Guide: How to 'Stockify' your Honor 5X - Honor 5X Guides, News, & Discussion

Originally posted here
I'm going to straight up admit that, while EMUI does add a ton of useful tweaks and improvements to Android, not everything in it is to everybody's taste, particularly if you are a big stock Android fan.
In this guide (which was written based on Honor 5 software version B120 but probably works well on most Huawei / Honor devices), I'll take you through ways to make your device feel more like stock. Feedback is welcomed and I'll be updating this document frequently with additional info and improvements.
I am going to walk through the process from a freshly reset device, but you can of course pick out just the bits you want!
After going through the setup wizard on your device and configuring your Play Store account, one of the first things you will likely want to do is replace the standard EMUI launcher. It's particularly non-stock feeling due to it's lack of app drawer. This is nice and easy, because the standard Android launcher is available from the Play Store.
The process
From the Play Store, ensure all currently installed apps are up to date (particularly 'Google').
From the Play Store, install 'Google Now Launcher'.
In the Settings app, select the 'Apps' option, press the Advanced button and select 'Default app settings'. In this screen you can specify the standard Launcher. Choose 'Google App'.
Press the home key and you're done, you should now have the standard launcher!
Further tips
On pre-Marshmallow devices, you may notice that third party launchers (including Google's) don't correctly make the top and bottom bars transparent. Sadly this includes my favourite launcher, Action Launcher 3. Another alternative, Nova Launcher, does have this feature however.
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Icon themes
As you can see in the above images, even with a custom launcher installed, many icons (such as the Play Store) are 'customised'. These backgrounds are applied using a theme. The default Honor 7 theme is called 'Spectrum', but I've made a special version, 'Spectrum Pure' that removes these icon customisations.
The process
From this post on MoDaCo, download the 'Spectrum Pure' .hwt theme file.
Copy the .hwt file to /sdcard/HWThemes on your device (you can use the built in 'Files' app for this if needed).
Launch the 'Themes' app, select the 'Mine' tab, select 'Spectrum Pure' and press 'Apply'.
When you go back to the homescreen, your customisations should be gone! Note that some launchers need to be restarted to pick up the change, so if in doubt, reboot your device.
Third party apps
A number of third party apps are installed out of the box, thinks like '50+ free games, 'Bubble Bash', 'Dragon Mania', and Puzzle Pets. You can get rid of these if you prefer.
The process
In the 'Settings' app, select the 'Apps' option.
Select the app you would like to disable in the list and press the 'Uninstall' button.
Further tips
The Facebook and Twitter apps can be removed in the same way if you don't want to use them.
Additional Honor apps
As well as third party apps, a number of additional apps are included by Honor that have no stock Android equivalent. You can remove, in the same way as above:
Honor Club
Smart Controller (if you remove this though, you will need to install a different app to enable IR functionality)
WPS Office
The process
In the 'Settings' app, select the 'Apps' option.
Select the app you would like to disable in the list and press the 'Uninstall' button.
Disabling un-uninstallable apps
The above apps are all easily uninstalled, but there are also other apps that while you can't uninstall them, you can disable them. The apps you might want to disable are:
Email (if for example you are using the Gmail app instead)
The process
In the 'Settings' app, select the 'Apps' option.
Select the app you would like to disable in the list and press the 'Disable' button (this will be greyed out for system apps).
Out of the box the Honor 5 includes a Huawei customised version of Swype and 'Android Keyboard (AOSP)', which is a basic build of the stock Android keyboard. If you are not using Swype and you want to use the stock Keyboard, you should use the Play Store version rather than the provided build to ensure you get updated.
The process
From the Play Store, install 'Google Keyboard'.
Launch Google Keyboard and complete the setup wizard (this is important!).
In the 'Settings' app, select the 'Apps' option.
Select the 'Menu' button and the 'Show System' option.
Select 'Android Keyboard (AOSP)' and press 'Disable'.
Select 'Huawei Swype' and press 'Disable'.
Honor have replaced the stock Calendar app with their own, however Google Calendar can be installed from the Play Store. The Honor Calendar app is not un-installable or disableable, however using adb access from a computer, there is another solution.
The process
From the Play Store, install 'Google Calendar'.
On your device, enable USB debugging by tapping on the 'Build Number' in 'Settings' -> 'About' multiple times, then from the newly visible development menu, clicking the 'USB Debugging' checkbox.
On your computer, from a command prompt / terminal, run the command 'adb shell' - accept the security prompt on your device.
Run the command 'pm hide'.
You should now have only one Calendar app in your launcher, as shown below (before / after shot!).
Just as with the Calendar app above, the stock Android clock application can be downloaded and the Honor equivalent disabled using ADB.
The process
From the Play Store, install 'Google Clock'.
If you haven't already done so, on your device, enable USB debugging by tapping on the 'Build Number' in 'Settings' -> 'About' multiple times, then from the newly visible development menu, clicking the 'USB Debugging' checkbox.
On your computer, from a command prompt / terminal, run the command 'adb shell' - accept the security prompt on your device if required.
Run the command 'pm hide'.
You should now have only one Clock app in your launcher.
If you are not a fan of the Honor Messaging app, you can download and install the Google*​version,*however*on*Lollipop,*you*can't*currently*hide*the*Honor version*as*it*is*integrated*into the Contacts*/*Dialler*app.
The process
From the Play Store, install 'Google Messenger'.
Launch the app and set it as your preferred handler for text messages.
Backup, Files, Music, Recorder, Videos
Stock Android doesn't have a Backup app, Files app per se, nor music, recorder or video apps. These can be removed using the same method as above.
The process
If you haven't already done so, on your device, enable USB debugging by tapping on the 'Build Number' in 'Settings' -> 'About' multiple times, then from the newly visible development menu, clicking the 'USB Debugging' checkbox.
On your computer, from a command prompt / terminal, run the command 'adb shell' - accept the security prompt on your device if required.
To remove 'Backup': Run the command 'pm hide com.huawei.KoBackup'.
To remove 'Files': Run the command 'pm hide com.huawei.hidisk'.
To remove 'Music': Run the command 'pm hide'.
To remove 'Recorder': Run the command 'pm hide'.
To remove 'Videos': Run the command 'pm hide com.huawei.hwvplayer'.
These applications should now have disappeared from your launcher.
Screen Lock and Torch
The Screen Lock and Torch shortcuts are currently parts of packages that can't be disabled without ill effects - these need to be removed via a custom ROM.
FM Radio
This can be removed using the 'pm hide' process, but this will remove all FM Radio functionality (there is currently no stock Android equivalent app).
The stock Android calculator currently isn't available from the Play Store - I will post the APK here in due course.
Contacts / Dialler
The Contacts / Dialler cannot be changed to the stock Android versions at this time.
Notification pulldown / Settings app / Stock app icons / Lockscreen
The notification pulldown colours, settings app colours and icons, stock app icons and lockscreen can be modified using a custom theme. I am working on a 'Stock Android' EMUI theme that I will post here in due course. Stay tuned.

Great guide. Thanks.

I registered an account just to say thank you, this is exactly the type of guide I was looking for. Now I just have to wait one more excruciating day to get my phone.

Hi, did you test it on the Honor 5x? My Wifes Phone is on the latest Update (Android 6.0.1) and I didn't get this to work... also when I apply the full Theme... the Icons stay like they came (pure ugly xD)

Fantastic, just fantastic. Thank you so much for taking the time to put all this together.
Greatly appreciate your work, paulobrien.

Great work.
---------- Post added at 05:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 AM ----------
what is the package name for the messaging, contact and dialer app?
ex: com.huawei.messaging

Cool guide indeed!
Is it possible to hide and replace the stock camera app with another one?


My MUST-HAVE text editing app

I am proud to present Need To Write!
It's a text editor unlimited by file sizes and offers a lot of customization and power tools
Completely FREE version can be downloaded here!
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Difference between Paid and Free version is mainly in the poweruser options.
Paid version mainly adds lotsa poweruser options ;D
1) Remembers up to 9999 undo/redo operations
2) Control over the End-Of-Line characters (Apple, Unix and Windows tend to handle different End-Of-Line differently when doing plain text editing)
3) Allows user to specify buffer size
4) Allows custom fonts and background images
5) Allows user to customize 6 extra Themes in addition to the built-in 3 Themes.
6) Allows toggling of word wrap
7) Continuous Text to Speech.
8) Automatic backup of multiple files to user specified locations on SD card
Free version:
1) Remembers just 1 undo/redo operation, plus 1 reset buffer
2) Defaults to Android EOL handling
4) Fixed 10000 buffer size
5) Custom fonts and backgrounds disabled. You can still paint over the existing 3 themes with a solid color though, just adjust your Opacity bar in your themes dialog.
6) Customization of 3 built in Themes.
7) Always wordwrap
8) Text to Speech reads single paragraphs only.
9) Automatic backup of 1 file to user specified location on SD card
Version 1.71 features:
1) A File List, which works like a Bookshelf/Task_list/Recent_files hybrid management system. So basically, you can use it as a Task list, text bookreader, and text file editor as well.
2) Edit mode with unlimited file size, and tracking system to resume your reading/editing progress.
3) HTML mode! Supports non html files as well.
4) Text to Speech! I'm gonna use it to listening to ebooks when my eyes are tired
5) GoTo, Search, Replace, Cut, Copy, and Paste
6) Multiple Undo and Redo with undo history up to 9999(for the full version). Also comes with a sliding bar to easily rewind and fast forward the changes you made.
7) Themes! Customizable display; you can specify your own background images, custom fonts, background and font colors, line spacing, indents etc.
8) Landscape mode
9) EditText view with inertia scrolling, and yet no irritating problems of the view rectangle not being called to show your cursor, nor the rectangle jumping all over the place when you try to place your cursor far away.
10) Toggleable word wrap and autocapitalization (if supported by keyboard app)
11) Specify what End-Of-Line chars for saving your files with.
12) Tons of encoding options from ISO, windows 125_, Cyrillic, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc.
13) Share your files or just specific lines of selected text via email, bluetooth etc.
14) Automatic backup of files to user specified locations on SD card
15) HTML mode to easily switch between plain text and HTML view
If you like what you see, download now!
nice, gonna try it after i re-flashed my phone today.
hope the html view is up soon. gotta love it!
Latest version 1.3 is up!
Major changes are:
- Bookshelf/memo_list/recent_files hybrid system. Basically, you can use it as a memo list, bookreader, and text file editor.
- Fixed most of the pesky question marks by using windows-1252 as the default encoding.
- Added a lot of encoding options from ISO, windows 125_, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.
- Themes! Customizable themes, and you can specify your own background images (Paid version only).
- Share your files via email/bluetooth etc.
- Built in file browser
- No more popup nag box! :s
New version 1.35!
New features:
1) Toggleable word wrap
2) Specify which type of End-Of-Line chars to use when saving files, '\r', '\n', or '\r'+'\n'
3) Improved Find/Replace and GoTo function. Background no longer dims.
4) Stability fixes, some quite important ones. Make sure you update if you haven't yet!
New version 1.40!
NTW now talks! Comes with ability to adjust pitch, speech rate, and supported languages.
But be warned, I think Android's Text to Speech is a bit buggy, so the voice doesn't really respond consistently to my controls for pitch and speech rate.
Edit: I found out it does respond consistently, but I have to be patient and wait for the next sentence to play naturally, instead of pressing stop and play for instant replay
v1.41 is out. It only patches NTW crashing due to certain Text to Speech settings. Download if you encounter this crashing.
maybe you can add it to market?
It is in the Market already, right from day 1.
Ok, I think I've solved the crashing problem some of you may be experiencing. Hopefully anyway......
- Patches NTW crashing due to your phone's Text to Speech settings or lack of TTS.
- More encodings: ISO-2022 for JP, KR & CN. KOI-8R for russian.
Great great great app Man !!!
It's exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks a lot, and long life to NTW.
Do you plan any multi language option ? If so, I could translate it in French !
I have also few suggestions. ;-)
-It would be great to have the setting menu directly in the first page like other app.
-The preview under the text file is not necessary. It takes a lot of place. (it could only be an option)
-It could be nice to have a choice to select default directory.
-It's could be also an option to view or not last opened files
I have a little trouble. When I select a recent file from the list, I have this message:
<<Bug. Try Forget file then reopen again>>...but everything seems to be fine. And if I reopen, I have the same message.
Thanks for your answers.
Hi, its great to have more feedback from NTW users!
Thanks for your offer to translate. Currently I am not planning any multi-language option since the number of NTW users is still really small :'-(, plus I really have no idea how to go about implementing multi-language menus and popups elegantly, heheheh...
-It would be great to have the setting menu directly in the first page like other app.
I'm not sure what you mean... Are you talking about a row of options under the main editing window?
-The preview under the text file is not necessary. It takes a lot of place. (it could only be an option)
-It could be nice to have a choice to select default directory.
Yup, certainly doable. I'll try to implement them in the next version
-It's could be also an option to view or not last opened files
Do you mean to open the last opened file automatically simply by opening the NTW icon?
If so, I think I can implement that as well in the next version.
However, I will be very busy for the next 2 weeks in a horrible place called Clementi Camp, with no basic modern amenities, not even internet, sob sob sob :'-( , so any updates will have to be in April.
In the meantime, you can try creating a shortcut to your "default folder" on your home screen, then open your desired file with NTW directly from the folder.
About the bug you encountered, I have not managed to trigger it myself even though I coded the check for the trigger and I am using Galaxy S myself. It occurs due to issues when calculating the file percentage you are currently viewing. I would recommend that you first try a long press in the main file list menu to forget the file, then reopen it. If you still get the same message, then it would be best to avoid using GoTo, but otherwise, you should be able to continue your editing normally.
I will look into it when I'm back to civilization.
What functions are disabled in the Free Version?
Cool! This app's pretty sweet!
Just got out of Clementi camp! Thanks for your compliments and feedback! :')
The free version disables the ability to specify End-Of-Line chars, word wrap, font type, background textures, and buffer size (called "Chunk size" within NTW's controls). Text to Speech is also handicapped to single lines in the free version. The full version also allows up to 6 extra custom themes to be created.
I have no time to do any serious programming as I have to return to Clementi camp tomorrow, so any version updates you have suggested by will have to wait til next week earliest.
Just want to say this before I explode.
Multiple undo/redo at last!
In fact, there's even a sliding bar for you to easily rewind or fast forward all your changes.
It'll be available in the Android market within the next few hours!
Trial version gets a measly undo history of 1, just enough for "****! I accidentally deleted the whole paragraph!" situations.
Paid version gets undo history of 9999. In theory, I could make the history even longer, since the undo history only stores the specific characters that were changed/added, but if the user were to do a lot of pasting/deleting of long text segments, then the undo history may occupy the phone memory pretty fast, so lets not risk it.
Heheheheh!!! Always wanted to implement multiple undo/redo, but only recently figured out how to do so efficiently
- Multiple undo/redo! Undo History bar allows easy rewinding or fast forwarding of your changes, maxed at 9999 steps.
"Reset chunk" replaces the original Undo/Redo menu option.
Clicking of "Reset chunk" is recorded in Undo history.
Note: Free version has Undo history of only 1 in addition to "Reset chunk".
- Improved File Browser
- Streamlined File List interface.
Long press to view the preview, file properties, "Forget" and "Share" options.
NTW v1.47 is out!
Basically, this update makes the search, goTo, and undo/redo operations much easier than before. It also makes much better use of the space at the top which was previously just showing the filename and current %.
- Implemented fast scroll thumbs for browser and NTW shelf .
- Icon toolbar for convenient undo/redo, goTo, search, load next/prev chunk. Long click of undo/redo buttons pop up the undo history bar. Click the % display to shwo the goTo dialog.
- Improved goTo function.
NTW v1.48 is out!
- Fast scroll thumb for the main text box! (Built from scratch, whew! The behavior of ListView's fast scroll thumb was really tough to emulate properly )
- Progress bar above icon bar to show you where is your currently loaded chunk.
- Search backwards in addition to searching forwards. Plus some tweaks to search behavior
yes, very nice app.. thanks a lot
been using this as my default app since the day you release it. thanks man!

[INFO] [NS4G] MIUI Nexus S 4G 1.12.2 Updated

Support must be provide here in XDA
else it don't qualify to be in XDA's Development sections
Links must be direct links
Change logs must be shown within this thread
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Presents the Official
MIUI 1.12.2​
This is a community support ROM only!
The developers do not provide much support for this ROM on these forums
New release comes every Friday.​
If you haven't heard about this ROM yet then check out the videos in the 2nd post to see it in action!
This is an excellent ROM if for no other reason than it introduces the first non-CyanogenMod/carrier/manufacturer framework overhaul of Android 2.3.7 and boy what an overhaul.​
Changes from base ROM
Removed: MIUI App Sharing | MIUI OTA Updater | MIUI Bootscreen | SIM Toolkit
Added: Custom Bootscreen | English Translations | Forum app
If you want ADW.Launcher or LauncherPro install them from Market.​Proceed To Download
Change Log:
Any other issue let me know @warttack
MIUI for Beginners​
Already flashed MIUI ROM? OK, pick up your phone now, let’s start our happy journey of MIUI ROM.
The first step: selecting apps
Various apps will greatly enrich your cell phone, so firstly let’s select the apps to your taste. Use the Android Market and download what you would like. If you are using a backup app and restoring apps from a previous ROM, only restore the apps and not the data. Otherwise that will create a lot of force close issues.
Tip: How to copy files from the computer to the phone? First connect your phone to your computer via data cable, pull down the notification panel from the top of the phone, click “USB connected”, and then click "Turn on USB storage”.
After copying, do not forget to select the option of “Turn off USB storage”, otherwise "File Manager” in the phone will not be able to find the sd card, as it is being occupied by the computer.
Now I have a lot of apps, how to put them in order?
All apps successfully installed are listed on the desktop, however, they may not be in the order you want, how to put them in order?
Long press an app icon and then you may move it freely. When it is moved to the screen border, the screen will automatically switch to the next screen.
How to add a screen? Use two fingers to pinch on the desktop to enter screen thumbnail mode. Then you may add or delete screens.
How to delete an app? Long press the app icon you want to delete, drag it on top of the trash box and click OK to delete it.
The second step: let's make your phone different.
A phone without style is nothing remarkable, so let’s make your phone different!
Changing wallpaper: Click Menu button on the desktop, select “Change Wallpaper” to replace the wallpaper. In addition to the existing wallpaper in the phone, thousands of pieces of wallpaper are also available online.
Changing theme: Themes make great changes to your interface style. Click “Theme Manager” on the desktop to select the theme you like. Also, more online themes are available online.
Selecting ringtones and more: click “Settings” on the desktop to set call and notification ringtones. In “Personalization” under “Personal” tab, you may find more options.
The third step: it’s time for some advanced techniques!
Well, you are no longer a beginner now, so let’s learn some advanced techniques.
Adding widgets on the desktop: press the Menu button on the desktop, select "Edit Mode", and then click the icon on the upper right corner to access the interface of “Add Widgets”. Choose your favorite widget on the top, and then drag it to the screen below.
Using folders to manage desktop apps: in the interface of “Add Widgets”, drag [Folder] to the desktop. You may drag multiple apps into folders to classify them. After opening the folder, you may click the edit icon in the upper left corner to rename the folder.
Using toggles panel to improve efficiency: drag the notification panel down from the top, click "Toggles" to go to the toggles panel (It goes to the toggles panel in default of notice.) On the panel are listed the most commonly used toggles, you may click to quickly enable or disable a toggle. Long press on the icon will launch the settings for that icon.
Guest mode: enable the “Guest Mode” toggle in the panel, and your calls and text messages logs will be hidden, and all installed applications cannot be removed. You may have a try when you need to show your phone to guests or children.
Importing contacts or binding accounts: you may use some apps to import a batch of contacts, or bind Google account directly in "Settings"> "Personal"> "Accounts & Sync Settings" to sync contacts at any time.
How to print screens? Press "Menu" key and "Volume Down" key at the same time to print a screen. The printed image is saved in the directory of MIUI in the SD card.
How to copy files from the computer without using the data cable? In case of a Wi-Fi connection, enter “File Manager” on the desktop, select the tab of "Remote Administration" to start the service, and then you will get an address. Enter the given address on the computer, then you may copy files without using a data cable!
Cannot find the link for NS4G!
Where's the link for the 4g?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Core Features​
Two-layer shortcuts and program icons are integrated into one-layer desktop.
Long press on an icon to enter edit mode, open Widgets and drag it to the target screen.
Drag the app you want to uninstall to the top of the trash box to delete it.
Eight kinds of flipping screens effects are available with gorgeous animations.
T9 dialer
T9 dialer is applied for smart dialing. It supports searching by contact name and phone number, and the results are listed according to contact frequency.
The default setting is to forbid any third-party app to monitor users’ calls.
Currently, there are 230301 attribution logs. The attribution data will be updated continuously, codes of foreign countries are supported as well.
Compared with native Android system, 7 major optimizations on SMS are made:
Adding contacts in short messages;
Adding names in group sending messages and automatically adding the names to Contacts;
Easier taking of numbers, urls and email addresses from short messages;
Optimization on mobile newspaper reading;
Collection of important messages;
Recommended messages for holidays;
Quick reply and view window.
Quick location of contacts;
Faster to add new contacts;
Contacts group management supported;
Contacts' large images supported.
The third edition UI loading engine makes it faster and easier to change themes;
Partial theme customs are more flexible and comprehensive. Rich online wallpapers, ringtones, fonts and so on are available.
Faster loading speed enables you to take photos immediately.
More professional modes such as continuous shooting, timing and special effects supported.
Faster picture browsing speed than that of native Android system;
Brand new view mode supports to view the pictures by folder path.
Simultaneous enjoying and downloading massive online music. Music chart live playing and bulk downloads supported;
Automatic connection of lyrics and album covers. ID3 information editing supported;
Changing songs by swinging the phone and sleep mode supported.
After pulling Notifications and Toggles panel down, changing panels by sliding the screen supported.
MIUI apps
File Manager, Traffic Monitor, Backup, Notes, and Torch.
Tips & Tricks​
Long Press:Long press on the icon in Toggles will launch the settings for that icon.
Screen Shot:Press "Menu" key and "Volume Down" key at the same time to print a screen. The printed image is saved in the directory of MIUI in the sd card.
Hold HomePress Home key at the first screen, you may preview screen thumbnails and add or move screens.
Delete Message or Call Log : Slide from left to right to quickly delete a message or a call log.
Edit Mode : You may hold down an icon by one hand to enter Edit Mode, and then use the other hand to slide the screen to move the icon to the target screen.
Call Activated : Your phone will vibrate when a call gets through.
Activate Music from Lockscreen : Double tap the time zone to launch the Music Player when the screen is locked.
Quick SMS/Phone Launch : In the lockscreen, hold down the icon of Call or SMS, and you can enter the responding program.
Quick Launch Torch : Hold down Home key to quickly enable the torch when the screen is locked.
Quick Launch Contact Options : Click the contact image in Calls, SMS and Contacts, shortcut menus will pop up.
Long Press Search : Long press on Search button will launch search via voice recognition.
Recovery Reboot : Click menu in “System Update” to reboot and enter recovery.
% for Battery : The battery will display the percentage of left battery capacity by Settings>System>Battery>Notification Indicator Style>Percentage.
Running Apps List : Long press on the Home button can go to “Program Manager”. Click the “Clear up” button at the bottom left to clear the extra processes in memory. And the system will inform you of the released memory and current available memory.
Note: System processes will not be cleared so as to ensure the normal running of the system.
IP Calling : . How to set IP dialing?
MIUI ROM can add an IP prefix for the called number in a strange land. You may set it in Settings>Common>Calls.
You may also long press the contact item before dialing, and choose “Make IP calls” in the pop-up menu.
Reject Call : When you are not available to answer the phone, you may slide up the panel to reject the call and to send a message to the caller at the same time.
Custom Ringtones : . How to set custom ringtones?
Put media files into the Media/Audio/ringtones directory in the SD card, (If there is none of this directory, please create one manually) and then select in Sounds in Settings.
Note: there are three directories under Audio, corresponding to the following tones:
notifications--notification ringtones
ringtones--incoming call ringtones
alarms--alarming ringtones
Supported formats: MP3, WMA, WAV, Midi, etc.
Important SMS : As for those important messages you want to add to your favorites, you may long press the message in the pop-up menu and select "Favorites". You may switch to "Favorites" tab in the main SMS interface to view collected messages.
Quick Delete SMS : How to quickly delete items?
You may slide from left to right on the item and click on the red "Delete" button when it appears.
Tether : How can I share my network to the PC or other terminals?
Firmware of Android 2.2 and above support the sharing of mobile phones to other Internet terminal in the following method:
Go to "Settings" -> "System" -> "Share mobile network", you may choose to share the Internet connection by USB tethering or setting up portable Wi-Fi hotspot. [/QUOTE]
mistakenly posted here? confused
apache2 said:
mistakenly posted here? confused
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Has it really been mistakenly posted here or is this real?? :O
Seriously, cause I don't wanna flash the wrong one. Haha.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G
Looks very interesting
Please tell me that this is ACTUALLY for the NS4G with the calling bug and mms bug fix!
is anyone able to confirm or was this just posted in the wrong forum?
.... i really hope it WAS posted correctly
hehe.. did anyone find the link? or just a big cork tease?
I have a feeling this was a mis-post. i clicked the link and i only saw the nexus s link, not one for the NS4G.
...UNLESS theyre about to update the NS4G to 1.6.3
or 1.6.10
Patients is good.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G
No crespo4g link
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
1.6.2 is the latest i found
Uncle Jimmy says hello
My heart skipped for a second!
... now im just sad
I liked MIUI but I'm not using it until they have more bugs worked out... I've read calling issues, no MMS, no 4G..
derekwilkinson said:
I liked MIUI but I'm not using it until they have more bugs worked out... I've read calling issues, no MMS, no 4G..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
We have mms worked out but not 4g
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
what about the weird text colors? the light on white text/background was kinda a deal breaker
Sent from my Nexus S 4G
brokentoaster24 said:
what about the weird text colors? the light on white text/background was kinda a deal breaker
Sent from my Nexus S 4G
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Click to collapse
The Leather Theme that came out does a great job of taking care of that issues. Otherwise you can turn on compatibility mode for that specific app and that helps.

[ROMS] Announcement Roms Pure English 1.6.10

Announcement Roms Pure English​
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Presents the Official
MIUI 1.6.3​
This is a community support ROM only!
The developers do not provide much support for this ROM on these forums
Support is mostly provided on
New release comes every Friday.​
Changes from base ROM
Removed: MIUI App Sharing | MIUI OTA Updater | MIUI Bootscreen
Added: Custom Bootscreen | English Translations | Google Maps | Google Voice Search | Forum app
If you want ADW.Launcher or LauncherPro install them from Market.​Proceed To Download
Download 1.6.10
Change Log:
Weekly Changelog:
Click here for changelog done via StiffSpliff​
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Google Nexus One
Version: 1.6.10
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Google Nexus S
Version: 1.6.10
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Click to collapse
HTC Desire
Version: 1.6.10
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Click to collapse
HTC Desire HD
Version: 1.6.10
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Click to collapse
HTC Desire Z
Version: 1.6.10
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Click to collapse
HTC Evo 4G
Version: 1.6.10
Ported by: stiffspliff
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Click to collapse
HTC Evo Shift 4G
Ported by: bcnice20
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Click to collapse
Version: 1.6.10
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HTC Incredible
Version: 1.6.10
Ported by: leeech, warttack, wowthatisrandom
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Motorola Defy
Version: 1.6.10
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Motorola Droid
Version: 1.6.10
Ported by: magiman7
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Motorola Milestone
Version: 1.6.10
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Samsung Galaxy S (I9000)
Version: 1.6.10
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Samsung Vibrant (T959)
Version: 1.6.10
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Click to collapse
T-Mobile MyTouch 4G
Version: 1.6.10
Ported by: option94
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Click to collapse
MIUI for Beginners​
Already flashed MIUI ROM? OK, pick up your phone now, let’s start our happy journey of MIUI ROM.
The first step: selecting apps
Various apps will greatly enrich your cell phone, so firstly let’s select the apps to your taste. Use the Android Market and download what you would like. If you are using a backup app and restoring apps from a previous ROM, only restore the apps and not the data. Otherwise that will create a lot of force close issues.
Tip: How to copy files from the computer to the phone? First connect your phone to your computer via data cable, pull down the notification panel from the top of the phone, click “USB connected”, and then click "Turn on USB storage”.
After copying, do not forget to select the option of “Turn off USB storage”, otherwise "File Manager” in the phone will not be able to find the sd card, as it is being occupied by the computer.
Now I have a lot of apps, how to put them in order?
All apps successfully installed are listed on the desktop, however, they may not be in the order you want, how to put them in order?
Long press an app icon and then you may move it freely. When it is moved to the screen border, the screen will automatically switch to the next screen.
How to add a screen? Use two fingers to pinch on the desktop to enter screen thumbnail mode. Then you may add or delete screens.
How to delete an app? Long press the app icon you want to delete, drag it on top of the trash box and click OK to delete it.
The second step: let's make your phone different.
A phone without style is nothing remarkable, so let’s make your phone different!
Changing wallpaper: Click Menu button on the desktop, select “Change Wallpaper” to replace the wallpaper. In addition to the existing wallpaper in the phone, thousands of pieces of wallpaper are also available online.
Changing theme: Themes make great changes to your interface style. Click “Theme Manager” on the desktop to select the theme you like. Also, more online themes are available online.
Selecting ringtones and more: click “Settings” on the desktop to set call and notification ringtones. In “Personalization” under “Personal” tab, you may find more options.
The third step: it’s time for some advanced techniques!
Well, you are no longer a beginner now, so let’s learn some advanced techniques.
Adding widgets on the desktop: press the Menu button on the desktop, select "Edit Mode", and then click the icon on the upper right corner to access the interface of “Add Widgets”. Choose your favorite widget on the top, and then drag it to the screen below.
Using folders to manage desktop apps: in the interface of “Add Widgets”, drag [Folder] to the desktop. You may drag multiple apps into folders to classify them. After opening the folder, you may click the edit icon in the upper left corner to rename the folder.
Using toggles panel to improve efficiency: drag the notification panel down from the top, click "Toggles" to go to the toggles panel (It goes to the toggles panel in default of notice.) On the panel are listed the most commonly used toggles, you may click to quickly enable or disable a toggle. Long press on the icon will launch the settings for that icon.
Guest mode: enable the “Guest Mode” toggle in the panel, and your calls and text messages logs will be hidden, and all installed applications cannot be removed. You may have a try when you need to show your phone to guests or children.
Importing contacts or binding accounts: you may use some apps to import a batch of contacts, or bind Google account directly in "Settings"> "Personal"> "Accounts & Sync Settings" to sync contacts at any time.
How to print screens? Press "Menu" key and "Volume Down" key at the same time to print a screen. The printed image is saved in the directory of MIUI in the SD card.
How to copy files from the computer without using the data cable? In case of a Wi-Fi connection, enter “File Manager” on the desktop, select the tab of "Remote Administration" to start the service, and then you will get an address. Enter the given address on the computer, then you may copy files without using a data cable!
Core Features​
Two-layer shortcuts and program icons are integrated into one-layer desktop.
Long press on an icon to enter edit mode, open Widgets and drag it to the target screen.
Drag the app you want to uninstall to the top of the trash box to delete it.
Eight kinds of flipping screens effects are available with gorgeous animations.
T9 dialer
T9 dialer is applied for smart dialing. It supports searching by contact name and phone number, and the results are listed according to contact frequency.
The default setting is to forbid any third-party app to monitor users’ calls.
Currently, there are 230301 attribution logs. The attribution data will be updated continuously, codes of foreign countries are supported as well.
Compared with native Android system, 7 major optimizations on SMS are made:
Adding contacts in short messages;
Adding names in group sending messages and automatically adding the names to Contacts;
Easier taking of numbers, urls and email addresses from short messages;
Optimization on mobile newspaper reading;
Collection of important messages;
Recommended messages for holidays;
Quick reply and view window.
Quick location of contacts;
Faster to add new contacts;
Contacts group management supported;
Contacts' large images supported.
The third edition UI loading engine makes it faster and easier to change themes;
Partial theme customs are more flexible and comprehensive. Rich online wallpapers, ringtones, fonts and so on are available.
Faster loading speed enables you to take photos immediately.
More professional modes such as continuous shooting, timing and special effects supported.
Faster picture browsing speed than that of native Android system;
Brand new view mode supports to view the pictures by folder path.
Simultaneous enjoying and downloading massive online music. Music chart live playing and bulk downloads supported;
Automatic connection of lyrics and album covers. ID3 information editing supported;
Changing songs by swinging the phone and sleep mode supported.
After pulling Notifications and Toggles panel down, changing panels by sliding the screen supported.
MIUI apps
File Manager, Traffic Monitor, Backup, Notes, and Torch.
Tips & Tricks​
Long Press:Long press on the icon in Toggles will launch the settings for that icon.
Screen Shot:Press "Menu" key and "Volume Down" key at the same time to print a screen. The printed image is saved in the directory of MIUI in the sd card.
Hold HomePress Home key at the first screen, you may preview screen thumbnails and add or move screens.
Delete Message or Call Log : Slide from left to right to quickly delete a message or a call log.
Edit Mode : You may hold down an icon by one hand to enter Edit Mode, and then use the other hand to slide the screen to move the icon to the target screen.
Call Activated : Your phone will vibrate when a call gets through.
Activate Music from Lockscreen : Double tap the time zone to launch the Music Player when the screen is locked.
Quick SMS/Phone Launch : In the lockscreen, hold down the icon of Call or SMS, and you can enter the responding program.
Quick Launch Torch : Hold down Home key to quickly enable the torch when the screen is locked.
Quick Launch Contact Options : Click the contact image in Calls, SMS and Contacts, shortcut menus will pop up.
Long Press Search : Long press on Search button will launch search via voice recognition.
Recovery Reboot : Click menu in “System Update” to reboot and enter recovery.
% for Battery : The battery will display the percentage of left battery capacity by Settings>System>Battery>Notification Indicator Style>Percentage.
Running Apps List : Long press on the Home button can go to “Program Manager”. Click the “Clear up” button at the bottom left to clear the extra processes in memory. And the system will inform you of the released memory and current available memory.
Note: System processes will not be cleared so as to ensure the normal running of the system.
IP Calling : . How to set IP dialing?
MIUI ROM can add an IP prefix for the called number in a strange land. You may set it in Settings>Common>Calls.
You may also long press the contact item before dialing, and choose “Make IP calls” in the pop-up menu.
Reject Call : When you are not available to answer the phone, you may slide up the panel to reject the call and to send a message to the caller at the same time.
Custom Ringtones : . How to set custom ringtones?
Put media files into the Media/Audio/ringtones directory in the SD card, (If there is none of this directory, please create one manually) and then select in Sounds in Settings.
Note: there are three directories under Audio, corresponding to the following tones:
notifications--notification ringtones
ringtones--incoming call ringtones
alarms--alarming ringtones
Supported formats: MP3, WMA, WAV, Midi, etc.
Important SMS : As for those important messages you want to add to your favorites, you may long press the message in the pop-up menu and select "Favorites". You may switch to "Favorites" tab in the main SMS interface to view collected messages.
Quick Delete SMS : How to quickly delete items?
You may slide from left to right on the item and click on the red "Delete" button when it appears.
Tether : How can I share my network to the PC or other terminals?
Firmware of Android 2.2 and above support the sharing of mobile phones to other Internet terminal in the following method:
Go to "Settings" -> "System" -> "Share mobile network", you may choose to share the Internet connection by USB tethering or setting up portable Wi-Fi hotspot. [/QUOTE]
one more just in case
saved for themes
saved for custom mods
1.6.10 roms are out and up to download @
thanks for organizing the post

ReLaunch, the best NST launcher: version 1.4.0 just released

The development of ReLaunch has recently been progressing rapidly again thanks to Haron who took over as the lead developer, and numerous contributions from other people. As a result of all the recent work, version 1.4.0 has just been released as a significant update. The new version also includes a complete rewrite of the English localization, thanks to yours truly.
ReLaunch is a versatile launcher application for the Nook Simple Touch (Sony PRS-T1 is also supported). It provides a complete replacement of the Home screen functionality, and can be used with any number and combination of book-reading applications. ReLaunch allows extensive customization of the user interface, which gives you quick access to the features and third-party applications you use most.
For an overview of the features available, please refer to the screenshots below:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Downloads from Haron's Dropbox:
ReLaunch 1.4.0 Installation Package (APK)
This is the latest release version, which can generally be considered stable and free from issues.
ReLaunch Latest Development Version Installation Package (APK)
This is the frequently updated development version, which will have the new features and translation updates first, however it might also introduce issues that break some existing functionality. The file will change frequently but the link will remain the same.
ReLaunch 1.4.0 Source Code (Zip)
ReLaunch 1.4.0 English Translation Source Files (Zip)
Link source: Haron's post on The E-Book Forum (in Russian).
Please help improve the English translation by reporting errors and contributing fixes back in this thread. Please quote verbatim the currently displayed text, and specify the steps necessary to reproduce if ambiguous. The following template might come handy:
Current Text: ""
Replacement: ""
If you want to go one step further or foresee making a lot of changes to the translation, please download the English Translation Source Files above (the file and edit the XML files there directly. This is also the recommended procedure for people interested in translating ReLaunch to other languages: the current version includes English, Russian as well as a possibly outdated Spanish translation.
Very informative screenshot collection. Where can I find more info about these new hidden settings? Because some of them doesn't work
Looks great, I'm testing it now.
kazikas said:
Very informative screenshot collection. Where can I find more info about these new hidden settings? Because some of them doesn't work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There are no hidden settings, I assure you it's all there somewhere in the menu. Some menus have multiple pages, in which case you need to swipe up to move to the next one. Then, every item marked with a ▶ takes you to a subpage. What's seen in the screenshots is located at:
Settings → Advanced Settings → Home Folders and File Settings → File Type Associations
Settings → Advanced Settings → Interface Customization → (Swipe up 3 times for page 3) → Rearrange Panels and Customize Buttons
Aqq123 said:
There are no hidden settings, I assure you it's all there somewhere in the menu. Some menus have multiple pages, in which case you need to swipe up to move to the next one. Then, every item marked with a ▶ takes you to a subpage. What's seen in the screenshots is located at:
Settings → Advanced Settings → Home Folders and File Settings → File Type Associations
Settings → Advanced Settings → Interface Customization → (Swipe up 3 times for page 3) → Rearrange Panels and Customize Buttons
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I believe he's talking about the new long-press ability of the "Setup Wifi" button, which takes the user to a list of "hidden" settings.
Great screenshots, thanks for the threat Working great here without any problems but I just kinda prefer the normal Android homescreen that gives me other launchers
Looks really good, but I have a problem with supposedly hidden files (filenames beginning with a dot) - I can't get them to actually hide.
Neither checking nor unchecking "show hidden files" in the settings menu hides them from view, and I also tried adding a filter for files beginning with a dot but it doesn't seem to work as well. I'm pretty sure these files were hidden in the previous version of relaunch I had.
Any idea on how to hide hidden files?
nivieru said:
Looks really good, but I have a problem with supposedly hidden files (filenames beginning with a dot) - I can't get them to actually hide. Neither checking nor unchecking "show hidden files" in the settings menu hides them from view, and I also tried adding a filter for files beginning with a dot but it doesn't seem to work as well. I'm pretty sure these files were hidden in the previous version of relaunch I had. Any idea on how to hide hidden files?
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Click to collapse
Edit: it appears there was indeed a bug that's now been fixed. If you're affected by this, please re-download version 1.4.0. The rest of this post is left as it might still have information useful in another situation.
I've just checked, and it works for me. However I need to manually tap Save Configuration Changes and Restart, which is the last item in the Advanced Settings menu. Note that the hidden files are just the ones that start with a dot, so on my SD card it's just the ".cr3" and ".relaunch" directories.
I find it better to actually hide all the files except the ones that have associations. There's an option to do just that in the latest development version, 1.4.0+ (I've updated the first post in the thread to include the link). It's in Settings → Advanced Settings → Home Folders and File Settings, immediately below the File Type Associations.
For 1.4.0 and below, I've been successfully using the following regular expression filter:
It's in: Settings → Advanced Settings → Filtering and File Operations → Filtering Rules. Tap on Add Rule, and then for the Rule, choose Name Matches Regular Expression, and type or paste the above into the Value field below. This list of extensions are the ones I have set-up associations for, you might want to tailor it to your needs. Screenshot below:
ИΘΘK¡€ said:
I believe he's talking about the new long-press ability of the "Setup Wifi" button, which takes the user to a list of "hidden" settings.
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Click to collapse
Oh, if that's the case (is it, Kazikas?), then it's not really ReLaunch specific, these are just system settings. I found the following two useful enough to be included in my heavily-modified, barnless & denobled Settings.apk:
Development Settings: for switching off the Auto Mount, which I do occassionally (the setting resets itself at reboot)
Proxy Selector, which is useful for Adblock Plus. Although I don't really set it there but in my custom image during installation, I added it for completeness.
It might just be me but I've never had the need for any of the remaining ones.
Great work thanks. Whats the battery life like compared to a stock Nook does anyone know or want to take a rough guess at?
Tharg0r said:
Great work thanks. Whats the battery life like compared to a stock Nook does anyone know or want to take a rough guess at?
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Click to collapse
This is all relative, because each app installed takes up more battery when running, but I'd estimate my Nook Touch Glow loses about ½ to 1 percent more battery per hour rooted than it did when it was unrooted.
First of all thanks for all the good work for our device. I just installed v.1.4 and I face a problem: I can't launch settings by pressing the button. Also I can't go to settings via the statusbar because after I chose to run as system and not as app, relaunch is fullscreen and statusbar is missing. I tried to clear the relaunch data but the button is grey. Any ideas?
P.S Favorite app button doesn't work also with this version
geopapa said:
I just installed v.1.4 and I face a problem: I can't launch settings by pressing the button.
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Click to collapse
Another way to access the settings is to tap and hold anywhere on the file list. A menu will pop up where Settings are one of the options (near the end). Maybe you can reach the settings from there?
Aqq123 said:
Another way to access the settings is to tap and hold anywhere on the file list. A menu will pop up where Settings are one of the options (near the end). Maybe you can reach the settings from there?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks. this made it. The problem with the buttons still exists though. Do they work for you or is it just me?
Sent from my GT-I9070 using XDA Free mobile app
geopapa said:
Thanks. this made it. The problem with the buttons still exists though. Do they work for you or is it just me?
Sent from my GT-I9070 using XDA Free mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same issue, "restore defaults" fixed it for me, it seems that the update broke the saved config for the button actions
After update ReLaunch from 1.3.11 to 1.4.0 can't open epub with stock reader. How to solve this problem?
tempazz said:
After update ReLaunch from 1.3.11 to 1.4.0 can't open epub with stock reader. How to solve this problem?
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Click to collapse
Are you 100% sure the problem is ReLaunch's fault? Try downgrading to version 1.3.11 and seeing if the issue persists or not.
ИΘΘK¡€ said:
Are you 100% sure the problem is ReLaunch's fault? Try downgrading to version 1.3.11 and seeing if the issue persists or not.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Works as expected after downgrade to 1.3.11.
tempazz said:
Works as expected after downgrade to 1.3.11.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Alright, good. Now, would you tell me what procedure you are using to open the .epub in the stock reader?
mergen3107 said:
the developer guy haron from the forum suggests you to change the association 'application/epub+zip' to 'application/epub' and then it should work!
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Click to collapse
Now all it is ok with updated version.

The NSTG turns 10! Time for a makeover.

The impetus for my project was the purchase of a (surprise!) late production line NSTG with a flawless light-dispersing layer. And I thought...this deserves a rethink. Thanks to @Renate for help with the status bar background color and clock color. The rest is a combination of DesktopVisualizer, Simi Folder, Tasker apps (only 2), Minimalistic Text, a little judicious wallpaper design, and fooling with the framework-res.apk.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
-glowlight instruction banner removed from screensaver image
-status bar background changed to white
-modernized "now reading", "back", and "menu" buttons
-date/greeting widget (updates automatically)
-weather widget (3 hr updates from data scraped at 3 am)
-"Now Reading" bookcover widget with reader "badge"
----image is automatic for non-DRM epubs, requires one button press for others
----image (whether automatic or manual) is possible to set as screensaver
----image is "smart", duplicating function of "reading now" button, and knowing which reader to open for which book (button also is now "smart")
-icons in dock are Simi folder shortcuts (except for drawer icon) and open groups of apps (stock reader, Kindle, EBookDroid, as an example)
-QuickTiles fully integrated
Edit: the current version now also supports PerfectViewer as a reader option
More screenshots below.
(YouTube insisted on muting the short segment featuring Ella Fitzgerald, if you can believe it...)
"How-to" guide begins in post #11
WHOA !!! Seriously ?
hahahahahaha ... LOVE IT !!!
What is this ? ... a concept yet to be realised or an actual working 'Neu Home' for our awesome little NSTG's ?
aiamuzz said:
WHOA !!! Seriously ?
hahahahahaha ... LOVE IT !!!
What is this ? ... a concept yet to be realised or an actual working 'Neu Home' for our awesome little NSTG's ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's a real thing. I've been using it for a few weeks, tracking down small issues. Think I've got them all.'s just ADW launcher dressed up with some nice features. The underlying B&N system remains.
nmyshkin said:
It's a real thing. I've been using it for a few weeks, tracking down small issues. Think I've got them all.'s just ADW launcher dressed up with some nice features. The underlying B&N system remains.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Excellent ... where is my Nook Manager SD Card !!!
When are you planning to release it for the public with the instructions set ? ... Look forward to it.
An NSTG specific ADW launcher ... Fantastic !!!
aiamuzz said:
When are you planning to release it for the public with the instructions set ? ... Look forward to it.
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Click to collapse
Mmm....not sure. I actually have not tried applying this to a second device. I'm sure I can do it, but there are a lot of moving parts. I need to try and simplify the process. I didn't actually think anyone else would be interested!
Probably some kind of of gradually increasing functions, like just the status bar change (easy). That's just an update of the framework-res.apk using CWM. Then add in the smart "reading now" button (without the bookcover widget). That's just a pair of apps in which I can disable all the widget stuff.
That, I think, would be doable by anyone. The rest really is window dressing. It suits me, but not all the elements may suit others. I need to look at the portability of the widgets. If that were possible it would simplify things a lot.
Edit: Well, some good news for a change. The widgets can be "exported" in a file and then read into a different device. So for people who want to duplicate any of the widgets they see on my screen (or use them as starting points), the path is smoother.
Anyway, that's my next "job".
Really good stuff. Wish I had another NST to experiment on, it's crazy what you can still do with them.
nmyshkin said:
The impetus for my project was the purchase of a (surprise!) late production line NSTG with a flawless light-dispersing layer.
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Click to collapse
Hey ... is there anyway to know if my NSTG is from a late production line ?
jun127 said:
Really good stuff. Wish I had another NST to experiment on, it's crazy what you can still do with them.
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Click to collapse
now i am getting impatient ... hope you are able to toss in a easy tutorial for us to try this !!!
aiamuzz said:
Hey ... is there anyway to know if my NSTG is from a late production line ?
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Not to my knowledge. I've only ever read about the change in background color and beefing up of the dispersing layer in one place. They could have made it up, but there is no doubt about background "white" when I line up an NST, my new NSTG, and my older NSTG. There's a clear progression to a darker background.
Now there could simply be something wrong with my old NSTG that makes the background so dingy, but I don't think so.
aiamuzz said:
now i am getting impatient ... hope you are able to toss in a easy tutorial for us to try this !!!
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Click to collapse
I can't guarantee "easy", but it will be my usual "overly detailed"
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything odd you do to your NST/G. Make a backup.
"My habits protect my life, but they would assassinate you."--Mark Twain
For this reason my original instructions were very incremental and complex. I now think that was a bad idea.
I recently discovered a way to create CWM flashable zips of installed and configured apps. I thought this might vastly simplify recreating the "new UI" look. I think I was right. I also decided that it was better to install everything at first and then subtract (uninstall) stuff that you don't want, seeing as how there are so many moving pieces and lots of dependencies. You can decide if I was right.
Note: you need a good file manager app on your device and may also need some kind of working gallery app (like QuickPic), depending on whether the activity picker recognizes your file manager app fully. I was able to get along with ES File Explorer.
1. Make a CWM card (, using either of the two SD card versions.
2. Download and Copy these files onto the CWM card you have made.
Spoiler: What's in the zips?
Changes to the framework-res.apk were needed to change the status bar to white and update the icons. This version also includes a few minor changes to address problems with invisible text in some apps. An update to services.jar was needed to change the clock to black text. This version of services.jar contains the patches needed for NookTouch ModManager. If you don't run NTMM, the patches are ignored. The two small "maps" files are dependencies for Tasker and any apps created with Tasker (such as NST UI, SetCover, NSTWeather and QuickTiles). These files don't do anything but if you ever want to install any of the other apps I have created with Tasker, their presence will save you a step.
The small binary file fb2png is a replacement for the malfunctioning /system/bin/screenshot. It converts the contents of the frame buffer into a graphics file with png format.
ADW Launcher (configured)
SimiFolder (sample folder configured)
Wallpaper Chooser
NST UI (dependency on MinimalisticText)
MinimalisticText (widgets pre-configured)
QuickTiles (dependency on RotationLocker)
NSTWeather Widget (dependency on MinimalisticText)
So, it's pretty complicated and that's why I think this CWM method is best. In particular, MinimalisticText is difficult to install properly on the NST/G. Even following my own instructions it's hit-or-miss. This way you have a working version install with no effort. You can eventually uninstall things you are not going to use. Look for those tips in the instructions.
3. Download Inside the zip are two folders, media and sdcard. Copy the contents of the "media" folder to /media on your NST/G. If there is not already a "screensavers" folder in /media, create one and inside that create the folder "CurrentBookCover".
Next, copy the contents of the "sdcard" folder to /sdcard on your NST/G. If there is not already a "Pictures" folder in /sdcard, create one and inside that create the folder "Screenshots".
You now have everything you need to reproduce the UI shown in the first post.
1. Make a backup of your NST/G. Everything you are going to do is reversible, but it would be so much easier to just restore a backup if you decide you don't like the result.
2. Power down, remove your regular sdcard and replace it with the CWM card. Power up. Wait for CWM to pass the splash screen and display the first menu.
If you're not familiar with CWM, movement in the menu and item selection are controlled by hardware buttons:
upper left: previous menu, upper right: up, lower right: down, "n" button: select.
a. move down the menu to "install zip from sdcard". Press "n"
b. press "n" again ("choose zip from sdcard")
c. move to and press "n"
d. move either up or down to confirm the file you want to flash and press "n"
Spoiler: I only want the updated Status Bar!!!
skip e,f,g and after the reboot is complete, delete all the "folder" content from both /media and /sdcard
e. again, select "choose zip from sdcard" (press "n")
f. move to and press "n"
g. move either up or down to confirm the file you want to flash and press "n"
The screen gets a little mushed up with the menu after two flashes, but all you need is to get back to the beginning.
h. go back (upper left button) until the first item in the menu is "reboot system now"
i. remove the CWM sdcard and replace it with your usual sdcard, then press "n"
Chug, chug, chug... Boot may take a little longer because of replacing the framework-res.apk, but be patient.
1. Change Wallpaper (may have to do it twice for it to take effect). Tap on the Wallpaper Chooser app and navigate through the tiny print to /media/Wallpaper. There are three files. You want "NST UI Background_p.png". The other two files are for a smoother transition to landscape mode (handled by QuickTiles). If you never use your device in landscape mode you can design your own wallpaper to suit without making a version for landscape. The Wallpaper Changer app is sort of funky, but it gets the job done. If you have my Nook Settings app, there is a wallpaper setting under "Display", so you could delete Wallpaper Changer in that case.
2. Initialize NST UI by tapping on the icon. You are taken back to the home screen and get an SU permission prompt.
3. Use NTMM to assign NST UI to the status bar "reading now" button.
Spoiler: I only use the stock reader!!
In that case you do not need to assign the NST UI app to the "reading now" button. Everything else will function fine.
Also assign ADW Launcher to the "n" button.
Note: if you are not familiar with ADW Launcher, the three dots at the upper right corner of the app drawer screen are your friend. The first option allows you to hide apps from the drawer, the second to create additional tabs if you want to group apps. And it's a convenient place to access the App Manager.
4. Add BookCover widget (DesktopVisualizer), scale and position.
a. Long press on the home screen somewhere blank. You will see a dialog. Tap as needed to get to "Widgets."
b. Select a 4x4 Desktop Visualizer widget.
c. A place-holder for the widget appears somewhere on the home screen. Long-press until you can drag the image down to below "Now Reading". Then tap on it.
d. Tap on "Select Icon" (this will be the book cover image). Tap on "Image File". You'll see a selection of possible apps that might open such a file. In my case that was ES File Explorer. If nothing shows up that will allow you to navigate to /media/NowReading/NSTcover.png or select from a variety of images (with a gallery app like QuickPic) you will need to install something.
e. Tap on "Select Action". You will see options. We want to launch an app.
Note: if you would rather not have the book cover image repeat the function of the "reading now" button, select "None". In that case tapping on the book cover image will have no effect.
Select NST UI. This makes the widget active as a "button" which will open the "Now Reading" book.
f. To complete the setup of the widget, trash the Label and select "None" for the Touch Effect color. Then tap on OK.
g. You are now back on the home screen:
Long-press on the widget until you see the dialog open and select "Resize":
The best option for me was to move the bottom handle down a little. This gave an image that seemed to fit in the space and had the right aspect ratio. Compare with the screenshot in the first post. Of course you can position and size the image any way you want if you are developing your own design. When you select a book to read this temporary image will be replaced.
5. Getting a custom version of the SetCover app.
Spoiler: Why does this have to be so complicated????
I've really tried everything to simplify this but I've come up with nothing. The issue is with the appWidgetID and the manager hidden somewhere on the device. In order to manipulate the book cover widget via Tasker the widget ID# is required. This is no problem but there is no way to use a variable to carry this information. And...Desktop Visualizer seems to almost pick a random number for its widgets so there is no dependable way to know what your individual widget ID# for the book cover image will be until you create the widget. Desktop Visualizer has the "ability" to clear the widget from memory if you delete it (from the App Manager) but it only resets the ID# back to the value it started with (whatever it was) and that not 100% of the time (a reboot helps).
What this means is that each version of SetCover has to be custom made for your particular widget ID#. This is not a difficult thing for me to do--just a few changes in the code for your ID#--and I am happy to do it. But it does mean that if you accidentally delete the book cover widget, you may not be able to make a new one with the same ID# and thus will need a new version of the app.
a. Use a file manager to navigate to /data/data/
Inside that folder there should be one file representing the book cover widget. The file name will be something like "conf_1.dat". Your widget ID# is the numeric part of the file name (so, "1", in the example shown). PM me with your widget ID# and I will send you a custom version of SetCover.
b. Install the app and initialize it by tapping on the icon. You are returned to the home screen and an SU permission prompt is generated. It also takes a screenshot (think of it as a test drive...).
c. Use NTMM to assign SetCover to the hardware button of your choice (for manual cover capture). Remember, automatic cover images are only generated for non-DRM epub files. Everything else requires one button press when the cover is displayed on the screen.
5. Create additional SimiFolders and arrange dock icons
Spoiler: I do not want SimiFolders. I am going to use single app icons!!!
Uninstall the SimiFolder app. If the sample SimiFolder icon (the "books") does not disappear from the dock area of the home screen, double-tap on it until the dialog appears and choose "Remove". Remember that ADW Launcher allows you to use custom icons on the home screen, so even if you use single app icons you can still customize for an overall uniform effect if you want. To change the icon, double-tap on an app icon and choose "edit" from the dialog that appears.
I've provided one sample SimiFolder (the "books") so that setup of additional folders is simplified (if you like my choices...). Here's how to make additional ones.
a. Tap on the SimiFolder icon in the app drawer. Just a useful tidbit before we go on: the "Applications" section lists your apps, as you might guess. But there is an option in there for changing the app icon. I did this with the stock Library app in the sample "Reader" folder. So, tap on "Folder" and then "Add Folder". Give the folder a name and select the type of folder ("Combined").
Finally, to keep things simple for now, you can skip all the tedious configuration by choosing to "Copy settings from Folder". In this case, the sample "Readers" folder I provided. Save before going on.
b. To add apps to the new folder, tap on it and then on "Add".
This takes you to a screen with all your apps. Check the ones you want. You can choose to order the apps manually or let the app arrange them ("Sorting", back on the previous screen).
c. To get the new SimiFolder to appear on the home screen (in the dock) you need to use DesktopVisualizer. Long-press on an empty area of the home screen to bring up the ADW dialog:
Use the dialog options that follow to navigate to /media/Icons and select the icon of your choice (you can add/design your own, of course).
You would choose your own folder, of course. Then you are back to the home screen and you can drag your new SimiFolder shortcut down to the dock and arrange as you like.
6. Add Greeting widget (MinimalisticText)
Spoiler: I do not want the Greeting widget!!!
This requires a special version of the NST UI app with the widget control parts removed. Uninstall the existing NST UI app and install NST UI_no_widget. Initialize the app by tapping on the icon and grant SuperUser permission. If you also do not want the Weather widget, you can uninstall MinimalisticText and delete /sdcard/Fonts as well as /sdcard/MinimalisticTextPreferences
a. Long-press on the home screen somewhere and add a Widget. You want MinimalisticText 5x1 Horizontal. This takes you to the app itself where you enter the name for the widget. Use the name as shown.
b. Scroll to the very end of Settings until you see Save/Restore. Choose "Restore" and select "Greeting". This reads in the widget as I have created it so you don't have to go through all the setup.
c. DO NOT USE either the back arrow or back button at this point!! You'll have to start all over again. Instead, scroll back through Settings to find "Custom Layout". You can now see the "innards" of the widget. You want the last item which will allow you to type in your name.
d. NOW use the back button (status bar) twice to dismiss the keyboard and close the editing screen. To save any changes to a widget of any kind, ALWAYS use the menu button (status bar) followed by a tap on "OK" at the bottom. MinimalisticText closes and you are back at the home screen.
e. Resize and position as before with the book cover image (see post #1). For me, pulling down on the bottom a little put the widget in the correct vertical position.
7. Add Weather widget (MinimalisticText)
Spoiler: I do not want the Weather widget!!!
Uninstall the NST Weather app. Delete the NSTWeather folder from your sdcard. From /sdcard/Fonts folder, delete weathericons.ttf
If you want to have the Weather widget, you will need to get a free API from Open Weather Maps. For more information, see the original app post. You don't need to go through the whole widget-building process. Once you have the API and your geocoordinates, tap on the app icon and fill in the Settings information. The rest is more or less automatic. You will receive a notification when the data has been processed and the app is "widget-ready". Then you follow the procedure for the Greeting widget (the size is Horizontal 4x2), but name it "Weather" and read in the configuration for that widget. There's nothing else to do but position the widget properly on the home screen. If your location is not showing up correctly for some reason, you can go into the widget settings (Layout>CustomLayout) and replace the Location variable with static text. Message me for additional help.
8. Configure QuickTiles
Spoiler: I do not want QuickTiles!!!
Be aware that if you ever use your device in landscape mode the static elements of the home screen wallpaper provided will be improperly positioned. This special version of QuickTiles (2.3) contains sufficient code to swap wallpapers during screen orientation changes. If that's not an issue for you, uninstall the QuickTiles app and delete /sdcard/Qtiles. If you never use your device in landscape (or always change from within an app like EBookDroid or PerfectViewer) you can also uninstall RotationLocker.
Tap on the app icon to initialize. By default, only the WiFi tile is set. You should read more about how the app works and how to set up additional tiles in the original app post. Some functions may require the presence of additional apps. RotationLocker is a dependency so whether you actually use that particular tile, the app must remain installed if you want to run QuickTiles.
Just in case...
If you have deleted some apps and later change your mind, it would be a shame to have to go back to the CWM zip and flash all over again. For that reason I've posted copies (or links to copies) of the main "optional" apps. Note that MinimalisticText comes as a CWM-flashable zip because it is so difficult to get a working install by just installing the app.
Desktop Visualizer
Minimalistic Text
Simi Folder
QuickTiles 2.3 (custom for this UI)
@nmyshkin ... thanks for the instruction set ...
nmyshkin said:
I can't guarantee "easy", but it will be my usual "overly detailed"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
agreed ... your instruction sets are comprehensive and detailed !!!
quite a bit of understanding and tinkering needed ... will try and get back i i like it ... currently my NSTG is an a state of ZEN ... thanks to your masterpiece of the RN button with my custom menu ... Its like i've already achived nirvana ... my mind is ONE with this current version(only cos of your RN Menu app) !!!
