HTC Legend lieing unused for one year is now dead ?? - Legend General

As from subject... last year I bought a new phone and my old HTC Legend was pretty "archived" since.
Now I decided to try turning it on again to see if it was still working, cos I thought I could use it as
spare phone. Nothing to do... seems completely dead. Not even the red led turns on when I connect it
to the charger. I tried everything by now without success. Ok, the battery may be dead (and honestly I'm
not going to spend money for it, if this is the case), but I wonder, shouldn't it give some signs of life
anyway, even if the battery is dead ?? I tried to remove it, but nothing, the phone doesn't give any
sign of life, no light, no led, nothing. Any suggestions ? Thank u in advance.

scrub electrodes in battery, maybe it will help

It goes without saying, that I already tried out all the "trivial" solutions, like checking and cleaning the contacts even those of the lid, nope, it decided to commit suicide. So bad for it.


Dropped my hermes, won't power on. Red light went attached to USB

Ok so I was so happy that I finally got XDA live .2 running on my 1.5 month old Hermes. This site has helped me to no end. Being completely new to the Windows mobile platform, I've made it a point to check the forums here every day and read up on issues/tricks & tips. My utmost respect to the folks here at XDA-Developers. In fact I just contributed some money I was so thrilled. I never had to post a question before.
Short lived :-(
Due to my own stupidity. I dropped my Hermes on the carpeted floor in my office. Now it wasn't a huge hit to the unit. It fell 2.5 feet and it was carpet.
I picked it up and hit the power key (It was sleeping before I dropped it) but no joy. I yanked the battery, waited a minute, replaced it. No Joy.. I've tried lots of stuff
1) With battery in place, soft reset
2) Without battery in place and attached to power.
3) removed battery, waited an hour, replaced battery. No power on. Re-attached power.. No power on.
So long story short, I can't power it up. I get a red light when attached to power with or without battery in place.
I am screwed? I'll cry! I have removed the sim-lock and I am Super CID on the phone. It's over a month old from Cingluar. Do I have any hope of getting it fixed/replaced/someone here suggesting a fix?
Any help appreciated. I saw a post on the red light when charging but nothing so far has helped.
I know they are many genius' here. I'll donate more to this awesome site regardless of getting this fixed. I just hope I don't have to fork out another $500 for a new unit.
What we don't know in your case is whether dropping the device has just triggered the infuriating Red LED issue that will come good or whether more serious damage has occurred.
You say you read a post re this and I assume it was this one?
The one thing I did not see that you tried is having charger plugged in with battery out and whilst remaining connected inserting the battery. Wait several seconds, hopefully LED changes to amber. However, though frustrating it may be worth repeating this kind of thing repeatedly until you are bored to tears! I say this because some folks find that it just seems to start eventually but they've tried so many things they cannot pin down what exactly the solution was.
If it's more serious - which I rather doubt (only 2.5ft to a carpeted floor) then you could try a disassembly and reconstruction. (I'm assuming you do not have warranty) I suggest this as the first time I got this, this is what I did and on re-assembly - hey presto it worked. Did not actually do anything but perhaps it helped with a loose connection or helped discharge the circuits and reset charging function??
had the same issue! No function, only red light - with/without/new power plug, accu - only red light.
My device only layed on my table at home - overnight crash effect...
I had to bring in the device to service...
Now i have a new one with higher s/n and all is good again...
Would having a second, fully charged battery help?
It's going back to cingular.
Thanks for all the advice/help. Nothing seemed to work at all. Different battery, attching to power and inserting the abttery afterwards. However, I now can boot trhe unit, but I have to squeeze the sides of the unit (Or jam a piece os plastice bettwen the slide out keyboard) and the unit boots. Not very practical.
I contacted Cingular and a replacement is on the way. I put back on the original ROM that it shipped with and wiped everything else. I am Super CID, does this void my warranty? Will they even care? The issues is definietly HW so I hope they just can't power it up when they recieve it back. I'll play dumb anyway if they ask!
Now it's just trying to survive the next few days with either my SE P900 or My S710 (Sniff... sniff.. I want my Hermes back already)
Thanks again to all who posted advice.

Hermes battery drains, Hermes won't charge, get brand new battery, still the same :O

I'm sure my Hermes is not dead, I'm just having ridicious battery problems.
My battery completely drained out, I saw the screen fade out and kind of "die" as it happened. I then couldn't even charge the Hermes up, so it seems the battery just ran out of juice period. I googled around and it seemed the only way to revive the battery again is doing some complicated wiry thing with alkaline batteries.
But instead of that I just bought a new replacement battery. But it still won't charge! Does this mean my Hermes actually did die? The battery WAS extremely low so I'm certain that it was the battery. The phone can't just die like that.
Thank you so much for your help. N.B. the phone LED won't even give a red light when plugged in without battery in. I hope that's not a bad sign...
Hey there just a guess but I had a simular problem in the past and it seemed to be due to a defective camera part draining power. Only way I was able to fix it was to remove the camera part and then put it back together.
If the red LED doesn't come on when you connect to the power without the battery then your Hermes is dead, good only for parts.... If the LED does light up, connect the battery and see if it turns amber(orangey) that means its charging.
It could be the internal fuse blew. Might be replaceable but could be costly....
Yes, after reading that other people could usually still see a red LED without the battery, I gave up.
Sigh...well at least I got to see my Hermes die...the screen gradually fading away in front of me....sniff.... I will miss it dearly.
- - -
But life moves on and hey hey hey I'm the proud owner of a new Blackstone! I just wasn't ready to upgrade yet...I wanted to wait until a capacitive screened successor to the Touch HD came out...sigh
But I suppose deaths of family and friends don't happen when you're ready for them
Goodbye my Hermes
eyupwolf said:
Hey there just a guess but I had a simular problem in the past and it seemed to be due to a defective camera part draining power. Only way I was able to fix it was to remove the camera part and then put it back together.
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Dear eyupwolf, I have similar problems.
Camera just works some times, but after that it can not be initialised again and drains my battery out. So I don't use it anyway (since 99% times tried it didn't work). If I do, I have to reset Hermes many times to set things up.
Can you describe the procedure how you fixed (removed) that problem?
Thank you,
battery wont charge
I got the same problems with the Hermes 200. I tired the 3 AAA battries in serial connection but it didn't help.
I even tried to cool the battery for 30 mins in the freezer (an old trick to squeeze the last little bit from the battery) the phone turned on for about 10 seconds but the os never loaded up. the phone shows red when connected to usb without a battery but led turns off when battery is insterted.
I ordered a battery on ebay, but until it arrives does anyone have any other suggestions?
PS. It had Olipro 2.10 spl and recently installed the amazing golden globe v9 rom
which is amazing.

XDA Trion no life at all (had red light)

Well, this all started with a red light on the phone, battery was in and it just refused to charge or do anything sensible.
Tried a few bits inc the soft reset just in case, pushing battery in while charger attached etc and no joy. As it sits at the moment since last night there is now ZERO lights on at all. Nothing when I connect the charger.
I did a search here and found one about a blown fuse? Any suggestions what I can do. I'm tempted with a new battery just in case it's that simple but as I now get no lights at all i'm not sure if it's going to help anything.
Anyone able to offer some pointers? It's about 2 months out of warrenty now and they'd flash it anyway if it went back, my last sync was quite a while ago so i'm a little worried about loosing my contacts
No LED means its dead... May be the fuse or could be, if it was dropped, a broken battery connection. Might be more money to repair than its worth. Unless you can revive it yourself I think you can kiss your contacts goodbye.

Please help me !!!

Hey guys, Well I'm going staight to the point. My Jasjar is letrally DEAD. two days ago. the battery was about 4-2%. the phone kept showing a message that I should recharge the battery "abviousely", but the problem that I wasnt at home to recharge it. Anyways, the phone turned off after a while and I thought it was becuse of the battery. So, when I wanted to recharge the battery, there was nothing, the phone didnt turn on. I even replaced the battery, but no good, and to make things more confusing, when I remove the battery and put the charger, the red light turns on, which means that there is a response, and when I put the battery back, just nothing.
I really hope that someone here help me, because I desperately need the phone these days. please guys help me.
Sorry for the long topic but I tried to give details as much as I could
not to be too obviouse, but you have left it charging for a while? the Uni will not switch on until the battery has been charged for a bit. However, I do believe the red light it on at this stage, even though the Uni won't switch on. Also, new batteries may not come in charged state, so same problem.
Another test may be to charge the universal in a battery charger, rather than the Uni.
boss shinoda said:
Hey guys, Well I'm going staight to the point. My Jasjar is letrally DEAD. two days ago. the battery was about 4-2%. the phone kept showing a message that I should recharge the battery "abviousely", but the problem that I wasnt at home to recharge it. Anyways, the phone turned off after a while and I thought it was becuse of the battery. So, when I wanted to recharge the battery, there was nothing, the phone didnt turn on. I even replaced the battery, but no good, and to make things more confusing, when I remove the battery and put the charger, the red light turns on, which means that there is a response, and when I put the battery back, just nothing.
I really hope that someone here help me, because I desperately need the phone these days. please guys help me.
Sorry for the long topic but I tried to give details as much as I could
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Welcome to the forum
I can add to -Jonny- suggestions to have a look here:
Good luck,
Well, I've been charging it for a long time (2-3hours), but nothig...
Also, another strange thing poped up. whnen I leave the phone with the battery in it without charging for a while, and I plug the charger, the red lightturns on for like a munite and turns off again !!!!
I really don't know what to do, I don't even know what caused this problem, but from your replys I can tell that the problem is from the battery, and nothing is worng with the phone, cuz someone told me that it's a motherbord problem. So, is my phone ok? is it just a battery problem??
Thx for the replys, BTW
Try your battery in another Uni.
Try another NEW battery in your Uni.(you've )
Try to see if your device can be put in bootloader so to know it is not dead completely.
Simple suggestions.
But ..Been there...Done that..worked.
kalya said:
Try your battery in another Uni.
Try another NEW battery in your Uni.(you've )
Try to see if your device can be put in bootloader so to know it is not dead completely.
Simple suggestions.
But ..Been there...Done that..worked.
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Well thats a nice idea ,, Im ganna give it a try ASAP, and when I do so, I'll let ya know what happened
Thx for the reply

G1 crazy problems... could use assistance! lol

ok so I have a G1 and since the ota of 1.6 it has been acting weird... it used to only say low battery even when fully charged and then die (no matter what battery I had in it) now it won't load past the ANDROID blue screen then shuts off... and that's if it'll even turn on!
I tried leaving it on the charger and got nothing... I tried safe mode (which works fine) and wiped handheld and installed all the root stuff and try to reboot from there but same thing... steel blue ANDROID for maybe 5 minutes then LED flashes red and shuts off
Also tried bootloader (camera+power) and will say battery voltage too low charge or replace battery, but no matter how many fully charged batteries I put in it it says the same thing... even if it's charging...
So I'm at a loss... IDK what to do anymore... please help if at all possible :\
they say these can't be bricked, but this is ridiculous!
seriously guys... please help me figure this out lol... if you want a challenge this is it! I wish I had someone to take it to or to ask advice in person, but I'm actually the techy guy at work so I never have anyone to turn to
bad battery or hardware failure. try a new battery, if that doesnt work, warranty the phone.
so since i've tried numerous batteries it's probably a hardware failure and I should buy one with a broken screen and replace the motherboard or what?
you can try that, but i'd advise against it. my recommendation would be to ship it to HTC and let the pros fix it, because if you screw it up trying to replace parts yourself, they wont take it back.

