no longer exists - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i wanted to turn on LTE in my Note 3 SM N9005, when i try to change the value of "" it says file no longer exists, the file may be renamed, moved, cleared or deleted by other programs. what should i do now? please let me know

Factory reset and never mess with files without backing them up .


Unlock SIM without hex edit

Sorry if this has been posted before...please be careful and don't blame me if you will brick your tab
I haven't tried this method.
ok so we need to delete this "nv_data.bin.md5 and nv_data.bak.md5 "
do i need to delete that too : nv_data.bak
please let me know
This method just seem ridiculous to me. I just don't buy that you delete an important system file and pretend that all it does is sim unlock your tab. I would seriously think twice and make sure I have the /efs folder securely backed up in my PC b4 attempting to do that.
p.s. is a copy of used by the system in case the original file gets corrupted. If you delete the .bin file there are good chances that it will be restored with the .bak one. But if you delete both ............. hmmm I am not quite sure in what kind of trouble you're putting yourself into. The .md5 files can be deleted with no problem, they will be regenerated on the next boot.
pakalrtb said:
This method just seem ridiculous to me.
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And yet 100's of people, using caution have successfully done this.
As always, do your research, ask questions, then go forward.

deleted efs folder

i don't known how... i have deleted the /efs folder on my TAB, and now my
TAB only works in wifi mode...
please, anyone can be send a /efs folder backup in order to try if is possible to make the phone functional?
You're very funny. what you asked..."Could you please give me your credit card #, expiration date and security codes please!"
can you tell me I can do with your IMEI number in another country, probably on another continent?
your imei identifies your phone hardrware, NOT your operator account!
Do a factory-reset and the folder will be back.
Go to the recovery. volume-up+powerbutton. In the recovery clear cache and clear data/factory-reset. The tab will restart and you have a fresh phone/tablet
Yeah except that everything in the efs folder requires root access to modify which means that there IS no backup. If you go deleting stock apps and master reset, they will not magically come back. If the efs folder was cleared you can get your device to generate new files with a random IMEI but your stock IMEI information is gone fooooooorever
rocker33 said:
i don't known how... i have deleted the /efs folder on my TAB, and now my
TAB only works in wifi mode...
please, anyone can be send a /efs folder backup in order to try if is possible to make the phone functional?
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It sounds like you're screwed prime time.
You SHOULD NOT delete the /efs folder which contains ALL your machine ID info (including serial and IMEI which are unique to your machine).
I moved /efs to memory card (in order to restore) and found serial changed to 00000000.
/efs don't returns after a wipe.
is not possible to use the tab as a phone without this folder

I9500 Factory Mode Is On

I have a problem with my i9500... after getting it fixed by a service center i got a Factory Mode is on massage and then my wifi turned off... I tried everything that i found on the web and learnt everything related to efs folder that I could have find but with no luck...
I guess its something about efs directory permissions... is there any advice there from you guys about this problem maybe a list of ownership/permissions for every file/folder in efs folder could do the trick
many thanks in advence!!!
BTW i have efs backup but its only the folder so i think its might be lacking the right permissions or ownership for the files inside...
ttaallooss said:
I have a problem with my i9500... after getting it fixed by a service center i got a Factory Mode is on massage and then my wifi turned off... I tried everything that i found on the web and learnt everything related to efs folder that I could have find but with no luck...
I guess its something about efs directory permissions... is there any advice there from you guys about this problem maybe a list of ownership/permissions for every file/folder in efs folder could do the trick
many thanks in advence!!!
BTW i have efs backup but its only the folder so i think its might be lacking the right permissions or ownership for the files inside...
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Is your phone rooted? If yes then follow this:
1-using RootExplorer/ES FileExplorer navigate to efs/FactoryApp/ and search for "factorymode"
2 - open it with text editor and change OFF to ON and save it.
All the best!
Thanks for the replay...
I managed to fix the issue by deleting all efs folder and then restoring it from a backup i had... then did factory reset (all the needed wipes) and vuoala got back to user mode...

Editing gpio-keys.kl does nothing :\

Hi, I have a Galaxy note 3 Sm-N9005 european version, I was trying to edit the gpio-keys.kl in order to disable the volume buttons, I tried adding a "#" before the text, with and without a space after it, I tried changing the "volume_up" to "UNKNOWN" , I tried deleting the "Wake_dropped" part of the line... It doesn't matter what I do, It does nothing.
I even deleted the file (I did a backup previously), rebooted the phone, and the keys still worked.
There is a bizarre problem also. In the process, I renamed gpio-keys.kl to gpio-kksks.kl in order to be able to copy the backup since I was having some trouble. Now I have 2 files, the original gpio-keys file and that renamed file, that if I try to delete, it does nothing. If I open it with a text editor it says "no such file or directory" as a text, and If I delete that text, the file weighs 0,00kb, but it still appears on the system folder.
So 2 questions, what do I do to definitely delete that gpio-kksks.kl file? and what do I do in order to dissable the volume keys? I hope someone can help me.

nvram folder is missing

hi there! i was trying to restore the imei on my s7 edge and i found a way by editing the mp0b_001 file, the path being: /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/mp0b_001, but no matter where i searched i couldnt see it, like it disappeared totally. does anyone know how can i find it it? or maybe it is in another directory?(the phone is rooted and the file manager has su)
Try folder :
root/efs/imei/ <--
no, it isnt there either

