Search storage location of sound profiles on Umi Super - UMi Super Questions & Answers

all i want to do, is to edit the standard meeting profile under sounds and notifications.
If i create a costum profil and set the volume to zero, the profile is automatically switched to the meeting profile.
This would no big deal, but unfortunatly the "vibrate on touch" option is disabled by default on this standard profile.
So where can i edit the standard meeting profile? Where are the sound profiles stored?
Phone is already rooted, i just don't know where the profiles are stored.


Vibrating AND sound alerts for tasks, calender events etc

Is it possible to change something in the registry in order to achieve both vibrating and audial alerts for alarms related to tasks, appointments and such?
As I have understood, it is possible to mute the sound and turn on vibrating alert. However, I'm very interested in using them both at the same time...
I've scanned the forum, but could only find a registry change making it possible to have increasing ring tones together with the vibrating feature.
Not sure if i've missed something, but i dont think you need any changes to the registry.
Settings (personal tab)
sounds & notifications
Notifications tab:
pick "reminders" (or whatever) pick the sound file and tick the "vibrate" box
Beeble said:
Not sure if i've missed something, but i dont think you need any changes to the registry.
Settings (personal tab)
sounds & notifications
Notifications tab:
pick "reminders" (or whatever) pick the sound file and tick the "vibrate" box
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks a lot for that! Don't know how I managed not to notice those settings...
No problem
Personally i use Pocket Zen Phone (although there are others) which allow you to have different profiles wilthout having to manually change all settings every time (ie STFU when i wanna sleep, extra loud everything at work so i hear it, same but with bluetooth for the car etc).
Basically you can then have different sounds/vibrate options depending what you are doing.

Profiles - to change call and text sounds

Like in Nokia, we have different profiles, where we can set the ringtone, message alert tone, settings sound for each profile individually, do we have any similair sort ?
PhoneAlarm can do this for you. really very good program, many options...!

Profile software recommendations?

Hello there!
I need the ability to change profiles between my free time and my work time. I tried phonealarm and while I liked it, it didn't seem to want to talk to the notifications for Windows Mobile properly.
When I had it set for my 'home' profile, I had my email notification set up to play a sound AND vibrate. However, if I was just checking the windows notification settings, it would totally eliminate my selections.
Does anyone recommend a good profile software? I need something that's going to be able to switch from a regular home profile to a custom, silent yet vibrating profile for work....
You can try DontForget. There is just Smartphone version, which you can try but the real PocketPC version will be availbale soon.
The link is:
PhoneWeaver is great
Check out ->
what i do is i set up meetings in pOutlook when i have class and put them on reoccurring events and then have the phone notification settings turned to automatic, so the phone automatically goes to vibrate when there is a "meeting"

Voice command 1.6 and vibrate...

I was wondering if there was any way of allowing voice command to still voice the notifications from the calander while the phone is on vibrate...
I dont want to have to switch a bunch of things in the phone when i walk into work to get it to work correctly... I also have htc home - schen 2.10 and would like to be able to actively switch through there for the different sound options...
is there a reg value that i can edit? or something with the htc home that i can setup to just vibrate under the last option in the menu to my custom settings to set to just vibrate and stop sounds and notifications but allow the voice command come through without issues?
You can use a "silent" ringtone and set the phone to ring & vibrate. There is one around called silent.wav -- you can probably find it if you search for it.
that will solve one of my problems, but what about silencing the notifications for text messages... i want everything to vibrate but the voiced reminders....
uhm maybe use the same wav file for notifications too?
notifications can play a sound and vibrate at the same time?
Check out settings>personal>sounds & notifications>notifications. The event option is a dropscreen and you can pick the different things to configure.
brilliant... i was looking for this before but had a blonde moment appearantly...
now, is there any way to setup the sound settings in the htc home to revert to different ringer settings with the 4th option on the page? so at work i could have it work as one setting, and outside i can select the first and i can have it revert to ring and everything as normal?
i would like to custom set the different profiles...
Problem is windows mobile doesn't have more than 3 profiles. If you want more your going to have to install a 3rd party program.

miniCM and default notification ringtone issue

I'm having the following issue with miniCM6 release 1.0.0 and I also had it with lizypen's stable 2.2.1 ROM (based on miniCM also):
The default ringtone for notifications is a horrible sound called 'Terrible Twos'. I have tried to change it in Settings -> Sound -> Notification ringtone and apparently the ringtone is changed, however whenever a new notification comes in (e-mail, SMS, aynthing) the Terrible Twos sound pops up again and no ringtone appears selected in Settings. I use Handcent SMS, that allows to 'test' the notification settings and when I test it the behavior is normal (i.e. the ringtone that I selected appears as the default) but when an actual SMS comes in the Terrible Twos sounds again.
So what I had to do is to manually set a notification ringtone in every application that generates notification (SMS, GMail, the 'other' e-mail, Calengoo, etc. etc.), thus overriding the default. However this is no solution for me, because sometimes I discover a new application that generates notifications and I have to go and set it again. And there is the FM radio, that generates a notification whenever a new favourite station is set and that notification ringtone cannot be set so is always the system default
Is there something wrong with my phone or somebody else has noted this too?
Am I alone with this little but annoying problem?
once i have that problem my solution was use root explorer and copy my own music on sdcard/media/audio/notifications and then i was able to select my songs form settings and notifications
Or may be getting rid of that ringtone via root explorer may help. No experience, but just a thought!
Thanks a lot gabo_10!
Apparently the system default ringtone has to reside in the memory card to work properly.
karefri, I haven't tried deleting it, because I don't know where it is! There is no 'Terrible Twos' in /system/media/audio, where all ringtones are.
Well, I moved my preferred notification sound to the sd card but the problem persisted...
HOWEVER, I switched to Elelinux and the problem is gone! It's a very nice ROM!
