TWRP Recovery source released by Huawei - Mate 8 General

Huawei released TWRP source on github


Open C JellyBean Kernel(3.4.x) source code
Only taken about nine months for ZTE to give Kernel Source code.
We can now build CM10.2.1 or similar for the ZTE Open C, Konstat has already uploaded the source to github and merged it with the tagged CAF release if anyone wants to play:

[open source] the source code for mate8 is here

Some people say that mate8 can't have a custom rom since HUAWEI hasn't released an open source code. Now that the source code is HERE:
Mate 8 Chinese versions:
Mate 8 Overseas versions:
Now it's time to develop CM and other ROMs!

kernel source released !!!!

have a look here mi releases kernel sources for 3s/prime/x :good:

TWRP 3.1.1 for Redmi Pro

Today I want to share with you the device tree I have made to compile TWRP for our Redmi Pro as well as the images of TWRP to install directly to the device.
What are the advantages of having the recovery compiled from source?
The main advantage of having the recovery compiled from source is the ease to get the recovery updated. Whenever TWRP updates their recovery we will have that version in our phones because we will only need to compile the recovery with the device tree that is already done and that should work perfectly and shouldn't take more than half an hour if everything goes well.
Then I will be updating the recovery when a new version is released
Download Links:
Latest version: 3.1.1
If you like my work you can offer me a beer here
XDA:DevDB Information
TWRP for omega, Tool/Utility for the Xiaomi Redmi Pro
Source Code:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 3.1.1
Stable Release Date: 2017-05-21
Created 2017-05-21
Last Updated 2017-05-21
thanks for quick twrp port for redmi pro
end222 said:
Today I want to share with you the device tree I have made to compile TWRP for our Redmi Pro as well as the images of TWRP to install directly to the device.
What are the advantages of having the recovery compiled from source?
The main advantage of having the recovery compiled from source is the ease to get the recovery updated. Whenever TWRP updates their recovery we will have that version in our phones because we will only need to compile the recovery with the device tree that is already done and that should work perfectly and shouldn't take more than half an hour if everything goes well.
Then I will be updating the recovery when a new version is released
Download Links:
Latest version: 3.1.1
If you like my work you can offer me a beer here
XDA:DevDB Information
TWRP for omega, Tool/Utility for the Xiaomi Redmi Pro
Source Code:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 3.1.1
Stable Release Date: 2017-05-21
Created 2017-05-21
Last Updated 2017-05-21
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If I flash this using cmd will it clear the old version? If not how to clear the old one and install this one
daffa ZRN said:
If I flash this using cmd will it clear the old version? If not how to clear the old one and install this one
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, it will clear it
Thankyou working fine

[KERNEL]Pangu Kirin Kernel For Huawei P10 EMUI[Support KernelSU]

Hello guys!!!Allow me to introduce to you Pangu Kirin Kernel For Huawei P10 EMUI!!!​
Firstly, it should be noted that the original version of the kernel was not maintained by me. I developed the kernel for the second time based on the original contributor @maimaimiguanfan.
Original Pangu kernel page: Github
Kernel features:
Support KernelSU
Based all features from Original Pangu kernel(Please Check it form Original Pangu kernel page)
Support GSI ROMS
Kernel Only Support EMUI 9.0.1.XXX
1. When your phone system in EMUI 9.0.x,SELinux will be enforce to Permissive!!
2. When your phone system in GSI,SELinux is fine.You can freely switch states.
Gitbub Releases
Pangu_KSU_EMUI9_0.5.5+_2023.05.05.7z:For EMUI9.Extract it then flash.
Pangu_KSU_GSI_v0.5.5+_2023.05.05.7z:For GSI.Extract it then flash.
fastboot flash kernel xxxx.img
All Developers
