Cyrillic Fonts buggy - Zuk Z1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

in CM12.1 seems the cyrillic (also the greek) font buggy. The characters appear to be to far away from each other.
How to fix this?


Fonts problem in PocketPuTTY

In pocket putty fonts look like this:
As you can see, the spacing is too short and it makes text unreadable. I think it's a matter of rom i'm using (WM 6.1 Dvha79_ddt black&clean). I've already had 2 polish WM 6.0 roms and there was not such a problem, maybe the matter of system fonts? Language? Changing font style and size in putty setting doesn't solve it.

Font too big!!

i had just installed oxford russian dictionary to my hd2...however, the font inside seems too big for me till parts of it are hidden....anyone has clue how to solve this??? thnx

Emoji on Nexus 7 (running Paranoid Rom 2.52)

Has anyone got this working? I can view emoji icons (black and white), but after adding the emoji dictionary, I don't get the little icons in the word correction area after typing the key words like "sun" "baseball" etc. Anyone have any luck?

[Q] Changing HTML default font

Hi everybuddy
I have a rooted Note 10.1 2014 edition and I have changed my system fonts using iFont and everything is fine, but the only place that is bothering me is HTML default font. I initially thought was happening in Chrome, but later on I got it is the same in GMail app in the mail body section too and any other place that HTML is rendered, so I think it is a type of system default font too. (When I say default HTML font, I mean text whose css font is not found on the system, the problem doesn't happen with embedded css3 font for example)
It is really important to me, can you help me change it?
Regards and thanks for any help.

Too many emojis

Can somebody please tell me how to get rid of all multiple emojis of just different (skin) colour like faces and gestures? I would be perfectly happy with only one colour version of everything (no matter which). I am convinced that I could do with 20 emojis but there are about 2 gazillion...
The only keyboard I have installed is the AOSP (number row version), if that is of any importance.

