option to set its brightness, but that setting didn't change the led's brightness.
On the top right corner, you have an option called "Test". Click on that and switch off your display.
You should see the charging led light up.
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Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Tel864 said:
I'm just curious but why is that small, barely visible in full light led any better than a notification turning your screen on.
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It only light up the screen when you first get the notification. If you missed it, the only way to access is to physically move the Moto g4. A pulsing light is always on. The amoled moto's have the consistent pulse notifications which sought of makes the light unnecessary. I too hope moto will activate this feature in a future update.
Sai_D said:
After a little experimentation, I found that you can use the Light Flow Legacy app to control the led. (
Once you've installed it, you must give notification access.
Go to menu > settings > Device Settings and Root > check "root mode" and "run every command as root".
Then go to menu > settings > LED control > Additional LEDs found > check "charging control"
Now, go to menu > notification settings > click the 3-dot menu on any of the items in the list > settings
In the next screen, swipe right to find a tab called Light. Find charging LED and click on it. You'll have an option of turning it "solid".
You also have an option to set its brightness, but that setting didn't change the led's brightness.
On the top right corner, you have an option called "Test". Click on that and switch off your display.
You should see the charging led light up.
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Thanks to Sai_D for the configuration info for Light Flow Legacy. Works for me on XT1641 (rooted of course).
I had installed it earlier but didn't have it configured properly and so it wasn't working.
Notification LED + Active Display is a great combo -- the LED tells you that you have a notification and then a simple nudge of the phone activates the display so you can see what it is.
Hey guys, someone can tell me if Moto G4 PLAY has hidden led light too? I'm really looking forward it! Thanks!

No LED light since upgrade to Oreo

I've recently upgraded from N to O (8.1 OPM5, rooted), and ever since then I have no LED notifications at all.
Things done:
1. Enabling "Blink light" in notification settings.
2. Enabling/Disabling the "Ambient display" setting.
3. Checking w/ GravityBox' UNC (I have the pro version).
4. Checking w/ 3rd parties like LightFlow and Light Manager.
None of these worked, and the LED was never on at any color. When using Nougat I had no problem with it.
Any ideas?
This is what I've seen on another website:
"To start...Oreo notifications are very different from Nougat. Not only do you need to turn on the LED as you have already done, but you also need to go into each individual app and make sure you have the same thing turned on.
Here is one example...
Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > Gmail > Notifications > UNDER Miscellaneous tap on "Miscellaneous Make sound" and a new window will open and in here is where you make the individual app adjustments where you turn on "Always pulse notification light" > then go back one screen and tap on "Attachments Make Sound" and another window will open where you make the same adjustments per app as you just did.
The key here is that not only do some things have a toggle to turn them on or off, but those same toggles will open another windows when you tap on the words themselves which gives you more notification options than you thought were even available. Be patient and you will get it."
Thx for the reply, that's a good lead.
Unfortunately (for me), all settings are "on" for "Blink Light", and still the LED never turns on.
same here :/ everything is on but LED still doesnt work

Request - LED Notification Magisk Module

Close to two years after the release of the G5 Plus, we still don't have any reliable way to use the speaker grill LED as a notification light. As I touched on in a previous thread, there are some custom ROMs that enable the LED light for notifications. There's also an app. The app, however, is quite buggy: you have to set things up from scratch after every reboot, and it has a noticeable effect on my phone's performance; sometimes to the point that the back gets uncomfortably warm. There's also a Tasker profile someone made, but I couldn't get that to work reliably either.
Perhaps the end-all solution for using the speaker grill light as a notification LED, in both stock and custom ROMs, is a simple and battery-friendly Magisk or Xposed module. If one of our skilled devs can make something that works, I'll gladly donate to your development efforts. Thanks!
Brainstatic said:
Close to two years after the release of the G5 Plus, we still don't have any reliable way to use the speaker grill LED as a notification light. As I touched on in a previous thread, there are some custom ROMs that enable the LED light for notifications. There's also an app. The app, however, is quite buggy: you have to set things up from scratch after every reboot, and it has a noticeable effect on my phone's performance; sometimes to the point that the back gets uncomfortably warm. There's also a Tasker profile someone made, but I couldn't get that to work reliably either.
Perhaps the end-all solution for using the speaker grill light as a notification LED, in both stock and custom ROMs, is a simple and battery-friendly Magisk or Xposed module. If one of our skilled devs can make something that works, I'll gladly donate to your development efforts. Thanks!
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You can use the "Legacy Light Flow" app as outlined in the post I copied below. I'm using it and it works well.
Found another alternate method in some other post, below are the instruction..(only works on rooted devices)
you can use the Light Flow Legacy app to control the led. (
Once you've installed it, you must give notification access.
Go to menu > settings > Device Settings and Root > check "root mode" and "run every command as root".
Then go to menu > settings > LED control > Additional LEDs found > check "charging control"
Now, go to menu > notification settings > click the 3-dot menu on any of the items in the list > settings
In the next screen, swipe right to find a tab called Light. Find charging LED and click on it. You'll have an option of turning it "solid".
You also have an option to set its brightness, but that setting didn't change the led's brightness.
On the top right corner, you have an option called "Test". Click on that and switch off your display.
You should see the charging led light up(can also use led notification for missedCalls,messages,whatsapp..........)
I have tried and its working..
