MIUI 8 for xperia z3 - Xperia Z3 General

to all miui lovers and those waiting to try miui 8 on their z3, i just found a working and stable rom for z3, although it is still testing. Click and follow the links below and download it. <mod edit: link removed>
good luck guys

We already have the similar thread.
Please use search before create any thread......

First link removed as per rule 11
Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
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Main download is the same rom taken from this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/z3/development/p-miui-8-t3519518
Thread is closed.


Request: X2 Threads From X1 Forum Moved Here?

I'm sorry if this has been discussed already, or currently being looked into, but would it be possible to move some of the helpful and important Xperia X2 threads from the X1 section over to the newly implemented X2 forum? (Thanks for it, awesome! )
I think the following are very helpful, informative, important and/or awesome topics that should be moved here. There also were/are good discussions in them.
P.S I'm sorry for the links below, my account has not been verified yet so I can't use the link function.
1. [Solution] MUST-HAVE For X2 Users! Speed Tweaks & How to Disable "Slideview" & Panels
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=663093
Number 1 should be stickied. Again, great work there
2. XPERIA X2 ROM RAW dump + more contents added
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=585722
3. X2 beware it CORRUPUTS memory card content!
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=669157
4. [Official News] X2 MR1 upgrade available!
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=655508
5. Xperia X2: How to change language (re-flash an Stock Spanish ROM)
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=665564
6. Swype keyboard for x2
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=675656
7. Action regarding X2
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=662255
8. Xperia X2 - Bluetooth rSAP profile
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=675759
9. My X2 just arrived! Details inside, good and bad.
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=615784
10. XPERIA X2 - New firmware R3AA0xx
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=677440
I'm sorry if I left anything out or if this has been discussed/is currently being done, but, if nothing else, there are 10 links above to very helpful threads
Thanks, you guys are awesome!
Tody_ZA said:
I'm sorry if this has been discussed already, or currently being looked into, but would it be possible to move some of the helpful and important Xperia X2 threads from the X1 section over to the newly implemented X2 forum? (Thanks for it, awesome! )
I think the following are very helpful, informative, important and/or awesome topics that should be moved here. There also were/are good discussions in them.
P.S I'm sorry for the links below, my account has not been verified yet so I can't use the link function.
1. [Solution] MUST-HAVE For X2 Users! Speed Tweaks & How to Disable "Slideview" & Panels
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=663093
Number 1 should be stickied. Again, great work there
2. XPERIA X2 ROM RAW dump + more contents added
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=585722
3. X2 beware it CORRUPUTS memory card content!
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=669157
4. [Official News] X2 MR1 upgrade available!
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=655508
5. Xperia X2: How to change language (re-flash an Stock Spanish ROM)
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=665564
6. Swype keyboard for x2
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=675656
7. Action regarding X2
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=662255
8. Xperia X2 - Bluetooth rSAP profile
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=675759
9. My X2 just arrived! Details inside, good and bad.
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=615784
10. XPERIA X2 - New firmware R3AA0xx
Link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=677440
I'm sorry if I left anything out or if this has been discussed/is currently being done, but, if nothing else, there are 10 links above to very helpful threads
Thanks, you guys are awesome!
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hi everybody
rest assured I will move them all
just allow me the time to do it
Sure, that's great Thanks a lot!
so I'm off to bed
I checked the 1st 20 pages on x1 general, 15 pages on x1 rom dev and managed a sorry 3 on x1 themes and apps
feel free to point out threads that I missed, it's not always easy detecting them, especially when the title doesn't give them away and not all threads having X2 in their title really belong here
until tomorrow
Draken Korin said:
so I'm off to bed
I checked the 1st 20 pages on x1 general, 15 pages on x1 rom dev and managed a sorry 3 on x1 themes and apps
feel free to point out threads that I missed, it's not always easy detecting them, especially when the title doesn't give them away and not all threads having X2 in their title really belong here
until tomorrow
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Thanks for your time and effort, Draken Korin! We really do appreciate it!
Thanks a bunch for getting everything sorted Great work, very much appreciated!
thx for the feedback, also appreciated
cleaned out 1st 20 pages of themes & apps now as well, hope that sums it up, otherwise drop me a note


Hi there,
this message is target to you that are about to develop a new rom (veteran must already know that)
These are some special rules that you have to impress in your head before clicking on "Open New Thread" with [ROM] in title:
If you are about to post a new Rom you must be in compliance with XDA rule and with good sense:
New Roms thread must have:
- Exactly say which base rom do you used : Stock, custom from another developer.
- Ask permission to use that rom as your base to the original Developer(s).
- Give credits to Original Developer(s) in your first post:
(eg: Credits and thanks for this Rom goes to XXXXX
- Give credits, if possible, to people that you grabbed: scripts, themes and apps.
- You rom MUST BE free of paid apps, warez is not tollerated here.
- Your first post must have as more info that you can, " this is my rom" and a link is not tollerated.
- Thread Title : " [ROM][date of release]xxxxxxxxxxx[/b]
As a user of this thread you must read this (it isn't invisible), so i'll take this as accepted by everyone.
I'm bored of reports on people that don't follow the respect in work of other user and basically, with this thread you don't have other excuses.
Every ROm thread found without those (simple) rules will be closed and links deleted without furter notice.
Bonus rules:
- adfly links are not allowed.
- If a Rom are found by us illegal for XDA, every user is not allowed to have the link of that in your signature.
Feel free to pm me for any clarification.
Thanks for your cooperation.

ROM feature comparision - links to official ROM sites, xda threads

Each day we all can see on forum threads or posts, where people ask for best ROM.
XDA statement on Best ROM / Kernel threads is clear and all such discussions are immediately closed
One of them is here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=49251083#post49251083
"Best" ROM/kernel threads are not allowed on XDA.
Please test these things for yourself.
This is the only way you will get an unbiased opinion,and then, you can decide for yourself if it meets YOUR needs.
Thread Closed
Forum Moderator
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For those of you which don't know, which ROM to choose i will try to collect in one place links to ROM's official sites and their features
I'am not starting a war which one is better, just trying to help other XDA members
Maybe it will be helpful
This thread will not be as Galaxy Nexus JellyBean ROM Feature Comparison
Only links gathered in one place
You must choose yourself, which one is best for you
ROM site links:
Site: http://android.com/
Site: http://aokp.co/
Features: http://aokp.co/about/
Site: http://carbon-rom.com
Features: http://carbon-rom.com/features/
Site: http://www.chameleonos.org/
Features: http://www.chameleonos.org/features.php
Site: http://cyanogenmod.org
Features: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Why_Mod?
Site: http://illusionroms.com/
Features: http://illusionroms.com/•●features•●/
Site: http://en.miui.com/
Features: http://en.miui.com/features.php
Site: http://omnirom.org/
Features: http://omnirom.org/features/
Paranoid Android (i'm not sure if those links are proper ones)
Site: http://www.pac-rom.com/#Home
Site: http://slimroms.net/
Features: http://slimroms.net/index.php/slim-bean-features
XDA threads:
XDA Custom ROM Central
Very good S3 mini ROM index, all in one place, can be found here
piskor said:
Each day we all can see on forum threads or posts, where people ask for best ROM.
XDA statement on Best ROM / Kernel threads is clear and all such discussions are immediately closed
One of them is here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=49251083#post49251083
For those of you which don't know, which ROM to choose i will try to collect in one place links to ROM's official sites and their features
I'am not starting a war which one is better, just trying to help other XDA members
Maybe it will be helpful
This thread will not be as Galaxy Nexus JellyBean ROM Feature Comparison
Only links gathered in one place
You must choose yourself, which one is best for you
ROM site links:
Site: http://android.com/
Site: http://aokp.co/
Features: http://aokp.co/about/
Site: http://carbon-rom.com
Features: http://carbon-rom.com/features/
Site: http://cyanogenmod.org
Features: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Why_Mod?
Site: http://illusionroms.com/
Features: http://illusionroms.com/•●features•●/
Site: http://omnirom.org/
Features: http://omnirom.org/features/
Paranoid Android (i'm not sure if those links are proper ones)
Site: http://www.pac-rom.com/#Home
Site: http://slimroms.net/
Features: http://slimroms.net/index.php/slim-bean-features
XDA threads:
XDA Custom ROM Central
Very good S3 mini ROM index, all in one place, can be found here
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Mod Edit no need to quote the whole first post
Maybe some non-partial description would go good together with every ROM that is on the list. As in: does it work flawleslly, are the bugs being worked on at the time, etc...
Just a suggestion.
JackAce23 said:
Mod Edit no need to quote the whole first post
Maybe some non-partial description would go good together with every ROM that is on the list. As in: does it work flawleslly, are the bugs being worked on at the time, etc...
Just a suggestion.
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I didn't test all of them
Used by me latest 4.4.2 CM11 and Carbon ROM's works flawlessly without problems.
Maybe i am lucky man, because i have no problems with spontaneous reboots nor with time freezing described by some people.
I am not using any tweaks as Crossbreader, killjoy or PurePerformances etc...
For me our dual-core 1GHz processor is enough
You are lucky I guess. For me the CM11 had clock freezes, random reboots and most recently charging problems (didn't recognise a plugged in charger...)
Thats a good idear so I will find the best ROM for me, thank you!


TOOLKIT Available @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZXo5IQnqOpsESo5UFvnHv5hSjz4QJTNa
Avalible exclusively for the moto g3 , MotoTOOLKIT can now be downloaded and used to flash unchecked and development level software.
This is MY OWN program which i have developed.
This program/project has lots of functions for the MotoG3, and i will be releasing builds monthly for the great community here! The download link is in the description of the youtube video up above
Hopefully you like the project!
UPDATE: The download link is on the site placed in the description of the channel video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-bI85x6r92qZpe0HxITFKA , and if you click My Software, then MotoTOOLKIT , a download link and instructions are there!
Any download links and tutorial content ALSO need to be provided here on XDA. Not everyone wishes to use YT.
XDA is a vehicle for "asking questions and reporting bugs" too....
Courting off-site subscriptions is not welcome...
Thread closed until you can provide links etc. here.

Download Latest Package

Hello everyone,my question is,on update settings there is a "Download Latest Package",i try it,and it download the same version witch i'am now.My concern is,it download the same Stable or a Beta?And the downloaded rom erase itself automatically or it is on my phone?What is exactly Download Latest Package do when we download it?İt is a stable or beta version?Thank you for your answer.
It is the latest stable version. If you are on the latest version then it will download the same version only. So it is a waste of time and data
As per the Forum Rules:
5. Create a thread topic or post a message only once, this includes external links & streaming media.
Duplicate threads and posts will be removed
Always post in an existing thread if a topic already exists, before creating a new thread.
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Kindly use the existing thread for continuing discussion: https://forum.xda-developers.com/poco-f2-pro/help/download-package-t4184111
Forum Moderator
