Verizon, Buy or wait? - ZTE Axon 7 Questions & Answers

Current Verizon customer with a nexus 6 that has a cracked screen. I've skimmed over the threads and reddit posts about the axon 7 saying there are issues, but most of then seen a few months old. Should I roll the dice? I'm not a developer or anything but I have rooted several devices and am not afraid to do some tinkering.
I want a reliable device that can be rooted on Verizon.
I almost bought a Pixel XL today until I learned the Verizon versions will have locked bootloaders.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Btw you can still buy the pixel from Google and STILL use it on Verizon and do whatever you want. So don't let that stop you; just don't buy from Verizon.

willpickup said:
Current Verizon customer with a nexus 6 that has a cracked screen. I've skimmed over the threads and reddit posts about the axon 7 saying there are issues, but most of then seen a few months old. Should I roll the dice? I'm not a developer or anything but I have rooted several devices and am not afraid to do some tinkering.
I want a reliable device that can be rooted on Verizon.
I almost bought a Pixel XL today until I learned the Verizon versions will have locked bootloaders.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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Works on Verizon fine, albeit with a few quirks. Check the latest few pages of the topic.


How many verizon people are Jumping on the $400 dev edition deal

How many fellow verizon users, particularly galaxy nexus users are tempted to pick up the developer edition on Monday? I think I will bite. Hopefully once this sale happens development will start to pick up since it seems like a lot of people are going to bite this deal.
blackhand1001 said:
How many fellow verizon users, particularly galaxy nexus users are tempted to pick up the developer edition on Monday? I think I will bite. Hopefully once this sale happens development will start to pick up since it seems like a lot of people are going to bite this deal.
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Former Galaxy Nexus, current Moto X Dev Ed user checking in here. Can't recommend this phone enough. Best I've ever had, and first I've ever had that quelled my desire for CM. Get it.
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Trying out T mobile with a Nexus 5 now. I love the phone and the service works well enough. Still thinking about picking up the X though so I can stay with VZ. Corp discount, much wider coverage, and unlimited data is hard to leave. I've been traveling over the holiday and haven't gotten signal in some areas with TMO. Not used to having to worry about that. The only thing that concerns me about the X is the near total lack of development. It's running 4.4 now but it remains to be seen if that update pace will continue in the future.
I have a feeling more people will jump on the custom versions. Especially now that root is available for 4.4 and AOSP isn't worth giving up Moto X features.
Edit: I had the Dev edition and am thinking about the custom version myself.
Edit: Just saw this as well
Currently have a Dev edition and may be trying out a custom one. Thing that sucks is I can't decide what color combinations I want. I like the look of the Dev edition though so I'm not worried if I can't get in on this. Hopefully Moto added some extra server capacity...but in the end it doesn't really matter since demand always exceeds the preparation.
If I do get it, it will definitely be the dev edition. I wish it was black but I plan on putting a case on it anyway so the front is really the only part that matters.
chaoslimits said:
I have a feeling more people will jump on the custom versions. Especially now that root is available for 4.4 and AOSP isn't worth giving up Moto X features.
Edit: I had the Dev edition and am thinking about the custom version myself.
Edit: Just saw this as well
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I just like the fact that with an unlocked bootloader I never have to worry about a future update killing root, etc.
theres about 5 of us among my friends who all rocked the vzw gnex.
i sold mine for a nokia 928 over the summer and then went moto x a few weeks ago. never looked back.
one switched to tmobile for a nexus 5..but now is tempted to get a tmobile moto x and randomlly sim swap cause of the deal.
and i think i convinced the remaining 3 to all go for the deal tomorrow to replace their gnex's haha
I debated swapping my 16gb for a 32gb dev edition...but i'm okay with running stock on this beauty.
blackhand1001 said:
I just like the fact that with an unlocked bootloader I never have to worry about a future update killing root, etc.
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Me too but I really haven't seen a need for root that I couldn't live without. My Dev Ed remained without root for 3 weeks and I only rooted it out of curiosity after they changed the warranty.
How does the moto X compare with the Nexus 5?
Wait, so is the VZW version of moto X rootable? What's the deal with the big bounty?
I really want to get a customized one but not if I'm going to have a horrible rooted experience.
I would jump if I hadn't already. Great phone.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
nvertigo said:
Wait, so is the VZW version of moto X rootable? What's the deal with the big bounty?
I really want to get a customized one but not if I'm going to have a horrible rooted experience.
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That's for the bootloader locked version. I believe 'fastboot oem unlock' will unlock the dev edition, just like the gnex.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
mwalt2 said:
That's for the bootloader locked version. I believe 'fastboot oem unlock' will unlock the dev edition, just like the gnex.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Almost. You need to retrieve the unlock code from Motorola first. Then it's fastboot oem unlock codegoeshere
nvertigo said:
Wait, so is the VZW version of moto X rootable? What's the deal with the big bounty?
I really want to get a customized one but not if I'm going to have a horrible rooted experience.
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Yes. It is root able for 4.2.2 & 4.4
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
I'm coming from an S3, picking up the Moto X today with the sale. I'm torn between the DE and a custom. Right now I'm leaning towards custom because of all the great reviews of Moto's edits. BUT, I am worried about the longevity of the device lacking an unlocked bootloader.
Any advice?
I just picked up a vzw developer while it was in stock. I am having buyers remorse though as I have an HTC One currently. I need to be able to sell my One to make up for the cost of the Dev X or it will have to go back.
JWorth said:
I'm coming from an S3, picking up the Moto X today with the sale. I'm torn between the DE and a custom. Right now I'm leaning towards custom because of all the great reviews of Moto's edits. BUT, I am worried about the longevity of the device lacking an unlocked bootloader.
Any advice?
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I'm also having worries about this device (except that it looks awesome). I'm just not seeing much activity for this device compared to others. I'm wondering if I should just wait another month or two and get the LG G2 for free when my contract is up instead of buying this? Oy.
I jumped on the deal. Of course, "jumped" in this context means I spent eight hours bashing my head against Motorola's broken website before I was finally able to place an order, and by the looks of their Twitter feed I was one of the lucky ones. They left a lot of people out in the cold today, with the website issues combined with limited inventory....
Been looking for a replacement for my Galaxy Nexus almost since day one. I love the ease of flashing that puppy but almost everything else about it stinks. Crappy battery life, particularly on LTE, but the real kicker was the never ending reception problems. Others have documented these issues, and I've been through three replacement phones (at least Verizon tried!) without success. It's fine for me when I'm stationary, most of the issues seem to be with handoffs while mobile. I've dropped calls with the GNex in parts of VZW's network where I haven't seen dropped calls since the Bell Atlantic days....
$400 for the unlocked DE is an awesome deal, I think, particularly for users with grandfathered unlimited data who want a flagship phone. On that same note, I'm told it works flawlessly with T-Mobile, so if Verizon pulls UL data I know what 'Plan B' is.....
RyanTX said:
I just picked up a vzw developer while it was in stock. I am having buyers remorse though as I have an HTC One currently. I need to be able to sell my One to make up for the cost of the Dev X or it will have to go back.
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I hope you are aware that the return policy says it takes 4-6 weeks to get a refund from they date they receive the phone back.

Lol, verizon has locked bootloaders on pixel phones here's proof

Hello Pixel phones started shipping and i found this on reddit
Android police
JCASE XDA member
Pixel phones officially confirmed locked boot loaders on verizon. If you wanted root you should have gotten play store version same price and financing too like a phone plan.
This was fact from beginning if you did research. PC MAG troll or they had dev edition pixel xl verizon edition.
Glad i got a pixel xl that just shipped today. Will have it tomorrow. And play store version.
BaconSeeds said:
Hello Pixel phones started shipping and i found this on reddit
Android police
JCASE XDA member
Pixel phones officially confirmed locked boot loaders on verizon. If you wanted root you should have gotten play store version same price and financing too like a phone plan.
This was fact from beginning if you did research. PC MAG troll or they had dev edition pixel xl verizon edition.
Glad i got a pixel xl that just shipped today. Will have it tomorrow. And play store version.
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Also, some people just don't care about unlocked bootloader's. and it was cheaper for me going through Verizon. Google has been out of stock for over a week and half now. I am not going to wait for a month to receive a phone from google, when I can get one today from Verizon. Google should have had more stock, like last year with 6P, month wait for some who couldn't get a pre-order in on launch day. No thanks. I want one tomorrow, not next month.
To each there own...this will have everything I would want in a phone. I would like to root to use adaway but there is other ways to stop ads w/o root. I know their will be a way to root the device, maybe not tomorrow or next week, but devs do like a challenge. So I have faith in them to crack it.
I appreciate your post OP. Thanks
LOL most people who ordered from Verizon already knew this would be the case and didnt care either way. would just have been a bonus if it were
Hey, that's my reddit post! Heh. I knew it was locked when I ordered. I'm fine with it. I run stock image on my Nexus 6 now. I was just testing it out for the others asking questions.
What is the purpose of this post again?
Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Unlockable bootloader wasn't worth an extra 490 bucks to me. Besides I have faith one of the devs will be able to crack it, but if not. Life goes on. =)
Since it is in the pixel discussion forum, I assume the purpose is discussion.
Obviously if it isn't something you are interested in, you don't have to click on it - the title was descriptive.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
JasonJoel said:
Since it is in the pixel discussion forum, I assume the purpose is discussion.
Obviously if it isn't something you are interested in, you don't have to click on it - the title was descriptive.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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razor237 said:
LOL most people who ordered from Verizon already knew this would be the case and didnt care either way. would just have been a bonus if it were
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I've read post's where people thought it was unlockable because they read PC MAGs article. Which is one source so I just wanted to prove them wrong and everyone who want it to have unlocked bl believe it or not lots of people wanted Verizon version to have unlocked bl
Thank you for telling us something everyone already know when Google and Verzion confirmed it a while ago
And for people like him. People that don't read obvious specs and confirmations.
BaconSeeds said:
I've read post's where people thought it was unlockable because they read PC MAGs article. Which is one source so I just wanted to prove them wrong and everyone who want it to have unlocked bl believe it or not lots of people wanted Verizon version to have unlocked bl
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Salty and weak. Mom! Someone's wrong on the Internet!
Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Gotta love these "holier than thou" posts lol
I just locked my bootloader.
Sent from my Pixel XL using XDA-Developers mobile app

Has Verizon White Listed The 6P?

I did both a google and a forum search and couldn't find a definite answer. I know it'll work on the network, but is everybody getting their employee and month to month discounts?
After the run around they gave us with the Nexus 6 I wanted to make sure before I buy.
You could always ask Verizon themselves?
Norwester said:
I did both a google and a forum search and couldn't find a definite answer. I know it'll work on the network, but is everybody getting their employee and month to month discounts?
After the run around they gave us with the Nexus 6 I wanted to make sure before I buy.
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Simple answer if you have an already activated Verizon SIM card: Buy a Nexus 6P. Turn both old phone and 6P off. Put your old SIM card into the 6P. Power it up.
Whoila!! Verizon 6P, without having to even hassle with calling or stopping into a Verizon store, and absolutely nothing on your plan will change. Win win win.
I've done the above 5 times on different lines, and I have to say I'll never visit a Verizon store or call them again if I can help it. So far it's going pretty well!
I activated mine online using the Verizon website.
popper668 said:
You could always ask Verizon themselves?
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Yeah, I could ask 3-4 CS reps and get 3-4 different answers. I know better.
Thanks for the replies but I'm not concerned about activating it, I'll just plug my Nexus 6 sim card in. Just wanted to verify that they're not pulling employee and m2m discounts on non Verizon devices. Looked through the threads here and as there isn't an uproar about it I'll assume that they aren't.
Thanks again.
Norwester said:
Yeah, I could ask 3-4 CS reps and get 3-4 different answers. I know better.
Thanks for the replies but I'm not concerned about activating it, I'll just plug my Nexus 6 sim card in. Just wanted to verify that they're not pulling employee and m2m discounts on non Verizon devices. Looked through the threads here and as there isn't an uproar about it I'll assume that they aren't.
Thanks again.
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At one point we had 3 of the 5 lines on our family plan running N6P's, and still have continued to get the employer discount we always have. So nothing in our plan has changed. But again, I haven't ever even contacted Verizon I've just swapped SIM's as every time I do that I risk something happening as who knows what bonehead you'll get to "help" you
ohlin5 said:
But again, I haven't ever even contacted Verizon I've just swapped SIM's as every time I do that I risk something happening as who knows what bonehead you'll get to "help" you
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OK thanks, that's what I was wondering. I couldn't remember if I had to enter the imei online. And I made the mistake of letting a CS bone head "help" me once. It only took a couple weeks to fix it afterwards....
On Verizon and getting my discounts for more than a year.
+1 on discount
+2 on discount. I went to the store to activate mine. I didn't have a sim to fit the 6P and didn't want to cut mine down. I had read through a bunch of forums about problems getting it activated and was well prepared. The store reps told me it couldn't be done but I had all the info at hand on how to do it and "helped" them through it. The only issue I had is when I used the upgrade that was available on my line to get my son a phone. The next month my bill went up. My line was no longer receiving the $25.00 discount. I called and the rep told me it was only available for Verizon phones. I don't know how many people I talked to before it was fixed but it turned out to be some computer glitch.
More reasons to hate Verizon.
I've been using the Nexus 6p on this Verizon. I switch between an iphone 7 plus and the nexus 6p all the time. And no issues.
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androidbuff123 said:
I've been using the Nexus 6p on this Verizon. I switch between an iphone 7 plus and the nexus 6p all the time. And no issues.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I'm grandfathered unlimited data and state employee discount, have been switching between iPhone 6S Plus and Nexus 6P without issues.
How do you like the iPhone 7?
NeXus 6P
jesssiii said:
I'm grandfathered unlimited data and state employee discount, have been switching between iPhone 6S Plus and Nexus 6P without issues.
How do you like the iPhone 7?
NeXus 6P
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I like the 7plus. Very reliable and a single battery charge lasts me a couple of days at least.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
androidbuff123 said:
I like the 7plus. Very reliable and a single battery charge lasts me a couple of days at least.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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Thanks. Battery is the reason i keep going back to my iPhone. Pretty much everything else takes me back to my 6P, lol.
NeXus 6P
Same here. Have a 6P on Verizon with employee discount.
Just wish it was simple as transfering the Google Dialer from the Pixel to the 6P for the built in visual voicemail.
I just use google voice for voicemail. It works great at texting me/emailing me transcripts.
I decided to go for it and found a fair deal on a new one that'll be here tomorrow. Spigen Rugged Armor case, screen protectors and spare chargers have been sitting here since Saturday. Haven't used Google Voice in a few yrs but I'll figure it out. Thanks again for the replies.
ohlin5 said:
Simple answer if you have an already activated Verizon SIM card: Buy a Nexus 6P. Turn both old phone and 6P off. Put your old SIM card into the 6P. Power it up.
Whoila!! Verizon 6P, without having to even hassle with calling or stopping into a Verizon store, and absolutely nothing on your plan will change. Win win win.
I've done the above 5 times on different lines, and I have to say I'll never visit a Verizon store or call them again if I can help it. So far it's going pretty well!
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Hi, I have a 5X and ordered a Verizon prepaid SIM Kit. My plan is to first put the SIM in an old iPhone 4s that used to be on Verizon as it is a CDMA iPhone 4s. Then, once the SIM is active I will swap it to the 5X and it should work fine from what I have found researching this.
Does anyone know if Verizon has recently added the 6P and 5X to their "okay" to activate list as I can avoid the swapping if so?
Sent from my Nexus 5X using XDA Free mobile app

Wondering about development interest for roms and such?

Well I gave up my lg v20 to go back to the s7 (tmobile). It was an impulse trade. Now I've regretted it because of the lack of development in the areas of roms, themes, locked bootloader, and such. MY question is this, what's your opinion of the s8 and s8+..? Are they going to go down in flames or will there be a resurgence of interest in samsung again?
Your answers will help me decide whether to get one right off the bat or wait for another flagship device that's coming out in the next couple of months.
With Samsung's current path to block root I doubt there will be much development at least not for a while. I haven't rooted my last 3 phones (note 5&7 v20), because it's become such a hassle anymore.
Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
durandetto said:
With Samsung's current path to block root I doubt there will be much development at least not for a while. I haven't rooted my last 3 phones (note 5&7 v20), because it's become such a hassle anymore.
Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for your reply, I was wondering if the s8 was going to have a locked bootloader. That'll make my decision easily.
I would almost put money on the bootloader being locked. Not saying one of the devs here won't get around it, but it could take some time.
Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
Development is becoming more difficult on all phones not just Samsung. Google are making things more difficult for developers. The days of ROM and Kernel development reached it's peak years back and has been in decline ever since. Especially because important features rely on having a locked down device. Also, one of the reasons people developed custom software is to add more features, many of which are part of the standard package when buying a new phone these days.
If you want flexibility and enjoy the development on XDA then Oneplus are your best choice. They are getting most of the attention now. It's the new Nexus. I'll get an S8 and if I get bored, I'll sell and get the next Oneplus 4 or whatever it'll be called. So I can play.
Get an international, word is the Snapdragons will have locked bootloaders across the board in the same fashion as the Note 7. Time will tell.
kevinchristopherson said:
Well I gave up my lg v20 to go back to the s7 (tmobile). It was an impulse trade. Now I've regretted it because of the lack of development in the areas of roms, themes, locked bootloader, and such. MY question is this, what's your opinion of the s8 and s8+..? Are they going to go down in flames or will there be a resurgence of interest in samsung again?
Your answers will help me decide whether to get one right off the bat or wait for another flagship device that's coming out in the next couple of months.
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Hoping they will be same as S7/S7 Edge in terms of dev support as both S8 and S8+ will run on Exynos Chip Worlwide other than US
I really hope Samsung will offer unlocked phones like LG is offering if you buy direct. I buy my phones so I want to root and keep it as current as possible. Thats the biggest complaint I have on my Note 4 is the way ATT/Samsung update its ridiculous. I mean over a year wait for the last android update for Note 4. I would buy a Stock Android S8 or S8+ and pay a small premium if thats what it took.
Sounds that way
jpinks said:
I really hope Samsung will offer unlocked phones like LG is offering if you buy direct. I buy my phones so I want to root and keep it as current as possible. Thats the biggest complaint I have on my Note 4 is the way ATT/Samsung update its ridiculous. I mean over a year wait for the last android update for Note 4. I would buy a Stock Android S8 or S8+ and pay a small premium if thats what it took.
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Samsung has supposedly confirmed this.
jpinks said:
I really hope Samsung will offer unlocked phones like LG is offering if you buy direct. I buy my phones so I want to root and keep it as current as possible. Thats the biggest complaint I have on my Note 4 is the way ATT/Samsung update its ridiculous. I mean over a year wait for the last android update for Note 4. I would buy a Stock Android S8 or S8+ and pay a small premium if thats what it took.
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They already do I bought my S7 Unlocked Edge last year direct from Samsung with the option to upgrade to a unlocked S8 or S8 + this year....
jpinks said:
I really hope Samsung will offer unlocked phones like LG is offering if you buy direct.
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I've looked all over for this, but no luck. Would you give me a link to buy (direct) an unlocked or unlockable G6? Thanks!
I'm still holding out, haven't thrown my s7 away just yet, to get back into the v20. so I'll just keep waiting for the word on the G6 or the s8+ ,, Hopefully something happens and they unlock that boot-loader.
T-Mobile's version of the G6 bootloader is unlocked.
I feel like rooting and ROMing is dead. You have to go through a massive hassle now to even get your hands on a phone that allows it. A real shame.
JodyBreeze901 said:
T-Mobile's version of the G6 bootloader is unlocked.
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It appears now like the phone may be reporting unlocked but isn't actually unlocking. Too soon to tell on that but it wouldn't be the first time for LG. It's old advice but more relevant by the day, if root is important do not buy in until it's proven.
kevinchristopherson said:
Well I gave up my lg v20 to go back to the s7 (tmobile). It was an impulse trade. Now I've regretted it because of the lack of development in the areas of roms, themes, locked bootloader, and such. MY question is this, what's your opinion of the s8 and s8+..? Are they going to go down in flames or will there be a resurgence of interest in samsung again?
Your answers will help me decide whether to get one right off the bat or wait for another flagship device that's coming out in the next couple of months.
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Easy...just buy a exynos version, no locked BL (at least the note 7 and s7 edge arent locked).
No point in buying snapdragon based sammy products now as it seems they are locking them down.
Sent from my Note 7, S7 Edge or S6

Purchasing a VZW Google Pixel 2 or Pixel 2 XL

We have a member who says he had no idea that purchasing a Pixel 2 XL direct from Verizon meant an unlockable bootloader.
I'm just curious if others did any research on the VZW Pixel 2 or 2 XL before purchasing and if you knew it had a locked down bootloader.
Please provide your input.
EDIT: I did know and that's why I refused to buy from VZW hence, I did not vote.
Mike02z said:
We have a member who says he had no idea that purchasing a Pixel 2 XL direct from Verizon meant an unlockable bootloader.
I'm just curious if others did any research on the VZW Pixel 2 or 2 XL before purchasing and if you knew it had a locked down bootloader.
Please provide your input.
EDIT: I did know and that's why I refused to buy from VZW hence, I did not vote.
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I stopped purchasing from Verizon years and years ago for That very reason.
Anyone purchasing for the root game should know how vzw is. We got dang lucky with the og xl. A 10 sec xda search on there devices would tell ya its a no go.
Not unlockable.Done.
Wow had no idea... i cant return it..
