Autorec d802 lollipop don't do anything - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guy I try everything to mod this damn phone =(
I have a d802 (or so it's written on infos)
I've installed lollipop 5.0.2 stock via kdz (30D)
Root with one click root and check with root checker
installed autorec d802
start the screen with the 2 lollipop
if I tap on the lollipop nothing happend...nothing, I try to reinstall, to reboot to re root, nothing seems to work =(
i try to find yt videos, or thread but seems that no one has my problem.
I hope you can give me an hint to solve this
Thank you

Hello, I can't post an answer, but I have the same problem... Have you a other method ?


[Help] D802 can't get back to stock from cm12 lollipop

Hello everyone ..
I have a problem that can't fix, i flashed cm12 lollipop few days ago like any other rom to try but this time i can't install another rom because it doesn't have root installed or custom recovery or anything that can help .. i also tried to go back to stock by lg flash tool and .KDZ file but it also stops at 2% i searched for it and tried a lot of fixes and none of it work so please if anyone can help me please help. and thanks

Latest Way To Root install TWRP LG G2

i have a new LG G2 d802 on kitkat 4.4.2 i need the easiest way to root and install Twrp recovery to start flashing my first rom please .
Follow the directions on the site. Just read it a few times and make sure you understand what you are doing before you do it. There is no really easy way to understand what you are doing without reading
Update to lollipop than use srktool to get root and twrp
i just want to know some thing here :
i have a LG G2 D802 base was KITKAT
then i rooted and install custom recovery
i flashed lolipop based rom withe the right LP bootsatak and i did that OK everything went normal
now what if i want to flash a KITKAT based Rom should i flash anything before that baseband or bootstak or what ???

I cant root my lg g2 :(

Hi, I have a problem, I cant root my LG G2 F320K, I tried all possible methods and it doesnt work. I must say it has stock rom 5.0.1 and my software version is the F320K30K. I hope you can help me :crying:

LG G2 w/ no ROM installed. Got TWRP and Download Mode working

So, I got Windows 10 and tried the *.KDZ method but it gives me the connection error and I couldn't find anything as to how to fix it, so I tried adb sideloader, it only allows me to install custom ROMs I guess? It doesn't work with .kdz files or something I guess.
So, I have TWRP installed, my download mode is working but someone tried to do a "hard reset" and wiped out the SO on TWRP, can anyone tell me what to do now please?
PS: I already got my stock .kdz downloaded from LGs official website.
Which model G2 do you have? Which version of android are you coming from and which did you try to flash? Which version of TWRP do you have and is it bumpted?
quicksilvree said:
Which model G2 do you have? Which version of android are you coming from and which did you try to flash? Which version of TWRP do you have and is it bumpted?
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Hello, it's my sisters phone and it's a D805 from Brazil
She had a OPTIMUS G3 installed and I tried flashing with the D80530A .kdz that the LG website gave me. She's got the 2.8.3 release and I don't know whats bumpted but it's rooted and I got it to reinstall the OPTIMUS G3 (latest version) to it, but I still can't get it back to stock.
Thanks for the help.
dodovt said:
Hello, it's my sisters phone and it's a D805 from Brazil
She had a OPTIMUS G3 installed and I tried flashing with the D80530A .kdz that the LG website gave me. She's got the 2.8.3 release and I don't know whats bumpted but it's rooted and I got it to reinstall the OPTIMUS G3 (latest version) to it, but I still can't get it back to stock.
Thanks for the help.
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Since you have TWRP you can try the method discussed in the link below ..... I recommend you upgrade your TWRP to first though.
TWRP link below.
quicksilvree said:
Since you have TWRP you can try the method discussed in the link below ..... I recommend you upgrade your TWRP to first though.
TWRP link below.
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Thanks a lot, really <3

Problem installing TWRP on my G2 D802

Hello there!
So i just got an used G2 and i've been trying to install TWRP but i can't get it done.
I tried so many methods including AutoRec and all i get is an error when booting in recovery.
I've seen alot of topics about this but its all old from android 4.4 and i'm running stock 5.0.2.
Even on TWRP website there isn't an option for the D802 model.
Is there any way i can install a custom ROM on the phone? Any fix for that?
use blastagator's twrp... not the official one
search for "blastagator twrp bumped" on lg g2 forums...
although i saw that his download site is down atm... but there is a mirror on dorimanx server too
Thank you for your answer but i just manage to make it work.
Flashed stock KitKat 4.4.2 then followed the steps with the old guides.

