Odd battery drain issue that popped up last month - Verizon HTC 10 Questions & Answers

I was previously running andybones' rom from 2.41.605.12 base, then found my way to resurrection remix, great rom, but some update last month killed my battery life and my ability to quick charge, phone was also in constant awake state, but I do not believe the issue was ROM specific. Either way, ran a battery stats report and it appeared that my motion sensors were keeping the phone awake. I completely wiped everything and RUU'd back to 1.19.605.9 (launch firmware), battery drain went away, rapid charging came back, phone would sleep. Performed some OTA updates and everything was fine until it got to the final version of MM 1.85.605.9, rapid charging gone, battery drain back, updated all the way through nougat and nothing changed, still draining.
I am currently back on 1.19.605.9, rooted, twrp installed. Rapid charge and no excessive drain.
What could possibly be causing this? Is anyone else dealing with this?
Here is my post with my last battery stats log

I'm currently dealing with the same thing.

Update: Ran an RUU of 2.41.605.36, then did a full wipe and installed santod40's [ROM][STOCK] 2.41.605.36, chose full wipe, unencrypted install, did some debloating of vzw software... and somehow, I have rapid charging and no wakelock drains...
I have ruu'd before and never resolved the issue. I am not sure what changed in the last RUU for me, but it worked.

...and it's back... lol

rcharliesam said:
...and it's back... lol
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So I can't see the full log on my phone, but my phone is having a similar issue. I'm wondering if it's the same as yours. Under partial Wake Locks for BetterBatteryStats it shows NfcService:mRoutingWakeLock runs ALL of the time so my phone never goes into a deep sleep.

sublimesed said:
So I can't see the full log on my phone, but my phone is having a similar issue. I'm wondering if it's the same as yours. Under partial Wake Locks for BetterBatteryStats it shows NfcService:mRoutingWakeLock runs ALL of the time so my phone never goes into a deep sleep.
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To be honest, I didn't even bother getting too deep in to it this time, I ruu'd back to an mm version that I know I don't have this trouble on. 1.85.605.8, and then used santod's debloated 1.85.605.9 after wiping and formatting data. The first time I had the issue, it appeared to be the accelerometer that wasn't allowing the phone to go to sleep... When I looked at the battery stats this time, it didn't seem to be my issue.
If you're s-off, you can downgrade. As much as I would appreciate certain features of nougat, it's not worth it if I have to be attached to a charger all day.
Not sure if it's an issue that carries over with my Google backup, next time I try, I might just do a fresh start and install apps one by one to see if/when it starts.


Sprint Update Ruined my Epic! - No 4G!

I've been trying hard to avoid the Epic update, since my phone was working great. I was getting almost 20 hours battery before being asked to charge, using about 30 minutes phone calls, 1 hour "display on" time, bluetooth/wifi off, GPS only when needed.
The nagging update available message would always pop up, and I'd always tell it to install later.
Somehow, I must have accidentally selected update while getting out of the car today, since I saw the phone installing firmware and then reboot.
After the reboot, my Sprint Hotspot stopped working. Now when I activate it, it turns my 3G radio off. Prior to this, I could activate (and use) Sprint Wifi tethering even though I am not specifically subscribed to it. Now, it still "activates" but shuts down my data connection.
Even worse, when I try to activate 4G, it just hangs the phone. I tried factory resetting, which did not solve the problem. Still no more 4G. Also, I noticed my battery getting really hot, and the smell of smoke inside the case. The battery went from 50% to 9% within a minute!! I don't have any explanation on how the update caused this.....
This update fried my phone! I'm going to try the Odin method back to DG27. If that doesn't work, the phone is going back!
DO NOT UPDATE if you can avoid it!!
that sucks
I'm having a really really hard time believing the ota update had anything to do with anything you described.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
styckx said:
I'm having a really really hard time believing the ota update had anything to do with anything you described.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Me too, but I don't know what else could have caused it. Just tried Odin, still can't get 4G to work.
I don't think there's much else I can try. The phone just hangs when I enable 4G. Tried factory reset, Odin back to DG27. No luck.
Any ideas?
Dont listen to this guy -- you want the DI07 update on your phone. It has vital improvements to the radio and kernel. It doesn't break 4G or ruin battery life.
it has happened to many of us,including me..i also started a thread in the development forum..i talked to a service rep and they instructed me to do a msl reset,which required a msl code the give and no luck..this happened to me last week.since then i swapped my phone for another unit an was weary of updaing again,but i did and everything works fine now.im guessing a bad batch of phones or bad dowload/install of update ota.return it for another
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Before the update, I was getting about 14-15 hours of battery with my average daily use. After the update I'm swapping batteries every 6 or 7 hours. I started tracking power consumption a few days ago with Spare Parts. I flashed back to stock with odin, and installed the DI07 update. The only apps I installed were Battery Indicator Pro and Spare Parts. I noticed right away that the running time was always close to 100%. That means that the phone is not sleeping. Under "Partial Wake usage", Android System is running almost the same amount of time the phone is powered on. It's not spiking the CPU, but running just enough to create a partial wakelock. This behavior is consistent on every boot. Normally, Android System should only keep the system awake about 3 or 4 minutes per hour of uptime at most. I think they botched something in the update.
Tonight I reverted back to DG27 and the problem is now non-existent. I only have one Epic to test, so I'm curious to see if anyone else gets different results. If it's just my Epic, then I will be returning it for another.
Anyone feel like experimenting?
I'm going on 18 hours now since I reverted back to DG27 and I'm still on the same battery. I would be on my third battery right now if I was still running DI07. I don't think I'm gonna be updating till Sprint releases another fix. Other than Media Hub and the loss of battery life, I noticed no changes while running DI07.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I'm getting over 18hrs since update. It maybe just like the HTC phone when you flash the rom the battery life goes down for the first few full charges then after that it's fine. Maybe I'm just lucky because I'm not having all the drama you guys and others are having.
infamousjax said:
Dont listen to this guy -- you want the DI07 update on your phone. It has vital improvements to the radio and kernel. It doesn't break 4G or ruin battery life.
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Any why should we listen to you? Can you describe your source of knowing how this update has "vital improvements" to the radio and kernal? What are the nature of these improvements?
Not sure what the particular improvements are... but check your phone info and you will see that the baseband was changed, which means a new radio was implemented. Also, in the release notes it specified that there were some "Qualcomm Updates", and since Qualcomm engineers the radio in our phones, it doesn't take much brain capacity to put 2 and 2 together.
I've updated and have experienced none of these problems. (As I suspect is true of most of the people here.)
infamousjax said:
Dont listen to this guy -- you want the DI07 update on your phone. It has vital improvements to the radio and kernel. It doesn't break 4G or ruin battery life.
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It ABSOLUTELY ruins battery life. If it doesn't ruin your battery life specifically, then your one lucky sun of gun. It cut my battery life in half. I used to be able to go to 11pm and never even get a battery warning! Now, my phone completely shuts down by late afternoon while I'm still at work. DI07 is a horrible update. I don't know what Samsung/Sprint did, but my screen is dimmer, battery life took a major dump, and the phone does not seem any faster, actually slower if anything. My phone also seems to be hot all the time, even after it's supposedly been asleep for hours. With DG27 it was always felt cool when pulling it out of my holster and not hot like it is now.
After running DG27 for almost 24 hours with great results, I decided to give the DI07 update another shot. But first I made a Nandroid backup in CWM before I accepted the update. After about two hours on DI07, it was clear the phone was not sleeping again when the screen was off.
So now I'm gonna try another experiment. I've done a system restore from my Nandroid backup to DG27. Except that the Baseband(radio) is still DI07 because Nandroid doesn't touch the radio. I'm thinking that this will tell us if the new radio is the culprit, or if they just botched something in the DI07 ROM.
Dev's, let me know if I'm off base here. I will report as soon as I have any relevant results.
compujock said:
It ABSOLUTELY ruins battery life. If it doesn't ruin your battery life specifically, then your one lucky sun of gun. It cut my battery life in half. I used to be able to go to 11pm and never even get a battery warning! Now, my phone completely shuts down by late afternoon while I'm still at work. DI07 is a horrible update. I don't know what Samsung/Sprint did, but my screen is dimmer, battery life took a major dump, and the phone does not seem any faster, actually slower if anything. My phone also seems to be hot all the time, even after it's supposedly been asleep for hours. With DG27 it was always felt cool when pulling it out of my holster and not hot like it is now.
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Heres what will help:
Run the root script, delete all sprint bloatware, and keep track of all the services running on your phone. I'm getting 20 hours of battery with heavy usage on the DI07 update.
Also, try the bump charging method which has helped me a lot. Turn the phone on, let it fully charge, unplug, let it fully charge, turn back on.. rinse and repeat. It helps.
The update is not what is causing bad battery life. The screen dimming is part of the auto-brightness setting and/or power saving setting which should be helping the battery more than killing it.
Get System Panel/spare parts or any kind of task manager to MONITOR (not kill) processes running on your phone.
Here's a post from another forum, so I'm not the only person with a dead 4G radio. I believe it was temporally related to the update, but reverting back to DG27 didn't fix it.
Link: http://forum.androidcentral.com/sprint-epic-4g/36985-4g-doesnt-work-after-di07-update.html
"I have been out of town in a non-4G area since applying the DI07 update. Got home earlier today and just went to turn on 4G and it no longer is working!!
When I enable 4G (through the pull-down or the settings menu) now it just says "On..." and then "Unknown..."
Anyone else that has applied the update and lives in a 4G area seeing similar behavior?? I am currently backing up me SMS messages so I can do a hard-reset to see if that will fix it."
infamousjax said:
Heres what will help:
Run the root script, delete all sprint bloatware, and keep track of all the services running on your phone. I'm getting 20 hours of battery with heavy usage on the DI07 update.
Also, try the bump charging method which has helped me a lot. Turn the phone on, let it fully charge, unplug, let it fully charge, turn back on.. rinse and repeat. It helps.
The update is not what is causing bad battery life. The screen dimming is part of the auto-brightness setting and/or power saving setting which should be helping the battery more than killing it.
Get System Panel/spare parts or any kind of task manager to MONITOR (not kill) processes running on your phone.
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These are all good suggestions for basic power management under normal circumstances, but for some reason this update has introduced an issue that causes the Android System process to prevent the phone from sleeping. Why it's not affecting everyone I don't know. Some people had to take their phones back to the Sprint store after the update because they got so hot and would not cool down unless turned off.
Anyway, if you are getting 20 hours on heavy use, you obviously don't have the bug. But to anyone who thinks they might, you can check using Spare Parts.
First, if you've just rebooted, turn the screen off and let it sit for a few minuets. Open Spare Parts and click Battery history. By default it displays 'Other usage'. If your 'Running' percentage is 100% or close to it, and your 'Screen on' percentage is anything other than your 'Running' percentage, then your phone is not sleeping when the screen is off.
Next change the top tab from 'Other usage' to 'Partial wake usage'. This will show you what is preventing it from sleeping. You can click on whatever is at the top of the list to see its partial wake time. If it's 'Android System', the partial wake time should not be any more than about 1 minute per hour of system uptime. For example, if your phone has only been on for 10 minuets, and 'Android System' has a partial wake time of 2 minutes, you have a problem.
Found more info here.
This is great info, according to Spare Parts and your info, I have a severe problem. I have just killed DRM
The update went through automatically Sat night, battery has dived at least
50%. Reboot at that time.
Battery History
Total in all Time Since Reboot (2 days)
Running 30.5% 99.7
Screen On 16.7 18.3
I see the problem, don't know if DRM dead will fix, is there anything else I can do?
I am rooted (or at least I was, I stayed stock and added Wireless Tether, it is broken). So not happy there either.
I will charge and check this tomorrow to see what changes or if there are any other suggestions.
Thetwo apps running none stop are I! Agent Service in Android System and GTalkService in Goggle, using over 10 mb ram
Other usage is still almost 100%, Screen time has gone down, but Wifi On is same as Running and I have it turned off every which way I can find as with nothing showing on top bar.
Partial Wakelock: Andoid System is on 113 hrs of25 since boot.

Standby drain 8.1 OPM1

I seem to be losing between 8-10% overnight since clean flashing OPM1. Anyone else seeing this? I can't peg it on a particular app and accubattery reports anywhere from 0.8-1.2% loss with screen off. If I just tap the power button to see accubattery stats, the current drain without going into anything ranges from 54mah to sometimes as high as 150mah. I may try a factory reset to resolve but curious to what others numbers are.
I'm using latest stock 8.1 and find it has the best standby I've ever seen. Either your battery is over year or two and starting to degrade. Or you need to do some spring cleaning when was the last time you backed everything up and wiped internal. You'd be amazed the wonders that does with rogue apps and missfunctioning features after completing wiping and installing fresh copy of stock.
Exodusche said:
I'm using latest stock 8.1 and find it has the best standby I've ever seen. Either your battery is over year or two and starting to degrade. Or you need to do some spring cleaning when was the last time you backed everything up and wiped internal. You'd be amazed the wonders that does with rogue apps and missfunctioning features after completing wiping and installing fresh copy of stock.
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Just bought a new OEM battery that is reporting 101% capacity so that's not it. Also, clean flashed 8.1 when I loaded it although I restored from my cloud backup. I just factory reset today but honestly, I felt it was worse so I completely blew everything out again, redownloaded 8.1 and flashed again. This time I chose to set up as a new device without using the cloud backup. The only thing I manually backed up and restored was text using a 3rd party app. I am adding my apps back a few at a time but it seems to be a little better as of now but will have to give it a couple days to settle down. Not rooted yet either.
Some are reporting that "mobile data always active" is enabled by default in developer options on 8.1. Have you tried disabling this?
To compare this with op, I got 84% battery health and a drain over night of 4%. Stock 8.1, Nova launcher beta, SuperSU beta, mobile data always active is off. May an app is responsible for your 10% draining ? Any social stuff like fb ???
I turned off mobile data always active and when I clean flashed the second time, I did not put any social media apps on the phone but saw no difference. I ended up putting fb, messenger lite and Instagram back on and they aren't impacting negatively. It's only been 2 days and have only rebooted a couple times.. battery is still reporting 101% capacity. I'll give it a another day or 2 to settle down bc at some points it seems to be very efficient while others it doesn't but that's better than before the 2nd clean flash.
Looking at my accubattery stats, I'm still losing about 1.1% battery per hour with the screen off. I also noticed that so far in the ~7 hours my phone has been off the charger today, it's only been in deep sleep about 51% of the time that the screen has been off. What happened to the built in wakelock detector that was highlighted in https://www.phonearena.com/news/Android-8.1-Oreo-wakelocks-battery-draining-apps_id99715? Does anyone see this actually working or is this yet another "Pixel exclusive". I cannot figure this out so I guess I'll have to download a 3rd party wakelock detector but the reality is, even if I do find the culprit, it's usually not anything that is easily identifiable or fixable. Am I really the only one having this issue??

Android P Developer Preview 3

It's out now with both factory images and OTAs
FlashKernel v2.43 + Magisk 16.4 working fine
Magisk is still working for me, still passing SafetyNet.
Not possible to sideload the OTA file via TWRP, correct?
w0rdie said:
Not possible to sideload the OTA file via TWRP, correct?
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Not sure. I installed it by unpacking the factory image and removing the -w from the flash-all script
I always forget about that.
got it yesterday through ota, till now it runs fine. No performance difference so far (no unlock timeout luckily, although the problem was with Oreo June update, you'll never know if it travels to P).
Think I found 2 differences so far. The first is pretty cool, on the AOD you see now the weather under the time, next to the date, the weather icon is in color, looks really nice! The battery indicator on the AOD looks the same, bit too small in my opinion, little doubt if the font size is +1... but i don't think so.
The second thing that i found is that when you search in the settings, the result isn't flashing anymore but just a solid color that indicates the option you where searchinig for.
Adaptive Battery is enabled automatic after update, i turned it off before, because it just used more battery in standby when i turned it on. In the first couple of hours, it looks like it now works when enabled. After a couple of days it should be clear if it makes the standby drain a little less.
Couple of dutch apps work now, those crashed before when launching them. NOS, Ziggo GO are working fine now. The ABN Wallet app (sort of google pay replacement) doesn't crash on launch, but i need a reader to enable this wallet, and that reader is at home, i'm at work now
I did not factory reset the phone because it is a small update.
I'm noticing terrible battery drain. For instance unplugged phone when fully charged at around 3:30am by 8:30am battery was at 56%. Before the update only 5-6% would be discharged during that time. Battery stats show no app usage and claims everything is fine so I have no idea of the cause.
nullness said:
I'm noticing terrible battery drain. For instance unplugged phone when fully charged at around 3:30am by 8:30am battery was at 56%. Before the update only 5-6% would be discharged during that time. Battery stats show no app usage and claims everything is fine so I have no idea of the cause.
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Well what you're describing is mentioned in the release notes under Known Issues.
EvilDobe said:
Well what you're describing is mentioned in the release notes under Known Issues.
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True, but it's good to let people know the extent of the problem, known or not. Personally I would not have updated if I knew the issue was this extreme. Point taken about it being a known issue though. :good:
nullness said:
True, but it's good to let people know the extent of the problem, known or not. Personally I would not have updated if I knew the issue was this extreme. Point taken about it being a known issue though. :good:
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Until now (half day use) I don't have much battery difference between dp2 and dp3. Try to turn adjustable battery management off. In dp2 my phone had less drain with the feature off. This half a day I have turned it on and testing if the drain better or worse. But the drain you're describing isn't normal. Have you tried to factory reset? With Google backup it isn't much of a hassle in my opinion.
nullness said:
True, but it's good to let people know the extent of the problem, known or not. Personally I would not have updated if I knew the issue was this extreme. Point taken about it being a known issue though. :good:
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I get what you're saying. Just didn't know if you knew about the known issue so I wanted to make you (and others) aware that there are known bug & where to find that documentation. We're all so excited to try the latest/greatest that we never look at what might be wrong.
Also my anecdotal battery usage has been decent since I flashed. Obviously today is my first full day of usage but so far it hasn't been too bad. I unplugged ~6:45am, made a 15min phone call, and it's been sitting on my desk getting minimal usage & I'm at 95% and it's currently 10am.
psychomaniac82 said:
Until now (half day use) I don't have much battery difference between dp2 and dp3. Try to turn adjustable battery management off. In dp2 my phone had less drain with the feature off. This half a day I have turned it on and testing if the drain better or worse. But the drain you're describing isn't normal. Have you tried to factory reset? With Google backup it isn't much of a hassle in my opinion.
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It's pretty weird. I installed it yesterday afternoon and noticed very little difference, it was just like suddenly overnight despite no app updates or notifications the battery just drained. I turned off the adjustable battery management a couple hours ago and I'm already seeing a difference. I'm going to hold off on the factory reset until I give it another day to see if that does the trick. Thanks for your help!
Hey guys, I keep on getting the "an error has occurred" message when attempting to do the OTA. I know I can probably just side load the factory image later on tonight but is anyone else having this issue? I have a custom kernel installed so maybe that is causing the problem? Although, that said; the custom kernel didn't bother it going from Oreo to DP2.
Just finished installing pp3, along with root and flash kernel 2.43 (latest).
Pin stop being accepted after a couple of reboots, and didn't work not TWRP as well.
Once rebooted again started working
Keyboard didn't work at first just typing this post.
Hope it has something to do with everything just settling down.
Today I too experienced a noticeably faster battery drain. As alluded to above (from release notes) it might be attributed to the new screen settings. I'll see how it does but I've turned off adaptive display and set my static brightness setting to 40%...in the past I used to use 30% and it was plenty bright but not under the new system. Has anyone come up with a recommended brightness on the new slider that is both clean/legible and battery friendly?
mikeynavy1 said:
Today I too experienced a noticeably faster battery drain. As alluded to above (from release notes) it might be attributed to the new screen settings. I'll see how it does but I've turned off adaptive display and set my static brightness setting to 40%...in the past I used to use 30% and it was plenty bright but not under the new system. Has anyone come up with a recommended brightness on the new slider that is both clean/legible and battery friendly?
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Try turning off Adaptive Battery in the battery settings, it got turned on by default in dp3. After I did that yesterday my battery drain stopped.
So, when I try to install magisk and patch my boot img via magisk manager, my installation keeps failing. It says it's unable to extract the magisk zip file. Anyone else having this problem?
nullness said:
Try turning off Adaptive Battery in the battery settings, it got turned on by default in dp3. After I did that yesterday my battery drain stopped.
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I just turned it off and will see if there is any difference. I suspect that it may take a little while for the adaptive battery feature to "learn" so that might be the issue. If so, I'm hoping that Google or a thorough reviewer will put out some guidance on how it works and how long a user would need to be patient before seeing any advantage to using it.
A day later and adaptive battery is still on and do not experience the drain you guys experience. With adaptive on the phone has a better battery life than with dp2 and oreo. I travel for work witch has a severe impact on the battery. Normally I have a screen on time of 1 to 1,5 hour after work when the phone reaches 50%. Today it was about 2 hours and 20 to 30 minutes (not checked out at 50%). But I think it's better then before. Hope it will stay this way. Hoping a little more the 'ROM' will settle more and adaptive battery getting better. Will try to report this weekend or next week.
The only annoying thing on this update I found, when you press menu to see your opened apps, it sometimes put it at the side with the "clear all" already displayed.
An occurence which occur randomly: I open whatsapp, I go out to home screen, I press menu to show the opened apps.
Whatsapp is not in the middle, instead it is on the right side, with "clear all" button on the left side, other times it works normally on the middle.
The problem that occurs afterwards is that if I try to clear the application by swiping up, it is stuck in the menu mode, so I have to scroll up to get my list of applications, then scroll down to revert to home screen.
As I mention again, it seems to be random occurence, and I don't know if it's a bug or it's a problem with sensitivity.

Trying to track down cause of recent battery drain issue.

Hello all,
So I know there's various discussions all over the web about the Galaxy s10 and battery issues on both Snapdragon and Exynos variants. It seems people are experiencing a wide margin of difference in avg battery life..
So here's my situation. My wife and I both have S10+'s through AT&T. We got them the first week they came out. I looked though the forums and performed several battery optimization tweaks on both phones and since then the battery life has been really impressive... No complaints really. Until this last week.
We both recieved the March security patch and fingerprint scanner fix about a week ago. My wife's phone seems unchanged by this. Everything working as expected. My phone however has been draining battery MUCH faster both in SOT and standby time. I'm losing 2-3x more battery % overnight. In the last 20 mins of just reading through threads on the XDA forum app, I've lost about 10% battery. I'm sitting in the dark with my screen brightness very low too. (down another 5% since I started typing this!)
My wife and I have very similar phone habits. Since both our phones are optimized identically, and we used most of the same apps a play the same games, I started looking through everything different I've done in my phone since this problem started. I installed Adhell3, which seems to be setup properly and working. Mike B. from Adhell's Discord assured me that Adhell shouldn't be draining my battery. I'm mostly using it just to remove a bunch of basic bloatware and block some ads.
The update seems to have worked fine otherwise. My FP scanner is much better now, but something is definitely wrong. I've tried wiping the partition cache afterwards. I've tracked down others experiencing issues after this particular update, but cant seem to find a way to fix this problem yet. I saw something about Deep Sleep problems after the update when someone uses a VOIP service like Skype or WhatsApp, but I dont use anything like that. I can't even find a good tool to use to see more information about my battery usage, as the built-in battery monitor lacks a good deal of information. CPUspy doesn't work on my version.
If anyone has any ideas of what could be the culprit, what else I could try, or what tools I could use to try and track down what exactly is causing this sudden increase in drain, I'd really appreciate it.
Which update do you have ASBA or ASCA? This is rather weird, Battery drain can also come from restoring from backups. I lose 2% every night and my phone is on airplane mode, not connected to anything except location. I do not have adhell, and last time I tested before the fingerprint update I had 10h SoT on wifi purely. When I got the new fingerprint update I checked if the phone went to deep sleep and it does, so I really do not know what might be your issue. I have an exynos variant btw. Also I charge my phone constantly from 80 I let it drop to 40 and charge it back, I do not use fast charging options. Since unplugging my phone now on LTE fully I have lost 1% in 30 min, I have my fitbit always connected, location on, max resolution, I have a semi black wallpaper and brightness around 40-50%.
I will see today how much SoT I can get from 80% part wifi, part LTE, I will update.
clear cache helped a lot of people
Update 1
Reset all phone settings to factory. Don't do full factory reset, just all the settings, fixed my post update battery drain issues
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Update 2
Hrrm. It seems I don't have ASBA or ASCA, I have ASD3. The March update.
I'm really hoping I don't end up having to factory reset and manually install everything... Because I did do a restore from backup with AT&T Transfer, because it seemed really convenient and time saving. I had no idea that so many people have had issues with restoring from various back up services (AT&T, Samsung, Google etc.)
I did the same restore from backup on my wife's S10+ too and she's had no problems. Her battery life is phenomenal. My battery issues only started after this last update.
SinisterDev said:
I'm really hoping I don't end up having to factory reset and manually install everything... Because I did do a restore from backup with AT&T Transfer, because it seemed really convenient and time saving. I had no idea that so many people have had issues with restoring from various back up services (AT&T, Samsung, Google etc.)
I did the same restore from backup on my wife's S10+ too and she's had no problems. Her battery life is phenomenal. My battery issues only started after this last update.
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Well that seems rather strange to be honest, you can eliminate possibilities by just testing and see what works. Last possibility can be that factory resetting and installing all new, but then again, it could be that it solves your issues or not. You should be having rather horizontal lines to prove your phone is truly going into deep sleep in my opinion, but also you can check with CPU Spy
Sorry it will be this pic
Try to log too safe mode and check the battery drain
If stopped then it was from an application that have a problem
If not I think it might be a system app or something
So. I'm starting to think that some of my problem has to do with wakelocks. Unfortunately I have limited access to wakelocks statistics since my phone is unrooted. However. Last night I fully charged my phone right before bed and then took it off the charger to see how much it would lose overnight. It dropped a whopping 10% vs the 1-2% it used to.
I looked through some of the battery info and noticed several apps running in the background for very long periods of time since last night. Chrome(2hrs) , Discord(2hrs), Google Play Services(a whopping 13hrs 30mins running in background) and Google Play store (5hrs)
Somehow Discord was responsible for draining 7.6% battery in that time!
So, could this be a wakelock issue causing my phone to lose so much battery overnight? I know that's only half the problem, because I'm also experiencing higher drain than usual while using certain apps too. But I'm trying to figure out one thing at time.
SinisterDev said:
So. I'm starting to think that some of my problem has to do with wakelocks. Unfortunately I have limited access to wakelocks statistics since my phone is unrooted. However. Last night I fully charged my phone right before bed and then took it off the charger to see how much it would lose overnight. It dropped a whopping 10% vs the 1-2% it used to.
I looked through some of the battery info and noticed several apps running in the background for very long periods of time since last night. Chrome(2hrs) , Discord(2hrs), Google Play Services(a whopping 13hrs 30mins running in background) and Google Play store (5hrs)
Somehow Discord was responsible for draining 7.6% battery in that time!
So, could this be a wakelock issue causing my phone to lose so much battery overnight? I know that's only half the problem, because I'm also experiencing higher drain than usual while using certain apps too. But I'm trying to figure out one thing at time.
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You can look at this thread and see if you can install the app without being root or not
aromerodaniel said:
Which update do you have ASBA or ASCA? This is rather weird, Battery drain can also come from restoring from backups. I lose 2% every night and my phone is on airplane mode, not connected to anything except location. I do not have adhell, and last time I tested before the fingerprint update I had 10h SoT on wifi purely. When I got the new fingerprint update I checked if the phone went to deep sleep and it does, so I really do not know what might be your issue. I have an exynos variant btw. Also I charge my phone constantly from 80 I let it drop to 40 and charge it back, I do not use fast charging options. Since unplugging my phone now on LTE fully I have lost 1% in 30 min, I have my fitbit always connected, location on, max resolution, I have a semi black wallpaper and brightness around 40-50%.
I will see today how much SoT I can get from 80% part wifi, part LTE, I will update.
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10 sot?!?!?you sure about it?!?whatever I try I always only have 7 something sot,how can you make it 10?!?
paullu said:
10 sot?!?!?you sure about it?!?whatever I try I always only have 7 something sot,how can you make it 10?!?
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I have done it before, I can look for the image, if you would like. That was a full day of wifi actually.
paullu said:
10 sot?!?!?you sure about it?!?whatever I try I always only have 7 something sot,how can you make it 10?!?
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Here is the pic
Also you can look at this thread
You have it good compared with me I get background drain on all apps and I have all apps set not to run in the background
da1e8 said:
You have it good compared with me I get background drain on all apps and I have all apps set not to run in the background
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You just need to tweak your settings more, put which apps do not run on the background or go to sleep, how many days you need to wait to put unused apps to sleep. Is all tweaking the settings.
aromerodaniel said:
You just need to tweak your settings more, put which apps do not run on the background or go to sleep, how many days you need to wait to put unused apps to sleep. Is all tweaking the settings.
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I've put all apps to sleep and they still register as been used
da1e8 said:
I've put all apps to sleep and they still register as been used
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Then I don't what you can do, either do a factory reset and so not restore anything from backups and see if that works. I usually set my phone that way, clean no restoration from any backup all apps are installed manually, and I do not even use adhell to disable most of Samsung crap apps and services.

Battery percentage issue on z17s

Yesterday I was using my Nubia z17s as always and before going to bed I decided to charge it, since battery was at around 20%.
When I connected the charger, the screen went off and it didn't wake up, no matter what I did, although I could feel the fingerprint scanner vibration when I used any of the registered fingers. So I decided to hard reboot the phone by keeping the power button pressed.
To my surprise, when the phone booted again, the battery percentage showed 3%. I left it charging overnight and now it's working but the battery percentage is stuck on 3%. I'm pretty sure it's more than that, since I've been using the phone for more than 6 hours and the battery percentage hasn't dropped a bit, and the phone is working (I've made an received a few calls).
A guy at work suggested letting the battery drain completely until the point the phone shuts itself down, and then charging the phone up to 100% while off, so the battery is calibrated and the percentage is fixed. But I've always heard that it's not a good idea to let a battery drain so much. Another problem is that I fear not being able to charge the phone again once the battery gets below 3%.
Any ideas? The phone is running latest Mokee 9 Premium.
Thanks in advance.
Remove "batterystats.bin" in the System folder
Tomcar said:
Remove "batterystats.bin" in the System folder
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I had already tried that. But deleting that file just resets the battery usage statistics. It has nothing to do with the battery percentage
It seems to me that you will have to make a full data backup and perform a factory reset.
ps and which firmware in use?
Hi, I forgot replying.
I finally got the phone up and running again, and the issue seemed to be firmware related.
I was running the phone on Android Pie based Mokee ROM. I finally let the phone discharge until it shut down and charged it while off. Battery got up to 100% and the phone seemed to work fine. But, a few weeks later, something similar happened again, so I reverted to the stock firmware (still stuck at Android 7.1.1) and the battery issues went away.
I recently tested the Android 10 based Mokee and found that it reports battery level very differently than the stock firmware. Before flashing TWRP and the Mokee ROM, the phone was showing 88% battery left. Just after booting Mokee, the phone had apperently dropped to 78% and I also felt quite a huge battery drain. And it had only taken me around 5 minutes to install the recovery and firmware. So I guess the Mokee firmware doesn't handle the battery very well on Nubia z17s. It's a pity, since all the rest works very well, and I quite liked the Android 10 experience. On the other side, I was unable to make Magisk work under Android 10, and Google Pay is a must for me now, so I once again went back to stock firmware.
