Is LG 360 VR compatible with V20 - LG V20 Questions & Answers

As they write on LG Web site it VR set is only compatible with G5 but did any one tried it on V20 ? One of my friends is selling his 360VR and I'm planning to buy a V20 when it arrives to my country. It's good to have a VR set ready

up, anyone ?

I would like to know this aswell.


ocelot4ark said:
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isnt the lg 360vr compatible with other phones besides the G5? you would think so. I think VR is still a year away anywhere on phones. Everyone is going crazy over the daydream vr, but why? what games are even out for it? Just looks like a bunch of "tech demos" to me so far. I wouldnt stress over it till its established and theres actually games for it.

The VR experience on a phone with LCD screen and its slow refresh rate is far inferior compared to Amoled screens. I would not bother with VR on the V20. On the Samsung S7 edge and note, I did enjoy VR. Tried it on the HTC 10 with LCD and the experience was dismal.

GermanGuy said:
The VR experience on a phone with LCD screen and its slow refresh rate is far inferior compared to Amoled screens. I would not bother with VR on the V20. On the Samsung S7 edge and note, I did enjoy VR. Tried it on the HTC 10 with LCD and the experience was dismal.
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maybe, but the LG 360 VR does not use the phone as screen, it has 2 built in screen for each eye, that why its connected via usb type c conector to the phone.
and the answer is yes, it's compatible, but you have to download the software from playstore LG friends manager and LG 360 VR manager

donkanmcklaus said:
maybe, but the LG 360 VR does not use the phone as screen, it has 2 built in screen for each eye, that why its connected via usb type c conector to the phone.
and the answer is yes, it's compatible, but you have to download the software from playstore LG friends manager and LG 360 VR manager
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That's it , Thanks

Yesterday I bought a 360 VR (LG-R100). no apps, no market, no games just able to play 3d videos, some tech demos. No support for cardboard apps, no support daydream apps. out of focus with low resolution. Just don't buy...

So I see this has not been commented on in over a year. I just received the LG 360 VR and the quality of the glasses is not as bad as reviews state.. Although when using on my V20, the head tracking does not work and one side of the on screen display is upside down. I have read that these glasses are compatible with the v20 but has anyone gotten them to work properly?

jhcomputerguy said:
So I see this has not been commented on in over a year. I just received the LG 360 VR and the quality of the glasses is not as bad as reviews state.. Although when using on my V20, the head tracking does not work and one side of the on screen display is upside down. I have read that these glasses are compatible with the v20 but has anyone gotten them to work properly?
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So just uninstall Google VR Services and works fine. There are alot of negative reviews but really quality not very bad. Bad support and software, pretty good hardware. Gonna try and get more things to run. Hopefully can.

jhcomputerguy said:
So just uninstall Google VR Services and works fine. There are alot of negative reviews but really quality not very bad. Bad support and software, pretty good hardware. Gonna try and get more things to run. Hopefully can.
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Does it support anything other than 5g?


[Q] Gear VR - is it worth it?

Hey, I don't have the Note 4 yet, but really interested simply for the Gear VR.
My main concern is, is the resolution enough to comfortably (and enjoyably) watch a full HD movie on it?
Any thoughts? I am actually dying to know (without making an expensive mistake of course)!
not worth it. best to wait until we get actual decent 3D goggles with high res screens for each eye.
the only good experience ive had with 3D was with two 4K high res projectors with horizontal+vertical polarization and polarized glasses. worked extremely well.
It depends what you expect. Resolution is about 720p. If you into watching movies or technology lover then is a must. Otherwise you can live without. I got mine and I like it. For a long time we cant expect product what will satisfy everyone.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
zurkx said:
not worth it. best to wait until we get actual decent 3D goggles with high res screens for each eye.
the only good experience ive had with 3D was with two 4K high res projectors with horizontal+vertical polarization and polarized glasses. worked extremely well.
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Hey! that's an entirely different technology and an unfair comparison! right? that's not immersive 3D.
darekz said:
It depends what you expect. Resolution is about 720p. If you into watching movies or technology lover then is a must. Otherwise you can live without. I got mine and I like it. For a long time we cant expect product what will satisfy everyone.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
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That's true, but can you comfortably watch an entire movie; does it feel as comfortable as watching a 720p movie on YouTube, or are you bothered by the pixels?
For me is ok. I can watch whole movie laying in bed and looking at the ceiling. Pixels, hmm if you think about them and concentrate on them, then they are there. If you into movie then they are gone. You need to realize that picture bever going to be perfectly sharp but that is the way how optics work. Phone is only about 1.5" from the face.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
Is there an adjustment for those that need reading glasses for up close material?
Sent from my TF700T using Tapatalk
awilson77584 said:
Is there an adjustment for those that need reading glasses for up close material?
Sent from my TF700T using Tapatalk
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The Gear VR does indeed come with an adjustment dial; however, I just leave it on the setting closest to my face because that seems to be the best setting [for me].
nirpaudyal said:
That's true, but can you comfortably watch an entire movie; does it feel as comfortable as watching a 720p movie on YouTube, or are you bothered by the pixels?
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Although everyone's experience it different, I do not have an issue watching an entire [3D] movie with the Gear on. Is it the most comfortable thing though? Probably not :silly: The pixel issue or screen door effect (or whatever it's called) is definitely there and I won't deny that, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest unless I intentionally look for them pixels
nirpaudyal said:
Hey, I don't have the Note 4 yet, but really interested simply for the Gear VR.
My main concern is, is the resolution enough to comfortably (and enjoyably) watch a full HD movie on it?
Any thoughts? I am actually dying to know (without making an expensive mistake of course)!
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Personally, I think the $200 price tag is nothing for someone who can afford a Note 4.
Think of it like this: $200 for a full 360 degree experience with games and a cinema mode that mimics a screen size that feels larger than anything that can fit in a typical house.
In the end, the decision will be entirely yours.
Have u tried Google cardboard? There are quite a few apps that support it. You can watch 3d trailer from YouTube. The effect is quite good. However, you still able to see pixels on note 4. I guess gear vr will be the same
Sent from my SM-P605 using XDA Premium HD app
torickray said:
Have u tried Google cardboard? There are quite a few apps that support it. You can watch 3d trailer from YouTube. The effect is quite good. However, you still able to see pixels on note 4. I guess gear vr will be the same
Sent from my SM-P605 using XDA Premium HD app
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I actually installed google carboard app on my note and use it with gear vr. It is not the same. Google carboard experience makes me feel like im ready to throw up while oculus app gives very smooth experience i can enjoy for hours. Gear vr has gyro build in and being used by oculus app while carboard relies on phone sensors.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
This is an interesting discussion - I am not pixel hungry and I will not go hunting for pixels, however, I want to experience an immersive 3D movie or a 'cinema like effect' when watching a 2D video.
e.g. we can comfortably watch a movie on any laptop reasonably from a distance of 1/2 a meter, providing the experience compares to this, I think it would be ok.
I guess what we have to think about is, its not just the screen thats 1.5" from your eyes, the screen is also somewhat magnified which will add to pixel visiblity.
Its a shame there is no where to try out the Gear VR... I guess thats the only way of knowing for your self and being satisfied. Its expensive overall, for a relatively new craze.
nirpaudyal said:
This is an interesting discussion - I am not pixel hungry and I will not go hunting for pixels, however, I want to experience an immersive 3D movie or a 'cinema like effect' when watching a 2D video.
e.g. we can comfortably watch a movie on any laptop reasonably from a distance of 1/2 a meter, providing the experience compares to this, I think it would be ok.
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There are several different viewing modes when viewing movies with the VR Cinema, including one that is a virtual movie theater - this is the mode I use when viewing 3D movies because I feel the virtual environment tricks me into believing there is depth.
& I would much rather view movies with the Gear VR, assuming that the video is of high quality.
nirpaudyal said:
Its a shame there is no where to try out the Gear VR... I guess thats the only way of knowing for your self and being satisfied. Its expensive overall, for a relatively new craze.
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There are Samsung stores that allow you to test out the Gear VR? I did not even know of their existence until recently stumbling upon an article about it. Not sure if we have any in America S:
JippleStar said:
There are several different viewing modes when viewing movies with the VR Cinema, including one that is a virtual movie theater - this is the mode I use when viewing 3D movies because I feel the virtual environment tricks me into believing there is depth.
& I would much rather view movies with the Gear VR, assuming that the video is of high quality.
There are Samsung stores that allow you to test out the Gear VR? I did not even know of their existence until recently stumbling upon an article about it. Not sure if we have any in America S:
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Thats quite encouraging to hear that you would prefer to view on Gear VR ... I presume compared to laptop/pc monitor?
I hadnt considered the Samsung Store ... they are called Experience stores, I am based in the UK and there's one close to me, I will have to call in.
nirpaudyal said:
Thats quite encouraging to hear that you would prefer to view on Gear VR ... I presume compared to laptop/pc monitor?
I hadnt considered the Samsung Store ... they are called Experience stores, I am based in the UK and there's one close to me, I will have to call in.
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Pretty much, yeah S:
I can't afford those crazy expensive TV's that cost several thousand dollars * -* So this seemed to be the best option If you're rich and have like some ridiculous theater room though, this probably wouldn't be as impressive XD for movies at least
& nice! I'm sure you will enjoy it :good:

Is it worth to update from G5?

Is it worth to update from G5?
it's worth to upgrade only if music is important to you, otherwise if having an hifi dac is not that crucial i would advise against.
camera is the same, display is bigger but i don't know if you are looking for a bigger screen. second oled screen is nice but can't be the only reason why you're upgrade to v20
so... unless you're very into music (which i suspect you aren't, otherwise v20 would be a no brainer) don't turn in your g5 for v20
buongu said:
it's worth to upgrade only if music is important to you, otherwise if having an hifi dac is not that crucial i would advise against.
camera is the same, display is bigger but i don't know if you are looking for a bigger screen. second oled screen is nice but can't be the only reason why you're upgrade to v20
so... unless you're very into music (which i suspect you aren't, otherwise v20 would be a no brainer) don't turn in your g5 for v20
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Im already using B&O module on G5!
buongu said:
it's worth to upgrade only if music is important to you, otherwise if having an hifi dac is not that crucial i would advise against.
camera is the same, display is bigger but i don't know if you are looking for a bigger screen. second oled screen is nice but can't be the only reason why you're upgrade to v20
so... unless you're very into music (which i suspect you aren't, otherwise v20 would be a no brainer) don't turn in your g5 for v20
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second screen is LCD btw not oled.
Sent from my LG V20 US996
Csetoue said:
Is it worth to update from G5?
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If a larger display is desired,along w/the 2nd display,which is cool & more useful than some bloggers would lead you to believe.
I won't speak for the HI-FI DAC,as I primarily use Bluetooth.
Since you already have the B&O Module on your G5,I'd omit audio considerations from the equation.
Sooo,we're back to the display:
If extra real estate/ticker display are intriguing,get it,YOLO.
Otherwise,save your $$$,as all other items are virtually the same,especially once you're upgraded to Android 7.0
As someone who came from the g5 only because the black friday deal of 4 bucks a month with trade in, i would say base your whole decision on screen size. I normally dont like big screens but it is nice. I was also on my 4th G5 due to the Gps issue.
The music sounds better on the speaker but everything else is just about the same. I dont care about hi fi dac cause i use Bluetooth

Should I buy a LG G6?

Hi All
Currently have a Samsung S7 edge and considering getting a LG G6.
Does anyone recommend this?
I got lg g6, but i think i make mistake i should have bought oneplus 5
I do not think it's relevant to change from s7 edge to g6, there is very little difference, in raw performance and in photos it's the same, just the design and screen format that changes.
Even if I much prefer the g6, in your place I will stay with the s7 and I will wait for the new products to come..
For what its worth, i own a g6 currently, im planning on swichting to OnePlus as soon as 6 comes out.. Ill recommend u the same
It could be a good idea. Just depends on what do you expect from a phone, at what price you would pay for it.
I prefer the G6 mostly because:
Doesn´t have Touchwiz.
Probably more resistant.
Why are you considering the G6 over the S7?
I can't recommend LG G6, but if you'll decide to buy one - you could buy it from me, I'd be glad to get rid of it
Thanks for your replies. To be Honest the urge to change is probably due to the novelty has worn off. Really want a good camera bottom line.
In that case you do not want the G6, the camera is mediocre at best and the native app is very poor for quality on auto setting.
boomboomer said:
In that case you do not want the G6, the camera is mediocre at best and the native app is very poor for quality on auto setting.
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Oh ok, seems to get reviews generally. I did worry about the fact that LG does not update their software regularly . I think the front camera doesnt look too good either , but then I dont take alot of selfies
Maybe my S7 Edge will get Oreo soon , that will keep me distractedted for a little while!
I think I could get around £200 for my S7 (maybe more as its pristine) so I would expect to shell out around £300 to £350 for my next phone ....any suggestions?
bigbossa said:
Thanks for your replies. To be Honest the urge to change is probably due to the novelty has worn off. Really want a good camera bottom line.
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I own the G6 ever since it came out. Everything about it is good except for the front camera. I've played with the settings and photos are sh-crap. This is my first and last LG phone until they make something better. (seriously, a 5 MP front camera?)
boomboomer said:
In that case you do not want the G6, the camera is mediocre at best and the native app is very poor for quality on auto setting.
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I'm lost on this opinion.
LG G6 is now around $400 in USA, used or refurbished go even cheaper, like $250. There aren't many phones out there in this price range with a better camera.
boomboomer said:
In that case you do not want the G6, the camera is mediocre at best and the native app is very poor for quality on auto setting.
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Barely exaggerated :silly:

Photo quality

Say "cheese", then rate this thread to express how photos taken with the Asus ROG Phone come out. A higher rating indicates that photos offer rich color (without over-saturating), sharp detail (with all subjects in-focus), and appropriate exposure (with even lighting).
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
I haven't been able to play much with the phone, since I haven't got a cover for it yet.
But in the super resolution option, the camera is using 49MP? or is it actually just upscaled resolution from the 12MP? I hope future update will bring 960fps slowmotion.
bamsemh said:
I haven't been able to play much with the phone, since I haven't got a cover for it yet.
But in the super resolution option, the camera is using 49MP? or is it actually just upscaled resolution from the 12MP? I hope future update will bring 960fps slowmotion.
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it appears that it takes multiple photos at different exposures kind of like an hdr image, but stitches them together in a way that produces an nMP x 4 resulting image, in this case 12MP x 4 = 48MP. Don't know where you got 49, is the sensor maybe like 12.2MP or something?
So anyway, its not a true 48/49MP image, but its not just an upscale either.
I'm sure updates will start rolling out in a few months, it will interesting to see what they can bring. I don't know much about asus phones, but I'ved owned a ton of asus products, and I'm sure the rog phone will at least get something cool :good:
bbmaster123 said:
it appears that it takes multiple photos at different exposures kind of like an hdr image, but stitches them together in a way that produces an nMP x 4 resulting image, in this case 12MP x 4 = 48MP. Don't know where you got 49, is the sensor maybe like 12.2MP or something?
So anyway, its not a true 48/49MP image, but its not just an upscale either.
I'm sure updates will start rolling out in a few months, it will interesting to see what they can bring. I don't know much about asus phones, but I'ved owned a ton of asus products, and I'm sure the rog phone will at least get something cool :good:
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Hopefully you can see the picture. And in the corner it shows 49M. I wish Oneplus 6/T would release their gaming mode for all Androids. It is much better done than the gaming mode asus has.
Yea I see, I'll correct myself. "I don't know where IT got 49
Is gaming mode like when you go to developer settings and enable CPU high performance mode? sounds like it essentially does the same thing... I'n which case I wouldn't care because it will already be way faster than my m7 haha
maybe you could upload some pics with super res on and off, seeing as this is a photo quality thread?
bbmaster123 said:
Yea I see, I'll correct myself. "I don't know where IT got 49
Is gaming mode like when you go to developer settings and enable CPU high performance mode? sounds like it essentially does the same thing... I'n which case I wouldn't care because it will already be way faster than my m7 haha
maybe you could upload some pics with super res on and off, seeing as this is a photo quality thread?
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Sorry for the late reply. Weather have been really boring lately. But this is standard and high resolution sample from this morning.
bamsemh said:
Sorry for the late reply. Weather have been really boring lately. But this is standard and high resolution sample from this morning.
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thanks for getting back to us with pics. :good:
the super res image definitely has better detail, and is also darker.
bbmaster123 said:
thanks for getting back to us with pics. :good:
the super res image definitely has better detail, and is also darker.
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I ended up returning the rog phone. Oneplus 6 performs 250% better in online gaming.
bamsemh said:
I ended up returning the rog phone. Oneplus 6 performs 250% better in online gaming.
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okay well I hope you enjoy your oneplus, I dont really play online games so I really only cared about its speakers screen and camera. Thanks again for your input! I'm still probably going to try to get one of these :good:
bbmaster123 said:
okay well I hope you enjoy your oneplus, I dont really play online games so I really only cared about its speakers screen and camera. Thanks again for your input! I'm still probably going to try to get one of these :good:
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Go for it, it's a great phone like the colored great sounding speakers, design symmetry which is rare to find now a days. There are a lot of pros going for this phone. I would say it's worth its price, could it have been better? sure!. But the same argument applies to every phone out there.
Rashad83 said:
Go for it, it's a great phone like the colored great sounding speakers, design symmetry which is rare to find now a days. There are a lot of pros going for this phone. I would say it's worth its price, could it have been better? sure!. But the same argument applies to every phone out there.
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I ordered it. Should have it by next week. Very true, every phone has some sort of compromise. on my m7 is was the lack of a qwerty keyboard, and now it will be size/material/cases for me. Man I really love my current case haha
I'll post back when I get the phone and root/setup/etc
bbmaster123 said:
okay well I hope you enjoy your oneplus, I dont really play online games so I really only cared about its speakers screen and camera. Thanks again for your input! I'm still probably going to try to get one of these :good:
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Currently using 1st gen RazerPhone and although the screens a bit dark I was mainly looking to get this phone for Netflix and Google/YouTube Premium. Now I know HDR isn't everything but how is video and sound on this phone for Netflix. With Amoled screen I feel it would be better and curious if any black borders on screen during YouTube or Netflix playback. While also going back to 1080 from 1440.
iStasis said:
Currently using 1st gen RazerPhone and although the screens a bit dark I was mainly looking to get this phone for Netflix and Google/YouTube Premium. Now I know HDR isn't everything but how is video and sound on this phone for Netflix. With Amoled screen I feel it would be better and curious if any black borders on screen during YouTube or Netflix playback. While also going back to 1080 from 1440.
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I'm currently using an m7 and the speakers are definitely blown after all these years (almost 5). I have an ROG phone in transit right now, was supposed to be delivered today but the canada post stike is messing with all the couriers right now so fedex hasn't shipped it yet. probably tomorrow. almost for sure. I will definitely let you know how everything is when I get it though! plus I plan to root it and find mods and see what else the phone is capable of.
In regards to black borders on youtube and netflix, since the phone is 18:9 it will definitely have them on netflix, since everything on there is pretty much all 16:9. Youtube has a mix now of multiple aspect ratios so it depends. I'm sure you could zoom in to crop it to 18:9 but I'd prefer the black borders over that personally. (maybe future phones could have ai that fills in the black with generated content? haha)
bbmaster123 said:
I'm currently using an m7 and the speakers are definitely blown after all these years (almost 5). I have an ROG phone in transit right now, was supposed to be delivered today but the canada post stike is messing with all the couriers right now so fedex hasn't shipped it yet. probably tomorrow. almost for sure. I will definitely let you know how everything is when I get it though! plus I plan to root it and find mods and see what else the phone is capable of.
In regards to black borders on youtube and netflix, since the phone is 18:9 it will definitely have them on netflix, since everything on there is pretty much all 16:9. Youtube has a mix now of multiple aspect ratios so it depends. I'm sure you could zoom in to crop it to 18:9 but I'd prefer the black borders over that personally. (maybe future phones could have ai that fills in the black with generated content? haha)
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I remember TVs doing this and started to watch what I could of blizzcon 2018 where my friends TV was cutting alot of the screen off the picture off as menus where not right as per it's display from the laptop so made everyone wait will I fixed the TV. I agree I'm too use to 16:9 now and although I won't be selling my RazerPhone it will probably always be with me as a 2nd phone in my tech bag as you never know when it's needed plus being on a true unlimited data plan with not tethering limit its handy to just have spare if I need it or someone else needs it if traveling. I'll have to live with some bars as 18:9 is still new but did see this.
Any video letterboxing is moot as the actual size of the video doesn't change relative to a 16:9 screen, and actually the extended width can help for movies that are shot is a wider aspect.
iStasis said:
I remember TVs doing this and started to watch what I could of blizzcon 2018 where my friends TV was cutting alot of the screen off the picture off as menus where not right as per it's display from the laptop so made everyone wait will I fixed the TV. I agree I'm too use to 16:9 now and although I won't be selling my RazerPhone it will probably always be with me as a 2nd phone in my tech bag as you never know when it's needed plus being on a true unlimited data plan with not tethering limit its handy to just have spare if I need it or someone else needs it if traveling. I'll have to live with some bars as 18:9 is still new but did see this.
Any video letterboxing is moot as the actual size of the video doesn't change relative to a 16:9 screen, and actually the extended width can help for movies that are shot is a wider aspect.
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yea exactly, since the video resolution doesn't actually change its just best to live with the bars. you still have to do it when watching 4:3 content on a 16:9 anyway so its kinda like the same thing.
bbmaster123 said:
yea exactly, since the video resolution doesn't actually change its just best to live with the bars. you still have to do it when watching 4:3 content on a 16:9 anyway so its kinda like the same thing.
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Yeah I am currently going through some old Star Trek on Netflix and completely forgot about the 4:3 bars. I will probably drop my pre order once I hear back from Asus regarding their 4G supported bands and if they match my Carriers bands. I don't want a phone which doesn't work on 4G. Plus there's and LTE issues with non partner/devices bought from manufacture direct that don't have their branded image on them may not work. trying to get ThreeUK and Asus to confirm i wont have an issue. Plus I know i have 15 days to return it with Asus but want them to advise if i have to pay p&p to return it if it doesn't do what I need.
iStasis said:
Yeah I am currently going through some old Star Trek on Netflix and completely forgot about the 4:3 bars. I will probably drop my pre order once I hear back from Asus regarding their 4G supported bands and if they match my Carriers bands. I don't want a phone which doesn't work on 4G. Plus there's and LTE issues with non partner/devices bought from manufacture direct that don't have their branded image on them may not work. trying to get ThreeUK and Asus to confirm i wont have an issue. Plus I know i have 15 days to return it with Asus but want them to advise if i have to pay p&p to return it if it doesn't do what I need.
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you can double check, I found that the rog supports 4 of 6 lte bands my carrier offers which means slightly restricted throughput/signal strength in certain areas of the city but still lte everywhere.
try googling your carrier + lte bands and see if you can't find some useful information. also google the bands that it does offer to see which ones are most important and you can use that to make a decision.
Rashad83 said:
Go for it, it's a great phone like the colored great sounding speakers, design symmetry which is rare to find now a days. There are a lot of pros going for this phone. I would say it's worth its price, could it have been better? sure!. But the same argument applies to every phone out there.
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Its a nightmare buying any phone these days with everything done online. I honestly wish that some reviews would actually test and use the devices a bit more rather than the same boring un boxing videos plastered up on YouTube and only a handful of them are actually technical. The ones that are any good are those who start to use the devices as a daily driver for a while.
iStasis said:
Its a nightmare buying any phone these days with everything done online. I honestly wish that some reviews would actually test and use the devices a bit more rather than the same boring un boxing videos plastered up on YouTube and only a handful of them are actually technical. The ones that are any good are those who start to use the devices as a daily driver for a while.
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Just got my phone, I'll test and report back after work. Still need to get a new sim though.
EDIT: so I've been playing around with the phone. I don't have a usb type c connector or a micro sim so theres only so much I've done with it so far but it is impressive. Also for some context, screen on max brightness, rgb logo on colour cycle, and 90hz refresh has used about 25% after 3hrs screen on time. That would have totally drained my old phone
also the wifi is fast on my 5ghz band, 9ms ping and maxed out dl and ul
I did the system update and it made the screen dimmer :/ hope I can fix that after rooting
If theres something specific you'd like to know about just ask
My camera is Not sharp. It looks Like autofocus doesnt work.

Best VR Headset?

What will be the compatible VR Headset for Oneplus 6T? Want to buy one and I am confused about it. Please help?
I bought the Google Daydream for $50. I would not spend that much, the low resolution on 6T sort if kills the experience. Really needs QHD at minimum for proper VR. That said, I still like using it.
HILARIOUSLY enabling Google Daydream support breaks stock camera video. HILARIOUS because GCam works fine.
zymphad said:
I bought the Google Daydream for $50. I would not spend that much, the low resolution on 6T sort if kills the experience. Really needs QHD at minimum for proper VR. That said, I still like using it..
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Interesting. I tried my Daydream that came with my Pixel XL & I got a message saying the phone was incompatible, then it exits. That's from the Daydream app. Maybe another app works?
You own a OnePlus 6T...
Incompatibility should never stop you... Make it work...
