I got a S7 edge US Cellular branded from Walmart.. It is UNLOCKED. I put in my tmobile sim, i get lte, but, signal strength is low.
Is it possible to flash Tmobile version of the software on this US Cellular one? The reason is I am not getting any strong signals (inspite of it supporting all corresponding LTE bands from Tmobile). Has anyone tried?
I am trying to get Wifi calling/ volte also supported if I was able to use the Tmobile version.. I totally understand that I may not be able to ever get all features, but, something better than the current weak signals will be helpful.
what options do I have? Any help is appreciated.
Please Help me decide before I buy,
Will my existing T-Mobile data plan work with the Verizon Samsung 10.1 4G LTE?
Will it require rooting or flashing etc.? If so, what what steps should I follow after I buy?
Thank you in advance and sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.
Will not work on the network at ALL. Period. At best you'll have an extra expensive WiFi Tab.
Verizon's LTE network is totally, completely, permanently incompatible with T-Mobile's AWS network, even though there's some frequency overlap.
Forgive me if this has been asked before but i did search and couldn't find anything that i was looking for..
so, I'm planning on buying a verizon LTE tab (4g + wifi) and i was wondering would it be possible to use it on a 3g network? The verizon rep i talked to said that yes this was possible but i'm not sure they knew what they were talking about.
Also, does it need to be unlocked to run on another network or does it come carrier unlocked? if yes, is that currently possible? because i asked verizon and they flat out said no..
Thanks and apologies again if i missed any threads related to these issues.
nevermind, got all the answers i needed
while LTE is backwards compatible with GSM, verizon uses the 700 frequency band which unfortunately is not what i was looking for
Typically 3G and GSM use different radio hardware, or even a different chipset. So a GSM LTE phone/tablet will have specific radio hardware for 2G GSM, 3G GSM and LTE. Verizon's LTE phones and tablet will only have CDMA for 3G and LTE. So, even if Verizon uses GSM frequency for LTE, it will still not operate on GSM networks, only LTE networks.
A big knock against this phone is its lack of LTE. Not a big deal to me, but I've been on T-mobile forever, so whatever. I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere, though, to this question: when T-mobile rolls out their planned LTE network, will this phone be compatible with it? The penta-band antenna has 1700/2100 compatibility, which is where T-mob's putting their LTE whenever it actually rolls out. BUT, what I don't know is, does a phone need a special LTE antenna to work with that type of connection? Or is it just a matter of the frequencies being right?
No, it won't work with LTE. EVER
Something that doesn't have an LTE radio built in is not going to work with LTE in the future. So, no.
Im finding out that having an unlocked android phone is better than having a branded one that you are stuck with which is why I plan on getting a Factory unlocked Note 3, but, I have some issues that I cannot seem to figure out. To me, factory unlocked on a device means unlocked for use with any carrier AND no carrier branding on or in the device, which is exactly the kind of Note 3 im looking for, but having a hard time finding it. Dose anyone know what model note 3 is truly factory unlocked, no carrier branding??
1. SM-N9000 3G = International/Made for Travelers: This is the international model. This one has a dual quad core processor running at 1.9 GHz Cortex/1.3 GHz A7. The reason for the processor being change is because this phone is meant to work everywhere their is a GSM signal and kicks threw the different processors to maximize signal strength. The N9000 CAN NOT to 4G speeds of any kind. This is due to most country not having 4G signal and that a lot of county's run on different cell frequencies. By removing the 4G radios this phone can pick up way more cell frequencies then the other models. This phone is not made for people looking for Data speed this is made for travelers whom want a reliable way to have cell service no matter where they are. Don't despair about the data or processing speed this phone still has Wi-Fi connection available and can breeze though 3D games; you shouldn't even notice a speed difference when doing tasks.
2. SM-N9005 4G LTE = European Model/International: This model contains the regular 2.3 GHz Snapdragon Processor. This phone unless unlocked is Region locked to only European SIM cards, after unlocked their is no region lock. Although this phone is an LTE phone it can only get LTE frequencies while in Europe. When you take this phone out of Europe it will get international signals but will not get LTE, when this phone is in the USA is will get H+ (Reference above) signal maximum.
3. SM-N9002 3G = China Model/Select Counties: This model is not LTE or 4G compatible. This was the First generation of the Note 3 released and is considered the Beta. With all the same hardware as the LTE version this phone will still preform flawless tasks.
4. SM-N900W8 4G LTE = China Model/Select Counties: This model will only get LTE in select counties and I advise you check with your service provider to see what signal you will be getting. This model is completely subjective as to what frequencies of LTE you will be about to get. Example: Imagine you are in Europe and you are in a city and get LTE. Then you move to another city and you lose LTE this is because the first city runs on an LTE frequency the the phone can get but the second city although may offer LTE to most cell phone; does not offer LTE on a frequency this phone can't run on.
5. SM-N900A 4G LTE = USA AT&T/Worldwide: This phone is International but you need to consult AT&T to see if you city or county can get LTE service or not. This phone once unlocked will work on Straight Talk, Solavei, T-Mobile, and any other GSM based network. Note: When using T-Moble, Solavei, or other services that piggy-back on the T-Mobile towers you can get LTE service but depending on your area you may not get 3G. If you live in a 3G area consult your carrier to see is the frequencies for 3G match up with this phone. (This review for the AT&T model can change at anytime due to AT&T's bootloader)
6. SM-N900T 4G LTE = USA T-Mobile: This phone when unlocked can get all USA frequencies. Example: You will have no problems using a AT&T SIM card with this phone and even get 4G LTE threw any service whom provides is. The N900T model is the most versatile model out of them all and if you plan on getting one I recommend going to a T-Mobile store and purchasing this model outright. Unlocking this phone is easily done threw calling T-Mobile and even using YouTube for an unlocking video.
micxploed said:
6. SM-N900T 4G LTE = USA T-Mobile: This phone when unlocked can get all USA frequencies ...
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Just to clarify - N900T can NOT get LTE from Sprint or Verizon.
micxploed said:
SM-N900W8 4G LTE = China Model/Select Counties
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Click to collapse
W8 is mostly used by some major Canadian companies and Telcel in Mexico.
First of all there are more models: Sprint and Verizon come to mind just for US market. Second of all, as far as I know all US models are carrier locked, some are easier to unlock than others but still. Third of all, my t-mobile phone had 18 entries under region lock, so I think it had been region locked at least in some places, easy to fix with region unlock, never the less not really factory unlocked. Only few markets get phones without region lock (China is one of them), but the biggest issue IMO is frequencies. It doesn't matter if your phone is locked or not, if you don't match all frequencies for all the places you'll be using it, it will fail sometimes and since no model has all frequencies, you have to go case by case, there is no best phone for all. For example above mentioned t-mo will not work on Verizon or Sprint at all, where Verizon and Sprint phones will work, at least on some T-mo towers.
Best version for AT&T?
Would then the "best" (allow custom ROMS) version for AT&T be SM-N900A ?
I've decided to jump fully over to Android and would like to get a Note 3.
Really trying not to ask a question that has already been asked, however, I'm having a hard time figuring out which version to purchase.
Here's a simple question that gets shockingly complicated.
I have a xt1644 on AT&T, and have my previous phone (zenfone 2) on T-Mobile.
When I used the zenfone 2 on AT&T I could never get an LTE signal, but when using the zenfone on Tmobile i get LTE all the time.
On AT&T, my zenfone said it was in HSPA mode. Now my MG4+ also shows in HSPA.
Interesting sidenote. I travel across the country, and it doesn't matter what market I am in, same results across carriers (no lte on AT&T, but get it on Tmobile.)
Is there any way to figure out what bands which carriers are using, and perhaps add the LTE band for AT&T to my XT1644 radios???
Yes, even I am confused.. but that's it in a nutshell.
Ongoing question: any good roms out of testing for US/xt1644??
I am using the Cellmapper app. If you are rooted, it can read the LTE band frequency directly from the Qualcomm radio.
I have used the XT1644 with both metroPCS (T-Mobile) and now Cricket wireless (AT&T) and the latest has more consistent LTE connection.