LG G2 hardbricked no tot files - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Yesterday I have bricked my phone, he won't turn on and when I plug the usb cable I have a bluescreen. (D802)
So I tried to short the capacitor and it work ! But I have a problem, I'm stuck in HS-USB QDLoader 9008 mode, I tried this topic :
But i can't find the tot file for my firmware, I think I do this 1 month ago :
Put lollipop v30b (FRANCE OPEN)--> flash kk_baseband --> flash cloudyG2 2.2 but what tot (or bin) file I need to take ?
Other thing I do but I don't remember : 20A kitkat 4.4.2 (SFR FRANCE) --> flash cloudy g2 2.2.
So i don't know what file I need to take... If you can help me, do it thanks !

After a big research I can have 9006 and 9008 mode.
With 9008, I've flashed all partitions. Nothing (no download mode and can't power ON the phone)
With 9006 window pop on Windows (7 64 bits) with "would you like to format......", but I have 500+ popup window.
So it's impossible to use SKR Tool, and when I go in disk utility Windows restart to popup window.
I tried the solution with Linux, but when I do the command ls /dev/sd* I don't have 36 partitions...


How can i unbrick my d805 secure boot error?

Hi, i have a brick phone.
I installed by twrp a stock lollipop italia that this rom before works perfectly in my D805.
The problem is that i installed D805 bootloader of Pro2V5 rom and the phone has bricked. Says secure boot error, but i can to enter in download mode, but the problem is that cannot flash any kdz but thats programs like flashtool, lg support etc not recognize the phone.
The modem driver has intalled correctly but the csc driver and lge android phone not (cannot install them).
When i connect the phone in lg logo and secure boot error, appears many drivers that says if i wish format. seem is qhsusb_bulk error (appears in management)
And i tried with flashtool and tot and appears waiting for connection and not move of this place
How can i to unbrick my phone?.
Any method??
Thanks you
I recently use SRK Tool to fix the drives, and looks fine, now not show many partitions and also not show secure boot erro, now oly appears lg logo with secure error and restart permanetly.
What can i do?

hard brick of LG LEON LTE H345 while flashing with a wrong KDZ file- Help needed

I did a hard brick of LG LEON LTE H345 while flashing with a wrong KDZ file. It is not responding for any button press.
Download mode, recovery mode both not working.
Tried using broaddiag tool with lg firmware extractor. Got kdz extracted to dz still got partition.txt related error message.
Tried the links shared on XDA. Not of big help since i do not see device specific entries also the partition.txt does not exist error appears with broaddiag tool
Please help
hey i have same probleme if you find any solution tell me
Use the files provided in the tutorial here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/leon/help/metropcs-t-mobile-lg-leon-stable-root-t3299962
I also Hard Briched my LG Leon MS345
prk231987 said:
I did a hard brick of LG LEON LTE H345 while flashing with a wrong KDZ file. It is not responding for any button press.
Download mode, recovery mode both not working.
Tried using broaddiag tool with lg firmware extractor. Got kdz extracted to dz still got partition.txt related error message.
Tried the links shared on XDA. Not of big help since i do not see device specific entries also the partition.txt does not exist error appears with broaddiag tool
Please help
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I also hard bricked the phone almost in the same circumstances.
1. Have tried many different tools such as BoardDiag, but has no support for MSM8916.
2. Tried MiFlash, but there are no ROMs for this phone yet.
3. Tried with Qfil, this task was more complicated, as needed several files not available in extracted kdz stock firmware
3a. To get Partition data, I parsed PrimaryGPT.bin with gpt_parser.py by n0fate here. A readable partition table is extracted and manually made partition.xml. The file parseGPT.py was not able to do the job.
3b. To get rawprogram0.xml and patch0.xml I used ptool.py , thanks to adfree who made available S8600_JTAG_120125.rar here
3c. To get the programming tools, (prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn, 8916_msimage.mbn and MPRG8916.mbn) I extracted these files from S60-a_S227_150806_ROW-QPST-QFIL.zip, available here (create a free account first)
4. Once I got all the above, tried to flash the phone in Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, but no joy :crying:
Here is a copy of the flash Log:
Start Download
Program Path:C:\Users\Hector\Downloads\LG\Firmwares\H340AR10A_04\LgLeonH340AR\prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn
COM Port number:8
Sahara Connecting ...
Sahara Version:0
Start Sending Programmer
Download Fail:Unable to download Flash Programmer using Sahara Protocol
Download Fail:Sahara FailSahara Fail
Finish Download
According to this article in androidbrick.com, "LG has chosen not to use default options of this platform", therefore the files I got from Lenovo, may not be the same as the ones used by LG.
To get the above programmers for LG MSM8916 chipset, one should have access to LG service Tools, I think...
Would like to know if somebody had success flashing this phone in Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008
Bump! Anybody ? I can't believe there are 829 views of this thread and NO ONE is getting their feet wet in the above issue.
Here is my 10 cent contribution:
When the phone is Hard bricked, in HSUSB Qload 9008, chances are EMMC is corrupted and the phone is not booting, therefore not able to get to HSUSB 9006 , condition where the phone turns fixable by repartitioning and copying the individual image files to internal storage.
But to get to that point and get the phone booting, we need to reflash the EMMC partition. As this partition is not part of the official kdz file, I'm going to ask everybody if you can send me a copy of the EMMC partition of a working phone, Here is an example using ADB:
adb shell
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/emmc.img
I am working in two bricked Leons, MS345 and H340AR. Your contribution will be appreciated, as I will publish results here.
Bump Again! 890 views. I believe there are some fellows having the same problem, however NOT a single ANSWER! Well, I have an update. I tried ietacid LG flash Tool, found the required DLL and firmware here, but there is no joy. The kdz file fails to load as is using a newer compression algorithm, and there is no TOT file available for the LG Leon ...
Same problems
I am having issues with installing proper arm.zip file for lg leon 5.1.1 using kingroot and kkm marshmallow launcher ive installed many arm files flashed them and after reboot android screen crashes i need help before i end up hard bricking my leon lol thnx in advance
please upload this again S8600_JTAG_120125.rar
trinca said:
I also hard bricked the phone almost in the same circumstances.
1. Have tried many different tools such as BoardDiag, but has no support for MSM8916.
2. Tried MiFlash, but there are no ROMs for this phone yet.
3. Tried with Qfil, this task was more complicated, as needed several files not available in extracted kdz stock firmware
3a. To get Partition data, I parsed PrimaryGPT.bin with gpt_parser.py by n0fate here. A readable partition table is extracted and manually made partition.xml. The file parseGPT.py was not able to do the job.
3b. To get rawprogram0.xml and patch0.xml I used ptool.py , thanks to adfree who made available S8600_JTAG_120125.rar here
3c. To get the programming tools, (prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn, 8916_msimage.mbn and MPRG8916.mbn) I extracted these files from S60-a_S227_150806_ROW-QPST-QFIL.zip, available here (create a free account first)
4. Once I got all the above, tried to flash the phone in Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, but no joy :crying:
Here is a copy of the flash Log:
Start Download
Program Path:C:\Users\Hector\Downloads\LG\Firmwares\H340AR10A_04\LgLeonH340AR\prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn
COM Port number:8
Sahara Connecting ...
Sahara Version:0
Start Sending Programmer
Download Fail:Unable to download Flash Programmer using Sahara Protocol
Download Fail:Sahara FailSahara Fail
Finish Download
According to this article in androidbrick.com, "LG has chosen not to use default options of this platform", therefore the files I got from Lenovo, may not be the same as the ones used by LG.
To get the above programmers for LG MSM8916 chipset, one should have access to LG service Tools, I think...
Would like to know if somebody had success flashing this phone in Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008
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thanks by the way you solution works for in gflex2 ..i manage to download partitions phone boots up with blue screen
harissiddiq said:
thanks by the way you solution works for in gflex2 ..i manage to download partitions phone boots up with blue screen
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prk231987 said:
I did a hard brick of LG LEON LTE H345 while flashing with a wrong KDZ file. It is not responding for any button press.
Download mode, recovery mode both not working.
Tried using broaddiag tool with lg firmware extractor. Got kdz extracted to dz still got partition.txt related error message.
Tried the links shared on XDA. Not of big help since i do not see device specific entries also the partition.txt does not exist error appears with broaddiag tool
Please help
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Have you solved this problem yet? I really need your help.
Wiko Ridge 4G
I also have the same problem, but my cell phone is a Wiko Ridge 4G, do you happen to know how to solve such problems?
@prk231987 Last post was last year... but here it is, if any one need the rawprogram0.xml and all partitions.
Does anyone still have a copy of the files for qfil flashing?

[Alternate solution] Lg g2 vs980 recogniced as model L01F

Yesterday I installed this rom:
And after it "finished" the phone got stuck in a fastboot screen, and the usb was not working, neither the recovery nor the bootloader.
So I really screwed it up, the I followed a tutorial in youtube to fix corrupted qhsubs , It was awfully hard to make my device to work, so now that I'm finally capable of entering into the bootloader when I use the lg flash tool with kdz, it gets stuck at 2%.
If i try to flash via tot+dll it shows that my lg model is the L01F.
I have read about doing a cross dll editing with a hex editor, but I have tried and I dont get to work neither the dll nor the tot file
The posible solutions
There are many posts out there to edit with hex editor, in order to trick your phone to install the rom, also there are posts that will indicate you ro reflash all the .img again by killing the bootloader and entering in fastboot mode, but at least for me none of this worked.
The solution that worked out for me (thanks to Ayala's Inc youtube channel)
What you will need:
1-Lg flash tool for TOT files
2-Generic DLL
http://www.mediafire.com/download/vh6y1unm9fq8vtx/LGUP_8974.zip (893kb zip)
3-.tot image file that you are going to flash
Note, if you are in this post, then you will realize that the .dll that are in the link above are not working for you, you must instead use the generic dll that it's in the zip.
How to flash, now this part is know by almost everyone:
1-Open flash tool.
2-Check the "select manual mode" box.
3-Load the generic .dll in the DLL part.
4-Load your image .TOT in the s/w part.
5-Do not modify anything else here.
6-Connect your device in download mode
7-Go to device manager
8-Scroll down below to Ports (COM and LPT)
9-Right clic to your device and select properties (Lg mobile usb serial port)
10-Clic in the port config. tab, then click in advaced options
11-Set the COM port numer to 41 and accept.
12-Now back again in the flash tool Click in the yellow arrow that is in the top left, and wait, if it doesn't start the process automaticaly, disconect your LG (keeping the download mode) and reconect it to the pc.
13-Wait for the process to finish, after the proccess is over, you will be able to flash any stock rom, your LG g2 will no longer be confused about its model.
*If the kdz lg flash tool stucks at 2%, this will be your solution.
*If the TOT lg flash tool doesn't flash because the rom/dll/phone is diferent this will help you to solve the problem
This might work with all the variants, I haven't tested, but it should because it's the generic dll file.
There it is the video, that helped me out, credits for him, he told me about the .dll solution
I can't visualize the video correctly so here is the link:

Lg g2 d800

Hi guys, please I need help, I tried to install LineageOS on my sister's Lg G2 D800 and got it bricked now and when it starts goes to download mode always, if I try to flash TOT fileI got an error at 6% of laf partition, I opened it and short the capacitors, I installed the Qualcomm driver and got 9006 but in disk management only recognize 1 partition, my computer is an old one with Windows XP SP3, I tried SRK Tool but it doesn't work. Please help me what can I do?
Thanks in advance.

LG G2 hard bricked, partition table lost and stuck in QDLoader 9008 mode

Hello Guys, I have LG G2 F320S (Korean Variant) and a few days ago it was stuck in fastboot mode while i was trying to upgrade to Lollipop firmware using LG Flash Tool 2014. And Fastboot commands were working fine but the problem was that some of the partitions had become write-protected so I was unable to erase or reflash those partitions. So, I short circuit the capacitor and I successfully entered Qualcomm 9006 mode with a number of partitions. I used SRKtool to restore partitions (I have this experience in the past so it was easy for me) but here I noticed 1 or 2 partitions were not restored (write-protected) but phone restarted to download mode. When I tried to flash stock firmware then it always stuck in the middle or something and later once again I was stuck in fastmode mode where I started.
I don't know how partitions became write-protected?
Once again I disassembled the cellphone and short-circuit the capacitor to enter Qualcomm 9006 mode and this time, I wanted to remove write-protection from these partitions so I opened "Diskpart" in "cmd" selected LG G2 and performed clean command and format it. Diskpart removed all the partitions gave me a 32GB single partition like a USB Flash. :laugh:
I thought may be after shorting the capacitor, I will get back partitions but this time I got QDLoader 9008 mode. Now whenever I connect phone to PC with or without battery then it is detected in Qualcomm QDloader 9008 mode.
I tried Boarddiag v3.99c but unfortunately this tool doesn't extract .kdz file of my LG G2 F320S korean variant. I tried to extract .tot file of LG G2 D802 (intl variant) and it completed successfully, so the problem is in .kdz file of my cellphone(probably not supported by this tool).
I can extract this .kdz using LGFirmware extract tool but unfortunately it doesn't create "partition.txt" file which is required in boarddiag to flash partitions. I used partition.txt file of LG G2 D802 but it gives error : No DLoad mode when trying to reflash programmer".
Any help would be appreciated.
Boarddiag full and working version helped
I have tried a lot of times to flash the partitions using boarddiag but it failed. It was the problem of the software because almost all versions had missing files. At last, I have found a working version of boarddiag which detects my phone and I am able to flash boot partitions to it. Although all 3 tests completed successfully (AP, EMMC, SDRAM) but still I am stucked, even after flashing all the boot images, I am still stuck in QDLoader 9008 mode and whenever I connect it to PC (with or without battery), it is detected in QDLoader 9008 mode.
Here is the link to the full working version of Boarddiag 3.99 for LG G2:
(mega is blocked in many countries so you may have to use proxy/vpn to open this link)
Here is the result of all 3 tests. Please tell me whats the problem. SDRAM result is FAIL but why so?
Now I am able to enter "Download Mode" but unable to flash stock or any other firmware. I tried flashing with 2 softwares:
1. LG UP-G2-G3....This software gives error at 6% (at LAF read) as shown in picture below :
2. LG Flash tool 2014.... This software gives error at 4% by saying "Unable to Establish Connection" though connection is fine because phone is detected in Device Manager and in Download Mode "It shows signs that communication is successful but it wont flash.
salmanzafar said:
Now I am able to enter "Download Mode" but unable to flash stock or any other firmware. I tried flashing with 2 softwares:
1. LG UP-G2-G3....This software gives error at 6% (at LAF read) as shown in picture below :
2. LG Flash tool 2014.... This software gives error at 4% by saying "Unable to Establish Connection" though connection is fine because phone is detected in Device Manager and in Download Mode "It shows signs that communication is successful but it wont flash.
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Did you try the TOT flash method already? It worked best for me, when I restored my phone from scratch 2 days ago.
rootarded said:
Did you try the TOT flash method already? It worked best for me, when I restored my phone from scratch 2 days ago.
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Dear I have tried two methods. I tried LGUP and LG Flash Tools 2014. But both fails. Unfortunately, no TOT file is available for my LG G2 because its Korean variant (F320S) and it has only .kdz firmwares available.
QDLoader 9008 mode
Now, my phone is not entering download mode. It is displayed as QDLoader 9008 mode when connected to PC. Check the screenshot here : https://ibb.co/yk3VSbS
I have the working version of boarddiag but sometimes it passes all 3 tests and sometimes fails EMMC test ad sometimes SDRAM test is not completed successfully.
