calender changing colors - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Hi everyone,
I can't change colors for events in my calendar app.
When I open manage calendars and change the color, let's say, for birthdays, it reverts back to the previous color by itself.
I'm on official nougat

Hi again,
I fix it by myself.
Clear cache of the calendar, restart the phone and you can change the colors in calendar manager couple of times, before it starts to revert to previous color again.
After that you need to repeat the process if you want to change the color again.
I hope Samsung will fix the bug in the next update.
Admin close the thread pls


Calendar issue

I cant create a new event in my calendar. When I open the calendar and select new event, screen goes white and back to calendar. How can I fix this?
I'm running rubix .5 with 928 smoked glass deodex theme. I tried looking for a stock calendar apk to reinstall but couldnt find one.

[Q] How to change the calendar color?

How do I change the color of the calendar? Right now mine are all blue which makes it difficult to distinguish between them.
Thank you.
let's ask this question differently...
does everyone have the same problem with the calendar assigning only one color to all Google Calendars?
(I have a setup with personal account and a work account, that's like 20 calendars. All are blue, and two at random seemingly are yellow).
Is anyone out there with a firmware where the colors are displayed correctly or are we all in the same boat?
If it's the same for all, I'm going to start investigating preference files. It appears that the calendar CAN support multiple colors (each calendar has its own color label), they're just not set properly, so there may be hope yet.
annafil said:
does everyone have the same problem with the calendar assigning only one color to all Google Calendars?
(I have a setup with personal account and a work account, that's like 20 calendars. All are blue, and two at random seemingly are yellow).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did some digging. This seems to be how they Galaxy Calendar app is coded. If I access the calendar via Pure Calendar Widget the colors for the calendar are proper.
I noticed this as well from my launcherpro widget.
It's starting to kind of bug me, but without nandroid fully working I'm not brave enough to explore ROMs in the hope of finding one with a possible fix.
I wonder if there's an XML file somewhere storing all these settings?
As needoz pointed out as well, CLEARLY the device understands the colors when they are synced, it's just Sammy's calendar prog.
Time to browse the file system a little bit.
Will post back if my itchy hands dig up anything more.
Well I'm back quicker than I thought I'd be.
I pulled the calendar .apk from the phone with Rootexplorer, expanded it and started poking around.
At first I was hopeful with all the XML files, and then I hit the graphics section.
All the colors in the calendar are set in pngs. There are 4 in total: blue, orange, green and purple. That's it. 4 colors for events. Blue for internal, orange for google, green for yahoo and I assume purple for exchange. (although it doesn't stick to this strictly on my device so it's really confusing and random).
I also dug up where the correct colors are stored in the calendar.db file, but it looks like Sammy doesn't bother to fetch them at all from the database.
This colorproblem really sucks. Does anyone have the original Android Calender as apk ? The Calendar on the Galaxy I9000 doesn´t have that color bug.
You could pull the calander app of the android emulator using adb if it has one. Not sure if that will loog good on the tabs screen
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Or look for a app in the market which supports calander colours
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Someone figured out how to get rid of the wood theme in the contacts - they were going to tackle the contacts, then the calendar. Sorry I don't know where I saw it, but its out there in wild.
The OP is referring to the color of individual calendars, not the background of the calendar app itself.
I did one better and pulled the apk from the Galaxy S i9000 as requested.
Haven't tried it as I got a nice system on my Tab going by combining an exchange and google calendar to achieve the color differentiation. This is NOT a permanent solution, because it involves separating all calendars I have into two groups - work and personal. But it works for me for now so I might try this later only if I'm very itchy.
I'm happy to shoot it over, but before I do maybe one of the mods can help - are we allowed to put up that kind of unmodified stuff on XDA?

[Solved] Contacts Won't Remember Display Setting

I've learned from bouncing around that this isn't normal behavior. My Contacts will not remember it's display setting. If I choose Menu -> Contacts to Display -> Google or anything else, the minute I leave the app it defaults to "All". Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Edit: Turns out there's some sort of conflict between Go Launcher and the Contacts app. When I'm using TouchWiz, the setting sticks. The minute I switched back to Go Launcher, the setting erased and Contacts uses All. Let them know and hoping for a fix.

[Q] Problem with Google Calendar & SPlanner since 4.4.2 upgrade

Can anyone please help with an issue i have had with my calendar's since upgrading to android 4.4.2.
I personally like google calendar and use it regularly, i dont really like splanner that much, since upgrading to android 4.4.2 both google calendar is acting really strange, the options for notifications keep resetting all the time, notifications, vibrate and pop up notification keeps unticking its self and the default reminder time keeps resetting back to 15, i keep setting it to 10 minutes.
in splanner i keep trying to turn off notifications and keep setting them to off, but every time i go back into it its set back to status bar notification.
All i want it for just google calendar to work on its own and thats it, it shouldn't be too much to ask should it lol
Also when i have just set everything the way i want, it will sometimes work first time but then all reset after the first notification.
both calendars also keep popping up with notifications at the same time.
My phone isn't rooted so i cannot just uninstall splanner unfortunately.
Can anyone please help?
Anyone please?

Google calendar settings and date reading

So I'm sure this is a known issue but every time I restart my phone the Calendar settings reset. I have the week starting on Monday but it always goes to Locale default (which is Sunday) and also adds a default reminder of 15 minutes which I don't need. Any solution to fix that? Is there a way to manually change the system Locale default calendar day? I can deal with the reminder I guess but the week day throws me off every time.
Also when I had my iPhone in the email/Gmail app whenever I got an email with a date/time it would highlight it and let me add it to the calendar. Sadly I haven't seen this option here. On mobile anyway. Any mod that could fix that? I get my schedule emailed and it's a pain to add manually cuz I sometimes mess it up :/

