Why can't I upgrade my H440AR to Marshmallow? + Another Question - LG Spirit Questions & Answers

Hello fellow XDA'ers, my question, is the title.
The second question is, will downloading the Marshmallow update via the browser and installing it make Pokémon GO say "Your phone is uncompatible" ?
Thanks in advance.

Did you follow my guide? You need to flash a h440n rom to make the program able to flash a h440n mm rom.
About pokemon go, I played it while on MM without any problem


hello guys little advice required

i just bought moto x play xt1563 first of all i need to know is it global version is my device cable of installing any kind of custom rom and second its running on 5.1.1 i want to knw which is the best custom rom till date for moto x play xt1563 also whole process to unlock bootloader root flashing custom recovery etc and do i need to update my baseband for marshmello if i want to jumb direct on mm from lp .. one more thing kindly suggest me rom with xpose support thnx in advance
nameless64 said:
i just bought moto x play xt1563 first of all i need to know is it global version is my device cable of installing any kind of custom rom and second its running on 5.1.1 i want to knw which is the best custom rom till date for moto x play xt1563 also whole process to unlock bootloader root flashing custom recovery etc and do i need to update my baseband for marshmello if i want to jumb direct on mm from lp .. one more thing kindly suggest me rom with xpose support thnx in advance
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I'd suggest you keep stock rom + custom kernel (squid/coffee) !
CM13 still have bugs, especially with dual sim models.
Use the forum search for root and twrp installation!
dev>null said:
I'd suggest you keep stock rom + custom kernel (squid/coffee) !
CM13 still have bugs, especially with dual sim models.
Use the forum search for root and twrp installation!
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ok so can i use xpose framwork with stock rom i mean ofcourse i knw i have to unlock bootloader install custom recovery and root bla bla all i want to ask can i use xpose with rooted stock 5.1.1 and one more thing should i update my phne officially to mm ?
Yes update your phone to MM for the security updates.
I would suggest updating your phone to mm via ota so you'll have the correct radio.
Then unlock your bootloader via moto, flash recovery and download dirty unicorns .
Sent from my du_lux using XDA-Developers mobile app
thnk u so much mate

Do I need to be on Android Marshmallow to install ROMs that are 6.0?

Hey guys,
I got my GRA-L09 yesterday and already unlocked the bootloader, installed TWRP and rooted it.
I want to try out this site's custom ROMs, buy I've read in some threads that my phone needs to be updated to 6.0 if I want to install 6.0 ROMs. Is this correct? If yes, where and how can I update my phone? I can't seem to find it.
Thanks in advance!

STOCK indian ROM

HI All,
Current i'm on stock rom(NPN-*-15) with unlocked bootloader and twrp flashed and super su installed
Now i recieved an OTA fpr NPN-*-67. But i cant install it as it will brick my phone bcz i have twrp.
Please give me link for stock indian rom (any version is fine)
and also steps to install stock rom
You posted in the wrong Section.
Please look around or search before randomly posting in a random location
vinay7 said:
HI All,
Current i'm on stock rom(NPN-*-15) with unlocked bootloader and twrp flashed and super su installed
Now i recieved an OTA fpr NPN-*-67. But i cant install it as it will brick my phone bcz i have twrp.
Please give me link for stock indian rom (any version is fine)
and also steps to install stock rom
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Well we can all see you're new but doing this to much can get you into trouble. Be careful man.

Upgrading to EMUI 5 from a custom EMUI 4 ROM??

Can anybody explain to me or point me in the right direction to upgrade my firmware to EMUI5? I can't figure it out and it's killing me. I'm currently running a melticulus RR install which has recently started playing up so I want to upgrade to a 7.0 ROM and to do that, I apparently need to upgrade my firmware to EMUI5
Use firmware finder
Xperia_Play said:
Can anybody explain to me or point me in the right direction to upgrade my firmware to EMUI5? I can't figure it out and it's killing me. I'm currently running a melticulus RR install which has recently started playing up so I want to upgrade to a 7.0 ROM and to do that, I apparently need to upgrade my firmware to EMUI5
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Yes man you need to do that..
I'm on EliteRom by HassanMirza and as you came from RR MM 6.0.1 whit Meticulus Recovery TWRP-
So i hope you've done your Dump backup+Nandroid backup as explained as well.
Starting from here u need to follow steps in the Meticulus site in the FAQ section of TWRP download page.
Well done.. now flash the Stock Recovery and let it upgrade..

ZTE BLADE A452 how to root and install custom rom

Hello. I want newer android version than 5.1 which is the newest for stock rom. How to step by step get Nougat or Oreo. Will it work smoothly? Please, write me simple guide. I can't find guide dedicated for my model and don't now where to download needed things I'm pretty inexperienced, once i had bricked lg l60 after rooting without pc. Thanks a lot
Kotwicelbaku said:
Hello. I want newer android version than 5.1 which is the newest for stock rom. How to step by step get Nougat or Oreo. Will it work smoothly? Please, write me simple guide. I can't find guide dedicated for my model and don't now where to download needed things I'm pretty inexperienced, once i had bricked lg l60 after rooting without pc. Thanks a lot
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Currently there is no major update of 5.1
